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Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Harry Gilham, Grave of Abraham and Ann Taylor, also Mary Taylor, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, Sep 2009
Abraham Taylor was born 20 October 1811 in Derrycarn, Drumcree Parish, County Armagh, Ireland, the son of Richard William Taylor and Annie Abraham. He married Ann McClelland on 19 February 1852 in Dumcree. They emigrated to Australia arriving in Geelong aboard the Ann Thompson on Christmas Day, 1852. His younger sisters Mary and Martha and brother William John all having separately preceded them in 1851 and 1852. Abraham and Ann settled in Little Eltham, Abraham was recorded as being 40 years of age and Ann, 36. They made their home and living as an orchardist and gardener where they had three sons, William John (1853 Little Eltham), Richard (1855 Eltham) and Robert David (1857 Eltham), tow of whom became Councillors of the Shire of Eltham; William (1890-1911) and Robert David (1911-1920). In June 1871, Abraham Taylor, Eltham gardener, applied for a 120-acre allotment half a mile northeast of the Research Gully Hotel on June 30, 1871. A license was issued to him January 30, 1872, for 114 acres, being Allotment 8, Section 18, the balance of 6 acres being retained for reserve. He built on the land a two roomed dwelling of slabs and palings. He and his family lived there or at their 6 ½ acre Eltham property, which was used for orchard and garden as a residence. In January 1875 a lease issued to Abraham Taylor for the land one chain wide each side at the gully named ‘Wet Gully’ was excluded. In August 1881 Abraham Taylor paid up all fees and applied for a Crown grant. He vainly requested that the grant be issued to his son, Robert David Taylor, Eltham however the grant was in fact issued to Abraham Taylor, Eltham, gardener. Abraham died at home on June 1, 1890. He was greatly respected by all who knew him. His sister Mary predeceased him 1873and is also buried at Eltham cemetery. Wife Ann died at home 1 September, 1893 and was buried with him. In Loving Remembrance of Abraham Taylor Who died June 1st 1890 Aged 80 years Also Ann Taylor Wife of the above Who died September 1st 1893 Aged 75 years Also Mary Taylor Who died September 22nd 1873 Aged 45 yearsRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 6 stripsKodak GC 400-9eltham cemetery, gravestones, abraham taylor, ann taylor, mary taylor -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Grave of (Captain) Gordon Watts-Phillips and Mary Hilda Watts-Phillips, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 5 April 2021
Charles Gordon Watts-Phillips was born in 1849 at Forest Hill, Surrey, England, the son of Dramatic Author, Watts Phillips, and Lily Mariner. He departed England for Australia around 1874. His sister Roland was a favourite Australian actress of the early 1900s. Gordon as he was known, whilst residing in Goolwa, South Australia and working as a clerk met and married a widow, Jane Luxon (nee Miller) on the 7th August, 1876 at the Wesleyan Church in Strathalbyn, South Australia. Jane, Gordon’s elder by some 11 years was born in Ireland in 1838, the daughter of Robert Joseph Miller, a carpenter and Jane Miller. She had previously married Captain William Luxon in 1861 at Encounter Bay, South Australia at age 22 and they had four children: William (1864), George Robert (1865), Miriam Louisa (1867) and Harriet Jane (1869), all born at Encounter Bay. Gordon and Jane had two further children together: Caroline Roland Watts-Phillips (1877 Islington S.A.) and Charles Gordon Watts-Phillips (1879 Yatala, S.A.). At some stage, Jane then deserted her husband. Gordon obtained a master's certificate and was a part owner of a small trader. He had also been captain of one of the passenger boats on the Darling River. He was reputedly a popular coastal skipper. By 1891 Gordon was the Captain of the S.S Omeo operating around Sale, Victoria. In August of that year some of the heaviest flooding of the Thomson River ever experienced in twenty years occurred over the 3rd and 4th of August. Gordon, and others, rescued the lives of many families over that period for which he was awarded a Bronze Medal by the Royal Humane Society. By 1892 the S.S. Omeo had passed to another Captain and Gordon subsequently retired from the sea and moved to Melbourne. Whilst residing in Coburg, Victoria, Gordon met Mary Hilda Harvey Huxley who was living in Brunswick. Mary was born in Horsham, the daughter of George Harry Huxley, a miner, and Emma Deane. Having not heard from Jane for some years and believing her dead, Gordon and Mary marry at Carlton on Christmas Eve, 1900. Interestingly, an announcement of the marriage was not placed in The Age newspaper until September 1903, nearly three years after the event by which time Gordon and Mary had a son, Victor Gordon Watts-Phillips, born 8 February 1903 in Carlton. Within months of the placement of this marriage announcement, his former wife, Jane, makes a reappearance but apparently does not interfere and Mary and Gordon continue to live together as husband and wife. Around the same time in late 1903, Gordon’s brother, Basil Watts Phillip wrote from London to the Victoria Police seeking assistance to locate his brother. He had last heard from him in a letter dated Cunninghame, Gippsland, 1891. He indicated that about 1893 Gordon and Jane and their two children were living at Beaconsfield Parade, Albert Park but the whereabouts of all was now unknown. He mentioned Gordon had also been awarded 21 guineas by Judge Boucaut on the 26th February 1884, also a silver medal, for arresting two ruffians who had brutally assaulted a jockey (in South Australia) and that he had been awarded the Royal Humane Society's medal, London, and in 1891, was presented with the Royal Humane Society's certificate of merit (Victoria). Basil also stated his brother had lost the sight of one eye through a stab he received in New York and had a scar on his temple, one on the wrist, two under the shoulder blade, and one on the thigh, and two bullet wounds in the leg. Basil’s quest was published in the Melbourne Herald and assistance was soon forthcoming to the Police. In June 1906 Gordon made his Will, leaving all his estate to his youngest son Victor. Mary was appointed Executrix and it was witnessed by Olive Huxley, married woman, and James Huxley, a pottery maker. James was subsequently killed in France in May 1918. Gordon and Mary have a second son, Basil Douglas born in Carlton in 1911 but he dies as toddler in 1913. At some point Gordon and Mary made their home at Eltham though official electoral roll records record them at Little Flinders Street Melbourne, employed as a caretaker and from 1906 in Brunswick as a decorator then painter. Eltham may have been a ‘holiday’ home but it seems Mary was actively engaged in the community as a newspaper report in the Advertiser in 1922 not long after Gordon’s death indicates Mary was one of the best known and best liked ladies of the Eltham district. She was actively engaged in all matters, tending towards the welfare of the district. At the time of Gordon’s death Mary was president of the Ladies' Public Hall Committee, responsible for the conduct of numerous, and successful entertainments. Gordon’s first and only legal wife, Jane Luxon Watts-Phillips nee Miller, died 6 November 1921 and was buried 8 November 1921 at Springvale Cemetery. Jane had lived 34 years in South Australia and 30 years in Victoria. With Jane now dead, Gordon was now officially a widower and just three weeks later, the retired master mariner of Eltham at age 55 remarried Mary, 42, of 174 Hickford Street, East Brunswick on the 29th November 1921 in the Parish of St Cuthbert, East Brunswick. Gordon died at their home, ‘The Rest’, at 174 Hickford Street, East Brunswick on February 9, 1922 and was buried at Eltham Cemetery on February 11. An interesting link is established with the heavy floods of August 1891 by the erection of a tombstone in the Eltham cemetery. The stone bears the inscription: - “In loving memory of (Captain) Gordon, dearly beloved husband of Mary Watts Phillips. Died 9th February 1922, aged 62 years." Beside the stone is a replica, carved in a marble scroll, of the Royal Humane Society of Australia's Certificate of merit. Part of the wording of this certificate is as follows:- “At a general court of directors holder at the offices of the society at Melbourne on the 6th day of September 1891, it was resolved that the courage and humanity displayed by Gordon Watts Phillips aged 30-years captain of S.S. Omeo, Sale, in rescuing many families from drowning during the heavy floods on Thomson River on 3rd and 4th of August 1891 call for the admiration of the court, and justly entitles him to the certificate of merit of this society, which is hereby awarded." Unbeknownst to Gordon, his second and subsequent legal marriage to Mary initiated a revocation of his Will of 1906, which had solely benefited his son Victor. Consequently, Mary had to apply for Letters of Administration and the only legal beneficiaries would be Mary and his two children by Jane. On June 18, 1940, at age 61, Mary married 70-year-old Arthur Ernest Fenn in Melbourne. Unfortunately for her, Arthur died a year later in July 1941 and was buried in the Cohuna Cemetery near Echuca. Mary lived a further 8 years, passing away suddenly July 4, 1948 in Carlton, and was buried July 7 with her beloved husband Gordon, at Eltham Cemetery. In Loving Memory of (Captain) Gordon Dearly beloved husbandof Mary Watts-Phillips Died 9th Feb. 1922, aged 62 years Also Mary Hilda Loved wife of above Died 4th July 1948 "At rest"Born Digitaleltham cemetery, gravestones, (captain) gordon watts-phillips, mary hilda harvey watts-phillips (nee huxley) -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Colour Print, Nathan Islip, Eltham Library under construction, c.1993
Photo taken by Nathan Islip who at the time was studying Architecture at the University of Melbourne. During his experience year he worked as a builder's labourer on the new Eltham Library construction project. Eltham Library Service 1930s - 1994 Originally collated by Harry Gilham, President, Eltham District Historical Society Inc (1993-2009) (edited 2022) In the Eltham township area, in the early 1930s, library books for adults were available from E J Andrew's newsagency in Main Road. In the newsagency cum haberdashery, some shelves were set aside for a lending library of adults' books. In 1935, Mr & Mrs JC Rains purchased the newsagency and continued the lending service until the late 1940s. At this time the business was extended from haberdashery to sell ladies' and men's clothing. The library section was discontinued. In the 1930s a mobile book library was also run by a Mr Foster of Bible Street, Eltham. In the 1950s adult books were available from racks in the foyer of the Eltham Shire Offices which was then located beside the Eltham Hall on the comer of Arthur Street and Main Road. In the early 1950s a referendum of ratepayers was called to seek public opinion on the issue of raising money for a public library for which the rates would have to be increased - the motion was defeated. On 11 November 1965 Eltham Shire Council, in conjunction with the City of Heidelberg and the Shire of Diamond Valley, met to form the Heidelberg Regional Library Service. Eltham was represented by Councillors Charis Pelling and John Lewis. The first library service for the Shire of Eltham from this group came in the shape of a bookmobile van which had, amongst others, a central stopover near the Shillinglaw trees outside the newly opened Shire offices at 895 Main Road, the original site of Shillinglaw Cottage and the former Shillinglaw farm. Present-day Wingrove Park was another stopover and the many recorded requests for this service can be read as denoting the areas of population or gathering points at that period throughout the Shire. 