John Bowman Diary
Below you will find a selection of diary excerpts from John Bowman (1822-1868), from his time on board the 'Screamer' on a voyage to Australia, 1857.
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Below you will find a selection of diary excerpts from John Bowman (1822-1868), from his time on board the 'Screamer' on a voyage to Australia, 1857.
Journal - John Bowman, 'Diary written on board the Screamer on a voyage to Australia, 1857', 1857, State Library Victoria
Courtesy of State Library Victoria
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Sunday 15 –Thursday 17 [December 1857] "…strong gales, great speed"
Journal - John Bowman, 'Diary written on board the Screamer on a voyage to Australia, 1857', 1857, State Library Victoria
Courtesy of State Library Victoria
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© Digital reproduction copyright of State Library Victoria
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Friday 18 [December 1857] "...the Southern lights show magnificent at night…Xmas day, here we are at anchor in Hobson’s Bay inside Port Phillip."
Journal - John Bowman, 'Diary written on board the Screamer on a voyage to Australia, 1857', 1857, State Library Victoria
Courtesy of State Library Victoria
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Saturday 26th Dec. [1857] "... Expressed appreciation to the Captain for the voyage - Liverpool 23rd September 1857 to Melbourne 25th December 1857"
Journal - John Bowman, 'Diary written on board the Screamer on a voyage to Australia, 1857', 1857, State Library Victoria
Courtesy of State Library Victoria
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Courtesy of State Library Victoria
27 Dec ..”made up my mind to try the diggings.”