Showing 52 items
matching applied mechanics
Orbost & District Historical Society
certificates, 1909, 1911, 1912
... for full day courses and a certificate for Applied Mechanics... scholarship for full day courses and a certificate for Applied ...These four certificates belonged to William Hunter. William Hunter (1893-1971) was a resident of Tatura and Mallacoota. He was a soldier, surveyor and amateur naturalist. The certificates include two first prizes for surveying, a technical scholarship for full day courses and a certificate for Applied Mechanics. William received his Surveying Certificate in April 1916. In June 1887, the Working Men's College opened after Francis Ormond, a noted Victorian philanthropist and member of parliament, suggested that a technical institute be built in Melbourne, offering further education for working men and women. He had offered to match the sum raised through public subscription if the government could provide a site for the College. William Hunter made valuable contributions to our knowledge of far East Gippsland plants. His records were meticulous. These certificates are part of his history.Four card certificates of merit for "Annual Examinations" from the Working Men's College, The Technical College and School of Mines for the Metropolitan District.All four certificates awarded to "William Hunter" and signed by Mordaunt Arundel Hall (accountant & chief clerk WMC) as the Acting Director.hunter-william-surveyor -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Booklet - Syllabus, Government Technical School, Hobart, Syllabus, 1892, 1892
... evening classes in technical art and applied mechanics. Two months... evening classes in technical art and applied mechanics. Two months ...The Tasmanian Parliament made provision for 'the teaching of the principles of technical education' in the Education Act (1885). Regulations specifying courses of instruction and establishing a committee of Technical Education followed in 1887. The first government Technical School opened in Hobart in 1888, offering evening classes in technical art and applied mechanics. Two months later a school was established in Launceston. Small classes were also held in regional centres and Schools of Mines were established in Zeehan, Queenstown and Beaconsfield. Curricula quickly expanded to include subjects ranging from mineralogy and metallurgy to commercial economy, beginning the long tradition of directly linking the schools with the interests of business and industry. The Technical Schools largely worked independently, with varying degrees of success, until 1916 when a Commission of Inquiry recommended the integration of technical education into the state education system. The outcome was a new Technical Education Branch, formed to administer Technical Schools and Schools of Mines and to provide a structured technical education system, comprising distinct trade certificates and applied sciences, engineering and arts diploma courses. Pale orange soft covered booklet.hobart, technical school, syllabus, malcolm kennedy, a. mault, r.s. pemberton, a. morton, a.j. taylor, henry lamb, j. mcmeekin, j.h. hunt, j.r. trantham-fryer, f.g. howell, w. middleton, trevor russell, j.f. echlin, w.f. ward, archibald park, a paton miller, committee members of technical education, department of art, department of mathematics, department of engineering, department of commercial economy, department of geology mineralogy mining, department of chemistry, department of pharmacy, department of veterinary science -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Booklet - Prospectus, Bairnsdale District School of Mines, Prospectus, 1904, 1904
... , Petrology, Dynamics and Heat, Magnetism & Electricity, Mechanics... & Electricity, Mechanics Applied to Mining, Land Surveying, Mine..., Dynamics and Heat, Magnetism & Electricity, Mechanics Applied ...Higher education in east Gippsland dates back to 1890, and the opening of the Bairnsdale District School of Mines, In 1986 the Bairnsdale School of Mines and the Sale and Bairnsdale Technical schools amalgamated to form the East Gippsland Community College of TAFE. In 1995 it became the East Gippsland Institute of Technology, and in 2011 changed its name to Advance TAFE. The Bairnsdale District School of Mines Prospectus includes the members of council, a photographic image of the school, teaching staff, rules relating to students and instructors, Constitution, and a prospectus of subjects including Mining and Science Subjects, Diploma Courses, Preliminary Training, Metallurgy Course, Mining Engineering Course, Battery Manager's Certificate, Assayer's Certificate. It also includes a scale of fees, information on the Metallurgical Plant, Chemistry, Assaying and Metallurgy, Geology, Mining Geology, Mining, Petrology, Dynamics and Heat, Magnetism & Electricity, Mechanics Applied to Mining, Land Surveying, Mine Surveying, Algebra, Euclid, Trigonometry, Mechanical Drawing, Practical Plane Geometry, Practical Solid Geometry, Engineering Drawing, Art Subjects, and a list of certificates issued by the school since 1892.Grey soft covered book of 68 pages. The Bairsndale District School of Mines Prospectus includes the members of council, an photographic image of the school, teaching staff, rules relating to students and instructors, Constitution, and a prospectus of subjects including Mining and Science Subjects, Diploma Courses, Preliminary Training, Metallurgy Course, Mining Engineering Course, Battery Manager's Certificate, Assayer's Certificate. It also includes a scale of fees, information on the Metallurgical Plant and its chares, Chemistry, Assaying and Metallurgy, Geology, Mining Geology, Mining, Petrology, Dynamics and Heat, Magnetism & Electricity, Mechanics Applied to Mining, Land Surveying, Mine Surveying, Algebra, Euclid, Trigonometry, Mechanical Drawing, Practical Plane Geometry, Practical Solid Geometry, Engineering Drawing, Art Subjects, and a list of certificates issued by the school since 1892.bairnsdale district school of mines, bairnsdale, school of mines, donald clark, francis w. sewell, j.v.r. anderson, a.d. pleydell, walter seehusen, director, mining engineering, metallurgy, academy of arts, municipal surveyor, 1914 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Certificate stub book, School of Mines Ballarat, Ballarat School of Mines Certificate Stubb Book, 1938-1964
... , algebra, trigonometry, mechanics and heat, applied mechanics, heat..., algebra, trigonometry, mechanics and heat, applied mechanics, heat ...This certificate stub book contains the subject certificates of the graduates of the School of Mines and Indutsries, Ballarat, a predecessor of Federation University Australia.This item highlights the subjects studied and graduates of the School of Mines between 1938 to 1964. It also records the change of cursive over that time.This book includes stubs of subject certificates from the School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat. This also contains a number of uncollected certificates. It is a brown hardback book with black binding. Its contents covers certificates between 1938 to 1964. Names of recipients include: Charles Holt, Henry Elford, Irvin Singleton, J. H. Hughes, John Morcom, Alfred Amor, John Wastell, John Rudwick, Jared Hines, Harry Allan, L. F. J. Hillman, Arthur Davies, Letitia Stanley, Victor Wright,Raymond Ball, Mary O'Callaghan, Ethna Burke, Alec Foyster, James Duggan, Leonard Auchettl, Reeves Collins, James Patterson, Stanley Douglas Webb, Oswald Lyle, Marvis Orr, Eric Roberts, Jack Clennell, A. R. Millar, Heith Smyth, Walter Hines, Harold Leslie, Joseph Fisher, Geoffry Burns, Alick Dait, George Hill, Raymond Wines, Robert Manson, Albert O'Neill, Thomas Green, William Stargatt, William Harrison, Reginald Allen, Albert Wilson, Allan Curtis, Arthur Donald, John Wynn, Sydney Robinson, John Blackic, Percy Elsdon, Hubert Jenkins, Kingsley Callister, Douglas Hall, Norman Lawson, Winfield Tonkin, Artuhur Williams, Allan Curtis, Ernest, Billinge, John Daelon, Harold Bunting, Stanley Wilton, Robert Sugden, Heith Foster, Winsome Stevens, Herbert Stanbridge, Robert Pittard, Henry Brew, Ernest Berriman, Carlyle West-Onley, William Blackic, Lorna Dunstan, Cedric Pike, Stanley Jephson, Hugh Hendrick, Joseph Fisher, Ernest Grove, Ronald Fisher, Heith Halsall, Henry Harris, Maxwell Silvey, Stanley Trengove, Donald Trescowthick, Harold Tolliday, Russell Lucas, John Boyd, John Keys, Stanley Betteridge, Ernest Betteridge, Michael Ross, Robert Stewart, Joseph Beasley, William Beasley, Ray Deveson, George Hennessy, Charles Matthews, Maxwell Silvey, Ian Creek, Geoffrey Moorhouse, Hector Tonks, John Donald, Hugh Hendrick, Stanley Jephson, Ian McIntosh, Robert Nice, Ralph Scott, Walter Martin, Grant Coutts, Lindsay Hannah, John Tainsh, Hubert Robinson, John Donald, George Beaton, Heather Harris, Brian McCarthy, Samuel Perry, Valentine Pascoe, Philip McLean, Geoffrey Hewish, Hubert Robinson, John Borch, Frederick Gale, Ian Grundell, Albert Perry, Frank Hutchinson, Horace Shuttleworth, Kenneth Mason, David Hatt, Malcom Foster, George Jones, Graham McKinnon, Ronald Newton, John Betts, Leonard Wade, Robert McClure, David Beaumont, Leslie Powell, Samuel Perry, Donald Treweek, Edgar McArthur, Russell Fraser, Edgar McArthur Bartrop, Clive Carmichael, Leslie Fuhrmeister, Lindsay Coon, Zigurds Plavina, Victor Gingell, Rupert McKenna, Graham McKinnon, David Fairley, Johannes Meennen, Ronald Murphy, Johannes Naus, John McConville, Graham Melonie, William Cutter, Thomas Chalkley, Kenneth Morton, Stanley Shears, Robert Auld, Donald Campbell, John Cofield, Brian Whykes, William Milford, Noel Richards, Stewart Jacobs, James Robertson, Clement Rose, Eric Brown, Allan Raworth, Ernest Salter, Neville Cartledge, Peter Stacey, Robert McClure, Antonius Goossens, Rodney Cartledge, Rodney Hayes, Bevan Grigsby, James Robertson, Neil Stephens, John Riddle, Andreas Aaus, Bruce Fletcher, Keith Pedler, Allen Flavell, Robert Cartledge, Ronald Shaw, Kenneth Hibberd, William Lockland, Percival Bilney and Petrus Damen. Uncollected certificates for James Patterson, Robert Sugden, Ernest Berriman, Stanley Jephson, Henry Harris, Maxwell Silvey, Joseph Beasley, Charles Matthews, Maxwell Silvey, Ian Creek, Geoffrey Hewish, Robert McClure, Kingsley Callister, Winfield Tonkin, Raymond Wines, Oswald Wilde and Kenneth Mason are included within. The subjects covered include: Printing, mining, geology, metallurgy, mining geology, mine surveying, mechanics applied to mining, electric welding, machine shop practice, algebra, trigonometry, mechanics and heat, applied mechanics, heat treatment, graphics, oxywelding, engineering drawing, blacksmithing, shorthand theory advanced, shorthand speed, commercial English, intermediate English, plain dressmaking, dressmaking advanced, electric wiring, physics, electric technology, carpentry, machine shop, plumbing, trade science, carpentry and joinery, building construction, heat treatment, wiring, oxyacetylene welding, foremanship, turning and fitting, electric wiring, arithmetic, social studies, commercial correspondence, office routine, bookkeeping, typewriting, shorthand, electric refrigerator servicing, refrigeration, radio mechanics, trade maths, sheetmetal, wool sorting, motor mechanics, human relations in management and industrial supervision. Many of the stubbs are signed by principal Dick Richards. Each certificate is signed by the current principal of the School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat, and a number have also been signed by the of mines, school of mines andindustries, certificate, richard w. richards, horace william shuttleworth, dick richards, charles holt, henry elford, irvin singleton, j. h. hughes, john morcom, alfred amor, john wastell, john rudwick, jared hines, harry