Showing 227 items
matching princess royal
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... ROYAL PRINCESS THEATRE COLLECTION: COLLAGE OF PHOTOGRAPHS... Theatre. Photograph ROYAL PRINCESS THEATRE COLLECTION: COLLAGE ...Fred Page collection, collage of photographs & other of the Princess Theatre.buildings, commercial, princess theatre, bendigo, buildings, theatre -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... ROYAL PRINCESS THEATRE COLLECTION: PROGRAMME MATINEE REVUE... Blanket Fund. Document ROYAL PRINCESS THEATRE COLLECTION ...Document, Princess Theatre Program, Princess Theatre. Matinee revue, Princess Theatre, May 22nd,1912, in aid of The Mayoress, Mrs.J.H.Curnow's Blanket Fund.document, music, princess theatre programmes -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... ROYAL PRINCESS THEATRE COLLECTION: YMCA, ORPHEUS SOCIETY... by courtesy of the 'Bendigo Sun.' Document ROYAL PRINCESS THEATRE ...Princess Theatre, YMCA, Complimentary Concert by the Combined Orpheus Society Australasian Champions, Ballarat, 1923-24, and Orchestral Society, Frank Grose-Conductor. 10th Nov, Artists Assisting: Miss May McGauchie, Olive Kilfeder, Winnie Pithie, Mabel McGauchie. Madame Dorothy Duval. Mr Ernest Ash, Dudley Melrose, Orchestral Society. President: Barkly Hyett. Treasurer: W G Lansell. Hon. Sec.: N M Young. Programme. Pirates of Penzance, Gipsy Rondo, Elegie, Liebesfreud, Asra, The Ballad of Clamperdown, To the Forest, Down in the Forest, Allegro, Russian Boatman Song, Sunset, Chanson de Nuit, Chanson de Matin, Softly Sighs, Melanie, The Serial Story, Turkish, My Prayer, Mavis, Coronation March. Picture on page 4 YMCA Orpheus Society, Australasian Champions, Ballarat, 1923-24. Photograph by Bartlett Bros. Mr Dudley Melrose, Miss Olive Kilfeder, Mr Ernest Ash, Miss Winnie Pithie, Miss Mabel McGauchie, Mr Frank Grose, Miss May McGauchie, Madame Dorothy Duval. Block by courtesy of the 'Bendigo Sun.'Bolton Print, Bendigoprogram, music, ymca of bendigo orchestral society, princess theatre, ymca, complimentary concert by the combined orpheus society australasian champions, ballarat, 1923-24, orchestral society, frank grose-conductor. artists assisting: may mcgauchie, olive kilfeder, winnie pithie, mabel mcgauchie. dorothy duval. ernest ash, dudley melrose, orchestral society. pres.: barkly hyett. treas.: w g lansell. hon. sec.: n m young. programme. pirates of penzance, gipsy rondo, elegie, liebesfreud, asra, the ballad of clamperdown, to the forest, down in the forest, allegro, russian boatman song, sunset, chanson de nuit, chanson de matin, softly sighs, melanie, the serial story, turkish, my prayer, mavis, coronation march. picture on page 4 ymca orpheus society, australasian champions, ballarat, 1923-24. photograph by bartlett bros. dudley melrose, olive kilfeder, ernest ash, winnie pithie, mabel mcgauchie, frank grose, may mcgauchie, dorothy duval. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... ROYAL PRINCESS THEATRE COLLECTION: PROGRAM OF COMING EVENTS... Leggo& Co Manufacturers, Bendigo. Est. 1881. Document ROYAL ...Princess Theatre Bendigo - Program of coming events in c1917. Coming Events: Gonsalez, Italian Grand Opera Company, commencing Monday May 7, for 3 nights' season. The Brilliant and Incomparable Gonzalez, Italian Grand Opera Company. Opening Production_Verdi's Immortal Masterpiece Il Trovatore. Page 3. Monday, May 7, 1917. Il Trovatore. Opera in 4 acts. Music by G Verdi. Cast of Characters: Signorinas: De Revers, Russ, Capelli. Signors: Scamuzzi, Cacialli. Chorus of voices. Overture at 8pm sharp. Director of Orchestra: Giovanni Gonsalez. Leader of Orchestra: Mr S de Tarczynski. Cello Soloist: Mr Laurie Kennedy. Page 9 Farewell Night. Wednesday, May 9, 1917 Faust, Opera in 5 acts. Music by Gounod. Cast of Characters: Signors Balboni, Cacialli, Filippini, Cesaroni. Signorinas: Visoni, Russ, Piccolo. Overture at 7.45pm sharp. Director of Orchestra: Giovanni Gonsalez. Leader of Orchestra: Mr S de Tarczynski. Cello: Mr Laurie Kennedy. Cast members: Signors Balboni, Cacialli, Filippini and Cesaroni. Signorinas: Visoni, Russ and Piccolo. Director of Orchestra: Giovanni Gonzalez. Leader of Orchestra: Mr S de Tarczynski. Cello Soloist: Mr Laurie Kennedy. Page 11, Repertoire of Operas to be produced by the Gonsalez Opera Company to Wednesday, May 9. Monday, May 7, at 8pm. Cavalleia Rusticana, I Pagliacci. Wednesday, May 9 at 7.45pm. Faust. Between the acts. The story of 'Cavalleria Rusticana' is based on truth and reality alone. It is built up on the fact Turridu, a young peasant, has loved and wooed Lola before . . . . . . Of all the many successful productions in which Mme. Petrova, the celebrated Metro star, appeared, 'The Black Butterfly,' in which she appears in this Theatre, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, next, is considered her greatest, In 'The Black Butterfly . . . The story of 'Rigoletto' is taken from Victor Hugo's drama 'Le roi S'amuse.' In it the Duke of Mantua a wild and unprincipled youth makes love to every . . . Programme Compiled. Wholly Set Up and Printed by The Cambridge Press, Phone 130. Market Sq., Bendigo. Many ads appear throughout the brochure: Allan's, 253 Mitchell Street Bendigo. Ph 244. W Brown, 171 Mitchell Street, 'Centerway' 105 View Street, Bendigo's Leading Pastrycook & Caterer. Hume & Iser: English and Canadian wallpapers. Timber Merchants & Iron Mongers, full range of stoves, Mantlepieces, grates, tiles, bath-heaters, bathroomware, Berger's Paints. Phones: Yard 48, Showroom 470. Cambridge Press: For artistic programmes, menus, concert tickets, At-Home Cards, and Commercial Printing. Ph 130. Delves' Café, Dainty Service. 'Class' Suppers at moderate Cost. Ph 805. Next to Royal Bank (above Hampton's). Bendigo Business College: Evening Commercial Classes, book-keeping, typewriting, shorthand. Applications to James E Holland, F.P.S.A. Pianoforte & Organ Tuning. A B Challen, Qualified Tuner Ph 319, 42 Rowan St., Bendigo. Chatfield Bros. The Motor Experts, High Street, Bendigo. Ph 609. Car repairs, New cars, hire cars, something for your car. Service Station for Ford car parts, Dunlop & Goodyear tyres. Accessories of all kinds stocked. Oxy Acetylene welding of all metals. Bartlett Bros. Photographers. Bartlett Bros' Studios, (R W Bugg, Proprietor) Williamson St, (opp Hotel Shamrock). Half & Half (Registered) Non-Alcoholic and Invigorating. Manufactured by C J Glover, Ph 343, Chapel Street, Bendigo. R D Ellis, Ladies & Gents Tailor, 241 Mitchell Street, (opposite Morley Johnson's). Nursery (Rose) at Epsom, Stock to be Sold at Half Usual Price. Mr S H Hunt, who has 33 prizes & championships, has accepted a position with Brunning's of Bendigo and has sold the of his 10,000 Roses to them. There are . . . Baker & Woods, 313 Hargreaves St, Ph 209. Electric light installed in your home. 