Book, The Five Orders of Architecture: according to Vignola, Possibly 1931

Historical information

Giacomo Barozzi was born at Vignola. He was called Vignola after the name of the town where he was born. Giacomo was an Italian architect of 16th century. He was among those Italian architects who spread the Italian Renaissance style throughout Western Europe. His two masterpieces are the Villa Farnese at Caprarola and the Jesuits' Church of the Gesù in Rome.

Physical description

A blue cloth hard cover book. Title and author's name is engraved in gilt on front cover and spine. Illustrations in b/w. It includes 26 p. of text and 66 b/w plates, notes on the plates and a glossary of French and English terms. The book also includes studies of shadow projection and the orders and thier application.

Inscriptions & markings

A bookplate inside front cover titled 'Ballarat School of Art Library No. AD/13. A library due date card with patron's name "Vignola, G.B da" date: 24/4/1968.

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