The following is a selection of documents linked to Burke and Wills and the purchase of the camels they used in their expedition.
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The following is a selection of documents linked to Burke and Wills and the purchase of the camels they used in their expedition.
Letter - Letter from George Landells to the Victorian Chief Secretary, George Landells, 1858, Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 75, folder 1858, item P 233)
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George Landells had many years experience of India when he wrote to the Victorian Chief Secretary offering to purchase camels in India on behalf of the Victorian Government. He recommended the camels as possessing powers of endurance under the greatest privations’ and suggested that:
"... the introduction of a troop of Camels into Australia would tend at once to remove all the obstacles that have hitherto prevented the complete exploration of the interior, and I should recommend that at least twenty-four first class animals should be imported comprising six males and twelve females of the Dromedary or one humped Camel, and two males and four females of the Camel of Cabal, and that if the Govt decide to introduce 6 more of the last mentioned would be a valuable addition and would make their freight individually less, this troop would enable a breeding herd to be retained And an exploring expedition to be started immediately on their arrival..."
Letter - Letter from George Landells to the Victorian Chief Secretary, George Landells, 1858, Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 75, folder 1858, item P 233)
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Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 75, folder 1858, item P 233)
Letter - Letter from George Landells to the Victorian Chief Secretary, George Landells, 1858, Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 75, folder 1858, item P 233)
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© Copyright of Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 75, folder 1858, item P 233)
Letter - Letter from George Landells to the Victorian Chief Secretary, George Landells, 1858, Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 75, folder 1858, item P 233)
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© Copyright of Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 75, folder 1858, item P 233)
Letter - Letter from George Landells to the Victorian Chief Secretary, George Landells, 1858, Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 75, folder 1858, item P 233)
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© Copyright of Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 75, folder 1858, item P 233)
Letter - Letter from George Landells to the Victorian Chief Secretary, George Landells, 1858, Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 75, folder 1858, item P 233)
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© Copyright of Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 75, folder 1858, item P 233)
Letter - Letter from George Landells to the Victorian Chief Secretary, George Landells, 1858, Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 75, folder 1858, item P 233)
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© Copyright of Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 75, folder 1858, item P 233)
Letter - Letter from George Landells to the Victorian Chief Secretary, George Landells, 1858, Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 75, folder 1858, item P 233)
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© Copyright of Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 75, folder 1858, item P 233)
Letter - Letter from George Landells to the Victorian Chief Secretary, George Landells, 1858, Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 75, folder 1858, item P 233)
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© Copyright of Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 75, folder 1858, item P 233)
Document - Receipt for the loan of 8,000 rupees, Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 757, item 60/p. 5574)
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© Copyright of Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 757, item 60/p. 5574)
Landells was authorised to borrow money for the camels from the Government of India. This receipt records that he was loaned 8,000 rupees
Document - Receipt for the loan of 8,000 rupees, Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 757, item 60/p. 5574)
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Document - Contract between camel handlers and the Victorian Exploring Expedition, 1860, Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 757, item D1)
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Contract between three camel handlers, Dost Mahomed, Belooch and Esa Khan, and the Victorian Exploring Expedition , signed in Karachi in March 1860. The three men agreed to work as camel handlers for one year.
Document - Copy of the contract between camel handlers and the Victorian Exploring Expedition written in Dari, 1860, Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 757, item D1a)
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Copy of the contract between three camel handlers, Dost Mahomed, Belooch and Esau Khan, and the Victorian Exploring Expedition, written in Dari.
All three of these men joined the Burke and Wills expedition, though Esau Khan left the expedition at Swan Hill, Victoria. Belooch remained with the supply party at Menindee in New South Wales. Dost Mahomed remained at the expedition’s depot at Coopers Creek, under the command of Wilhelm Brahe.
Document - Agreement between George Landells, John Driscoll, John Drakeford and John King, Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 757, item D2)
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Agreement between George Landells and John Driscoll, John Drakeford and John King that the three men will act as camel attendants on the passage between India and Australia, in exchange for free passage on the voyage.
John King and John Drakeford went on to join the exploring expedition, though Drakeford was dismissed by Burke before the party left Menindee in New South Wales. John King was the sole survivor of the party that explored the land between Coopers Creek and the Gulf of Carpentaria.
Document - Receipts for twelve camels, Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 1189/P0 Inward Registered Correspondence I, Unit 757, item 24)
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Receipts for twelve of the camels that George Landells purchased for the Victorian Exploring Expedition.
Map - Wills’s map from Coopers Creek to the Gulf of Carpentaria, William John Wills, Public Record Office of Victoria
Courtesy of Public Record Office Victoria (VPRS 8168/P2 Historic Plan Collection, Unit 871, EXP22)
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This is a detail of Wills' map of the Expedition's route from Cooper's Creek to the Gulf of Carpentaria. Camp CVIII on the Cloncurry River, is named Golah's Camp after one of the camels left behind by the exploration party because it was unable to get up and out of the creek bed.
Document - Application - George Landells, George Landells, 'Royal Society of Victoria, Exploration Committee Records: Part IV: Applications to join the VEE received by the EC', 1860, State Library Victoria
Courtesy of State Library Victoria (SLV MS13071, Box 2076/5)
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George Landells was originally appointed second in charge of the Burke and Wills expedition. He was also in charge of the camels and had brought them to Australia from India in preparation for the expedition.
The expedition party departed Melbourne with 26 camels. As the expedition progressed, Landells and Burke disagreed over the treatment of the camels and Landells resigned two months later in Menindee. William Wills who had been appointed as surveyor and astronomer for the expedition replaced him as second in charge.
He asks that he should be “entirely charged with all matters relating to the treatment of the camels” and that if “some calamity befall me” his wife should be paid his salary for two years.
Further Information
Royal Park
18th July 1860
Hearing that the Exploration Committee desire to have in writing from me a statement of the terms and conditions on which I would be willing to undertake the duties of second in command with the special charge of the camels and their Indian attendants, I beg to say that I am willing to go at a yearly salary of six hundred pounds sterling and on the understanding that if I lost my life during the time of service two years salary should be paid to my wife E R Landells, or that if such could not be definitely promised it would answer my purpose as well if the claim be recognised as one which the authorities would as honorable men recommend to be paid if such calamity befall me or if no news of me had been received here for four years.
I should be entirely charged with all matters relating to the treatment of the camels and be responsible for their health. I would also habitually ride 50 or 60 miles ahead of the party on a swift camel when it was necessary to explore the route when the nature of the country would admit of my doing so.
My knowledge of the treatment of the animals in health and sickness and in taking charge of this part of the Expedition would be supplemented by great personal labor for all which I believe the above pay to be a fair and moderate rate for less than which my prospects in India and duty to my family would not allow my undertaking the service.
I have the honor to be, Sir, your most obedient servant,
George J Landells