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Christ Church Anglican Parish of Warrnambool
William Rutledge [born 1806, Ireland] was a self-made, larger-than-life man who involved himself prominently in business, municipal, political, community and social aspects of life. Eldest son of James and Martha [nee Forster], William arrived in Australia from Ireland in 1829 and within six years had sufficiently established himself to purchase land in New South Wales. He married Eliza Kirk in Sydney in august 1840. They had two sons and five daughters. In 1843 he began his association and life in Port Fairy and soon became prominent and influential in almost all aspects of that developing town. His interests encompassed mercantile, civic, pastoral, shipping, importing, exporting, immigration, politics and social aspects with in the district and colony. He was a major contributor to the building of St John’s Anglican Church, Port Fairy. He acquired three special surveys with historical importance in Victoria. In south west Victoria that interest being especially the Farnham Survey of 5120 acres between Dennington and Tower Hill/Killarney. This was farmed by immigrant tenant and lessee farmers, some of whom were brought to the Australia at William Rutledge’s own expense and by whom he was considered a kind and considerate landlord. His endeavours were not without failures and in 1862 his Port Fairy Company failed with debts of over £170,000. This debt was redeemed in full within a year. According to reported accounts, William Rutledge had a tempestuous manner with an “explosive” temper, although he did not hold grudges. This is countered by accounts of his kindness, generosity, honesty and practical, progressive outlook in all his undertakings. After the failure and closure of his Company, William Rutledge moved to his property at Farnham Park near Warrnambool where he concentrated his interest in breeding sheep and horses. Throughout his life his home was reputed to be convivial and hospitable. William Rutledge died at Farnham Park on June 1st, 1876. William Rutledge's place in the history of settlement in south west Victoria gives importance to this memorial.Stained glass window, south wall, main nave, depicting Jesus bearing the Cross. The background is quite floral. A medallion shape holds the title as printed on a ribbon: "By thy cross and passion good Lord deliver us".In Latin: In Memoriam Gulielmi Rutledge qui A.D. MDCCCVI underimo ante Kal: Feb: natus vitam posuit/ Kal: Jun: MDCCCLXXVI Filae amantissimae hanc fenestram pietatis indirio posueruntrutledge, william rutledge, farnham survey, port fairy, christ church warrnambool -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Postcard - Alice McGregor Postcard Collection, 1900 - 1920
Alice McGREGOR Born: 1908; unknown parents. Possibly adopted by the Salter family? Electoral Roll 1936: Highland Terrace Kangaroo Flat. Alice Mary Salter and William Robert Salter living together; presumed to be sister and brother. William Robert Salter was killed in a MVA in Bendigo in 1937 aged 26. In Victoria in 1938, Alice Mary Salter married James Thomas McGregor (born Victoria 1917, died Victoria 1983, buried Fawkner Cemetery) Lived: 1968; 22 Wade Street Golden Square Alice McGregor Died: 1999 aged 91 at Anne Caudle Centre, Bendigo Buried: Kangaroo Flat Cemetery See additional research. Postcard Album of Alice McGregor contained 86 post cards.Postcard Album of Alice McGregor containing 86 post cards. See 1400. Colour painting of red poppies at bottom right with the words 'THE ETERNAL GOD IS THY REFUGE' Above is an attempt to handwrite the same words in pencil. Undated. On the back 'Ruby Grey, Crusoe Road, Big Hill, Sunday' written in black ink and blue pencil. postcard, collector, alice mcgregor -
Otway Districts Historical Society
Booklet, Victorian Country Football League, Victorian Country Football League. List of Affiliated Clubs, March 1948
The list of affiliated clubs gives the Secretary and Assistant Secretary of the VCFL, the District Councillors, and the affiliated clubs, thier controlling body, the secretary of the controlling body, and the district in which the affiliated club resides.Victorian Country Football League. List of affiliated clubs. Issued March 1948. L.H. McBrien, Secretary. 40 p. Soft cover.victorian country football league; vcfl; clubs; district; -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Grave of Sarah Jane Taylor (nee Bunker) (1855-1898), Margaret Taylor (1852-1915) and William John Taylor (1853-1921), Eltham Cemetery, Eltham; 3 August 2018, 3 Aug 2018
