The Sebastopol Historical Society inc. is a not-for-profit community group. It was formed in 1973 to collect, record, preserve, share, and promote research into Sebastopol’s rich and fascinating history from pre-gold rush days, through to the present day. A small team of dedicated members volunteer their time and talents to support the society in this work. New members interested in learning more about Sebastopol’s history or wishing to use our archives and resources to undertake research, are most welcome. Sebastopol Historical Society is affiliated with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria.
We meet on the 4th Thursday of each month (except December) 7.30pm, Sebastopol Community Centre (historic former state school building), 185 Yarrowee Street, Sebastopol.
The Sebastopol Historical Society operates a small museum in its rooms at the former Sebastopol State School building (built in 1874).
Our collection
Sebastopol Historical Society Inc
The society has a collection of historical artefacts and archival material dating from the pre-gold rush era of the 1850s to the current day. This diverse collection includes homewares, grocery packaging, mining equipment, school artefacts, war memorabilia, honour boards, and early photographs. There is an extensive family history collection relating to local families past and present. Other archival material includes documents, photographs, maps, memoirs, newspaper clippings, certificates, and anniversary histories relating to: mines, schools, churches, sporting clubs, service clubs, community groups, businesses, industries and the former local council - the Borough of Sebastopol. The society holds a copy of the Sebastopol State School no.1167 Enrolment Register with entries from 1902 onwards.