Showing 1850 items
matching banners
Bendigo Military Museum
Souvenir - FLAGS
... banners ...These pertain to Allies in the Great War.Flags, eight of numbered in order. 1. Union Jack, 2, Stars and Stripes, 3. Italy, 4. Australia Answers, 5. Russian, 6. Belgium, 7. Union Jack, 8. Japanese. .4) Has a map of Australia with a soldier and trumpet, troops marching and a ship.On banner, “ Australia’s answer to the call, Australia responds”.flags, banners, allies -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Textile - Presbytery Banner, c1980
... Banners ...Rectangular blue cotton banner with white fringing on the short edges. The banner has white iron-one tape text and four fabric paint figures. It has the Uniting Church emblem and a map of the region with the churches labelled.grampians presbytery, banners -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Textile - Banner
... Banners ...Rectangular blue coarse cotton banner with yellow and white lettering. It bears a book and a cross and yellow fringing along the bottom edge. There are five banner supports in the form of loops along the top edge."RINGWOOD METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL'ringwood methodist sunday school, banners, methodist sunday schools -
Bendigo Military Museum
Part of the Cooper Collection. See Catalogue No. 9586.2 for details of No 3798359, "Keith Cooper's service".Shield shaped brown coloured wooden plaque with metal shield attached. Metal shield features an 18th Century British soldier in uniform holding a rifle. Background is blue. Gold coloured metal banner at top features 'The Sergeants Mess' in black lettering. Unmarked gold coloured banner at bottom.Marked on top banner 'THE SERGEANTS MESS'.cooper collection, keith cooper, plaque, sergeants mess -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
... Banners ...Rectangular blue and white banner with gold fringing at the bottom."RINGWOOD PFA BRANCH"presbyterian fellowship association, presbyterian fellowship association ringwood, pfa, banners -
City of Whittlesea
Poster - Banner, Shire of Whittlesea Notice
Banner, issued by the Shire of Whittlesea. Circa 1876 to 1938. White Cotton banner, black printShire/of/whittlesea/notice/is/hearby/given/that/a/reward/of/£5/will/be/paid/for/information/that/will/lead/to/the/conviction/of/any/person/or/persons/found/damaging/or/interfering/with/bridges/or/culverts/in/this/shire./By/order/of/the/council/Jas/Ryan/Shire/Secretary./shire of whittlesea, james ryan -
Bendigo Military Museum
Part of the collection of "William Anthony THEODORE DSM". Refer Cat No. 7926P for his service details. Purple flag on round wooden stick. Image on the flag in gold. Has letter "T" with a Crown on top overlaid with a Banner and an image of a Rat. Image on one side only.On banner "The Rats of Tobruk Association".tobruk, association, william anthony theodore dsm, ww2 -
Geelong Cycling Club
Banner, 1991
This banner is one of the many awarded in the Western District of Victoria for competitive cycling races. The Western District Road Racing competitions were significant in being a regional competition which the Geelong Cycling Club took part in.Grey coloured satin cloth banner. The banner has a yellow fringe attached to the bottom of it and has yellow embossed inscriptions. "Western District Road Road Championships/Horsham 1991/Junior Teams Time Trial/First Geelong/R. Smith/D. Harbison/B. Scarlett"western district road racing; geelong cycling club; horsham; junior teams time trial; r. smith; d. harbison; b. scarlett; banner; -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Wangaratta RSL golf tournament which commenced around 1949 to presentBrown timber shield with silver metal banner and silver cast of golfer mounted on larger timber shield with 38 small metal shields with inscriptions.Silver metal banner "Wangaratta RSL"wangaratta rsl, golf tournament -
Geelong Cycling Club
Banner, 1992
This banner is one of many awarded in the Western District of Victoria for competitive cycling races. Championship event winPink satin banner with gold fringe and gold embossed inscriptions for the Western District Team Time Trial Championships. The banner hangs from a yellow cord supported by a piece of dowel threaded through the top of the banner."Western District/Team Time Trial Championships/Senior Junior/Geelong West/1992/D Whitford M Varker D Wilson P Evans"geelong; geelong cycling club; geelong west cycling club; banner; whitford; varker; wilson; evans; 1992; championships; time trial; -
Orbost & District Historical Society
souvenir glass, 1994
