Showing 227 items
matching gardens. - kew (vic.)
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Inverkelty', Redmond Street, 1979
... gardens -- kew (vic.)... had badly degraded over time. gardens -- kew (vic.) inverkelty ...In 1979, a series of photographs of significant gardens in Kew (Victoria) were taken during a tour by Peter Watts, Historic Gardens Coordinator of National Trust Victoria. These were later purchased to add to the collection. In the case of each photo the colour had badly degraded over time. Original colour (degraded) positive photograph of 'Inverkelty' (later Kiora, Baroona), 11 Redmond Street , Kew. The original attribution of the house as Red Bluff (or Yarra Bluff) owned by the Nott family is incorrect. An analysis of ownership from 1888 was completed by Lovell Chen (2005), Boroondara Heritage Review B Graded BuildingsAnnotated in ink on reverse INCORRECTLY AS : "Red Bluffs / 11 Redmond Street / Nott family 1888 / Front garden with fountain / Home in foreground / October 1979"gardens -- kew (vic.), inverkelty, kiora, redmond street -- kew (vic.), baroona -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Raheen', 96 Studley Park Road, 1979
... historic gardens -- kew (Vic.)... -- Kew (Vic.) historic gardens -- kew (Vic.) Ink on reverse ...The first section of Raheen was commenced in 1870 with an extension added in 1884. It was designed by William Salway and built for Edward Latham of the Carlton Brewery. Original colour positive photograph (Kodak print) of the garden on the west side of 'Raheen' in Studley Park Road, KewInk on reverse: "Raheen 1979 / Donated by M Rolley"raheen, 96 studley park road -- kew (vic.), historic gardens -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Mynda', 5 Molesworth Street, 1979
... historic gardens -- kew (Vic.)... gardens -- kew (Vic.) mynda 5 Molesworth Street -- Kew (vic.) Ink ...'A suburban villa of 1885 designed by Lloyd Tayler for his daughter and son-in-law on a plan centred upon an octagonal top-lit hall. A square bay window to the drawing room projects from the front corner of the house at 45 degress, showing for the first time the diagonal emphasis which was to be developed in other works of the architect and to become in due course a characteristic of the Federation Style.' (National Trust Victoria Citation)Original colour positive photograph (Kodak print) of the front garden of 'Mynda', 5 Molesworth Street, KewInk on reverse: "Miss Anderson's / No.5 Molesworth St. / Cottage garden / Taken and ***"historic gardens -- kew (vic.), mynda, 5 molesworth street -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Slide - Queen Victoria Jubilee Fountain, Alexandra Gardens, 1979
... alexandra gardens -- kew (vic.)... since they were created. alexandra gardens -- kew (vic.) queen ...One of a group of slides taken by members of the Society of built heritage in Kew in 1979-80. The selection of subject matter reflects the priorities of the period. The colour of some slides has degraded.The slides represent a snapshot in time of built architecture in Kew, much of which has changed in the forty-plus period since they were created.Colour positive transparency (slide) of the Queen Victoria Jubilee Fountain in the Alexandra Gardens, Cotham Road. The fountain was previously sited in front of the Kew Post Office but was relocated to the gardens in the 1920s when the Kew War Memorial was being constructed. The latter required the resting of the fountain. alexandra gardens -- kew (vic.), queen victoria jubilee fountain, queen victoria jubilee, monuments -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Slide - Alexandra Gardens, Kew, 1979
... alexandra gardens -- kew (vic.)... -- kew (vic.) Colour positive transparency (slide ...One of a group of slides taken by members of the Society of built heritage in Kew in 1979-80. The selection of subject matter reflects the priorities of the period. The colour of some slides has degraded.The slides represent a snapshot in time of built architecture in Kew, much of which has changed in the forty-plus period since they were created. In the case of this slide, it shows the layout and plantings of the gardens in 1980.Colour positive transparency (slide) of the Alexandra Gardens in Cotham Road. The vista includes one of the original street lights that once illuminated a major intersection in Kew. alexandra gardens -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal - Visitor Book, Fairyland Book