'THE BEEHIVE' Bendigo's Famous Store. Blouses of Beauty, Coats of Comfort, Costumes of Character, Dresses of Delight, Skirts of Style, Millinery of Merit are Permantant Features of Bendigo's Famous Store 'The Beehive'. Best by Test, Leggos of Bendigo 'Progress' Tomato Sauce on the table, wether at home or in the restaurant, there should always be Leggos of Bendigo 'Progress' Tomato Sauce. It's the kind of Sauce you enjoy to the last-no bitting acidity-but a Delicious and Delicate Flavor combined with a Smoothness always agreeable to the palate,. Leggo's 'Progress' Sauce is the result of the . . . H M Leggo& Co Manufacturers, Bendigo. Est. 1881.The Cambridge Press, Market Sq. Bendigo Ph 130program, theatre, princess theatre bendigo -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... ROYAL PRINCESS THEATRE COLLECTION: AUSTRALIA DAY 1915.... Document ROYAL PRINCESS THEATRE COLLECTION: AUSTRALIA DAY 1915 ...Princess Theatre, Australia Day, Friday, July 30th, 1915. Programme - Part 1. 'Comrades in Arms', Combined Masonic Choir. Land of hope and Glory, Miss E Linane. The Watch on the Rhine, Mr J F Warren. The Sea is England's Glory, Miss A Macoboy. The Yankee Colonel, Mr J K Wlker. There's a Land, Miss Pauline Bindley. The Ballad of Splendid Silence, Miss E O'Keefe. Concert Caprice, Mr T P Bockelmann. Open Thy Blue Eyes, 'Till the Boys Come Home, Miss Clara Colgan. The Boys of Dardanelles, Mr F Monaghan. Accompanist-Mr Stan Elliot. Part II. Pictures will be shown by the Princess Theatre Management. Special Music by the Orchestra (Conductor Mr Upton). Piano kindly lent by Sutton's PTY LTD. Furnishings by Mr R O Henderson. The Committee wish to express their thanks to the Employees of of Messrs. Bolton Bros. for Printing these Programs, and to Messrs. Bolton Bros. for supplying the Paper.Bolton Brosprogram, music, princess theatre, princess theatre, australia day, july 30th, 1915. programme - part 1. 'comrades in arms', combined masonic choir. land of hope and glory, miss e linane. the watch on the rhine, mr j f warren. the sea is england's glory, miss a macoboy. the yankee colonel, mr j k wlker. there's a land, miss pauline bindley. the ballad of splendid silence, miss e o'keefe. concert caprice, mr t p bockelmann. open thy blue eyes, 'till the boys come home, miss clara colgan. the boys of dardanelles, mr f monaghan. accompanist-mr stan elliot. part ii. pictures will be shown by the princess theatre management. special music by the orchestra (conductor mr upton). piano kindly lent by sutton's pty ltd. furnishings by mr r o henderson. the committee wish to express their thanks to the employees of of messrs. bolton bros. for printing and paper -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... ROYAL PRINCESS THEATRE COLLECTION: WILLIAM MURDOCH... by Messrs J & N TAIT. 4 pages. Document ROYAL PRINCESS THEATRE ...Princess Theatre, Bendigo. Wednesday, April 16th, at 8pm. William Murdoch Pianoforte Recital. Direction J & N Tait. Picture of William Murdoch on front cover. Program: Bach-Busoni, Three Choral Presludes 1. Wachet Auf 2. Nun freut euch 3. In dir ist Freude. Cesar Franck, Prelude Aria et Finale. Chopain, (a) Valse C# Minor (b) Valse Gb Major (c) Berceuse (d) Ballade Ab. 4 Debussy, (a) La Cathedral enhloutie (b) Two Arabesques. 5 Rachmaninow Three Preludes 1. G Minor 2. C# Minor 3. Bb Major. Bechstein Pianoforte from 'ALLAN'S' Advertising on rear cover about coming attractions by Messrs J & N TAIT. 4 pages.The Atlas Press Melbourneprogram, music, princess theatre, princess theatre, bendigo. wednesday, april 16th, at 8pm. william murdoch pianoforte recital. direction j & n tait. program: bach-busoni, three choral presludes 1. wachet auf 2. nun freut euch 3. in dir ist freude. cesar franck, prelude aria et finale. chopain, (a) valse c# minor (b) valse gb major (c) berceuse (d) ballade ab. 4 debussy, (a) la cathedral enhloutie (b) two arabesques. 5 rachmaninow three preludes 1. g minor 2. c# minor 3. bb major. bechstein pianoforte from 'allan's' advertising on rear cover about coming attractions by messrs j & n tait -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... ROYAL PRINCESS THEATRE COLLECTION: AUSTRALIASIAN TOUR... ne m'aimes pas! Markings none. Document ROYAL PRINCESS ...Princess Theatre - Australiasian Tour, Calve'. Signor Gasparri, Tenor M Pintel, Pianist. Madame Calve's Australian Tour, Direction J & N Tait. 6th October, 1910. Programme:Piano Solos by M Jaques Pintel; Ballade in A Flat, Rhapsodie No. 8, Polonaise. Songs etc. by Signor Galileo Gasparri; Africana, Recitar mentre Preso, Vesti li giubba. Songs by Madame Calve; Stances, Air di Mysoli. Song Duo and Romance by Madame Calve' and Signor Gallieo Gasparri: Habanera, Canzonetta, Enfin c'est toi, La Fluer que to m'avais jetee, Non! Tu ne m'aimes pas! Markings none.program, music, princess theatre, princess theatre - australiasian tour, calve'. signor gasparri, tenor m pintel, pianist. madame calve's australian tour, direction j & n tait. 6th october, 1910. programme:piano solos by m jaques pintel; ballade in a flat, rhapsodie no. 8, polonaise. songs etc. by signor galileo gasparri; africana, recitar mentre preso, vesti li giubba. songs by madame calve; stances, air di mysoli. song duo and romance by madame calve' and signor gallieo gasparri: habanera, canzonetta, enfin c'est toi, la fluer que to m'avais jetee, non! tu ne m'aimes pas! -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... ROYAL PRINCESS THEATRE COLLECTION: BENDIGO ORCHESTRAL..., stamp gone post mark Bendigo. Document ROYAL PRINCESS THEATRE ...Princess Theatre, Bendigo. Bendigo Orchestral Society & YMCA Choir. Maritana, Souvenir Programme 6d. Mon. Tues. Wed. August 7, 8, 9. Opera Produced by Mr E A Parker. Musical Director, Mr Oscar Flight. Deputy Director, Mr Alfred Sayer. Leader of Orchestra Mrs McKinnon. Chorus trained by Mr Wilfred Taylor. Chairman