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Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Book - Wells Family scrapbook
George Edwin Wells was born in Oxford in 1826. He served an apprenticeship as a coachbuilder and in 1841 he went to New Zealand. He was returning to England in 1848 when he changed his mind in Singapore and turned around and came to Melbourne. He operated a store with Mr W Gibbs and when gold as discovered they left their wives in Melbourne and went to the gold fields of Ballarat in 1851. At this time George was newly married to Catherine Kiely. In 1852 the two men were at the Golden Gully area of the Fryers Creek gold fields, they then move to Bendigo, initially to White Hills before settling in Long Gully. They then brought their patient wives, who had only had visits from their husbands, to Bendigo. George had several successful mining ventures in Bendigo. He died in 1898. One of his sons, Alfred, married Margaret Rotherham in NSW where he was living. Alfred died in 1911 leaving Margaret with a young family. She moved to Bendigo to be nearer to family support. Alfred and Margaret's daughter, Elma Winslade Wells 91904 - 19/1/1988) became a teacher and was posted to Camp Hill Primary School. She was also heavily involved in the Scout movement in the Bendigo area.Blue hardcover scrapbook belonging to the Wells family. (Elma Wells). The cover has gold, black and blue flowers and birds on it. The word "scraps" in red within a gold rectangular box completes the cover. Inside all the pages are filled with drawing and pictures of people, animals, flowers and landscapes. Also, various poems are transcribed on the pages. Newspaper cuttings are also glued to pages and in two yellow envelopes.Inside cover in pencil: The Wells Family scrap book donated to the Royal Historical Society Bendigo Branch by Miss Elma W. Wellsfamily history, wells family -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Pick head may have been used to gouge gold bearing rock in the small lines of ore; as informedby Mr George Ellis, member of the Historical Society. Used by donor's grandfather, who was a miner at the Long Gully and Ironbark mines, or both -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... : generations of Georges. Newspaper LONG GULLY HISTORY GROUP COLLECTION ...Photocopy of a newspaper article that appeared in the Bendigo Weekly on Friday, November 18, 2016. Discover Bendigo with James Lerk. The article is titled: generations of Georges.newspaper, bendigo, bendigo weekly -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plaque, Kew City Hall : Opened by The Hon H.E. Bolte M.L.A. Premier of Victoria 23rd April 1960 : Cr H.H. Ferguson J.P. Mayor, 1960
The Municipality of Kew was proclaimed on 19 December 1860, then upgraded to a Borough (1863), a Town (1910) and finally a City (1921). From 1865, its offices were based in the former Athenaeum Hall in Walpole Street, which, although extended in 1883, inevitably became inadequate. Plans for a new purpose-built Town Hall were first mooted in the late 1880s, but fell prey to six subsequent decades of debate. During that time, many sites were considered and rejected, and several schemes prepared. Finally, in 1945, it was resolved to build a new civic centre as a war memorial. The council acquired Southesk, a mansion on the south-west corner of Cotham Road and Charles Street – first mooted as a possible Town Hall site two decades earlier – and plans for a civic precinct were drawn up by John Scarborough. The project stalled until 1957, when a Town Hall Committee was formed and a new architect appointed: Harold Bartlett of Leith & Bartlett. He also proposed an entire civic precinct, of which a large public hall would constitute Stage One. Designed to accommodate almost any public or official function, the space had had a small stage at one end for intimate theatrical productions, a larger stage at the other (with operable sunken orchestra pit) for musical performances, plus the most up-to-date equipment for live TV transmission. The building, befitting its original intent as a war memorial, was also to include a sculpted monument, for which a separate design competition was held. First prize went to George H Allen (1900-1972), long-time head of the Sculpture Department at RMIT and a former war artist himself (the only one, in fact, to have worked in the medium of sculpture). At the time of the Kew project, Allen was best known for his Cenotaph at the Shrine of Remembrance (1955) and a controversial abstract sculpture at Hume House in William Street (1957). Tenders for the new hall were called and the contract (worth £104,986) was awarded to H F Yuncken. The foundation stone was laid by the Mayor, Cr F C O'Brien, on 1 June 1959. Completion (initially scheduled for October) was delayed by the unavailability of certain materials; it was barely finished in time for the official opening (by Premier Henry Bolte) on 23 April 1960. The war memorial was unveiled two days later (Anzac Day) by Bolte's deputy, the Hon A G Rylah. Fittingly, that year also marked Kew's municipal centenary, and many celebratory events were held in and around the new civic centre in December, including a special council meeting (attended by the Prime Minister), a tree planting ceremony and a youth ball. Source: Survey of Built Heritage in Victoria: Stage Two (Built Heritage Pty Ltd., 2010)Plaque commemorating the opening of a new town hall in KewMetal plaque recording the official opening of the Kew City Hall, 23rd April 1960. This plaque was given to the Kew Historical Society in 1991 by the former City of Kew.Kew City Hall / Opened by / The Hon. H.E. Bolte M.L.A. / Premier of Victoria / 23rd April 1960 / Cr. H.G. Ferguson J.P. - Mayor.kew city hall, foundation stones - kew (vic), sir henry bolte, local government -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plaque, A Special Meeting of the Kew City Council Was Held in This Hall on 13th December 1960 to Commemorate the Centenary of Kew : Cr. W.H.S. Dickinson M.B.E., J.P. Mayor, 1960
The Municipality of Kew was proclaimed on 19 December 1860, then upgraded to a Borough (1863), a Town (1910) and finally a City (1921). From 1865, its offices were based in the former Athenaeum Hall in Walpole Street, which, although extended in 1883, inevitably became inadequate. Plans for a new purpose-built Town Hall were first mooted in the late 1880s, but fell prey to six subsequent decades of debate. During that time, many sites were considered and rejected, and several schemes prepared. Finally, in 1945, it was resolved to build a new civic centre as a war memorial. The council acquired Southesk, a mansion on the south-west corner of Cotham Road and Charles Street – first mooted as a possible Town Hall site two decades earlier – and plans for a civic precinct were drawn up by John Scarborough. The project stalled until 1957, when a Town Hall Committee was formed and a new architect appointed: Harold Bartlett of Leith & Bartlett. He also proposed an entire civic precinct, of which a large public hall would constitute Stage One. Designed to accommodate almost any public or official function, the space had had a small stage at one end for intimate theatrical productions, a larger stage at the other (with operable sunken orchestra pit) for musical performances, plus the most up-to-date equipment for live TV transmission. The building, befitting its original intent as a war memorial, was also to include a sculpted monument, for which a separate design competition was held. First prize went to George H Allen (1900-1972), long-time head of the Sculpture Department at RMIT and a former war artist himself (the only one, in fact, to have worked in the medium of sculpture). At the time of the Kew project, Allen was best known for his Cenotaph at the Shrine of Remembrance (1955) and a controversial abstract sculpture at Hume House in William Street (1957). Tenders for the new hall were called and the contract (worth £104,986) was awarded to H F Yuncken. The foundation stone was laid by the Mayor, Cr F C O'Brien, on 1 June 1959. Completion (initially scheduled for October) was delayed by the unavailability of certain materials; it was barely finished in time for the official opening (by Premier Henry Bolte) on 23 April 1960. The war memorial was unveiled two days later (Anzac Day) by Bolte's deputy, the Hon A G Rylah. Fittingly, that year also marked Kew's municipal centenary, and many celebratory events were held in and around the new civic centre in December, including a special council meeting (attended by the Prime Minister), a tree planting ceremony and a youth ball. Source: Survey of Built Heritage in Victoria: Stage Two (Built Heritage Pty Ltd., 2010)Historically significant commemorative plaqueMetal plaque relating to special Council meeting to mark centenary of Kew, 13th December 1960. This plaque was given to the Kew Historical Society in 1991 by the former City of Kew.A Special Meeting Of The / Kew City Council Was Held In / This Hall On 13th December 1960 / To Commemorate / The Centenary of Kew / Cr. W.H.S. Dickinson, M.B.E., J.P., / Mayorkew city hall, foundation stones - kew (vic), cr. w.h.s. dickinson, local government -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : September 1991
