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At each year's Gathering, a patch is presented to represent the location of the gathering. Each patch is now attached to the perpetual banner which is showcased at the Gathering each year.
The following section showcases some of the patches created over the years.
Memorabilia - Patch from the 1996 Ararat Gathering, 'Women on Farms Gathering', Museums Victoria
Courtesy of Museums Victoria
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Patch presented in 1996 by the Ararat committee for the Women on Farms Gathering Banner.
The patch is now attached to the perpetual banner which is used at the Gathering each year.
"The organising committee was very aware of declining infrastructure and services, and the impact this has on rural families.
The weekend program was designed to give support to, and acknowledge rural women’s vital role in maintaining and developing cohesive rural communities."
- From the Proceedings of the Ararat Gathering
Memorabilia - Patch from the 2001 Beechworth Gathering, 'Women on Farms Gathering', Museums Victoria
Courtesy of Museums Victoria
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Patch presented in 2001 by the Beechworth committee for the Women on Farms Gathering Banner.
The patch is now attached to the perpetual banner which is used at the Gathering each year.
The logo shows "the strength of women coming together to form a bridge between the past and the future. The computer screen and the women’s arms forming a satellite dish show us embracing new technologies.
They help us communicate and present opportunities for social and business interaction. The heads of wheat symbolizes agriculture and growth. The image is encircled by the sun, which suggests a universal spirituality that encompasses us all."
- From the Beechworth Gathering 2001 Program
Memorabilia - Patch from the 2004 Benalla Gathering, 'Women on Farms Gathering', Museums Victoria
Courtesy of Museums Victoria
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Patch presented in 2004 by the Benalla committee for the Women on Farms Gathering Banner.
The patch is now attached to the banner extension which is used at the Gathering each year.
“The weekend is to remind ourselves that we too must take time to smell the roses and enjoy the journey rather than just focus on the destination.”
- Louise Armstrong
Memorabilia - Patch from the 1994 Glenormiston Gathering, 'Women on Farms Gathering', Museums Victoria
Courtesy of Museums Victoria
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Patch presented in 1994 by the Glenormiston committee for the Women on Farms Gathering Banner.
The patch is now attached to the perpetual banner which is used at the Gathering each year.
“Survival, Support and Success epitomises the state of agriculture in this region today. Some of our land is suffering degradation, some commodities are barely surviving while others are succeeding."
- Lorraine Ermacora
Memorabilia - Patch from the 1997 Bendigo Gathering, 'Women on Farms Gathering', Museums Victoria
Courtesy of Museums Victoria
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Patch presented in 1997 by the Bendigo committee for the Women on Farms Gathering Banner.
The patch is now attached to the perpetual banner which is used at the Gathering each year.
"We’ve come a long way…Women on farms are no longer invisible. Our fence has been a cultural barrier. A farmer in white man’s history was male, and ours has been a white man’s history – women’s work has not been recorded. We have tried to get over the fence, under the fence, through the fence, around the fence.
We hadn’t noticed that the cultural barriers are electric. We’ve had shocks and burns, in our attempts to get out. Isolated on farms we were invisible, but we got together and we couldn’t be ignored – working together we found friendly gate-keepers!"
- Dorothy Dunn
Memorabilia - Patch from the 2000 Healesville Gathering, 'Women on Farms Gathering', Museums Victoria
Courtesy of Museums Victoria
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Patch presented in 2000 by the Healesville committee for the Women on Farms Gathering Banner.
The patch is now attached to the perpetual banner which is used at the Gathering each year.
Memorabilia - Patch from the 2004 Horsham Gathering, 'Women on Farms Gathering', Museums Victoria
Courtesy of Museums Victoria
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Patch presented in 2004 by the Horsham committee for the Women on Farms Gathering Banner.
The patch is now attached to the perpetual banner which is used at the Gathering each year.
"The aim of the Horsham Gathering was to bring rural women ‘out the farm gate’ to enjoy a fun-filled weekend away from their everyday chores in rural communities."
- Christine May, Chair
Memorabilia - Patch from the 2002 Kyneton Gathering, 'Women on Farms Gathering', Museums Victoria
Courtesy of Museums Victoria
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Patch presented in 2002 by the Kyneton committee for the Women on Farms Gathering Banner.