of Committee, Mr W Spencer Lake. Business Manager, Mr C J Greenhill. Pictures of artists: Miss Paulyne Bindley, Mr E A Parker, Miss Gwen De Ravin, Mr Wilfred Taylor, Miss Alva Stewart, Mr H H Turner, Mr Oscar Flight. Group photo of Ballet dancers. Argument - Maritana, a handsome Gitana, whilst singing to a crowd of people in a square in Madrid, attracts the admiration of the King. Don Jose, and unscrupulous courtier, observing this, determines to satisfy the . . . Characters: Paulyne Bindley, Gwenneth De Ravin, E A Parker, Wilfred Taylor, Lyell Shepherd, J W Smith, H H Turner, Lindsay Wright. Court Ballet: Miss Mercia Wright. Solo Dancer: Miss Fay Drummond. Chorus of Soldiers, Gypsies, and Populace. Deputy Principals: Alva Stewart, Frieda Bertuch, H J Allen. Costumes: Madame Tettrazini, Miss Ada Colton, Mrs E A Parker. Orchestra. Violins: Mrs C Adams, Miss J Anderson, Mr R Bright, Mr O Flight (jnr), Mrs S A Grant Mrs H Hillman, Miss J Houston, Mr G Krost, Mrs S McKinnon, Miss A McKinnon, Miss A McNair, A Sayer, Mrs L Shepherd, A Swift, H Timms. Viola: Mr P Coope. 'Cellos: Miss R Giudice, Mr W S Lake. Bass: Mr J Ditchburn. Flute: Mr A E Sayer. Clarinets: Mr B Smith, Mr P Waterman. Harpiste: Miss Whitelock. Cornets: Mr W Norman, Mr P Smith Mr A Swift, Mr F Taylor. Horns: Mr W Green, Mr N McPherson. Trombones: Mr Les Bishop, Mr E J Meagher. Drums: Me J McLaughlin. Piano: Miss I Benson, Miss E Flight. Chorus. Sopranos: Miss D Broome, S Brown, Mrs R Burland, Miss Betty Cant, E Colclough, E Collins, Bessie Davis, P Dunn, G Farmont, M Heyes, D Hoking, B Harpin, M Kitto, D Kirkwood, E Parker, L Simpson, Ida Stephenson, M Stephenson, L Smalley, Mrs W Taylor, V Thorpe, Miss Myrtle Taylor, Annie Thomas, Mrs C Walk, Miss R Wallent. Contraltos: Miss F Bertuch, Mrs D Campbell, Miss I De Ravin, M Davis, P Elliot, Mrs J Greenhill, Mess N Irving, I James, J Seers, J Shepherd, G Stephens. Tenors: J Cotton, G English, D Finery, Alec Jones, E Jeffery, D Parker, J Sims. Basses: D Doran, J Finerty, J H Hardie, A B Kirkwood, W L Macauley, S C Powell, R Prigg, W Reed, Les Spencely, Cyril Taylor, Ken Taylor. Mr Ron Hovenden, Scenic Artist. Ballet: Misses Clarice Harry, Rita Lansell, Thelma McKenzie, Mena Bailey, Dorothy Roberts, Fay Drummond, Kath Dungey, Jean Wright. Dance Mistress Miss Mercia Wright. Photo of dance group on rear cover. Printed down right side: Mr W. Reed - With Compliments from ''Maritana'' Committee. Sep 5/33. Signed: W Spencer Lake. Very decorative cover. B/ Envelope addressed to Mr W Reed, Lily St, Bendigo. 2 pieces of white tape on left side one top and one at bottom, stamp gone post mark Bendigo.Reed & Co., Printers, Bendigotheatre, opera, bendigo orchestral society:ymca cho, princess theatre. bendigo orchestral society & ymca choir. maritana. august 7, 8, 9. opera by mr e a parker. musical director, mr oscar flight. deputy director, mr alfred sayer. leader of orchestra mrs mckinnon. chorus trained: mr wilfred taylor. chairman of committee, mr w spencer lake. business manager, mr c j greenhill. photos of: miss paulyne bindley, mr e a parker, miss gwen de ravin, mr wilfred taylor, miss alva stewart, mr h h turner, mr oscar flight. group photo of ballet dancers. argument - maritana, a handsome gitana, whilst singing to a crowd of people in a square in madrid, attracts. . . characters: paulyne bindley, gwenneth de ravin, e a parker, wilfred taylor, lyell shepherd, j w smith, h h turner, lindsay wright. court ballet: miss mercia wright. solo dancer: miss fay drummond. chorus of soldiers, gypsies, and populace. deputy principals: alva stewart, frieda bertuch, h j allen. costumes: madame tettrazini, miss ada colton, mrs e a parker. orchestra. violins: mrs c adams, miss j anderson, mr r bright, mr o flight (jnr), mrs s a grant mrs h hillman, miss j houston, mr g krost, mrs s mckinnon, miss a mckinnon, miss a mcnair, a sayer, mrs l shepherd, a swift, h timms. viola: mr p coope. 'cellos: miss r giudice, mr w s lake. bass: mr j ditchburn. flute: mr a e sayer. clarinets: mr b smith, mr p waterman. harpiste: miss whitelock. cornets: mr w norman, mr p smith mr a swift, mr f taylor. horns: mr w green, mr n mcpherson. trombones: mr les bishop, mr e j meagher. drums: me j mclaughlin. piano: miss i benson, miss e flight. chorus. sopranos: miss d broome, s brown, mrs r burland, miss betty cant, e colclough, e collins, bessie davis, p dunn, g farmont, m heyes, d hoking, b harpin, m kitto, d kirkwood, e parker, l simpson, ida stephenson, m stephenson, l smalley, mrs w taylor, v thorpe, miss myrtle taylor, annie thomas, mrs c walk, miss r wallent. contraltos: miss f bertuch, mrs d campbell, miss i de ravin, m davis, p elliot, mrs j greenhill, mess n irving, i james, j seers, j shepherd, g stephens. tenors: j cotton, g english, d finery, alec jones, e jeffery, d parker, j sims. basses: d doran, j finerty, j h hardie, a b kirkwood, w l macauley, s c powell, r prigg, w reed, les spencely, cyril taylor, ken taylor. mr ron hovenden, scenic artist. ballet: misses clarice harry, rita lansell, thelma mckenzie, mena bailey, dorothy roberts, fay drummond, kath dungey, jean wright. dance mistress miss mercia wright. photo of dance group. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... ROYAL PRINCESS THEATRE COLLECTION: PLAN OF ALTERATIONS TO... ROYAL PRINCESS THEATRE COLLECTION: PLAN OF ALTERATIONS ...Plan: Alterations to the Princess Theatre. Architects drawing by Cowper, Murphy and Appleford, Architects, 440 Little Collins St melbourneCowper, Murphy and Appleford, Architects, 440 Little Collins St melbournebuildings, commercial, princess theatre, princess theatre, alterations, cowper murphy and appleford -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... royal princess theatre... to the patrons of the Royal Princess Theatre, Bendigo. July-September... CIVIC MEMENTOES Plaques royal princess theatre bendigo Lydia ...A certificate in a brown glassed frame presented by the RSL and Citizens of Victoria ''Operation and Gratitude'' Appeal Committee to the patrons of the Royal Princess Theatre, Bendigo. July-September, 1956. There is a photo the Govenor of Victoria General Sir Dallas Brookscivic mementoes, plaques, royal princess theatre, bendigo, lydia chancellor, collection, plaque, certificate, 'operation gratitude, ' royal princess theatre' bendigo, the returned soldiers league -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Memorabilia - Memento of the visit of Their Royal Highnesses Princess Elizabeth, Duchess of Edinburgh and the Duke of Edinburgh