... gardens - kew (vic)... - kew collectors and collecting gardens - kew (vic) scrapbooks ..."Fairyland", the home of Jim and Grace Tabulo, was a notable local, state and international tourist attraction situated in Kew, Victoria during the mid twentieth century. Located at 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew, the weatherboard house and its garden were heavily decorated with statues, crockery and other collected items. A series of notebooks were used to record the messages of child and adult visitors to the property from the 1940s to the 1960s. After Mrs Tabulo's death, these visitor books are believed to have formed part of the Dorothy Rogers Collection. They entered the Kew Historical Society's collection following Dorothy Roger's death in 1973.This series of visitor books are the most important primary sources relating to the internationally renowned 'Fairyland' cottage in Malmsbury Street, Kew. Their social significance is that they record in the post war period the values and beliefs of children and adults who visited this historically significant tourist attraction.Foolscap size visitor book containing handwritten comments and drawings primarily made by children during visits to the home of Grace Tabulo, c.1950-1960. Commonly known as "Fairyland", the house was located at 57 Malmsbury Street Kew. The book is wrapped in brown paper, which covers back cardboard covers with a red cloth strip binding. Unpaginated, approximately 160 pages, and covers. The book has an additional loosely inserted black card cover located at the front of the book.Handwritten in pencil on paper cover: "1950 - 1962 /(edit book dates)" Handwritten in ink on paper label on loosely inserted cover: "Fairy Land / Book/ September 1950 / Fairy Land / Book / 75 [sic] M...berry [indistinct] st Kew / Fairy Land Book"grace tabulo -- fairyland -- 57 malmsbury street -- kew (vic.), tourism - kew - 1945-1965, childhood - kew, collectors and collecting, gardens - kew (vic), scrapbooks - 20th century -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Liquid Amber, Ron Setford
... Gardens. - Kew (Vic.)... to pinpoint temporal and spatial locations. Ron Setford Gardens. - Kew ...Ron Setford and his wife Grace Setford lived in Tanner Avenue, East Kew, from c.1946 to c.1995. A keen photographer, he recorded the changing face of Kew over a 20 year period. Apart from 30 photographs of built structures and places in Kew dating from 1960 and 1961, 145 of his 35mm colour slides chronicle the development of the Eastern Freeway through the Yarra Valley over a five year period from c.1972 to c.1977. This important collection was donated to the Society by his granddaughter in 2025.This collection of 175 35mm slides is of local and statewide significance, owing to its subject matter, particularly the major development of road transport infrastructure during the 1970s with the construction of the Eastern Freeway. The photographer also took care to annotate and date most of his slides which enable the researcher to pinpoint temporal and spatial locations.Nilron setford, gardens. - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, Gardens (Kew), 1979
... gardens - private - kew (vic)... sources. gardens - private - kew (vic) garden design - kew (vic ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Correspondence and newspaper articles/clippings relating to historic gardens in Kew. The oldest item is a letter from the National Trust Victoria announcing their two-year garden study and seeking information on gardens in Kew. Mavis Rolley, Secretary of the Society, made handwritten notes in response, which are kept in the file. She refers to: the pear trees planted by William Oswin in c. 1845 near what is now the Burke Road Bridge (she notes that a search for the trees at the time of the construction of the Eastern Freeway was unsuccessful), a camellia planted by the Dannocks near the corner of Derby and High Street, a c.1876 pine tree in Field Place, Henty Court, an 1875 Moreton Bay fig at Tarring, Ruyton, a Moreton Bay fig at Roxeth, Trinity Grammar, an 1840s oak tree and a 120-year old olive tree at Fairholme, Barry Street, 1870 pine trees at D’Estaville, Barry Street, trees at Turinville, Barnard Grove, dating to 1846, pine trees dating from 1845-6 on the Willsmere Farm, red gums in Victoria Park, pine trees in the Cemetery dating from the 1860s, trees in the Alexandra Gardens and at Kew Primary School, palm trees at La Verna, Sackville Street dating from the 1890s, the trees and gardens at Ross House (Charleville), and the trees at Merridale, Sackville Street which date from the 1880s, a magnolia at Lalla Rookh. These dates are probably highly contestable. Other handwritten notes from 1979 about significant gardens included: 5 Molesworth Street, Red Bluff - Redmond Street (garden now destroyed), Campion House, Studley Park Road, Raheen, Studley Park Road, Ross House, Cotham Road (Charleville), 7 Adeney Avenue, 20-21 Belmont Avenue, 52 Mary Street, an Edna Walling garden on the corner of Argyle Road and Victor Avenue, Merridale, Sackville Street, Roseneath, and Reno, St John’s Parade.gardens - private - kew (vic), garden design - kew (vic), kew horticultural societygardens - private - kew (vic), garden design - kew (vic), kew horticultural society -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, Hays Paddock (Kew East), 1958
... parks and gardens - kew east (vic)... (vic) parks and gardens - kew east (vic) Archive file ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing many newspaper/magazine articles/clippings (1979-2016), some published by the City of Boroondara, and maps, summaries of reports (KNews, 1980) and proposals to create an ‘integrated playground’ at Hays Paddock.kew historical society - archives, hays paddock - kew east (vic), parks and gardens - kew east (vic)kew historical society - archives, hays paddock - kew east (vic), parks and gardens - kew east (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Print, Kew Baptist Church Kindergarten, Alexandra Gardens (Kew), circa 1946, c.1946
