Showing 57 items
matching community hub
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - News Clipping, Jodie Guest, Shrewd tactics row, Diamond Valley News, October 15, p1, 1996
Nillumbik Commissioners used 'reserve power's to permit a controversial Shell service station and Hungry Jackls restaurant development at the former Eltham Shire Office site at 895 Main Road. More than 200 people attended the Council meeting in the public gallery and protested at the decision. 32 personal submissions were made to Council's Planning Special Committee meeting whose members vioted 3-2 against the development. The Committee consisted of the three Nillumbik Commissioners and three community members (Jim Connor, Bronwyn South and Janet Mattiske). Chief Commissioner Don Cordell, a former Shell employee excused himself from voting and the three communbity memebrs voted against the submission. The other two commissioners, Vin Heffernan and Kevin Abbott voted against it. They then immediately closed the meeting and opened a Council meeting lasting just seconds to use special reserve powers to overturn the decision. The demolition of the former Shire of Eltham offices and proposed sale and development driven by the Commissioners for Nillumbik Shire Council brought the community together in substantial protest at the infrigement of ratepayers democratic say in local government and ciommunity assets combined with protests about inappropraite development of Eltham's Gateway. This issue led to the formation of the Eltham Community Action Group which still operates strongly today (2023) on behalf of the community to ensure appropriate development within the community.895 main road, commissioners, dallas price homes, development application, eltham hub, hungry jacks, nillumbik shire council, re-zoning, shell service station, town planning, eltham gateway, eltham gateway action group, eltham shire offices, shillinglaw farm, shillinglaw trees, jim connor collection, dallas howgate, nillumbik planning special committee, jim connor, bronwyn south, janet mattiske, don cordell, vin heffernan, kevin abbott -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - News Clipping, Jodie Guest, Residents have their say on former shire offices, Diamond Valley News, October 16, p9, 1996
Nillumbik Commissioners used 'reserve power's to permit a controversial Shell service station and Hungry Jackls restaurant development at the former Eltham Shire Office site at 895 Main Road. More than 200 people attended the Council meeting in the public gallery and protested at the decision. 32 personal submissions were made to Council's Planning Special Committee meeting whose members vioted 3-2 against the development. The Committee consisted of the three Nillumbik Commissioners and three community members (Jim Connor, Bronwyn South and Janet Mattiske). Chief Commissioner Don Cordell, a former Shell employee excused himself from voting and the three communbity memebrs voted against the submission. The other two commissioners, Vin Heffernan and Kevin Abbott voted against it. They then immediately closed the meeting and opened a Council meeting lasting just seconds to use special reserve powers to overturn the decision. Community residents who made submissions included Russell Yeomans speaking on behalf of the Eltham Gateway Action Group and Eltham District Historical Society, Des Ryan on belaf of Eltham Senior Citizens, Angela Newhouse, others on behalf of Our Lady Help of Christians Primary School and Judge Book Village, Tom Munro, Ian Jennings, Margartet Ball a fifth generation descendant of the Shillinglaw family, one of the early settlers of the area and owner of the land that was sold to Council, Frank Burgoyne who said "there will be a lot of creaking and rumbling in the cemetery if this goes through. So many old people who have done so much for Eltham are buried up there and it is up to us to pass on what they left to the younger generation. Eltham is a beautiful spot; why louse it up?" A second article "Anger over reserve power" by Laeta Antonysen provides commentary from the three Planning Special Committee community members, former Eltham Shire Councillor Jim Connor, Bronwyn South and Janet Mattiske about the process that took place and the first time use of the spoecial reserve power to overturn the decision of the committee. Barry Rochford, Nillumbiuk CEO defends the use of the power.The demolition of the former Shire of Eltham offices and proposed sale and development driven by the Commissioners for Nillumbik Shire Council brought the community together in substantial protest at the infrigement of ratepayers democratic say in local government and ciommunity assets combined with protests about inappropraite development of Eltham's Gateway. This issue led to the formation of the Eltham Community Action Group which still operates strongly today (2023) on behalf of the community to ensure appropriate development within the community.895 main road, commissioners, dallas price homes, development application, eltham hub, hungry jacks, nillumbik shire council, re-zoning, shell service station, town planning, eltham gateway, eltham gateway action group, eltham shire offices, shillinglaw farm, shillinglaw trees, jim connor collection, dallas howgate, nillumbik planning special committee, jim connor, bronwyn south, janet mattiske, don cordell, vin heffernan, kevin abbott, russell yeomans, eltham district historical society, eltham senior citizens, des ryan, our lady help of christians primary school, judge book village, angela newhouse, tom munro, ian jennings, margaret ball, shillinglaw cottage, frank burgoyne, andrew biasci, barry rochford -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - News Clipping, Advertiser, Planning Committee closed by Commissioners, Advertiser, October 29, p5, 1996
Nillumbik Commissioners used 'reserve power's to permit a controversial Shell service station and Hungry Jack's restaurant development at the former Eltham Shire Office site at 895 Main Road. More than 200 people attended the Council meeting in the public gallery and protested at the decision. 32 personal submissions were made to Council's Planning Special Committee meeting whose members vioted 3-2 against the development. The Committee consisted of the three Nillumbik Commissioners and three community members (Jim Connor, Bronwyn South and Janet Mattiske). Chief Commissioner Don Cordell, a former Shell employee excused himself from voting and the three communbity memebrs voted against the submission. The other two commissioners, Vin Heffernan and Kevin Abbott voted against it. They then immediately closed the meeting and opened a Council meeting lasting just seconds to use special reserve powers to overturn the decision. Subsequent to this the Commissioner run Council held a special meeting on Wednesday, October 23, 1996 where Commissioners Kevin Abbott and Vin Heffernan thanked all three community members of the Planning Special Committee and advised that their powers had been revoked. The article includes a joint statement from all three sacked members in which they state they have been able to bring a community perspective to the planning applications placed befopre the committee which has resulted in modifications to planning decisions. The members stated that "unfortunately, despite our best efforts to express considered apolitical opinions, it appears the Commissioners believe that any dissenting comment is politically motivated, and should therefore be disregarded." "We feel sad that this situation exists even though we have done everything possible tio represent the views of our community, whilst maintaining the integrity of the planning process."The demolition of the former Shire of Eltham offices and proposed sale and development driven by the Commissioners for Nillumbik Shire Council brought the community together in substantial protest at the infrigement of ratepayers democratic say in local government and ciommunity assets combined with protests about inappropraite development of Eltham's Gateway. This issue led to the formation of the Eltham Community Action Group which still operates strongly today (2023) on behalf of the community to ensure appropriate development within the community.895 main road, commissioners, dallas price homes, development application, eltham hub, hungry jacks, nillumbik shire council, re-zoning, shell service station, town planning, eltham gateway, eltham gateway action group, eltham shire offices, shillinglaw farm, jim connor collection, dallas howgate, nillumbik planning special committee, jim connor, bronwyn south, janet mattiske, don cordell, vin heffernan, kevin abbott -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - News Clipping, Jodie Guest, Council axes planning body after split on shire office site, Diamond Valley News, October 30, p3, 1996