... Memento of the visit of Their Royal Highnesses Princess... Australia along with Princess Margaret. Their tour was cancelled ...Produced in preparation for the visit of the Duchess and Duke of Edinburgh. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth were scheduled to tour Australia along with Princess Margaret. Their tour was cancelled November 1951 due to the King's health and replaced with scheduled tour for the Duchess and Duke of Edinburgh, scheduled for Early 1952. The card was produced to commemorate the visit, but the tour was cancelled after the death of King George VI in February of 1952. Folded A5 card commemorating the Duchess and Duke of Edinburgh's visit to Australia in 1952. Printed in colour, the card contains the Coat of arms of the United Kingdom on the front cover, images of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth on their coronation day in 1937, and a family portrait of then Princess Elizabeth, Prince Philip, Prince Charles and Princess Ann (date unknown). On the back cover are the hand drawn coat of arms of Australia, and that of each of the states and territories. king geroge vi, australia, royal visit, queen elizabeth ii, duke of edinburgh, royal tour -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Various cruise ships at Station Pier, Port Melbourne, Ron Laing, 1986 - 1999
... daphne maasdam dulos azer baozhan island princess royal odyssey ...A set of 110 photographs of various cruise ships berthed at Station Pier 1986-1999 PICTURES 31-40 NOT FOUND MAY 2015, still absent 15.01.19 and 22/8/23royal viking sea, achille lauro, crystal harmony, rms queen elizabeth 2, qe2, pacifc princess, fairstar, frontier spirit, canberra, daphne, maasdam, dulos, azer baozhan, island princess, royal odyssey, mikhail sholokhov, maxim gorky, europa, russ, albatros, golden princess, marco polo, crystal symphony, rotterdam 56, kareliya, italia prima, fuki maru, sky princess, oriana, seabourne legend, delphin, royal viking sun, columbus, astor, silver wind, fair princess, nieuw amsterdam 99, transport - shipping, piers and wharves - station pier, ron laing -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Royal Princess Theatre... Diamond Jubilee. Held at the Royal Princess Theatre.... CIVIC MEMENTOES first annual competitions Royal Princess Theatre ...Printed silk programme, cream coloured silk printed in red. The programme is for the Austral Literary and Debating Society's first grand annual Competitions in music, song and story. Instituted Queen's birthday 1897, to commemorate the year of Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee. Held at the Royal Princess Theatre.civic mementoes, first annual competitions, royal princess theatre, austral literary and debating society -
City of Warrnambool Rowing Club
Metal Shield- coat of arms
... and sun below the Coat of Arms of Victoria, the Princess Royal. ... of Victoria, the Princess Royal. Metal Shield- coat of arms ...In 1953 the warrnambool rowing club was given permission to use the warrnambool city council colors and insignia. Circular metal shield with blue and gold enamel paint depicting the rowing clubs shield: A sailing boat, sheaf of wheat and sun below the Coat of Arms of Victoria, the Princess Royal. City of Warrnambool Rowing Club By These We Florishcity of warrnambool rowing club, warrnambool, warrnambool rowing club, warrnambool city council, coat of arms -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Royal Princess Hotel... and to the left of that a portion of Pulfer Motors ( the old Royal... Transport Ltd Pulfer Motors Royal Princess Hotel Specimen Cottage ...Black and white photograph of a circa 1940'c semi Trailer parked in Hargreaves street, opposite the Hanro Factory. Behind the truck can be seen the upper section of Specimen Cottage and to the left of that a portion of Pulfer Motors ( the old Royal Princess Hotel) The trucking Company is Yellow Express and there is a large crate on the trailer. A sign on the front of the crate reads ' Packed by Westfield Transport Ltd. ' and above that another sign: ' Handle with Care, Fully Assembled ? Textile Machinery '.organization, business, hanro, hanro, yellow express carriers, westfield transport ltd, pulfer motors, royal princess hotel, specimen cottage -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Grand Orchestral Vocal Concert. Royal Princess Theatre...a Grand Orchestral and Vocal Concert. Royal Princess... PROGRAM Theatre Grand Orchestral Vocal Concert. Royal Princess ...a Grand Orchestral and Vocal Concert. Royal Princess Theatre Bendigo, Christmas night, December 25, 1895. Orchestra consists of 45 performers. Artists: Miss Maggie Stirling (Mezzo-Soprano), Miss Louie Morrell (Soprano), Mrs W. B. Melrose (Soprano), Mr J. E. Andrew (Baritone), Accompanist: Dr W. J. Long, Conductor: Mr E. R. G. Andrews. Tickets 3s,2s, & 1s. Commence at 8 o'clock. Program Printed by Bolton Bros., Printers, Williamson St, Bendigo. b/ Photocopy of above.Bolton Bros., Williamson St, Bendigo.program, theatre, grand orchestral vocal concert. royal princess theatre bendigo, christmas night, december 25, 1895. 45 performers. artists: miss maggie stirling (mezzo-soprano), miss louie morrell (soprano), mrs w. b. melrose (soprano), mr j. e. andrew (baritone), accompanist: dr w. j. long, conductor: mr e. r. g. andrews. commence at 8 o'clock. program printed by bolton bros -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Royal Princess Theatre... at the Royal Princess Theatre. Program printed in red a creamy, silky... Society's First Grand Annual Competitions Royal Princess Theatre J H ...Program for the Austral Literary and Debating Society's First Grand Annual Competitions in Music, Song and Story held at the Royal Princess Theatre. Program printed in red a creamy, silky material with a satin type finish. F. Aswel Apted, President. Arthur L. Bolton and Jtn. Smalley, Hon. Secs. Those who took part are: Northcott's Band, R Rule, A Bottoms, Flora Hill, Winifred Bishop, Vida Rogers, G Walter, G Fred Walter, A Hosking, Prof Lupton, Josephine Scott, Ralph W Brown, Lady Brassey, A B Flohm, Eathorne Rogers, T Bockelmann, Ch H King, Nellie Jeffrey, Lizzie Trevean, Ethel