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Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Sports Ground & Club House for Blind Trustees Account, 30/11/1939
Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Sports Ground and Club House for the Blind at Kooyong for the year ending 30th September 1939 and the liabilities of the trustees (W. Paterson, B. Goold, H. Lightfoot) being advances not bearing interest.2 typewritten sheets of financial informationassociation for the advancement of the blind, william paterson, kooyong club house -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, RVIB Donald Auxiliary papers, 1976-2008
The Donald RVIB Auxiliary formed on November 9, 1929. This small collection contains index cards which were maintained by RVIB and contain the amount of donations made by the Auxiliary between 1976 - 1995 as well as the presentations delivered by RVIB employees to Auxiliary meetings between 1973 - 1985. Correspondence to and from RVIB head office ranging between 1976 - 2008. Letters -- bank statements -- deposit books -- donation and membership receipt books -- index cards and various loose papers Added 1996-2009 and `997-2014 minute books. royal victorian institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, RVIB Kilmore Auxiliary papers, 1968-1997
The Kilmore RVIB Auxiliary was formed on October 20, 1931. This small collection contains minute books from 1968-1994 and 1994-1997. Correspondence to and from RVIB head office ranging between 1990 -1998. Letters -- minute books -- newspaper clippings -- bank statements -- various loose papers royal victorian institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, RPH minute book, 1979-1983
Minutes relating to the formation and running of the Radio for the Print Handicapped Co-operative Limited directors meetings. The agenda included attendees, reports, financial statements and correspondence, and covered areas of establishing a structure, programming, technical needs, resourcing and the running of the station. 2 volumes of typed minutes glued to pagesassociation for the blind, 3rph -
Vision Australia
Text, RVIB Cobram Auxiliary, 1958 -1993
The Cobram RVIB Auxiliary formed we believe in 1958. This collection of papers includes the minute books from 1959 until 1993. The index cards were maintained by RVIB and contain the amount of donations made by the Auxiliary between 1976-1994. A meeting was held May 1993 however only the secretary attended so on discussion with the President it was decided to disband. 1 minute book --1 account book --bank statements royal victorian institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Administrative record (item) - Text, National Information Library Service, 79th Annual Report 1972-73 Braille and Talking Book Library, 1973
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: the name change from the Braille Library of Victoria, the passing of Neil Westh and Mary Mitchell, the retirement of Miss Anderson and funds raised by the Sixty Niners, Reservoir and Altona auxiliaries.corporation records, braille and talking book library -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 80th annual report 1973-74 Braille and Talking Book Library, 1974
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: Miss Alice McClelland was invited to read the Honour Roll in recognition on her 51 years and 7 months of service with the library, appointment of Joan Simmonds as Chief Librarian, retirement of Ivan Molloy, Mrs Hearn, Peter Sumner and Heather Bedson, the first Braille Book of the Year presented to Keith Dunstan as decided by the literary panel of Barrett Reid, Stephen Murray Smith and Lloyd O'Neill, the revival of the Annual Fair, and the work of the Sixty-Niners, Benalla, Reservoir and Altona auxiliaries.1 volume with text and illustrationsbraille and talking book library, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Our 83rd year in Braille and Talking Books: eighty-third annual report and statements of account for 1976-7, 1975
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: a picture of the 'The Greatest Thing in the World' - the oldest Braille book in the library, acknowledgement of the work of May Harrison, Joyce Cunnington, Joan Armytage, involvement in the Library Promotion Committee of Victoria to increase visibility, and receipt of Hear A Book's from Tasmania.1 volume with text and illustrationsbraille and talking book library, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 87th annual report 1894-1981 Braille and Talking Book Library, 1981
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: the launch of 'In charge of the mess' cookbook with the Gas & Fuel Corporation of Victoria, fundraising cocktail party at 'Onions' restaurant (opposite the Library), Life Governor's Certificate to Edward Webb, production of Braille VFL and Cricket fixtures, subsidy of 33.33% on production of Braille and audio books, doubling of qualified librarians, continued increase in loans, retirement of staff members Elsa Wiltshire and Charlotte Riley, and committee members Norma Brumley and Dr John Foster, and appointment of Barbara Johnson and John Cockayne.1 volume of text and illustrationsbraille and talking book library, annual report -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Braille and Talking Book Library Annual Report 1894-1983, 1983
