Showing 58 items
matching mount lyell
Federation University Historical Collection
Plan, Southern Prince Lyell Orebody 115 Sublevel, 1991, 01/1991
... mount lyell... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields mount ...The planes of the orebody at South Prince Lyell, including felsic volcanics, silicified One, shale lenses and owen conglomerate.mount lyell, tasmania, southern prince lyell, orebody, volcanics, hale lenses, owen conglomerate, magnetite alteration -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Booklet, S. L. Vale, Printer, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1927, 1927
... mount lyell... port arthur mount lyell queenstown paper-making rubber industry ...Editorial, Fumes from the lab, A trip to Geelong, Arts & Crafts gossip, The Duke and Duchess visit the school, Echoes of the past, A brief description of the rubber industry, Sport, The Junior Techs, A Brief Description of the Rubber Industry, The Troubles of a Wireman, Herald ShieldGreen soft covered magazine. Articles include J.N Rowell, Procession, Rare Metals, Excursion to Geelong, The Duke and Duchess Visit the School, A glimpse of Rabaul. Advertisements include: Maclurkin Motors (Morris) T.J. Haymes, C. Marks & Co., Ballarat Gas Company, Fred. A. Reed (Tobacconist), Wallace Butter Factory, Richards & Co. Studio, Neptune Radio Co, Golden City Vulcanising Co., H. Wardle and Son, J.A. Holland Cycles, Ballarat Radio Co, Drew & Wood, Isaac Abraham, Stansfield and Smith, C.P.A. Taylor, Thornton Studios, Wattle Tea Rooms, Black Cat Tea Rooms. Images include: John N. Rowell, Ballarat School of Mines Procession, sketcj of the Ballarat School of Mines Gardens by Graham Hopwood)Signed on first page by " Harold Jolly".ballarat school of mines, magazine, j. n. rowell, w. g. mchutchison, colin hunt, f. waistcoates, f. v. middleton, c. a. schache, ernest h. schache., rowell, mchutchison, c.a. schache, erenst schache, harold jolly, j.r. pound, n. nicholls, rabaul, new guinea, mica smith scholarship, past students' association, port arthur, mount lyell, queenstown, paper-making, rubber industry, wireman, ernest schache, e. van beek, australian football, thompson shield, graham hopwood, a. t. morrison, e. van beck, g. dimsey, g. inglis, l. hillman, j. nuir, j. johnson, b. saunders, dr. j. r. pound, h. jolly, a. proctor, j. walters, h. wardle and son, john rowell, j.n. rowell, w.g. mchutchison, colin hunt, f. waistcoates, f.v. middleton, ernest h. schache -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter - Correspondence, Inwards correspondence to the Ballarat School of Mines, 1908, 07/01908
... mount lyell mining and railway coy ltd... company limited mount lyell mining and railway coy ltd victorian ...The Ballarat School of Mines was the first school of Mines in Australasia, and was established in 1870. It is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia.Correspondence to the Ballarat School of Mines for the month of July 1908. Letter 162 Ballarat Fine Art Public Gallery Association 19 Lydiard Street North Ballarat, 26th June 1908 Sir, I am directed to inform you that at a meeting of the Council of the above held last evening, your previously acknowledged letter of 11th June 1908, addressted to "E. [Stoer?] Esq, President Late Technical Art School Committee", was received and referred to a committee for its report thereon, cousi directions of which was made are the Order of the Day for the Councils next Ordinary Monthly Meeting. I am, Sir, Your Obedient Servant, J.A. Powell Secretary F.J. Martell Esq Director The Ballarat School of Mines Ballarat ballarat school of mines, frederick martell, ballarat fine art gallery, j.a. powell, art gallery of ballarat, gallery association, charles j. morris, ballarat fine art public gallery association, telegram, c.h. clark, l. ditchburn, alumni, examinations, w.g. taylor, london bank of australia limited, bealiba, thomas r. lyle, jessie chalmers, signor steffani, arundel orchard, w.f. coltman, e.e. hobson, j.t. mooney, queanbeyan, p.e. marmion, willaim m. robertson, assay, e.e. brook, lloyd copper mines, h.b. silberberg & co., education department melbourne, c. james, w. west, haddon, warragul, bakers reef gold mning company, letterhead, victorian portland cement works, d. mitchell, electric lighting and traction co. australia ltd, austral otis engineering comapny ltd, melbourne glass bottle works company, cuming, smith & co. pty ltd, excursions, metropolitan gas company, jaques bros manufacturing engineers, victoria iron works, a. victor leggo co, leggo's metallurgical works, melbourne hydraulic power company limited, mount lyell mining and railway coy ltd, victorian railways, telegraph, land surveying, j. brittain, g. fitzgerald, hamilton, cochran and co, wynne-grant antimony reduction company, mt egerton and gordons mining co, e. hogan, e.c. connell, a.d. galoway, metallurgy, h.b. silberberg, specific gravity balance and weights, union bank of australia (ballarat), bullarto, bush inn, bullarto, w. harrington, prospective student, book donaton from smithsonian institution, e. la t. armstrong, department of mines and forests, melbourne, snake valley, r. hall-jones, c. calaby, clementston, thomas ramsay, w.d. thompson, longmans, green and co, selwyn chase, missionary exhibition, aboriginal court of the missionary exhibition, examination results, leslie coulter, hnery j. saw, thomas ramsay, virgil tucker, leslie c. blick, thomas r. williams, oliver w. williams, thomas r. williams, leo m. seward, david w. bonar, louis w.g. buchner, leo m. seward, albert j. robin, james a. chambers, james d. brokenshire, william kingston, edgar c. hurdsfield, virgil tucker, oliver w. williams, william g. sides, herbert hawkesworth, colin c. corrie, henry j. saw, thomas h. trengrove, thomas r. prigdeon, harold b. herbert, viola p. jackson, lionel s. davies, stanley w. tompkins, arthur m. lilburne -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Magazine, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1927