Osborne, Lillie Sharp and W Tinkler. Hon. Accompanist was Mr. J. H. Bryan and prizes were distributed by Lady Brassey.entertainment, concert, music, song & story, austral literary and debating society's first grand annual competitions, royal princess theatre, j h bryan, northcott's band, r rule, a bottoms, flora hill, winifred bishop, vida rogers, g walter, g fred walter, a hosking, prof lupton, josephine scott, ralph w brown, lady brassey, a b flohm, eathorne rogers, t bockelmann, ch h king, nellie jeffrey, lizzie trevean, ethel osborne, lillie sharp, w tinkler, f aswel apted, arthur l bolton, jtn smalley -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Royal Princess Theatre...; St. James Hall; Royal Princess Theatre; Masonic Theatre... James Hall Royal Princess Theatre Alice Crawford Lyceum Theatre ...'Theatre on the Goldfields'' - paper by Frank Cusack. Two versions of this paper - an incomplete version (foolscap) of 6 pages and full version (A4) with pencilled annotations (19 pp). (Incomplete version covers pages to p11). Reference to Theatre Royal; Yates (lessee); Gregg (lessee); Carcross's Royal Exchange Restaurant; Wright's tent theatre; Victorian saloon; Sydenham Gardens; Burton's Circus; C H Rignold; Royal Victoria Theatre; Princess Theatre; Criterion Hotel; Fawcett Rowe; Lola Montez; Criterion Theatre; Henry Coleman; G V Brooke; Burralls Assembly Rooms; Nicholls Assembly Rooms; Shamrock Concert Hall; Bendigo Hotel; Billy Heffernon; John Crowley; Thatcher; Greville; Joe Small; Fanny Young; Frank Varley; Lyceum Theatre; Haymarket; Bendigo Histrionic Club; Garrick Club; Sandhurst Philharmonic Society; Abbott; new Lyceum theatre; Richard Younge; opera house; St. James Hall; Royal Princess Theatre; Masonic Theatre; Bendigo Dramatic Society; Bendigo Glee Club; Bendigo Amateur Dramatic Club; Bendigo Orchestra; Bendigo Liedertafel; Alice Crawford; Conservatorium of Music; E A Bindley.Frank Cusackentertainment, theatre, history, frank cusack, royal theatre, wrights tent theatre, burtons circus, c. h. rignold, burralls assembley rooms, nicholls assembley rooms, shamrock concert hall, garrick club, st james hall, royal princess theatre, alice crawford, lyceum theatre. e a bindley. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Specimen Cottage Royal Princess Hotel built by James... the Royal Princess Hotel, also built by Brierley, Bendigo Historical... the Royal Princess Hotel, also built by Brierley, Bendigo Historical ...Newspaper feature from Bendigo Advertiser Tues January 12 2016 and image of Specimen Cottage before restoration in 1970s It was built by stonemason James Brierley for his family Is now the front of house and display centre for The Bendigo Historical Society and is arguably the oldest building in the city with 1856 shown above the front door Near the corner of Hargreaves and Mundy St The building has two parts The 1856 section is single storey with front façade of locally sourced sandstone rubble with dressed quoins and dressings to openings, side walls are of rubble the rear and interior walls are of red brick a central front door a window on either side The roof which was probably hipped, was later joined to the next wall of the 1861 section and is partly covered with Morewood and Rogers metal tiles with partly corrugated iron The 1861 section was built to match the earlier one Across the first floor of the 1861 section is an elegantly detailed cantilevered timber balcony with a hived concave roof and two French windows opening onto it Bendigo Historical Society members Barbara Poustie and Carol Holsworth have led tours of the cottage as part of the 'Summer in the parks' program A plaque on the corner of Hargreaves and Mundy indicates that there once stood the Royal Princess Hotel, also built by Brierley, Bendigo Historical Society members have continued research on the Brierley familyhistory, australian, bendigo, architecture, specimen cottage royal princess hotel built by james brierly in 1856 barbara proustie carol holsworth -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Royal Princess Theatre... The Australian Legend The Shamrock Concert hall Royal Princess Theatre J ...Typed account of the entertainment in Bendigo in the early days. People made their own entertainment and from 1853 theatres and concert halls became a part of life on the goldfield. Singers and musicians came to perform. There was also processions, race meetings and sporting events.bendigo, entertainment, gold fields, entertainment on the gold fields 1850 - 1890, m dixon, lola montez, amy castles, charles thatcher, bendigo advertiser, the theatre royal, yates, royal exchange restaurant, shamrock hotel, merchant of venice, othello, hamlet, lady of lyons, royal victoria theatre, bendigo histrionic club, the old curiosity shop, benevolent asylum, shakespearean society, criterion theatre, w howitt, land labour and gold, frank cusack, bendigo a history, the bendigo advertiser centenary edition, r ward, the australian legend, the shamrock concert hall, royal princess theatre, j c williamson, maggie moore, ilma de murska, easter fair, jim crilly, annals of bendigo, gilbert and sullivan, dick davey's pub, g mackay, mackay & co, sandhurst bee, m clark, a short history of australia, r lacour-gayet, a concise history of australia, jack hattam -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Royal Princess Theatre... Boy's Dramatic Society Royal Princess Theatre John Busst H S V ...Handwritten and typed report on the Opening of Matthew Flinders Bi-Centenial giving details of the ceremony. Also mentioned is Charcoal Burning, the Tanning Industry, Hitching Posts, Miners' Phthisis and the Wesley Boys.document, to newsletter from ian hendry, matthew flinders bi-centennial celebrations, rhsv, r a n, h m a s cerberus, sir rohan delecombe, premier hamer, dr phillip law, mrs m tipping, miss katrina rumley, brian dixon, don shiel, deehan brothers, messrs goudge and sibley, j h abbott & company, tan bark, bendigo cemetery, mrs lucy hill, joch, annals of bendigo, councillor marks, dr j m eadie, watson sustentation fund, mr p phillips, bendigo branch of the miners' association, dr lanza, bendigo amalgamated goldfields, bendigo benevolent asylum, commonwealth department of health, wesley boy's dramatic society, royal princess theatre, john busst, h s v busst, the monkey's paw, the bishop's