... alexandra gardens - cotham road - kew (vic)... alexandra gardens - cotham road - kew (vic) kew baptist church ...Kew Baptist Church Kindergarten Xmas break up in the Alexandra Gardens, Cotham Road, Kew, circa 1946.The donor's brother Ted Brock is in the very middle, looking at the camera.alexandra gardens - cotham road - kew (vic), kew baptist church kindergarten, ted brock -
Ruyton Girls' School
Photograph, [Miss Beatrice Henty in the Garden of Tarring], 1904
Beatrice Charlotte Henty was born 25 December 1867, married Graham Frederick Blandy in 1927 and died on 5 March 1950 in Toorak. She did not have any children. Miss Beatrice Henty was the daughter of Henry and Marion Henty. Mr Henry Henty and his wife Mrs Marion Anne Henty (nee McKellar) had ‘Tarring’, Kew built for their family in 1872, and resided there until the death of Marion Henty in 1919. ‘Tarring’ was then sold to Ruyton Girls’ School, and the School moved to the site, (now 12 Selbourne Rd, Kew) in 1920. ‘Tarring’ was renamed ‘Henty House’ by Ruyton Girls' School in honour of its original owners. Ruyton Girls' School was founded in 1878, Miss Beatrice Henty attended the School before 1888. The photograph is dated c.1904. Sepia toned photograph Miss Beatrice Henty in the garden of her family home Tarring, Selbourne Road, Kew. The north east and south facades of the two story brick house are visible in the photo. Beatrice Henty is standing in the garden wearing a long gown and a large hat. A gravel path curves across the lower left corner of the photograph. The photograph is mounted on card.ruyton girls' school, kew, beatrice henty, henry henty, marion henty, tarring, henty house, selbourne road, beatrice blandy, kew (vic), 1900s, 1904 -
Villa Alba Museum
Document - Auction Catalogue, Catalogue of Superb & Costly High Art Furniture, Gemmell Tuckett & Co., 1897, 1897
Built between 1882 and 1884 for the banker William Greenlaw and with interior decoration by the Paterson Brothers, a number of elements of the the interior design scheme reference Greenlaw’s Scottish origins. Following his death in 1895, from 1897 the house was leased and owned by a succession of owners including the Fripp family, the Royal Women’s Hospital and the Mount Royal Hospital before being sold to the Society of Jesus for Xavier College. In 2004 the title was transferred to Villa Alba Museum Inc., and the western section of the garden leased to Xavier College for 99 years.68 page catalogue, published in 1897 by Gemmell Tuckett & Co., advertising the contents of Villa Alba, Walmer Street Kew for sale on 22 and 23 March 1897. [The catalogue is in Adobe PDF format and 16.6 MB in size]. villa alba -- 44 walmer street -- kew (vic.), auction catalogues -- kew -- melbourne -- 1890s -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, H C Crouch, Old Golf Links Estate, 1930s
... . Subdivisions -- Kew (Vic.) Old Golf Links Estate Annotations: "E" top ...The land in North Kew between the Outer Circle Railway and the River Yarra was released in sections. This release included 80 lots. Most of this area was released during the Depression years in the early 1930s.Subdivision plans are historically important documents used as evidence of the growth of suburbs in Australia. They frequently provide information about when the land was sold on which a built structure was subsequently constructed as well as evidence relating to surveyors and real estate and financial agents. The numerous subdivision plans in the Kew Historical Society's collection represent working documents, ranging from the initial sketches made in planning a subdivision to printed plans on which auctioneers or agents listed the prices for which individual lots were sold. In a number of cases, the reverse of a subdivision plan in the collection includes a photograph of a house that was also for sale by the agent. These photographs provide significant heritage information relating house design and decoration, fencing and household gardens.One part of a massive subdivision of the Old Golf Links Estate in North Kew of 80 allotments bordering Sutherland Avenue, Ramsay Avenue, Belford Road, Beresford Street and Coleman Avenue. Inset on the plan at the top left, the route of the Outer Circle Railway is clearly marked. The Kew Golf Links is identified in its current location. The land on which Greenacres Golf Club was to be constructed is at this time marked as ‘Recreation Ground’. The ‘new bridge’ over the Yarra at Burke Road is also marked on the inset map. The Plan identifies the surveyor (sic) H.C. Crouch BCE MVIS, 443 Little Collins St., Melbourne. The date of the subdivision auction sale in identified as Saturday September 25th at three o'clock.Annotations: "E" top left. "Golf Links" top right. Lots 73-76 ticked and listed as "6" poundssubdivisions -- kew (vic.), old golf links estate -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 29 Uvadale Grove, Kew, 1920
