Showing 38 items
matching welcoming party
Unions Ballarat
The Right Hon W.E. Gladstone (Don Woodward Collection), Reid, Stuart J, 1923
WE Gladstone was a Liberal Party Prime Minister in Britain from 1868 and ending in 1894. He introduced many pivotal changes including the secret ballot, equality of opportunity, free trade, and laissez-faire economics.Political, historical and biographical interest - Victorian England.Book; 289 pages. Cover: red background; gold lettering; author's name and title.Inside: stamp "Gilbert N Cassidy, 42 Minchinbury Tce, Marion, South Australia, 5043". Inside: typewritten pasted note - "If thou art borrowed by a friend, Right welcome shall be to read, to study not to lend, but to return to me. Not that imparted knowledge doth dimish learning's store, but books I find when once they're lent, return to me no more."btlc, ballarat trades and labour council, ballarat trades hall, gladstone, we, prime ministers - united kingdom, politics and government, biography, history - united kingdom -
Melbourne Legacy
Poster - Poster and Projection Slide, Comradeship Committeemen Welcome You
This item was likely made for the purposes of welcome signage at a Comradeship Christmas party. Comradeship meetings were very important to the Legatees. Legatees supported each other by coming together for various events throughout the year. Comradeship meetings were very important to the Legatees. Legatees supported each other by coming together for various events throughout the year. Cardboard poster bearing script and Christmas illustrations in black ink, accompanied by its corresponding transparency. The transparency is bordered by red tape.The Comradeship Committeemen / WELCOME YOU / TO / Ye Olde Time Christmas Party / Some Sing to Remember / LEXcomradeship, christmas, songs -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Album, Alick Kirkland Goulburn Gipps' Scrapbook, 1930s
Alick Gipps (1928-2014) was the son of Richard Brook Woodthorpe Gipps (1872-1946) and Mary Alys Kirkland (1889-1981), and the older brother of Christopher David Gipps (1930-52) and Rosemary Alison Gipps (1930-2013). While many scrapbooks of the period were created by, and or added to by their child owners, it is believed that "scrapbooks were considered by later Victorian parents to be an educational tool to teach children how to organise and classify information and to develop their ‘artistic’ senses" (Margaret Simpson, MAAS, 2008), and that the scrapbooks may have been compiled by the parent, rather than the child.The scrapbook is part of a large and significant collection of items donated by Rosemary Vaughan-Smith, past member and office-bearer of the Kew Historical Society. between 2005-12. The collection includes costumes, scrapbooks, autograph books, artworks and objects.Hard cover, 50-page album covered in red cloth and red leather corners and spine, the latter embossed with the words 'SCRAP BOOK' in gilt lettering. On the inside front cover, top left is an oval green label with retailer information - "WEDDING CHRISTENING / R. E. PENN. / Bible Warehouse / 213 REGENT St / BIRTHDAY PRESENTS". The paper used for the pages are in alternating blue, cream and green-coloured sections. The front pages of the scrapbook include the signature of the owner as Alick Kirkland [Goulburn] Gipps (1928-2014). Items pasted into the scrapbook include black and white and coloured illustrations, photographs, and extracts from books. Items selected for the scrapbook fill a single page or are arranged in groups. The oldest items in the scrapbook appear to date from 1859 and include a colour cover of the Illustrated London Almanack and pictorial handbills of electoral results for the seat of Holmesdale and Filmer in Kent, England. While other items in the book are of later periods, most can be classified as sentimental Victorian-era illustrations. The biblical scenes in the scrapbook reflect one aspect of the values of the Gipps family. The focus in the album on material about or published in Great Britain also suggests a preoccupation with, and a valuing of, traditional British culture. This is confirmed by the memberships of Alick and his sister Rosemary (Gipps) Vaughan-Smith in the English-Speaking Union Club, for which they welcomed guests at an 'Elizabethan party and barbecue' during the Coronation festivities of June 1953. (The Age, 3 June 1953, page 5). The album entered the collection of the Kew Historical Society as part of the Raymond and Rosemary (Gipps) Vaughan-Smith donation.manuscripts - kew historical society, rosemary vaughan-smith, vaughan-smith collection, alick kirkland goulburn gipps, scrapbooks - 20th century -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : November 1984