In Loving Remembrance of SARAH JANE The dearly bloeved wife of WILLIAM J. TAYLOR Died 9th Oct. 1898 Aged 43 years and 8 months. Dearest loved one we have laid thee, In the peaceful grave's embrace. But thy memory will be cherished, Till we see thy heavenly face. Also his loving wife MARGARET Died 17th Sept. 1915. Aged 63 years. Also our loving father WILLIAM J. TAYLOR Died 4th Aug. 1921, Aged 68 years. Our loved ones at rest.Born digital image (qty 4)eltham cemetery, graves, margaret taylor, sarah jane taylor (nee bunker), william john taylor -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Book - Birthday Book
Book used for recording birthdaysSmall book used for birthdays. Front cover has a pink rose with following words: Forget me not -- let memory play her part And lock my image in thy inmost heart. Green binding with 'Golden thoughts' wording. Inside page "The Book of Golden Thoughts for Birthdays" book, birthdays -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
The Music Advancement Society of Bendigo 5th Concert, 1973 Series - 'The Oriana Madrigal Choir'. Conductor: Leonard Fullard, Harpsichordist: June Buckingham. Soprano: Dorothy Thyer. City Hall, Bendigo. Saturday, 17th November, at 8.15 p.m. Programme 25 cents. Bolton Bros Pty Ltd, Bendigo.event, entertainment, music, the oriana madrigal shoir, the music advancement society of bendigo, leonard fullard, june buckingham, dorothy thyer, bolton bros pty ltd -
The 5th/6th Battalion Royal Victoria Regiment Historical Collection
Award - Trophy
presented to 5RVRSilver Chalais shaped trophy enscribed on base, inside of cup appears gold in colour Presented to 5th BN ROYAL VICTORIA REGIMENT BY THE MELBOURNE SCOTS IN APPRECIATION OF THIER CLOSE ASSOCIATION AND THE SERVICES RENDERED BY THE PIPES AND DRUMS OVER MANY YEARS 5/6 rvr, 5rvr, pipes and drums -
Mont De Lancey
Cup & Saucer
Used for reading people's fortunesMagic cup and saucer for reading people's fortunes, white china with red and grey symbols.On cup - Would'st learn the future with thy tea this magic cup will show it thee On saucer - The "Nelros" Cup of Fortune Rd No 442928 By Royal Letters Patenttableware -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Book - Hardcover book, McCarron, Bird & Co, Victoria and its Metropolis-Past and Present-Volume 2, 1888
A history of the various colonies and districts of Victoria from the time of the discovery of Australia through until 1888.Hardback. Dark brown cover with the title in gold lettering. There is also a border in gold decorating the outer edge of the front cover. The spine is also decorated in gold along with the title and the volume number.non-fictionA history of the various colonies and districts of Victoria from the time of the discovery of Australia through until, victoria, pioneers, colonisation, history, fauna, flora, banking, finance, medicine, western district, south-western district, wimmera district, geelong district, ballarat district, avoca district, coliban district, campase district, loddon district, lower goulburn district, upper goulburn district, ovens district, north-east district, gippsland district, mornington district, westernport district, upper yarra district, evelyn district, bourke district -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - ANZAC MEMORIAL SERVICE, 25 April, 1922
Anzac Memorial Service. Lest We Forget. Upper Reserve, Bendigo. Tuesday, April, 25, 1922.At 3 o'clock. Order of Service April 25, 1922. His Worship the Mayor (Cr. J E Holland) presiding. 1. Invocation and Lord's Prayer, Rev W Bennett. (President of Ministers Association) 2. National Anthem 3. Prayer for the King, Queen, and the Royal Family Rev. L W Lee. O! God who rulest over Thy people in love, we beseech Thee to bless Thy Servant, our King, that under him this nation may be wisely governed, and Thy Church may serve Thee in all godly quietness, Grant that the King, the Prince, and the people, being devoted to these with all their hearts, and preserving in good works to the end, may, by Thy guidance, come to Thine everlasting Kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 4. Hymn- 'All people that on Earth do Dwell' All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice. Him serve with mirth, His praise forth tell, Come ye before Him and rejoice. Know that the Lord is God indeed; Without ou aid He did us make; We are His flock; He doth us feed. And for His sheep He doth us take. O enter then His gates with praise, Approach with joy His courts unto; Praise, laud and bless His name always, For it is seemly so to do. For why! The Lord our God is good, His mercy is for ever sure; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. 