allan, l. f. j. hillman, arthur davies, letitia stanley, victor wright, raymond ball, mary o'callaghan, ethna burke, alec foyster, james duggan, leonard auchettl, reeves collins, james patterson, stanley douglas webb, oswald lyle, marvis orr, eric roberts, jack clennell, a. r. millar, heith smyth, walter hines, harold leslie, joseph fisher, geoffry burns, alick dait, george hill, raymond wines, robert manson, albert o'neill, thomas green, william stargatt, william harrison, reginald allen, albert wilson, allan curtis, arthur donald, john wynn, sydney robinson, john blackic, percy elsdon, hubert jenkins, kingsley callister, douglas hall, norman lawson, winfield tonkin, artuhur williams, allan curtis, ernest billinge, john daelon, harold bunting, stanley wilton, robert sugden, winsome stevens, herbert stanbridge, robert pittard, henry bre, ernest berriman, carlyle west-onley, william blackic, lorna dunstan, cedric pike, stanley jephson, hugh hendrick, joseph fisher, ernest grove, ronald fisher, heith halsall, henry harris, maxwell silvey, stanley trengove, donald trescowthick, harold tolliday, russell lucas, john boyd, john keys, stanley betteridge, ernest betteridge, michael ross, robert stewart, joseph beasley, william beasley, ray deveson, george hennessy, charles matthews, maxwell silvey, ian creek, geoffrey moorhouse, hector tonks, john donald, hugh hendrick, stanley jephson, ian mcintosh, robert nice, ralph scott, walter martin, grant coutts, lindsay hannah, john tainsh, hubert robinson, john donald, george beaton, heather harris, brian mccarthy, samuel perry, valentine pascoe, philip mclean, geoffrey hewish, hubert robinson, john borch, frederick gale, ian grundell, albert perry, frank hutchinson, horace shuttleworth, kenneth mason, david hatt, malcom foster, george jones, graham mckinnon, ronald newton, john betts, leonard wade, robert mcclure, david beaumont, leslie powell, samuel perry, donald treweek, edgar mcarthur, russell fraser, edgar mcarthur bartrop, clive carmichael, leslie fuhrmeister, lindsay coon, zigurds plavina, zig plavina, victor gingell, rupert mckenna, graham mckinnon, david fairley, johannes meennen, ronald murphy, johannes naus, john mcconville, graham melonie, william cutter, thomas chalkley, kenneth morton, stanley shears, robert auld, donald campbell, john cofield, brian whykes, william milford, noel richards, stewart jacobs, james robertson, clement rose, eric brown, allan raworth, ernest salter, neville cartledge, peter stacey, robert mcclure, antonius goossens, rodney cartledge, rodney hayes, bevan grigsby, james robertson, neil stephens, john riddle, andreas aaus, bruce fletcher, keith pedler, allen flavell, robert cartledge, ronald shaw, kenneth hibberd, william lockland, percival bilney, petrus damen, james patterson, robert sugden, ernest berriman, stanley jephson, henry harris, maxwell silvey, joseph beasley, charles matthews, maxwell silvey, ian creek, geoffrey hewish, robert mcclure, kingsley callister, winfield tonkin, raymond wines, oswald wilde, kenneth mason, trades -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1898-1901, 1898-1901
... , Applied Mechanics) * Injury to School Property * Return of E... (Melbourne University, Prof Kernot, Applied Mechanics) * Injury ...Bound copies of the Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1898-1901 Vol 1, No. 1, September 1898 * News and Notes (Ballarat School of Mines Museum, J.F. Usher, New British Pharmacopoeia, excursion to Bendigo) * History of the Ballarat School of Mines * Current Topics (Federation, Gladstone, Anglo-American Alliance) * Of Custom * Discovery of Coolgardie * Mining Notes(Clunes, Pitfield, Birthday Mine, Western Australia, Transvaal, Mt Bischoff, Rand Drill Co.) * From the Journals * The Societies - (Student Association, Ballarat Field Club and Science Society, Ballarat Photographic Club) * Original Poetry * Sports * Students' Association Committee Meetings * On the Increase of Temperature of the Earth With Increased Depth Vol 1, No. 2, October 1898 * Notes about some of the Past Students (E.M. Weston, J.A. Porter, H.R. Sleeman, G.E. Sander, B.C.T. Solley, T. Rhys, C. Burbury, D. McDougal, J. Matsen) * Excursion to Daylesford, p.3 * History of the Ballarat School of Mines (continued) * The Soudan * Greater Melbourne * Image of J. Hopkinson, electrical engineer killed ascending the Alps * What is Science * Mining Notes (Pitfield Plains, Victoria United G.M.Co., Lithgow, Avoca, great Cobar, Mt Whycheproof) * Student's Association (women's franchise) * Sports Vol 2, No. 1, March 1899 * News and Notes * History of the Ballarat School of Mines (continued) * Notes of Victorian Geology, 1. Granites, by Thomas S. Hart * Sir William Crookes * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Students' Association * Sports * The Bush Assayer * Solubility of Gold-Silver Alloys in Potassium Cyanide * Correspondence Vol 2, No. 2, April 1899 * News and Notes (Smythesdale Excursion, New Buildings, A.S. Coyte, R.J. Allan) * History of the Ballarat School of Mines (Continued) * The New Students (J. Owen, A. Clayton Morrisby, A.S. Atkin, J. Alexander Reid, Alfred G. Johnston, L. Lowe, F.H. Dalton, W.M. Robertson, A. Hacke, H.L. Giles, W. Martin, E. Walshe, H.L. Krause, R. Sawyer) * Berringa by Oh'E Jay * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Mount Magnet to Victoria - A Long Bicycle Trip * 1898 Examination returns * Sports Vol 2, No. 3, May 1899 * Technical Education and the Proposed Affiliation of the Schools of Mines with the Melbourne University. * Laying of the Foundation Stone of the New Classrooms (now Administration Building). Alexander J. Peacock * News and Notes (Past Students - A.S. Lilburn, J.W. Sutherland, J. Richardson, E. Prendergast, J. Wallace, J. Kidd, J. Lake, Mathew Thompson), Coolgardie Exhibition. * Trip to Lal Lal * Students' Association * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Professor Henry Louis on Mining Education * Corrections Used in Chaining by C.W. Adams * The Black Horse Cyanide Plant * Sports * Completed List of 1898 Examinations Vol 2, No. 4, June 1899 * News and Notes * The Education Problem by D.N. McLean * A Few Hints on Histological Technique by Emil Gutheil * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Students' Association * A Visit to the Skipton Caves (Mount Widdern, Ormand Hill, volcano, Emu Creek, Mount Kinross, Mount Elephant, Mount Vite Vite, Mount Kinross, Mount Hamiston) * Mount Magnet To Victoria (cont) * The New Engines at the Ballarat Woollen Mills - includes image of the Compound 700 H.P. Engines constructed for the Ballarat Woollen Mills by Austral Otis Company and consulting engineers Monash and Anderson. * Sports * Original Poetry * Correspondence Vol 2, No. 5, July 1899 * News and Notes (E. Byron Moore, Visit to Britannia Gold Mine, J. Bryant, Visit to Last Chance Mine) * A Few Hints on Histological Technique (cont) by Emil Gutheil * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Professor Alfred Mica Smith (includes image) * Notes on Victorian Geology Part 2 The Trappean Rocks, by Thomas Hart * Origin of Diamonds * Hydraulic Mining by A.E.C. Kerr * Volcanoes by F.G. Bonney * Analytical Chemistry Notes by Daniel Walker * Some Things Out To Do * Sports * Correspondence Vol 2, No. 6, August 1899 *Summaries and notes from the Mining Journals * Some Regulations of the Academy of Mines at Freiberg * A visit to Mt Lyell Smelters * Professor Gilbert J. Dawbarn (includes image) * Air compressor and Transmission of Power by Compressed air by A.E.C. Kerr * Chemistry Notes by Daniel Walker * Mineralogical Notes, Ballarat by Thomas S. Hart * Kalgurli Gold Mines, W.A. * OUr New Lab Vol 2., No 7, September 1899 * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Some recent Steam Plants at Bendigo by Gilbert Dawbarn * Professor Thomas Stephen Hart (includes image) * Students Association * Notes on Victorian Geology by Thomas Hart * Centrifugal Pumps * A New Chum's Experience by E.M. Weston Vol 2., No 8, October 1899 * The institute of Chemistry Examinations * A New Method of Qualitative Chemical Analysis by Emil Gutheil * Steam Engine Valves and Valve-Gears by Gilbert Dawbarn * Daniel Walker (includes image) * Notes on Victorian Geology by Thomas Hart * Cyaniding Cripple Creek Tellurides (Metallic Extraction Company) * Notes on Two Ballarat Gravel Pumping Plants, G.A. Wilberforce (Eureka Jennings Co and Yarrowee Sluicing Co) * History of the School of Mines (concluded) Vol 3., No 1, March 1900 * A Journey from Natal to Mashomaland with the British Police * A Plea for Research * New Caledonia by C.A.M. Deane * Notes of Victorian Geology - Lower Palaeoroic Rocks by Thomas Hart * Mt Bischoff Mine and Mill * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Things we Eat and Drink * Farewell to A.S. Coyte Vol 3., No 1, March 1900 * Mining Education * Model Locomotive made by the apprentices of the Phoenix Foundry, p2 * Glimpses of Rhodesian Police Camp Life * New Caledonia (continued) * Summaries from the Mining and Engineering Journals * Boot and Saddle Vol 3., No 3, May 1900 * A Students' Common Room * Geological Excursion to Hardie's Hill * Notes on Victorian Geology by Thomas Hart * The Planet Venus by John Brittain * Summaries and Notes from the Australian Mining Standard * The Assay Ton * Zeehan Smelters * Electrical Notes by Ohe Jay * Trop of the Cricket Club to Stawell * Students' Association * Solid Hydrogen Vol 3., No 4, June 1900 * The Minister of Mines on Mining Education (Minister A.R. Outtrim) * Lal Lal Geology Trip (Thomas Hart) * Rifle Club now defunct, pg 3 * A Contribution to the Mining Geology of Kalgoorlie, W.A. by Ferdinand Krause (includes cross sections) (Wood's Point, Rand, Johannesburg, South Africa, Gaffney's Creek, Walhalla, Shady Creek, Sago Hill at Cardigan, Bunbury) * Summaries and Notes from the Australian Mining Standard (Buninyong Estate Mine) * Monthly Progress Reports of the Geological Survey * Electrical Notes by John M Sutherland (Telagraphone, phonograph, telephone receiver) * Students' Theatre Party (Gordon Todd, Ohe Jaeger, C.S. Wakley) * Opening of the New Buildings - Ministerial Speeches (Outtrim, W.H. Irvine, New Mining Laboratory, Old Chemistry Building, Battery, Model Mine) * Students' Association * Relief of Mafeking * A Critic Criticised * Things We Eat and Drink by Ohe Jay - Oatmeal, Coffee and Cocoa. Vol 3., No 5, July 1900 * Research * Adelaide Varsity Students at Ballarat * The Manchester-Liverpool Mono Railway * Students Association * *A Contribution to the Mining Geology of Kalgoorlie, W.A. by Ferdinand Krause (continued) (includes cross-sections) * Motive Power, address by Charles A. Parsons * Summaries and Notes from the Australian Mining Standard * Sugar Manufacturing by Sugna * Great Creswick Hydraulic Sluicing Plant (THomas Hart, Ballarat School of Mines Mining Class visit) * Reminiscences of a Students Life in Germany * Football - Ballarat School of Mines v Geelong Grammar School (Australian Rules Football) Vol 3., No 6, August 1900 * Cheap Mine Management * Library * Bendigo School of Mines, pg 3 * Notes on Ore Dressing by T, Vincent, Manager The Zeehan (Tas) Silver-Lead Mines Ltd) * Motive Power * Notes on Broken Hill - Its Mines and Minerals by J. Williams * The Concert * Summaries and Notes from the Australian Mining Standard * The Dandy Duke's Dreadful Demise * The Road Race Vol 3., No 7, September 1900 * Michaelmas Excursion (Melbourne University, Prof Kernot, Applied Mechanics) * Injury to School Property * Return of E. Ditchburn (Boer War) * Mt William Gold-Field visit, pg 3 * The Stoping of Wide Lodes by J.V. Lake (includes cross sections) * Summaries of Notes from the Australian Mining Standard * Notes on Broken Hill Part 2- Its Mines and Minerals by W.J. Williams * Motive Power from the Waves * Electrical Notes * Some Account of Italian