1968 saw the Shire convert the ‘Brinkkotter’ house in Dudley Street to house both adult and children's books. This library was originally staffed from the City of Heidelberg Library and records of committee meetings range from borrowing Heidelberg's old library shelving to trying to increase the Government's subsidy to a dollar for dollar basis. Book loans in the period 1966-67 totalled 30,400 and the following year ran to 52,113. With 2 books plus 1 paperback the limit per person, it was overcrowded and unable to house the range of other services which had become common library stock. Planning to extend the Shire Offices by the addition of the south wing was an opportunity to re-house the Shire's Library. The opening of the library in the extension was carried out on 17th August 1971 by the Hon R J Hamer ED, MP, Chief Secretary of Victoria. Cr Geoffrey Dreverman officiated as the Shire President. The Heidelberg Regional Library Service continued until September 1985 when it disbanded. On 21 November 1985 the Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service was established. At that time Eltham was represented by Councillors Mary Grant and Robert Manuell. By 1987, over-crowding of the Eltham Library and an inability to house the range of other services yet again rose to prominence. At a Council meeting held on 1 June 1987, the Councillors supported a resolution which threatened to close the library on 30 September 1987. Council's frustration arose from yet another re-run of the annual State Government versus Council Library funding and records show first arose in Eltham Council in 1967 with the Government of 1he day. After prolonged public anger and petitions the motion to close the library was rescinded in August 1987. Council, considering the community's concern, set up a ‘Library Review Working Party’ which a year later became the Library Occasional Committee with direct access to Council. This Committee investigated the workings of the 386 square metre library and found inadequate space for storage and display, lack of equipment, out-of-date furniture together with an increasing patronage which resulted in queues of borrowers becoming longer no matter when the library was open. Community consultation took the form of 1,000 questionnaires sent to users and non-users along with noticeboard reminders of what was planned. Council developed a strategy to set aside capital funds from 1988 on an annual basis so that preliminary planning and consultative expenses could be met, and construction could be completed early 1997. The Committee visited metropolitan libraries which were catering for a similar population as was projected for Eltham. Australia-wide Federal Government funding grants under the Local Capital Works Program became available from October 1992 for community projects endorsed by local Councils. The Eltham Council submitted a proposal, based on library findings and requirements accumulated by the Library Occasional Committee, to the Federal Grants Committee to build a new Eltham Library. The Federal Grants Committee supported the funding request allowing commencement of the library project three years earlier than planned. With finance finalised, the Council set up its Eltham Library Re-development Special Committee which was given the task of overseeing what could be the last major expansion of the Shire's Library Service as Eltham's population nears its projected maximum. The new library was designed by Gregory Burgess and Peter Ryan of Gregory Burgess Pty Ltd. Construction of the library commenced in 1993 and was officially opened May 22nd, 1994. The library building was designed to reflect its parkland setting. External features include: the roof which includes interesting aspects when viewed from Main Road; verandahs which provide ramp access and give a sheltered entrance to the building; walls which feature locally made mudbricks, conventional bricks and copper panels; and space for an outdoor courtyard/reading area which will be developed later. Internally there are several features. The building includes a foyer with a fireplace suitable for displays including artwork, a community multi-purpose room suitable for meetings or functions and an outdoor cafeteria. The ceilings are lined with Victorian Ash. The shapes for the ceiling give a free-flowing form to the building. Brush Box has been used for the circulation and information desks. The tree trunk columns are Grey lronbark from New South Wales. Arches and various-shaped windows add interest to the internal structure. The carpet design reflects the Eltham environment and compliments the natural colours and timbers used in the building. Tiles by artist Felix Bosari feature in the building and additional art by local artists added externally and internally to the building. Since 1994 the library has undergone a major extension to cater for children’s services and others. See also EDHS_02111 construction, eltham library -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Colour Print, Nathan Islip, Eltham Library under construction, c.1994
Photo taken by Nathan Islip who at the time was studying Architecture at the University of Melbourne. During his experience year he worked as a builder's labourer on the new Eltham Library construction project. Eltham Library Service 1930s - 1994 Originally collated by Harry Gilham, President, Eltham District Historical Society Inc (1993-2009) (edited 2022) In the Eltham township area, in the early 1930s, library books for adults were available from E J Andrew's newsagency in Main Road. In the newsagency cum haberdashery, some shelves were set aside for a lending library of adults' books. In 1935, Mr & Mrs JC Rains purchased the newsagency and continued the lending service until the late 1940s. At this time the business was extended from haberdashery to sell ladies' and men's clothing. The library section was discontinued. In the 1930s a mobile book library was also run by a Mr Foster of Bible Street, Eltham. In the 1950s adult books were available from racks in the foyer of the Eltham Shire Offices which was then located beside the Eltham Hall on the comer of Arthur Street and Main Road. In the early 1950s a referendum of ratepayers was called to seek public opinion on the issue of raising money for a public library for which the rates would have to be increased - the motion was defeated. On 11 November 1965 Eltham Shire Council, in conjunction with the City of Heidelberg and the Shire of Diamond Valley, met to form the Heidelberg Regional Library Service. Eltham was represented by Councillors Charis Pelling and John Lewis. The first library service for the Shire of Eltham from this group came in the shape of a bookmobile van which had, amongst others, a central stopover near the Shillinglaw trees outside the newly opened Shire offices at 895 Main Road, the original site of Shillinglaw Cottage and the former Shillinglaw farm. Present-day Wingrove Park was another stopover and the many recorded requests for this service can be read as denoting the areas of population or gathering points at that period throughout the Shire. 1968 saw the Shire convert the ‘Brinkkotter’ house in Dudley Street to house both adult and children's books. This library was originally staffed from the City of Heidelberg Library and records of committee meetings range from borrowing Heidelberg's old library shelving to trying to increase the Government's subsidy to a dollar for dollar basis. Book loans in the period 1966-67 totalled 30,400 and the following year ran to 52,113. With 2 books plus 1 paperback the limit per person, it was overcrowded and unable to house the range of other services which had become common library stock. Planning to extend the Shire Offices by the addition of the south wing was an opportunity to re-house the Shire's Library. The opening of the library in the extension was carried out on 17th August 1971 by the Hon R J Hamer ED, MP, Chief Secretary of Victoria. Cr Geoffrey Dreverman officiated as the Shire President. The Heidelberg Regional Library Service continued until September 1985 when it disbanded. On 21 November 1985 the Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service was established. At that time Eltham was represented by Councillors Mary Grant and Robert Manuell. By 1987, over-crowding of the Eltham Library and an inability to house the range of other services yet again rose to prominence. At a Council meeting held on 1 June 1987, the Councillors supported a resolution which threatened to close the library on 30 September 1987. Council's frustration arose from yet another re-run of the annual State Government versus Council Library funding and records show first arose in Eltham Council in 1967 with the Government of 1he day. After prolonged public anger and petitions the motion to close the library was rescinded in August 1987. Council, considering the community's concern, set up a ‘Library Review Working Party’ which a year later became the Library Occasional Committee with direct access to Council. This Committee investigated the workings of the 386 square metre library and found inadequate space for storage and display, lack of equipment, out-of-date furniture together with an increasing patronage which resulted in queues of borrowers becoming longer no matter when the library was open. Community consultation took the form of 1,000 questionnaires sent to users and non-users along with noticeboard reminders of what was planned. Council developed a strategy to set aside capital funds from 1988 on an annual basis so that preliminary planning and consultative expenses could be met, and construction could be completed early 1997. The Committee visited metropolitan libraries which were catering for a similar population as was projected for Eltham. Australia-wide Federal Government funding grants under the Local Capital Works Program became available from October 1992 for community projects endorsed by local Councils. The Eltham Council submitted a proposal, based on library findings and requirements accumulated by the Library Occasional Committee, to the Federal Grants Committee to build a new Eltham Library. The Federal Grants Committee supported the funding request allowing commencement of the library project three years earlier than planned. With finance finalised, the Council set up its Eltham Library Re-development Special Committee which was given the task of overseeing what could be the last major expansion of the Shire's Library Service as Eltham's population nears its projected maximum. The new library was designed by Gregory Burgess and Peter Ryan of Gregory Burgess Pty Ltd. Construction of the library commenced in 1993 and was officially opened May 22nd, 1994. The library building was designed to reflect its parkland setting. External features include: the roof which includes interesting aspects when viewed from Main Road; verandahs which provide ramp access and give a sheltered entrance to the building; walls which feature locally made mudbricks, conventional bricks and copper panels; and space for an outdoor courtyard/reading area which will be developed later. Internally there are several features. The building includes a foyer with a fireplace suitable for displays including artwork, a community multi-purpose room suitable for meetings or functions and an outdoor cafeteria. The ceilings are lined with Victorian Ash. The shapes for the ceiling give a free-flowing form to the building. Brush Box has been used for the circulation and information desks. The tree trunk columns are Grey lronbark from New South Wales. Arches and various-shaped windows add interest to the internal structure. The carpet design reflects the Eltham environment and compliments the natural colours and timbers used in the building. Tiles by artist Felix Bosari feature in the building and additional art by local artists added externally and internally to the building. Since 1994 the library has undergone a major extension to cater for children’s services and others. See also EDHS_02111 construction, eltham library -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, McKellan, Robert and Thelma