... Technical School; an exploration of the Mount Lyell Chemical Works... Technical School; an exploration of the Mount Lyell Chemical Works ...Every year the Ballarat School of Mines (S.M.B) produced a magazine, between 1898-1967. The 1927 magazine Editorial Staff- A.T Morrison, E. Van Beek, G. Dimsey, G. Inglis, L. Hillman, J. Muir, J. Johnson, N. Nicholls, B. Saunders, Dr. J. R. Pound, Mr. H. Jolly, A. Proctor, and J. Walters. Contains list of course students for 1927. Listing of School Council and staff for 1927 (inside front cover). Listing of departments, courses and fees (approximate) available at S.M.B . (inside back cover) *Articles -Mr. John Rowell regarding his receiving the Crouch Memorial Prize -S.M.B. Procession, 1927 -S.M.B. Ball July 20th at the City Hall -Letter to Editor 'The Chemists' Trip to Melbourne mentioning a tour of the Footscray Technical School; an exploration of the Mount Lyell Chemical Works; visits to the Colonial Sugar Refining Company, The Melbourne Mint, the Deer Park Explosive Works (met with former S.M.B. students, A. Perry and H. R. Kofoed), Nobel (Australasia) Ltd. -Mentions of Literary Society activities -Geelong trip by school football team July 18th to play Gordon Tech. -Extract from the 'People's Paper', July 14 regarding the S.M.B Gala Night and the election of Miss S.M.B. -Mentions of the Mica Smith Scholarship -4th Annual reunion for Past Students Association, 23rd October -Descriptive article on Port Arthur -Tour of the Mount Lyell District, with mentions of the North Lyell Mine, Port Kembla, Lake Margaret Hydro Electric Works -Paper making -A brief description of the rubber industry -Decorating for the Gala Ball -Sporting activities, 1926 and 1927 -The Junior Techs class and sporting activities. Mentions of their participation in the Procession *Prints -S.M.B. Botanical Gardens by Graham Hopwood, awarded first prize -Caricatures unknown subjects, though to be staff and students at the school *Photographs -Editorial Staff -S.M.B. Athletic Team, 1926- Winners of the Herald Shield -S.M.B. Football Team, 1927 -School of Mines Girls' Basket Ball team, 1927 -Girls' Hockey Team, Ballarat School of Mines, 1927 -Winners of the Thompson Shield, 1926. Premiers N.C.D.- J.T.S.A. (Junior Technical School Association) *Advertisements -A.N.A. Hall, Camp St. 'The Rollicking English Company- "The Rivals", presented by the School of Mines Dramatic Company. Wednesday, 14th September, 1927.Green soft covered book relating to the Ballarat School of Mines student activities for the year 1927. smb, ballarat school of mines, hockey, ballarat school of mines botanical gardens, graham hopwood, basketball, netball, a.t morrison, e. van beek, g. dimsey, g. inglis, l. hillman, j. muir, j. johnson, n. nicholls, b. saunders, dr. j. r. pound, mr. h. jolly, a. proctor, j. walters -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Interior of Sacred Heart Kew, 01/03/2015
... in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares... in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares ...In 1872 members of the Jesuits purchased land in Walpole Street. Three years later, on 14 February 1875, Archbishop Gould laid a foundation stone for a school. By 1899 the land for the current church was purchased after mining speculator and Mt Lyell 'Copper King' James Crotty donated 3,000.00 pounds. The foundation stone was laid on 15 December 1918 by Archbishop Mannix. The cost of constructing the domed church was 15,000.00 pounds. A Fincham and Sons organ was installed in 1927, and refurbished in 1977. NEW PRESBYTERY AT KEW. Plans have been prepared by Mr. R. Harper, architect and builder, for the erection of a new presbytery for the Rev. P. Rafferty, adjoining the Sacred Heart Church, Cotham-road, Kew. The new building, which will be in brick and of two stories, will be behind the present priests' residence, which will continue to be used until the new presbytery is completed. The cost will be £6000, and the work will be begun almost immediately. The old presbytery was purchased many years ago by the late Rev. Fr. P. O'Donohue from the late Mr. Smart for £3000, and the full amount of the purchase money was donated by the late Mr. James Crotty. At different times additions were made to the building, but the small rooms made it altogether unsuitable as a residence for three priests, and made remodelling impracticable. The new presbytery will be in keeping with the Church of the Sacred Heart and the surroundings on the elevated site. At one time the old Sacred Heart Church was in Walpole-street, Kew. (The Advocate, 09 December 1937) The whole of the estate of the late Jas. Crotty has now been realised ex cepting 4000 shares in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares. All the debts and legacies, including £10,000 to St. Patrick's and £3300 to the testator's parish church at Kew, and also probate duty, have been paid. On present values the Mount Lyell shares. are worth a total of £37,000, and at the present rate of dividends the return represents an income of about £2000 per annum. Over and above this there is a sum of between £20,000 and £30,000 available for investment, and this, together with the dividends brings the income of the estate up to about £3000 per annum. A sum of £1100 per annum will be absorbed in annuities under the terms of the will. Whatever amount is realised beyond the sum necessary to pay the annuities goes to Archbishop Carr for the church and charitable purposes until the death of the last annuitant, when the resi duary estate will be divided between the Little Sisters of the Poor (North cote) and St. Joseph's Home (Surrey Hills). (Launceston Examiner, 18 July 1899) Sunday last being the anniversary of tire opening of the Sacred Heart Church, Kew, the pastor, Rev. Fr. Manly, made a special appeal at the various Masses. The beautiful design for marble altar for the Lady Chapel, which is on view in the vestibule, continues to attract attention. The Children of Mary Sodality have kindly undertaken to provide it, and the president, Miss Frances O'Sulliv!an, 43 Rideway-avenue, Kew, will be pleased to receive and acknow r ledge subscriptions from clients of Our Lady. They may also be placed in box near Lady Altar. (The Advocate, 06 December 1923) NEW PRESBYTERY AT KEW. Plans have been prepared by Mr. R. Harper, architect and builder, for the erection of a new presbytery for the Rev. P. Rafferty, adjoining the Sacred Heart Church, Cotham-road, Kew. The new building, which will be in brick and of two stories, will be behind the present priests' residence, which will continue to be used until the new presbytery is completed. The cost will be £6000, and the work will be begun almost immediately. The old presbytery was purchased many years ago by the late Rev. Fr. P. O'Donohue from the late Mr. Smart for £3000, and the full amount of the purchase money was donated by the late Mr. James Crotty. At different times additions were made to the building, but the small rooms made it altogether unsuitable as a residence for three priests, and made remodelling impracticable. The new presbytery will be in keeping with the Church of the Sacred Heart and the surroundings on the elevated site. At one time the old Sacred Heart Church was in Walpole-street, Kew. (The Advocate, 09 December 1937) The whole of the estate of the late Jas. Crotty has now been realised ex cepting 4000 shares in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares. All the debts and legacies, including £10,000 to St. Patrick's and £3300 to the testator's parish church at Kew, and also probate duty, have been paid. On present values the Mount Lyell shares. are worth a total of £37,000, and at the present rate of dividends the return represents an income of about £2000 per annum. Over and above this there is a sum of between £20,000 and £30,000 available for investment, and this, together with the dividends brings the income of the estate up to about £3000 per annum. A sum of £1100 per annum will be absorbed in annuities under the