Mining (Sarinia, Sicily, Peidmont, Lombardia) by Candido Maglione * Students Association * Should Women Have the Vote by Frank Bessemeres * The School Theatre Parly * Past Students * Poetry * Football * Surveying Rules Vol 3., No 8, October 1900 * Ballarat School of Mines Associateship * An Engineering Laboratory * Students' Practical Work * Notes on Broken Hill Part 3 by W.J. Williams * The Lake View Consols by F.S. Earp - Battery Treatment of Sulpo-Telluride Ore * Neglected Mineral Fields - Eurowie and Warrata * A Glimpse Ahead * News and Notes * A.W. G. McPherson, Boer War * Students Association * Ballarat School of Mines Melbourne Excursion to the Government Electric Lighting Station, Austral-Otis Co, Working Mens College * Ballarat School of Mines Concert in Aid of Soldiers Statue Balance Sheet * Football * Cricket Vol 3., No 8b, November 1900 * Position of the Ballarat School of Mines with Regards to Mining Education * Age Limit * Entrance Examination * Presentation t0 Professor Alfred Mica Smith * Image of a Group of Old Ballarat School of Mines Students in Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie. * Students Association Vol 4., No 1, March 1901 * Espirit De Corps * A few Notes on the Testing of Explosives * Round About Inverell, NSW by F. and J. Mawl * On the Choice of Drawing Instruments * Summaries and Notes From the Technical Journals * Annual Examinations 1900 * New Students * Sporting Notes * The Vale of Coolgardie Mine, Bonnievale, W.A. by G. Stephen Hart * News and Notes (Kerr Grant, C.L. Nash, R. Gordon Todd, Vial) * Editorial Notices Vol 4., No 2, Second Term 1901 * The Metallurgical Treatment of Sulpho-Telluride Ores by L.W. Grayson * Some Metallurgical Difficulties of Aluminium * Diehl's Sulphide Process by A.E. C. Kerr * A Californian Gold Mine by A.E. C. Kerr * New Express Locomotives for the Victorian Government (Phoenix Foundry) * An Excursion to Geelong (Electric Light and Traction Company of Australia) * The Linkenback Table for our New Mining Laboratory (Humboldt Company of Colgne) * Death of Thomas Bath * The Late Alfred G. Johnson (Boer War) * An Introduction to Natural Science by Emil Gutheil * The First Annual School Sports Meeting * Concert in Aid of Magazine Funds * The Men That Made the Concert (C.E. Denniston, W.H. Chandler, Mr White, William Litte Jnr, Marriott, Giles McCracken) * Sports * News and Notes Vol 4., No 2, Third Term 1901 * Bagging-Up - A Sketch * Concentration of Difficult Silver-Lead Ores * Estimation of Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine by D. Runting * Summaries of Notes from teh technical Journals * Notes on the Use and Care of Platinum Ware Common Sense * The Machinery at the Tasmania Gold Mine, Beaconsfield, Tasmania * Mining at Walhalla - The Long Tunnel Mine * Past Students * Mapping our of Agricultural Areas, etc, In Dense Vine Lands, North Queensland by R.A. Suter * News and Notes * Concert Balance Sheet e.m. weston, robert brough smyth, mcdougall, bruce, charles burbury, harrie wood, graham j. hopwood, emil gutheil, daniel walker, thomas hart, thomas stephen hart, m. hacker, schnitzler, f.a., ditchfield, l.h, alfred e.c. kerr, charles harvey, campbell, joseph bryant, campbell & ferguson, gilbert j. dawburn, irving, g.b., kerr, a.e.c., john walter sutherland, william robertson, herbert l. krause, alfred mica smith, binh pham, crosbie, d. jack, ditchburn, j., james hiscock, alfred johnston, reid, j.a., kidd, john, james bonwick, james, j.p, overall, d, e.h salmon, gaynor marquand, williams, w.w., williams, william, deane, c.m., vincent, tom, phillips, g.e., hart, d.w., jarnail suingh, rowlands, e., ferdinand m. krause,, easterby, f.l, parsons, r.g., partington, j.r., vial, s.b., meadows, h, atkins, arthur, john braisted burdekin, w.h. corbould, ditchburn, john, hill, john, otto e. jager, mcpherson, g.t, nicholls, c, thom, j.m., crafter, stewart, john brittain, peter lalor, hardy - commissioner, thomas bath, alf johnston, charles campbell, nash, llewellyn, watson, m.a, gardener, eddie, adamson, s.g, alford, l.c, allen, r.j, arthur, d.w.b., burge, a., willia, cairncross, cooper, i, maurice osric copland, maurice copland, dickinson, s., doepel, dunstan, john, loveday dunstan, eeles, terri, flegeltaub, israel, fletcher, a, fyrar, peter, kerr grant, w.kerr, green, gary, betty harris, harris, c.m., hay, a.l., hearn, hill, martin, james, david, johnston, alfred g, kilner, marion, kingston, thomas, lewin, f.c.k., lilburne, arthur m, linahan, colin, macready, w.h, major birlefco, markwald, henry, mccaffrey, mcfarlane, kaye, mciver, s.k, mellins, b, morton, felicity, w. kenneth moss, ken moss, nash, c.w., nash, neville, nickolls, berkeley, osborne, percy, philp, e., playford, william, reid, e, roberts, gordon, ross, f.c., royce, phillip, sawyer, basil, stewart, r.c., todhunter, i, vaisey, a., vincent, john, vinden, sue, wakley, cecil, watt, james, westcott, lewis, charles w. whyte,, vial, s browning, ballarat school of mines students in coolgardie and kalgoorlie, coolgardie, kalgoorlie, claude maitland, a.l. hay, a.s. lilburne, latham watson, arthur kildahl, thomas copeland, f.a. moss, w.a. hearman, cardoc james, alexander fraser, e.o. watt, g.m. roberts, j.j. dunstan, h.v. moss, j.a. hill,, john dunstan, c.m. harris, william h. corbould, j.w. sutherland, ballarat photographic club, ballarat field naturalists club, ballarat field club and science society, photography, geology, excursions, last chance mine, tasmania gold mine, beaconsfield, tasmania, rand, south africa, mount lyell, ballarat school of mines student excursion to mount lyell, h.l. krause, ferdinand krause, krause, hardie's hill, hardie's hill excursion, lal lal, lal lal excursion, lal lal geology excursion, smythesdale, smythesdale excursion, soudan, south african miners, south star mines, wynne and tregurtha battery, ananconda copper mining, arizona copper mining, boiler plates, british guinea, butte copper smelter, daylesford geology camp, daylesford excursion, diehl process, electric power house ballarat, electric pumps, geelong rope factory, gympie, golden horseshoe estate, c johnstone, jack nichol, c. macgennis, alec saunders, alfred g. johnstone, graeme jolly, william purdie, john mann, maxwell l gaunt, sale school of mines, freiberg school of mines, schools of mines, railway locomotive -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Record Book, before 1918
In UK in early 1800's the word 'mechanic' was applied to a broader range of skills such as working man, tradesman or artisan. Mechanics' Institutes were formed originally for voluntary, self-funded organisations, to improve the education of working men and to instruct them on their various trades. The germ of the idea came from a class formed in 1799 by Professor George Birbeck in Glasgow, Scotland, for journeymen mechanics (apprentice trade workers), with the first Institutes being organised in London and Manchester in the 1820's. By then the original aim had broadened and the Mechanics' Institutes were established as popular agencies of adult education. The Mechanics' Institutes were run by committees that provided facilities for a meeting room, hall suitable for lectures, and a library. Funding was raised locally and often supplemented by grants from government agencies for the purchase of books and other resources. Activities were community based. In Australia, Mechanics' Institutes were set up in New South Wales and in Tasmania in the late 1820's. Mechanics' Institutes began in Victoria, with the first one in Melbourne dating from 1839, providing similar services but in time offered services tailored to their specific area. Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. "These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first reading room in November1884 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In q856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art., and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. In 1975 the original building was demolished and the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: - The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. - The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. - The Historic Society has some items - The State Museum has some items - Some items were destroyed - Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. NOTE: Pages of this book have been digitally recorded and archived. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute Accessions Book, 1913-1922. Hard cover, olive green cover with brown protective cloth on corners. Page edges have coloured marble pattern. Hand written inside cover "RA 02749457 MEC,000451"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, warrnambool mechanics' institute, mechanics' institute records warrnambool, record book c1918 -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Record Book, before 5th April 1903
In UK in early 1800's the word 'mechanic' was applied to a broader range of skills such as working man, tradesman or artisan. Mechanics' Institutes were formed originally for voluntary, self-funded organisations, to improve the education of working men and to instruct them on their various trades. The germ of the idea came from a class formed in 1799 by Professor George Birbeck in Glasgow, Scotland, for journeymen mechanics (apprentice trade workers), with the first Institutes being organised in London and Manchester in the 1820's. By then the original aim had broadened and the Mechanics' Institutes were established as popular agencies of adult education. The Mechanics' Institutes were run by committees that provided facilities for a meeting room, hall suitable for lectures, and a library. Funding was raised locally and often supplemented by grants from government agencies for the purchase of books and other resources. Activities were community based. In Australia, Mechanics' Institutes were set up in New South Wales and in Tasmania in the late 1820's. Mechanics' Institutes began in Victoria, with the first one in Melbourne dating from 1839, providing similar services but in time offered services tailored to their specific area. Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. "These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first reading room in November1884 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In q856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art., and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. In 1975 the original building was demolished and the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: - The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. - The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. - The Historic Society has some items - The State Museum has some items - Some items were destroyed - Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. NOTE: Pages of this book have been digitally recorded and archived.The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. Record book, Warrnambool Mechanics Institute Committee, Secretaries reports, 5th April 1903 - 31st March, 1906. Soft card with red/blue/white marble pattern and red binding. Ruled lines with red left margins. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, warrnambool mechanics' institute, mechanics' institute records warrnambool, record book c1903 -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Record Book, c. 1910
