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Victorian Apiarists Association
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, The Honey Industry - Industries Assistance Commission Report (Australian Government), 4 May 1984
Soft cover size between A5 & A4 - Blue & cream cover with white & black writing 103 pages
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Australian Honey Buyer's Guide (Australian Honey Board)Second Edition, 1981
Just a bit bigger than an A5, soft covered brochure, white with black writing & hexagon shapes, two of which have been cut out 13 pages
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Bee-Keeping Equipment (John L Guilfoyle (Sales) Pty Ltd), May 1975
Folded catalogue of Beekeeping supplies Cream with black writing
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Australasian Beekeeping Supplies (Pender Bros Pty Ltd), ?
Soft cover catalogue for beekeeping supplies. White cover with red writing 35 pages
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Australaiian Beekeepers' Supplies (Pender Bros Pty Ltd), August 1975
soft cover catalogue for beekeeping supplies, old paper with green writing on the cover 35 pages
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Pender Beekeepers Supplies, Unknown
Illustrated catalogue with light blue cover
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Bee-Keeping Equipment (John L Guilfoyle & Co.), May, 1973
Brochure with faded red cover
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Bee-Keeping Equipment (John L Guilfoyle (Sales) Pty Ltd), November 1981
Soft cover brochure with pink cover, 28 pages
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, John L. Guilfoyle Pty Ltd, May 1st 1982
Sales leaflet, pink in colour with blue writing - pricelist
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, John L.Guilfoyle (Sales) Pty Ltd, July 1st, 1979
Sales leaflet, yellow in colour with blue writing - price leaflet
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Just Bee Talk (John L. Guilfoyle (Sales) Pty Ltd), Unknown
Leaflet with information for beekeepers
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Honey Australia's Liquid Gold, Unknown
Soft cover brochure with an orange cover with a picture of honey being drizzled into a jar inside a hexagon. White & light orange writing. On the back is a hexagon with a phot of beehives
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, The Australian Honey Recipe Book (The Australian Honey Board), 1973?
Small soft cover book. The cover has a yellow cloud with black writing & drawings of food
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Guide to Bees and Honey (Ted Hooper), 1976
A5 sized hard cover book. Inner cover dark brown. Outer cover sleeve has a photo of a Queen Bee surrounded by workers on the front with yellow writing. On the back is a photo of a bee collecting pollen. On the inside of the front cover is a blurb about the book, on the inside of the back cover is a list of books published by Blandford Press 260 pages
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Beekeeping (edited by Roger Morse and Ted Hooper), 1985
Hard cover size between A5 & A4. Inner cover brown, outer cover sleeve tan with photos of large bees with brown & white writing, is slightly torn. On the inside front cover is a blurb about the book & the inside of the back cover is a blurb about the authors 432 pages
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Bees and Honey (Department Of Agriculture New South Wales) Fourth Edition, September, 1959
Soft cover , slighlty smaller than A5 size. spine of book has been taped. On the front cover is a photo of 2 Beekeepers tending a hive, on the back is a photo of a bee on a flower
Hand written - Jack Rufford Sharpe, Apiary Inspector, Department of Agriculture, Murphy St, Wangaratta
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Beekeeping In Victoria (Dept of Agriculture Victoria), 1958
Softcover A5 size, Red flowers on the front with blue writing, the back is cream
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Beekeeping - a Seasonal Guide (Ron Brown), 1985
Hardcover slightly smaller than A4 size. Inner cover is red, outer cover is shiny green paper with red & white writing & two pictures on the front, one of a bee on a flower & the other a beekeeper tending his hives. On the back is drawings of 3 hives. On the inner front cover is a blurb about the book & on the inner back cover is a short blurb about the Author & a list of other books published by Batsford
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, In Search of the Best Strains of Bees (Brother Adams)Second Edition, 1983
Hard Cover A5 Size, Orangey mustard in colour with gold writing 206 pages
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Queen Rearing (Harry H Laidlaw, Jr & J E Eckett), 1950
Hardcover, A5Size book. Tan cover with gold writing 147 pages
Authors - Harry H Laidlaw - Assistant professor of Entomology and assistant Apiculturist in the Experiment Station,University of California at Davis J E Eckett - Professor of Entomology and Apiculturist in the Experiment Station, University of California at Davis. Dedication - The Authors respecfully dedicate this book to those who have advanced the knowledge of the fundamentals underlying the production of good Queens
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, The Honey Flora Of Victoria (Department of Agriculture Victoria), 1949
A5 sized soft cover book, cream colour with green circle & Cream & green writing. Has been taped 136 pages
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Beekeeping In Victoria (Dept of Agriculture Victoria), 1945?
A5 sized soft covered book, cream coloured with green picture & cream writing on the front 168 pages
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Beekeeping In Victoria (Dept of Agriculture Victoria), June, 1934
A5 Hardcover book, cover is grey patterned with a tan coloured part cover on the front with light brown writing & picture of bees on flowers
Revised June, 1934 with handwritten by J S Eagland
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Beekeeping In Victoria (Dept of Agriculture Victoria), 1949 edition
A5 soft cover book, cover is tanny with a brown picture of a hive & brown writing , the back is plain cream 165 pages
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, The Diseases of Bees: their Signs, Causes and Treatment (Annie D. Betts, B.Sc) Second Edition, 1951
A5 sized soft cover book - blue in colour with black writing 69 pages Inside covers are advertisements
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Bees And Honey (Dept of Agriculture NSW)
Soft cream coloured cover with hand written cover - possibly not original. First page is the introduction - so no information about when & where printed
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Infectious Diseases of the Honey-Bee (Leslie Bailey), 1963
A5 sized hard cover book with a black inner cover, outer cover is purple paper with photo of a bee on the front & cream writing. The back is cream with black & purple writing listing diseases. Inside the front cover is a blurb about the book & inside the back cover is a blurb about the author
Author Leslie Bailey, M.A., PH.D Rothamsted Experimental Station Illustrations by J Phillip Stradbery
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, The Golden Throng (Edwin Way Teale) Reprinted 1946, 1946
A5 sized hard cover book, Sandy coloured inner cover with a torn paper outer cover of yellow honeycomb with black & white flower & 2 bees, Black writing 199 pages. First published 1943, cheaper edition 1946, reprinted 1946 Inside the cover is a blurb about the book & author
Dedicated to the authors Aunts - Elizabeth Way Edwards & Winnifred Way Wencke - In memory of Days at Lone Oak
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, ABC & XYZ of Bee Culture (The A I Root Bee Library) 37th Edition, 1978
A5 sized hard cover book with bronze cover & gold writing 712 pages plus index The first edition was released in 1877 or 1878 Inside the cover front & back are black & white photos of bees