The Briagolong RSL Sub Branch is a small club in Gippsland with a unique Log Cabin which is considered an appropriate place for its first Friday of the month meetings, commencing at 7:30pm. Probably the first RSL Log Cabin clubroom to be built in Australia was officially opened on 2 April 1949 at Briagolong. The building which was built by sheer grit and perseverance by the local members commenced in 1948 from logs cut from local trees and. The fame of the Briagolong Sub Branch has spread far and wide in those days with a prominent Melbourne philanthropist donating a £100 to assist in building the Log Cabin. The stone in the fire place was from the chimney at Briagolong’s old Catholic church and the unusual gateway at the entrance to the Log Cabin (Gillio’s Gate), is a gate fashioned by nature by a fallen tree – which is still in use today! The Briagolong RSL members are very proud of the memorabilia that they have to display at the Log Cabin and organise a significant ANZAC day ceremony, with a two-up and sausage sizzle afternoon which is attended by locals and visitors travelling some distances to attend this event.