terms of the will. Whatever amount is realised beyond the sum necessary to pay the annuities goes to Archbishop Carr for the church and charitable purposes until the death of the last annuitant, when the resi duary estate will be divided between the Little Sisters of the Poor (North cote) and St. Joseph's Home (Surrey Hills). (Launceston Examiner, 18 July 1899) Sunday last being the anniversary of tire opening of the Sacred Heart Church, Kew, the pastor, Rev. Fr. Manly, made a special appeal at the various Masses. The beautiful design for marble altar for the Lady Chapel, which is on view in the vestibule, continues to attract attention. The Children of Mary Sodality have kindly undertaken to provide it, and the president, Miss Frances O'Sulliv!an, 43 Rideway-avenue, Kew, will be pleased to receive and acknow r ledge subscriptions from clients of Our Lady. They may also be placed in box near Lady Altar. (The Advocate, 06 December 1923)Panorama of the interior of Sacred Heart Catholic Church Kew. sacred heart, kew, catholic church -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Sacred Heart Kew, c2015
... in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares... in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares ...In 1872 members of the Jesuits purchased land in Walpole Street. Three years later, on 14 February 1875, Archbishop Gould laid a foundation stone for a school. By 1899 the land for the current church was purchased after mining speculator and Mt Lyell 'Copper King' James Crotty donated 3,000.00 pounds. The foundation stone was laid on 15 December 1918 by Archbishop Danial Mannix. The cost of constructing the domed church was 15,000.00 pounds. NEW PRESBYTERY AT KEW. Plans have been prepared by Mr. R. Harper, architect and builder, for the erection of a new presbytery for the Rev. P. Rafferty, adjoining the Sacred Heart Church, Cotham-road, Kew. The new building, which will be in brick and of two stories, will be behind the present priests' residence, which will continue to be used until the new presbytery is completed. The cost will be £6000, and the work will be begun almost immediately. The old presbytery was purchased many years ago by the late Rev. Fr. P. O'Donohue from the late Mr. Smart for £3000, and the full amount of the purchase money was donated by the late Mr. James Crotty. At different times additions were made to the building, but the small rooms made it altogether unsuitable as a residence for three priests, and made remodelling impracticable. The new presbytery will be in keeping with the Church of the Sacred Heart and the surroundings on the elevated site. At one time the old Sacred Heart Church was in Walpole-street, Kew. (The Advocate, 09 December 1937) The whole of the estate of the late Jas. Crotty has now been realised excepting 4000 shares in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares. All the debts and legacies, including £10,000 to St. Patrick's and £3300 to the testator's parish church at Kew, and also probate duty, have been paid. On present values the Mount Lyell shares. are worth a total of £37,000, and at the present rate of dividends the return represents an income of about £2000 per annum. Over and above this there is a sum of between £20,000 and £30,000 available for investment, and this, together with the dividends brings the income of the estate up to about £3000 per annum. A sum of £1100 per annum will be absorbed in annuities under the terms of the will. Whatever amount is realised beyond the sum necessary to pay the annuities goes to Archbishop Carr for the church and charitable purposes until the death of the last annuitant, when the residuary estate will be divided between the Little Sisters of the Poor (North cote) and St. Joseph's Home (Surrey Hills). (Launceston Examiner, 18 July 1899) Sunday last being the anniversary of the opening of the Sacred Heart Church, Kew, the pastor, Rev. Fr. Manly, made a special appeal at the various Masses. The beautiful design for marble altar for the Lady Chapel, which is on view in the vestibule, continues to attract attention. The Children of Mary Sodality have kindly undertaken to provide it, and the president, Miss Frances O'Sullivan, 43 Rideway-avenue, Kew, will be pleased to receive and acknowledge subscriptions from clients of Our Lady. They may also be placed in box near Lady Altar. (The Advocate, 06 December 1923) A Fincham and Sons organ was installed in 1927, and refurbished in 1977.Colour photograph of a brick church in Kew called Sacred Heart.kew, sacred heart, catholic church, danial mannix -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Exterior of Sacred Heart Kew, 01/03/2015
... in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares... in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares ...In 1872 members of the Jesuits purchased land in Walpole Street. Three years later, on 14 February 1875, Archbishop Gould laid a foundation stone for a school. By 1899 the land for the current church was purchased after mining speculator and Mt Lyell 'Copper King' James Crotty donated 3,000.00 pounds. The foundation stone was laid on 15 December 1918 by Archbishop Mannix. The cost of constructing the domed church was 15,000.00 pounds. A Fincham and Sons organ was installed in 1927, and refurbished in 1977. NEW PRESBYTERY AT KEW. Plans have been prepared by Mr. R. Harper, architect and builder, for the erection of a new presbytery for the Rev. P. Rafferty, adjoining the Sacred Heart Church, Cotham-road, Kew. The new building, which will be in brick and of two stories, will be behind the present priests' residence, which will continue to be used until the new presbytery is completed. The cost will be £6000, and the work will be begun almost immediately. The old presbytery was purchased many years ago by the late Rev. Fr. P. O'Donohue from the late Mr. Smart for £3000, and the full amount of the purchase money was donated by the late Mr. James Crotty. At different times additions were made to the building, but the small rooms made it altogether unsuitable as a residence for three priests, and made remodelling impracticable. The new presbytery will be in keeping with the Church of the Sacred Heart and the surroundings on the elevated site. At one time the old Sacred Heart Church was in Walpole-street, Kew. (The Advocate, 09 December 1937) The whole of the estate of the late Jas. Crotty has now been realised ex cepting 4000 shares in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares. All the debts and legacies, including £10,000 to St. Patrick's and £3300 to the testator's parish church at Kew, and also probate duty, have been paid. On present values the Mount Lyell shares. are worth a total of £37,000, and at the present rate of dividends the return represents an income of about £2000 per annum. Over and above this there is a sum of between £20,000 and £30,000 available for investment, and this, together with the dividends brings the income of the estate up to about £3000 per annum. A sum of £1100 