5. Prayers Rev W J Holt. Almighty God, who hast tought us in Thy Holy Word to perpetuate the memory of brave men and great deliverance, give to this nation grace not to forget the men who died for their fellow men; keep, we beseech thee, their memory fresh and green in the hearts of Thy people, and make us more worthy of the sacrafices they offered for us, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O! Merciful and Loving Father Who dost not willinglu afflict the children of men, but chasten tem for their profit, have mercy upon Thy bereaved and sorrowing servants who mourn for those they have lost in battle (especially those for whom our [rayers are asled). And as Thou dost sanctity muman love and felloship here upon earth, so grant them and us a happy re-union with those whom we love in Thy eternal peace and joy; throught Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 6. Scripture Lesson- Rev. S E Doman 7. 1st Address- The Very Rev. The Dean of Bendigo 8. Presentation of Medals 9. Hymn- Kipling's Recessional. God of our fathers, known of old, Lord of the far-flung battle line, Beneath whose awful hand we hold Dominion over palm and pine- Lord God of hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget-lest we forget! Far-called, our navies melt away, On dune and headland sinks the fire; Lo, all our pomp of yesterday. Is one with Nineveh and Tyre Judge of the nations, spare us yet, Lest we forget- - lest we forget. If, drunk with sight of power, we loose Wild tongues, that have not Thee in awe Still boasting, as the Gentiles use, Or lesser breeds, without the Law- Lord God of hosts, lest we forget! For heathen heart that puts her trust In reeking tube and iron shard, All valiant dust that builds on dust, And guarding, calls not Thee to to guard, For frantic boast and foolish word, Thy mercy on Thy people, Lord! 10. Address Rev. B W Heath. 11. General Thanksgiving Ven. Archdeacon Haynes. Almighty God, Father of all mercies! We, Thine unworthy servants, do give Thee most humble and hearty thanks for all Thy goodness and loving kindness to us, and to all men. We bless Thee for out creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life; but, above all, for Thine inestimale love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ; for the means of grace, and for the hope and the glory. And, we beseech Thee, give us that due sense of all Thy mercies, that our hearts may be unfeignedly thankful, and that we show forth Thy praise, not onlu with our lips, but with our lives; by giving up purselves to Thy sevice, and by walking before Thee in holiness and righteousness all our days; thriough Jesus Christ our Lord; to Whom with Thee and the Holy Spirit ba all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. 12. Nearer My God to Thee. Mearer my God to Thee, Mearer to Thee; E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me; Still all my song shall be. Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. Though like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness comes over me, My rest a stone, Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer my God to Thee, Nearer to Thee. There let my may way appear Steps unto Heav'n, All that thou sendest me In mercy given. Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. Then, with my waking thoughts, Bright with Thy Praise, Out of my stony griefs Berhel I'll raise; So by my woes to be Nearer to Thee. Amen. 13. Last Post. Everybody is requested to rise and stand revernt in memory of our illustrious dead. 14. Benediction. The singing will be led by the Children from the State Schools.Cambridge Pres, Print, Bendigoevent, official, anzac memorial service, anzac memorial service. lest we forget. upper reserve, bendigo. tuesday, april, 25, 3 o'clock. order of service april 25, 1922. his worship the mayor (cr. j e holland) presiding. 1. invocation and lord's prayer, rev w bennett. (president of ministers association) 2. national anthem 3. prayer for the king, queen, and the royal family rev. l w lee. 4. hymn- 'all people that on earth do dwell' 5. prayers rev w j holt. 6. scripture lesson- rev. s e doman 7. 1st address- the very rev. the dean of bendigo 8. presentation of medals 9. hymn- kipling's recessional. 10. address rev. b w heath. 11. general thanksgiving ven. archdeacon haynes. 12. nearer my god to thee. 13. last post. everybody is requested to rise and stand revernt in memory of our illustrious dead. 14. benediction. the singing will be led by the children from the state schools. -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The Five Orders of Architecture: according to Vignola, Possibly 1931
Giacomo Barozzi was born at Vignola. He was called Vignola after the name of the town where he was born. Giacomo was an Italian architect of 16th century. He was among those Italian architects who spread the Italian Renaissance style throughout Western Europe. His two masterpieces are the Villa Farnese at Caprarola and the Jesuits' Church of the Gesù in Rome. A blue cloth hard cover book. Title and author's name is engraved in gilt on front cover and spine. Illustrations in b/w. It includes 26 p. of text and 66 b/w plates, notes on the plates and a glossary of French and English terms. The book also includes studies of shadow projection and the orders and thier application.A bookplate inside front cover titled 'Ballarat School of Art Library No. AD/13. A library due date card with patron's name "Vignola, G.B da" date: 24/4/1968.roman architecture, greek architecture, orders of architecture, vignola, doric order, tuscan order, ionic order, corinthian order, composite order, shadow projection, arch of titus, bookplate, library plate, ballarat technical art school library -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Public enjoys fruit of volunteer's foresight, 2001