... . subdivisions - kew (vic.) 29 Uvadale grove - kew (vic.) When 29 Uvadale ...The numerous subdivision plans in the Kew Historical Society's collection represent working documents, ranging from the initial sketches made in planning a subdivision to printed plans on which auctioneers or agents listed the prices for which individual lots were sold. In a number of cases, the reverse of a subdivision plan in the collection includes a photograph of a house that was also for sale by the agent. Subdivision plans are historically important documents used as evidence of the growth of suburbs in Australia. They frequently provide information about when the land was sold on which a built structure was subsequently constructed as well as evidence relating to surveyors and real estate and financial agents. These photographs provide significant heritage information relating house design and decoration, fencing and household gardens.When 29 Uvadale Grove, Kew was offered for sale it was described as: ‘Kew. Fine locality, 3 minutes Cotham Road. Splendidly built 6 roomed Brick Villa. Rooms 17 x 14, 16 x 13, &c. Beautifully fitted throughout. Land 70 x 134 to ROW.’ The price was advertised as being £1,400. The house exhibits key features of Federation architecture such as the gabled roof with a facing of half-timber and stucco. The veranda has a curved corrugated iron roof supported by timber pillars and fretwork. The slate roof with terra cotta ridging and finials marks a transition to the more common use of Marseilles tiles in Federation architecture.subdivisions - kew (vic.), 29 uvadale grove - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Victorian Villa, High Street, c.1922
Subdivision plans are historically important documents used as evidence of the growth of suburbs in Australia. They frequently provide information about when the land was sold on which a built structure was subsequently constructed as well as evidence relating to surveyors and real estate and financial agents. The numerous subdivision plans in the Kew Historical Society's collection represent working documents, ranging from the initial sketches made in planning a subdivision to printed plans on which auctioneers or agents listed the prices for which individual lots were sold. In a number of cases, the reverse of a subdivision plan in the collection includes a photograph of a house that was also for sale by the agent. These photographs provide significant heritage information relating house design and decoration, fencing and household gardens.An old inscription on this photograph identifies it as ‘an elegant timber villa in High Street. It occupied part of Lot 91, bought by Edward Glyn in the land sale of 16th October 1851, and run as a flower farm’. The subdivision called the ‘Flower Farm Estate’ in East Kew occurred in 1922. [The subdivision plan is on the reverse of this photo.] The Estate included 61 lots on either side of Boorool Road between High Street and Harp Road. In the MMBW Detail Plan 2017 of 1926, a number of these new villas had already been built. Matching houses with MMBW maps can always be a challenge, however if this house was near the corner of Boorool Road and High Street, it seems to fit the profile of a house called ‘Maxton’ (demolished).Photographer's name on photograph, lower right, and stamp on mount lower right: "A. Aberline, Glenferrie".houses - maxton - high street - kew (vic.), violet farm estate, subdivisions - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Marnie McLeod, Floods of the River Yarra at Kew, 1916
The donation was accompanied by the following letter from the donor: "Hi. I found these in with family photos. Taken by family as Mamie McLeod was living in Fellows Street, Kew, so would be near there. Retain (or discard) as you see fit." [Donor's name and address withheld from public view]. To gain an insight into the flood levels at Kew, it is worth reading newspaper accounts of the event. The Age published an article - Valuable Gardens Destroyed at Kew - on 25 September 1916: "VALUABLE GARDENS DESTROYED AT KEW. From the heights of Studley Park, Kew, a splendid view of the flood waters can be obtained, and yesterday afternoon, despite continuous rain, crowds of citizens assembled there to witness the spectacle. There is a vast stretch of water some 300 or 400 yards broad, above the foot bridge connecting Gipps-street, Collingwood, and Studley Park. The river is only about 3 feet from the top of the embankment connecting with the ramp of the bridge on the Studiey Park side. When the upper llood waters come down it is almost a certainty that tne embankment will be submerged and the bridge rendered impassible. Below the bridge the waters again stretch out, and have submerged all the low-lying land on the Collingwood side and invaded the back premises ot the Kodak Co., Phoenix Biscuit Factory, a tannery adjoining thereto, the Shamrock Brewery, and Chinese gardens in the vicinity. At Walmer-street-bridge, at the end of Studley Park, the low-lying land on the Kew side is covered with water to the depth of many feet. Tlie land in question is owned in a great part by Mr Frank Lavers who haa gone in for intense culture on a pretty liberal scale on both the slopes of the hill and on the river flat. On the latter he is cultivating many acres of asparagus, and has at a considerable