The patch is now attached to the perpetual banner which is used at the Gathering each year.
"Our logo symbolises the region’s mountains with rays of opportunity spreading throughout the whole community. We chose yellow as our gathering colour to represent the coming of autumn."
- From the Macedon Ranges History Board
Memorabilia - Patch from the 1992 Numurkah Gathering, 'Women on Farms Gathering', Museums Victoria
Courtesy of Museums Victoria
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Patch presented in 1992 by the Numurkah committee for the Women on Farms Gathering Banner.
The patch is now attached to the perpetual banner which is used at the Gathering each year.
The logo chosen by the Numurkah committee was a waterwheel. The region relies heavily on irrigation from the Murray River.
Memorabilia - Patch from the 1998 Ouyen Gathering, 'Women on Farms Gathering', Museums Victoria
Courtesy of Museums Victoria
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Patch presented in 1998 by the Ouyen committee for the Women on Farms Gathering Banner.
The patch is now attached to the perpetual banner which is used at the Gathering each year.
Memorabilia - Patch from the 1991 Sea Lake Gathering, 'Women on Farms Gathering', Museums Victoria
Courtesy of Museums Victoria
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Patch presented in 1991 by the Sea Lake committee for the Women on Farms Gathering Banner.
The patch is now attached to the perpetual banner which is used at the Gathering each year.
The women from the Mallee who travelled to the first Gathering in Warragul were inspired to organise another the following year in Sea Lake. Visitors to this Gathering, coming from all over Victoria, marvelled at the strength and determination women from this region showed in the face of ongoing drought and the rural downturn.
The Gathering proved to be a forum where women from diverse farming backgrounds could offer support, ‘refuel’, and learn from the experiences of others. The commitment to continue meeting annually was made here.
Memorabilia - Patch from the 1995 Swan Hill Gathering, 'Women on Farms Gathering', Museums Victoria
Courtesy of Museums Victoria
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Patch presented in 1995 by the Swan Hill committee for the Women on Farms Gathering Banner.
The patch is now attached to the perpetual banner which is used at the Gathering each year.
Memorabilia - Patch from the 1993 Tallangatta Gathering, 'Women on Farms Gathering', Museums Victoria
Courtesy of Museums Victoria
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Patch presented in 1993 by the Tallangatta committee for the Women on Farms Gathering Banner.
The patch is now attached to the perpetual banner which is used at the Gathering each year.
"The logo shows a woman from the plains meeting a mountain cattlewoman. Behind them is a view of Lake Hume, the Mitta Mitta Valley, and snow-capped Mount Bogong. They symbolise unity within diversity – the variety of roles that women play on farms.
It took a lot of agonising to create the logo (plus a saucer, a cup, a dusty old Letraset pack from the newsagent and lots of rubbing out!) but it really embodies the significance of the intent and ethos of the Gatherings and of our event."
- Elaine Paton
Memorabilia - Patch from the 1990 Warragul Gathering, 'Women on Farms Gathering', Museums Victoria
Courtesy of Museums Victoria
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Patch created for the Women on Farms Gathering Banner.
Being the inaugural year of 'The Gathering' this was the foundation patch for the banner.
“The inaugural Women on Farms Gathering was held in Warragul in 1990. It was developed from an idea generated by local women involved in a Women on Farms Skills Course … The success of this initial Gathering inspired rural women to continue with these Gatherings on an annual basis hosted in a different Victorian location.”
- From the Warragul 1990 History Board
Memorabilia - Patch from the 1999 Warragul Gathering, 'Women on Farms Gathering', Museums Victoria
Courtesy of Museums Victoria
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Patch presented in 1999 by the Warragul committee for the Women on Farms Gathering Banner.
The patch is now attached to the perpetual banner which is used at the Gathering each year.
From grassroots beginnings as a meeting of women striving for recognition of their status as farmers, through to highly coordinated conferences comprising a multiplicity of speakers, stories, workshops and tours, the Gatherings have been an ongoing source of support and inspiration for women in rural Victoria and beyond.
Memorabilia - Patch from the 2003 Yarram Gathering, 'Women on Farms Gathering', Museums Victoria
Courtesy of Museums Victoria
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