Ronald Thyer has been awarded the medal of the Order of Australia for his conservation efforts.Ronald Thyer has been awarded the medal of the Order of Australia for his conservation efforts. He played a major role in persuading Nunawading Council to buy the first parcel of land for Blackburn Lake Sanctuary in the early 1970's. His engineering career highlight was as structural engineer of the design team for Canberra's new Parliament House.Ronald Thyer has been awarded the medal of the Order of Australia for his conservation efforts. environment, thyer, ronald, blackburn lake sanctuary advisory committee, blackburn and district tree preservation society -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Book, The Centenary of the Church of Holy Trinity Stawell, 1972
A Short History of the Church of the Holy Trinity Stawell. compiled for the Centenary 1972White Card cover with blue print, photo in lower half.The Centenary of the church of the Holy Trinity Stawell May 26, 1872 -May 28, 1972 "O how amiable are Thy dwellings. Thou Lord of Hosts" Psalm 84stawell religion -
Wangaratta High School
WHS Framed Certificate, 2006
White certificate with a charcoal border, a black and white ADF logo and a Leadership + Teamwork AWARDS symbol at the top of the certificate, in a gold wooden frame. Black text reads:CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION THE AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCE EXPRESSES ITS APPRECIATION TO Wangaratta High School Wangaratta FOR THIER PARTICIPATION IN THE AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCE 2006 LEADERSHIP AND TEAMWORK AWARDS -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Booklet - Folder, John Marsh, Articles by John March
Three articles including: Perilous Summer - Thin Edge of the Wedge at Eltham - Eltham A lifestyle in peril published in "The Age" 21/08/1976 All articles thought to be from "The Age" in the 1970s. Written by John March. This was the pen name of former Kangaroo Ground resident Bill Baly. They relate to the people of Eltham and its hinterlands, their problems with planning, rates and politicians and thier artistic inclinations. 14 pageseltham, bushfires, lifestyle, green wedge, bill baly -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Offering envelope, Easter Thank Offering
There was usually a Women's Auxiliary of Overseas Missions group in every church which would support a particular missionary, as well as raising general funds [UCA Glossary of Methodist Terms]. Small buff envelope with black text and a black and white photograph Easter Thank Offering. Methodist Women's Auxiliary of Overseas Missions, 288 Little Collins Street, Melbourne.On the back of the envelope are the following: "Thy life was given for me; What have I given for Thee?" and "Your gift will help support our women workers o the Mission Field."methodist women's auxiliary of overseas missions -
Bendigo Military Museum
Accessory - IDENTIFICATION, CATHOLIC, C.1940 - 45
H.V.Rooke. Refer Cat No 4906.2 for service details..1) Cloth folding wallet light brown colours, inside has small crucifix, badge and oval created edge piece sewn in, has central flower with black writing, other half has open piece with clear plastic sleeve for ID card. .2)Catholic Identification card black print 4 pages, front has space for owners details, written in blue ink..1) “Thy Kingdom Come”. .2) hand written, “VX47141 Pte H.V. Rooke 2/29th Battalion 31 creek St Bendigo, wife 31 Creek St Bendigo”accessory, id, identification, catholic -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Memorabilia - MEMORIAL CARD, 1900
Memorial Card: With angels, doves and funeral emblems and inscribed 'The Kiss dear Maid thy Lip has left, Shall never part from Mine, Till Happier Hours restore the Gift, Untainted back to thus,* on the front page. Ornate lace work is inside the card with an Angel in silver and a garland of coloured flowers underneath. A double heart inscribed Inseparable' is at the bottom. Box 625ephemera, mementoes, cards, memorial. funeral. remembrance. -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Card - Birthday Card, circa 1880