60th issue / p1. "Woodlands Avenue" to accomodate 3YO's [Kew Pre-School Support Group; East Kew Baptist Church] / p1. [Kew] Community Festival extended / p1. Books and games for children / p2. 68th Anniversary Hyde Park Uniting Church / p2. Seniors & Lions / p2. Kew [Daytime] Garden Club / p2. Action Programme [Rheumatism and Arthritis Association of Victoria] / p2. Hyde Park Uniting Church Fellowship / p2. Mayoral Column [Council Budget] / p3. A foster family's experience [Inner East Foster Care] / p4. Volunteer helpers needed / p4. Aspects of alcohol use in the community / p4. Kew Citizens' Band / p4. Youth Pages - Welcome [Kew appoints full time youth worker - Ian Patching; International Youth Year 1985; Youth Resource Centre] / p5. Summer - a time for recreation / p6. [Kew] Recreation Centre update - Report from Consultative Committee / p7. Traffic management / p7. Things to do in Kew / p8. Occasional Care Centre / p9. Library news / p9. Tipping facilities / p9. Senior Citizens' Activity Groups in Kew / p9. Kew/Hawthorn Citizens' Advice Bureau / p10. Kalker Montessori Kindergarten / p10. The Billabong Club / p10. Australian Labor Party / p10. Kew Garden Club and Native Plant Group / p10. Parents of Gays / p10. Kew Community House Annual Report [Glendonald; Elderly; Youth; Unemployed; Single parents; Counselling?; Citizens Advice Bureau; Churches; Mural; Courses & Activities; Drop-in Centre; Volunteers] / Mary Scomazzon p11-12. Kew Community House Youth Group / p12.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fiction60th issue / p1. "Woodlands Avenue" to accomodate 3YO's [Kew Pre-School Support Group; East Kew Baptist Church] / p1. [Kew] Community Festival extended / p1. Books and games for children / p2. 68th Anniversary Hyde Park Uniting Church / p2. Seniors & Lions / p2. Kew [Daytime] Garden Club / p2. Action Programme [Rheumatism and Arthritis Association of Victoria] / p2. Hyde Park Uniting Church Fellowship / p2. Mayoral Column [Council Budget] / p3. A foster family's experience [Inner East Foster Care] / p4. Volunteer helpers needed / p4. Aspects of alcohol use in the community / p4. Kew Citizens' Band / p4. Youth Pages - Welcome [Kew appoints full time youth worker - Ian Patching; International Youth Year 1985; Youth Resource Centre] / p5. Summer - a time for recreation / p6. [Kew] Recreation Centre update - Report from Consultative Committee / p7. Traffic management / p7. Things to do in Kew / p8. Occasional Care Centre / p9. Library news / p9. Tipping facilities / p9. Senior Citizens' Activity Groups in Kew / p9. Kew/Hawthorn Citizens' Advice Bureau / p10. Kalker Montessori Kindergarten / p10. The Billabong Club / p10. Australian Labor Party / p10. Kew Garden Club and Native Plant Group / p10. Parents of Gays / p10. Kew Community House Annual Report [Glendonald; Elderly; Youth; Unemployed; Single parents; Counselling?; Citizens Advice Bureau; Churches; Mural; Courses & Activities; Drop-in Centre; Volunteers] / Mary Scomazzon p11-12. Kew Community House Youth Group / p12. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Bendigo Trades Hall Council & Literary Institute Inc.
Book - Soft bound book, Melissa Reeves, The Spook
It's 1965 and the South Bendigo branch of the Communist Party is in a rut. The Tribune isn't selling, membership is down and the Maoists are gaining ground. So young Martin Porter is a welcome new recruit. His mother doesn't understand why he has thrown his values out the window and grown his hair. But all is not what it seems. Martin is an ASIO mole about to discover that spying on communists isn't all dark glasses, sexy Cossack dancing and vodka shots. When his new-found friends draw him into their family he finds that doing his bit for his country is more complicated than he'd imagined. Inspired by a true story from country Victoria, Melissa Reeves exposes the Australian political obsessions of the 1960s with much humour and an astuteness that gives the play contemporary bite. The play includes an introduction by Stuart Macintyre, Ernest Scott Professor of History at the University of Melbourne. 2 acts, 6 males, 6 female.Black covered book with red text and image on cover. 87 PagesfictionIt's 1965 and the South Bendigo branch of the Communist Party is in a rut. The Tribune isn't selling, membership is down and the Maoists are gaining ground. So young Martin Porter is a welcome new recruit. His mother doesn't understand why he has thrown his values out the window and grown his hair. But all is not what it seems. Martin is an ASIO mole about to discover that spying on communists isn't all dark glasses, sexy Cossack dancing and vodka shots. When his new-found friends draw him into their family he finds that doing his bit for his country is more complicated than he'd imagined. Inspired by a true story from country Victoria, Melissa Reeves exposes the Australian political obsessions of the 1960s with much humour and an astuteness that gives the play contemporary bite. The play includes an introduction by Stuart Macintyre, Ernest Scott Professor of History at the University of Melbourne. 2 acts, 6 males, 6 female.bendigo, play, theatre, communist party, asio, melissa reeves -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1998 Australian federal election campaign material by Victorian Trades Hall focusing on industrial relations, 1998