cost spent three years in preparing the ground and installing an irrigation system, reticulated from the Yan Yean water supply. This year the asparagus was put down, and the plants were in a promising condition. Tlie flood waters are now flowing fast over the land. The crop is ruined, and three years' work and expenditure destroyed. Mr. Laver's private residence fortunately is high above flood level, but two houses he owns off Young-street have been flooded out. Having been warned in time, the tenants removed their furniture hefore the water came down to Mr. Laver's residence, where they themselves have been given accommodation in the meantime. All the river flats in East Kew are under water. One or two low-lying houses have been flooded. Chipperfield's boat shed at Willsmere is nearly covered, and some Chinese gardens in the vicinity are several feet under water."This, and the other three photographs donated of floods in Kew are believed to be the earliest in the collection. Together with our original MMBW River Yarra map showing flood levels, these items, when compared allow researchers to gain a visual perspective of the extent of the flood in 1916. Black and white photograph of flooded trees in Kew with rising dry ground in distance.Inscription on reverse in pencil: "Flood River Yarra Kew Vic"river yarra, kew, floods 1916 -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Marnie McLeod, Floods on the River Yarra at Kew, 1916
The donation was accompanied by the following letter from the donor: "Hi. I found these in with family photos. Taken by family as Mamie McLeod was living in Fellows Street, Kew, so would be near there. Retain (or discard) as you see fit." [Donor's name and address withheld from public view]. To gain an insight into the flood levels at Kew, it is worth reading newspaper accounts of the event. The Age published an article - Valuable Gardens Destroyed at Kew - on 25 September 1916: "VALUABLE GARDENS DESTROYED AT KEW. From the heights of Studley Park, Kew, a splendid view of the flood waters can be obtained, and yesterday afternoon, despite continuous rain, crowds of citizens assembled there to witness the spectacle. There is a vast stretch of water some 300 or 400 yards broad, above the foot bridge connecting Gipps-street, Collingwood, and Studley Park. The river is only about 3 feet from the top of the embankment connecting with the ramp of the bridge on the Studiey Park side. When the upper llood waters come down it is almost a certainty that tne embankment will be submerged and the bridge rendered impassible. Below the bridge the waters again stretch out, and have submerged all the low-lying land on the Collingwood side and invaded the back premises ot the Kodak Co., Phoenix Biscuit Factory, a tannery adjoining thereto, the Shamrock Brewery, and Chinese gardens in the vicinity. At Walmer-street-bridge, at the end of Studley Park, the low-lying land on the Kew side is covered with water to the depth of many feet. Tlie land in question is owned in a great part by Mr Frank Lavers who haa gone in for intense culture on a pretty liberal scale on both the slopes of the hill and on the river flat. On the latter he is cultivating many acres of asparagus, and has at a considerable cost spent three years in preparing the ground and installing an irrigation system, reticulated from the Yan Yean water supply. This year the asparagus was put down, and the plants were in a promising condition. Tlie flood waters are now flowing fast over the land. The crop is ruined, and three years' work and expenditure destroyed. Mr. Laver's private residence fortunately is high above flood level, but two houses he owns off Young-street have been flooded out. Having been warned in time, the tenants removed their furniture hefore the water came down to Mr. Laver's residence, where they themselves have been given accommodation in the meantime. All the river flats in East Kew are under water. One or two low-lying houses have been flooded. Chipperfield's boat shed at Willsmere is nearly covered, and some Chinese gardens in the vicinity are several feet under water."This, and the other three photographs donated of floods in Kew are believed to be the earliest in the collection. Together with our original MMBW River Yarra map showing flood levels, these items, when compared allow researchers to gain a visual perspective of the extent of the flood in 1916. Panoramic view, believed to be looking north towards Fairfield from the Zig-Zag Bridge on the River Yarra. The inscription on the reverese identifies it as taken before 1920.Inscription on reverse in ink "(pre 1920) Flood from Zig-zag bridge Yarra River, Kew Vic."river yarra, kew, floods 1916, zig-zag bridge -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Marnie McLeod, Flood, River Yarra, Kew, 1916
