Joseph Jenkins was a Welsh itinerant labourer in late 1800s Victoria. These images provide a glimpse into the lives of 'swagmen', a character mythologised in Australian cultural memory.
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Joseph Jenkins was a Welsh itinerant labourer in late 1800s Victoria. These images provide a glimpse into the lives of 'swagmen', a character mythologised in Australian cultural memory.
Photograph - 'Joseph Jenkins', March 1871, State Library Victoria
Courtesy of State Library Victoria
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"At Ballarat I visited Mr Roberts the photographer, and asked him to take my portrait…"
wrote Joseph Jenkins in March 1871.
Photograph - 'Maryborough District Hospital', c. 1866, State Library Victoria
Courtesy of State Library Victoria
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During 1874 Joseph was taken ill and spent nearly two months at this hospital in Maryborough. Even while he was sick in hospital he continued to write in his journal.
Photograph - Charles B. Wherrett, 'Cumberland Inn, Castlemaine', c. 1862-1865, State Library Victoria
Courtesy of State Library Victoria
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Castlemaine was a thriving gold mining town in the 1850s and 1860s when Joseph Jenkins lived and worked in the area. Jenkins stayed at this hotel during one of his visits to Castlemaine.
Photograph: albumen silver carte-de-visite.
Photograph - Hugh Michael O'Rorke, 'Two Men Leaning on a Large Sheaf', State Library Victoria
Courtesy of State Library Victoria
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Joseph Jenkins moved around Victoria, working as an agricultural labourer. Many men were required to harvest grain and hay before these tasks were mechanised.
This photograph was taken near Lake Bolac in Victoria.
Negative: glass.
Photograph - John T. Collins, 'Bellarine - "Spray Farm"', 12 March 1983, State Library Victoria
Courtesy of State Library Victoria
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In 1875 Joseph worked at Spray Farm on the Bellarine Peninsula:
"I find that the working hours are three or four shorter every day than where I was before, also the living is ten times better, in fact this place is too good for an unfortunate man like myself..."
Photograph - Jonathon Moon, 'Electric Telegraph & Post Office Maldon Tarrengower', c. 1866-1867, State Library Victoria
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Maldon at the time that Joseph Jenkins lived and worked there.
Photograph - Richard Daintree, 'View of Castlemaine Town', 1858, State Library Victoria
Courtesy of State Library Victoria
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Castlemaine was a thriving gold mining town in the 1850s and 1860s when Joseph Jenkins lived and worked in the area.
Photograph - Richard Daintree, 'Castlemaine Hotel, Hargraves Street, Castlemaine', 1861, State Library Victoria
Courtesy of State Library Victoria
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Postcard - 'For The Larder', State Library Victoria
Courtesy of State Library Victoria
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One of a series of postcards showing swagmen and other characters of the Victorian bush.
Photograph - Thomas J. Washbourne, 'Wood Choppers Upper Dargo Gippsland', c. 1870, State Library Victoria
Courtesy of State Library Victoria
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During his time in Australia Joseph Jenkins did a variety of different forms of manual labour including wood cutting and clearing, similar to the work of these men in the forests of Gippsland.
Print - F. A. Sleap, 'The Sundowner and His Doings', 21 January 1885, State Library Victoria
Courtesy of State Library Victoria
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This is a wood engraving published in The Illustrated Australian News.
Postcard - 'Australian Types: The swagman', c. 1905-1910, State Library Victoria
Courtesy of State Library Victoria
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One of a series of postcards showing swagmen and other characters of the Victorian bush.
Photograph - George Henry Hutson, 'Boiling the Billy', c. 1890-1920, State Library Victoria
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Swagmen or swaggies have been a feature of the Australian rural environment since before Joseph Jenkins hitched his swag in the 1860s.
As unemployed or itinerant workers, they moved around the country following available work. These images depict the unchanging life of the swaggie at different times over the last 100 or more years.
Postcard - 'The Sundowner', c. 1904, State Library Victoria
Courtesy of State Library Victoria
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The swagman was sometimes known as a 'sundowner'.