In UK in early 1800's the word 'mechanic' was applied to a broader range of skills such as working man, tradesman or artisan. Mechanics' Institutes were formed originally for voluntary, self-funded organisations, to improve the education of working men and to instruct them on their various trades. The germ of the idea came from a class formed in 1799 by Professor George Birbeck in Glasgow, Scotland, for journeymen mechanics (apprentice trade workers), with the first Institutes being organised in London and Manchester in the 1820's. By then the original aim had broadened and the Mechanics' Institutes were established as popular agencies of adult education. The Mechanics' Institutes were run by committees that provided facilities for a meeting room, hall suitable for lectures, and a library. Funding was raised locally and often supplemented by grants from government agencies for the purchase of books and other resources. Activities were community based. In Australia, Mechanics' Institutes were set up in New South Wales and in Tasmania in the late 1820's. Mechanics' Institutes began in Victoria, with the first one in Melbourne dating from 1839, providing similar services but in time offered services tailored to their specific area. Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. "These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first reading room in November1884 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In q856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art., and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. In 1975 the original building was demolished and the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: - The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. - The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. - The Historic Society has some items - The State Museum has some items - Some items were destroyed - Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. NOTE: Pages of this book have been digitally recorded and archived.The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. Record Book, Warrnambool Mechanics Institute, Copy of Statements sent to Government, 1910-1912. Hard cover, brown, pages have blue lines with red left margins, edges of pages have marbled pattern.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, warrnambool mechanics' institute, mechanics' institute records warrnambool, record book 1910 -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Record Book, before 1897
This Record Book was printed and published in Melbourne by Sands & McDougall Limited and distributed to be sold by stationers for 1s. 6d (1 shilling and 6 pence) or with Blottings (blotting paper to soak up excess wet ink) for 2s. 6d..The back cover has advertising from the Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Limited, an insurance company based in Collins Street Melbourne.Inside the front cover is a Calendar for the year 1897 and a table with dates for Eclipses of the Sun and Phases of the Moon for that year. Contained within the diary is a loose page listing products and an order form for Sands & McDougall. There is also a section titled "Miscellaneous Information" that includes Weights and Measures, Postal Tarriffs, Holidays, Population of various towns and states, education and a Ready Reckoner for Hourly Wages. In UK in early 1800's the word 'mechanic' was applied to a broader range of skills such as working man, tradesman or artisan. Mechanics' Institutes were formed originally for voluntary, self-funded organisations, to improve the education of working men and to instruct them on their various trades. The germ of the idea came from a class formed in 1799 by Professor George Birbeck in Glasgow, Scotland, for journeymen mechanics (apprentice trade workers), with the first Institutes being organised in London and Manchester in the 1820's. By then the original aim had broadened and the Mechanics' Institutes were established as popular agencies of adult education. The Mechanics' Institutes were run by committees that provided facilities for a meeting room, hall suitable for lectures, and a library. Funding was raised locally and often supplemented by grants from government agencies for the purchase of books and other resources. Activities were community based. In Australia, Mechanics' Institutes were set up in New South Wales and in Tasmania in the late 1820's. Mechanics' Institutes began in Victoria, with the first one in Melbourne dating from 1839, providing similar services but in time offered services tailored to their specific area. Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. "These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first reading room in November1884 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In q856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art., and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. In 1975 the original building was demolished and the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: - The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. - The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. - The Historic Society has some items - The State Museum has some items - Some items were destroyed - Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. NOTE: Pages of this book have been digitally recorded and archived.The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. Record book, Warrnambool Mechanics Institute Curator's Diary, 1897,June to Dec (Donations). Printed and published by Sands & McDougall, Melbourne. Australian Rough Diary 1897 No 4, Card covers printed with advertising, 7 days to an opening, lined with cash columns.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, warrnambool mechanics' institute, mechanics' institute records warrnambool, record book c. 1897 -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Record Book, c. 1887
In UK in early 1800's the word 'mechanic' was applied to a broader range of skills such as working man, tradesman or artisan. Mechanics' Institutes were formed originally for voluntary, self-funded organisations, to improve the education of working men and to instruct them on their various trades. The germ of the idea came from a class formed in 1799 by Professor George Birbeck in Glasgow, Scotland, for journeymen mechanics (apprentice trade workers), with the first Institutes being organised in London and Manchester in the 1820's. By then the original aim had broadened and the Mechanics' Institutes were established as popular agencies of adult education. The Mechanics' Institutes were run by committees that provided facilities for a meeting room, hall suitable for lectures, and a library. Funding was raised locally and often supplemented by grants from government agencies for the purchase of books and other resources. Activities were community based. In Australia, Mechanics' Institutes were set up in New South Wales and in Tasmania in the late 1820's. Mechanics' Institutes began in Victoria, with the first one in Melbourne dating from 1839, providing similar services but in time offered services tailored to their specific area. Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. "These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first reading room in November1884 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In q856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art., and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. In 1975 the original building was demolished and the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: - The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. - The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. - The Historic Society has some items - The State Museum has some items - Some items were destroyed - Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. NOTE: Pages of this book have been digitally recorded and archived.The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. Record book, Warrnambool Mechanics Institute Financial Statements 1887-1893, Hard cover, black with red spine and red corner protection. Page edges have marbled pattern, pages have accounting columns.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, warrnambool mechanics' institute, mechanics' institute records warrnambool, record book c. 1887 -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Record Book, c. 1892
In UK in early 1800's the word 'mechanic' was applied to a broader range of skills such as working man, tradesman or artisan. Mechanics' Institutes were formed originally for voluntary, self-funded organisations, to improve the education of working men and to instruct them on their various trades. The germ of the idea came from a class formed in 1799 by Professor George Birbeck in Glasgow, Scotland, for journeymen mechanics (apprentice trade workers), with the first Institutes being organised in London and Manchester in the 1820's. By then the original aim had broadened and the Mechanics' Institutes were established as popular agencies of adult education. The Mechanics' Institutes were run by committees that provided facilities for a meeting room, hall suitable for lectures, and a library. Funding was raised locally and often supplemented by grants from government agencies for the purchase of books and other resources. Activities were community based. In Australia, Mechanics' Institutes were set up in New South Wales and in Tasmania in the late 1820's. Mechanics' Institutes began in Victoria, with the first one in Melbourne dating from 1839, providing similar services but in time offered services tailored to their specific area. Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. "These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first reading room in November1884 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In q856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art., and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. In 1975 the original building was demolished and the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: - The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. - The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. - The Historic Society has some items - The State Museum has some items - Some items were destroyed - Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. NOTE: Pages of this book have been digitally recorded and archived.The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. Record book, Warrnambool Mechanics Institute Accounts Ledger, 1892-1896. Hard ccover, green with brown fabric protecting corners, Front of book has alphabetical index tabs, remainder of book has numbered pages with accounting columns.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, warrnambool mechanics' institute, mechanics' institute records warrnambool, record book 1892 -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Record Book, c. 1883