The donation was accompanied by the following letter from the donor: "Hi. I found these in with family photos. Taken by family as Mamie McLeod was living in Fellows Street, Kew, so would be near there. Retain (or discard) as you see fit." [Donor's name and address withheld from public view]. To gain an insight into the flood levels at Kew, it is worth reading newspaper accounts of the event. The Age published an article - Valuable Gardens Destroyed at Kew - on 25 September 1916: "VALUABLE GARDENS DESTROYED AT KEW. From the heights of Studley Park, Kew, a splendid view of the flood waters can be obtained, and yesterday afternoon, despite continuous rain, crowds of citizens assembled there to witness the spectacle. There is a vast stretch of water some 300 or 400 yards broad, above the foot bridge connecting Gipps-street, Collingwood, and Studley Park. The river is only about 3 feet from the top of the embankment connecting with the ramp of the bridge on the Studiey Park side. When the upper llood waters come down it is almost a certainty that tne embankment will be submerged and the bridge rendered impassible. Below the bridge the waters again stretch out, and have submerged all the low-lying land on the Collingwood side and invaded the back premises ot the Kodak Co., Phoenix Biscuit Factory, a tannery adjoining thereto, the Shamrock Brewery, and Chinese gardens in the vicinity. At Walmer-street-bridge, at the end of Studley Park, the low-lying land on the Kew side is covered with water to the depth of many feet. Tlie land in question is owned in a great part by Mr Frank Lavers who haa gone in for intense culture on a pretty liberal scale on both the slopes of the hill and on the river flat. On the latter he is cultivating many acres of asparagus, and has at a considerable cost spent three years in preparing the ground and installing an irrigation system, reticulated from the Yan Yean water supply. This year the asparagus was put down, and the plants were in a promising condition. Tlie flood waters are now flowing fast over the land. The crop is ruined, and three years' work and expenditure destroyed. Mr. Laver's private residence fortunately is high above flood level, but two houses he owns off Young-street have been flooded out. Having been warned in time, the tenants removed their furniture hefore the water came down to Mr. Laver's residence, where they themselves have been given accommodation in the meantime. All the river flats in East Kew are under water. One or two low-lying houses have been flooded. Chipperfield's boat shed at Willsmere is nearly covered, and some Chinese gardens in the vicinity are several feet under water."This, and the other three photographs donated of floods in Kew are believed to be the earliest in the collection. Together with our original MMBW River Yarra map showing flood levels, these items, when compared allow researchers to gain a visual perspective of the extent of the flood in 1916. Small black and white photograph of flooded trees in Kew.Inscription on reverse in ink "Flood R. Yarra Kew Vicriver yarra, kew, floods 1916 -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, Jas R Mathers Son & McMillan, Camberwell City Heights, 1922
"Following the 1919 amalgamation of suburban tramway trusts, an electrified tram service extended along Doncaster Road. Housing estates such as the 1919 Balwyn Park Estate, 1922 Hillcrest Estate and the Camberwell City Heights Estate, also 1922, quickly followed. These estates were built over by expansive suburban villas, set in fine gardens and along tree-lined streets. North Balwyn, largely constructed since 1933, was typified by even grander houses, many of them in the 'ocean liner' style and seen at their most distinctive in the Riverview Estate." (Source; 'Balwyn' in eMelbourne)Portions of subdivision plan mounted on both sides of cardboard sheet. Coloured pink, probably to show allotments sold. Area covered: Doncaster Road, Mountainview Road, Panoramic Road, Cityview Road, Longview Road, Riverview Road, Hillview Road, Bulleen Road. Includes location diagram showing railway lines and existing and proposed tram routes.Cardboard backing has advertisement for "Tillock's soluble coffee"subdivision plans -- camberwell (vic.), camberwell city heights subdivision -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, Queen Victoria Jubilee Fountain, 1958
Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file including typed historical notes by Sue Leong on the Queen Victoria Jubilee Fountain of 1897 which was once located on the apex of the triangular land bordered by Cotham Road and High Street which was subsequently relocated to the Alexandra gardens in the 1920s to make way for the Kew War Memorial.kew historical society - archives, kew - history, queen victoria's jubilee - 1897, drinking fountains - kew, monuments - kew (vic), memorials - kew (vic)kew historical society - archives, kew - history, queen victoria's jubilee - 1897, drinking fountains - kew, monuments - kew (vic), memorials - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, C Stuart Tompkins, Junior Section, Kew Public Library, 15 May 1945