Nillumbik Commissioners used 'reserve power's to permit a controversial Shell service station and Hungry Jack's restaurant development at the former Eltham Shire Office site at 895 Main Road. More than 200 people attended the Council meeting in the public gallery and protested at the decision. 32 personal submissions were made to Council's Planning Special Committee meeting whose members vioted 3-2 against the development. The Committee consisted of the three Nillumbik Commissioners and three community members (Jim Connor, Bronwyn South and Janet Mattiske). Chief Commissioner Don Cordell, a former Shell employee excused himself from voting and the three communbity memebrs voted against the submission. The other two commissioners, Vin Heffernan and Kevin Abbott voted against it. They then immediately closed the meeting and opened a Council meeting lasting just seconds to use special reserve powers to overturn the decision. Subsequent to this the Commissioner run Council held a special meeting on Wednesday, October 23, 1996 where Commissioners Kevin Abbott and Vin Heffernan thanked all three community members of the Planning Special Committee and advised that their powers had been revoked. The article includes a joint statement from all three sacked members in which they state they have been able to bring a community perspective to the planning applications placed befopre the committee which has resulted in modifications to planning decisions. The members stated that "unfortunately, despite our best efforts to express considered apolitical opinions, it appears the Commissioners believe that any dissenting comment is politically motivated, and should therefore be disregarded." "We feel sad that this situation exists even though we have done everything possible tio represent the views of our community, whilst maintaining the integrity of the planning process."The demolition of the former Shire of Eltham offices and proposed sale and development driven by the Commissioners for Nillumbik Shire Council brought the community together in substantial protest at the infrigement of ratepayers democratic say in local government and ciommunity assets combined with protests about inappropraite development of Eltham's Gateway. This issue led to the formation of the Eltham Community Action Group which still operates strongly today (2023) on behalf of the community to ensure appropriate development within the community.895 main road, commissioners, dallas price homes, development application, eltham hub, hungry jacks, nillumbik shire council, re-zoning, shell service station, town planning, eltham gateway, eltham gateway action group, eltham shire offices, shillinglaw farm, jim connor collection, dallas howgate, nillumbik planning special committee, jim connor, bronwyn south, janet mattiske, don cordell, vin heffernan, kevin abbott -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping, Life skills hub gets some help : [Diamond Valley Special Development School DV5161], 17/02/2016
Key life skills to be taught in a practical setting when independent living centre opens at Diamond Valley Special Development School. The school community partnered with Greensborough Bunnings Warehouse staff to help deliver the project.News clipping, black text, colour image.diamond valley special development school, bunnings -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Time Capsule Ceremony, 10 November 1985, 10/11/1985
On Sunday, 10 November 1985 a time capsule was lowered into a monument installed near the corner of Main Road and Pitt Street in Eltham, within the gardens at the front of what is now the Eltham Community and Reception Centre. This monument commemorates Victoria’s 150th anniversary and the former location of the Eltham Town Centre, which existed along this section of Main Road, then known as Maria Street. Beneath the site is a time capsule to be opened in the year 2035. A plaque was also erected at this site in October 1987 to commemorate the Shire of Eltham Historical Society’s 20th anniversary. The main feature of this monument is a ‘tyring disc’, a blacksmith’s implement that was found on this site. This consists of a large iron disc that was used as a platform for fitting iron tyres (like the one shown on top of the platform) to wooden-spoked cart wheels. The local blacksmith and wheelwright worked together to assemble the wheel, which was clamped to the platform placed close to the fire. The red-hot iron hoop, previously forged to the correct size, was lifted with tongs by the blacksmith over the outside of the rim, then hammered down amid flames from the scorching timber. The wheelwright drenched the tyre with cold water as soon as it was in position. A clamp placed on the naff (hub) and screwed down tightly kept the spokes at a constant angle as the tyre cooled. An even pressure from the contracting tyre tightened the joints at each end of the spokes and formed a vice-like grip, which would last for the life of the wheel. [from EDHS Newsletter No. 45, November 1985:] TIME CAPSULE CEREMONY: Our 150th Anniversary Monument is now under construction in the gardens in front of the Eltham Community Centre. Further details of the project are given under a separate heading below and this item deals with the proposed ceremony. We propose to formally lower the time capsule into its container underneath the monument as part of the Eltham Community Festival. All members are invited to attend the ceremony at 2.00 p.m. on Sunday, 10th November. Come earlier with a picnic lunch if you like. Local people and firms who have contributed money or services for the monument will also be invited. As part of the Festival programme the public are welcome to attend. This is one of the most significant projects the Society has undertaken and members' participation in its finalization would be most gratifying to the organizing committee. 150TH ANNIVERSARY PROJECTS: We have concentrated our efforts on finishing the monument and time capsule project within the 150th year and have found it necessary to abandon the historical tour project. We have applied to the State 150th Committee to transfer the funds allocated for the tour to construction of the monument. The historical tour project will be continued at a later date and photos of historic houses in the area, taken by Doug Orford, will be available for use in an associated display. At the time of writing, the monument construction is on schedule for the ceremony on 10th November. The concrete base has been completed and the main feature of the monument, which is an old tyring plate or disc, will be lifted into place in the next week. The final ceremony will involve lowering the sealed time capsule into place, bolting down its container lid and then concreting over the lid. The capsule will contain mainly items relating to present day Eltham and its people and is to be opened in the year 2035, a video film made by Joh Ebeli and also details of families and organizations who have contributed to construction of the monument. It is proposed to place the items in the capsule on 5th November and any items members think could be included may be submitted up to that date. The Society has received an excellent response from local people, firms and organizations by way of assistance with this project. Graham Beyer, who originated the project, has arranged many of the donations. He and his firm, Package Handling Equipment, have donated the time capsule itself and have carried out fabrication of sections of the monument. The design of the monument was adapted by Graham Beyer from drawings by Joh Ebeli. Charmac Industries has donated the container for the time capsule and a cast gun metal name plate for the monument. BMG Concrete has donated concrete for the base which was constructed by Caridi Construction Company. Northbourne Garden Supplies has donated materials for the paving around the monument. Robert Becker from Eltham Apex directed construction of the paving by Society members. Terry Hutchinson has agreed to donate the use of his crane to lift the tyring disc into place. Financial contributions have been made by the Eltham Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club of Eltham. We are grateful to all who have helped, and members' support for firms who have donated their services would be an appropriate recognition. It is planned to print "Time Capsule Certificates" which can be held by organizations or passed on to descendants by individuals. The certificates will indicate an interest in the contents of the capsule when it is opened in fifty years. Certificates will be distributed to Society members and those who have contributed to the project.Nine colour photographsactivities, 1985, time capsule, eltham, eltham festival -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Time Capsule Ceremony, 10 November 1985, 10/11/1985