Owned by long-time Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch) Professional Officer Catherine Hutchings.1998 federal election campaign material by Victorian Trades Hall. Full colour bi-fold brochure, using images depicting 1998 Australian waterfront dispute. Text on front: 'Welcome to John Howard's Australia. In 1996, John Howard promised that under his industrial relations laws, 'no worker would be worse off'. In 1998, his government cheered on the illegal sacking of 2000 workers. His laws have changed our system from one of fairness and decency to a system that encourages conflict and division. John Howard's laws are undermining Australian wages and working conditions by attacking unions, encouraging individual contracts and dismantling the award system and the Industrial Relations Commission. On October 3rd [1998], use your vote wisely Your job may depend on it.' Text on rear: 'Five Facts About Industrial Relations Under John Howard Workers have lost award conditions and legal protections. Australian wages are being undermined by individual contracts and non-union agreements. Companies can use corporate law to sack workforces and not pay wages owed. Workers have been sacked because they belong to a Union. Conflict and Division in the workforce has increased. On October 3rd [1998], use your vote wisely. Your job may depend on it.'victoria, australia, john howard, liberal party, 1998 federal election, protest, industrial relations, unions, trade unions, trades hall, carlton, politics, political history, waterfront dispute, events, labour history, solidarity -
Bendigo Military Museum
The items in this Archival folder relate to Arthur Edmund TRANTER V50166, VX52843 POW, his wife Pat and Daughter Brenda. There are two more Archival folders, Cat No's 7957.2 & 7958.2. Refer Cat No 7944 for A.E. Tranters service history..1) Black Archival folder container. .2) Black Archival folder, 3 ring binder with plastic inserts. This has the following: 1. Certificate of Service 2nd AIF 1941 - 45 2. Certificate of service CMF 1939 - 1941 3. Corporals certificate 38th BN 1939. 4. Certificate relating to a "mention in Despatches" 5 &6. Letters re the awards of the "Efficiency Medal" 7. Black and white photo with "Streader, Drake and Tranter" 1939. 8. Ships menu "TMS SIBAKAK" Sept 1941. 9. 2/29th BN reunion menu 50th Anniversary. 10. Document on "How to learn Morse Code". 11. Document, Grant of a War pension, Tranter 1951. 12. Document re War pension Payments. 13. Document re "Return to Civilian life for POW"s. 14. Exercise book from Singapore with names re 2/29th BN. 15. Cartoon copy, Medan Melbourne Frog Cup 1942. 16. Hand drawn sketch black pencil of "Tranter" by E.W. Porter 17th Dec 1942. 17. List of recommendations for an "MID" re POW's in captivity. 18. POW working party list and casualties 8.3.1944 at "Atjeh". 19. POW casualties on the "Harukiki Maru"26.6.1944. 20. Eight newspaper cuttings re casualty lists and War news. 21. List of Australian POW's in Sumatra. 22. Menu Sheraton Hotel 2/29th BN Reunion. 23. Five photos of the Tranter Family re wife Pat and Daughter Brenda. 24. 2/29th BN Xmas card 1942. Card, General Base AIF Malaya 1941 - 42. 25. Twenty four POW Post cards via Australian/Japanese Red Cross. 26. Nineteen telegrams re "Welcome home 1945" 27. Two photos re "Welcome home, Shire of McIvor. 28. Letter written at sea to Pat and Brenda. 29. Welcome home luncheon menu Shire of McIvor 8th April 1946. 30. Letter dated 15.9.1945 to Pat and Brenda. album pow, documents, tranter -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Badge - Back to Wodonga Celebrations 1951
1951 was a year of celebration in Victoria. 9th May 1951 marked the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Australian Federal Parliament in 1901, which at that time met in Melbourne, Victoria. 13th November marked the Centenary of the opening of the first Victorian Parliament. Cities and towns held activities and celebrations to recognise the occasion. A "Back to Wodonga" was held from Friday 9th to Saturday 7th November 1951. Friday: Children’s Sport and Children’s Concert. Saturday: Welcome to Visitors, Official Luncheon, Gymkhana, Official Opening and Barbecue. Sunday: Church services, various denominations. Monday: Ladies’ Day (Bowls, Tennis, Croquet etc.) Afternoon Garden Parties, Boxing Tournament. Tuesday: Procession, Basket Lunch, Apex Sports Carnival, 50-50 Dance. Wednesday: Tour of district and visit to factories. Re-unions of various organisations. Thursday: All-day Street Fair and Carnival. Friday: Back to School (Higher Elementary School), Wodonga Hospital Ball. Saturday: Bonegilla Race Club meeting, Competition Sports, (Cricket, Bowls, Tennis, etc.) Farewell Parties by various organisations.This Badge is significant because it is a memento of an important community celebration in Wodonga.A small enamel badge featuring both the blue and red Australian ensigns in the centre on a white background surrounded by blue text.Around the edge; BACK TO WODONGA CELEBRATIONS 1951back to wodonga 1951, opening victorian parliament, australian federal parliament opening