This souvenir wine glass was made for celebration of the centenary of the Orbost Football Club in 1994. The Orbost football club players were known as the Busters and wore green and gold guernseys. An Orbost football team has participated in the East Gippsland League since the early 20th century. In 2003 in response to a dwindling population, the Snowy Rovers and Orbost Football Clubs were driven to merge into the Orbost Snowy RoversOrbost Football Club through its many changes has always been an important social fabric of the Orbost community. Sport is often regarded as an important part of life in rural Australia, contributing to community identity, sense of place, social interaction and good health. A clear wine glass produced for the centenary of the Orbost Football Club -1894-1994. On an oval (representing a football) is O F C with "ORBOST FOOTBALL CLUB" in a banner above and "CENTENARY YEAR 1894 -1994" in a banner below. all written in gold. On an oval (representing a football) is O F C with "ORBOST FOOTBALL CLUB" in a banner above and "CENTENARY YEAR 1894 -1994" in a banner below. all written in gold.souvenir wine-glass orbost-football-club -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Banner, Lioness Club of Kew, Lioness Club of Kew, District 201 VI, c.1992
The Lioness Club of Kew operated between 1978 and 1992. Items from its collection were deposited with the Kew Historical Society in 2000.The Lioness Club of Kew was the first Lioness Club in the Melbourne area. As such its records are of Historic and Social Significance as a record of post-war community organisations run by women. As the records were donated to the Kew Historical Society as a place of deposit, they are well provenanced. They comprise albums, objects, and a history of the Club so provide a complete picture of the Club's operation.Nine small fabric banners promoting the Lioness Club of KewLioness Club / District 201VI / Kew Victoria Australia. Nine small fabric bannerslioness club of kew, kew lionesses -
NMIT (Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE)
Banner: Collingwood Technical College, School banner: Collingwood Technical College
... Banners ...Black fabric (probably cotton) banner with gold tassell at bottom, on a timber rod with turned ends.Black, white and gold CTC logo stencilled on it. Also stencilled on is 'TECHNICAL / COLLEGE / COLLINGWOOD'.collingwood technical college, banners, nmit. -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
The letters of the completed banner were made by different churches within in the presbytery. Orbost was one of the churches that had the finished banner on display. One of 24 small banners with tabs at the top of each for hanging on a rod. 19 have large blue letters appliqued on them. Twenty two of the banners are roughly square and two are smaller and oblong. Three have no letters and are used as spacers in the four word sentence that the letters make. The banners are decorated with rural and coastal images. "I Korumburra"uniting church adult fellowship -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Banner, pull up/ stand alone. Community giving for great health and well beingPrintable banner detailing associated organisations for use at functions etc, at Maroondah HospitalMaroondah Hospital Auxiliary Banner, stand alone portable aluminium edging top and bottom. banner reads 'Maroondah Mitcham Auxiliary'flags, commercial -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Artwork, other - Framed image of ATEA - Tramway Union Banner
... banners ...The Australian Tramway Employees Association commissioned in 1915, a banner for use in marches or events. It was painted in 1916 by George Grant with its first public appearance at the Eight-Hour Day Diamond Jubilee on 10 April 1916, celebrating the 60th anniversary of the introduction of an eight-hour working day in Victoria. The reference gives a detailed history of the banner, it significance and the background to its painting. It is now held in the collection of Museums Victoria. The ATEA was the forerunner to the Australian Tramway and Motor Omnibus Employees' Association, now part of the Rail Tram and Bus Union. Image provided by Museum's Victoria to the donor - Peter Jewell. The image demonstrates the artists work and the use of symbols in the roles of a union.Framed Image - old gold coloured metal frame, Artglass, with red colour card surround with bevelled gold card inlay containing a high resolution image of the Australian Tramway Employees Association banner. Fitted with a metal hanging wire and a white surround, tape and the framers lable.tramways, unions, atea, atmoea, rtbu, banners, george grant, eight hour day -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