Is Kew a healthy community - have your say and win prizes / p1. Arthritis/Do you suffer / p1. Have a heart [National Heart Foundation Doorknock Appeal] / p1. Diary dates for September / p2. Swimming for older people [Kew Recreation Centre] / p2. Kew Bowling Club Invitation / p2. Commentary [Obituary for Cr Alfred Stevens; 120 Litre Mobile Bin Recycling Trial / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Chief Executive's Column [How Councils raise revenue] / Malcolm Hutchinson p3. Diary dates for October / p4. Kindergarten open days [Kew Preschool Association] / p4. Kew Festival [Kewmunity Living 1992] / p4. VicRoads competition / p4. Medical careers [St George's Hospital; Inner Eastern Geriatric Service] / p4. Kew Colts American Football Club / p4. Introducing Councillor John Vincent Murray [Studley Park Ward] / p5. Big print [books at Kew Library] / p5. So long, farewell [Tony Douglas Clerk of Works] / p5. Empress in Melbourne - 6th April 1938 [book] / p5. Spare time [Volunteering at Bodalla Hospital] / p5. Kew Scout Award [Queens Scout Duncan White] p6. Trinity Grammar prize winning students [Jerry Chiang] / p6. Young Women's Group / Sonia Lloyd p6. Advising Centre for women / p6. Carey Junior School / p7. 'How can you be boss of the bladder' [book] / p7. Swimming for intellectually disabled women [at Kew recreation Centre] / p7. Kew wins at golf [Studley Park Golf Course] / p7. The Mighty Lions of Kew [Lions Club of Kew] / p8. 'The Fabulous Nobody's Return' ['Godspell' at Kew High School Community Theatre] / p8. 'Dragon Girl' [at Kew High School Community Theatre] / p8. If not W.H.E.N.? [Worldwide Home Environmentalists Network] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionIs Kew a healthy community - have your say and win prizes / p1. Arthritis/Do you suffer / p1. Have a heart [National Heart Foundation Doorknock Appeal] / p1. Diary dates for September / p2. Swimming for older people [Kew Recreation Centre] / p2. Kew Bowling Club Invitation / p2. Commentary [Obituary for Cr Alfred Stevens; 120 Litre Mobile Bin Recycling Trial / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Chief Executive's Column [How Councils raise revenue] / Malcolm Hutchinson p3. Diary dates for October / p4. Kindergarten open days [Kew Preschool Association] / p4. Kew Festival [Kewmunity Living 1992] / p4. VicRoads competition / p4. Medical careers [St George's Hospital; Inner Eastern Geriatric Service] / p4. Kew Colts American Football Club / p4. Introducing Councillor John Vincent Murray [Studley Park Ward] / p5. Big print [books at Kew Library] / p5. So long, farewell [Tony Douglas Clerk of Works] / p5. Empress in Melbourne - 6th April 1938 [book] / p5. Spare time [Volunteering at Bodalla Hospital] / p5. Kew Scout Award [Queens Scout Duncan White] p6. Trinity Grammar prize winning students [Jerry Chiang] / p6. Young Women's Group / Sonia Lloyd p6. Advising Centre for women / p6. Carey Junior School / p7. 'How can you be boss of the bladder' [book] / p7. Swimming for intellectually disabled women [at Kew recreation Centre] / p7. Kew wins at golf [Studley Park Golf Course] / p7. The Mighty Lions of Kew [Lions Club of Kew] / p8. 'The Fabulous Nobody's Return' ['Godspell' at Kew High School Community Theatre] / p8. 'Dragon Girl' [at Kew High School Community Theatre] / p8. If not W.H.E.N.? [Worldwide Home Environmentalists Network] / p8.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Education kit - Educational kit, Cuisenaire Company Australia, Original Cuisenaire (R) Numbers in Colour, 1970-1975
This Mathematics learning aid was made in Australia by the Cuisenaire Company of Australia under licence . These wooden number rods were invented by Belgium school teacher Georges Cuisenaire, who wrote a book about them in 1952 (Les Nombres en couleurs). Cuisenaire rods with booklet and box, wood / metal / paper, made by the Cuisenaire Company, Australia, 1965-1980. This object consists of a sheet metal box, containing 10 compartments, each with a single size of wooden blocks in different colours. The shortest block is 1 cm long, next 2 cm, etc., longest is 10 cm long. ORIGINAL CUISENAIRE (R) NUMBERS IN COLOUR / (R) MADE IN AUSTRALIA UNDER MR CUISENAIRE'S LICENCE BY CUISENAIRE CO OF AUSTRALIA P/Lcuisenaire, educational resources, mathematics learning aids -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Slide - Residences, 99 Princess Street, 1 Fellows Street, 1979
One of a group of slides taken by members of the Society of built heritage in Kew in 1979-80. The selection of subject matter reflects the priorities of the period. The colour of some slides has degraded. 99 Princes sStreet (1 Fellows Street) was built by the architects Oakden, Addison and Kemp. The Kew Conservation Study (1988) noted that: Erected By Bennie And Olivers, these Two Attached Houses Attracted An Initial Construction N.A.V. of £260. The houses were originally owned and occupied by the architect Henry Kemp, however Kemp appears not to have lived there long because, while he retained ownership for at least a decade, by 1891 George Martin, merchant and bank manager, was recorded as the tenant of No.1 Fellows Street. At that date the N.A.V. for this individual building was £83 and Kemp remained the owner of both properties until at least 1910. Kemp had arrived in Australia in 1886 and this was therefore one of the first of the many buildings he was to design in Melbourne. While late Victorian in date, the houses are of a unified design that is an interesting precursor of the Edwardian architecture produced by Kemp. Somewhat awkwardly composed with steep gables, a rectangular castellated tower and slated single storeyed verandahs projecting from the overall boxlike form, the house contains features common to the 1880s such as the use of polychromy in the brickwork and slates cladding the roof. The building departs from the norm of the time with the use of terracotta tile ridge cappings, and strapwork to the corbelled chimneys.The slides represent a snapshot in time of built architecture in Kew, much of which has changed in the forty-plus period since they were created.Colour positive transparency (slide) of the pair of residences on the corner of Princess Street and Fellows Street in Kew. The point of view is the Fellows Street frontage.comaques, historic houses -- kew (vic.), glenferrie road -- kew (vic.) -
Expression Australia
Book, No Longer by Gaslight - The First 100 years of the Adult Deaf Society of Victoria, 1984
This Book celebrates the history of the first 100 years of the Adult Deaf Society of Victoria, and was written by John Flynn who in his introduction states "This book attempts to trace the story of the men and women, both deaf and not deaf, who worked and planned so that deaf people should have a caring Organisation available to them on leaving school".This Book celebrates the history of the first 100 years of the Adult Deaf Society of Victoria. The work is significant as it brings together material from a number of different collections into an accessible and comprehensive volume detailing the Society's history spanning the years 1884 to 1984. The book is no-longer in print.Crimson Cover iv, 185 p. : ill., facsims., ports. ; 26 cm. (missing pages 92-100)adult deaf society of victoria, flynn, rose, victorian deaf and dumb institution, muir, newbigin, lewis, moss, samuel johnson, lucy lewis, hannah martin, luke, peter holt, leslie newbigin, frewin, robert patterson, matthew miller, eugene salas, robert luff, abraham, knutsford, cornelius reynolds, ernest reynolds, george mortimer, john paul, blackburn, south australia, william dean, okorita, nunawading shire, lacrosse, mckirdy, martin fraser, lakeside lodge, george newnham, jolimont square, horace bedggood, cricket, football, tabletennis, hockey, gymnastics, geelong, ballarat, pengilly, australasian deaf and dumb association, chadwick, parkinson, mcconnan, jennings, macbain, sargood, gillott, grimwade, felsted, mcbeath, mckeddie, peacock, cleveland, bruche, samderson, wignay, driver, smiley, sholl, lovett -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Mr and Mrs Percy Pledger senior
Percy Henry (Harry) Pledger (1884-1954) and Eleanor Elizabeth George (1888-1963). They married in 1908 in St Peters, Paddington, London. Percy was a tailor in Barnet, Middlesex and the family migrated to Australia in 1923, arriving in Brisbane on 11 December 1923. They settled in Surrey Hills. Percy had a tailoring and later knitwear business at 418 Canterbury Road, almost opposite Alexandra Avenue (? also at another time in Hansen's Terrace in Canterbury Road). The family was musical. Their children were: Son Percy who joined the staff at Allan’s Music House and rose to become their chief accountant. He also taught and played the violin in a number of orchestras. (See individual entry for him - SH1207) Daughter Jessie married Arthur John Marston Bate (1906-1994) in 1941; he was born in Birmingham and his father was also a tailor. Arthur gained BA and MA from the University of New Zealand. He was also primarily a musician, but worked in theatre, broadcasting and teaching in New Zealand and at the State Theatre in Melbourne and the ABC. He was a pilot during WW2 (SERN 255363), rising to the rank of Flight Lieutenant and also a RAAF Chaplain. Jessie and Arthur lived in Hawthorn, Ashwood and Mount Waverley. They are buried in Box Hill Cemetery (CE-213-0029) along with daughter Christine Elizabeth. Stanley Bertram Pledger, along with Harold Sydserf, assisted Stan's brother Percy to establish the Surrey Hills Musical Club in the 1920s . It soon increased to 12 or 15 members, giving 4 concerts a year. They combined with the Surrey Hills Dramatic Society to produce operettas. In time the group expanded to a total of 30 players and became the Camberwell Symphony Orchestra. Stanley Bertram Pledger (1912-1996) is listed in electoral rolls at a number of addresses around Surrey Hills: 1927 - 36 Suffolk Road; 1940s - Essex Road; 1977 - Burwood. All entries consistently give his occupation as manufacturer and it is assumed that this was with the family business. He retired to Kiama, NSW.A black and white photograph of a couple standing in the rear garden. The lady is wearing a short sleeved, knee length dress and the man is wearing long trousers held up by braces and a short sleeved and dress, tailor and knitwear, (mr) percy henry pledger, (mrs) eleanor elizabeth pledger, (mrs) nell pledger, (miss) eleanor elizabeth george -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Richard and Annie Bate at 'Camelford', 7 Norris Street, Surrey Hills, c1914/1915