per annum will be absorbed in annuities under the terms of the will. Whatever amount is realised beyond the sum necessary to pay the annuities goes to Archbishop Carr for the church and charitable purposes until the death of the last annuitant, when the resi duary estate will be divided between the Little Sisters of the Poor (North cote) and St. Joseph's Home (Surrey Hills). (Launceston Examiner, 18 July 1899) Sunday last being the anniversary of tire opening of the Sacred Heart Church, Kew, the pastor, Rev. Fr. Manly, made a special appeal at the various Masses. The beautiful design for marble altar for the Lady Chapel, which is on view in the vestibule, continues to attract attention. The Children of Mary Sodality have kindly undertaken to provide it, and the president, Miss Frances O'Sulliv!an, 43 Rideway-avenue, Kew, will be pleased to receive and acknow r ledge subscriptions from clients of Our Lady. They may also be placed in box near Lady Altar. (The Advocate, 06 December 1923)Exterior of Sacred Heart Catholic Church Kew. sacred heart, kew, catholic church -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Church, First Sacred Heart Catholc Church Kew
... in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares... in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares ...In 1872 members of the Jesuits purchased land in Walpole Street. Three years later, on 14 Februrary 1875, Archbishop Gould laid a foundation stone for a school. By 1899 the land for the current church was purchased after mining speculator and Mt Lyell 'Copper King' James Crotty donated 3,000.00 pounds. The foundation stone was laid on 15 December 1918 by Archbishop Daniel Mannix. The cost of constructing the domed church was 15,000.00 pounds. NEW PRESBYTERY AT KEW. Plans have been prepared by Mr. R. Harper, architect and builder, for the erection of a new presbytery for the Rev. P. Rafferty, adjoining the Sacred Heart Church, Cotham-road, Kew. The new building, which will be in brick and of two stories, will be behind the present priests' residence, which will continue to be used until the new presbytery is completed. The cost will be £6000, and the work will be begun almost immediately. The old presbytery was purchased many years ago by the late Rev. Fr. P. O'Donohue from the late Mr. Smart for £3000, and the full amount of the purchase money was donated by the late Mr. James Crotty. At different times additions were made to the building, but the small rooms made it altogether unsuitable as a residence for three priests, and made remodelling impracticable. The new presbytery will be in keeping with the Church of the Sacred Heart and the surroundings on the elevated site. At one time the old Sacred Heart Church was in Walpole-street, Kew. (The Advocate, 09 December 1937) The whole of the estate of the late Jas. Crotty has now been realised ex cepting 4000 shares in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares. All the debts and legacies, including £10,000 to St. Patrick's and £3300 to the testator's parish church at Kew, and also probate duty, have been paid. On present values the Mount Lyell shares. are worth a total of £37,000, and at the present rate of dividends the return represents an income of about £2000 per annum. Over and above this there is a sum of between £20,000 and £30,000 available for investment, and this, together with the dividends brings the income of the estate up to about £3000 per annum. A sum of £1100 per annum will be absorbed in annuities under the terms of the will. Whatever amount is realised beyond the sum necessary to pay the annuities goes to Archbishop Carr for the church and charitable purposes until the death of the last annuitant, when the resi duary estate will be divided between the Little Sisters of the Poor (North cote) and St. Joseph's Home (Surrey Hills). (Launceston Examiner, 18 July 1899) Sunday last being the anniversary of tire opening of the Sacred Heart Church, Kew, the pastor, Rev. Fr. Manly, made a special appeal at the various Masses. The beautiful design for marble altar for the Lady Chapel, which is on view in the vestibule, continues to attract attention. The Children of Mary Sodality have kindly undertaken to provide it, and the president, Miss Frances O'Sulliv!an, 43 Rideway-avenue, Kew, will be pleased to receive and acknow r ledge subscriptions from clients of Our Lady. They may also be placed in box near Lady Altar. (The Advocate, 06 December 1923)Stone church with buttresses and portio.sacred heart kew, church -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Sacred Heart Mercy Convent, Victoria Street, Ballarat East
... in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares... in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares ...In 1872 members of the Jesuits purchased land in Walpole Street. Three years later, on 14 February 1875, Archbishop Gould laid a foundation stone for a school. By 1899 the land for the current church was purchased after mining speculator and Mt Lyell 'Copper King' James Crotty donated 3,000.00 pounds. The foundation stone was laid on 15 December 1918 by Archbishop Mannix. The cost of constructing the domed church was 15,000.00 pounds. A Fincham and Sons organ was installed in 1927, and refurbished in 1977. NEW PRESBYTERY AT KEW. Plans have been prepared by Mr. R. Harper, architect and builder, for the erection of a new presbytery for the Rev. P. Rafferty, adjoining the Sacred Heart Church, Cotham-road, Kew. The new building, which will be in brick and of two stories, will be behind the present priests' residence, which will continue to be used until the new presbytery is completed. The cost will be £6000, and the work will be begun almost immediately. The old presbytery was purchased many years ago by the late Rev. Fr. P. O'Donohue from the late Mr. Smart for £3000, and the full amount of the purchase money was donated by the late Mr. James Crotty. At different times additions were made to the building, but the small rooms made it altogether unsuitable as a residence for three priests, and made remodelling impracticable. The new presbytery will be in keeping with the Church of the Sacred Heart and the surroundings on the elevated site. At one time the old Sacred Heart Church was in Walpole-street, Kew. (The Advocate, 09 December 1937) The whole of the estate of the late Jas. Crotty has now been realised ex cepting 4000 shares in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares. All the debts and legacies, including £10,000 to St. Patrick's and £3300 to the testator's parish church at Kew, and also probate duty, have been paid. On present values the Mount Lyell shares. are worth a total of £37,000, and at the present rate of dividends the return represents an income of about £2000 per annum. Over and above this there is a sum of between £20,000 and £30,000 available for investment, and this, together with the dividends brings the income of the estate up to about £3000 per annum. A sum of £1100 per annum will be absorbed in annuities