On Sunday, 10 November 1985 a time capsule was lowered into a monument installed near the corner of Main Road and Pitt Street in Eltham, within the gardens at the front of what is now the Eltham Community and Reception Centre. This monument commemorates Victoria’s 150th anniversary and the former location of the Eltham Town Centre, which existed along this section of Main Road, then known as Maria Street. Beneath the site is a time capsule to be opened in the year 2035. A plaque was also erected at this site in October 1987 to commemorate the Shire of Eltham Historical Society’s 20th anniversary. The main feature of this monument is a ‘tyring disc’, a blacksmith’s implement that was found on this site. This consists of a large iron disc that was used as a platform for fitting iron tyres (like the one shown on top of the platform) to wooden-spoked cart wheels. The local blacksmith and wheelwright worked together to assemble the wheel, which was clamped to the platform placed close to the fire. The red-hot iron hoop, previously forged to the correct size, was lifted with tongs by the blacksmith over the outside of the rim, then hammered down amid flames from the scorching timber. The wheelwright drenched the tyre with cold water as soon as it was in position. A clamp placed on the naff (hub) and screwed down tightly kept the spokes at a constant angle as the tyre cooled. An even pressure from the contracting tyre tightened the joints at each end of the spokes and formed a vice-like grip, which would last for the life of the wheel. [from EDHS Newsletter No. 45, November 1985:] TIME CAPSULE CEREMONY: Our 150th Anniversary Monument is now under construction in the gardens in front of the Eltham Community Centre. Further details of the project are given under a separate heading below and this item deals with the proposed ceremony. We propose to formally lower the time capsule into its container underneath the monument as part of the Eltham Community Festival. All members are invited to attend the ceremony at 2.00 p.m. on Sunday, 10th November. Come earlier with a picnic lunch if you like. Local people and firms who have contributed money or services for the monument will also be invited. As part of the Festival programme the public are welcome to attend. This is one of the most significant projects the Society has undertaken and members' participation in its finalization would be most gratifying to the organizing committee. 150TH ANNIVERSARY PROJECTS: We have concentrated our efforts on finishing the monument and time capsule project within the 150th year and have found it necessary to abandon the historical tour project. We have applied to the State 150th Committee to transfer the funds allocated for the tour to construction of the monument. The historical tour project will be continued at a later date and photos of historic houses in the area, taken by Doug Orford, will be available for use in an associated display. At the time of writing, the monument construction is on schedule for the ceremony on 10th November. The concrete base has been completed and the main feature of the monument, which is an old tyring plate or disc, will be lifted into place in the next week. The final ceremony will involve lowering the sealed time capsule into place, bolting down its container lid and then concreting over the lid. The capsule will contain mainly items relating to present day Eltham and its people and is to be opened in the year 2035, a video film made by Joh Ebeli and also details of families and organizations who have contributed to construction of the monument. It is proposed to place the items in the capsule on 5th November and any items members think could be included may be submitted up to that date. The Society has received an excellent response from local people, firms and organizations by way of assistance with this project. Graham Beyer, who originated the project, has arranged many of the donations. He and his firm, Package Handling Equipment, have donated the time capsule itself and have carried out fabrication of sections of the monument. The design of the monument was adapted by Graham Beyer from drawings by Joh Ebeli. Charmac Industries has donated the container for the time capsule and a cast gun metal name plate for the monument. BMG Concrete has donated concrete for the base which was constructed by Caridi Construction Company. Northbourne Garden Supplies has donated materials for the paving around the monument. Robert Becker from Eltham Apex directed construction of the paving by Society members. Terry Hutchinson has agreed to donate the use of his crane to lift the tyring disc into place. Financial contributions have been made by the Eltham Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club of Eltham. We are grateful to all who have helped, and members' support for firms who have donated their services would be an appropriate recognition. It is planned to print "Time Capsule Certificates" which can be held by organizations or passed on to descendants by individuals. The certificates will indicate an interest in the contents of the capsule when it is opened in fifty years. Certificates will be distributed to Society members and those who have contributed to the project.Two colour photographsactivities, 1985, time capsule, eltham, eltham festival -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Sinking the capsule, Graham Beyer on left and Joh Ebeli, Time Capsule Ceremony, 10 November, 1985, 10/11/1985
On Sunday, 10 November 1985 a time capsule was lowered into a monument installed near the corner of Main Road and Pitt Street in Eltham, within the gardens at the front of what is now the Eltham Community and Reception Centre. This monument commemorates Victoria’s 150th anniversary and the former location of the Eltham Town Centre, which existed along this section of Main Road, then known as Maria Street. Beneath the site is a time capsule to be opened in the year 2035. A plaque was also erected at this site in October 1987 to commemorate the Shire of Eltham Historical Society’s 20th anniversary. The main feature of this monument is a ‘tyring disc’, a blacksmith’s implement that was found on this site. This consists of a large iron disc that was used as a platform for fitting iron tyres (like the one shown on top of the platform) to wooden-spoked cart wheels. The local blacksmith and wheelwright worked together to assemble the wheel, which was clamped to the platform placed close to the fire. The red-hot iron hoop, previously forged to the correct size, was lifted with tongs by the blacksmith over the outside of the rim, then hammered down amid flames from the scorching timber. The wheelwright drenched the tyre with cold water as soon as it was in position. A clamp placed on the naff (hub) and screwed down tightly kept the spokes at a constant angle as the tyre cooled. An even pressure from the contracting tyre tightened the joints at each end of the spokes and formed a vice-like grip, which would last for the life of the wheel. [from EDHS Newsletter No. 45, November 1985:] TIME CAPSULE CEREMONY: Our 150th Anniversary Monument is now under construction in the gardens in front of the Eltham Community Centre. Further details of the project are given under a separate heading below and this item deals with the proposed ceremony. We propose to formally lower the time capsule into its container underneath the monument as part of the Eltham Community Festival. All members are invited to attend the ceremony at 2.00 p.m. on Sunday, 10th November. Come earlier with a picnic lunch if you like. Local people and firms who have contributed money or services for the monument will also be invited. As part of the Festival programme the public are welcome to attend. This is one of the most significant projects the Society has undertaken and members' participation in its finalization would be most gratifying to the organizing committee. 