Photo was taken in front of the front door of 'Camelford', 7 Norris Street. The presence of the red cross suggests that it was taken during the First World War. Two of the couples' surviving sons served in the war - Frederic George Bate (SERN 1945); Richard Alfred Bate (SERN 695); the third was rejected because he had lost a finger in an accident. Richard Bate came to Australia in 1868 from Cornwall - the house was named after the town there. He was a cabinetmaker and settled in Angaston, SA for a year before coming to Melbourne where he worked as a builder. He built ‘Avondale’, 176 Union Road (dem.) circa 1883 as a display home for the Davies family, subdividers of the first land auction in Surrey Hills. He built many houses including his retirement home at 7 Norris Street (demolished after 2000). In the 1880s Richard also built the Shire Hall in Station Street Box Hill, replaced in 1934 by the Box Hill Town Hall. Two of his sons were also carpenters. Richard died in 1937 aged 93 and his wife Annie Matilda died in 1935 aged 83; both are buried in Burwood Cemetery. House was rented out until probate was settled. Occupied in 2000 by Julie Ellis. REF: Letter to Julie Ellis from Jack Bate of Mildura, grandson of Richard and Annie Bate, dated 29/2/2000.A black and white photocopy of a photograph of a man dressed in a suit, standing beside a lady, seated, wearing a long sleeved, light coloured blouse and a long ankle length skirt. They are in front of a front door with lead light richard bate, mrs annie bate, norris street, house names, camelford, avondale, union road, box hill shire hall, builders, ms julie ellis, davies family, annie matilda bate, richard alfred bate, frederic george bate, burwood cemetery, jack bate -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Alfred Henry Crump's grocery and produce store in Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills, 1913, 1913
This building was adjacent to Surrey Lodge, on the corner of Canterbury and Union Roads. The store was established by George Sim in 1885 and in 1889 he set up the 1st Surrey Hills Post Office here. The business was bought by Alfred Claude Geer in 1909; the Camberwell Rate books show that from 1913 Geer remained owner but the business was occupied by Alfred Henry Crump; confirmed by electoral rolls for 1913-1918. Prior to moving to Surrey Hills, Alfred was a grocer in Dandenong. Otto Kuhn was Alfred Crump's store manager and may have taken this photo. Alfred married Hazel May Ordish in 1913 in Dandenong. The marriage notice in the Argus on 5 July indicates that the couple resided at 'Hazeldene' in Leopold Crescent. Moran and Cato had already established a business across Union Road from McNeill's Hotel and in time this business and one other grocery store opposite closed as a result.Black and white photo of A H Crump's grocery and produce store in Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills in 1913. There are 4 men and 2 horse-drawn carts in front of a timber single-storey building with a verandah with a corrugated-iron roof. At least one of the carts has "A H CRUMP" painted on the side. Three of the men are wearing long white aprons; the other, AH Crump, is in a suit. Advertising signs on the hoardings are for Huttons hams and bacon and Empire flour. Cadbury's cocoa is advertised on the shop window. The hoarding above the verandah also indicates that the business was established in 1884. There is a block-fronted single storey house with a picket fence adjacent to the shop, to the east along Canterbury Road."SURREY HILLS.13.6.2" diagonally across the bottom LH side of the offices, grocers, shops, businesses, horse drawn vehicles, alfred henry crump, alfred crump, alfred claude geer, alfred geer, otto kuhn, george sim, hazel may ordish, hazel may crump -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Horse and buggy at 44 Guildford Road Surrey Hills, 1913
Jocelyn Hall indicated in notes that the gentleman could possibly be an estate agent. This was confirmed by a grandson of the original owners. (REF: Email 1/8/2020) The original photos is thought to have been a publicity photo for the real estate agency. Carl Theodore Offszanka (1874-1944) was born in Germany. He is listed in electoral rolls at 44 Guildford Road from 1915, occupation furrier, with his wife Ida (nee Schade, 1882-1963), also born in Germany. They were married in Victoria in 1908. In later electoral rolls at the same address are Erna Helena (b 1913; d 1996) and Maria Eliese (b 1910; m Benedict Francis Rieusset in 1936). Both daughters are listed as typists. Also listed is Bernard George (b 1914; d 1987) who in later electoral rolls is described as a process worker. He served in the AIF in the Second World War. Not listed is Carl Bernard b 1909. The Offszanka family lived at 44 Guildford Road from 1913 until post-1980; they came to Surrey Hills from Richmond. Their home was called 'Westfalia' (ref: 1919 electoral roll), presumably after the region in NW Germany. It is not known when Carl and Ida migrated from Germany. This home has had a 2nd storey added to it in late 1990s. According to a family descendant (REF: Email 1/8/20 from grandson) Carl Theodor Offszanka purchased the home in 1913 for £616. He also purchased the adjoining vacant block of land at 42 Guildford Road and ran a large orchard on it before later selling it. This appears to have been between 1920-1930. The family continued to occupy the house until after 1980 when Erna Helena and Bernard George are listed in the electoral rolls. Our property register lists Erna Helena Offszanka as the last member there. She died on 5 May 1996. The Offszanka family occupied this home from its beginning for over 70 years. Such long-term occupancy by one family is unusual.Black and white photo of a ? dark-stained timber Edwardian home at 44 Guildford Road, Surrey Hills. A hooded buggy is located in the rough driveway at the side of the house. A gentleman in a hat and with a moustache is seated in the buggy. A tall building can be seen in the far distance and a street leading up the hill from Canterbury Road.edwardian style, houses, guildford road, horse drawn vehicle, carl theordore offszanka, miss ida schade, mrs ida offszanka, miss edna helena offszanka, miss marie elsie offszanka, mr bernard george offszanka, estate agent, mr carl bernard offszanka, westfalia -
Brighton Historical Society
Clothing - Dress, Visiting dress, late 19th century
This gown, one of two similar items in the collection, belonged to one of the daughters of George Ward Cole, Miss Margaret Morison Ward Cole or Miss Agnes Bruce Ward Cole. George Ward Cole was an early member of the Victorian Parliament and the family featured prominently in Melbourne Society in their time. They established a substantial home known as “St Ninians” at 10 Miller Street in 1841. The family reportedly entertained Melbourne’s first Royal visitor the Duke Of Edinburgh, Queen Victoria’s second son, at St Ninians in 1867. In later years St Ninians was subsequently subdivided and later demolished.A black and mint green wool, velvet, lace and silk dress from circa 1882. The bodice features a wired, standing collar, finishing just under the chin and open at the front of the throat. On either side at the front of the throat it features long black lace ties with black jet bead fringe. The centre front of the dress from the neckline to the base of the skirt features an insert panel of mint green corded silk. The silk is gathered and the neckline and waist and overlaid a panel of gathered lacy net. Inserted into the seam at either side of this panel at the waist are two velvet ties. The dress secures closed with eight black buttons and one hook and eye down the right side of the mint panel to mid thigh. The edges of the collar and black front panels are finished with a looped ribbon trim. The remainder of the dress is made of a black wool fabric woven a checkered pattern of larger and looser threads and smaller and tighter threads creating a seersucker like pattern. The bodice features a natural shoulder line and an Amadis sleeve of full cut gathered to the bodice at the shoulder and finishing at the elbow with a large black lace flounce. The front panels of the dress are flat and shaped neatly to the body from neck to hip line and gently out to create the Victorian silhouette. On the back of each shoulder the dress features a leaf like, small jet beaded embellishment with multiple long loops of jet beads falling down the back to the waist. Underneath this embellishment is a pleated black ribbon that runs from the shoulder to the back of the pelvis. Over the pelvis are another two jet beaded embellishments of a floral design with two tassels. The skirt is full and pleated in under this embellishment and fulls to the floor with a small train. The base of the dress is finished with a ruched band of the main dress ninians, george ward cole, visiting gown, brighton, miss margaret morison ward cole, miss agnes bruce ward cole, 1880s -
Brighton Historical Society
Dress, mid-1970s
Printed cotton maxi dress with long sleeves. Print of red, navy, white and green spots. Shirtmaker front which fastens with three covered buttons. Label, woven maroon on cream acetate, centre back: Imported / from Italy / BY GEORGES / OF COLLINS STREETgeorges, georges of collins street, 1970s -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Printmaking -Aquatint etching, 'Dog' by Geoffrey Ricardo, 1995
