The Daylesford sub-branch was established in 1918. The original building was replaced in the 1960s and now houses a public bar and a bistro. A new phase of redevelopment is planned that will see an advanced level of comfort for patrons.
The National Returned and Services League (RSL) was established in 1916 to serve the needs of soldiers and sailors returned from service in the Great War. Early in the 2nd World War it opened to airmen and in the 1960s embraced current service men and women and Police who served overseas.
The RSL has maintained its promotion of the interests and welfare of its serving and current Defence Force members, through many theatres of active service that followed the two World Wars.
Extensive overseas service by Defence Force and Police
You will probably be surprised at the extent of overseas service by our Defence and Police forces since the Second World War.
Warlike deployments were the Occupation of Japan, Korean War, Malaysian Emergency, Indonesian Confrontation, Vietnam War, Iraq 1st Gulf War, Afghanistan, Iraq 2nd Gulf War.
Peace Keeping deployments (including Australian Federal Police) in that time were to Indonesia, Kashmir, the Middle East, Congo, Cyprus, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), Namibia, Iran, Pakistan/Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf, Kuwait, Western Sahara, Iraq, Cambodia, the former Yugoslavia, Somalia, Mozambique, Rwanda, Haiti, Eritrea, Guatemala, Sierra Leone, Bougainville and the Solomon Islands.
Emergency Relief operations included Papua New Guinea, Sumatra, Pakistan, Iran and various Pacific nations.