150TH ANNIVERSARY PROJECTS: We have concentrated our efforts on finishing the monument and time capsule project within the 150th year and have found it necessary to abandon the historical tour project. We have applied to the State 150th Committee to transfer the funds allocated for the tour to construction of the monument. The historical tour project will be continued at a later date and photos of historic houses in the area, taken by Doug Orford, will be available for use in an associated display. At the time of writing, the monument construction is on schedule for the ceremony on 10th November. The concrete base has been completed and the main feature of the monument, which is an old tyring plate or disc, will be lifted into place in the next week. The final ceremony will involve lowering the sealed time capsule into place, bolting down its container lid and then concreting over the lid. The capsule will contain mainly items relating to present day Eltham and its people and is to be opened in the year 2035, a video film made by Joh Ebeli and also details of families and organizations who have contributed to construction of the monument. It is proposed to place the items in the capsule on 5th November and any items members think could be included may be submitted up to that date. The Society has received an excellent response from local people, firms and organizations by way of assistance with this project. Graham Beyer, who originated the project, has arranged many of the donations. He and his firm, Package Handling Equipment, have donated the time capsule itself and have carried out fabrication of sections of the monument. The design of the monument was adapted by Graham Beyer from drawings by Joh Ebeli. Charmac Industries has donated the container for the time capsule and a cast gun metal name plate for the monument. BMG Concrete has donated concrete for the base which was constructed by Caridi Construction Company. Northbourne Garden Supplies has donated materials for the paving around the monument. Robert Becker from Eltham Apex directed construction of the paving by Society members. Terry Hutchinson has agreed to donate the use of his crane to lift the tyring disc into place. Financial contributions have been made by the Eltham Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club of Eltham. We are grateful to all who have helped, and members' support for firms who have donated their services would be an appropriate recognition. It is planned to print "Time Capsule Certificates" which can be held by organizations or passed on to descendants by individuals. The certificates will indicate an interest in the contents of the capsule when it is opened in fifty years. Certificates will be distributed to Society members and those who have contributed to the project.Colour photographactivities, 1985, time capsule, eltham, eltham festival -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Photograph Tawonga Hotel, Tawonga Hotel Circa 1940s - 1950s, circa 1940s to 1950s
... the hub of small communities, and together with local churches ...This photograph shows the "lay back" atmosphere enjoyed in a small country town in the 1940s to the 1950s. Two women and a young boy basking in the warmth of the sun. The unsealed drive way and cars parked close to the entrance was typical of small towns during this period. Open doors and shady trees provided sufficient cooling for most sunny days. The wooden barrel next to the outside wall shows that storage space within the hotel was limited and that metal aluminium barrels had not been in existence. This photograph was taken at a time when children and women had limited access to the major drinking and entertainment facilities within a hotel(pub). Legal drinking age was for patrons 21 years and older and no strict dress codes where applied. The hotel bar was not open on Sundays (God fearing) and opening time restrictions were in place. "In transit" clients were given some leniency when staying in small country hotels as strict liquor laws This photograph presents a window to a life in the 1940s to 1950s, of a small town in the Kiewa Valley. It covers a period when the local hotel or "pub" was the meeting point for local men and women to talk about local events and life in general. It was also a point where "locals' had the first opportunity to meet new arrivals and converse with tourists and "through traffic". The importance of "face to face" verbal communication was a critical part of community life and interaction. The hotel(pub) was in this period the hub of small communities, and together with local churches provided the essential structure for a balanced existence in rural Australia.Black and white photo of Tawonga Hotel. This photo is in itself a photo of a photo and as such lacks fine detail. This reproduction is on "Kodak XtraLife II paper ""outback" hotels, pubs, rural short stay accommodation, tawonga hotel -
Kastellorizian Association of Victoria
Committee Minute Book, Castellorizian Brotherhood Minutes 1952 - 1965
The Castellorizian Brotherhood was the body representing the Castellorizian community in Melbourne. Formed in 1925, the Brotherhood and its many activities was the hub of the social life of the Melbourne Cassie Community. This Minute Book is significant because it is the only record of the minutes of the many state Castellorizian associations based in each Australian capital city at this time. It is also socially significant because its contents reflect the many issues and activities experienced by a minority immigrant group in Australia during the 1950s - 1960s.Leather bound book1952 - 1965 Minutes; written in Greekminutes, -
Chelsea & District Historical Society Inc
Book, Frank McGuire, Chelsea a Beachside Community, 1985
Chelsea: a Beachside Community, is the result of much research by the honorary historian of the City of Chelsea Historical Society Inc, Frank McGuire B.E.M.History of Chelsea, first land sales in 1875, highlights of Chelsea history up to 1985.Book soft cover life savers in costume with a lifesaving reel chelsea & district historical society inc., early settlers -
Box Hill Historical Society
Book, Alkira, Alkira People engaging in Community, 2014
A pictorial history of Alkira from its foundation in 1954 to 2014non-fictionA pictorial history of Alkira from its foundation in 1954 to 2014alkira, community services -
Box Hill Historical Society
Book, Finlay, Eleanor,Morgan, Marjorie, Those were the days: Box Hill in pictures 1930 - 1960, 1994
Pictorial history of Box Hill from 1930 to 1960, covering development, government, community services, industry, transport, arts and entertainment, war, sport, schools, churches, people, houses, shops, and centenary of local government.history, box hill, photographs, development, government, community services, industry, transport, arts, entertainment, war, sport, schools, churches, people, houses, shops, centenary, local government, 1930 - 1960 -
Box Hill Historical Society
Book, Finlay, Eleanor,Morgan, Marjorie, The days we remember: Box Hill in pictures 1960 - 1994, 1995
Picture history of Box Hill showing the development of the area from 1960 - 1994 with rapid population growth and major administrative changes. Photos include government, community services, industry, transport, shops, churches, sport, entertainment and arts, people, schools, houses and "Salute to Box Hill" (the end of Box Hill as a City).box hill, history, photographs, government, community services, industry, transport, shops, churches, sport, entertainment, arts, people, schools, houses, 1960 - 1994 -
Box Hill Historical Society
Book, Moore, Joy, A short history of the Box Hill Art Group Inc., 1952-2002, 2003
A history of the first 50 years of Box Hill Art Group Inc.100pp A4non-fictionA history of the first 50 years of Box Hill Art Group hill art group, irving avenue tennis pavilion, box hill electric supply building, box hill community arts centre -
Box Hill Historical Society
Book, Smith, Dennis K, Once in each lifetime : a social history of care for the dying in Eastern Melbourne (1901-2001), 2001
A history of care for the dying which concentrates upon the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne.97 ppnon-fictionA history of care for the dying which concentrates upon the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne.death and dying, palliative care, community services -
Box Hill Historical Society
Book, Macneil, Michael, Community choir : the story of the Maroondah Singers 1968 - 2008, 2008
A history of the Maroondah Singers71ppnon-fictionA history of the Maroondah Singerschoirs, maroondah singers -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Prof McIntyre and Philip Slobom, c2009