Card given to Catherine Margan Walker by her husband (father of donor)Birthday card with cream fringe and autumn flowers. words on each of four sides - with loving wishes, may each birthday find you happy, free from care, exempt from strife - may thy birthday bring delight to thee and thine - a happy birthday, may kind fortune send you many years of happiness - may this day be the harbinger of many happy years.documents, cards -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Program, The 14th Holiness Convention, 1930
The convention was held in the Palmerston Street Methodist Church, Carlton on June 6th, 7th, 8th, & 9th 1928. The convention was arranged by the Methodist Local Preachers' Association Melbourne Branch. Small program for the 14th Holiness Convention. It made of raw umber light card and with black text.Front cover: "The Book of Life" "June 6th, 7th, 8th, & 9th 1928" Back cover: "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and light unto my path. Psalm 119.105"methodist local preachers' association melbourne branch, palmerston street methodist church -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, J.Redmore "God Cottage' Bentleigh c1890, c1900
1890 - 1950 This little cottage was located near the corner of Centre Road and Jasper Road East Brighton ( now Bentleigh) between where the Bentleigh RSL and Woolworths Supermarket now stand. Rev.B.Redmore, and his wife, were early members of the Salvation Army Corps, and they went to unusual lengths to proclaim their faith. Texts were hung along the veranda to catch the attention of passers-by and on the iron roof was painted a large sign ' PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD O' ISRAEL' ( The apostrophe is not a misprint.) The Cottage became known locally as The "God Cottage" and was demolished c1950 ( H.Stanley 2005)The 'God Cottage ' with its Biblical texts and large roof sign was an unique feature in East Brighton ( Bentleigh) 1890 - 1950 Black & White photograph showing a small cottage with a large sign painted on the roofBack Handwritten informationredmore reverend b, salvation army, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Ballarat ESCo 17 - extensive notes re tram, 1906
Black and white print of ESCo 17, photographed at the depot entry with a driver, conductor, and another employee in uniform standing alongside. Has a destination sign of Sturt St on the front dash panel of the tram, showing the seating arrangements, uniforms, and step arrangements. Has extensive notes written in ink by Wal Jack on the rear, giving details of the tram, driver, and conductor, colour scheme. Dated 30-5-1906. Gives names of J Quirk, Fritz A Thies. See also Reg Item 5104, 4290, 3578 for other copies of this image and 9466 for a glass plate negative. Yields information about the ESCo tramcars and uniforms at the time of opening of the tramway in 1906. Has a strong association with the two people named in the photograph.Black and white print with extensive notes written on rear in ink. Print by Wal Jack, Number T177. Second copy with similar notes on rear.esco, tramways, trams, tram 17, uniforms, crews, j quirk, fritz a thies -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document. Greeting Cards. Green/light brown card in the bottom left corner fading to cream at the top right corner. In the bottom left corner is a bunch of red flowers. Between the flowers is a small picture of a house in the country. It has an irregular gold border around it. At the top and right is printed in red, green, gold and brown is: Be not afraid,… for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Josh. 1. 9. There is white cord at the top for hanging. The card is from Lieut. Harewood.person, greeting cards, malone collection, malone collection, greeting cards, lieut. harewood -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Royal Princess Theatre-Kubelik Programme. Tuesday, June 2nd, 1908, under the sole management of Frank Buckingham. Programme: Prelude: Marche des Mains, Waltz G Flat, Allegro Molto Appassionato, Andante, Allegro Molto Vivace, Convais tu le pags, Ave Maria, Praeludium, Polonaise, Legende. Etude de Concert G Major, Thy Beaming Eyes, The Shepard's Song, A June Morning. Artists, Singers: Kebelik, Miss emily Dyson, Miss Erna Mueller. Black Print.SYD, DAY, Print.program, theatre, royal princess theatre, royal princess theatre-kubelik programme. june 2nd, 1908, management of frank buckingham. programme: prelude: marche des mains, waltz g flat, allegro molto appassionato, andante, allegro molto vivace, convais tu le pags, ave maria, praeludium, polonaise, legende. etude de concert g major, thy beaming eyes, the shepard's song, a june morning. artists, singers: kebelik, miss emily dyson, miss erna mueller. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Malone Collection. Greeting card. Small white card with red & blue flowers And brown border along the top, bottom and right sides. A gold disc with red & blue dots around the top & bottom edges is mounted on a blue pillar with red & gold scrollwork. On the disc is printed a large D printed in red. The D is part of Days many and bright For thee be thy lot, Be it fortune's delight That thou ne'er art forgot. The F & T at the beginning of the lines are printed in blue and the B is printed in red. Some holly at the top and bottom. Given to Miss Malone.person, greeting cards, malone collection, malone collection, greeting card -