... " Diamond Valley News, 14 August 1990, Robert McLellan Thelma ...Bob and Thelma McLellan presented chains of office to be work by the Eltham Shire President at council functions during their term of office. The chain was made by Matcham Skipper. The McLellan family had been connecting with the shire for more than 100 years. Contents Newspaper article: "Office regalia" Diamond Valley News, 14 August 1990,Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcrobert mclellan, thelma mclellan, matcham skipper -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Eltham Library, 11 August 2015
Designed by multi-award-winning architect, Gregory Burgess, for which he won the 1995 Royal Australian Institute of architects (Vic.) Merit Award in the New Institutional category. Eltham Library Service 1930s - 1994 Originally collated by Harry Gilham, President, Eltham District Historical Society Inc (1993-2009) (edited 2022) In the Eltham township area, in the early 1930s, library books for adults were available from E J Andrew's newsagency in Main Road. In the newsagency cum haberdashery, some shelves were set aside for a lending library of adults' books. In 1935, Mr & Mrs JC Rains purchased the newsagency and continued the lending service until the late 1940s. At this time the business was extended from haberdashery to sell ladies' and men's clothing. The library section was discontinued. In the 1930s a mobile book library was also run by a Mr Foster of Bible Street, Eltham. In the 1950s adult books were available from racks in the foyer of the Eltham Shire Offices which was then located beside the Eltham Hall on the comer of Arthur Street and Main Road. In the early 1950s a referendum of ratepayers was called to seek public opinion on the issue of raising money for a public library for which the rates would have to be increased - the motion was defeated. On 11 November 1965 Eltham Shire Council, in conjunction with the City of Heidelberg and the Shire of Diamond Valley, met to form the Heidelberg Regional Library Service. Eltham was represented by Councillors Charis Pelling and John Lewis. The first library service for the Shire of Eltham from this group came in the shape of a bookmobile van which had, amongst others, a central stopover near the Shillinglaw trees outside the newly opened Shire offices at 895 Main Road, the original site of Shillinglaw Cottage and the former Shillinglaw farm. Present-day Wingrove Park was another stopover and the many recorded requests for this service can be read as denoting the areas of population or gathering points at that period throughout the Shire. 1968 saw the Shire convert the ‘Brinkkotter’ house in Dudley Street to house both adult and children's books. This library was originally staffed from the City of Heidelberg Library and records of committee meetings range from borrowing Heidelberg's old library shelving to trying to increase the Government's subsidy to a dollar for dollar basis. Book loans in the period 1966-67 totalled 30,400 and the following year ran to 52,113. With 2 books plus 1 paperback the limit per person, it was overcrowded and unable to house the range of other services which had become common library stock. Planning to extend the Shire Offices by the addition of the south wing was an opportunity to re-house the Shire's Library. The opening of the library in the extension was carried out on 17th August 1971 by the Hon R J Hamer ED, MP, Chief Secretary of Victoria. Cr Geoffrey Dreverman officiated as the Shire President. The Heidelberg Regional Library Service continued until September 1985 when it disbanded. On 21 November 1985 the Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service was established. At that time Eltham was represented by Councillors Mary Grant and Robert Manuell. By 1987, over-crowding of the Eltham Library and an inability to house the range of other services yet again rose to prominence. At a Council meeting held on 1 June 1987, the Councillors supported a resolution which threatened to close the library on 30 September 1987. Council's frustration arose from yet another re-run of the annual State Government versus Council Library funding and records show first arose in Eltham Council in 1967 with the Government of 1he day. After prolonged public anger and petitions the motion to close the library was rescinded in August 1987. Council, considering the community's concern, set up a ‘Library Review Working Party’ which a year later became the Library Occasional Committee with direct access to Council. This Committee investigated the workings of the 386 square metre library and found inadequate space for storage and display, lack of equipment, out-of-date furniture together with an increasing patronage which resulted in queues of borrowers becoming longer no matter when the library was open. Community consultation took the form of 1,000 questionnaires sent to users and non-users along with noticeboard reminders of what was planned. Council developed a strategy to set aside capital funds from 1988 on an annual basis so that preliminary planning and consultative expenses could be met, and construction could be completed early 1997. The Committee visited metropolitan libraries which were catering for a similar population as was projected for Eltham. Australia-wide Federal Government funding grants under the Local Capital Works Program became available from October 1992 for community projects endorsed by local Councils. The Eltham Council submitted a proposal, based on library findings and requirements accumulated by the Library Occasional Committee, to the Federal Grants Committee to build a new Eltham Library. The Federal Grants Committee supported the funding request allowing commencement of the library project three years earlier than planned. With finance finalised, the Council set up its Eltham Library Re-development Special Committee which was given the task of overseeing what could be the last major expansion of the Shire's Library Service as Eltham's population nears its projected maximum. The new library was designed by Gregory Burgess and Peter Ryan of Gregory Burgess Pty Ltd. Construction of the library commenced in 1993 and was officially opened May 22nd, 1994. The library building was designed to reflect its parkland setting. External features include: the roof which includes interesting aspects when viewed from Main Road; verandahs which provide ramp access and give a sheltered entrance to the building; walls which feature locally made mudbricks, conventional bricks and copper panels; and space for an outdoor courtyard/reading area which will be developed later. Internally there are several features. The building includes a foyer with a fireplace suitable for displays including artwork, a community multi-purpose room suitable for meetings or functions and an outdoor cafeteria. The ceilings are lined with Victorian Ash. The shapes for the ceiling give a free-flowing form to the building. Brush Box has been used for the circulation and information desks. The tree trunk columns are Grey lronbark from New South Wales. Arches and various-shaped windows add interest to the internal structure. The carpet design reflects the Eltham environment and compliments the natural colours and timbers used in the building. Tiles by artist Felix Bosari feature in the building and additional art by local artists added externally and internally to the building. Since 1994 the library has undergone a major extension to cater for children’s services and others. See also EDHS_02111jim connor collection, eltham, eltham library, panther place -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Eltham Library, 7 May 2016
Designed by multi-award winning architect, Gregory Burgess, for which he won the 1995 Royal Australian Insitute of architects (Vic.) Merit Award in the New Institutional category. Eltham Library Service 1930s - 1994 Originally collated by Harry Gilham, President, Eltham District Historical Society Inc (1993-2009) (edited 2022) In the Eltham township area, in the early 1930s, library books for adults were available from E J Andrew's newsagency in Main Road. In the newsagency cum haberdashery, some shelves were set aside for a lending library of adults' books. In 1935, Mr & Mrs JC Rains purchased the newsagency and continued the lending service until the late 1940s. At this time the business was extended from haberdashery to sell ladies' and men's clothing. The library section was discontinued. In the 1930s a mobile book library was also run by a Mr Foster of Bible Street, Eltham. In the 1950s adult books were available from racks in the foyer of the Eltham Shire Offices which was then located beside the Eltham Hall on the comer of Arthur Street and Main Road. In the early 1950s a referendum of ratepayers was called to seek public opinion on the issue of raising money for a public library for which the rates would have to be increased - the motion was defeated. On 11 November 1965 Eltham Shire Council, in conjunction with the City of Heidelberg and the Shire of Diamond Valley, met to form the Heidelberg Regional Library Service. Eltham was represented by Councillors Charis Pelling and John Lewis. The first library service for the Shire of Eltham from this group came in the shape of a bookmobile van which had, amongst others, a central stopover near the Shillinglaw trees outside the newly opened Shire offices at 895 Main Road, the original site of Shillinglaw Cottage and the former Shillinglaw farm. Present-day Wingrove Park was another stopover and the many recorded requests for this service can be read as denoting the areas of population or gathering points at that period throughout the Shire. 