Environmental approach to preserving Kew Court House 4 June 2010 Paint stripping from older buildings can be a hazardous task. The City of Boroondara has found an environmentally sustainable solution for the works at local heritage icon, the Kew Police Station and Court House. Council used an organic based paint stripping alternative as part of the repairs to the rendering on the building facade. Over nearly three months, the damaged and unsound render was removed, the paint was stripped and the render was repainted. Usually, paint is removed via high pressure water cleaning or sandblasting. This is a harsh method and involves combining extreme high amounts of pressure, water and sand and is highly toxic. It also creates high noise levels. In this 'green' project, Council used a soy bean paint stripper. The process uses a paste-like substance, which is highly effective, non toxic and biodegradable, and applied by hand. Initially, a bandage is applied (much like a leg waxing strip) over the top of paste. It is allowed to dry and then the bandage is stripped off. Noise was kept to a minimum by using the paint stripping alternative. Scrapings and bandages are then bagged and sent to the tip as landfill, so it does not end up in our water supply. The waste and debris don’t run-off into drains, and the bags and bi-products are biodegradable. Studley Ward Councillor Phillip Healey explained that soy bean paint removal is not greatly used in Melbourne or the local government sector. "We know of special cases where it has been used, such as high profile projects like Sydney Harbour Bridge, but Boroondara is one of the first in Victoria to employ this natural plant-based paint-stripping treatment to a large-scale building," Cr Healey said. "What this means is that no harmful substances were used and no injury was caused, soy paint removal also preserves, protects and restores the heritage integrity and decorative stone masonry features of the historic building. "This is a terrific example of our commitment to 'enhancing the environment' which is one of our key directions in the 2010–15 Council Plan." The restoration of the Kew Court House and Police Station is expected to be completed in the year ahead. Council purchased the heritage building in 2007 with the intention for it to be restored and used for the community. The building required extensive renovation including repair of the slate roof and ventilation dome, and the renovation plans include a new foyer, bathrooms and kitchen to ensure the venue meets a broad range of community needs. Heritage Victoria helped fund the cost of the roof repairs with a grant of $250,000, along with the Australian Government contributing $330,000 through its Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program. Restoration Underway Concept plans for a new performance and exhibition space at the Kew Court House and Police Station have been developed by the City of Boroondara. Two years ago, Council Purchased the Kew Court House and Police Station from the State Government for $825,000 with the intention for it to be restored and used for the community. The building requires extensive renovation including repair of the slate roof and ventilation dome. The renovation plans include a new foyer, bathrooms and kitchen to ensure the venue meets a broad range of community needs. The restoration has been assisted with a Federal Government grant of $330,000 under the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program. In 2008, Council was also successful in obtaining a Heritage Victoria Grant of $250,000 towards the costs of the roof repairs. Having satisfied the necessary permit requirements, works are about to commence using slate of a similar quality to the original. The City of Boroondara would like to thank all residents and businesses who have contributed to the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal which has raised $650,000. Special thanks go to a private donor who donated $250,000 and the Kew Senior Citizens Club which contributed $50,000. NEWS FLASH 14th March “Council moves to provide certainty for the restoration of the courthouse”. In a historic meeting last night 13th March 07 at Boroondara Council voted overwhelmingly to complete the purchase of the Kew Court House. The partnership continues between the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal and the Council to see this project through. The project now has the overwhelming support of Council. “It is no longer about “if” it is about “when” the doors will re open” said Prof Peter McIntyre. With the property secured the fundraising can now be completed without the encumbrances and we know the restoration will be undertaken as the funds become available from the appeal. Work can commence as soon as significant fund raising is achieved. “The community, philanthropists and corporations can now enter this project with certainty. 7th March At the Council meeting on 5th March, following many hours of debate a motion was passed by 5 to 4 vote to purchase the Kew Court House and Police Station outright. As of 7th March Cr Dick Menting lodged a rescission notice. This means that there was another Council meeting at 6pm, Tuesday 13th March at Council Chambers. MEDIA RELEASE - Kew, 3rd December 2006 APPEAL LAUNCHED TO SAVE A NATIONAL TREASURE On the morning of Saturday 18th. November 2006 the people of Kew were aroused by the triumphant sound of the Boroondara Brass which had assembled outside the former Kew Police Station. After four long years of neglect, the precinct was being heralded back to life, and what a heartwarming sound it was for all those early shoppers who gathered to hear Cr. Phillip Healey introduce Patrons and supporters of the Save the Court House campaign. Following the speeches, the "Thermometer" was unveiled and the Appeal was formally under way. The various committees have worked very hard during these past weeks. The Kew Court House Arts Association Inc. has been formed under the leadership of Graeme McCoubrie. This organization brings all the amateur theatre groups in the City of Boroondara together with a view to providing them with a permanent performing space within the former Court House. As well as intimate theatre, there will be provision for the staging of instrumental and choral performances before an audience of 40 to 50 people. The Police Station will compliment the function of the Court House by providing a venue for artist groups to exhibit their work, for the Historical Societies of Boroondara to meet, and for study groups to meet, for activities such as play and poetry readings. It will be a Hub for the Arts in Kew. Of course none of this can happen unless the money to pay for restoration of the buildings is raised, and we only have until March 2007 in which to do this. The City of Boroondara, Kew Historical Society and the East Kew Community Bank are working together as a team to make this dream a reality, but WE NEED YOUR HELP. This is a fantastic one-off opportunity, and it must not be wasted. Donations to the Appeal can be made through the Kew East Kew Community Bank or any branch of the Bendigo Bank, or through the Kew Historical Society Inc., P.O. Box 175 Kew Vic 3101. All donations over $2 are tax deductible through the Community Enterprise Foundation. End Media Release Kew Courthouse future looks bright The State Government has accepted an offer from the local government of Boroondara to purchase the former Kew Courthouse and Police Station, Minister for Finance John Lenders said today. In a joint statement with the Mayor of Boroondara, Councillor Jack Wegman, Mr Lenders said he was pleased that agreement had been reached and the contract of sale document finalised. “I welcome the Council making this step towards purchasing this property after recent negotiations,” Mr Lenders said. “The settlement date for the purchase of the property is March 2007. The State government sold the property to Council at a reduced cost of $825,000 for community use. The full value of the buildings on the commercial marketplace was estimated to be about $2million,” he said. Cr Wegman said the Contract of Sale provides that if the funds cannot be raised to restore the property for use as community buildings then they will be returned to the State government. In relation to this additional funding to restore and modernise the buildings, Council and the community will work together over the next eight months, with the encouragement of the State government, Cr Wegman said. Mr Lenders said both he and the Premier had advised the Council of fundraising opportunities to help the Council convert the property for its future use. Cr Wegman noted that applications for funding from the Community Support Fund and for State government heritage grants were being processed. “Council has agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kew Historical Society outlining arrangements for the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal and Council is delighted with the level of support shown by the community and is confident of a bright future for these historic buildings.” Mr Lenders said the Bracks Government is committed to securing the best outcome when buildings that have once served the community outlive their original purpose. “There is a responsibility for Governments to practice good financial management and achieve the best possible price when an asset is longer used by the State,” he said. “There is also a responsibility to consider the local community. The Government and City of Boroondara have worked hard to achieve a balance between these two interests.” The building ceased to operate as a courthouse in 1971 and as a police station in 2002. Part of the building was also used as a post office and this section of the building was sold by the Commonwealth in 1992 to a private owner and is currently run as a licensed restaurant. It is listed on the State's Heritage Register as a place of historical and architectural significance and is protected by the Victorian Heritage Act. Created: 30 August 2006 Last Update: 10 January 2007 kew, kew court house, phillip slobom, town crier, professor peter mcintyre -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Kew Historical Society in the Former Kew Court House, c2009