under the terms of the will. Whatever amount is realised beyond the sum necessary to pay the annuities goes to Archbishop Carr for the church and charitable purposes until the death of the last annuitant, when the resi duary estate will be divided between the Little Sisters of the Poor (North cote) and St. Joseph's Home (Surrey Hills). (Launceston Examiner, 18 July 1899) Sunday last being the anniversary of tire opening of the Sacred Heart Church, Kew, the pastor, Rev. Fr. Manly, made a special appeal at the various Masses. The beautiful design for marble altar for the Lady Chapel, which is on view in the vestibule, continues to attract attention. The Children of Mary Sodality have kindly undertaken to provide it, and the president, Miss Frances O'Sulliv!an, 43 Rideway-avenue, Kew, will be pleased to receive and acknowledge subscriptions from clients of Our Lady. They may also be placed in box near Lady Altar. (The Advocate, 06 December 1923) Number of photographes of the entrance to Sacred Heart Mercy Convent, Victoria Street, Ballarat East, as well as stained glass windows in the chapel.sacred heart mercy convent, ballarat east, stained glass window, sacred heart of jesus, john hove, announciation, kathleen blanche meagan, sacred heart college -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Kew. 2015, 01/03/2015
... in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares... in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares ...In 1872 membes of the Jesuits purchased land in Walpole Street. Three years later, on 14 Februrary 1875, Archbishop Gould laid a foundation stone for a school. By 1899 the land for the current church was purchased after mining speculator and Mt Lyell 'Copper King' James Crotty donated 3,000.00 pounds. The foundation stone was laid on 15 December 1918 by Archbishop Mannix. The cost of constructing the domed church was 15,000.00 pounds. A Fincham and Sons organ was installed in 1927, and refurbished in 1977. NEW PRESBYTERY AT KEW. Plans have been prepared by Mr. R. Harper, architect and builder, for the erection of a new presbytery for the Rev. P. Rafferty, adjoining the Sacred Heart Church, Cotham-road, Kew. The new building, which will be in brick and of two stories, will be behind the present priests' residence, which will continue to be used until the new presbytery is completed. The cost will be £6000, and the work will be begun almost immediately. The old presbytery was purchased many years ago by the late Rev. Fr. P. O'Donohue from the late Mr. Smart for £3000, and the full amount of the purchase money was donated by the late Mr. James Crotty. At different times additions were made to the building, but the small rooms made it altogether unsuitable as a residence for three priests, and made remodelling impracticable. The new presbytery will be in keeping with the Church of the Sacred Heart and the surroundings on the elevated site. At one time the old Sacred Heart Church was in Walpole-street, Kew. (The Advocate, 09 December 1937) The whole of the estate of the late Jas. Crotty has now been realised ex cepting 4000 shares in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares. All the debts and legacies, including £10,000 to St. Patrick's and £3300 to the testator's parish church at Kew, and also probate duty, have been paid. On present values the Mount Lyell shares. are worth a total of £37,000, and at the present rate of dividends the return represents an income of about £2000 per annum. Over and above this there is a sum of between £20,000 and £30,000 available for investment, and this, together with the dividends brings the income of the estate up to about £3000 per annum. A sum of £1100 per annum will be absorbed in annuities under the terms of the will. Whatever amount is realised beyond the sum necessary to pay the annuities goes to Archbishop Carr for the church and charitable purposes until the death of the last annuitant, when the resi duary estate will be divided between the Little Sisters of the Poor (North cote) and St. Joseph's Home (Surrey Hills). (Launceston Examiner, 18 July 1899) Sunday last being the anniversary of tire opening of the Sacred Heart Church, Kew, the pastor, Rev. Fr. Manly, made a special appeal at the various Masses. The beautiful design for marble altar for the Lady Chapel, which is on view in the vestibule, continues to attract attention. The Children of Mary Sodality have kindly undertaken to provide it, and the president, Miss Frances O'Sulliv!an, 43 Rideway-avenue, Kew, will be pleased to receive and acknow r ledge subscriptions from clients of Our Lady. They may also be placed in box near Lady Altar. (The Advocate, 06 December 1923)Colour photographs of the interior and exterior of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Kew. sacred heart kew, church, kew -
Puffing Billy Railway
Equipment - Railway carriage (pbr Rinadeena No.2nal) ( Mt. Lyell Mining & Railway Company No.02), 1901–1902
... Preservation Society from the Mount Lyell Mining & Railway Company... by the Puffing Billy Preservation Society from the Mount Lyell Mining ...2 NAL - Rinadeena - (Mt. Lyell) O 2; 2 NBL - 1st. class saloon car (20) NAL FIRST-CLASS SALOON CAR. Four saloon end-platform cars originally built during 1901–1902 by the Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Ltd. for the 3'6" gauge Mt. Lyell Mining & Railway Company in Tasmania and classed O. Converted for use as second-class cars on the 2'6" gauge Puffing Billy Railway during 1965–1966, these cars were reclassified NBL and numbered 1–4. The L recognises their Mt. Lyell origin, No. 1 was kept for use as the Railway's VIP car and was reconditioned to a higher standard. No. 2 was similarly upgraded in 1985 for use on special occasions. In 1989 No. 3 was similarly reconditioned with No. 4 receiving similar treatment in 1995. These cars were re-classified NAL in recognition of their new first-class nature. The Mt Lyell Railway was closed in 1963 and subsequently dismantled, but fortunately several of the locomotives and carriages passed into preservation. Purchased by the Puffing Billy Preservation Society from the Mount Lyell Mining & Railway Company in the 1960's and converted to 2' 6" gauge. It has since given many years of service on the Puffing Billy Railway. TASMANIAN CARRIAGES & GUARDS VANS No. Builder Type Year built Ex. Location Note NAL 1 Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co Saloon 1901 Mt Lyell Railway Named Mt Lyell NAL 2 Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co Saloon 1901 Mt Lyell Railway Named Rinadeena NAL 3 Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co Saloon 1901 Mt Lyell Railway Named Teepookana NAL 4 Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co Saloon 1901 Mt Lyell Railway Named Dubbil BarrilThe Rinadeena is a stunning example of a classic narrow gauge 1st Class Saloon Carriage, used as a luxury edition to train travel in the late 1800s and the 2NAL within Puffing Billy's collection was purchased by the Puffing Billy Preservation Society in the 1960s, where it underwent restoration to become part of the railway's historic transport collection.A timber and iron saloon car - painted in crimson with a name plate 'Rinadeena' attached to the centre of the carriage and the words '2 NAL' painted in white directly below. The word 'FIRST' is painted in gold at both ends of the carriage. The car has nine windows on either side of the carriage and a wrought iron ballastrade upon entry at eiether end of the carriage as well as iron steps to ascend. Inside the carriage are 10 bench seats made of wood and leather and ten tables for dining. The windows are adorned with cream cloth fabric and above each bench are wrought iron luggae racks. The ceiling is covered in cloth and features two suspended ornate glass and metal light fixtures. A wooden door with two glass panels can be found at both ends of the carriage.2 NAL - Rinadeenarailway carriages, first class saloon, narrow gauge, rinadeena, mt lyell, transport, travel, leisure, luxury -
