The Shepparton & Goulburn Valley Historical Society was formed in 1962. During the early years the Shepparton Mechanic's Institute housed the collection which was display in one of their rooms, or at local schools and Shows when invited to do so. As other local groups such as Mooroopna, Tatura and Murchison were formed the Shepparton group revised its collecting brief, becoming Shepparton & District Historical Society. The new name of Shepparton Heritage Centre Inc. was adopted in 2000. In 1969 Shepparton City Council purchased the former Public Hall (c 1873) located at 154 Welsford Street Shepparton. This Hall is now the oldest building in Shepparton. Given tenancy in 1972, the Historical Society added a further three museum galleries over the period between 1980 and 1988.
Our collection
The Shepparton Heritage Centre has been the repository for items relating to the history of Shepparton and district for over 40 years. The heritage collection contains about 9,000 items and ephemera. It also contains material from local industries and businesses. There are a number of tools, machines and horse drawn and other vehicles. Most items in the collection have been limited catalogue information. The collection also includes over 4,000 papers items such as letters, maps, reports and journals. It has a large number of local photographs and a collection of negatives from the newspaper, The Shepparton News. Recently given the archives of a huge collection of bound editions of the Shepparton Newspapers from the early 1800's to recent times. These are available as invaluable research items.
Themes: Building towns, cities and the garden state, Building community life