Dedicated to researching, collecting and making available to the public, material of historic importance to the Katandra district
Dedicated to researching, collecting and making available to the public, material of historic importance to the Katandra district
A4 size copy of original photograph of the Katandra Inn Gun Club photograph
This photograph shows the homestead of the first selector to the Katandra district. The people shown are possibly the Prideaux family.
A Copy of one of the earliest surviving photographs taken in the Katandra district.
A4 size copy of original photograph
homestead, prideaux, katandra, selector
The Prideaux family were the first selectors in the Katandra district.
This would be the first house built and also would be one of the earliest surviving photographs taken in the district.
A copy of a photo of the Prideaux homestead at Katandra c 1900. Unknown people in photograph
prideaux, homestead, selector, furphy tank, katandra
W. Berres winery located at Katandra North early 20th century .The land was later taken over by Vic. government for soldier settlement.This is a small remenant of the winery.
Wine bottle cap cover green with gold lettering
moselle vineyard katandra north w berres proprietor
w.berres vineyard