Historical information

The items in this Archival folder relate to Arthur Edmund TRANTER V50166, VX52843 POW, his wife Pat and Daughter Brenda.
There are two more Archival folders, Cat No's 7957.2 & 7958.2.
Refer Cat No 7944 for A.E. Tranters service history.

Physical description

.1) Black Archival folder container.
.2) Black Archival folder, 3 ring binder with plastic inserts. This has the following:
1. Certificate of Service 2nd AIF 1941 - 45
2. Certificate of service CMF 1939 - 1941
3. Corporals certificate 38th BN 1939.
4. Certificate relating to a "mention in Despatches"
5 &6. Letters re the awards of the "Efficiency Medal"
7. Black and white photo with "Streader, Drake and Tranter" 1939.
8. Ships menu "TMS SIBAKAK" Sept 1941.
9. 2/29th BN reunion menu 50th Anniversary.
10. Document on "How to learn Morse Code".
11. Document, Grant of a War pension, Tranter 1951.
12. Document re War pension Payments.
13. Document re "Return to Civilian life for POW"s.
14. Exercise book from Singapore with names re 2/29th BN.
15. Cartoon copy, Medan Melbourne Frog Cup 1942.
16. Hand drawn sketch black pencil of "Tranter" by E.W. Porter 17th Dec 1942.
17. List of recommendations for an "MID" re POW's in captivity.
18. POW working party list and casualties 8.3.1944 at "Atjeh".
19. POW casualties on the "Harukiki Maru"26.6.1944.
20. Eight newspaper cuttings re casualty lists and War news.
21. List of Australian POW's in Sumatra.
22. Menu Sheraton Hotel 2/29th BN Reunion.
23. Five photos of the Tranter Family re wife Pat and Daughter Brenda.
24. 2/29th BN Xmas card 1942. Card, General Base AIF Malaya 1941 - 42.
25. Twenty four POW Post cards via Australian/Japanese Red Cross.
26. Nineteen telegrams re "Welcome home 1945"
27. Two photos re "Welcome home, Shire of McIvor.
28. Letter written at sea to Pat and Brenda.
29. Welcome home luncheon menu Shire of McIvor 8th April 1946.
30. Letter dated 15.9.1945 to Pat and Brenda.

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