The letters of the completed banner were made by different churches within in the presbytery and spelled a sentence, presumably "BUILD YOUR CHURCH LORD!" Orbost was one of the churches that had the finished banner on display. One of 24 small banners with tabs at the top of each for hanging on a rod. 19 have large blue letters appliqued on them. Twenty two of the banners are roughly square and two are smaller and oblong. Three have no letters and are used as spacers in the four word sentence that the letters make. The banners are decorated with rural and coastal images. BN068.9 "R" with green and yellow wattle in fabric paint. This banner has wo tabs. "R"uniting church adult fellowship -
Clunes Museum
Lions Club banner, purple felt, attached to wooden rod, rod ends fitted and gold cord for hanging. Bottom of banner has gold fringe and Lions Club emblem in centre. A printed fabric patch has been hand sewn onto the bottom right hands side of the banner.On banner; Lions Club of Clunes Vic On fabric patch; International President Award 1983/1984lions club of clunes, banner, president award -
Clunes Museum
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Banner - Catherine Ritchie House
This banner was constructed by a group of Deacons and Deaconesses at a National Diaconate Conference held in Melbourne in February 1993. The banner was originally held at Catherine Ritchie House. It is significant because it was put together by a group of Deacons who were ordained in December 1992 and Deaconesses who gathered for the biennial National Diaconate Conference which was held in Melbourne in February 1993 prior to the formal establishment of DUCA (Diaconia UCA, the national body of Deacons and Deaconesses in the Uniting Church in Australia). This conference happed at a time leading up to a special service in Wesley Uniting Church in Melbourne when 12 Deaconesses were ordained as Deacons in Feb 1993. The banner was first used in this special service of Ordination in February 1993. Calico wall banner with 54 individual square panels. The banner has four loops at the top and bottom for hanging. catherine ritchie house mount martha, national diaconate conference melbourne 1993, rev dr alison f mcrae (deacon) -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Vietnam Veterans Day - Melbourne 18th August 2006, 18/08/2006 12:00:00 AM
Two coloured Photograph to Commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan in melbourne 18th August 2006 Photo 1. Veterans with Banners in front of Shrine Photo 2. Cross in front of Shrine of RemembrancePlaque on Cross, various Bannersbattle of long tan, 40th anniversary, photograph, vietnam veterans day -
Vision Australia
Sign - Image, Braille and Talking Book Library banner
Vinyl banner used by the Braille & Talking Book Library at various events to advertise their presence.1 white banner with blue writing and tiesBraille & Talking Book Librarybraille & talking book library, advertising -
Beechworth RSL Sub-Branch
Banner - Anzac Centenary 1914-2014 Banner, 2014
This banner is one of 70 that were flown both inside and out the Melbourne Town Hall Swanston Street Melbourne during the Centenary of ANZAC. At the conclusion of the ANZAC Centenary, the banners were offered to RSL Sub Branches across Victoria "on a first in best dressed basis" by the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Beechworth was a lucky recipientBanner was flown during the Centenary of ANZAC outside/inside A Melbourne Town HallStreet Banner f ANZAC 2014 - 2018Victoria Remembers printed vertically upward from centre to top right corner/silhouette of digger in the Standing on Arms Reversed position / along the left hand border top to bottom coloured patterns 24cm wide symbolizing the colours of medals ribbons /Across the bottom picture of poppy followed by ANZAC - 2014 - 2018 - / CENTENARY / Sharing Victoria's Stories & Making Connections (in italics) / bottom right hand symbol VICTORY/State/ Government / sown on mounting ribbon left side top to bottom two plastic mounting clips one on top one, one on the bottom, centre clip is made of metalbanner, centenary, anzac centenary, melbourne -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Banner, Gray-Y Banner