Puffing Billy Railway
3 NAL (Teepookana), 1st. class saloon car, 1901–1902
... Preservation Society from the Mount Lyell Mining & Railway Company... by Puffing Billy Preservation Society from the Mount Lyell Mining ...3 NAL - Teepookana - (Mt. Lyell) O 3; 3 NBL - 1st. class saloon car (20) NAL FIRST-CLASS SALOON CAR. Four saloon end-platform cars originally built during 1901–1902 by the Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Ltd. for the 3'6" gauge Mt. Lyell Mining & Railway Company in Tasmania and classed O. Converted for use as second-class cars on the 2'6" gauge Puffing Billy Railway during 1965–1966, these cars were reclassified NBL and numbered 1–4. The L recognises their Mt. Lyell origin, No. 1 was kept for use as the Railway's VIP car and was reconditioned to a higher standard. No. 2 was similarly upgraded in 1985 for use on special occasions. In 1989 No. 3 was similarly reconditioned with No. 4 receiving similar treatment in 1995. These cars were re-classified NAL in recognition of their new first-class nature. The Mt Lyell Railway was closed in 1963 and subsequently dismantled, but fortunately several of the locomotives and carriages passed into preservation. Purchased by Puffing Billy Preservation Society from the Mount Lyell Mining & Railway Company in the 1960s, it was converted to 2' 6" gauge. It has since given many years of service on the Puffing Billy Railway. TASMANIAN CARRIAGES & GUARDS VANS No. Builder Type Year built Ex. Location Note NAL 1 Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co Saloon 1901 Mt Lyell Railway Named Mt Lyell NAL 2 Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co Saloon 1901 Mt Lyell Railway Named Rinadeena NAL 3 Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co Saloon 1901 Mt Lyell Railway Named Teepookana NAL 4 Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co Saloon 1901 Mt Lyell Railway Named Dubbil Barril Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co The Lancaster Company was formed in 1863 and owned extensive works on the outskirts of Lancaster where it produced railway rolling stock of all descriptions, tram cars, wheels and axles, etc and had a reputation for work of a very high-class character. In 1902 Metropolitan Amalgamated Railway Carriage and Wagon Co was registered on 18 April and incorporated as a limited company to amalgamate 6 companies including Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co These works were closed in 1908 when the business was transferred to Ashbury 1st Saloon Carriage Owner Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company, Queenstown, TAS Builder Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Ltd, England Build date 1901 - 1902 Car length 31 ft 4 in (9.55 m) Car weight 11 t (11.18 ton) Gauge Original Narrow: 1,067 mm (3 ft 6 in) Rebuilt Narrow: 762 mm (2 ft 6 in) Configuration Bogie Capacity 1 -3: 20 Passengers 4: 28 Passengers Number in class 4 Numbers Mt. Lyell: O 2 - O 3, O 5, O 6 Puffing Billy: NBL 1 - NBL 4, NAL 1 - NAL 4, Mt. Lyell, Teepookana, Rinadeena, Dubbil Barril First run 1901 No. Name Location In Service Withdrawn Condition Livery NAL 1 Mt Lyell, NBL 1 Puffing Billy Reclassed from O 5. Recoded to NAL 1. Operational NAL 2 Teepookana, NBL 2 Puffing Billy Converted from O 2. Upgraded - 1985. Recoded to NAL 2. Operational NAL 3 Rinadeena, NBL 3 Puffing Billy Converted from O 3. Upgraded - 1989. Converted to NAL 3. Operational NAL 4 Dubbil Barril, NBL 4 Puffing Billy Converted from O 6. Upgraded - 1995. Converted to NAL 4. Operational Historic - Industrial Narrow Gauge railway - Mt. Lyell Mining & Railway Company in Tasmania - 1st Class Saloon Carriage1st. class saloon car made of Timber and steel3 NAL - Teepookanapuffing billy railway -
Puffing Billy Railway
4 NAL (Dubbil Barril), 1st. class saloon car, 1901–1902
... Presevation Society from the Mount Lyell Mining & Railway Company... by the Puffing Billy Presevation Society from the Mount Lyell Mining ...4 NAL - Dubbil Barril - (Mt. Lyell) O 6; 4 NBL - 1st. class saloon car (28) NAL FIRST-CLASS SALOON CAR. Four saloon end-platform cars originally built during 1901–1902 by the Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Ltd. for the 3'6" gauge Mt. Lyell Mining & Railway Company in Tasmania and classed O. Converted for use as second-class cars on the 2'6" gauge Puffing Billy Railway during 1965–1966, these cars were reclassified NBL and numbered 1–4. The L recognises their Mt. Lyell origin, No. 1 was kept for use as the Railway's VIP car and was reconditioned to a higher standard. No. 2 was similarly upgraded in 1985 for use on special occasions. In 1989 No. 3 was similarly reconditioned with No. 4 receiving similar treatment in 1995. These cars were re-classified NAL in recognition of their new first-class nature. The Mt Lyell Railway was closed in 1963 and subsequently dismantled, but fortunately several of the locomotives and carriages passed into preservation. Purchased by the Puffing Billy Presevation Society from the Mount Lyell Mining & Railway Company in the 1960s and converted to 2' 6" gauge. It has since given many years of service on the Puffing Billy Railway. TASMANIAN CARRIAGES & GUARDS VANS No. Builder Type Year built Ex. Location Note NAL 1 Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co Saloon 1901 Mt Lyell Railway Named Mt Lyell NAL 2 Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co Saloon 1901 Mt Lyell Railway Named Rinadeena NAL 3 Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co Saloon 1901 Mt Lyell Railway Named Teepookana NAL 4 Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co Saloon 1901 Mt Lyell Railway Named Dubbil Barril Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co The Lancaster Company was formed in 1863 and owned extensive works on the outskirts of Lancaster where it produced railway rolling stock of all descriptions, tram cars, wheels and axles, etc and had a reputation for work of a very high-class character. In 1902 Metropolitan Amalgamated Railway Carriage and Wagon Co was registered on 18 April and incorporated as a limited company to amalgamate 6 companies including Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co These works were closed in 1908 when the business was transferred to Ashbury.Historic - Industrial Narrow Gauge railway - Mt. Lyell Mining & Railway Company in Tasmania - 1st Class Saloon Carriage1st. class saloon car made of Timber and steel4 NAL - Dubbil Barrilpuffing billy railway, narrow gauge -