In UK in early 1800's the word 'mechanic' was applied to a broader range of skills such as working man, tradesman or artisan. Mechanics' Institutes were formed originally for voluntary, self-funded organisations, to improve the education of working men and to instruct them on their various trades. The germ of the idea came from a class formed in 1799 by Professor George Birbeck in Glasgow, Scotland, for journeymen mechanics (apprentice trade workers), with the first Institutes being organised in London and Manchester in the 1820's. By then the original aim had broadened and the Mechanics' Institutes were established as popular agencies of adult education. The Mechanics' Institutes were run by committees that provided facilities for a meeting room, hall suitable for lectures, and a library. Funding was raised locally and often supplemented by grants from government agencies for the purchase of books and other resources. Activities were community based. In Australia, Mechanics' Institutes were set up in New South Wales and in Tasmania in the late 1820's. Mechanics' Institutes began in Victoria, with the first one in Melbourne dating from 1839, providing similar services but in time offered services tailored to their specific area. Warrnambool's Mechanics' Institute (or Institution as it was sometimes called) was one of the earliest in Victoria. On 17th October 1853 a meeting was held where it was resolved to request the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony to grant land for the erection of a Mechanics' Institutes building. A committee was formed at the meeting and Richard Osburne chaired the first meeting of this committee. The land on the North West corner of Banyan and Merri Streets was granted but there were no funds to erect the building. The Formal Rights of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute's encompassed its aims and these were officially adopted in1859; "This Institution has for its object the diffusion of literary, scientific, and other useful knowledge amongst its members, excluding all controversial subjects, religious or political. "These objects are sought to be obtained by means of a circulating library, a reading room, the establishment of classes, debates, and the occasional delivery of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, natural history, literature, and the useful and ornamental arts, particularly those which have a more immediate reference to the colony." The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute opened its first reading room in November1884 in the National School building at the corner of Banyan and Timor Streets. The Institute was funded by member subscription, payable on a quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis. Samuel Hannaford, the Manager of the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, was the first Honorary Secretary of the Mechanics' Institutes, and an early President and Vice-President. He also gave several of the early lectures in the Reading Room. Another early Secretary, Librarian and lecturer was Marmaduke Fisher, the teacher at the National School. Lecture topics included The Poets and Poetry of Ireland', 'The Birth and Development of the Earth', 'The Vertebrae - with Remarks on the pleasures resulting from the study of Natural History' and 'Architecture'. In q856 the Reading Room was moved to James Hider's shop in Timor Street, and by 1864 it was located in the bookshop of Davies and Read. In the 1860's the Mechanics' Institute struggled as membership waned but in 1866, after a series of fund raising efforts, the committee was able to purchase land in Liebig Street, on a site then called Market Square, between the weighbridge and the fire station. A Mechanics' Institute building was opened at this site in August 1871. The following year four more rooms were added to the main Reading Room and in 1873 the Artisan School of Design was incorporated into the Institute. The same year Joseph Archibald established a Museum; however it deteriorated when he was transferred to Bendigo in 1877. In 1880, with Archibald's return to Warrnambool, the Museum was re-established, and in 1885 a new building was built at the back of the Institute to accommodate the re-created School of Design, the Art Gallery and the Museum. In 1887 the Museum section was moved to the former court house in Timor Street (for some time the walls of the building formed part of the TAFE cafeteria but all is now demolished)). In 1911 the Museum was transferred back to the original building and the management of the Mechanics' Institute was handed over to the Warrnambool City Council. The Museum and Art Gallery became one and housed many fine works of art., and the Library continued to grow. The building was well patronised, with records showing that at the beginning of the 20th century there were between 500 and 800 visitors. During World War One the monthly figures were in the thousands, with 3,400 people visiting in January 1915. The Museum was a much loved Institution in Warrnambool until the contents of the Museum and Art Gallery were removed to make room for the Warrnambool City Council Engineers' Department. The contents were stored but many of the items were scattered or lost. In 1975 the original building was demolished and the site became occupied by the Civic Centre, which included the new City Library. (The library was temporarily located in the old Palais building in Koroit Street.) In the process of reorganisation the Collection was distributed amongst the community groups: - The new City Library took some of the historic books and some important documents, historic photographs and newspapers. - The Art Gallery kept the 19th Century art collection and some of the artefacts from the museum. - The Historic Society has some items - The State Museum has some items - Some items were destroyed - Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has old newspapers, Government Gazettes, most of the Mechanics' Institute Library, ledgers and documents connected to the Mechanics' Institute Library, some framed and unframed art works and some photographs. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library book collection is deemed to be of great importance because it is one of the few collections in an almost intact state, and many of the books are now very rare and of great value. NOTE: Pages of this book have been digitally recorded and archived.The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. Record book; School of Design Minutes and Institute 1883-1886 / Monthly Statement of Receipts & Expenditure 1898-1905 (Double purpose book). Card cover, red/blue/white pattern, red cloth binding, pages have ruled lines. Label on one cover reads "Monthly Statement of Receipts and Expenditure 1898-1899", label on other cover reads "Comparative Statement"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, warrnambool mechanics' institute, mechanics' institute records warrnambool, record book 1883 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Ballarat College of Advanced Education, Documents relating to Ballarat College of Advanced Education, Staffing, 1976; collected by E.J. Barker
E.J. Barker is a past principal of the School of Mines Ballarat and the Library at the Mt Helen Campus is named after him. Papers relate to the staffing structure at SMB and Ballarat College of Advanced Education, 1976. Various documents, charts, correspondence collected by E.J. Barker related to staffing at BCAE. Victoria e.j. barker, victoria institute of colleges, staffing, school of business studies, school of engineering, derek woolley, school of applied science, e phillips, civil and mining engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, chemistry, biology, geology, metallurgy, physics, malting and brewing, art, business studies, general studies, mathematics, librarianship, library, computer centre, counselling services, administrative staff, maintenance staff, cafeteria staff, student residence staff, resident nurse, bookshop staff, carpentry and joinery, bricklaying, electrical mechanics, machine shop, motor mechanics, panel beating, plumbing and sheetmetal, telecommunications, welding and blacksmithing, woolclassing, bcae academic staff, ballarat school of mines, ballarat college of advanced education -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, The Ballarat School of Mines and Industries 1870-1920 Jubilee Booklet, 1920 (estimated)
The first school of Mines in Australia was established at Ballarat in 1870. At the time of its jubilee (1930) the following people were members of the School Council: W.H. Middleton (President), W.T. Humphreys (VP), J.S. Vickery (VP), F. Barrow, Col. W.K. Bolton, William Baragwanath, A.E. Cutter, J.N. Dunn, G. Fitches, W.H. Fleay, F. Herman. W.D. Hill, T. Hurley, K. Kean. J. Kelly, L. Lederman, Mayor of Ballarat, Mayour of Ballarat East, D. Maxwell, M. Martin, R. Maddern, D. Ronaldson, F. Saunders, R. Stephenson, A.O. Stubbs, R.E. Tunbridge. The School Staff in 1920 comprised: Herbert H. Smith, Walter Rowbotham, Reginald L. Cutter, M.C. Young, Hilda Wardle, M. Wiliamson, P.S. Richards, L.H. Archibald, J. Woods, Ken Moss, W. Kenneth, Mrs McIlvena. B. Robinson, S. Rowe, E. Hope-Jones, Miss Abrams, L.St.G.P. Austin, Alfred Mica Smith, J.R. Pound, Herbert R. Murphy, N.H. Junner, Maurice Copland, L.H. Archibald, E.J.A. McConnon, Newton King, D.m. Hull, T.R. Gordon, John M. Sutherland, T.K. Jebb, Dick Richards, C. Tonkin, A.W. Steane, J. Paterson, H.W. Malin, R.V. Maddison, S.M. Mayo, F.A. King, W.H. Steane, T.R. Gordon, T.A. Williams, H. Waldron, G. Black, E.J. McConnon, R.V. Duncan. R. Cutter, E.G. Vawdrey, Hilda WardleWhite stapled booklet - landscape format - 20pp + soft covers with blue writing. Includes an historical sketch of the Ballarat School of Mines. Contains images of the school from around 1920. The history outlined in the booklet follows: 'Ballarat has helped to influence the life and destinies of Australia in many ways, the recital of which would perhaps prove tedious to the citizens of less favoured localities! However, it can be said, without much fear of contradiction, that only less known thought Australia than its fame as a gold field is the reputation won for it by its school of Mines, ... Ballarat was still quite a new place when the School was founded, but a very propserous and popular place all the same, with a go-ahead lot of citizens brim full of the spirit of enterprise which seemsto animate mining populations generally. Money was plentiful, and they launched out into ventures, which later, were to develop and take the place of the gold mines, while what is more to the point, they understood the value of education. the old digging days were passing away. So far as Ballarat itself was concerned the day of the cradle and tin dish had already passed into an antiquity "as dead and distant as the age of the Tubal Caon," said dir redmond Barry on declaring the School open. Mining had become a serious business, and the mining engineer, the metallurgist, and the geologist had become a power in the land. In these circumstances the suggestions to found a School of Mines met with ready acceptance. The late Mr James M. Bickett had the honor of bringing forward the proposition at a meeting of the Ballarat Mining Board in October, 1869. it was agreed to, and the Government, having been approached for assistance, granted a lease of the old Supreme Court buildings at a nominal reantal. A modest sum, including 100 pounds from the Borough Council of Ballarat West, was subscribed by a number of sympathisers, and on the 26th October, 1870, the inaugural address was delivered by Sir Redmond Barry, the first President of the School. Classes were commenced on the 23rd January, 1871. The students at first were mostly adults. They were chiefly men emloyed at the mines, who had the wisdom and energy to devote their spare time to study, and, though their attendance was somewhat irregular, they made very good progress. Old prints which have been preserved show them at work at furnaces, big bearded men of the old-fashioned type of miner. It is interesting to note that among those who gave evidence and encouragement was Sir Roderick Murchison, who many years before had advised Cornish miners to emigrate to Australia to search for gold, and who in 1848 was in possession of gold ore sent from this country. Sir Roderick sent a parcel of books for the library, and gave useful advice as to the curriculum which should be adopted. The Museum, which now contains a most valuable collection of minerals, was one of the first things attended to, and the reports presented to the Council from time to time speak of additions being made from all parts of the world. New equipment was constantly being added to the School, a good deal of assay work was done, and some specimens were sent from the East Indies for examination as far back as 1873. By this time there was a difficulty in providing accomodation for the students who wished to enrol, and the number of instructors had grown from two to four. In 1882 the first building was being erected on what was then part of the gaol reserve. A little more than ten years afterwards a buildnig