The Athletics Club under the guidance of a committee of workers, which included Mr Stan Hemmings and Mr Alec McCullough, sponsored a Junior Athletics Club which became the Gray-Y Club for young boys and HY-Y for older lads. Mr A E Clark (YMCA) had the idea of adopting the American Gray-Y System which was to instill in the boys good principles and values similar to those of the service clubs i.e. YMCA, the Masons and Buffalo Lodge. Story has it that the town was virtually crime free for many years. The Athletics Club became a very powerful force in Mount Beauty and assisted other fledgling groups to get started. The committee had the bright idea that they could raise money and entertain the men who lived in the outlying camps by running sporting exhibitions by their members and the Gray-Y boys for entertainment.It is a connection to the early history of Mount Beauty regarding the start of an athletics club.Blue material banner with gold fringe and inscription in middle.Red material triangle inserted within banner and red material H and I (overlapping) sewed into the middle of the triangletextile, youth club, mt beauty, athletics club, gray-y club, kiewa hydro electric scheme -
Bendigo Military Museum
Gangway banner from the Fremantle class Patrol boat HMAS Bendigo (11) P211. Decommissioned at Cairns on 9 September 2006. Two banners presented to Training Ship Bendigo staff - one for RSL Museum and one for Training Ship.This is a heavy duty vinyl banner used on the ships gangway. Background colour is blue with the words HMAS BENDIGO printed in yellow paint along the banner. At each end of the banner is the crest of HMAS BENDIGO. The crest shows a rope circle and in the centre is the top of a battlement with the flag of the Southern Cross. Above the rope circle is a stylised crown with parts of a sailing ship on the crown. Under the rope circle are a stone axe, a nulla nulla and a boomerang. Under the weapons on a banner are the words in English "Advance with Purpose". The banner has numerous brass eyelets around the borders.ran, hmas bendigo -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Banner - Kew Elder Citizens Association banner
... Banners ...The Kew Elderly Citizen's Association was formally established in 1952. During its initial years it met at South Esk in Cotham Road. Later the Club moved to its headquarters in High Street. During the period of its existence, the club changed its name a number of times It finally became known as the Kew Senior Citizens.Handmade and painted canvas banner in shades of blue with a golden cord with tassels. The banner represents the symbol of the Kew Elder Citizens Association: a forget-me-not in the centre with laurel leaves below. "KEW / E.C.A."kew elderly citizens association, kew elder citizens, kew senior citizens, community groups -- kew (vic.), banners -
Clunes Museum
Badge - LAPEL BADGE, circa 1939
In celebration of Clunes, Victoria, Australia 100 years settlementLapel Badge with blue banner at top and royal blue boomerang at bottomBlue banner "1839-1939" "Centenary of Clunes" Picture on centre of man with swag and countryside sceneryclunes centenary 1939, lapel badge -
Heidelberg Golf Club
Memorabilia - Trophy, Opotiki Golf Club, The clubmaker challenge trophy, 1970-1974
Lilleshall Hall Golf Club is situated in Telford, Shropshire, England. Further information required on this trophy. If you have any ideas, please contact us.Timber trophy with banner headers, metal shields and statuette of golferEngraved on top left banner: "Heidelberg Golf Club Melbourne Australia"; on top right banner: "Lilleshall Hall Shropshire England"; on shields: "Heidelberg 1970", "Lilleshall Hall 1971", Lilleshall Hall 1972", Lilleshall Hall 1973", "Heidelberg 1974"heidelberg golf club, lilleshall golf club -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
The letters of the completed banner were made by different churches within in the presbytery and spelled a sentence, presumably "BUILD YOUR CHURCH LORD!" Orbost was one of the churches that had the finished banner on display. One of 24 small banners with tabs at the top of each for hanging on a rod. 19 have large blue letters appliqued on them. Twenty two of the banners are roughly square and two are smaller and oblong. Three have no letters and are used as spacers in the four word sentence that the letters make. The banners are decorated with rural and coastal images. BN068.6 "Y" "Y"uniting church adult fellowship -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
The letters of the completed banner were made by different churches within in the presbytery and spelled a sentence, presumably "BUILD YOUR CHURCH LORD!" Orbost was one of the churches that had the finished banner on display. One of 24 small banners with tabs at the top of each for hanging on a rod. 19 have large blue letters appliqued on them. Twenty two of the banners are roughly square and two are smaller and oblong. Three have no letters and are used as spacers in the four word sentence that the letters make. The banners are decorated with rural and coastal images. BN068.8 "U" "U"uniting church adult fellowship