Puffing Billy Railway
D21 - Diesel Mechanical locomotive, 1968
... locomotives were purchased by the Mount Lyell Mining and Railway... were purchased by the Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company ...D21 - Diesel Mechanical locomotive Date built - 1968 Original owner - TGR Original gauge - 1067mm Withdrawn - 1983 Built to 3'6" gauge in 1968 by the Tasmanian Government Railways and numbered V12, ownership of this Diesel Mechanical locomotive was transferred to Australian National Railways (Tas.) in 1978. It was withdrawn and sold to the E.T.R.B. in 1983 1968 - D21 ex-Tasmanian Government Railways (TGR) V class No.12, built by the TGR Launceston Workshops in 1968 to a design of Vulcan-Drewry (England). Tasmanian Government Railways V class The V class were the first diesel locomotives operated by the Tasmanian Government Railways (TGR) with four delivered by the Vulcan Foundry in 1948 to a design by the Drewry Car Co. They were a narrow gauge version of the British Rail Class 04. In 1951 a fellow two were delivered followed by another two in 1955. Between 1959 and 1968 the TGR built a further four at its Launceston Workshops. Two identical locomotives were purchased by the Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company in 1953. When it closed in 1963, 2405 was sold to the Emu Bay Railway as number 22, while 2406 went to the TGR as V13. All the TGR units were withdrawn between 1983 and 1987 while the Emu Bay unit remained in service until 2000. Ten have been preserved: V1 by the Bellarine Peninsula Railway, Victoria V2 by the Don River Railway V4 by the Hotham Valley Railway, Western Australia V5 by the Hotham Valley Railway, Western Australia V7 by the Derwent Valley Railway V8 by the Bellarine Peninsula Railway, Victoria V9 by the West Coast Wilderness Railway V12 by the Puffing Billy Railway, Victoria (regauged to 760 mm gauge and numbered D21) V13 by the Zig Zag Railway, New South Wales, sold to the West Coast Wilderness Railway, renumbered D2 22 by the West Coast Wilderness Railway, renumbered D1 Tasmanian Government Railways V class Manufacturer Vulcan Foundry Tasmanian Government Railways Entered service 1948 Number built 14 Number preserved 10 Fleet numbers TGR: V1-V13 Emu Bay: 22 Power: 152kW (204hp) or 114kW (153hp) Motor: Gardner 8L3 (V) or Gardner 6L3 (VA) Wheel Arrangement: - C - Weight: 25.6t Allowable load on 1:40 grade: 170t Length over headstocks: 6.8m (22ft 6in) Introduced: 1948 Built By: Vulcan Foundry, England; TGR Workshops, Launceston; Using parts supplied by Drewry Car Co (UK) Number Preserved: 10 Number In Service: 0 Total Number Built: 14Historic - Tasmanian Government Railways - Diesel Mechanical locomotive - V12 / Puffing Billy Railway Diesel Mechanical locomotive D21D21 - Diesel Mechanical locomotive made of steel D21diesel mechanical locomotive, puffing billy, d21, v12 diesel mechanical locomotive, d21 diesel mechanical locomotive, tasmanian government railways -
Federation University Historical Collection
Newspaper, Mt Lyell Reprieve - The Advocate Tasmania
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields Mt ...Copy of the Tasmania Newspaper the Advocate dated 27th Spetember 1991 with article titled Mt Lyell Reprievemt lyell, mt lyell reprieve, the advocate, newspaper, tasmania -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Map (Item) - Map and touring guide, Murrindindi Regional Tourism Association Inc, Marysville & The Mystic Mountains VICTORIA-AUSTRALIA, 08-2002
A fold out map and touring guide of Marysville and the surrounding district published in 2002 by Murrindindi Regional Tourism Association Inc.A fold out map and touring guide of Marysville and the surrounding district published in 2002 by Murrindindi Regional Tourism Association Inc.marysville, victoria, australia, map and touring guide, mystic mountains tourism, the beeches rainforest walk, lake mountain, cambarville, cathedral range state park, the cumberland, abbey green b&b cottages, anastasia fairytale cottage, ashlar cottage b&b, somerled mountain retreat, baree mudbrick cottages, blackwood cottages, camellia cottage, cathedral view b&b, cottage riverside, crossways country inn, dalrymples guest cottages, esa country ministries, hillcrest, keppels hotel motel, kerami house, lomatia lodge, lyell guest cottages, marylands country house, marysville caravan park, marysville holiday cottages, maryton park, melina cottage, moondai farm b&b, mountain lodge marysville, mount cathedral lodge, mystic mountains holiday cottages, nanda binya lodge, rendezvous on murchison, scenic b&b, the hermitage, tower motel, waratah house, willowbank at taggerty, woodlands of narbethong, keppels, lake mountain resort cafe, lanterns at willowbank, mantirri blueberry farm, marysville country bakery, the old woolshed cafe, clearstream olives, uncle fred & aunty val's old style lolly shop, acheron valley alpacas country store & gallery, bruno's art and sculpture garden, country touch, things of sand & stone, willowbank gallery, marysville auto & hardware, marysville newsagency & general store, marysville visitor information centre, narbethong visitor information centre, gallipoli park, keppels lookout, lady talbot drive, steavenson falls, steavenson river, taggerty river, acheron river, black spur trail riding centre, buxton trout farm, lake mountain resort ski hire, lake mountain ski school, marysville district country club, marysville ski centre, narbethong ski hire, rubicon horse riding, country touch tours, murrindindi regional tourism association inc -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Map (Item) - Map and touring guide, Murrindindi Regional Tourism Association Inc, Marysville & The Mystic Mountains VICTORIA-AUSTRALIA, 08-2002