formerly serving as a Methodist Church was absorbed, while later on, the demand for accomodation increasing, the attack upon the gaol was renewed. The School continued to grow in reputation and size, and became the science centre of the district, and in 1889 a learge new building was opened by Sir Alexander Peacock. Students came from over seas as well as from all the States of Australia, and after going through their courses they took with them the name and fame of the old School to all parts of the globe. School of Mines boys have played a great part in developing the mining fields of Western Australia, South Australia, and africa, while old students who have made a name in their profession are constantly dropping in to see how the old place is getting along. It was not to be expected, however, that the Ballarat School would be left without rivals, its very success inspiring competition. Mining Schools were started in other parts of Australia, and, at the same time, Victoria ceased to hold first place as a mining state. On the other hand there was a great advance in manufacturing, and the demand for technicaly trained men became a great and as insistent as ever it had been for trained mining men. The Council was quick to adapt the school to the new conditions, and the result is seen in the institution, which is one of Ballarat's proudest possession. Instruction is given in all branches of technical work, and the classes are filled with students who are building up for Ballarat a reputation as an industrial centre, which promises to equal that which it formerly held as a mining town. Owing to its bracing climate, its abundant opportunities for recreations, and its accessibilty, Ballarat as a city is an ideal place for educational purposed, and is yearly becoming more and more appreciated throughout the State. The chairman of one of Ballarat's biggests industries claims that the workman can do twice the day's work here that he can do in Melbourne. he was a little enthusiastic over it, perhaps, but it is a well-known fact that the healthy and invigourating Ballarat climate is conducive to both physical and mental activity, and the records of the School provide ample proof of it. One of the most interesting and successful branches of the School of Mines and Industries - if the name be enlarged with the enlargement of its scope - is the Technical Art School. "The City of Statues" has from its earliest days been a stronghold of art. Art schools have flourised here, and in 1905 the Education Department came to the conclusion that the best thing to do with them was to place them under the management of the School of Mines Council. A magnificent new Technical Art School was built at a cost of some 12,000 pounds on the site of the old Supreme Court building, and was formally opened on the 23rd July, 1915. The results have not only been justified but surpassed all anticipations. The most comprehensive list of subjects is taught, and this list is constantly added to. Students have flocked to the art School, which may be said to occupy a unique position in Australia, and its record of success is really astonishing. Its students supply art teachers for the newer schools that are being built, and many occupy leading positinos in important business houses. So well is its reputation known that orders are constantly being received, not only from Victoria, but from other States, for honor boards and challenge shields to be designed and made. The most recent addition to the School of Mines and Industries is the Junior Technical School, for which a new building is now being erected on a portion of the gaol site, transferred to the School of Mines Counci by the Government. At the present moment temporary quarters are being occupied. Some students after passing through the Junior School go straight to employment, continuing perhaps to attend the evening trade classes, while others move on to the senior School. In a review of the work of the School of Mines mention must be made of a series of industrial research carried out under supervision of the Principal. One in particular, regarding the suitability of the local ores for the manufacture of pigments attracted much attention, while the experiemtns on the manufacture of white potery from Victorian clayes were considered of sufficient importance by the Federal Advisory Council of Science and Industry to warrant the appointment of a special investigator. The results of these have been most encouraging, and may have far-reaching consequences. The vocational training of returned soldiers also should not be overlooked. The work was taken in hand from the first, before the Repatriation Department gave assistance, and now with the help of the department of the School has become one of the largest vocational training centres in Victoria outside of Melbourne. The soldiers, trained in a variety of occupations, have made remarkable progress, and already considerable numbers have found employment in local workshops and factories. To sum up, the School is divided into the following departments, each well staffed and equipped: - The School of Mines, science, and Engineering; the Techncial Art School, the Boys' Junior Technical School, the Girl's Preparatory Technical Classes, Trade Classes, and the Commercial School. The school of Mines, science and Engineering, comprises the following branches: - Mining, Metallurgy, Geology, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Chemistry, and Pharmacy. Battery treatments, Cyanide Testing, Smelting, Assays, and Clay Testing from a regular part of the School's work. Students gaining qualifications obtain concession in their courses at the university, should they proceed there to continue their studies. The technical Art school curriculum includes training in all branches of pictorial and applied art, an Architectural Diploma Course, a Draughtman's Course, technical Art teachers' Course, Photography,Ticket Writing, Art Metal Work, Woodcarving, Needlework, and Leather work. The Trade Classes give instruction in Telephone Mechanics, telegraphy, Carpentry, Cabinet Making, Plumbing, Blacksmithing, Fitting, Electric Wiring, and Printing. Numerous Scholarships are offered every year, and altogether students will find few places to equal the Ballarat School of Mines and Industries as a training place for their life's work. One of the first in the continent to be established, its Jubilee finds it still in the front rank, keeping pace with the times, and offering to the youths of this country the means of taking advantage of Australia's teeming opportunities. william, battery, smith, herbert, drawing from the antique, ballarat school of mines botanical gardens, ballarat school of mines, redmond barry, alfred mica smith, james bickett, museum, dick richards, ballarat junior technical school, s m b, ballarat school of mines and industries, ballarat technical art school, model mine, james m bickett, j m bickett, roderick murchison, vocational training rooms, wesley church, methodist church, alexander peacock, lathes, repatriation, repatriatin department, war service, school council, baragwanath, gold mining, mining laboratory, plaster cast, r.w. richards, anniversary, jubilee -
Federation University Historical Collection
Album, Newspaper Clippings Scrap Book on Henry Sutton
Henry Sutton is a talented world-wide accepted inventor with inventions relating to the telephone, photography, wireless, cars, motorcycles, and bicycles as well as many more inventions. Henry was also one of four brothers that ran the Sutton's Music Store after the death of their Father Richard Sutton. Henry Sutton taught Applied Electricity at the Ballarat School of Mines in 1883 to 1886. Several folders of newspaper articles relating to Henry Sutton. henry sutton, mining companies, hugo brunn, main road, ballarat east, sutton music seller, plank road, richard sutton, flutina, halophone, inventions, instruments, all saints mining company, phillipson jeweller, ballaarat mechanics' institute, w.g. shepperd, cooper's reading room, plate glass, concertina, r.h. sutton music warehouse, organ harmonium, ballarat temperance hall, fire, accordian, musical instruments, st paul's anglican church, bakery hill, military side-drums, ballarat volunteer rangers fife band, shops, street broadcasting, complete music store, concord piano, gramaphone, alfred sutton, walter sutton, fred sutton, e. gordon.jones, astor radio, centenary dinner, jeffrey sutton, music stool, orguinette, harp, chilver wilson benefit, collard and collard, w.h. figgis, hydraulic lift, sturt street, mary sutton, advertisements, sutton's cycle agency, a. leslie sutton, -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Book - B/W
Norval Guest-House Aginda and Wettenhall The original Norval The story of Norval begins in 1917 when it was built as a private residence for Mr and Mrs William Thompson. Mrs Thompson was a pioneer of the tourist business, having come from Ballarat to Hall's Gap in 1909 to manage Bellfield Guest-house According to Ida Stanton, in her history of Hall's Gap entitled "Bridging the Gap", Mr Thompson and his wife acquired the six roomed shearers quarters at "Hankelow", on land leased by the Wettenhall family, on the south side of Bellfield. Mr Thompson, she says, completely dismantled the quarters, carefully marking each board, then hired George McKeon to cart the material up to where the original Norval house stood. With great care, the rooms were rebuilt into a home for William and his wife Mathilda. Catherine Good, the daughter of Viola (nee Wettenhall) and niece of Dr Roland, in here "Recollections" entitled "Look to the Mountains - Viola's View 1887-1979", mentions Hankelow. Speaking of her days at Glen Holford, the Wettenhall home at Pomonal, Viola says "Verona and Francie Dennis, my cousins, and I went for one very exciting trip. Father (i.e Dr Roland's father) had bought 300 acres in the Gap to take sheep from Carr's Plains in time of drought, and had a little cottage there with one of the Glen Holford men and his wife in charge. It was called Hankelow. So we three set off over the Range from Glen Holford on foot and leading a pack horse with our night attire and no doubt sponge bags. "We stayed the night at Hankelow with Jim and Minnie. Minnie had been a housemaid at Glen Holford. I was very fond of her. It makes one laugh to think of the excitement of "roughing it"! Minnie gave us a lovely dinner with meringues, and cream, I remember, then early morning tea. After breakfast we were driven in the buggy to the foot of the Goat Rock (since renamed Mt Rosea) and off we went - walking in our long skirts and ankle boots. There was no track of any kind, nor blazed trail - we just made for the top. It was rather frightening at times because we couldn't see where the top was an it always seemed to get further and further away. The last mile was so terribly steep, with a lot of lose shale where you went up twelve inches and slipped back six. Now you motor to about a couple of miles from the top and then have a graded path. Anyway, we got there and back safely and were rewarded with a magnificent view" By a strange coincidence, Hankelow, the source of Norval Guest-house in times past (if the name can be applied to the property as a whole, which seems likely) is in fact also the source of our Wettenhall Campsite! Hankelow was named after a property owned by the Wettenhall family in England. In 1917 William and Mathilda retired to their newly built home (Norval) "to escape from the tourist business" However, so many people made requests to stay with them that they found it necessary to add several more rooms and sleepouts to their home. In this way, early in 1921, the guest-house began to take shape. Mr Thompson, a former librarian of the Mechanics Institute in Ballarat, named the house "Norval". The name "Norval" comes from a quotation from the play 'Douglas" by John Home. Written in the mid-16th century the play is set in the Grampian Mountains of Scotland. The story is of a boy who was parted from this mother during his early childhood, and was given to a shepherd who raised him. Some eighteen years later the mother by chance happens to meet here son, and not knowing his true identity, asks his name. He answers, "My name is Norval; and in the Grampian hills my father feeds his flocks." Perhaps it was simply because "Norval" was associated with the "Grampians" that it was chosen by Mr Thompson. He may also have been conscious of feeding "flocks" of tourists in his expanding, guest-house. Norval Guest-house prospered. It was known for its fine cooking and friendly atmosphere - a tradition which has carried through to the modern Norval! It closed between 1940 and 1949 because of the second world war. In 1949 it was decided to almost completely rebuild the house. Most of the old building (Hankelow plus) was demolished and rebuilt to a much larger and more modern plan. And then, on May 1, 1965, it was purchased by the Committee of Management of the Methodist and Presbyterian Conference Centres. At this time the guest-house was owned and operated by Marjorie and Lachland McLennan, Mrs McLennan being the daughter of William and Mathilda Thompson, the pioneers of the establishment. The McLennans had operated the Guest-house since about 1930.Photocopy 2 pages of article from book titled 'In the Making' title of article Norval guest House the original Norvalaccommodation, guesthouses, norval -
