Booklet - Magazine, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1927

Historical information

Every year the Ballarat School of Mines (S.M.B) produced a magazine, between 1898-1967.
The 1927 magazine Editorial Staff- A.T Morrison, E. Van Beek, G. Dimsey, G. Inglis, L. Hillman, J. Muir, J. Johnson, N. Nicholls, B. Saunders, Dr. J. R. Pound, Mr. H. Jolly, A. Proctor, and J. Walters.
Contains list of course students for 1927.
Listing of School Council and staff for 1927 (inside front cover).
Listing of departments, courses and fees (approximate) available at S.M.B . (inside back cover)

-Mr. John Rowell regarding his receiving the Crouch Memorial Prize
-S.M.B. Procession, 1927
-S.M.B. Ball July 20th at the City Hall
-Letter to Editor 'The Chemists' Trip to Melbourne mentioning a tour of the Footscray Technical School; an exploration of the Mount Lyell Chemical Works; visits to the Colonial Sugar Refining Company, The Melbourne Mint, the Deer Park Explosive Works (met with former S.M.B. students, A. Perry and H. R. Kofoed), Nobel (Australasia) Ltd.
-Mentions of Literary Society activities
-Geelong trip by school football team July 18th to play Gordon Tech.
-Extract from the 'People's Paper', July 14 regarding the S.M.B Gala Night and the election of Miss S.M.B.
-Mentions of the Mica Smith Scholarship
-4th Annual reunion for Past Students Association, 23rd October
-Descriptive article on Port Arthur
-Tour of the Mount Lyell District, with mentions of the North Lyell Mine, Port Kembla, Lake Margaret Hydro Electric Works
-Paper making
-A brief description of the rubber industry
-Decorating for the Gala Ball
-Sporting activities, 1926 and 1927
-The Junior Techs class and sporting activities. Mentions of their participation in the Procession

-S.M.B. Botanical Gardens by Graham Hopwood, awarded first prize
-Caricatures unknown subjects, though to be staff and students at the school

-Editorial Staff
-S.M.B. Athletic Team, 1926- Winners of the Herald Shield
-S.M.B. Football Team, 1927
-School of Mines Girls' Basket Ball team, 1927
-Girls' Hockey Team, Ballarat School of Mines, 1927
-Winners of the Thompson Shield, 1926. Premiers N.C.D.- J.T.S.A. (Junior Technical School Association)

-A.N.A. Hall, Camp St. 'The Rollicking English Company- "The Rivals", presented by the School of Mines Dramatic Company. Wednesday, 14th September, 1927.

Physical description

Green soft covered book relating to the Ballarat School of Mines student activities for the year 1927.

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