1968 saw the Shire convert the ‘Brinkkotter’ house in Dudley Street to house both adult and children's books. This library was originally staffed from the City of Heidelberg Library and records of committee meetings range from borrowing Heidelberg's old library shelving to trying to increase the Government's subsidy to a dollar for dollar basis. Book loans in the period 1966-67 totalled 30,400 and the following year ran to 52,113. With 2 books plus 1 paperback the limit per person, it was overcrowded and unable to house the range of other services which had become common library stock. Planning to extend the Shire Offices by the addition of the south wing was an opportunity to re-house the Shire's Library. The opening of the library in the extension was carried out on 17th August 1971 by the Hon R J Hamer ED, MP, Chief Secretary of Victoria. Cr Geoffrey Dreverman officiated as the Shire President. The Heidelberg Regional Library Service continued until September 1985 when it disbanded. On 21 November 1985 the Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service was established. At that time Eltham was represented by Councillors Mary Grant and Robert Manuell. By 1987, over-crowding of the Eltham Library and an inability to house the range of other services yet again rose to prominence. At a Council meeting held on 1 June 1987, the Councillors supported a resolution which threatened to close the library on 30 September 1987. Council's frustration arose from yet another re-run of the annual State Government versus Council Library funding and records show first arose in Eltham Council in 1967 with the Government of 1he day. After prolonged public anger and petitions the motion to close the library was rescinded in August 1987. Council, considering the community's concern, set up a ‘Library Review Working Party’ which a year later became the Library Occasional Committee with direct access to Council. This Committee investigated the workings of the 386 square metre library and found inadequate space for storage and display, lack of equipment, out-of-date furniture together with an increasing patronage which resulted in queues of borrowers becoming longer no matter when the library was open. Community consultation took the form of 1,000 questionnaires sent to users and non-users along with noticeboard reminders of what was planned. Council developed a strategy to set aside capital funds from 1988 on an annual basis so that preliminary planning and consultative expenses could be met, and construction could be completed early 1997. The Committee visited metropolitan libraries which were catering for a similar population as was projected for Eltham. Australia-wide Federal Government funding grants under the Local Capital Works Program became available from October 1992 for community projects endorsed by local Councils. The Eltham Council submitted a proposal, based on library findings and requirements accumulated by the Library Occasional Committee, to the Federal Grants Committee to build a new Eltham Library. The Federal Grants Committee supported the funding request allowing commencement of the library project three years earlier than planned. With finance finalised, the Council set up its Eltham Library Re-development Special Committee which was given the task of overseeing what could be the last major expansion of the Shire's Library Service as Eltham's population nears its projected maximum. The new library was designed by Gregory Burgess and Peter Ryan of Gregory Burgess Pty Ltd. Construction of the library commenced in 1993 and was officially opened May 22nd, 1994. The library building was designed to reflect its parkland setting. External features include: the roof which includes interesting aspects when viewed from Main Road; verandahs which provide ramp access and give a sheltered entrance to the building; walls which feature locally made mudbricks, conventional bricks and copper panels; and space for an outdoor courtyard/reading area which will be developed later. Internally there are several features. The building includes a foyer with a fireplace suitable for displays including artwork, a community multi-purpose room suitable for meetings or functions and an outdoor cafeteria. The ceilings are lined with Victorian Ash. The shapes for the ceiling give a free-flowing form to the building. Brush Box has been used for the circulation and information desks. The tree trunk columns are Grey lronbark from New South Wales. Arches and various-shaped windows add interest to the internal structure. The carpet design reflects the Eltham environment and compliments the natural colours and timbers used in the building. Tiles by artist Felix Bosari feature in the building and additional art by local artists added externally and internally to the building. Since 1994 the library has undergone a major extension to cater for children’s services and others. See also EDHS_02111jim connor collection, eltham, eltham library, panther place -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Jim Connor, Eltham Library, 25 December 2017
Designed by multi-award winning architect, Gregory Burgess, for which he won the 1995 Royal Australian Insitute of architects (Vic.) Merit Award in the New Institutional category. Eltham Library Service 1930s - 1994 Originally collated by Harry Gilham, President, Eltham District Historical Society Inc (1993-2009) (edited 2022) In the Eltham township area, in the early 1930s, library books for adults were available from E J Andrew's newsagency in Main Road. In the newsagency cum haberdashery, some shelves were set aside for a lending library of adults' books. In 1935, Mr & Mrs JC Rains purchased the newsagency and continued the lending service until the late 1940s. At this time the business was extended from haberdashery to sell ladies' and men's clothing. The library section was discontinued. In the 1930s a mobile book library was also run by a Mr Foster of Bible Street, Eltham. In the 1950s adult books were available from racks in the foyer of the Eltham Shire Offices which was then located beside the Eltham Hall on the comer of Arthur Street and Main Road. In the early 1950s a referendum of ratepayers was called to seek public opinion on the issue of raising money for a public library for which the rates would have to be increased - the motion was defeated. On 11 November 1965 Eltham Shire Council, in conjunction with the City of Heidelberg and the Shire of Diamond Valley, met to form the Heidelberg Regional Library Service. Eltham was represented by Councillors Charis Pelling and John Lewis. The first library service for the Shire of Eltham from this group came in the shape of a bookmobile van which had, amongst others, a central stopover near the Shillinglaw trees outside the newly opened Shire offices at 895 Main Road, the original site of Shillinglaw Cottage and the former Shillinglaw farm. Present-day Wingrove Park was another stopover and the many recorded requests for this service can be read as denoting the areas of population or gathering points at that period throughout the Shire. 1968 saw the Shire convert the ‘Brinkkotter’ house in Dudley Street to house both adult and children's books. This library was originally staffed from the City of Heidelberg Library and records of committee meetings range from borrowing Heidelberg's old library shelving to trying to increase the Government's subsidy to a dollar for dollar basis. Book loans in the period 1966-67 totalled 30,400 and the following year ran to 52,113. With 2 books plus 1 paperback the limit per person, it was overcrowded and unable to house the range of other services which had become common library stock. Planning to extend the Shire Offices by the addition of the south wing was an opportunity to re-house the Shire's Library. The opening of the library in the extension was carried out on 17th August 1971 by the Hon R J Hamer ED, MP, Chief Secretary of Victoria. Cr Geoffrey Dreverman officiated as the Shire President. The Heidelberg Regional Library Service continued until September 1985 when it disbanded. On 21 November 1985 the Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service was established. At that time Eltham was represented by Councillors Mary Grant and Robert Manuell. By 1987, over-crowding of the Eltham Library and an inability to house the range of other services yet again rose to prominence. At a Council meeting held on 1 June 1987, the Councillors supported a resolution which threatened to close the library on 30 September 1987. Council's frustration arose from yet another re-run of the annual State Government versus Council Library funding and records show first arose in Eltham Council in 1967 with the Government of 1he day. After prolonged public anger and petitions the motion to close the library was rescinded in August 1987. Council, considering the community's concern, set up a ‘Library Review Working Party’ which a year later became the Library Occasional Committee with direct access to Council. This Committee investigated the workings of the 386 square metre library and found inadequate space for storage and display, lack of equipment, out-of-date furniture together with an increasing patronage which resulted in queues of borrowers becoming longer no matter when the library was open. Community consultation took the form of 1,000 questionnaires sent to users and non-users along with noticeboard reminders of what was planned. Council developed a strategy to set aside capital funds from 1988 on an annual basis so that preliminary planning and consultative expenses could be met, and construction could be completed early 1997. The Committee visited metropolitan libraries which were catering for a similar population as was projected for Eltham. Australia-wide Federal Government funding grants under the Local Capital Works Program became available from October 1992 for community projects endorsed by local Councils. The Eltham Council submitted a proposal, based on library findings and requirements accumulated by the Library Occasional Committee, to the Federal Grants Committee to build a new Eltham Library. The Federal Grants Committee supported the funding request allowing commencement of the library project three years earlier than planned. With finance finalised, the Council set up its Eltham Library Re-development Special Committee which was given the task of overseeing what could be the last major expansion of the Shire's Library Service as Eltham's population nears its projected maximum. The new library was designed by Gregory Burgess and Peter Ryan of Gregory Burgess Pty Ltd. Construction of the library commenced in 1993 and was officially opened May 22nd, 1994. The library building was designed to reflect its parkland setting. External features include: the roof which includes interesting aspects when viewed from Main Road; verandahs which provide ramp access and give a sheltered entrance to the building; walls which feature locally made mudbricks, conventional bricks and copper panels; and space for an outdoor courtyard/reading area which will be developed later. Internally there are several features. The building includes a foyer with a fireplace suitable for displays including artwork, a community multi-purpose room suitable for meetings or functions and an outdoor cafeteria. The ceilings are lined with Victorian Ash. The shapes for the ceiling give a free-flowing form to the building. Brush Box has been used for the circulation and information desks. The tree trunk columns are Grey lronbark from New South Wales. Arches and various-shaped windows add interest to the internal structure. The carpet design reflects the Eltham environment and compliments the natural colours and timbers used in the building. Tiles by artist Felix Bosari feature in the building and additional art by local artists added externally and internally to the building. Since 1994 the library has undergone a major extension to cater for children’s services and others. See also EDHS_02111jim connor collection, eltham, eltham library, panther place -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Fay Bridge, Local humour added to Art Gallery sign, 559 Main Road, Eltham, 5 December 2004
Photo taken immediately after the Wiregrass gallery closed at the end of November. The property was purchased in October 2004 for $565,000 by a local investment company, Sentinel Equities run by local residents Jethro and Suzanne Still. Plans to redevelop the property into offices and a gallery designed by Robert Marshall and supported by a number of local artists met with opposition from Eltham Gateway Action Group in 2007 over the proposed new building size and insufficient parking provision given the proposed reliance on the VicRoads reserve on Main Road for parking. The development proposal was finally approved by VCAT in January 2008 subject to VicRoads approving the use of the road reserve for parking. That did not happen and the property remains undeveloped 15 years later (August 2023).fay bridge collection, 559 main road eltham, 2004-12-05, eltham, eltham gallery, graffiti, main road, wiregrass gallery -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Duldig, Karl (Artist)