1860: Kew's first library was the Kew Literary and Scientific Society, which opened on 6 August 1860. 1884: Kew Town Hall was extended and the library transferred to a room on the upper floor. This was not an ideal arrangement as the room was required for Council purposes. 1904: A cottage adjoining Kew Town Hall was purchased for use as a library. 1937: The library was closed for a major overhaul of stock and renovation of the building. It reopened in December 1937 and remained there for more than 35 years. 1973: When the Civic Centre opened in Charles Street, Kew, the library moved in. 1987: Kew Library moved to its current location in the converted city hall, overlooking the beautiful Alexandra Gardens. The library was officially opened at this site on Friday 23 October 1987 by the Mayor of Kew, Cr James Tutt. (Source: Boroondara Library Service)Early original photograph of a children's library service taken by a notable Melbourne photographerOriginal photograph, in original frame, of the Junior Section of the Kew Public Library in Walpole Street, Kew. The photograph was taken by Stuart Tompkins who was the photographer of choice by the City of Kew from the 1930s to the 1960s. The details of the photograph are inscribed on the water-damaged mount, with the photographers signature at lower right. . "Junior Section, Kew Public Library, May 15th 1945"kew public library, photographers - c. stuart tompkins - camberwell (vic), children's libraries -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document, City of Kew, City of Kew Municipal Library, Children's Section, 1953
1860: Kew's first library was the Kew Literary and Scientific Society, which opened on 6 August 1860. 1884: Kew Town Hall was extended and the library transferred to a room on the upper floor. This was not an ideal arrangement as the room was required for Council purposes. 1904: A cottage adjoining Kew Town Hall was purchased for use as a library. 1937: The library was closed for a major overhaul of stock and renovation of the building. It reopened in December 1937 and remained there for more than 35 years. 1973: When the Civic Centre opened in Charles Street, Kew, the library moved in. 1987: Kew Library moved to its current location in the converted city hall, overlooking the beautiful Alexandra Gardens. The library was officially opened at this site on Friday 23 October 1987 by the Mayor of Kew, Cr James Tutt. (Source: Boroondara Library Services)Historically and socially significant set of regulations governing the use of the children's library in Kew in the early 1950sOriginal framed rules and regulations of the junior section of the Kew Library, dated 16.6.1953, authorised by the Mayor (W.E.R. Hope) and Town Clerk (W.D.Birrell). The document also lists opening hours of the Kew and East Kew branches.kew public library - kew (vic), kew public library - east kew (vic), city of kew - library guidelines -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photographs [Series], Robert Baker, Exhibition: Kew From Above, Kew Court House, 2014, 2014
The Kew Historical Society, founded in 1958, is one of the oldest continuing historical societies in the Greater Melbourne region. From its beginnings, the Society has mounted exhibitions and/or displays, in early days in shop windows and in community spaces located in the Kew City Hall (later Kew Library), and since 2010 at the Kew Court House. Exhibitions typically coincided with the annual Kew Community Festival in March, but after 2013 evolved into three new exhibitions yearly at the Kew Court House. Smaller displays continue to be mounted in the Kew Library. A born digital photograph of members and guests at the exhibition opening. Photo 1: L-R Terryl de Lacey, Janet Walker, Don Garden Photo 2: Les Littlechild, Sue Littlechild, Ian Job, ..., ... Photo 3: John Torpey, Slavka Jelovac kew historical society - exhibitions, exhibition - aerial photographs - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Kitty's Garden Stall, 'Houghton', 1971
Houghton in Princess Street Kew was an early Victorian cottage at one stage owned by a relative of the Beath family in nearby Ivy Grange. Their is a chapter on Houghton in Rogers, Dorothy (1961) Lovely Old Homes of Kew. At the time of then photo, accomodation for war widows had been built on a portion of the site.Colour photograph of participants at a local fundraising stall in Kew in 1971.At the home of Connie Howells Mar 18 1971. Curry luncheon in aid of C.A.A. Kitty's Garden Stall.houghton - kew (vic), vasey house -- kew (vic), houses -- princess street -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Glendonald School for the Deaf, Marshall Avenue, 1960-1970
Glendonald School for Deaf Children was run by the Victorian Education Department. It provided education and some residential services for deaf children. The school was situated in Marshall Avenue, Kew and operated from 1951–91. Deaf children whose families lived too far to travel daily were housed in a grand Victorian mansion in Belmont Avenue, Kew, the John Cannon Hostel. The school and hostel also accommodated a small number of wards of the state. Source: Glendonald School for Deaf Children (1951–91);; Accessed 05/09/2018.Glendonald was a significant mansion in Kew (now demolished) built for the industrialist and manufacturer Donald Leslie in 1886. The school was purchased by the Victorian Department of Education on 29 November 1950 for the sum of 16,500 pounds.Photograph of the front garden of Glendonald taken from Marshall Avenue."The old school for the deaf at 17 Marshall Ave for children from the age of six years to ten years old, then they would go to 25 Marshall Ave to finish their schooling leaving age 16 years old."glendonald - marshall avenue - kew (vic), education - deaf children - victoria -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Glendonald School for the Deaf, Marshall Avenue, 1955-1965