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: the structural re-organisation, increased borrowing has required increase in staffing, the entire share portfolio has been sold however 4 staff were retrenched and remaining staff undertook an 8% pay cut for 8% less hours (with many continuing to work the same hours), decision to phase out Clarke & Smith machines in favour of cassettes, due to lower staffing a waiting list for borrowers need to be established with up to an 8 week delay to join, braille interleaved books developed to allow sighted parents of blind children (or vice versa) to enjoy a book together, establishment of LBA allows for segregation of alternative production and sales of book to other organisations, Braille Book of the Year panel of Barrett Reid, Joyce Nicholson and Lloyd O'Neil, opening of Benalla Studio on 7 December 1982, and as library declared a free public library in May 1980, library receives state government funding at 3% of the state budget.1 volume of text and illustrationsbraille and talking book library, annual report -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Braille and Talking Book Library 91st Annual Report 1894-1985: that all may read, 1985
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: embedding the new philosophy 'that all may read', VIP Tours began with tour of library and lunch at 'Onions' restaurant afterwards, increased loans but also a 5 month waiting list for new borrowers, Children's Christmas Party conducted, Barrett Reid, Joyce Nicholson and Dr Stephen Murray-Smith continue to be the literary panel for Braille Book of the Year, Annual Garden Party at Benalla, 63rd work anniversary of Alice McClelland, computerisation of card catalogue has received funds and should be completed by early 1986, and have the added benefit of eliminating wait times for new borrowers, resignation of Clare Lovegrove and Beverley Johnson and appointment of Seija Makinen and Alana McCann, first joint commission of braille books from RIDBC by Library and 8 state organisations, and purchase of an electric conveyor belt to help load the Australia Post truck with the daily 30 bags of mail received and the same outgoing.1 volume of text and illustrationsbraille and talking book library, annual report -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Braille and Talking Book Library 90th Annual Report 1894-1984, 1984
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: the 8% decrease in salaries until December saved $28K, first issue of Brailletter magazine, 6 month delay for new borrowers to receive service, growth in loans and books from Maxene Hewitt Children's Collection, End of Year Party not held due to financial constraints but Children's Christmas party did proceed, Jan Smark invited to overseas workshops, Employment Initiatives funding used for cassette cataloguing and talking book maintenance, resignation of E. Haynes and Hector Bathurst, and appointment of Michael Zifcak and Don Schauder.1 volume of text and illustrationsbraille and talking book library, annual report -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Braille and Talking Book Library 92nd Annual Report 1894-1986: that all may read, 1986
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: naming the computer which will store the book catalogue for the library 'Tilly', RVIB declared a public library and Minister for the Arts has determined for services to rationalise with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman meeting their counterparts with meetings ongoing, first time borrowers asked to nominate their choice of winning title for Braille Book of the Year, with the literary panel of Stephen Murray-Smith, Joyce Nicholson and Barrett Reid making a short list from which borrowers voted, first time presentation held in the afternoon (with increased attendence) and inaugural Narrator's Award (The Bathurst in honour of former President Hector Bathurst) to Eirene Pappas, Hector Bathurst to receive OAM, Jan Smark Nilsson appointed to National Advisory Committee on Library Services to People with Disabilities and Australia Post approval to change cassette mailing pouches.1 volume of text and illustrationsbraille and talking book library, annual report -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Braille and Talking Book Library 93rd Annual Report 1894-1987: towards the nineties, 1987