An article from the Gallery Magazine, dated July/August 2003 by Eva de Jong – Duldig about the Duldig Lectures and Exhibitions, detailing where Karl Duldig’s works have previously been displayed, the exhibition being held and the Duldig Studio. A black and white photograph, C. 1980, taken by Robert Dorin of Karl Duldig includedgallery magazine, national gallery of victoria, duldig karl, duldig slawa, horowitz slawa, the duldig studio, dorin robert, victorian college of the arts, karl duldig sculpture and drawings, magna mater, mcqueen humphreg, westbrook eric dr, sturgeon graeme, palmer maudie, scarlett ken, edwards geoffrey, klese simon, fraser alison, lindsay frances, mcauliffe chris, barrett – lennard john, helsell sand, king natalie, murray kevin, stasny peter, de jong- duldig eva -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Munro, Barbara and Lynn
Barbara Munro, who settled in Research, was a leading bark artist, calling herself a "multi-media collage artist". Her daughter Lynn is also an artist and designer, working at the Melbourne Theatre Company Contents Newspaper article: "Soft touch to Barbara's bark", Diamond Valley News, 22 July 1980. Barbara Munro entered a bark garment in the Gown of the Year Award. Newspaper article: "Adrian wants to work in peace", Diamond Valley News, 22 July 1980. Adrian Fenech looking for accommodation. Newspaper article: "Remember Sleepy Swipers Gully?", Diamond Valley News, 22 July 1980. Images and text about Swipers Gully, now called Research. Newspaper article: "water colors at Eltham Gallery", Diamond Valley News, 22 July 1980. Annual water colour exhibition at Eltham Gallery to include Mike Green, Normie Gude, Ken McDonald, Robert Miller, Gordon Speary, Wayne Viney and Paul Warner. Newspaper article: "The butterfly emerges", Diamond Valley News, 3 August 1982. Barbara Munro and daughter Lynn Munro used the butterfly theme to create a dance costume.Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcbarbara munro, bark garment, gown of the year award, adrian fenech, eltham gallery, mike green, normie gude, ken mcdonald, robert miller, gordon speary, wayne viney, paul warner, diamond valley repertory, bimbadeen gallery pty ltd, swipers gully, research vic, research primary school, infant health centre at research vic, west's passenger coach, ingrams road research, charles anderson, tom prior, eva prior, mrs e reynolds, lynn munro, studio papillo in eltham, elana mckinley, melbourne theatre company -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Orford family
The Orford family, a pioneer family remained continuously living and working in Eltham for 170 years from 1854 to 2024. James and Sarah Orford arrived in Sydney in 1839 aboard the ship “Orestes”; they had several children there before settling in Eltham in 1854. Three children, James Mathias, Sarah Amelia and Thomas Henry initially remained in the Eltham area. James eventually moved to Brunswick. Sarah married Arthur Butler Young and finally lived in Bunyip. Thomas who was six years old when the family arrived in 1854 remained in Eltham, married Helen Logan who died, leaving a large family. They lived in a slab hut by the Yarra at Laughing Waters and Thomas managed the Panton Park Estate, a selection owned by Magistrate Thomas Panton. Thomas’s son, Ernest Orford was born 1892 at Pitt Street, Eltham and also lived his entire life in Eltham working as a labourer, orchardist and later as a gardener and grounds keeper for Sir William Irvine, a former Chief Justice and Premier of Victoria. Ernest married Kate Thomas; their two sons Ron and Doug stayed in the area. Another of Thomas' sons, Arthur, also lived in Eltham. Four Orford generations attended Eltham schools. Doug Orford was born on the kitchen table (reference, son Ted Orford) of the family home at the corner of Reynolds Road and Mount Pleasant Road. Doug married Gwen and they established a family however Gwen died at a young age from cancer. Doug eventually remarried another Gwen and they lived for several decades in Napoleon Street, Eltham. Doug was actively involved in EDHS over many years, including serving as a committee member and vice president. Contributions by Doug and Gwen, his wife, assisted EDHS to continue to develop as a not-for-profit group intent on promoting and preserving our local history. Both Doug and Gwen were made Life Members of EDHS. His significant work with assisting to establish our valued Local History Centre helped develop our home base and supported the continued growth of our society. Doug’s local knowledge, suggestions and family connections were highly valued, Until recent times, he continued to regularly attend our Collections Team workshops providing his insights and historical information about photographs and society records. Doug died peacefully July 8, 2024, and represents the last link in the Orford Eltham chain which spanned 170 years. His funeral was held Thursday, July 18, 2024, at Le Pine Funerals, 848 Main Road, Eltham. Contents: Typed notes, no date: Memories of Ernest Orford [taped 1979] about his school days. Handwritten notes, no date: History of Ernie Orford Typed notes, no date: History of Thomas Henry Orford and family. Photocopy: Shire of Eltham General Rate Receipts. Received from D Orford 7 June 1923 and Received from E F Orford, 4 August 1924. Letter, no date: Nillumbik Shire to Russell Yeoman, Gwen Orford to receive Volunteer Recognition Award. Newsletter article: "The Orford Family, Eltham", Shire of Eltham Historical Society, No.80 September 1991. History of Orford family. Handwritten notes: 21 March 2011, genealogy of George Orford. On reverse Melways map makred with Orford and other land ownerships. Newspaper advertisement, 21 March 2011: "264 Reynolds Road, South Eltham", property for sale [land in ownership of Orford family]. Letter: St Margaret's Anglican Church Eltham to Doug Orford, 17 November 2011, Extracts from church records relative to Orford family. Newspaper article: "Timely facelift at war memorials', Diamond Valley Leader, 30 April 2024, Nillumbik war memorial will have some work and a bronze plaque will be installed at the Eltham Avenue of Honour, Wingrove Park; photograph of Doug Orford Newsletter item: "Welcome home medal", Eltham District Historical Society newsletter no.216 May 2014, World War I two 'Welcome Home Medals' in ownership of local men, being Harry Gilham and Doug Orford. Order of Service, Le Pine Funerals (Eltham), In Loving Memory of Douglas Frederick Orford 22nd August 1929 - 8th July 2024Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcdoug orford, harry gilham, welcome home medal, eltham avenue of honour, nillumbik war memorial, wingrove park, henry dendy, alfred armstrong, james orford, 264 reynolds road south eltham, george orford, george joseph orford, maryanne george joseph, thomas henry orford, ernest orford, e f orford, eltham cemetery, helen orford, joseph panton, panton park, gordon lyon, banyule estate heidelberg, james matthias orford, wurundjeri, constable peter lawlor, george hill, franklin street eltham, ronald orford, eltham primary school, john brown, robert gamble school inspector, sarah orford, mary ann orford, james mathias orford, sarah amelia orford, james peet, arthur butler young, watsons creek victoria, kangaroo ground victoria, helen logan, william orford, jane orford, arthur orford, frederick orford, florrie orford, victor orford, chem orford, sunnymede eltham, panton hill estate, sir william irvine, gordon lyons, kate thomas, north eltham gospel church, harold clapp, eltham cricket club, research primary school, dalton street school eltham, keith banks, betty banks, benjamine boyd, laughing waters road eltham, freddie gilsinen, douglas frederick orford, eltham district historical society, funeral service, le pine funeral home, life member, order of service -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - BOX FAMILY
Extensively detailed family history from 1838 in UK to present day. Provides much local history and social history into early pioneering and market gardening families. Forty one page computer print out with numerous black and white w.h. george, box george, box mary nee cripps, box caroline, box william, box henry, box john, box anna, box eliza, box elizabeth nee avis, box francis, box lydia, moeller a., mclean n., robilliard george james, box ester, box fanny (downard), box eleanor, philbrick richard, fairlam richard, hale jasper, dendy henry, renick mark, renick stefanie (nee riemann), brighton cemetery, ormond, east brighton, prahran, centre road, jasper road, manchester road, mckinnon road, north road, brighton, box cottage, moorabbin historical society, thomas street, elsternwick, paterson road, east bentleigh, tucker road, jasper road, harwood thomas, box violet, hordeen lebbens, augustus arthur, wattle, pioneers, ancient order of foresters, council of moorabin, elster creek, primitive methodist church, lewis’ timber yard, grape growing, paling house, wells, water wagon, market gardens, farming, aboriginal people, king billy, chinese, kayon (?), kay you (yu?), cheong ki, boxer rebellion, chinese missionary, brickmakers, midwife, corben’s monumental masons, sculptor, cottage, parlour, verandah, scullery, le man’s swamp, flower nursery, chook houses, ladies college, moorabbin roads board, western market, eastern market, victoria market, st. kilda road, nepean road/highway, mckinnon, ormond, carnegie, oakleigh, murrumbeena, moorabbin, mordialloc, heathcote, bentleigh, brighton east, manchester road, brighton council, city of moorabbin, west joseph, porter harriet, moore henry, moeller a (moller), box mary, lindsay mccurry elizabeth, lindsay elizabeth, lindsay henry, lindsay frederick, schmidt william, robilliard james cpt., beckett ida, beckett nellie, beckett martha, beckett martha maud, robinson eleanor, robinson joyce, dowling thomas, anderson william snowden, mccurry henry mr & mrs, box emily jane (nee mccurry), jorgensen justin, jorgensen dr., jorgenson bertha, ross william murray, st. kilda, merrie creek, pentridge (now coburg), murray road, wyuna dunoos st, grange road, rosstown, tucker rd, elizabeth st, common school no 213 east brighton, bentleigh, steel roads tracks, rabbits, cheltenham, brighton cemetery, cheltenham cemetery, paterson road, east boundary road, baptist church, lay preachers, missionaries- china, oakleigh tyre works, belfast hotel sandhurst (bendigo), mornington, gas street lighting, brighton historical society, moorabbin primary school, bravis road, lewis street, chalmers street, grange road, butcher shops, ormond state school, oakleigh council, wedding dress, methodist children’s home cheltenham, bentleigh baptist church, auctioneer, lindsay mark, balkham jane, balkham stephen, reitman august william, fitzwilliam catherine, quashdorf (?phonetic) mr, box violet, montford paul, reitman stephanie (renick mrs), reitman william, box ada, downard alicia (lill), downard arthur, downard edward, graham elizabeth, downard octavia rose, downard william alfred, downard arthur henry (harvey), downard fanny, thompson eliza jane, box lena caroline, viloudaki rebecca, box anna (pay), pay henry, box eliza (gurr), johnson geoffrey, rushall eleanor (nellie), gurr eliza nee box, gurr jabez henry tasman, marriot william mrs, ross william murray, box gladys (nee battersby), box dulcie (bussell), bussell samuel robert, bussell norma (hoult), bussell darren lyle, bussell craig andrew, bussell sylvia june (barry), barry j. haydon, barry rachael alexandra, barry phillipa anne, barry vanessa kate, bussell joan lorraine (millie), millie john, bussell harold leslie, euston mr, purdue edgar robert, box lydia elizabeth, wilkinson coral doreen, mitchell donald, centre road, court pride of st george aof, dunoon street, vickery street, darey street/ave., oakleigh state school, methodist church, mill street, koornang road, regent street, marriage road, box olivia christina, box ernest charles, box walter william, lawson robert, lawson nancy eunice (curtis), box walter stanley, box eleanor (nellie) rushall, box martha, box john, box nellie gladys, andrews william (bill), box ray, mccurry mrs elizabeth, box william henry george, schreiber