GEOFFREY RICARDO Born 1964, Melbourne, Australia 1984-86 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Printmaking, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1987-89 Printing Assistant at Bill Young Studios, Editioning intaglio prints, King Valley, VIC 1988 Full-time Studio Technician at Printmaking Department, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1989-90 Graduate Diploma (Fine Art), Printmaking, Monash University, Melbourne 1991 Traveled to England, France, Spain and USA (Winsor & Newton International Travelling Bursary, National Students Art Prize) Worked in private studios in Gaucin, Spain and New York, USA 1994-95 Master of Fine Arts, Monash University, Melbourne 1995 Guest Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne Traveled to Europe and America 1996 Guest Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1990-98 Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne 1998 Traveled to America and Mexico 2001-05 Sessional Lecturer, The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne 2003-10 Printmaking Workshops, Warrnambool TAFE, Warrnambool, VIC 2004 Traveled to Europe, Mexico and Cuba 2005 Lecturer, National Art School (Summer School), Sydney Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne Lecturer, Institution of Koorie Education, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2012 ‘Collection of Works’ The Art Vault Mildura ‘Deeper Meanings’, The Incinerator Gallery, Melbourne ‘Three Projects’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney Melbourne Art Fair Stand F33, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 2009 ‘Anno Domino, Antarctica and The Anatomy Lesson’, Australian Galleries Derby Street, Melbourne The Art Vault, Mildura, VIC 2008 MV Orlova (Quark Expeditions), The Drake Passage, Antarctica 2007 ‘Herd’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney 2006 ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2004 ‘Recent work’, BMGArt, Adelaide 2003 ‘The Rapunzel Suite and Other New Works’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Recent Works’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Recent works’, Cowwarr Art Space, Cowwarr, VIC 2002 ‘The Rapunzel Suite’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Strange Games’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney 1999 ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne 1998 Cullity Gallery, School of Architecture and Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Delaney Gallery, Perth Chapman Gallery, Canberra BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1995 ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1994 Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth Graham Galleries + Editions, Brisbane ‘Wishful Thinking, Prints and Sculptures’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth 1992 ‘Prints, Sculptures and Watercolours’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne and Sydney 1990 ‘Watercolours, Prints and Small Bronzes’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculptures’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2013 ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ Cottlesloe, Western Australia 2012 ‘Brave New World’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC ‘Sculpture by the Sea’, Bondi, Sydney 2011 ‘Sculpture by the sea’, Aarhus, Denmark ‘Artwork to Tapestry’, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, Healesville, VIC Burnie Print Prize, Burnie Regional Gallery, Burnie, TAS ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Roylston Street, Sydney ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Derby Street, Melbourne ‘Nature of the Mark’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Rick Amor Print Prize, Montsalvat, Eltham, VIC 2010 ‘Summer show’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney ‘Summer stock show’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne ‘Sub10’, Substation, Melbourne ‘McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2010’, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘Artists’ Prints made with Integrity I’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC 2009 ‘Artists’ ink: printmaking from the Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection, 1970-2001’, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Ararat, VIC ‘Lorne Sculpture’ (Winner), Lorne, VIC 2008 ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Smith Street, Melbourne 2007 ARC Biennial (Art, Design and Craft), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane ‘Prints Tokyo: International Print Exhibition’, Tokyo, Japan Seoul International Print, Photo and Edition Works Art Fair, Seoul, Korea Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Antipodean Bestiary’, Project Space / Spare Room, RMIT University, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2007, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘2007: Works from the studio’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘50 - a print exchange portfolio’, Geelong Art Gallery, Geelong, VIC ‘Small Pleasures’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2006 ‘Partnership or perish’, Academy of the Arts, School of Visual and Performing Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart Libris Awards, Artspace Mackay, Mackay, QLD ‘Summery’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Bookish’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne Melbourne Art Fair, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘50th Anniversary Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2005 ‘End of Year Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Works on Paper’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Expansion’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘The Art of Collaboration’, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore ‘Double take’, Arts Project Australia, Melbourne ‘Small Treasures - 20 emerging and established artists’, TILT Contemporary Art, Melbourne Jacques Cadry Memorial Art Prize, Fox Studios and State Library of NSW, Sydney ‘Tales of the City’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘A Decade of Collecting 1995-2005’, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Surface Tension: 21 Contemporary Australian Printmakers’, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS ‘Neo-millenium’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne 2004 ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Species’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘In the presence of creatures great and small’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Tapestries from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Sculpture’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, National Arts Club, New York, USA ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, Gallery 101, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Australian Prints from the Collection’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney ‘Bridge’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne ‘Vivid’, Fortyfive Downstairs, Melbourne Lake Gallery, Paynesville, VIC 2003 ‘Paper matters’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Less is more’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘The ink’s on me: Bill Young master printmaker’, Wangaratta Exhibitions Gallery, Wangaratta, VIC ‘Fantastic and Visionary Art’, Touring: Global Arts Link, QLD; Ipswich Regional Gallery, QLD ; Orange Regional Gallery, NSW; Manning Regional Gallery, NSW; Parramatta Heritage Centre, Sydney; Ballarat Regional Gallery, VIC 2002 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2001 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Six Degrees of Collaboration’, RMIT Faculty of Art, Design and Communication Gallery, Melbourne ‘Reciprocal Moves’, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC International Print Triennial, Kanagawa, Japan ‘Fantastic Art’, Orange Regional Gallery, Orange, NSW ‘Dancing Made a Man out of Me’, The Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gippsland, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Celebration’, Regional touring exhibition, VIC 2000-01 ‘Workings of the Mind: Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s’, Touring: Grafton Regional Gallery, NSW; Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD; Nolan Gallery, Canberra; Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC; PercTucker Regional Gallery, QLD 2000 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA The Hutchins Art Prize, Long Gallery, Hobart ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 1999 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Space, Fremantle, WA ‘We are Australian’, George Adams Gallery, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne Rena Ellen Jones Memorial Print Award, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC ‘National Works on Paper’, Mornington Peninsula Gallery, Mornington, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Pleasure’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1998-99 ‘Australian Prints’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1997 ‘KNOCK, KNOCK’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Woven Colour, The Art of Tapestry’, Dr Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore 1996 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta, India ‘Synergy’, Touring: Lalit Kala Akademi, New Dehli, India; Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, Bombay, India; Birla, India ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, Denmark; Australia House, London, UK 1995 ‘Interweave - Tapestry A Collaborative Art’, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Printmakers’, La Trobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Circus Capers’, Caulfield Arts Complex, Melbourne 1994 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA Australian Universities of Visual Art, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, BMGArt, Adelaide Fourth Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne 1993 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA 1992 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Transitional Times’, Print Council of Australia, Melbourne ‘Second Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints’, Japan 1991 Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Table Top Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Art 91’, London Contemporary Art Fair, London, UK 1990 M.P.A.C. Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Prize, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle WA ‘The Christmas Show’, Intaglio Printmaker, London, England ‘Australian Contemporary Art’, AZ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1989 National Student Art Prize, Mitchell College, Bathurst, NSW Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA City of Doncaster Acquisitive Print Prize, Manningham Gallery, Melbourne ‘Affiliations’, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne 1988 M.P.A.C. Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC 1987 ‘The Comedy Show’, Print Guild, Melbourne ‘Fluxus Art Flow’, Melbourne 1986 Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC Chisolm Institute of Technology, Graduating Students exhibition, Melbourne AWARDS 2013 King Valley Art Prize (printmaking) 2009 Lorne Sculpture Exhibition (Winner), Lorne, VIC 1989 Windsor and Newton International Travelling Bursary, UK Linbrook International First Prize for Printmaking, Australia COMMISSIONS 2005 Tapestry design for Bairnsdale Hospital (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Bairnsdale, VIC 1999 Tapestry design ‘Emblem’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1995 ‘A Night of Infectious Laughter’ Poster, St Kilda Festival, Melbourne 1994 Tapestry design ‘Elephant Gingham’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1993 Tapestry design for the Festival of Perth Official Poster (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Perth RESIDENCIES & PROJECTS 2013 ‘Come In Outside’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool 2011 Mildura Wentworth Arts Festival Project, Mildura, VIC Residency, The Art Vault , Mildura, VIC 2010 ‘Wish’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool, Artplay, Melbourne The Art Vault (included continuous public flag making workshops which were flown as part of The Wentworth Mildura Art Festival), Mildura, VIC 2009 The Art Vault (included two public printmaking workshops), Mildura, VIC 2008 Artist in residence, MV Orlova, Quark Expeditions, Antarctica 2003 Residency, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Bairnsdale, VIC 1998 Residency, School of Architecture & Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Residency, La Salle/Fia, College of the Arts, Singapore 1996 Artist in residence, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne 1993 Reduction Aquatint Workshop & Residency, Graphic Investigation Department, Canberra School of Art, Canberra NB: all residencies have included workshops involving students, children or the general public COLLECTIONS Artbank, Sydney Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Canson Australia Pty Ltd, Australia City of Box Hill, Melbourne City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Downlands College, Toowoomba, QLD Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, VIC Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Gold Coast, QLD Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD Helensvale High School, Brisbane Holmes à Court Collection, Perth Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC Monash University, Melbourne Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Collection, Mornington, VIC National Gallery of Australia, Canberra National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra Print Council of Australia, Melbourne Private collections in Australia, Switzerland, USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Holland Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston, TAS Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Shire of Diamond Valley, Diamond Valley, VIC Star of the Sea College, Melbourne The Melbourne Club, Melbourne University of Central Queensland, Brisbane University of Technology, Sydney Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC BIBLIOGRAPHY PERIODICALS AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 4, July-August 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 6, November-December 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol.71, Issue 7, April 1999 Backhouse, Megan; “Going out of print and back to basics”, The Age, February 2003 Bellamy, Louise; “Renaissance of Western Art”, The Age (A2 section), 26 November 2005 Clabburn, Anna; “Fables and Foibles”, Art Monthly, September 1994 Dutkiewicz, Adam; “Edge of the sublime”, Advertiser, 1 December 2003, p. 76. Erickson, Dorothy; “The Festival that could have been”, The Bulletin, March 1994 Farmer, Alison; “Ricardo makes poster splash”, Sunday Times - Entertainment Extra, 19 September 1993 “Festival taps weaver’s art”, The West Australian, 11February 1994 Fiasco (web-page), March 2003 Jenkins, John; “A Dark City Narrative”, Imprint, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1999 Grishin, Sasha; “Multiplicity – collecting Australian prints”, Australian Art Review, Issue 13, March-June 2007, pp. 52-55 Grishin, Sasha; “Profiles in Print - Geoffrey Ricardo”, Craft Arts International, Issue 76, 2009, pp.1-4 Lloyd, Tim; “The elephant man”, The Advertiser (Review section), December 2007 Manzana Arné, Josep; “De L’Ex-Libris a L’Ex-Webis: Ex-Libris a Internet”, Ex-Libris, Associació Catalana D’Exlibristes, Barcelona, No. 27, July-December 2002, p.11 McDonald, John; “Dreams of hope and menace” The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 1995 McMillan, Peter; “Darkness visible”, The Age, 11September 1999 Nelson, Robert; “Circuses can be curated, but not cured”, The Age, 18 January 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Dream Weavers”, The Age, June 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Paen To Ricardo”, Imprint, Vol. 29, No.1, April, 1994 Nelson, Robert; “Revealed: Mother Nature’s vulgar past”, The Age, September 6, 2000 Nelson, Robert; “Riddled with hidden meaning”, The Age, September 8, 1999 Quadrant, April, 1995 Quadrant, Jan/Feb, 1995 Quadrant, October, 1995 Quadrant, November, 1994 “Ricardo’s surreal works at gallery”, Times-Spectator, 25 July 2003, p.7 Snell, Ted; “Art”, The Australian, 18 February1994 Snell, Ted; “Visual arts at the Festival of Perth”, Art Monthly, April 1994 Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Timms, Peter; “Geoff Ricardo: emerging from darkness”, Art Monthly, Issue 140, June 2001 Wallace, Dr Carmel; “Ways of seeing Australia”, Asian Art News, May/June 2004 BOOKS & CATALOGUES A Dark City Narrative, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 1999 ARC Biennial Exhibition (Exhibition catalogue), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, 2007, pp. 78-79 Clabburn, Anna; “The Collaborative Spirit”, Australian Tapestries: Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 1995, p. 37 Fantastic Art, Orange Regional Gallery, NSW, 2001 Field, Caroline; Herd, catalogue essay, Australian Galleries, Sydney, 2007 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Identities in Printmaking, Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, 2000 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Printmaking in the 1990’s, Craftsman House, 1997 Havighurst, Sophie (Illustrations by Geoffrey Ricardo); When Lester lost his cool, The University of Melbourne, 2007 Kolenberg, Hendrik & Ryan, Anne; Australian Prints, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998 Lawrence, Michel; Framed; photographs of Australian Artists, 1998 Modern Australian Tapestries, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 2000 The Rapunzel Suite, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 2002 Wallace, Dr Carmel (Essay); Surface Tension, Twenty One Contemporary Australian Printmakers, Gallery 101, Melbourne, 2004 Workings of the Mind : Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane, 2000 TELEVISION Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Inside Art TV, Channel 31, July 2012Framed limited edition print This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 1000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in, artwork, geoffrey ricardo, printmaking, etching, aquatint -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Administration Building, c. 1952
Note by T.H. Kneen 20 February 1991, "East facade, lawns and gardens in foreground. A very large Pinus radiata was removed from the approximate position of the staked tree in the middle foreground. It was removed by George Manley (43-57) and Andy Tylee (51-53) possibly in 1952."2 copies black and white photograph. Administration Building in the background with Emily Gibson beds in front. Willow at the edge of the ponds was replaced. Staked tree no longer there. Early 1950sgardens, trees, george manley, andy tylee, administration building, pinus radiata -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Work on paper - Digital photograph, George L Coop, Surrey Hills railway station c1958, c1958
The donor George Lister Coop was about 21 years of age when he took this photo. It is one of a small series of photos donated by him that relate to Mont Albert and Surrey Hills stations. He has always had an interest in railways and there are other examples of his documentation of railway history in other collections contributing to this database. R J Mercer was the butcher at 112 Union Road. This property has a long history of being a butcher's shop beginning from c1904. He took over from Edward Lloyd in 1951. Spotless Dry Cleaners were at 104 Union Road.This is an important photo as there are few known colour images of the station prior to the installation of the third line in the early 1970s, which resulted in the demolition of the station built in 1883. It is also significant as a record of the housing along the south side of Stirling Crescent which was later replaced by light industry.A digital colour photo of Surrey Hills railway station taken from the overhead pedestrian footbridge looking towards Canterbury. Both tracks and the verandas on either side of the line can be seen, as can the railway gates in the open position and the signal box, beside which is a large palm tree. A section of red goods vans are positioned in the adjacent goods yard. Some of the businesses and advertising hoardings in Union Road can be seen in the background. These include A Doubleday (real estate agents), R J Mer..., grocer, baker, Spotless Dry Cleaning, Robur tea and Lipton tea (part of only). A number of the Edwardian houses along the south side of Stirling Crescent are also l coop, surrey hills railway station, goods yard, real estate agent, a doubleday, grocer, baker, union road, stirling crescent, spotless dry cleaning, r j mercer, butcher -
Federation University Art Collection
Artwork - bookplate, Geoffrey Ricardo, Ex Libris Geoffrey Ricardo, not dated
