Historical information
Life Governor certificates were given to those who supported the RVIB either through certain levels of financial contribution or by activities undertaken to support the institute. In this example, E.E. (Edith Emma) Watson was awarded a governorship in 1935.
Physical description
1 x cream coloured page with brown writing and images (front view of St Kilda Road building across top, and pictures of children playing with boat, male working on carpet, female weaving rug and a nurse holding two babies along left-hand edge)
Inscriptions & markings
Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind
St Kilda Road, Prahran Melbourne
President: J.L. Carnegie, Esq.
Vice-Presidents: L.F. Miller, Esq., P. Warford Mein, Esq.
Hon. Treasurer: R.S. Couche, Esq.
Members of Board:
H.E. Brookes, Esq
W.E. Cash, Esq, J.P.
Dr W.B. Vance
Cr. Baron Marks, J.P.
W.C. Willmott, Esq., J.P.
Cr. J. McD. Ellis, M.L.A.
M.P. Mornane, Esq
Geo. A. Maxwell, Esq., K.C., M.H.R.
Superintendent & Secretary:
S.W. Hedger
Industry, Recreation, Education
This is to certify that Mrs E.E. Watson has been appointed a Life Governor of the Institute.
J. Lewis Carnegie
S. Hedger
Superintendent & Secretary