family, jorgensen family, downward arthur, downward alicia – lill, downward octavia rose, downward william alfred, downward arthur henry/harvey, cummings ida, cummings william, downward alice (nee cleary), downward ada, downward lucy (mrs bailey), downward alice, downward arthur harvey, bailey lawrence, bailey ian, bailey carol viola (bartlett), bailey colin harvey, bailey julie alison (hardware), bailey val, bailey adina, bailey david, bartlett brian, bartlett bradley grant, bartlett clayton lawrence, hardware michael, hardware dion michael colin, hardware jevon michael bailey, box elanor, box alice amelia (dale), dale george, dale elizabeth, dale lilly, dale john, dale thomas, dale rose, dale ethelbert, dale george, dale elsie, box thomas henry, box annie lavinia (rogers), rogers annie elizabeth, rogers william richard, box arthur walter, nelson dagma marie (box), box walter kingston, box marie, box cecilia eliza (ainger), ainger james, box ida may, cumming william george, cumming wendy (nee mansell), cumming susan, cumming paul, cumming felicity (steel), cumming shane, cumming melissa, cumming angel, box harold, box dorothy may (jackson), jackson frederick, jackson margaret (walker), jackson judith, walker david, walker michelle (neville), neville andrew, walker darren, walker rebecca (coyne), walker joshua, walker bradley, johnson steven, johnson carl, johnson judith (jackson), johnson peter, johnson melissa (hamid), johnson craig, ely johnson/jackson judith, ely steven, linham arthur, box thelma elizabeth (eagle), eagle keith, eagle nancye elizabeth (harpin), harkin john, harkin mary anne (howe), howe barry, howe samuel, harkin michael, harkin christopher, harkin elizabeth, eagle roddan, eagle carolyn (mansell), eagle gerard, eagle kerri – lee, box avis ann (eldridge), eldridge alf, eldridge robert, eldridge sandra, eldridge adam, eldridge nicholas, eldridge patric, eldridge john, eldridge carol (biggs), eldridge robert james, eldridge catherine elizabeth, eldridge meredith, box william john, box maud (nee hanchette), box malcome, box sandra (ede), box stephen, box nicolle, box andrew, box christine (dormer), box corrina, box jennifer (turpin), turpin phillip, box herbert, box olwyn (richard), box elaine henry, henry bruce, henry james, henry robin, henry david, box richard, box nerida (bowen), box duncan, box john, box cerwiden, box ewan, box bryan, box collen (malony), box kieran, box eden, box christopher, box pam (smith), box sue (tirchett), box thomas, box william, box george frederick, box olive (cameron), box eliza jane (thompson), box francis george, box lena caroline, box-hembrow mable alma, box charles francis, clinch mr., box robinson jessie melinda, box clay edith florence, north brighton, waun alex, waun robert, marquis peter, sheppard w., warnbach mr, marriott william mrs, box dorothy (seabrook), box hazel, box jessie, box frank (francis), seabrook len, box henry, seabrook albert, seabrook stanley allan, barry j. haydon, barry rachel alexandra, millie john, bussell harold leslie, bussell sue, bussell leanne melinda, bussell benjamin leslie, bussell lynette, box george, box jean (holms), box george, box alisa (hughes), hughes justin, hughes ebony, hughes tasman, box robin, box veronica (roman), box andrea roman, box lisa roman, box jodi roman, box malcome, box sue (kerrison), box amanda, box anthony, clay john (jack) francis, clay lynda blanche (nee sibte), clay vivien, clay majory joy, lipman vernon (vern) ronald, clay kenneth graham, clay laura jean -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - Allison Road, 59, Elsternwick
This file contains 3 items 1.Typed carbon copy of correspondence dated 4 August 1989 from Brighton Historical Society detailing the history of the property from 1892 to 1974 2. An undated unattributed handwritten chronological listing of property owner of 59 Allison Rd, Elsternwick from 1892 to 1974 3. A copy of House of the Week from the Domain newspaper dated 1-2 March 2013 on the fortcoming auction of 59 Allison St. Elsternwick. It includes 3 photographs of the propertyland subdivision, beemery park, ballantyne david, jeffries charles, lethbridge reginald e., dunn john g., jamieson j.b., swale richard, swale k. mrs, swale charlotte, swale robert, shilton h.w., mclnnes c., shilton i.j., swale david, house names, lurgancanty -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Folder, Pioneers & Painters; Shire of Eltham Historical Society History Publication Committee minutes, 1969-1971, 1969-1971
Material pertaining to the production of a history of the Shire of Eltham, "Pioneers & Painters: One Hundred Years of Eltham and its Shire" in recognition of the shire's centenary in 1971 Item Title 04767-1 Notice and Agenda for Shire of Eltham Historical Society, History Publication Committee Inaugural Meeting to be held 1 April 1969; M.B. Watson, Shire Secretary, Shire Shire of Eltham, 28 March 1969 04767-2 Shire of Eltham Historical Society; History Publication Committee Minutes of Meeting held 1 April 1969 04767-3 Notice and Agenda for Shire of Eltham Historical Society, History Publication Committee Inaugural Meeting to be held 15 April 1969; M.B. Watson, Shire Secretary, Shire Shire of Eltham, 11 April 1969 04767-4 Shire of Eltham Historical Society; History Publication Committee Minutes of Meeting held 15 April 1969 04767-5 Shire of Eltham Historical Society; History Publication Committee, Notes of Informal Meeting held at Alan Marshall's home 3 May 1969 04767-6 Shire of Eltham Historical Society; History Publication Committee Minutes of Meeting held 14 February 1970 04767-7 Shire of Eltham Historical Society; History Publication Committee Minutes of Meeting held 4 April 1970 04767-8 Notice and Agenda for Shire of Eltham Historical Society, History Publication Committee Meeting to be held 2 May 1970; A.J. Roberts, Deputy Shire Secretary, Shire Shire of Eltham, 27 April 1970 04767-9 Shire of Eltham Historical Society; History Publication Committee Minutes of Meeting held 2 May 1970 04767-10 Notice and Agenda for Shire of Eltham Historical Society, History Publication Committee Meeting to be held 2 June 1970; A.J. Roberts, Deputy Shire Secretary, Shire Shire of Eltham, 6 June 1970 04767-11 Shire of Eltham Historical Society; History Publication Committee Minutes of Meeting held 6 June 1970 04767-12 Notice and Agenda for Shire of Eltham Historical Society, History Publication Committee Meeting to be held 4 July 1970; M.B. Watson, Shire Secretary, Shire Shire of Eltham, 30 June 1970 04767-13 Shire of Eltham Historical Society; History Publication Committee Minutes of Meeting held 4 July 1970 04767-14 Notice and Agenda for Shire of Eltham Historical Society, History Publication Committee Meeting to be held 1 August 1970; M.B. Watson, Shire Secretary, Shire Shire of Eltham, 29 July 1970 04767-15 Shire of Eltham Historical Society; History Publication Committee Minutes of Meeting held 1 August 1970 04767-16 Notice and Agenda for Shire of Eltham Historical Society, History Publication Committee Meeting to be held 22 August 1970; M.B. Watson, Shire Secretary, Shire Shire of Eltham, 18 August 1970 04767-17 Shire of Eltham Historical Society; History Publication Committee Minutes of Meeting held 22 August 1970 04767-18 Notice and Agenda for Shire of Eltham Historical Society, History Publication Committee Meeting to be held 3 October 1970; M.B. Watson, Shire Secretary, Shire Shire of Eltham, 16 September 1970 04767-19 Shire of Eltham Historical Society; History Publication Committee Minutes of Meeting held 3 October 1970 04767-20 Notice and Agenda for Shire of Eltham Historical Society, History Publication Committee Meeting to be held 19 December 1970; M.B. Watson, Shire Secretary, Shire Shire of Eltham, 17 December 1970 04767-21 Letter: Sue Beaven, Thomas Nelson (Australia) Pty Ltd to the members of the History Publication Committee regarding dust jacket blurb, 13 January 1971 The idea to develop a book on the history of the Shire of Eltham to be edited by noted author, Alan Marshall in celebration of the shire's centenary was initiated in 1969. The Shire of Eltham Historical Society undertook significant research in conjunction with Alan Marshall locating material at various institutions and other societies; interviewing longer term residents and a public campaign through the local press to acquire photographic material for duplication and use in the book. The public campaign received generous response and the material collected became the genesis for the Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph collection now held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library).Paper documents of various sizes up to Foolscapalan marshall, history publication committee, minutes, pioneers and painters,shire of eltham historical society, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, shire of eltham -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Work on paper (item) - Photograph, 2 Metery Road, Eltham South
Robert and Ada Zull built an Alistair Knox designed house at 2 (lot 8) Metery Road, Eltham, a one acre property for their family of five in the mid 1960s. Susan Bennett, nee Zull's reminiscences are published in EDHS Newsletter, February, April, June, August 2020. This series of photographs together with the account of personal remiscences provide a unique document of the construction of an Alistair Knox designed home. Knox was a pioneer in the use of mudbricks and recycled materials and is significant to his contribution of this style of architecture in Eltham and the wider Shire of Nillumbik.zull family, eltham south, 2 metery road, alistair knox, bush block -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Work on paper (item) - Photograph, 2 Metery Road, Eltham South
Robert and Ada Zull built an Alistair Knox designed house at 2 (lot 8) Metery Road, Eltham, a one acre property for their family of five in the mid 1960s. Susan Bennett, nee Zull's reminiscences are published in EDHS Newsletter, February, April, June, August 2020. This series of photographs together with the account of personal remiscences provide a unique document of the construction of an Alistair Knox designed home. Knox was a pioneer in the use of mudbricks and recycled materials and is significant to his contribution of this style of architecture in Eltham and the wider Shire of Nillumbik.zull family, eltham south, 2 metery road, alistair knox, bush block -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newspaper clipping, Eltham loves a parade, Diamond Valley News (Eltham), Vol. 33, No. 32, 14 August 1979, p1, 1979
Feature news story about 1979 Eltham Parade with photo of Society members Joh Ebeli and Russell Yeoman pushing Peter Bassett-Smith along in a wheelbarrow. Others featured were Eltham Rugby club float and Anne Mandel of the Slovenian Association of Melbourne. Other story on "Council elections provide shocks" featured the defeat of Eltham sitting councillors, Ken Hines and Helen Wells with Shire president Cr, Robert Marshall returned with a commanding majority. Reverse side (p2) story "Laughing cop no softy" is a feature article on Tony Zalewski of Greensborough CIB who was the key policeman involved in a hour-long siege in Norfolk Crescent, Bundoora in 1978 and for which he received the Victoria Police Valour AwardNewsprint page1979, anne mandel, ansell and muir, bundoora, elections, eltham festival, eltham rugby football club, greensborough cib, helen wells, joh ebeli, ken hines, lyon bros ford, norfolk crescent, parade floats, peter bassett-smith, robert marshall, russell yeoman, shire of diamond valley, shire of eltham, shire of eltham historical society, siege, slovenian association of melbourne, tony zalewski, victoria police valour award -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat College of Advanced Education: Scrapbook of newspaper cutting, Book 5; March 1979 to August 1979