Christ Church Anglican Parish of Warrnambool
Memorial window: Elizae (Eliza) RUTLEDGE, "By Thy Glorious Ascension Good Lord Deliver Us"
Eliza Rutledge (1820-1888) was the daughter of Rupert and Jane (nee Newby) Kirk. She married William Rutledge in St James’ Church, Sydney on 18th August, 1840. She and William had five children, two sons and five daughters. Recorded accounts tell that Eliza was “beloved for her kindness and hospitality” and that she and William kept open house for all manner of social events and occasions. Eliza died at Farnham Park, Dennington, on 31st August 1888. She is buried at Tower Hill Cemetery. The marriage of Eliza to William Rutledge, a man of historical importance in the development of Port Fairy, Warrnambool and the western district of Victoria, places her as a person of importance.Their daughter Susan Fleetwood is also memorialised in a window in Christ Church, Warrnambool. Their son Thomas Forster is also memorialised with a tablet positioned near the Eliza Rutledge windows. Stained glass, lancet window, south wall, main nave. Depiction of the ascension of Christ."By Thy Glorious Ascension Good Lord Deliver Us" In Latin: +In Memoriam+ Elizae Rutledge quae pridie idus Februarias/ MDCCXX nata pridie kalendas Septembres MDCCCXXXVIII obit/ liberi amantissimi Gulielmus Rutledge et Susanna Fleetwood pietatis/ indicio hane Jenestram posuerant Beati qui sunt mundi corde.rutledge, christ church warrnambool, eliza rutledge, eliza kirk, farnham park -
Victorian Interpretive Projects Inc.
Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Plaque commemorating Leslie and Jason Coulter, 09/05/2015
Colour photograph of a brass plaque in the Ballarat Anglican Cathedral.To the Glory of God in Loving Memoryof Major Leslie J. Coulter. D.S.O. 3rd Tunnelling Coy Australian Mining Corps Killed in Action at Loos, France, June 29, 1917 ":Thy Kingdon Come," and of Sergeant Jason L. Coulter 8th Battalion, A.I.F. Died of Wounds, Gallipoli, August 10th 1915. "Thanks be to God who Giveth us the Victory.leslie coulter, jason coulter, world war one, commemorative plaque -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Grave of David Brough, Bendigo Cemetery, 02/09/2018
Colour photograph of a grave in the Bendigo Cemetery.Erected by David Brough in memory of his beloved wife Jean, who died Aug 10th 1889, aged 70 years Also their daughter Annie, the beloved wife of Joseph Walker, who died June 2nd 1873, aged 22 years.> "Thy will be done." Also David Brough died nov. 1st 1900, aged 79 years. At rest bendigo cemetery, david brough, jean brough walker, joseph walker, annie, gravestone -
Seaworks Maritime Museum
clear block with paper inside with Japanese writing on one side and English translation on reverse "Five Reflections/ of / Japanese Imperial Naval Academy / 1. Hast thou not gone against sincerity / 1. Hast thou not felt ashamed by thy words and deeds/ 1. Hast thou not lacked in vigor / 1. Hast thou exerted all possible efforts / 1. Hast thou not become slothful/ translated by Yasunori Matsui" Reverse side has same text in japanese "PMA 0233" -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Religious Book, The Holy Bible, 1836
This Holy Bible is entitled "The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments, translated out of the original tongues: and with former translations diligently compared and revised by His Majesty's Spiritual Command." It was printed by Sir D. Hunter Blair and M.T. Bruce in Edinburgh, 1836, printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty, H.B.S." The Bible belonged to David and Alice Ellis, a young couple married in Dublin in 1855. It has been handed down in the Ellis family until it was donated, together with other personal effects, in 2004 by David and Alice’s granddaughter, daughter of David Ellis Junior. Alice treated the Bible as an important posession. On 6th October 1855 newlyweds David and Alice Ellis set sail for Australia in the brand new Schomberg, considered the most perfect clipper ship. She was built as an emigrant ship in Aberdeen and set sail from Liverpool on her maiden voyage, bound for Melbourne, Australia. She was loaded with 430 passengers plus cargo that included iron rails and equipment intended for building the Geelong Railway and a bridge over the Yarra from Melbourne to Hawthorn. On 27th December 1855, only one day from her Melbourne destination, the Schomberg was grounded on a sand-spit on the Victorian coast near