
The Bible Museum has on display historic bibles which offer a rare insight into the development of the English language and also the story of writing and printing. A collection of over 1400 Bibles, scrolls, musical instruments, and related artefacts are also available to view.

Another interesting aspect of the museum is the Butterfly Garden. Open between November and May (depending on the weather and seasonal conditions) many varieties of butterflies can be seen floating around this specially designed garden. At certain times butterflies can be seen emerging from their chrysalis. Autumn is the best time to see the butterflies and garden.

Ellen and Jean Reid have been collecting Bibles for over 30 years and their guided tour takes around an hour, so please book a tour in advance, by email or phone.

Our collection

The Bible Museum Collection (1981)

The Bible Museum collection contains more than 1400 Bibles, together with models and artefacts associated with the Bible message.

The collection includes original Bibles that were printed over 400 years ago, facsimiles from as early as 200 BC, as well as the most recent modern editions.

The majority of the Bibles are in English, but many other languages are included: there are Bibles from every continent, and many islands: Australian Aborigine, Inuit, Tibetan, Hebrew, Greek, and hundreds more.

The Bibles in the collection range in size from large Victorian “Family” Bibles, to miniatures that require a magnifying glass to read them. Their bindings include covers made from vellum, velvet, olive wood, mother-of-pearl and tin, as well as the more common leathers.Some of the Bibles have brass buckles, many have gilt edges and many are beautifully illustrated. The collection also features models, including a large scale 'Ark of the Covenant', musical instruments, oils, models and lamps.

Themes: Shaping cultural and creative life, Building community life, Building towns, cities and the garden state