Newspaper cuttings relating to Ballarat College of Advanced Education. These are from various newspapers and include The Age, Ballarat Courier, The Australian, The Herald. The cuttings cover the period from 21 March 1979 to 4 August 1979. . Book with grey cover, front. Spiral bound.employment advertisements, application for enrolment, outline of courses, scholarships for bcae students, western mining corporation, gunther jahnks, stephen fernee, jim stringer, robert withers former student, earthquakes, new men at bcae, geoff westcott, garry kinnane, jeffrey leeuwenberg, study of muscle power, dr alan roberts, mark heuston, new at bcae, cao duc thac - school of business, bruce cossins - civil engineering, val lloyd - librarianship department, prof hilda elkins - librarianship department for 6 months, community support vital to colleges, inquiry committee in ballarat, growing concern for sports injuries, shortage of qualified metallurgists, 400 graduate, graeme jeffries engineering, accountancy prize to belinda tantau, john wach appointed to mt stromlo observatory, energy seminar, minister for minerals and energy, teacher union may put ban on bcae, bcae director replies, bcae indoor sports facilities popular, chemical institute branch formed, great hall takes shape, educationalists in ballarat, another degree for frank hurley, dr mosley on barrier reef, posters depict conservation, bcae gets gift of logo, bcae's first annual council meeting, pilot fatigue significant factor, management training - business survey, better decision makers, industrial safety, engineering heritage display, why people take risks, vtu boycott suspended, prof david klein u.s.a., prof praises bcae course, swimming instructors 2-day course, david jelbart retires, gunther jahnke wins arblaster award, bcae library expands, regional colleges -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Certificate, The University of Melbourne matriculation examination certificate, 1873
Samuel Baird attended Ballarat College 1864 - 1872. He was the first student enrolled at the school. His father, Samuel Baird, was the first engineer for the city of Ballarat. According to his grandson Samuel Baird was indentured to a local chemist in Ballarat. He moved to Melbourne and took over the chemist business Hood and Co in Elizabeth Street Melbourne. This business remained in the family for a further generation. This certificate is accompanied by an earlier certificate indicating that Samuel also sat a matriculation examination in October 1871 and passed in four subjects (000132.1). The certificates are accompanied by signed receipts from the University of Melbourne for matriculation examinations at a totla of four times - Receipt no 503 30 October 1871 for 5 subjects (000132.2) Receipt no 495 6 August 1872 less than six subjects (000132.3) Receipt no 696 29 October 1872 for 8 subjects (000132.4) Receipt no 195 14 February 1873 for matriculation exam (000132.5) for purchased copies of matriculation certificates. This infers that Samuel Baird sat some portion of the matriculation certificate over four examinations. Record 000131 is related to these items being a reference from the Principal Robert Oliver McCoy for Samuel Baird written in 1873. Historic significance for its connection with the first student of Ballarat College. Single sheet form printed on one side with handwritten insertions. Front: THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE / MATRICULATION EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE / At a Matriculation Examination held in the / October Term, 1872 / Samuel Baird / passed in the following six subjects: / 1. Latin 4. Arithmetic / 2. English 5. Algebra / 3. French 6. Euclid / [Signature] President / 14 Feb 1873 [Signature] Registrarsamuel-baird, 1864, ballarat-college, receipt, university-of-melbourne, matriculation -
Bendigo Military Museum
Album - ALBUM, PHOTOGRAPH WW2, Original photographs C1946
Photograph contained within album Walter Ainsle STEVENSON. NX85457 & 21171. Enlisted 23 January 1942 aged 19 years. Discharged 4 October 1948 RANK PTE. (BCOF) ( no other info available) Kelvin Robert CORDELL. VX 146338 Enlisted 25 November 1943 aged 18 years Discharged 10 December 1946 with RANK PTE in Australian Training Centre ( no other info available)Photograph album Photographs- two colour photographs of Mt Fuji. Twenty tow sepia and black and white reproduction photographs of Japan, after 6th and 9th August 1945. Hiroshima by BCOF Soldiers Album - cardboard, pink colour vinyl padded cover, with plastic photograph sleeves with backing light cardboard. .2) Programme- white paper, black, blue and red print on folded A4 sheet, one illustration.Handwritten in blue pen beside half portrait of two soldiers “L.W. STEVENSON / R.K. CORDELL / 67 BATT / 1946” .2) Programme- “British Commonwealth Occupation Force Memorial Service June N.S.W. Cenotaph Thursday, 25th October,2108 / 11 amalbums, military history, ww2, japan -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Sculpture - Wooden bowl with lid, Robert Harris, c1980s
... in June 2013. The bowl was presented to College 24 August 1989 ...This bowl was turned by Mr Bob Harris from the fallen Claret Ash which grew on the north side of the Mair Street (CPLC) oval. Bob was a groundsman at Mair Street 1980 - 1989. His profile was published in Ringaroo March 1986. He passed away in June 2013. The bowl was presented to College 24 August 1989. Claret Ash turned bowl with lidrobert-harris, grounds staff, craftsmanship -
Bendigo Military Museum
Robert Hunter GOLDIE, VX40795 enlisted in the 2nd AIF on 9.7.1940 age 25 years. He was discharged with the rank of Sgt on 24.11.1941 serving in the 2/24th Battalion.Coloured certificate with Australian & Union Jack flags mounted with green border. Tan wooden frame with glass front & white cardboard backing with wire hanging strap. On certificate: “GOD, KING AND COUNTRY SHIRE OF MCIVOR. Presented to Private Robert Goldie for active service overseas. 31st August 1940” Signed by: “President, Councillor & Shire Secretary” Bottom L: “Red seal” In black print on white background under certificate: “Donated by R Fair”certificate, shire, mcivor -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat School of MInes: Scrapbook of Newspaper Cuttings, Book 8, March 1980 to August 1980
Collection of newspaper articles related to Ballarat School Of Mines.They cover activities and advertisements for staff. The papers concerned are The Courier, Ballarat, The Australian, The Age over the period of 01/03/1980 to 08/08/1980Book with white cover - front, spiral bound. staffing advertisements, courses available, goldfields learning is new theme, $3million projects for smb, advice on what's cooking, $956700 amenities building, smb helps unemployed youth, renaissance dancing at workshop at smb, shield to smb tafe colleges sports, foundry for students, host farm seminar at smb, build activity on campus, life be in it games, new scheme for chippies, memorial to guides at creswick camp, richards medal presentation, richard richards principal, antarctis explorer, wendouree rotary apprentice award, move for archaeological society, smb awards presented, tippett prise goes to wendouree fitter malcolm rodgers, signing contract for $1.8 million building development at smb, new scheme for apprentices, off-campus study of tertiary education, management course at smb, ballarat students win welding awards, mark spencer wins craftsmanship certificate, aboriginal art exhibition, examination in woolclassing, robert featherstone smb farm apprentice student, smb land lab, ballarat has proud tradition in education, smb practical training for unemployed young people -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat School of MInes: Scrapbook of Newspaper Cuttings, Book 53, August 1992 to October 1992
Collection of newspaper articles related to Ballarat School Of Mines.They cover activities and advertisements for staff. The papers concerned are The Courier, Ballarat, The Australian, The Age over the period of 6 August 1992 to 28 October 1992.Book with green cover, front, spiral bound. teaching positions advertised, pre-employment courses, courses available, enrolment for smb courses, donna tregenza, kim raynor, sharren galvin, studies pay off, victorian budgetgains short lived, tafe week, l f j hillman medal, smb training restaurant, tafe students' travelling show, horticultural work offered to jobless, michael kern, michael murphy, first and second in vacc awards, clinton miller mechanical design drafting, cultural instructors' course graduates, staff and students reunion, smb committed to enrichment, disability week, mechanics show their skill, work skill competition, disabled cam make a difference, top apprentices out of work, shelley robinsonwins award, lindy wuestewald cocktail winner, sculpture exhibition, paul robert donald, winner of hillman award, bill gribble new smb council president, paul donald apprentice of the year -
Frankston RSL Sub Branch
Collection, J R Clancy
The recipient of this medal is believed to be VX44669 Private James Robert Clancy of Thougla Upper which was in the Shire of Upper Murray. Private Clancy was born in Sandy Creek on 30 August 1903 enlisted in the Army on 8 July 1940 and was discharged on 8 March 1943. He served in the Signals Section of the 2nd Australian Anti-Aircraft Regiment.Municipalities in Australia recognised their residents who enlisted in World Wars by the issue of some form of recognition. This is a nice example of a medallic form of such recognition.A collection of items presented by the family of WWll Australian Army serviceman James Robert Clancy VX44669. Clancy was a signalman in the 2/2 Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment. Refer to items 00456.1, 00456.2, 00456.3 and 00456.4. -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Papers and Addresses, John F W Herschel, Essays From The Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews, 1857
The author of this book, and many other similar books, was Sir John F. W. Herschel (John Frederick William), 1792-1871. He was a famous mathematician, astronomer, chemist and botanist. In 1838 he was created a baronet, of Slough in the County of Buckingham. The results of his research and discoveries are in use today. The book is part of Flagstaff Hill's Pattison Collection, a large group of books and records, some of which are rare and valuable. The collection was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute, which was founded in 1853 and is named after Warrnambool's Public Librarian, Ralph Pattison. Thomas Longman founded his publishing firm in 1724 in London by the name Longman. In August of that year, he bought the two shops and goods of William Taylor and set up his publishing house there at 39 Paternoster Row. The shops were called Black Swan and Ship, and it is said that the 'ship' sign was the inspiration for Longman's Logo. After many changes of name and management, including Longman Brown Green Longman and Roberts, the firm was incorporated in 1926 as Longmans, Green & Co. Pty Ltd. The firm was acquired by Pearson in 1968 and was known as Pearson Longman or Pearson PLC. The book is significant for its association with the author, Sir John F W Herschel, and his discoveries and inventions, some of which are still used today.. The book is important for its connection with the London publisher Longmans, Green, Brown, Longmans and Roberts. The firm has been established for over two centuries and is renowned for publishing encyclopedias, dictionaries, books on English grammar, textbooks, poetry, reference books, novels, magazines and more. The book has additional importance for its connection to the Pattison Collection, which, along with other items at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, was originally part of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institutes’ Collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and its important role in people's intellectual, cultural and social development throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance.Essays from the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews: with addresses and other pieces Author: Sir John F W Herschel Publisher: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans and Roberts Date: 1857 Black cloth hardcover book with embossed gold text on the spine. Inscriptions are on labels, stickers, stamps and handwriting. The book is part of the Pattison Collections.The label on spine: "PAT 824 HER" Sticker on pastedown front endpaper: "Warrnambool Public Library" Sticker on front loose endpaper: "Corangamite Regional Library Service" Stamp on front loose endpaper: Corangamite Regional Library Service" Stamps, two, on fly: "Warrnambool Mechanics Institute" Handwriting on fly: "155 (crossed out)" "165" "P/W" 4608" "824" flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, pattison collection, ralph eric pattison, warrnambool mechanics’ institute, mechanics’ institute library, warrnambool library, free library, corangamite regional library service, essays from the edinburgh and quarterly reviews, sir john f w herschel, longman brown green longmans and roberts, 1857, mid-19th century, mathematician, botanist, astronomer, chemist -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Literary Work, Longman Green Longman Roberts & Green, Lays of Ancient Rome, 1860