Environmental approach to preserving Kew Court House 4 June 2010 Paint stripping from older buildings can be a hazardous task. The City of Boroondara has found an environmentally sustainable solution for the works at local heritage icon, the Kew Police Station and Court House. Council used an organic based paint stripping alternative as part of the repairs to the rendering on the building facade. Over nearly three months, the damaged and unsound render was removed, the paint was stripped and the render was repainted. Usually, paint is removed via high pressure water cleaning or sandblasting. This is a harsh method and involves combining extreme high amounts of pressure, water and sand and is highly toxic. It also creates high noise levels. In this 'green' project, Council used a soy bean paint stripper. The process uses a paste-like substance, which is highly effective, non toxic and biodegradable, and applied by hand. Initially, a bandage is applied (much like a leg waxing strip) over the top of paste. It is allowed to dry and then the bandage is stripped off. Noise was kept to a minimum by using the paint stripping alternative. Scrapings and bandages are then bagged and sent to the tip as landfill, so it does not end up in our water supply. The waste and debris don’t run-off into drains, and the bags and bi-products are biodegradable. Studley Ward Councillor Phillip Healey explained that soy bean paint removal is not greatly used in Melbourne or the local government sector. "We know of special cases where it has been used, such as high profile projects like Sydney Harbour Bridge, but Boroondara is one of the first in Victoria to employ this natural plant-based paint-stripping treatment to a large-scale building," Cr Healey said. "What this means is that no harmful substances were used and no injury was caused, soy paint removal also preserves, protects and restores the heritage integrity and decorative stone masonry features of the historic building. "This is a terrific example of our commitment to 'enhancing the environment' which is one of our key directions in the 2010–15 Council Plan." The restoration of the Kew Court House and Police Station is expected to be completed in the year ahead. Council purchased the heritage building in 2007 with the intention for it to be restored and used for the community. The building required extensive renovation including repair of the slate roof and ventilation dome, and the renovation plans include a new foyer, bathrooms and kitchen to ensure the venue meets a broad range of community needs. Heritage Victoria helped fund the cost of the roof repairs with a grant of $250,000, along with the Australian Government contributing $330,000 through its Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program. Restoration Underway Concept plans for a new performance and exhibition space at the Kew Court House and Police Station have been developed by the City of Boroondara. Two years ago, Council Purchased the Kew Court House and Police Station from the State Government for $825,000 with the intention for it to be restored and used for the community. The building requires extensive renovation including repair of the slate roof and ventilation dome. The renovation plans include a new foyer, bathrooms and kitchen to ensure the venue meets a broad range of community needs. The restoration has been assisted with a Federal Government grant of $330,000 under the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program. In 2008, Council was also successful in obtaining a Heritage Victoria Grant of $250,000 towards the costs of the roof repairs. Having satisfied the necessary permit requirements, works are about to commence using slate of a similar quality to the original. The City of Boroondara would like to thank all residents and businesses who have contributed to the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal which has raised $650,000. Special thanks go to a private donor who donated $250,000 and the Kew Senior Citizens Club which contributed $50,000. NEWS FLASH 14th March “Council moves to provide certainty for the restoration of the courthouse”. In a historic meeting last night 13th March 07 at Boroondara Council voted overwhelmingly to complete the purchase of the Kew Court House. The partnership continues between the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal and the Council to see this project through. The project now has the overwhelming support of Council. “It is no longer about “if” it is about “when” the doors will re open” said Prof Peter McIntyre. With the property secured the fundraising can now be completed without the encumbrances and we know the restoration will be undertaken as the funds become available from the appeal. Work can commence as soon as significant fund raising is achieved. “The community, philanthropists and corporations can now enter this project with certainty. 7th March At the Council meeting on 5th March, following many hours of debate a motion was passed by 5 to 4 vote to purchase the Kew Court House and Police Station outright. As of 7th March Cr Dick Menting lodged a rescission notice. This means that there was another Council meeting at 6pm, Tuesday 13th March at Council Chambers. MEDIA RELEASE - Kew, 3rd December 2006 APPEAL LAUNCHED TO SAVE A NATIONAL TREASURE On the morning of Saturday 18th. November 2006 the people of Kew were aroused by the triumphant sound of the Boroondara Brass which had assembled outside the former Kew Police Station. After four long years of neglect, the precinct was being heralded back to life, and what a heartwarming sound it was for all those early shoppers who gathered to hear Cr. Phillip Healey introduce Patrons and supporters of the Save the Court House campaign. Following the speeches, the "Thermometer" was unveiled and the Appeal was formally under way. The various committees have worked very hard during these past weeks. The Kew Court House Arts Association Inc. has been formed under the leadership of Graeme McCoubrie. This organization brings all the amateur theatre groups in the City of Boroondara together with a view to providing them with a permanent performing space within the former Court House. As well as intimate theatre, there will be provision for the staging of instrumental and choral performances before an audience of 40 to 50 people. The Police Station will compliment the function of the Court House by providing a venue for artist groups to exhibit their work, for the Historical Societies of Boroondara to meet, and for study groups to meet, for activities such as play and poetry readings. It will be a Hub for the Arts in Kew. Of course none of this can happen unless the money to pay for restoration of the buildings is raised, and we only have until March 2007 in which to do this. The City of Boroondara, Kew Historical Society and the East Kew Community Bank are working together as a team to make this dream a reality, but WE NEED YOUR HELP. This is a fantastic one-off opportunity, and it must not be wasted. Donations to the Appeal can be made through the Kew East Kew Community Bank or any branch of the Bendigo Bank, or through the Kew Historical Society Inc., P.O. Box 175 Kew Vic 3101. All donations over $2 are tax deductible through the Community Enterprise Foundation. End Media Release Kew Courthouse future looks bright The State Government has accepted an offer from the local government of Boroondara to purchase the former Kew Courthouse and Police Station, Minister for Finance John Lenders said today. In a joint statement with the Mayor of Boroondara, Councillor Jack Wegman, Mr Lenders said he was pleased that agreement had been reached and the contract of sale document finalised. “I welcome the Council making this step towards purchasing this property after recent negotiations,” Mr Lenders said. “The settlement date for the purchase of the property is March 2007. The State government sold the property to Council at a reduced cost of $825,000 for community use. The full value of the buildings on the commercial marketplace was estimated to be about $2million,” he said. Cr Wegman said the Contract of Sale provides that if the funds cannot be raised to restore the property for use as community buildings then they will be returned to the State government. In relation to this additional funding to restore and modernise the buildings, Council and the community will work together over the next eight months, with