Document, Explanation of Australian Flag from Hill 323, Long Hai

Historical information

This item is part of a collection donated by Helmut
Grzegozewski (Ziggy) who served in the Royal Australian Infantry Corps, 3rd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment from December 1967 to November 1968
This flag was raised by signallers of Company Headquarters C Company, 3 RAR, on Hill 323 in the Long Hai Hills, Vietnam, during Operation Pinnaroo on 19 March 1968. The Company had been warned for a move up the hill by foot through suspected minefields to secure a landing zone for the insertion of A company. The flag was carried up the hill by the signallers and raised.

Physical description

A laminated copy on white paper is the Australian Flag from Hill 323, Long Hai, bearing a nominal roll of members of C company, 3 RAR, who took part in Operation Pinnaroo 8 March - 13 April 1968.

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