candlesticks, dr adamson, mrs t lunn -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Royal Princess Theatre... Curnow Mr J Dunphy Mr Carrier Royal Princess Theatre I R Hendry ...Handwritten extracts from a newspaper clipping dated 19/3/1928 Bert H & the E'hawk Methodists and 13/8/1928 (B'go & Trackless Train). Bert Hinkler and the Eaglehawk Methodists tell of the protests from the Eaglehawk Methodists when Bert Hinkler landed his plane at Flemington Racecourse on Sunday March 18 1928. Also mentioned is the Matthew Flinders Bi-Centenary in Lincolnshire. Bgo and the Trackless Train describe the Trackless Train's visit to Bendigo on August 12 1928. It was an advertising medium for M. G. M. Films. Notes are dated July '74.document, names of bendigo pioneers, bert hinkler & the eaglehawk methodists, matthew flinders bi-centenary, don shiel, mrs flinders petrie, m g m films, bendigo motor co, pethard's motors, cr j h curnow, mr j dunphy, mr carrier, royal princess theatre, i r hendry -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Royal Princess Theatre... Association Temperance Hall Royal Princess Theatre Albion Hall Central ...Notes on Eaglehawk compiled by H Biggs mentions early settlement, discovery of gold, separation of Eaglehawk from the Marong District Roads Board, Nominations for Council and Newspapers. Noted Events compiled by June Parry mention events from 1839 to 1876 and some in 1928. These included early settlement, gold discovery at The Rocks, Churches, hospital, Bendigo Advertiser, Theatre Royal, Police Office, Post Office, Census, First Council Works, Telegraph, Mining Company, Mining Board, Public Market, various buildings built, Rates, Schools, and very early trams.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - eaglehawk & noted events, h biggs, june parry, james mouat, joseph crook, marong district roads board, camp hotel, charles sherratt, mt alexander north run, grice and heape, ravenswood, gibson and fenton, mrs john kennedy, mrs patrick farrel, mr j a paton, mr lachlan mclachlan (bendigo mac), bendigo hospital, bendigo advertiser, theatre royal, lieutenant governor sir charles and lady hotham, harney's bridge, e j ennor, sandhurst fire brigade, mr townsend, bendigo water works, cornish & co, post office, bendigo pottery, bendiog agricultural society, benevolent asylum, bendigo gas company, cattle yards, coliban water supply scheme, cr w v simons, j mouat, sir henry barkly, sandhurst borough, eaglehawk borough, cr john mcintyre, duke of edinburgh, latham and watson's mine, galatea (model ship), st paul's church of england, rev g p despard, bendog rifle association, strathfieldsaye shire hall, corporate high school, bendigonian society, richard andrews, easter fair, g aspinall, j burnsides, viscount canterbury (sir h manners sutton), beehive stores, mining exchanges, annual waverley prize, bendigo water works, city fire brigade, city family hotel, bendigo united friendly society medical institute and dispensary, jewish synagogue, masonic hall, school of mines, j h abbott, australian natives association, temperance hall, royal princess theatre, albion hall, central state school, high school, gravel hill state school, early trams, electricity commission -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Royal Princess Theatre... Royal Princess Theatre Sir George Lansell Volunteer Defence ...Newspaper supplement titled Bendigo's Century Volume six: 1950 - 1959. Front page has a photo of Gillies' famous corner, 1954. Each year has heading of Who's Who, Weather, Sport and Business. First year is 1950 titled Gillies: it's a Bendigo icon. 1951 is titled It's party time. 1952 - City mourns King George. 1953 - Mining ceases. 1954 - City thrilled at royal visit. 1955 - Push to save old Joss House. 1956 - Olympic fever grips Bendigo. 1957 - State Cabinet visits Bendigo. 1958 - Plan to keep historic mine. 1959 - Water storage woes solved. Back page has the Gillies Story.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - bendigo's century - volume six: 1950 - 1959, gillies' corner, bendigo advertiser, john lienhop mlc, north deborah mine, les gillies, alan gillies, norm gillies, black swan hotel, sir dallas brooks, cr a g weynton, bert mundy, cr poulston, the northern district school of nursing, lister house, the bendigo free library, rev dr c irving, shamrock hotel, sir albert dunstan, the most rev dr john mccarthy, jack davey, 1950 empire games, hercules gold mines, amy castles, ben templeton, cobb & co, cr norman oliver, reg parker, fred amer, les hammer, colonel george victor lansell, john quick, mr l w galvin, mr p j clarey mhr, hanro knitting mills, flooding, bendigo pottery, snow fall, the last lamp-lighter, the north deborah, aids & appliance shop, boardwalk, the late king george vi, the north deborah, beehive building, st paul's, st kilian's, upper reserve, bendigo trades hall, bendigo blackout, bendigo hospital, shamrock hotel, gerald smith, britannia hotel, mr a j harris, william morris (billy) hughes, andrew hampson, deborah anticline, north deborah, central deborah, diamond hill mine, north nell gynne mine, robert ross haverfield, sandhurst commercial courier, arthur moore lloyd, robert ross haverfield, angus mackay, jj casey, james henderson, david stuart, bendigo independent, colonel george lansell, bendigo base hospital, bendigo town hall, victorian electric traction association, the most rev b d stewart, st vincent's memorial college, commonwealth athletic club, south atlas racetrack, harp and shamrock hotel, mr and mrs f drake, cr f w clayton, cr r poulston, j h abbott & co, sir george lansell, clan macleod, bendigo gaol, queen alexandra fountain, belfast hotel, commonwealth bank, st vincent's college, lyric threatre, des duguid, brian cahill, lord's raceway, red white & blue extended gold mining company nl, central napoleon gold miningcompany nl, joss house, harry john, bendigo advertiser, mr leggatt, university of melbourne, anz bank, golden drive-in theatre, bank of australasia, john brown industries, bendigo football league, bendigo trotting club, faith leech, racv, bendigo sewereage authority, bendigo base hospital, bendigo benevolent asylum, henry bolte, jack davey, russell oakley, neville stilwell, channel seven, bendigo's olympic pool, annie caudle centre, strathfieldsaye aerodrome committee, southern airlines, cr d j