Federation University Historical Collection
Album, Folder containing information about Henry Sutton and the Phonola
Henry Sutton is a talented world-wide accepted inventor with inventions relating to the telephone, photography, wireless, cars, motorcycles, and bicycles as well as many more inventions. Henry was also one of four brothers that ran the Sutton's Music Store after the death of their Father Richard Sutton. Henry Sutton taught Applied Electricity at the Ballarat School of Mines in 1883 to 1886.Folder containing information about Henry Sutton, the Phonola, Ballarat Mechanics Institute, Microscopical Studieshenry sutton, phonola, microscopical studies, ballarat mechanics institute, art -
Federation University Historical Collection
Certificate, Ballarat School of Mines Certificate - Matthew Fern, 1890, 15/01/1891
... in the October term 1890 in the subject of Mechanics as Applied to Mining."... in the subject of Mechanics as Applied to Mining." A Ballarat School ...The Ballarat School of Mines was established in 1870, and was the first school of Mines in Australia.A Ballarat School of Mines printed Certificate on Competency with red seal. Handwritten inclusions. The certificate was made out to Matthew Fern."This is to certify that Matthew Fern has successfully passed the ordinary examination held at the School of Mines in the October term 1890 in the subject of Mechanics as Applied to Mining."ballarat school of mines, fern, mining, mining alumni, matthew fern, alumni, certificate -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, The Ballarat School of Mines and Industries 1870-1920 Jubilee Booklet, 1920 (estimated)
The first school of Mines in Australia was established at Ballarat in 1870. At the time of its jubilee (1930) the following people were members of the School Council: W.H. Middleton (President), W.T. Humphreys (VP), J.S. Vickery (VP), F. Barrow, Col. W.K. Bolton, William Baragwanath, A.E. Cutter, J.N. Dunn, G. Fitches, W.H. Fleay, F. Herman. W.D. Hill, T. Hurley, K. Kean. J. Kelly, L. Lederman, Mayor of Ballarat, Mayour of Ballarat East, D. Maxwell, M. Martin, R. Maddern, D. Ronaldson, F. Saunders, R. Stephenson, A.O. Stubbs, R.E. Tunbridge. The School Staff in 1920 comprised: Herbert H. Smith, Walter Rowbotham, Reginald L. Cutter, M.C. Young, Hilda Wardle, M. Wiliamson, P.S. Richards, L.H. Archibald, J. Woods, Ken Moss, W. Kenneth, Mrs McIlvena. B. Robinson, S. Rowe, E. Hope-Jones, Miss Abrams, L.St.G.P. Austin, Alfred Mica Smith, J.R. Pound, Herbert R. Murphy, N.H. Junner, Maurice Copland, L.H. Archibald, E.J.A. McConnon, Newton King, D.m. Hull, T.R. Gordon, John M. Sutherland, T.K. Jebb, Dick Richards, C. Tonkin, A.W. Steane, J. Paterson, H.W. Malin, R.V. Maddison, S.M. Mayo, F.A. King, W.H. Steane, T.R. Gordon, T.A. Williams, H. Waldron, G. Black, E.J. McConnon, R.V. Duncan. R. Cutter, E.G. Vawdrey, Hilda WardleWhite stapled booklet - landscape format - 20pp + soft covers with blue writing. Includes an historical sketch of the Ballarat School of Mines. Contains images of the school from around 1920. The history outlined in the booklet follows: 'Ballarat has helped to influence the life and destinies of Australia in many ways, the recital of which would perhaps prove tedious to the citizens of less favoured localities! However, it can be said, without much fear of contradiction, that only less known thought Australia than its fame as a gold field is the reputation won for it by its school of Mines, ... Ballarat was still quite a new place when the School was founded, but a very propserous and popular place all the same, with a go-ahead lot of citizens brim full of the spirit of enterprise which seemsto animate mining populations generally. Money was plentiful, and they launched out into ventures, which later, were to develop and take the place of the gold mines, while what is more to the point, they understood the value of education. the old digging days were passing away. So far as Ballarat itself was concerned the day of the cradle and tin dish had already passed into an antiquity "as dead and distant as the age of the Tubal Caon," said dir redmond Barry on declaring the School open. Mining had become a serious business, and the mining engineer, the metallurgist, and the geologist had become a power in the land. In these circumstances the suggestions to found a School of Mines met with ready acceptance. The late Mr James M. Bickett had the honor of bringing forward the proposition at a meeting of the Ballarat Mining Board in October, 1869. it was agreed to, and the Government, having been approached for assistance, granted a lease of the old Supreme Court buildings at a nominal reantal. A modest sum, including 100 pounds from the Borough Council of Ballarat West, was subscribed by a number of sympathisers, and on the 26th October, 1870, the inaugural address was delivered by Sir Redmond Barry, the first President of the School. Classes were commenced on the 23rd January, 1871. The students at first were mostly adults. They were chiefly men emloyed at the mines, who had the wisdom and energy to devote their spare time to study, and, though their attendance was somewhat irregular, they made very good progress. Old prints which have been preserved show them at work at furnaces, big bearded men of the old-fashioned type of miner. It is interesting to note that among those who gave evidence and encouragement was Sir Roderick Murchison, who many years before had advised Cornish miners to emigrate to Australia to search for gold, and who in 1848 was in possession of gold ore sent from this country. Sir Roderick sent a parcel of books for the library, and gave useful advice as to the curriculum which should be adopted. The Museum, which now contains a most valuable collection of minerals, was one of the first things attended to, and the reports presented to the Council from time to time speak of additions being made from all parts of the world. New equipment was constantly being added to the School, a good deal of assay work was done, and some specimens were sent from the East Indies for examination as far back as 1873. By this time there was a difficulty in providing accomodation for the students who wished to enrol, and the number of instructors had grown from two to four. In 1882 the first building was being erected on what was then part of the gaol reserve. A little more than ten years afterwards a buildnig formerly serving as a Methodist Church was absorbed, while later on, the demand for accomodation increasing, the attack upon the gaol was renewed. The School continued to grow in reputation and size, and became the science centre of the district, and in 1889 a learge new building was opened by Sir Alexander Peacock. Students came from over seas as well as from all the States of Australia, and after going through their courses they took with them the name and fame of the old School to all parts of the globe. School of Mines boys have played a great part in developing the mining fields of Western Australia, South Australia, and africa, while old students who have made a name in their profession are constantly dropping in to see how the old place is getting along. It was not to be expected, however, that the Ballarat School would be left without rivals, its very success inspiring competition. Mining Schools were started in other parts of Australia, and, at the same time, Victoria ceased to hold first place as a mining state. On the other hand there was a great advance in manufacturing, and the demand for technicaly trained men became a great and as insistent as ever it had been for trained mining men. The Council was quick to adapt the school to the new conditions, and the result is seen in the institution, which is one of Ballarat's proudest possession. Instruction is given in all branches of technical work, and the classes are filled with students who are building up for Ballarat a reputation as an industrial centre, which promises to equal that which it formerly held as a mining town. Owing to its bracing climate, its abundant opportunities for recreations, and its accessibilty, Ballarat as a city is an ideal place for educational purposed, and is yearly becoming more and more appreciated throughout the State. The chairman of one of Ballarat's biggests industries claims that the workman can do twice the day's work here that he can do in Melbourne. he was a little enthusiastic over it, perhaps, but it is a well-known fact that the healthy and invigourating Ballarat climate is conducive to both physical and mental activity, and the records of the School provide ample proof of it. One of the most interesting and successful branches of the School of Mines and Industries - if the name be enlarged with the enlargement of its scope - is the Technical Art School. "The City of Statues" has from its earliest days been a stronghold of art. Art schools have flourised here, and in 1905 the Education Department came to the conclusion that the best thing to do with them was to place them under the management of the School of Mines Council. A magnificent new Technical Art School was built at a cost of some 12,000 pounds on the site of the old Supreme Court building, and was formally opened on the 23rd July, 1915. The results have not only been justified but surpassed all anticipations. The most comprehensive list of subjects is taught, and this list is constantly added to. Students have flocked to the art School, which may be said to occupy a unique position in Australia, and its record of success is really astonishing. Its students supply art teachers for the newer schools that are being built, and many occupy leading positinos in important business houses. So well is its reputation known that orders are constantly being received, not only from Victoria, but from other States, for honor boards and challenge shields to be designed and made. The most recent addition to the School of Mines and Industries is the Junior Technical School, for which a new building is now being erected on a portion of the gaol site, transferred to the School of Mines Counci by the Government. At the present moment temporary quarters are being occupied. Some students after passing through the