The author, Thomas Babington Macaulay, wrote this collection of Lays or narrative poems that tell a story, like a ballad. Four were based on Roman history, and he wrote two based on recent history; Ivry, written in 1824, and The Armade, written in 1832. The book became so popular that it became standard reading in British public schools until at least the 1940s. This book is from Flagstaff Hill's Pattison Collection, a large group of books and records, some of which are rare and valuable. The collection was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute, which was founded in 1853 and is named after Warrnambool's Public Librarian, Ralph Pattison. The publisher Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts, operated from 1859 to 1862. It was founded in 1724 in London by Thomas Longman under the name Longman. In August of that year, he bought the two shops and goods of William Taylor and set up his publishing house there at 39 Paternoster Row. The shops were called Black Swan and Ship, and it is said that the 'ship' sign was the inspiration for Longman's Logo. After many changes of name and management, including the name Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts from 1859 to 1862 the firm was incorporated in 1926 as Longmans, Green & Co. Pty Ltd. The firm was acquired by Pearson in 1968 and was known as Pearson Longman or Pearson PLC. The book is significant for its popularity and educational purposes as part of British public schools’ standing reading list for over a hundred years. It is also important for its connection to the London publisher Longman, Green Longman Roberts, who was an extension of the Longmans, Green & Co, operating under this name from 1811 to 1823. The firm has been established for over two centuries, is renowned for publishing encyclopedias, dictionaries, books on English grammar, textbooks, poetry, reference books, novels, magazines and more. The book has additional importance for its connection to the Pattison Collection, which, along with other items at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, was originally part of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institutes’ Collection. Lays of Ancient Rome: with Ivry and the Armada, by Lord Macaulay Publisher: Longmans Green Longman and Roberts, London Date: 1860 Further Information: New edition. (First published in 1842) Green cloth hardcover with embossed gold text on the spine. The fly page is illustrated. Inscriptions are on a label on the spine, stamps on the fly page, and a stamp and stickers on the endpapers. This book is part of the Pattison Collection.Label on spine; "PAT 821 MAC" Fly stamp; "Warrnambool Mechanics Institute " Fly handwritten in pencil; "PD 34" "P/W" " in blue pen; "4849" and "821" Endpaper stickers; Warrnambool Public Library" and "Corangamite Regional Library Service" Endpaper stamp; "Corangamite Regional Library Service"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, book, pattison collection, warrnambool library, warrnambool mechanics’ institute, ralph eric pattison, corangamite regional library service, warrnambool city librarian, mechanics’ institute library, victorian library board, warrnambool books and records, warrnambool children’s library, lays of ancient rome, lord macaulay, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, maritime village, free library, ivry, the armada, thomas macoulay, longmans green longman and roberts, longman green longman roberts & green, thomas longman, paternoster row london, 1860, thomas babington macaulay, roman history -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Literary Work, Charles Richard Weld, Two months in the Highlands, Orcadia and Skye, 1860
The book was written by aaaaaCharles Richard Weld and was originally part of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Library. The publisher firm, Longmans, Green & Co, was originally founded in 1724 in London by Thomas Longman under the name Longman. In August of that year, he bought the two shops and goods of William Taylor and set up his publishing house there at 39 Paternoster Row. The shops were called Black Swan and Ship, and it is said that the 'ship' sign was the inspiration for Longman's Logo. After many changes of name and management, including the name Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts from 1859 to 1862, The firm was incorporated in 1926 as Longmans, Green & Co. Pty Ltd. The firm was acquired by Pearson in 1968 and was known as Pearson Longman or Pearson PLC. It is important for its connection to the London publisher Longman, Green Longman Roberts, who were an extension of the Longmans, Green & Co, operating under this name from 1811 to 1823. The firm has been established for over two centuries, is renowned for publishing encyclopedias, dictionaries, books on English grammar, textbooks, poetry, reference books, novels, magazines and more. It is also significant for its association with the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and its important role in people's intellectual, cultural and social development throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance.Weld's Highlands: Two Months in the Highlands Orcadia and Skye Author: Charles Richard Weld Publisher: Longman Green Longman Roberts Date: 1860 Light and dark diagonally striped hardcover with a brown spine and reinforced corners. The spine has a label with an inscription.Label on spine cover with typed text "RH 914.11 WEL"warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, shipwrecked-artefact, great ocean road, warrnambool library, warrnambool mechanics’ institute, mechanics’ institute library, warrnambool books and records, warrnambool public library, weld's highlands, two months in the highlands orcadia and skye, charles richard weld, 1860, 1th century, longman green longman and roberts -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Literary Work, John F. Moodie Heddle, Seven In the Half-Deck, 1949
This book is a true account of the experiences of seven Australian boys beginning their career as seamen on the last voyage of the ‘John Murray’ when they became stranded on a South Pacific Island. The author John F. Moodie Heddle was an apprentice on board at that time. The publisher firm of Longmans, Green & Co. was founded in 1724 in London by Thomas Longman under the name Longman. In August of that year, he bought the two shops and goods of William Taylor and set up his publishing house there at 39 Paternoster Row. The shops were called Black Swan and Ship, and it is said that the 'ship' sign was the inspiration for Longman's Logo. After many changes of name and management, including the name Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts from 1859 to 1862, the firm was incorporated in 1926 as Longmans, Green & Co. Pty Ltd. The firm was acquired by Pearson in 1968 and was known as Pearson Longman or Pearson PLC. The three-masted iron baque 'John Murray' was built and registered in Glasgow, UK, in 1877 as a general cargo vessel maned the 'Loch Ryan'. It traded between the UK and Australia from 1877 to 1909. In 1909 the Loch Ryan was purchased by the Defence Department of Victoria, refitted at Williamstown as a training vessel and renamed ‘John Murray’. It was commissioned from 1910 to 1917 for reforming juvenile offenders as seamen for the Navy and Merchant Navy. The training project ceased after reports of the treatment of the boys. Although 411 did their training under this scheme, the success rate of them qualifying to serve on other vessels was less than twenty per cent. The ship was named after John (Jack) Murray (1851-1916), who was born near Koroit. He was the 23rd Premier of Victoria (1909-1912), and a Warrnambool Member of Parliament for twenty years. In 1917 the John Murray was sold to the Government of Australia to serve during the Great War, World War I. The ship was loaded with a cargo of dynamite and petroleum at San Francisco then departed for Melbourne when, during its passage, it was wrecked at Malden Island reef in the mid-Pacific Ocean on May 29th, 1918.The book gives us a first-hand account of the wrecking of the sailing ship John Murray, named after a past Warrnambool Member of Parliament for twenty years and the 23rd Premier of Victoria, born locally, near Koroit. The book is significant for its association with the vessel John Murray, which was formerly the 'Loch Ryan' of the Loch Line General Shipping Company of Glasgow. The same company owned the Loch Ard, which was wrecked and tragically lost 52 lives. The book is significant as a record of one of the many clipper ships that traded between the United Kingdom and Australia, with goods collected from other countries along the way. The book has an important connection to Victoria's training ship John Murray, which aimed at reforming delinquent juveniles to be suitable as seamen for Australia's Navy or Merchant Navy.Seven In The Half-Deck: An account of the wreck of the Barque John Murray Author: John F. Moodie Heddle Publisher: Longmans Green & Co Date: 1949 Beige cloth hardcover book with colour sleeve pasted to front cover, depicting a lifebuoy with a sailing ship in the centre. Some words of the title are in rope-inspired writing. There are inscriptions on a label on the spine, a sticker on the front loose endpaper, and the image on the cover.. Label; typed text "RA 910.453 HED" Inside front loose endpaper has sticker "Warrnambool Children's Library" On lifebuoy: "JOHN MURRAY" "MELBOURNE"flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, seven in the half-dec, true story, wreck of the barque john murray, shipwreck, john murray, barque, wreck, john f. moodie heddle, j f moodie heddle, longmans green & co, j moodie heddle, warrnambool children’s library, 1949, melbourne, the john murray, loch ryan, loch line, general shipping company, government of victoria, training ship, juvenile reformation, delinquent boys, james & george thomson, iron barque, three-masted ship, clipper ship, uk to australia trade, dynamite cargo, petroleum cargo, maldon island reef, 1909-1917, 1910, 1918, 23rd premier of victoria, warrnambool member of parliament, koroit, juvenile delinquent training, navy training, royal australian navy, merchant navy, first-hand account of a shipwreck