osborn, cairn curran reservoir, state savings bank, commonwealth bank of australasia, belfast hotel, bennett's arcade, eppalock weir, bendigo cenotaph, sir edmund herring, cr a s craig, bendigo creche, bendigo high school, bendigo pottery, shamrock hotel, the venerable ronald richards, bishop riley, all saints cathedral, mr albert bush, bendigo arcade company ltd, woolworths, bull's head hotel, pike's corner, arcade hotel, upper coliban reservoir, cr tom flood, crystal egg co, sailor's guide, central deborah, central nell gwynne mine, bendigo benevolent home, ron masters, george daniel, eppalock dam, water commission, public works committee, bendigo central victoria telecasters ltd, channel nine, royal princess theatre, sir george lansell, volunteer defence corps, bendigo independent, countess erna cadorin, count ettore cadorin, ernst mueller, sutex pty ltd, dick turner, marco cavasassi -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Royal Princess Theatre... George Rignold Royal Victoria Theatre The Princess The Criterion ...Two typed copies of notes titled 'Theatre on the Goldfields' by Mr. Frank Cusack. Notes mention the early theatres on the Goldfields, the actors, actresses and singers, owners and places where the theatres were. Also mentioned are some of the plays that were performed.entertainment, theatre, bendigo, theatre on the goldfields, mr frank cusack, john hawkins, bulwer lytton, 'lady of lyons', the theatre royal, gregg, yates, stark, carncross's royal exchange restaurant, the argus, the casion, charles thatcher, burton's theatre, c h rignold, george rignold, royal victoria theatre, the princess, the criterion, walsh and fawcett, george fawcett rowe, fawcett rowe, lola montez, henry coleman, madame carilly, the advertiser, victoria reef, william kelly, g v brooke, burralls assembly rooms, nicholls assembly rooms, royal hotel, shamrock concert hall, bendigo hotel, billy heffernan, john crowely, mrs hancock, miss urie, m langlaise, sarah flower, madame caradine, thatcher the inimitable, greville, joe small, fanny young, frank varley, hugh anderson, porter's stars of the australian stage and screen, abbott, lyceum theatre, mr & mrs robe, robert heir, g w daniels, bendigo histrionic club, carrick club, 'the old curiosity shop', benjamin farjeon or b l farjeon, louis quatorze, robert younge, woolridge's eagle saloon, fry's troupe, coleman's rotunda theatre, old house, rainer's ethipian serenaders, jacobs, mrs macgowan, the golden age, foos & fitzgerald, madame arnati, gibson, pearsons harmonic hall, london hotel, little joe and the comical wonder, pick and shovel, united states hotel, john hunter kerr, marsh troupe, lyster opera co, miss avonia jones, cobb & co, billy heffernan, shamrock hotel, st james hall, crowley, royal princess theatre, offenbach's duchess of gerolstein, james cassius williamson, maggie moore, hal porter, grattan riggs co, garner, musgrove, george rignold, bland holt, harry rickards, london gaiety co, alfred dampier, dan barry co, harold stephen, coghill brothers, paine, waterman & balfe, the australian bijou opera co, williamson & musgrove's royal opera co, nellie stewart, the alfred dampier co, ward lyons dramatic co, george darrell, william elton, charles arnold's co, masonic theatre, the capital), the bendigo dramatic society, the bendigo glee club, the bendigo amateur dramatic club, bendigo orchestra, bendigo liedertafel, alice crawford, wilson barrett co, ernest toy, emily dyason, gertrude alger, william murdoch, a c bartleman, madame benda, amy and eileen castles, erna mueller, madame bertha rossow, e a bindley, kate samuels, jan kubelik -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Royal Princess Theatre... Australian Natives Association Royal Princess Theatre Albion Hall ...Brochure with an invitation to visit Historical and Mining Museum in Mechanic's Institute, Eaglehawk. Drawing of poppet legs on the front with The Royal Historical Society of Victoria Bendigo Branch. Historical Guide to Bendigo including Self Tours of Bendigo's Famous Goldfields. Forward by John Hattam. Contributors are: H Biggs, Miss L J Parry, A Richardson, L C Bennetts and Edith Checcucci. Credits - The Bendigo Advertiser, Cambridge Press, Mines Department (Bendigo) and J R W Purves. Items include Bendigo Tramways Compiled by H Biggs, Early Bendigo Hotels Compiled by L C Bennetts, Eaglehawk Compiled by H Biggs, Noted Events Compiled by June Parry, The Bendigo Post Office Compiled by LC Bennetts, The Bendigo Goldfield. Introduction to Field and Guide to Some Famous Mines Compiled by A Richardson. Photos include: Pall Mall Bendigo, Ravenswood Homestead, An Early Battery at Kangaroo Flat, Historic High Street Golden Square, The Lonely Grave, Battery Tram c1888, Steam Tram c1892, Electric Tram c1903, The New Chum Railway Golden Square, United Hustlers and Redan Mine Sandhurst Road, Central Deborah Violet Street, Deborah Mine Quarry Hill, Deborah Mine 1000 ft level, First Motion Winding Engine at Central Deborah, Victoria Hill Area, and Looking south from New Chum Hill in 1890's. Also 11010.254, 255, 268, 288a, 288b, and 289.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - historical guide to bendigo, the royal historical society of victoria bendigo branch, historical and mining museum, mechanic's institute eaglehawk, librarian mechanic's institute, miss j parry, john hattam, h biggs, a richardson, l c bennetts, edith checcucci, bendigo advertiser, cambridge press, mines department (bendigo), j r w purves, mr a o'keefe, shire of marong, the sandhurst and eaglehawk tramway company, mr j taylor, mr j hanson, the bendigo tramway company, electric supply company, coliban water suply, juvenile industrial exhibition, geo lansell, cr a harkness, salvation army, vine and fruitgrowers association, decentralisation league, constable thomas ryan, miners association, art gallery, post office, miss broadfoot, bendigo hospital, opera company, bendigo development league, victorian women's franchise league, ana hall, the bendigonian, law courts, temperance hall, trades hall (old wardens court), roman catholic cathedral, shamrock hotel, bendigo philosophical society, old bendigonian society, bendigo fire brigade, bendigo volunteers to south african war, hawkins, porcupine inn, criterion hotel, royal hotel, bendigo hotel, black swan hotel, gillies bakery, hibernian