Peterborough. The passengers and crew were all safely rescued by a passing small steamer, the SS Queen, which traded between Melbourne and Warrnambool, and taken to Melbourne. The passengers had been told, when leaving the sinking Schomberg, that all they could take with them was a small basket or handbag. A newspaper article later mentioned that one of the things Alice made space for in her basket was her Bible. (It is unclear whether Alice took any possessions with her onto the SS Queen, but a note accompanying the donation of the Bible and basket states that the items were “left on deck and salvaged as Schomberg went down”.) Another steamer was despatched from Melbourne to retrieve the passengers’ luggage from the Schomberg and Alice was reunited with all of her boxes of belongings. Other steamers helped unload the cargo until the change in weather made it too difficult. Although the Schomberg was wrecked there were no lives lost. At that time David was 23 years old (born in Wales, 1832) and his new bride Alice was 26 (born in Dublin, 1829). They had been given letters of introduction to people in Tasmania so they travelled there from Melbourne. However the couple only stayed on that island for about a year before they returned to the Western District of Victoria. David worked for Mr Neil Black as a gardener for a while then, when the land in the area was made available by the Victorian government, David and Alice claimed a selection of land on Noorat Road in the Terang district. They settled there for the remainder of their lives, expanding their property “Allambah” as opportunities arose. A document accompanying the donation lists the names of six children; William, Grace (c. 1859-1946), Thomas (c. 1866 – 1939), David (c. 1962 – 1953), James and Victor. David died on 13th April 1911, aged 79, at their property. Alice passed away the following year, November 1912, aged 83. Alice’s obituary described her as “a very homely, kindly-natured woman, who was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends; and she was also a firm adherent of the Presbyterian Church”. At the time of Alice’s death she left behind three sons and one daughter. Her daughter Grace Ellis was also a very active member of the Terang Presbyterian Church and a member of the PWMU (Presbyterian Women’s Missionary Union). She was also involved in the Red Cross and other charities. Grace passed away in 1946, aged 87. David and Alice Ellis were amongst the very earlies pioneers of the Terang district of Western Victoria. Their donated possessions are a sample of the personal effects of emigrants to Australia. The donated items are a sample of the personal goods carried aboard a significant migrant ship in 1855. They are also significant for their association with the Schomberg. The Schomberg, which is on the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR S612), has great historical significance as a rare example of a large, fast clipper ship on the England to Australia run, carrying emigrants at the time of the Victorian gold rush. She represents the technical advances made to break sailing records between Europe and Australia. Flagstaff Hill’s collection of artefacts from the Schomberg is significant for its association with the shipwreck, The collection is primarily significant because of the relationship between the objects, as together they have a high potential to interpret the story of the Schomberg. It is archaeologically significant as the remains of an international passenger Ship. It is historically significant for representing aspects of Victoria’s shipping history and for its association with the shipwreck and the ship, which was designed to be fastest and most luxurious of its day Bible, known as the Ellis - Schomberg Bible, with patterned brown leather cover. Printed by Sir D. Hunter Blair and M.T. Bruce, Edinburgh 1836. Bookmark of card placed within Bible’s pages is from Keswick Book Depot, Melbourne. Bible has hand written inscriptions inside front and back covers and has been well used. Bible was amongst the possessions of David and Alice Ellis, passengers on the Schomberg when wrecked in 1855.Scripture references and notes are hand written in pencil on front and back inner pages. Bookmark card has printed inscription; on front “BOOK MARK / KESWICK / BOOK / DEPOT / EVERYTHING / EVANGELISTIC / 315 COLLINS ST / MELBOURNE / CENT. 3013”, on back is line drawing of a stem of iris flowers above the verse “The entrance of Thy / words giveth light; it / giveth understanding / unto the Simple. Ps. 119-30” flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, schomberg, holy bible, schomberg bible, d hunter blair and m t bruce, 1836 bible, 1855 shipwreck, peterborough shipwreck, ss queen, david ellis, alice ellis, allambah terang, dublin emigrants, terang presbyterian church, western district victoria