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: CEP (Community Employment Programs) allowed for duplication of master tapes for storage off-site and development of computer catalogue records, budget estimate requires raising $600,000 in funds which has resulted in 1987 facing serious financial challenges, negotiations with RVIB broken down as print-handicapped philosophy not shared, Braille Book of the Year judges (Joyce Nicholson, Barrett Reid and Stephen Murray-Smith) shortlisted titles for readers to vote upon (John Bryson, Evil Angels) and best narrator (The Bathurst) went to Sean Myers, organisational restructure, resignation of Barbara Johnston and David Blyth, appointment of Jill Keeffe, new borrowers now waiting 11 months to receive first book due to limited staffing levels, bright orange cassette containers introduced (replacing pouches), Otari duplicating system first year in use, 'In Future' and 'Australian Geographic' began, 45 audio magazines including 1 Greek and 3 Italian now circulating, Braille Reading Marathon held, large print collection expanded due to Fitzroy Public Library discarding stock, Versapoint embosser purchased and link with Royal Society for the Blind in South Australia through Braille book catalogue.1 volume of text and illustrationsbraille and talking book library, annual report -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Braille and Talking Book Library 94th Annual Report 1894-1988: that all may read, 1988
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: consultants used to streamline structure to reduce costs, take advantage of computer catalogue and resignation of Iris Whittaker and Seija Makinen, legacy from Valmai Jean Grey Bequest, Anne Barca, David Scott and Peter Walsh joined the Board, Braille Book of the Year panel (Joyce Nicholson, Stephen Murray-Smith, Barrett Reid) continue to short list titles for readers to vote on and Australia Council funds production of these titles, increased wait times to 18 months for new borrowers, introduction of computerised Profile matching for readers, full audio rights secured for six titles by LBP Ltd (Louis Braille Productions) and tone indexing introduced on to magazines at beginning of 1988.1 volume of text and illustrationsbraille and talking book library, annual report -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Braille and Talking Book Library 95th Annual Report 1894-1989: that all may read, 1989
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: the legacy of Mary Daly (consisting of 2 houses), launch on March 5 of LBP LTD by Minister of the Arts Ian Cathie, the death of Stephen Murray-Smith, the revaluation of land and buildings from 1918 value of 18000 pounds to $1,250,000, purchase of small property at 46 Commercial Road (opposite Library) to alleviate over-crowding, Mike Janes joins Board, Referendum materials produced for the AEC, purchase of Versabraille, acquisition of a fax machine, implementation of computer in technical services halted, new shelving purchased for the library, and Clarke & Smith books actively being phased out.1 volume of text and illustrationsbraille and talking book library, annual report -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Braille and Talking Book Library Annual Report 1894-1990: 1990 ... International Year of Literacy, Braille and Literacy, 1990
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: the continuing financial underfunding by government, Paul Carter joined Literary Panel of Joyce Nicholson and Barrett Reid for Braille Book of the Year shortlist, property purchased opposite library was sold as expected monies did not come through, David Scott appointed and later resigned as Treasurer, Mike Janes has taken appointment, Fred Gaze resigned, Peter Corrigan and Ron McCallum have joined the Board, appointment of Robert de Graauw to audio production, continued fundraising by Benalla Auxiliary, removal of wait list time for borrowers, and only 16 people receiving Clarke & Smith books since movement towards cassette.1 volume of text and illustrationsannual report, braille and talking book library -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Braille and Talking Book Library Annual Report 1991: the tradition continues, 1991
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: inability to merge with RVIB and ratified agreement to merge with Association for the Blind, 21st year of fundraising of the Benalla Auxiliary, low morale and productivity prior to merger, ongoing issue with staff turnover, continued delays with computer system and decision to purchase Urica system, toll free number for borrowers as well as advisory groups introduced to insure Library remains consumer focused, Rose Blustein appointed Chief Librarian, automated circulation system introduced which has decreased backlog in processing mailbags, and the Braille and Talking Book Library ceased trading 4 October 1990 due to the merge.1 volume of text and illustrationsbraille and talking book library, annual report -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Association for the Blind Illawarra Community Centre Annual Report 1990 with statement of accounts
