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Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Print, L.U.P. Iraq 1991
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Print, George Lambert, The Making of a Legend, 1994
Framed Print
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Framed photograph and print of poem
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Badge - Badge - Limited edition, Framed badge of" The Returned Sailors, Soldiers Imperial League of Australia" 1919
A gold plated badge in the shape of the first RSL badge issue 1919
Returned Sailors & Soldiers/Imperial league/Australia/1919
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Souvenir - Anchor shaped brass inscribed "ASC Balik-papan 1945 7th Div Borneo
Momento of the "Battle of Balikpapan". Anchor shaped brass inscribed "ASC Balik-papan 1945 7th Div Borneo
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Book, Brown Prior & Co, In the Dawning of the Day
In Memoriam of J. D. Burns - Late Corporal 21st Battalion 6th Brigade A.I.F. - Born 18th June 1895, Killed i Action 18th September 1915.Book
In Memoriam of J. D. Burns - Late Corporal 21st Battalion 6th Brigade A.I.F. - Born 18th June 1895, Killed i Action 18th September 1915.
eulogies, extractable correspondence, editorials, poems.
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Book, Jennet Cole-Adams & Judy Gauld, Resource - Stories of Australian innovation in Wartime, August 2016
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Book, Australian War Memorial, Roll Call!, 1986
A guide to genealogical sources in the Australian War MemorialBook
A guide to genealogical sources in the Australian War Memorial
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Book, Michael Sharpe & Chris Chant, Fighting Aircraft of the World, 2004
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Coin - Coin Collection, ANZAC SPIRIT - Values that defined our Nation
Seven coins out of possible fifteen coins encapsulated on individual cards fixed to foldable folder.
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Souvenir - Medalion on Card, THE ANZACS
Medalion titled THE ANZACS/APRIL25, 1915 and figure of bugler on obverse side encapsulated on card. On reverse side - THE ANZACS/ LEST WE FORGET with Rising Sun in centre.
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Uniform - Slouch Hat
Khaki Slouch Hat
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Badge, HMAS Sydney 11' Sweetheart Badge
On 19 November 1941 "HMAS Sydney 11" was lost with all 645 crew after a battle with the German raider 'HSK Kormoran'
Badge mounted on card
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Uniform - Sailor Uniform Cap
Australian Navy sailors cap with tally band ' HMAS Cerberus'
HMAS Cerberus
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Card - Postcard, I Survived Changi
Postcard issued by the Changi Museum with heading 'I Survived Changi'
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Work on paper - Poem, The Silent Hero
Written by Bruce Cooke relating to the war in Papua New Guinea.non-fiction
Written by Bruce Cooke relating to the war in Papua New Guinea.
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Work on paper - Poem, For the Fallen
"For the Fallen" a poem by Laurence BinyonSheet of A4 paper with typed poem
"For the Fallen" a poem by Laurence Binyon
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Work on paper - Poem, The Final Inspection
Poem printed on paper
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Coin, Certificate of Donation
Commemorative $2 coin mounted on card with the words "Returned & Services League - Lest We Forget - $10 Certificate of Donation"
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Coin, Commemorative 20cent coin titled "100years of ANZAC The Spirit Lives 2014-2018"
20 cent coin encapsulated on card
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Coin - Official Commemorative release of two $10 coins, 2013 We Will Remember Them
Two commemorative $10 coins mounted in carboard folder.
See photograph #2
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Sculpture, "Silent Soldiers Mateship"
Bronze figurine of Australian soldier carrying wounded comrade on his shoulders mounted on plastic base.
Collectors Limited Edition - Silent Soldiers Mateship.
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Memorabilia, Framed display of badges and poppies
Framed display of Legacy badges from 1920's onwards and poppies from the 1930's.
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Postcard, Postcards from Private James Carney - 7th. Battalion, AIF
Framed postcards (3) addressed to (1) Dear Kath. (2) Dear Teddy. (3) Dear Gracie
Six weeks after writing this postcard, on Feb 25th, 1917, Private James Carney was killed in action in France with the 7th. Battalion. He has no known grave and is remembered at the memorial in Villers-Bretonneux.
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Memorabilia - Framed Photograph, Private James (Jim) Carney
Framed photograph
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Certificate - Framed Certificate to Private L. Jack, In memoriam
Cpl. Jack was a farmer from Seville, Victoria. He Served 1915-1917. K.I.A. October 9th. 1917. No known grave. Remembered on the memorial at Menin Gate, Belgium.
Framed Certificate
In Memoriam / Anzac's, you've graved your name upon Immortal Scroll. Naught can compare with what the World acclaims. Zenith of fighting patriot soul. A host of heroes, you have but echoed back with Clarion tongue. Coo-ee! Comrades "Kia Ora" your distant couch eill ever be Sacred to all Eternity sub heading / 655/ Private L. Jack/21st. Battalion/ 6th. Brigade/ "C" Company.
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Certificate, Shire of Lillydale. Welcome Return
Framed Certificate
Shire of Lillydale. To Driver A Gilbert. Sept.18th. 1919. Dear Sir, We desire to accord you a Hearty Welcome on your return from the front. You nobly responded to the call of Empire and gallantly performed your duty in the vindication of right. We fully appreciate your bravery, and the inestimable value of the part you have taken in the Great War for freedom and justice i which Great Britain and her Allies have lately been engaged. We trust that you will soon recover from the effects of the terrible experiences you have undergone. On behalf of thr Citizens of the Shire, We are, Yours Sincerely, William Mackinlay President. J C Winterbottom Shire Secretary.
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Certificate, Shire of Lillydale/Certificate of Appreciation
Framed Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. August Gilbert
Shire of Lillydale. Oct. 22nd. 1915.To Mr. August Gilbert. Dear Sir, On behalf of the citizens of the Shire of Lillydale we desire to present you with this small token of our appreciation of your Patriotism in volunteering for the Front. We feel that you will worthily maintain the Honour of the Empire and trust that your service will materially assist Great Britain and her Allies in the great struggle in which they are now engaged. We commend you to the care of Devine Providence and earnestly pray for your safe and speedy return. we are, Yours faithfully. (Signed by the President and Councillors of The Shire of Lillydale.
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Memorabilia - Framed Display, British Royalty
Framed Display of Badges and Ribbons of British Royalty. George 3rd. King Edward, Queen Alexandra 1914, Prince of Wales 1920, King Edward V11 1936, Queen Victoria 1837-1901, King George V1 1910-1936, King George V1, Queen Elizabeth 1937.
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Memorabilia - Bottle of Soil, Bottle of Soil Containing soil from The Battle of the Eureka Stockade
Glass Bottle containing Soil