hotel, sandhurst hotel, freemasons hotel, courthouse hotel, shamrock hotel, governor hotham, heffernan & crowley, new chum railway, victoria quartz, shenandoah, shamrock mine, hercules no 1 (originally pearl east), hercules new chum (late pearl), carlisle mine, mr arblaster, meurer, sandhurst bee, benevolent asylum, bendigo gas company, a lloyd, coliban water supply scheme, cr w v simons, eaglehawk council, j mouat, sir henry barkly, agricultural and horticultural exhibition, sandhurst and eaglehawk boroughs, cr john mcintyre, latham and watson's mine, galatea (model ship), st paul's church of england, rev g p despard, fine arts exhibition and exposition, bendigo rifle association, strathfieldsaye shire hall, corporate high school, bendigonian society, richard andrews, easter fair, g aspinall, j burnsides, sir h manners sutton, beehive stores, mining exchanges, bendigo water works, city family hotel, bendigo united friendly society medical institute and dispensary, benevolent asylum, jewish synagogue, masonic hall, school of mines, mr j h abbott, australian natives association, royal princess theatre, albion hall, central state school, high school, gravel hill state school, electricity commission, james mouat, warring natives, the rocks, joseph crook, gold discovery, marong district roads board, camp hotel, mr charles sherratt, city of bendigo, mt alexander north run, grice and heape, ravenswood, gibson and fenton, mrs john kennedy, mrs patrick farrel, mr j a paton, mr lachlan mclachlan, theatre royal, sir charles and lady hotham, harney's bridge, e j ennor, sandhurst fire brigade, the health of towns act, mr townsend, cornish & co, bendigo pottery, bendigo agricultural society, pike or pyke, baby health centre, sandhurst post office, government survey office, sandhurst trustees company, mr h b briston, savings bank, telegraph office, sir henry brougham lock, hon sir john nimmo, sandhurst public offices, the new prince of wales mine, new prince of wales no 2, the whip and jersey, lansell's big 180, new chum and victoria mine and battery, new chum railway, koch's pioneer, south new moon, catherine reef united, new moon, virginia mine, south belle vue, new chum railway, central nell gwynne, north nell gwynne, ironbark mine, new chum syncline, hercules, herculesl energetic, roberts & sons, harkness & co, horwoods, great southern, ulster, carlisle, cornish, new st mungo, duchess tribute, south devonshire, hopewell mine, saxby mine, mcnair & co, mr king, bourke and wills, sandhurst hotel, the dascombe nugget, victoria nugget, r r haverfield, ballerstedt, rae, wittscheibe, lazarus, cave and amos, bendigo amalgamated goldfields, bendigo mines limited, the deborah, north deborah, central deborah, the new red white and blue consolidated (big blue), union, lansell's new red white and blue 9later no 3 shaft), h harkness & co, thompson & co, central deborah, lansell's bendigo battery, north red white and blue, central red white and blue, roberts and sons, little 180 (originally lansell's 180 no 2 shaft), john brown knitwear factory, south ironbark originally victoria consols east shaft, ironbark (originally ironbark east shaft), manchester arms hotel, wattle gully mine chewton, hercules, old wheal-owl, central nell gwynne, gold mines hotel, bendigo city council, jack barker, the new chum syncline, the courier of the mines, telegraph office, bendigo cemetery, white hills cemetery, eaglehawk cemetery, kangaroo flat cemetery, new moon, suffolk united, north new moon, fortuna hustlers, buckell & jeffrey's, royal hustlers reserve no 2 (city and park shafts), jonathan harris, latham and watson, great hustlers, great extended hustlers, j hustler, latham, watson, tribute or pups shaft, bendigo's worst mining disaster, hustlers reef (old hustlers), hustlers reef no 1, lansell's comet, the old comet (cooper's claim), united hustlers and redan, comet hill state school, k k shaft, north or new hustlers (agnew hustler), johnson's no 3, south johnson's, lansell's sandhurst needle, cleopatra needle top, british american, collman and tacchi, south virginia, saddle reefs and spurs, pall mall bendigo, ravenswood homestead, an early battery at kangaroo flat, historic high street golden square, the lonely grave, battery tram c1888, steam tram c1892, electric tram c1903, teh new chum railway golden square, united hustlers and redan mine sandhurst road, central deborah violet street, deborah mine quarry hill, deborah mine 1000 ft level, first motion winding engine at central deborah, victoria hill area, looking south from new chum hill in 1890's -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Pierrots'', Royal Princess Theatre, Bendigo.... "The Famous English Pierrots'', Royal Princess Theatre, Bendigo ...Document. Orange flyer advertising "The Famous English Pierrots'', Royal Princess Theatre, Bendigo.performing arts, elocution, concert -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... and Countess of Chesney, Royal Princess Theatre, November 1903.... for ''At Home'' for the Earl and Countess of Chesney, Royal Princess ...Document. Invitation for ''At Home'' for the Earl and Countess of Chesney, Royal Princess Theatre, November 1903.performing arts, elocution, invitation -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Plate, Ritz Warrnambool - fragment, Early 20th century
... and later the Princess Royal after a fire in 1880... the Princess Royal after a fire in 1880 and it was delicensed in 1900 ...The Ritz was situated near the corner of Lava and Liebig St. The site was originally a hotel which traded under various names, including The Prince of Wales Dining Room, The Stork The Red Lion and later the Princess Royal after a fire in 1880 and it was delicensed in 1900. it later became the Mia mia cafe before a change to the Ritz. A fragment from Warrnambool's past.Fragment of white plate with black and white check edge and logo of Ritz with Warrnambool in banner below it.Ritz Warrnambool.warrnambool, ritz cafe warrnambool -
Lorne Historical Society
Medal - Silver Medal, Marquis Lorne and HRH princess Louise
... of Marquis and Princess Reverse their royal shields and for all... and Princess Reverse their royal shields and for all decorations ...Round silver medal with silver chain Profile heads of Marquis and Princess Reverse their royal shields and for all decorations Palmam qui meruit ferat