the encouragement of the State government, Cr Wegman said. Mr Lenders said both he and the Premier had advised the Council of fundraising opportunities to help the Council convert the property for its future use. Cr Wegman noted that applications for funding from the Community Support Fund and for State government heritage grants were being processed. “Council has agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kew Historical Society outlining arrangements for the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal and Council is delighted with the level of support shown by the community and is confident of a bright future for these historic buildings.” Mr Lenders said the Bracks Government is committed to securing the best outcome when buildings that have once served the community outlive their original purpose. “There is a responsibility for Governments to practice good financial management and achieve the best possible price when an asset is longer used by the State,” he said. “There is also a responsibility to consider the local community. The Government and City of Boroondara have worked hard to achieve a balance between these two interests.” The building ceased to operate as a courthouse in 1971 and as a police station in 2002. Part of the building was also used as a post office and this section of the building was sold by the Commonwealth in 1992 to a private owner and is currently run as a licensed restaurant. It is listed on the State's Heritage Register as a place of historical and architectural significance and is protected by the Victorian Heritage Act. Created: 30 August 2006 Last Update: 10 January 2007 Colour photograph of the Kew Historical Society holding an event in the Former Kew Court House.kew, kew court house, kew historical society, meeting, city of boroondara -
Unions Ballarat
Photographs: Unions Ballarat building renovations 2018, 2018
... is a community hub in Ballarat as well as being the point of contact ...The Ballarat Trades Hall building is located at 24 Camp Street, Ballarat. The foundation stone was laid in October 1887. (Architects were Messrs James and Piper and builders were Messrs Lietch and Outtrim.) Over several decades, the façade of the building has fallen into disrepair and was posing a safety risk. Thanks to Victorian heritage grants and ongoing public donations, refurbishment of the façade is currently underway by Troon Pty Ltd. The photos in this entry show the deterioration of the building and the progress in restoring it to its former state. Progress catalogued by date: 13 February 2018 - 1 photo 19 February 2018 - 1 photo 23 February 2018 - 1-6 photos 5 March 2018 - 1-5 photos 12 March - 1 photo 4 April 2018 - 1-6 photos 18 April 2018 - 1-7 photos 23 April 2018 - 1 photo. The top of our restored building starts to poke out as the scaffold comes down level by level - the rendered wash-coat colour looks fantastic in the sun - as close as we can get to the original 1887 colour.The Hall is a community hub in Ballarat as well as being the point of contact and activism for unions and unionists in the area. These photographs are a critical part of the building's history.Photographs of Ballarat Trades Hall renovations. btlc, ballarat regional trades and labour council, ballarat trades hall, building, building fund, james and piper, lietch and outtrim, troon pty ltd, building - resoration, heritage victoria, grants -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Silver covered Weeroona College 2002 Annual Awards Presentation Program with the College emblem on the front. Presentation was on the 19th December, 2002. Masters of Ceremonies was Alicia Purtill and Dale Young. Awards are listed and the names of students from Prep to Grade 6 and also from Year 7 to Year 10 are listed. Listed too are the Community Service Award and Team Sports Award.weeroona college - bendigo, arthur mcphan, neville sharpe, ken stewart, graeme parker, gay huggard, rod fyffe, rod lester, jim evan, amanda hubber, richard murphy, kristen miller, todd carrington, a t dingle auditorium, alicia purtill, dale young, wiltronics, bendigo historical society, bendigo chaplaincy committee, weeroona college bendigo parents' club, gillies bros -
U3A Nunawading Inc
Document, Brief History of U3A Nunawading from October 1990 to July 2023
... U3A Nunawading Inc Nunawading Community Hub 96-106 ...Document assembled from newsletters, AGM reports, and member knowledge, by Andrew Lockwood, Elsie Mutton, and Ken Briscoe. -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, Jelbart home, 93 Arthur Street, Eltham, 11 November 2006
Situated at the top of the hill in Arthur Street, the former Jelbart residence and barn were part of a major change that transformed Eltham's character in the late 1960s. Built from the mid 1940s through mid 1950s when Eltham was a rural community, the Jelbrat residence and barn are all that remain of a family property of some 250 acres (100 ha). With growing population pressures, in the late 1960s, owners Ron and Yvonne Jelbart decided to subdivide their property creating the Woodridge Estate in the early 1970s, a major factor towards the transformation of Eltham to the suburb it is today. The Jelbarts had moved to Eltham in the early 1940s when they purchased a poultry farm in New Street, now Lavendar Park Road. (The local Black Friday bushire of January 13, 1939 had started at C.A. (Clarrie) Hurst’s Eltham Poultry Farm and Hatchery in New Street.) Jelbart was primarily a businessman importing office machinery but desired farm beef and dairy cattle so the couple purchased the virgin bushland at what was then at the end of a dirt road, Arthur Street. With post war shortages of most building materials, they followed the example of the Eltham Artists' Colony (later called Montsalvat) and built thier home from mud-bricks and recyclked materials. The barn was first to be completed in 1945 which they made their home whilst building the main residence. It took eight years to complete the two buildings. Both the main residence and the barn are now separate homes, and along with the remaining property being sub-divided further in 1998 are now part of the Kinloch Gardens Estate at 93 Arthur Street. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p139 Standing on a hilltop at Arthur Street, Eltham, the Jelbart residence and former barn were part of a major change that transformed Eltham’s character in the late 1960s. Built from the late 1940s to the mid 1950s when Eltham was a rural community, they are all that remain of what was once a family property of around 250 acres (100 ha). As population pressure increased in the late 1960s, owners Ron and Yvonne Jelbart, decided to subdivide their property. The break-up of this property into the Woodridge Estate in the early 1970s, was a major factor towards transforming Eltham into the suburb it is today.1 Although standing only a few minutes from Eltham’s busy hub and hundreds of houses in Woodridge, scarcely any urban sound disturbs the peace. Views from the two buildings are almost exclusively of trees and extend to Mt. Dandenong to the south-east, the Great Divide to the north, and Melbourne city to the south-west. The Jelbarts had lived in Eltham since the early 1940s when they bought a poultry farm in New Street, now Lavender Park Road. Although Jelbart was primarily a businessman importing office machinery, he was keen to farm dairy and beef cattle, so the couple bought rough bushland at what was then the end of Arthur Street. But a shortage of building materials following World War Two hampered their plans to build their new home, so they followed the example of the Eltham Artists’ Colony (later called Montsalvat) and used mud-bricks and recycled materials.2 With great determination the family and friends constructed their house. Massive timber frames and huge quantities of mud-bricks were made on site. The barn was built first in 1945, and two years later, while camping inside, the Jelbarts started building their house. It took eight years to construct the two buildings, even with the help of professional tradesmen. The buildings, with timber frames infilled with mud-brick and plastered, are reminiscent of the English Tudor style. The Jelbarts are of Cornish stock. Much of the timber framework came from demolished bridges or warehouses, and recycled slate was used for roofs and floors. Quality second-hand materials were readily available in the late 1940s and 1950s when there was much demolition in Melbourne and little respect for heritage. A former 19th century Toorak mansion Woorigoleen provided the magnificent stone fireplace, the timber panelling and the parquetry floor in the living room. The large stone gateposts at the entry of the property came from Melbourne University. Almost no mechanical equipment was used to build the 55 square house and the 25 square barn. Massive timber frames were erected using block and tackle pulleys and timbers were shaped, sawn and drilled by hand. Son and architect Ian, with his family, have lived in and extensively renovated both buildings since the early 1970s. Ian transformed the steep ridge of the property into a plateau, where the main house Kinloch stands, surrounded by terraces and lawns. The grounds retain many native plants, including massive yellow boxes – some nudging 80 years. Ian attached 70 metres of pergolas draped with wisteria, roses and grape vines, to three sides of the house. The beautiful garden is featured in the book Through the Rose Arbour by Rosemary Houseman. The two-storey barn – now a house – retains traces of its original use. The cow-shed with milking and feed-rooms, and the machinery-shed remain. The house, separated on the ground floor by a breeze-way, soars two storeys and includes a mezzanine. These are connected by spiral staircases, to timber-beamed and plaster-lined high-pitched ceilings. The house also descends to a wine cellar. Curiously the roof is of corrugated iron on the south and slate on the north, to save costs. Small-paned windows and three French doors open onto the front lawn, which extends to Jelbart Court.