The Chinese gold seekers who came to the Ovens Goldfields, in the 1850s, originated from the five counties of the Pearl River delta area of Guangdong Province. The Beechworth Chinese Cultural Centre undertakes to collect, preserve and display the history of the Chinese people of the Ovens Goldfield district for educational and research purposes.
The Beechworth Chinese Gardens were planned to celebrate Beechworth’s Chinese Heritage. They are a place for people to sit, read and enjoy the surrounds. These gardens have been designed using the principle of Feng Shui living in harmony with the surrounds. The gardens, are an ongoing community project initiated by The North East Branch of the Australia-China Friendship Society in 1998.
Today the Beechworth Chinese Cultural Centre and Garden Inc coordinate and support the management and the Development of the gardens through grants and festivals with support from Indigo Shire Council and the Lake Sambell Committee of Management.
Our collection
The Beechworth Chinese Cultural Centre has a varied collection of artefacts and information for the public to access. The range of artefacts on display will be changed regularly.