Report from individuals and agencies forming the Illawarra Community Centre, including: the commencement of Telephone Support Program co-ordinated by Margaret Pinder, retirement of Dr Gordon Ames, Jack Tute, Ingrid Borgert and Ray Matthews, appointment of a Diabetes Health Educator, extension of some services to Colac, closure of Belmont Monday Group, introduction of Telelink and Companion Visiting and closure of the Illawarra Troupers after 13 years of performances. 1 volume of printed materialassociation for the blind, illawarra community centre -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Association for the Blind Illawarra Community Centre Annual Report 1992 with statement of accounts, 1992
Report from individuals and agencies forming the Illawarra Community Centre, including: the fire that damaged the upper level of the building on May 14th 1992, providing services to over 2000 in the Geelong region, local newspaper La Piazetta is now available on tape, and a group of clients are helping the Home Tutor Scheme by providing voluntary conversational English,.1 volume of printed materialassociation for the blind, illawarra community centre -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, The Association for the Blind Illawarra Community Centre committee meeting minutes 12/1/1985 to 5/12/1988, 1985-1988
These meetings were held at the Illawarra Community Centre and the minutes include Present, In attendance, Apologies, Business arising from previous minutes, correspondence, Life Governors, Accounts paid to be ratified, Statements, receipts and payments, Reports including Financial, Executive Director, Staff, Manager, General Committee, Geelong Illawarra Auxiliary Association for the Blind (AFB) general business and date of next meeting. 4/2/1986 Mr Cook reported that the AFB90th birthday, held at Dallas Brooks Hall, was most successful and the Association is now in a more favourable financial position. 8/11/1988 The Executive Director reported that the homes of the Association for the Blind in Victoria are being reviewed and upgraded in all aspects of residential care. The next round of expansion plans include Bright, Bendigo, Ballarat and Mt. Eliza. 1 folder of loose papersassociation for the blind, illawarra community centre -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia 2012-2013 Annual Report and Financial Statements, 2013
Annual report providing overview of activities and achievements including: transition to the NDIS requiring a new approach to reaching potential clients and limits on the elderly, change in revenue from mostly government to mostly bequests, types of vision loss, Feelix library celebrating 10 years since it's inception, and increase in digital members of the library.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of organisational achievementsvision australia, corporation records, fiona robbins, kevin murfitt, ron hooton, bruce blackshaw, rolf geerlings -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, RVIB Statement of Accounts 1956-1957
Financial information for the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, presented as an appendix to the annual report of the institution.1 printed volume of financial information for the RVIBroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, RVIB Statement of Accounts 1957-1958
Financial information for the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, presented as an appendix to the annual report of the institution.1 printed volume of financial information for the RVIBroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, RVIB Statement of Accounts 1958-1959
Financial information for the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, presented as an appendix to the annual report of the institution.1 printed volume of financial information for the RVIBroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, RVIB Statement of Accounts 1959-1960
Financial information for the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, presented as an appendix to the annual report of the institution.1 printed volume of financial information for the RVIBroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, RVIB Statement of Accounts 1960-1961
Financial information for the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, presented as an appendix to the annual report of the institution.1 printed volume of financial information for the RVIBroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, RVIB Statement of Accounts 1961-1962
Financial information for the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, presented as an appendix to the annual report of the institution.1 printed volume of financial information for the RVIBroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, RVIB Statement of Accounts 1962-1963
Financial information for the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, presented as an appendix to the annual report of the institution.1 printed volume of financial information for the RVIBroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, RVIB Statement of Accounts 1963-1964
Financial information for the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, presented as an appendix to the annual report of the institution.1 printed volume of financial information for the RVIBroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports