The Australian Lace Guild was formed in 1979 to meet the needs of all those interested in lace.
The aims and objectives of our organization are:
1) to promote lacemaking as a craft throughout Australia and to bring together people interested in all forms of lace and lacemaking;
2) to provide a forum for the exchange of information on lace and lacemaking;
3) to establish and maintain standards of excellence in the craft of lacemaking in all forms; for personal and public education.
Our members include tool makers, collectors and historians as well as those actively engaging in making lace.
The Victorian Branch of the Australian Lace Guild has its own committee and actively seeks to promote lace and lacemaking throughout Victoria and holds Lace days on the 4th Saturday of the month at Gardenvale, Victoria.
We hold a small collection of lace primarily for study purposes. Pieces range from some that were made in the early 17th Century to present day pieces. We do not have a permanent display that is open to the public.
For further information contact either the Victorian Branch of the Australian Lace Guild at [email protected] or the collection curator [email protected]
Our collection
Australian Lace Guild (Victorian Branch) lace collection (1984)
A collection of antique and modern lace items and samples, lacemaking tools and patterns.