Each item in the Working Heritage Crown Land Collection is connected to a heritage property managed and cared for by Working Heritage on behalf of the State of Victoria. Working Heritage specialise in managing government assets of heritage significance that are no longer needed for their original function – our role is to revitalise these assets to ensure they have a purpose. Finding contemporary uses for these places contributes to their continued care. The organisation is made up of an eight-member committee appointed by the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 along with operational staff led by an Executive Officer. The sites we manage are located in both regional and urban areas and operate with a range of business and organisations including museums, theatre and dance spaces, restaurants and historical societies amongst many others.
Our collection
The Working Heritage Crown Land Collection includes documents, photographs, drawings, furniture, archeological items and chattel items related to the properties that we manage.
Themes: Peopling Victoria's Places & Landscapes, Building Victoria's industries and workforce, Governing Victorians, Building community life, Shaping cultural and creative life