Glendonald School for Deaf Children was run by the Victorian Education Department. It provided education and some residential services for deaf children. The school was situated in Marshall Avenue, Kew and operated from 1951–91. Deaf children whose families lived too far to travel daily were housed in a grand Victorian mansion in Belmont Avenue, Kew, the John Cannon Hostel. The school and hostel also accommodated a small number of wards of the state. (Source: Glendonald School for Deaf Children 1951–91)Glendonald was a significant mansion in Kew (now demolished) built for the industrialist and manufacturer Donald Leslie in 1886. The school was purchased by the Victorian Department of Education on 29 November 1950 for the sum of 16,500 pounds.Trampoline in the garden of Glendonald, Marshall Avenue (Kew).The old school for the deaf at 17 Marshall Ave for children from the age of six years to ten years old, then they would go to 25 Marshall Ave to finish their schooling leaving age 16 years old. glendonald - marshall avenue - kew (vic), education - deaf children - victoria -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Glendonald School for the Deaf, Marshall Avenue, 1955-1965
Glendonald School for Deaf Children was run by the Victorian Education Department. It provided education and some residential services for deaf children. The school was situated in Marshall Avenue, Kew and operated from 1951–91. Deaf children whose families lived too far to travel daily were housed in a grand Victorian mansion in Belmont Avenue, Kew, the John Cannon Hostel. The school and hostel also accommodated a small number of wards of the state. (Source: Glendonald School for Deaf Children 1951–91)Glendonald was a significant mansion in Kew (now demolished) built for the industrialist and manufacturer Donald Leslie in 1886. The school was purchased by the Victorian Department of Education on 29 November 1950 for the sum of 16,500 pounds.Garden, Glendonald, Marshall Avenue (Kew).The old school for the deaf at 17 Marshall Ave for children from the age of six years to ten years old, then they would go to 25 Marshall Ave to finish their schooling leaving age 16 years old. glendonald - marshall avenue - kew (vic), education - deaf children - victoria -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Leopoldine Mimovich, Bronze Sculpture : Boy With Dog, 1990
... and in the Alexandra Gardens. artists - kew (vic) leopoldine (poldi) mimovich ...Leopoldine Mimovich was born in 1920, in Neumarkt in the Italian Tyrol. In 1940, aged 20, she moved to Vienna where she studied clay modelling and drawing. From 1943 she attended the School of Wood Sculpture in Hallstatt, graduating in 1947. Following her marriage to Ljubisa Mimovich, the couple migrated to Australia in 1949 travelling on MV Skaugum. After an initial period at Bonegilla and Royal Park Migrant Hostels the couple moved to Yarraville and then to 33 Miller Road, Kew, where she established her studio. A wood sculptor, painter and etcher, she was awarded an OAM for services to the arts in 1985. Examples of her sculptures in Kew can be found in the Kew Library and in the Alexandra Gardens. Black and white photograph of sculpture or sculptures by Leopoldine Mimovich photographed in her home at 31 Miller Grove, Kewartists - kew (vic), leopoldine (poldi) mimovich -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Leopoldine Mimovich, Bronze Sculpture : Boy With Dog, 1990
... and in the Alexandra Gardens. artists - kew (vic) leopoldine (poldi) mimovich ...Leopoldine Mimovich was born in 1920, in Neumarkt in the Italian Tyrol. In 1940, aged 20, she moved to Vienna where she studied clay modelling and drawing. From 1943 she attended the School of Wood Sculpture in Hallstatt, graduating in 1947. Following her marriage to Ljubisa Mimovich, the couple migrated to Australia in 1949 travelling on MV Skaugum. After an initial period at Bonegilla and Royal Park Migrant Hostels the couple moved to Yarraville and then to 33 Miller Road, Kew, where she established her studio. A wood sculptor, painter and etcher, she was awarded an OAM for services to the arts in 1985. Examples of her sculptures in Kew can be found in the Kew Library and in the Alexandra Gardens.Black and white photograph of sculpture or sculptures by Leopoldine Mimovich photographed in her home at 31 Miller Grove, Kewartists - kew (vic), leopoldine (poldi) mimovich -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Bronze Sculpture : Four Seasons, 1990
... can be found in the Kew Library and in the Alexandra Gardens ...The Austrian-born sculptor Leopoldine Mimovich was a prominent artist who lived and worked in Kew. Examples of her sculptures in Kew can be found in the Kew Library and in the Alexandra Gardens.Black and white photograph of sculpture or sculptures by Leopoldine Mimovich photographed in her home at 31 Miller Grove, Kewartists - kew (vic), leopoldine (poldi) mimovich