Historical information
In 1872 members of the Jesuits purchased land in Walpole Street. Three years later, on 14 February 1875, Archbishop Gould laid a foundation stone for a school. By 1899 the land for the current church was purchased after mining speculator and Mt Lyell 'Copper King' James Crotty donated 3,000.00 pounds. The foundation stone was laid on 15 December 1918 by Archbishop Mannix. The cost of constructing the domed church was 15,000.00 pounds.
A Fincham and Sons organ was installed in 1927, and refurbished in 1977.
Plans have been prepared by Mr. R. Harper, architect and builder, for the erection of a new presbytery for the Rev. P. Rafferty, adjoining the Sacred Heart Church, Cotham-road, Kew. The new building, which will be in brick and of two stories, will be behind the present priests' residence, which will continue to be used until the new presbytery is completed. The cost will be £6000, and the work will be begun almost immediately. The old presbytery was purchased many years ago by the late Rev. Fr. P. O'Donohue from the late Mr. Smart for £3000, and the full amount of the purchase money was donated by the late Mr. James Crotty. At different times additions were made to the building, but the small rooms made it altogether unsuitable as a residence for three priests, and made remodelling impracticable. The new presbytery will be in keeping with the Church of the Sacred Heart and the surroundings on the elevated site. At one time the old Sacred Heart Church was in Walpole-street, Kew. (The Advocate, 09 December 1937)
The whole of the estate of the late Jas. Crotty has now been realised ex cepting 4000 shares in the Mount Lyell Company and a small parcel of general mining shares. All the debts and legacies, including £10,000 to St. Patrick's and £3300 to the testator's parish church at Kew, and also probate duty, have been paid. On present values the Mount Lyell shares. are worth a total of £37,000, and at the present rate of dividends the return represents an income of about £2000 per annum. Over and above this there is a sum of between £20,000 and £30,000 available for investment, and this, together with the dividends brings the income of the estate up to about £3000 per annum. A sum of £1100 per annum will be absorbed in annuities under the terms of the will. Whatever amount is realised beyond the sum necessary to pay the annuities goes to Archbishop Carr for the church and charitable purposes until the death of the last annuitant, when the resi duary estate will be divided between the Little Sisters of the Poor (North cote) and St. Joseph's Home (Surrey Hills). (Launceston Examiner, 18 July 1899)
Sunday last being the anniversary of tire opening of the Sacred Heart Church, Kew, the pastor, Rev. Fr. Manly, made a special appeal at the various Masses. The beautiful design for marble altar for the Lady Chapel, which is on view in the vestibule, continues to attract attention. The Children of Mary Sodality have kindly undertaken to provide it, and the president, Miss Frances O'Sulliv!an, 43 Rideway-avenue, Kew, will be pleased to receive and acknow r ledge subscriptions from clients of Our Lady. They may also be placed in box near Lady Altar. (The Advocate, 06 December 1923)
Physical description
Exterior of Sacred Heart Catholic Church Kew.