Junior School go straight to employment, continuing perhaps to attend the evening trade classes, while others move on to the senior School. In a review of the work of the School of Mines mention must be made of a series of industrial research carried out under supervision of the Principal. One in particular, regarding the suitability of the local ores for the manufacture of pigments attracted much attention, while the experiemtns on the manufacture of white potery from Victorian clayes were considered of sufficient importance by the Federal Advisory Council of Science and Industry to warrant the appointment of a special investigator. The results of these have been most encouraging, and may have far-reaching consequences. The vocational training of returned soldiers also should not be overlooked. The work was taken in hand from the first, before the Repatriation Department gave assistance, and now with the help of the department of the School has become one of the largest vocational training centres in Victoria outside of Melbourne. The soldiers, trained in a variety of occupations, have made remarkable progress, and already considerable numbers have found employment in local workshops and factories. To sum up, the School is divided into the following departments, each well staffed and equipped: - The School of Mines, science, and Engineering; the Techncial Art School, the Boys' Junior Technical School, the Girl's Preparatory Technical Classes, Trade Classes, and the Commercial School. The school of Mines, science and Engineering, comprises the following branches: - Mining, Metallurgy, Geology, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Chemistry, and Pharmacy. Battery treatments, Cyanide Testing, Smelting, Assays, and Clay Testing from a regular part of the School's work. Students gaining qualifications obtain concession in their courses at the university, should they proceed there to continue their studies. The technical Art school curriculum includes training in all branches of pictorial and applied art, an Architectural Diploma Course, a Draughtman's Course, technical Art teachers' Course, Photography,Ticket Writing, Art Metal Work, Woodcarving, Needlework, and Leather work. The Trade Classes give instruction in Telephone Mechanics, telegraphy, Carpentry, Cabinet Making, Plumbing, Blacksmithing, Fitting, Electric Wiring, and Printing. Numerous Scholarships are offered every year, and altogether students will find few places to equal the Ballarat School of Mines and Industries as a training place for their life's work. One of the first in the continent to be established, its Jubilee finds it still in the front rank, keeping pace with the times, and offering to the youths of this country the means of taking advantage of Australia's teeming opportunities. william, battery, smith, herbert, drawing from the antique, ballarat school of mines botanical gardens, ballarat school of mines, redmond barry, alfred mica smith, james bickett, museum, dick richards, ballarat junior technical school, s m b, ballarat school of mines and industries, ballarat technical art school, model mine, james m bickett, j m bickett, roderick murchison, vocational training rooms, wesley church, methodist church, alexander peacock, lathes, repatriation, repatriatin department, war service, school council, baragwanath, gold mining, mining laboratory, plaster cast, r.w. richards, anniversary, jubilee -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Scrap Book, Ballarat School of Mines Scrap Book, 1924 - 1929, c1931
The Ballarat School of Mines was a predecessor institution of Federatin University Australia. The scrap books were kept by the librarians and related to topics of interest to the Ballarat School of Mines, its students and its staff. 17 December 1954 - Ballarat Junior Technical School Headmaster's Report 05 February 1925 - Ballarat School of Mines Museum closure 25 February 1925 - War Trophies Museum 06 May 1925 - Ballarat's Museum. Where is it? Some Interesting Facts 14 May 1925 - White Flat Reserve 21 June 1928 - Ballarat School of Mines Procession 14 March 1929 - Mr A.D.R. Galloway - An Australian Abroad - Tragic end. 1929 - Technical Education 17 October 1929 - Agricultural Engineering 15 February 1930 - Ballarat School of Mines Student Association 20 February 1930 - 61s Annual Meeting of the Ballarat School of Mines 02 June 1930 - R. Young in Belgium and visits battlefields including Hill 60. 19 February 1931 - School Hostel Suggested 14 April 1931 - Frank Pinkerton Obituary 15 October 1921 - Life at Mt Isa (E. Loveland) 18 February 1932 - Discussion on Teachers College (Ballarat Teachers' College) 11 July 1931 - Phoenix Model Locomotive donation to the Ballarat School of Mines 06 May 1932 - The Mt Isa Country 11 Oct 1932 - Death of F.W. Alsopp (former SMB student) 21 January 1933 - Education In Victoria: Will a New Era Open 28 September 1933 - New Teaching System Explained by the Minister 17 February 1934 - Trip to New Guinea (A.F. Heseltine) 19 April 1934 - Early Ballarat - Address by Nathan Spielvogel 30 August 1934 - Ballarat Junior Technical School Tennis Court 23 August 1934 - Welding plant and Battery 17 June 1935 - Men about Town - A.F. Heseltine 21 June 1935 - Vocational Guidance 16 July 1935 - Ballarat School of Mines (history) 03 August 1935 - Men About Town - William H. Middleton 10 August 1935 - A.E.C. Kerrballarat school of mines, martha pinkerton, scrap book, a.w. nicholson, john lynch (junior), mount lyell, leslie evans, leslie blake evans, herald shield for athletics, ballarat school of mines museum, motor mechanics' classes for ladies, farm engineering, villers bretonneux carvings, trengrove, museum, port pirrie, j.i. simpson, reuben s. russelll, ballarat technical art school, charles harvey, elliott gower, la gerche, c. curnow, applied art, macroberston scholarship, ballarat school of mines procession, rag, vale park tree planting, smb ball, pottery classes, delineascope, mica smith scholarship, james peart, burma mnies, smb excursion to western australia, kalgoorlie, elsie mckissock, war trophies, warwick smith, spencer street bridge, war museum, richard j. young, alfred mica smith obituary, reginald callister, john rowell, sewerage installation, h.h. smith, w.h. middleton, olive scott, dolly whitehead, vale park, ballarat war museum opening, repatriation classes, sewerage at the ballarat school of mines, australian coals, j.p. ellsworth, yallourn, w.g. walker, reunion, norfolk island pine, mica smith memorial, jessice smith, harry fern, t. henderson, bhp, john adam, ols students' association, l.b. curnow, laura crouch, signwriting, excursion, port pirrie excursion, albert potter, pearl fricke, technica school sports, percy trompf, ballarat school of mines battery, albert mclean, a.d.r. galloway, alan douglas richard galloway, r.j. young, alan ludbrook, r. timpe, ballarat ironworkers and polytechnic association, h. jolly, carpentry, harold jolly, millinery classes, phoenix model locomotive, s.j. morgan, r.d. bannister, juvenile industrial exhibition, w.h. shaw, j.c. winds, f.h. davis, h.r. worland, w.t. magee, l. george, l. balhausen, white flat oval, resue from yarrowee creek, e. berriman, ballarat teachers' college, reg mcconnell, mount lyell co, munro reaper, munro reaper model, weaving classes, mervyn trimmings, briquette dust, edna findlay, jean rogers, n. mccallum, jessie glass, classroom ventilation, art metal, charles fenner, levi molyneux, olice scott, poster competition, kerr grant, w.h. steane, h. caddy, colvin smith, claude creelman, robert colins, stan hillman, n.c. heathcote, egg collection, john alexander, nornie gude, charles deane, graham hopwood, roswald john dart, max wilson, new battery, jess hopwood, william middleton, a.e.c. kerr, hand weaving classes, m. martin, a.h. leeson, mona rogerson, lorna bailey, prospectors classes, edwin robinson, kalgoorlie vist, railway locomotive -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Berry Anderson & Co, The School of Mines and Industries, Calendar, 1914, 1913
Contents of the Booklet: Associateship, Calendar, Certificate Courses - Science, Certificate Courses - Art, Draughtsman's Courses, Discipline, Discipline Board, Examination Results, Fees, Full Certificates Issued, General Regulations, Introduction, Junior Technical School, Railway Fares, Teaching Staff, Technical Art and Craft School, Subjects of Instruction - Department of Chemistry and Metallurgy, Geological Department, Engineering Department, Electrical and Electrical Engineering Department, Department of Mathematics, Department of Physics, Electrical Wiring, Electrical Engineering for Post Office Mechanics, Turning, Fitting and Blacksmithing, Telegraphy, Art and Applied Art Subjects, Architecture and Building Construction, Engineering Drawing, Carpentry and Manual Training, Dressmaking and Dresscutting, House Decoration and Signwriting, Photography, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Working Blue covered 176 page booklet relating to the School of Mines and Industries in the year 1914. school of mines and industries, william poole, professor a. mica smith, daniel walker, hubert r. murphy, a. e. c. kerr, e. j. a. mcconnon, john m. sutherland, ralph williams, e. gutheil, t. wlliams, herbert h. smith, a. m. lilburne, m. c. young, h. j. hall, d. t. johnson, e. j. cannon, g. clegg, c. e. campbell, w. j. hall, w. h. steane, j. wright, s. h. hodder, w. j. patterson, h. w. malin, r. v. maddison, science department, associate courses, certificate courses, technical art and craft department, associated trade classes, sir redmond barry, judge rogers, r m. serjeant, thomas bath, e. ballhausen, dr stewart, james oddie, associateship and final certificates, mining engineering course, metallurgy course, applied chemistry course, irrigation engineering course, certificate courses, geology course, electrical engineering course, municipal and hydraulic engineering course, chemistry, agricultural chemistry, technical chemistry, engineering chemistry, physical chemistry, metallurgy, assaying, minerology, petrology, engineering and mining department, turning and fitting, mining, electricity, electrical technology, graphical algebra and analytical geometry, physics, mechanics and heat, sound and light, technical, art, craft and trade schools, teachers' certificates, drawing, modelling, ballarat junior technical school, full certificates issued, examination results - 1910, 1911, 1912 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Longman's, Green, and Co, A Select List of Books suitable for use in Science and Technical Schools, September 1904, 1904
... of Science, 5. Chemistry, 6. Physics, 7. Mechanics, Theoretical... of Science, 5. Chemistry, 6. Physics, 7. Mechanics, Theoretical ...Used at Ballarat School of Mines and Industries. The book was produced by Longmans, Green and Co. in 1904. The books are divided into sections: 1. Practical Elementary Science Series, 2. Elementary Science Manuals, 3. Advanced Science Manuals, 4. Text-books of Science, 5. Chemistry, 6. Physics, 7. Mechanics, Theoretical and Applied, 8. Optics and Photography, 9, Sound, Light and Heat, 10. Steam, 11. Building and Construction, 12. Magnetism and Electricity, 13. Engineering, Strength of Materials, 14. Machine Construction and Drawing, 15. Navigation, 16. Mineralogy, 17. Metallurgy, Astronomy, 18. Naval Architecture, 19. Principles of Mining, 20. Manufactures, Technology, 21. Geology, Physiography, 22.Hygiene, 23. Zoology, 24. Human Physiology, 25. General Biology, 26. Botany, 27. Principles of Agriculture, 28. Mathematics, 29. Geometry, 30. Trigonometry, Beige coloured soft covered book with 30 pages. Lists books suitable for use in technical and science schools.list of books, science and technical school, longmans, green and co., subject sections of books available