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, eltham, arthur street, jelbart barn, jelbart home, kinloch gardens -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Eltham Living and Learning Centre, 26 January 2008
In 1857, tanner John Pearson purchased three and a half acres of land in Little Eltham, at the western end of Pitt Street, with a 70-foot frontage to Maria Street (Main Road) and stretching down to the Diamond Creek for £100. He contracted Benjamin Oliver Wallis to build house for him. Wallis, a mason by trade who originated from the Cornish village of Newlyn, migrated to Melbourne in 1853 and was shortly engaged by Richard Warren to build the Eltham Hotel, which opened in 1854. When Warren fell into financial difficulty in 1858, Wallis purchased the hotel. That same year, Pearson constructed a tannery below the house with access to the water in the Diamond Creek. When Pearson became bankrupt in 1867, Wallis similarly acquired the house from Pearson’s creditors in 1868 and lived there until his death in 1896. For some of this time the house was in the name of Wallis’s son Richard but following his death in 1888, ownership reverted to his father. It was purchased by retired teacher Richard Gilsenen in 1899. Gilsenen was made acting head teacher at the Eltham State School in 1906 following the sudden death of head teacher John Brown. In the 1950s the house was bought by retired engineer Dr Alfred Fitzpatrick and his wife Claire who made various modifications to house goats and poultry as well as structural modifications to the house. In the early 1970s, Eltham Shire Councillors Frank Maas and Don Maling proposed an extended communities’ activities program be set up and the Commonwealth Grants Commission was approached for financial assistance. In 1974 a $50,000 Commonwealth Grant was received by the Shire Council to acquire the Fitzpatrick property as part of the planning to establish an extended communities’ activities program. The Fitzpatricks moved next door and Claire taught at the new Living and Learning Centre, which began in 1975, one of the first community education centres in Victoria. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p59 It’s a centre for sharing knowledge and friendship and it stands on the former hub of Eltham’s original township near Pitt Street. The Eltham Living and Learning Centre, with around 2000 participants a year, began in 1975 as one of the first Community Education Centres in Victoria. Classes ranging from macramé to wine making to environmental living have enriched the lives of thousands of people through the generosity of tutors sharing their skills free of charge. The centre’s heart is the brick cottage, built in 1858 by tanner John Pearson. He bought the three and a half acre (1.4ha) allotment fronting Maria Street (now Main Road) and stretching down to the Diamond Creek. The allotment formed part of a 316 acre (127.8ha) subdivision, owned by Josiah Holloway, called Little Eltham, north of the original Eltham Reserve.1 The allotment then passed through the hands of several speculators before it was sold to Pearson for £100 in 1857. Mr Pearson’s children attended the Eltham Primary School from 1864 to 1867. But creditors took possession of the property when his tannery folded in 1867. It was then sold to publican Benjamin Wallis, who owned the Eltham Hotel at the corner of Pitt Street and Main Road. In 1899 the property was bought by Richard Gilsenan, who became acting head teacher of the Eltham Primary State School in 1906. In the 1950s, retired engineer Dr Alfred Fitzpatrick and his wife Claire bought the property, and made structural changes. Claire, a journalist and community campaigner, modified and built pens for goats and poultry, a stable, a garage and planted fruit trees and a vegetable garden. In the early 1970s a young woman called Carina Hack approached Gwen Wesson at the Diamond Valley Learning Centre (Victoria’s first Community Education Centre) about starting a community centre. Following Wesson’s suggestion, Hack spoke to Shire President Alistair Knox ‘one bleak rainy afternoon, sipping hot drinks and discussing life’.2 Eltham Shire Councillors Frank Maas and Don Maling proposed a community activities program and the council received a $50,000 Commonwealth Government Grant for this venture.3 The Fitzpatricks sold their property to the council and moved next door and Claire taught at the new centre, which Hack named. Eltham obviously wanted such a centre as Hack recalls. ‘During the next two months we had about 50 volunteers working day, night and weekends, scrubbing down, plastering and painting walls, replacing floors, repairing fences, recycling furniture, sewing curtains and cushions, donating furniture, toys, equipment, clean-ing and gardening…’4 The first enrolment day saw a queue stretching up the driveway nearly to the gate and the first sessions attracted 270 people a week. Soon the outbuildings were converted into pottery studios and a large workshop. From 1979 the Eltham Art and Craft Market was held in the centre’s grounds and the Friends of the Centre ran it from 1980. A former program coordinator, Margaret Johnson, remembers enrolment day in the late 1970s and 1980s, when hundreds of people would queue – and some even camped overnight! Overnighters were greeted in the morning with fresh tea and toast. Another tradition was The Enrolment Day Cake with Recipe, given to volunteers. ‘One happy Enrolment Day fell on February 14 and let’s just say that St Valentine found some willing participants, paying $2 for a kiss.’5 Meanwhile the participants’ children could play at the Council Eltham Lower Park house in Hohnes Road, later in Susan Street. But the centre has had difficulties too. In 1990 a fire destroyed the stable and the police suspected arson. However the pavilion was built in its place.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, benjamin oliver wallis, claire fitzpatrick, don maling, dr alfred fitzpatrick, eltham living and learning centre, frank maas, john pearson, richard gilsenen, tannery -
Clunes Museum
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Clair Schofield, Bombala Hub of Southern Monaro, 1990
... to the community in 1990. Bombala Hub of Southern Monaro Book Clair ...A history of the Shire of Bombala New South Wales, including the geology, Aboriginals, squatters and settlers, to industries, social activities and services to the community in 1990.settlers, township -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Mixed media - Video, RDHS Meeting Presentation - "Then and Now of Mooroolbark" - Marion Stott OAM
Digitised video (3.68GB). Duration: 62 minutes. Recorded March, 2025 (Video is available for viewing at Ringwood & District Historical Society Archives by appointment)The Parish of Mooroolbark was surveyed in 1855, with a township originally called Brushy Creek standing where North Croydon is today. The name "Mooroolbark" was to be popularised with eventual European settlement in the late 19thy century. A rural hub developed around the train station, which opened in 1887 and offered rail access to Melbourne, with the Post Office opened shortly after in 1888. In this video presentation, Marion Stott, OAM, President and Founding Member of the Mooroolbark History Group, provides "Then and Now" details of all this and more. As well as activities in promoting local history, Marion is actively involved in local RSL, Traders group, and community events including Mooroolbark Red Earth Festival. For services to the community of Mooroolbark, Marion was awarded an OAM in 2020.