Parks Victoria is a statutory authority, created by the Parks Victoria Act 1998 and reporting to the Minister.
Our estate covers more than 4 million hectares, or about 18 per cent, of Victoria. We manage the largest and most diverse collection of heritage places on public land in Victoria, with around 2,900 heritage assets and many places of National and State significance.
Our primary responsibility is to ensure parks are healthy and resilient for current and future generations. We manage parks in the context of their surrounding landscape and in partnership with Traditional Owners.
Day's Mill near Murchison, Victoria, is important as an example of a mid-nineteenth century steam-powered flour mill, particularly so for its physical integrity and the retention of original mill technology and artefacts. This large complex established in c1865 provides an outstanding record of an important manufacturing process at a particular stage of its regional and technological development.
Our collection
Days Mill and Farm (1865)
The collection of moveable objects at Days Mill and Farm comprises over 8000 artefacts related to the day to day operation of a mixed farm and grain processing plant from 1865 to 1985. They include a wide range of objects ranging from very large inbuilt plant and farm vehicles, down to small objects such as nuts and bolts used in maintaining the farm and milling machinery.
Themes: Peopling Victoria's Places & Landscapes, Transforming and managing land and natural resources