A fold out map and touring guide of Marysville and the surrounding district published in 2002 by Murrindindi Regional Tourism Association Inc.A fold out map and touring guide of Marysville and the surrounding district published in 2002 by Murrindindi Regional Tourism Association Inc.marysville, victoria, australia, map and touring guide, mystic mountains tourism, the beeches rainforest walk, lake mountain, cambarville, cathedral range state park, the cumberland, abbey green b&b cottages, anastasia fairytale cottage, ashlar cottage b&b, somerled mountain retreat, baree mudbrick cottages, blackwood cottages, camellia cottage, cathedral view b&b, cottage riverside, crossways country inn, dalrymples guest cottages, esa country ministries, hillcrest, keppels hotel motel, kerami house, lomatia lodge, lyell guest cottages, marylands country house, marysville caravan park, marysville holiday cottages, maryton park, melina cottage, moondai farm b&b, mountain lodge marysville, mount cathedral lodge, mystic mountains holiday cottages, nanda binya lodge, rendezvous on murchison, scenic b&b, the hermitage, tower motel, waratah house, willowbank at taggerty, woodlands of narbethong, keppels, lake mountain resort cafe, lanterns at willowbank, mantirri blueberry farm, marysville country bakery, the old woolshed cafe, clearstream olives, uncle fred & aunty val's old style lolly shop, acheron valley alpacas country store & gallery, bruno's art and sculpture garden, country touch, things of sand & stone, willowbank gallery, marysville auto & hardware, marysville newsagency & general store, marysville visitor information centre, narbethong visitor information centre, gallipoli park, keppels lookout, lady talbot drive, steavenson falls, steavenson river, taggerty river, acheron river, black spur trail riding centre, buxton trout farm, lake mountain resort ski hire, lake mountain ski school, marysville district country club, marysville ski centre, narbethong ski hire, rubicon horse riding, country touch tours, murrindindi regional tourism association inc -
Federation University Historical Collection
Newspaper poster, The Saturday Mercury.'Mt Lyell Early Closure Looms'
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields mt ...Laminated newspaper poster from The Saturday Mercury, October 30, 1993. Headline 'Mt Lyell Early Closure Looms'.mt lyell, closure, mining -
Federation University Historical Collection
Newspaper - Newspaper poster, The Mercury Poster - 'Lyell's $43m Life Line', November 10, 1994
Laminated newspaper poster dated Thursday, November 10 1994 from The Mercury. 'Lyell's $43m Life Line'.the mercury, tasmania, lyell, life line, poster -
Federation University Historical Collection
Poster, Mt Lyell Mining and Railway Co Ltd Centennial Celebration, 1993
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields mt ...Laminated poster advertising the Mt Lyell Mining and Railway Company Limited Centennial Celebrations taking place in Queenstown 26th to 29th March 1993 'Mt Lyell A Century in Copper'.mt lyell, mining, centennial, copper 100 year -
Federation University Historical Collection
Poster, Mt Lyell Mining and Railway Company Centennial Celebration, 1993
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields mt ...Laminated poster advertising events associated with the Mt Lyell Mining and Railway Company Limited Centennial Celebrations taking place from Friday 26th March to Monday 29th March lyell, mining, centennial, -
Federation University Historical Collection
Newspaper poster, The Examiner. 'Mt Lyell Mine - New Hope', Saturday, June 4, 1994
Laminated newspaper poster for The Examiner, Tasmania. Saturday, June 4, 1994. 'Lease for fresh operator', 'Mt Lyell Mine - New Hope. -
Federation University Historical Collection
Newspaper poster, The Mercury. 'Bare Hills Q'town Wins Battle', Friday, October 15, 1993
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields my ...Laminated newspaper poster from The Mercury, Friday, October 15, 1993. Headline 'Bare Hills Q'Town Wins Battle'my lyell, queenstown, the mercury, mining -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Student's Magazine, Second Term, 1903, 1903
Table of contents: Editorial, Bad language in Sturt Street, The Greatest Mining Camp on Earth, A method for estimating arsenic in ores, S.M.B. camp, Some engineering experiences, Some reminiscences of W. A., Science notes, Notes on Mt Lyell, Students afield, Estimation of titanium, Illustration - students' abroad - No. 1, Past students, Ballarat scientific and literary society, Students' reunion, News and notes, Special notice, A sentimental ditty, International atomic weights. Pale gray booklet of 20 pagesballarat school of mines, students' magazine, o. e. jager, obituary, alfred gersham johnston, w. b. blyth, s. b. vial,, d. w. b. arthur, s. radcliffe, r. j. allen, tom vincent, angus gibson, lew westcott, reg robin, r. a. suter, b. nicholls, cecil eeles, gerald young,, harold edgar, fred cooper, h. l. krause, len seal, r. m. stubbs, dave lilley, e. w. trend, austin woods, j. phillipson, j. brangan, e. prendergast,, w. j. lakeland, w. a. gosman, a. basil reid, students' reunion, alfred mica smith, dr salmon, j. b. pearson, e. shew, j. m. currie, h. alston,, h. irwin, f. j. martell, a. m. ritchie, professor dawbarn, a. m. ritchie, t. s. hart, j. a. reid, a. e. kerr, a. gillespie, thomas hart, frederick martell -
Federation University Historical Collection
Report, Echuca Moama Tourism Planning and Development Strategy, c1996
Report compiled by three students of 'Tourism Planning and Development' at Ballarat University College (later Federation University Australia).victorian tourism industry, tourism, alumni, echuca, moama, hopwood's ferry, murray river, goulburn river, campaspe river, gaming -
Federation University Historical Collection
Report, Concept Study for the Development of The Railway Station for the Ballarat Regional Board, c1992, c1992
Blue report by four Ballarat University College Students in Tourism. victorian tourism industry, susan lyell, sharron smith, jennifer steain, janene trickey, alumni, tourism, ballarat railway precinct -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 2., Second Term, 1905, 1905
Grey soft covered magazine on 18 pages. Contents include: Wet Lead Assay, Swedish Iron, Cambridge Life, Arizona Mining Camp (photograph) , Adelaide School of Mines, Blast Furnace, Cupellation and Parting.ballarat school of mines, ballarat school of mines students' magazine, david ham, swedish iron, blast furnace, refining, commercial wet lead-assay, daniel walker, woolfram ores, mounty lyell ore deposits, cambrisge university, arizona copper mining camp, g.j. dawbarn, arizona, new mexico, clifton, adelaide school of mines, j.a. haslam, biggest blast furnace in the world, o.e. jager, anaconda copper mining co., cupellation, j.m. baldwin, kerr grant, w.j. lakeland, e.m. weston, r. lamb, h.b. cooke, p. mathews, g.s. hart, john rahilly, martin h. bade, hugo eklund, cupulation -
Greensborough Historical Society
Poster - Planning Document, City of Heidelberg, Subdivision Plan # G 27, Greensborough and Diamond Creek, 1922 and 1963
Plan of Subdivisions in City of Heidelberg: Side 1: 2 plans, Parish of Keelbundoora: plan 1: Henry Street, Vermont Avenue, Lyell Street, Nell Street, McDowell Street, 1922. Plan 2: Henry Street, Nepean Street, Charles Street, 1922. Side 2: 2 plans Parish of Nillumbik, Portion 13: Plan 1: Diamond Creek Road, Delfin Crescent, Ridge Road, 1963. Plan 2: Kinglake Road, Eltham Road, 1963.An example of hard copy subdivision plans from the Greensborough area. Mainly from the Shire of Diamond Valley era (1964-1994).Plan (2 sided) mounted on heavy card. Contains 2 sheets pasted together.Stamped and handwritten Council permissions, dates and other details.subdivision plans, city of heidelberg