GEOFFREY RICARDO (1964- ) Born Melbourne, Australia 1984-86 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Printmaking, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1987-89 Printing Assistant at Bill Young Studios, Editioning intaglio prints, King Valley, VIC 1988 Full-time Studio Technician at Printmaking Department, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1989-90 Graduate Diploma (Fine Art), Printmaking, Monash University, Melbourne 1991 Traveled to England, France, Spain and USA (Winsor & Newton International Travelling Bursary, National Students Art Prize) Worked in private studios in Gaucin, Spain and New York, USA 1994-95 Master of Fine Arts, Monash University, Melbourne 1995 Guest Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne Traveled to Europe and America 1996 Guest Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1990-98 Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne 1998 Traveled to America and Mexico 2001-05 Sessional Lecturer, The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne 2003-10 Printmaking Workshops, Warrnambool TAFE, Warrnambool, VIC 2004 Traveled to Europe, Mexico and Cuba 2005 Lecturer, National Art School (Summer School), Sydney Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne Lecturer, Institution of Koorie Education, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2012 ‘Collection of Works’ The Art Vault Mildura ‘Deeper Meanings’, The Incinerator Gallery, Melbourne ‘Three Projects’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney Melbourne Art Fair Stand F33, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 2009 ‘Anno Domino, Antarctica and The Anatomy Lesson’, Australian Galleries Derby Street, Melbourne The Art Vault, Mildura, VIC 2008 MV Orlova (Quark Expeditions), The Drake Passage, Antarctica 2007 ‘Herd’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney 2006 ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2004 ‘Recent work’, BMGArt, Adelaide 2003 ‘The Rapunzel Suite and Other New Works’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Recent Works’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Recent works’, Cowwarr Art Space, Cowwarr, VIC 2002 ‘The Rapunzel Suite’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Strange Games’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney 1999 ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne 1998 Cullity Gallery, School of Architecture and Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Delaney Gallery, Perth Chapman Gallery, Canberra BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1995 ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1994 Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth Graham Galleries + Editions, Brisbane ‘Wishful Thinking, Prints and Sculptures’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth 1992 ‘Prints, Sculptures and Watercolours’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne and Sydney 1990 ‘Watercolours, Prints and Small Bronzes’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculptures’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2013 ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ Cottlesloe, Western Australia 2012 ‘Brave New World’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC ‘Sculpture by the Sea’, Bondi, Sydney 2011 ‘Sculpture by the sea’, Aarhus, Denmark ‘Artwork to Tapestry’, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, Healesville, VIC Burnie Print Prize, Burnie Regional Gallery, Burnie, TAS ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Roylston Street, Sydney ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Derby Street, Melbourne ‘Nature of the Mark’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Rick Amor Print Prize, Montsalvat, Eltham, VIC 2010 ‘Summer show’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney ‘Summer stock show’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne ‘Sub10’, Substation, Melbourne ‘McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2010’, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘Artists’ Prints made with Integrity I’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC 2009 ‘Artists’ ink: printmaking from the Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection, 1970-2001’, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Ararat, VIC ‘Lorne Sculpture’ (Winner), Lorne, VIC 2008 ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Smith Street, Melbourne 2007 ARC Biennial (Art, Design and Craft), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane ‘Prints Tokyo: International Print Exhibition’, Tokyo, Japan Seoul International Print, Photo and Edition Works Art Fair, Seoul, Korea Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Antipodean Bestiary’, Project Space / Spare Room, RMIT University, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2007, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘2007: Works from the studio’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘50 - a print exchange portfolio’, Geelong Art Gallery, Geelong, VIC ‘Small Pleasures’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2006 ‘Partnership or perish’, Academy of the Arts, School of Visual and Performing Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart Libris Awards, Artspace Mackay, Mackay, QLD ‘Summery’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Bookish’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne Melbourne Art Fair, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘50th Anniversary Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2005 ‘End of Year Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Works on Paper’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Expansion’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘The Art of Collaboration’, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore ‘Double take’, Arts Project Australia, Melbourne ‘Small Treasures - 20 emerging and established artists’, TILT Contemporary Art, Melbourne Jacques Cadry Memorial Art Prize, Fox Studios and State Library of NSW, Sydney ‘Tales of the City’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘A Decade of Collecting 1995-2005’, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Surface Tension: 21 Contemporary Australian Printmakers’, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS ‘Neo-millenium’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne 2004 ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Species’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘In the presence of creatures great and small’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Tapestries from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Sculpture’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, National Arts Club, New York, USA ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, Gallery 101, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Australian Prints from the Collection’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney ‘Bridge’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne ‘Vivid’, Fortyfive Downstairs, Melbourne Lake Gallery, Paynesville, VIC 2003 ‘Paper matters’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Less is more’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘The ink’s on me: Bill Young master printmaker’, Wangaratta Exhibitions Gallery, Wangaratta, VIC ‘Fantastic and Visionary Art’, Touring: Global Arts Link, QLD; Ipswich Regional Gallery, QLD ; Orange Regional Gallery, NSW; Manning Regional Gallery, NSW; Parramatta Heritage Centre, Sydney; Ballarat Regional Gallery, VIC 2002 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2001 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Six Degrees of Collaboration’, RMIT Faculty of Art, Design and Communication Gallery, Melbourne ‘Reciprocal Moves’, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC International Print Triennial, Kanagawa, Japan ‘Fantastic Art’, Orange Regional Gallery, Orange, NSW ‘Dancing Made a Man out of Me’, The Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gippsland, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Celebration’, Regional touring exhibition, VIC 2000-01 ‘Workings of the Mind: Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s’, Touring: Grafton Regional Gallery, NSW; Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD; Nolan Gallery, Canberra; Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC; PercTucker Regional Gallery, QLD 2000 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA The Hutchins Art Prize, Long Gallery, Hobart ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 1999 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Space, Fremantle, WA ‘We are Australian’, George Adams Gallery, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne Rena Ellen Jones Memorial Print Award, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC ‘National Works on Paper’, Mornington Peninsula Gallery, Mornington, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Pleasure’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1998-99 ‘Australian Prints’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1997 ‘KNOCK, KNOCK’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Woven Colour, The Art of Tapestry’, Dr Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore 1996 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta, India ‘Synergy’, Touring: Lalit Kala Akademi, New Dehli, India; Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, Bombay, India; Birla, India ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, Denmark; Australia House, London, UK 1995 ‘Interweave - Tapestry A Collaborative Art’, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Printmakers’, La Trobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Circus Capers’, Caulfield Arts Complex, Melbourne 1994 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA Australian Universities of Visual Art, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, BMGArt, Adelaide Fourth Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne 1993 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA 1992 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Transitional Times’, Print Council of Australia, Melbourne ‘Second Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints’, Japan 1991 Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Table Top Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Art 91’, London Contemporary Art Fair, London, UK 1990 M.P.A.C. Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Prize, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle WA ‘The Christmas Show’, Intaglio Printmaker, London, England ‘Australian Contemporary Art’, AZ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1989 National Student Art Prize, Mitchell College, Bathurst, NSW Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA City of Doncaster Acquisitive Print Prize, Manningham Gallery, Melbourne ‘Affiliations’, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne 1988 M.P.A.C. Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC 1987 ‘The Comedy Show’, Print Guild, Melbourne ‘Fluxus Art Flow’, Melbourne 1986 Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC Chisolm Institute of Technology, Graduating Students exhibition, Melbourne AWARDS 2013 King Valley Art Prize (printmaking) 2009 Lorne Sculpture Exhibition (Winner), Lorne, VIC 1989 Windsor and Newton International Travelling Bursary, UK Linbrook International First Prize for Printmaking, Australia COMMISSIONS 2005 Tapestry design for Bairnsdale Hospital (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Bairnsdale, VIC 1999 Tapestry design ‘Emblem’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1995 ‘A Night of Infectious Laughter’ Poster, St Kilda Festival, Melbourne 1994 Tapestry design ‘Elephant Gingham’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1993 Tapestry design for the Festival of Perth Official Poster (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Perth RESIDENCIES & PROJECTS 2013 ‘Come In Outside’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool 2011 Mildura Wentworth Arts Festival Project, Mildura, VIC Residency, The Art Vault , Mildura, VIC 2010 ‘Wish’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool, Artplay, Melbourne The Art Vault (included continuous public flag making workshops which were flown as part of The Wentworth Mildura Art Festival), Mildura, VIC 2009 The Art Vault (included two public printmaking workshops), Mildura, VIC 2008 Artist in residence, MV Orlova, Quark Expeditions, Antarctica 2003 Residency, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Bairnsdale, VIC 1998 Residency, School of Architecture & Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Residency, La Salle/Fia, College of the Arts, Singapore 1996 Artist in residence, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne 1993 Reduction Aquatint Workshop & Residency, Graphic Investigation Department, Canberra School of Art, Canberra NB: all residencies have included workshops involving students, children or the general public COLLECTIONS Artbank, Sydney Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Canson Australia Pty Ltd, Australia City of Box Hill, Melbourne City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Downlands College, Toowoomba, QLD Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, VIC Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Gold Coast, QLD Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD Helensvale High School, Brisbane Holmes à Court Collection, Perth Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC Monash University, Melbourne Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Collection, Mornington, VIC National Gallery of Australia, Canberra National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra Print Council of Australia, Melbourne Private collections in Australia, Switzerland, USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Holland Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston, TAS Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Shire of Diamond Valley, Diamond Valley, VIC Star of the Sea College, Melbourne The Melbourne Club, Melbourne University of Central Queensland, Brisbane University of Technology, Sydney Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC BIBLIOGRAPHY PERIODICALS AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 4, July-August 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 6, November-December 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol.71, Issue 7, April 1999 Backhouse, Megan; “Going out of print and back to basics”, The Age, February 2003 Bellamy, Louise; “Renaissance of Western Art”, The Age (A2 section), 26 November 2005 Clabburn, Anna; “Fables and Foibles”, Art Monthly, September 1994 Dutkiewicz, Adam; “Edge of the sublime”, Advertiser, 1 December 2003, p. 76. Erickson, Dorothy; “The Festival that could have been”, The Bulletin, March 1994 Farmer, Alison; “Ricardo makes poster splash”, Sunday Times - Entertainment Extra, 19 September 1993 “Festival taps weaver’s art”, The West Australian, 11February 1994 Fiasco (web-page), March 2003 Jenkins, John; “A Dark City Narrative”, Imprint, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1999 Grishin, Sasha; “Multiplicity – collecting Australian prints”, Australian Art Review, Issue 13, March-June 2007, pp. 52-55 Grishin, Sasha; “Profiles in Print - Geoffrey Ricardo”, Craft Arts International, Issue 76, 2009, pp.1-4 Lloyd, Tim; “The elephant man”, The Advertiser (Review section), December 2007 Manzana Arné, Josep; “De L’Ex-Libris a L’Ex-Webis: Ex-Libris a Internet”, Ex-Libris, Associació Catalana D’Exlibristes, Barcelona, No. 27, July-December 2002, p.11 McDonald, John; “Dreams of hope and menace” The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 1995 McMillan, Peter; “Darkness visible”, The Age, 11September 1999 Nelson, Robert; “Circuses can be curated, but not cured”, The Age, 18 January 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Dream Weavers”, The Age, June 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Paen To Ricardo”, Imprint, Vol. 29, No.1, April, 1994 Nelson, Robert; “Revealed: Mother Nature’s vulgar past”, The Age, September 6, 2000 Nelson, Robert; “Riddled with hidden meaning”, The Age, September 8, 1999 Quadrant, April, 1995 Quadrant, Jan/Feb, 1995 Quadrant, October, 1995 Quadrant, November, 1994 “Ricardo’s surreal works at gallery”, Times-Spectator, 25 July 2003, p.7 Snell, Ted; “Art”, The Australian, 18 February1994 Snell, Ted; “Visual arts at the Festival of Perth”, Art Monthly, April 1994 Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Timms, Peter; “Geoff Ricardo: emerging from darkness”, Art Monthly, Issue 140, June 2001 Wallace, Dr Carmel; “Ways of seeing Australia”, Asian Art News, May/June 2004 BOOKS & CATALOGUES A Dark City Narrative, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 1999 ARC Biennial Exhibition (Exhibition catalogue), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, 2007, pp. 78-79 Clabburn, Anna; “The Collaborative Spirit”, Australian Tapestries: Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 1995, p. 37 Fantastic Art, Orange Regional Gallery, NSW, 2001 Field, Caroline; Herd, catalogue essay, Australian Galleries, Sydney, 2007 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Identities in Printmaking, Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, 2000 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Printmaking in the 1990’s, Craftsman House, 1997 Havighurst, Sophie (Illustrations by Geoffrey Ricardo); When Lester lost his cool, The University of Melbourne, 2007 Kolenberg, Hendrik & Ryan, Anne; Australian Prints, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998 Lawrence, Michel; Framed; photographs of Australian Artists, 1998 Modern Australian Tapestries, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 2000 The Rapunzel Suite, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 2002 Wallace, Dr Carmel (Essay); Surface Tension, Twenty One Contemporary Australian Printmakers, Gallery 101, Melbourne, 2004 Workings of the Mind : Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane, 2000 TELEVISION Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Inside Art TV, Channel 31, July 2012Framed bookplategeoffrey ricardo, bookplates, kangaroo -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Artwork - Printmaking, Geoffrey Ricardo, 'Monkeyshine' by Geoffrey Ricardo, 2000
GEOFFREY RICARDO (1964- ) Born Melbourne, Australia 1984-86 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Printmaking, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1987-89 Printing Assistant at Bill Young Studios, Editioning intaglio prints, King Valley, VIC 1988 Full-time Studio Technician at Printmaking Department, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1989-90 Graduate Diploma (Fine Art), Printmaking, Monash University, Melbourne 1991 Traveled to England, France, Spain and USA (Winsor & Newton International Travelling Bursary, National Students Art Prize) Worked in private studios in Gaucin, Spain and New York, USA 1994-95 Master of Fine Arts, Monash University, Melbourne 1995 Guest Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne Traveled to Europe and America 1996 Guest Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1990-98 Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne 1998 Traveled to America and Mexico 2001-05 Sessional Lecturer, The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne 2003-10 Printmaking Workshops, Warrnambool TAFE, Warrnambool, VIC 2004 Traveled to Europe, Mexico and Cuba 2005 Lecturer, National Art School (Summer School), Sydney Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne Lecturer, Institution of Koorie Education, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2012 ‘Collection of Works’ The Art Vault Mildura ‘Deeper Meanings’, The Incinerator Gallery, Melbourne ‘Three Projects’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney Melbourne Art Fair Stand F33, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 2009 ‘Anno Domino, Antarctica and The Anatomy Lesson’, Australian Galleries Derby Street, Melbourne The Art Vault, Mildura, VIC 2008 MV Orlova (Quark Expeditions), The Drake Passage, Antarctica 2007 ‘Herd’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney 2006 ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2004 ‘Recent work’, BMGArt, Adelaide 2003 ‘The Rapunzel Suite and Other New Works’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Recent Works’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Recent works’, Cowwarr Art Space, Cowwarr, VIC 2002 ‘The Rapunzel Suite’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Strange Games’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney 1999 ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne 1998 Cullity Gallery, School of Architecture and Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Delaney Gallery, Perth Chapman Gallery, Canberra BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1995 ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1994 Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth Graham Galleries + Editions, Brisbane ‘Wishful Thinking, Prints and Sculptures’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth 1992 ‘Prints, Sculptures and Watercolours’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne and Sydney 1990 ‘Watercolours, Prints and Small Bronzes’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculptures’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2013 ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ Cottlesloe, Western Australia 2012 ‘Brave New World’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC ‘Sculpture by the Sea’, Bondi, Sydney 2011 ‘Sculpture by the sea’, Aarhus, Denmark ‘Artwork to Tapestry’, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, Healesville, VIC Burnie Print Prize, Burnie Regional Gallery, Burnie, TAS ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Roylston Street, Sydney ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Derby Street, Melbourne ‘Nature of the Mark’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Rick Amor Print Prize, Montsalvat, Eltham, VIC 2010 ‘Summer show’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney ‘Summer stock show’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne ‘Sub10’, Substation, Melbourne ‘McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2010’, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘Artists’ Prints made with Integrity I’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC 2009 ‘Artists’ ink: printmaking from the Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection, 1970-2001’, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Ararat, VIC ‘Lorne Sculpture’ (Winner), Lorne, VIC 2008 ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Smith Street, Melbourne 2007 ARC Biennial (Art, Design and Craft), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane ‘Prints Tokyo: International Print Exhibition’, Tokyo, Japan Seoul International Print, Photo and Edition Works Art Fair, Seoul, Korea Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Antipodean Bestiary’, Project Space / Spare Room, RMIT University, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2007, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘2007: Works from the studio’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘50 - a print exchange portfolio’, Geelong Art Gallery, Geelong, VIC ‘Small Pleasures’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2006 ‘Partnership or perish’, Academy of the Arts, School of Visual and Performing Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart Libris Awards, Artspace Mackay, Mackay, QLD ‘Summery’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Bookish’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne Melbourne Art Fair, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘50th Anniversary Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2005 ‘End of Year Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Works on Paper’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Expansion’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘The Art of Collaboration’, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore ‘Double take’, Arts Project Australia, Melbourne ‘Small Treasures - 20 emerging and established artists’, TILT Contemporary Art, Melbourne Jacques Cadry Memorial Art Prize, Fox Studios and State Library of NSW, Sydney ‘Tales of the City’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘A Decade of Collecting 1995-2005’, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Surface Tension: 21 Contemporary Australian Printmakers’, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS ‘Neo-millenium’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne 2004 ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Species’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘In the presence of creatures great and small’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Tapestries from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Sculpture’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, National Arts Club, New York, USA ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, Gallery 101, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Australian Prints from the Collection’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney ‘Bridge’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne ‘Vivid’, Fortyfive Downstairs, Melbourne Lake Gallery, Paynesville, VIC 2003 ‘Paper matters’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Less is more’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘The ink’s on me: Bill Young master printmaker’, Wangaratta Exhibitions Gallery, Wangaratta, VIC ‘Fantastic and Visionary Art’, Touring: Global Arts Link, QLD; Ipswich Regional Gallery, QLD ; Orange Regional Gallery, NSW; Manning Regional Gallery, NSW; Parramatta Heritage Centre, Sydney; Ballarat Regional Gallery, VIC 2002 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2001 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Six Degrees of Collaboration’, RMIT Faculty of Art, Design and Communication Gallery, Melbourne ‘Reciprocal Moves’, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC International Print Triennial, Kanagawa, Japan ‘Fantastic Art’, Orange Regional Gallery, Orange, NSW ‘Dancing Made a Man out of Me’, The Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gippsland, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Celebration’, Regional touring exhibition, VIC 2000-01 ‘Workings of the Mind: Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s’, Touring: Grafton Regional Gallery, NSW; Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD; Nolan Gallery, Canberra; Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC; PercTucker Regional Gallery, QLD 2000 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA The Hutchins Art Prize, Long Gallery, Hobart ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 1999 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Space, Fremantle, WA ‘We are Australian’, George Adams Gallery, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne Rena Ellen Jones Memorial Print Award, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC ‘National Works on Paper’, Mornington Peninsula Gallery, Mornington, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Pleasure’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1998-99 ‘Australian Prints’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1997 ‘KNOCK, KNOCK’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Woven Colour, The Art of Tapestry’, Dr Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore 1996 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta, India ‘Synergy’, Touring: Lalit Kala Akademi, New Dehli, India; Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, Bombay, India; Birla, India ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, Denmark; Australia House, London, UK 1995 ‘Interweave - Tapestry A Collaborative Art’, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Printmakers’, La Trobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Circus Capers’, Caulfield Arts Complex, Melbourne 1994 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA Australian Universities of Visual Art, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, BMGArt, Adelaide Fourth Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne 1993 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA 1992 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Transitional Times’, Print Council of Australia, Melbourne ‘Second Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints’, Japan 1991 Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Table Top Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Art 91’, London Contemporary Art Fair, London, UK 1990 M.P.A.C. Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Prize, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle WA ‘The Christmas Show’, Intaglio Printmaker, London, England ‘Australian Contemporary Art’, AZ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1989 National Student Art Prize, Mitchell College, Bathurst, NSW Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA City of Doncaster Acquisitive Print Prize, Manningham Gallery, Melbourne ‘Affiliations’, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne 1988 M.P.A.C. Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC 1987 ‘The Comedy Show’, Print Guild, Melbourne ‘Fluxus Art Flow’, Melbourne 1986 Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC Chisolm Institute of Technology, Graduating Students exhibition, Melbourne AWARDS 2013 King Valley Art Prize (printmaking) 2009 Lorne Sculpture Exhibition (Winner), Lorne, VIC 1989 Windsor and Newton International Travelling Bursary, UK Linbrook International First Prize for Printmaking, Australia COMMISSIONS 2005 Tapestry design for Bairnsdale Hospital (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Bairnsdale, VIC 1999 Tapestry design ‘Emblem’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1995 ‘A Night of Infectious Laughter’ Poster, St Kilda Festival, Melbourne 1994 Tapestry design ‘Elephant Gingham’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1993 Tapestry design for the Festival of Perth Official Poster (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Perth RESIDENCIES & PROJECTS 2013 ‘Come In Outside’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool 2011 Mildura Wentworth Arts Festival Project, Mildura, VIC Residency, The Art Vault , Mildura, VIC 2010 ‘Wish’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool, Artplay, Melbourne The Art Vault (included continuous public flag making workshops which were flown as part of The Wentworth Mildura Art Festival), Mildura, VIC 2009 The Art Vault (included two public printmaking workshops), Mildura, VIC 2008 Artist in residence, MV Orlova, Quark Expeditions, Antarctica 2003 Residency, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Bairnsdale, VIC 1998 Residency, School of Architecture & Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Residency, La Salle/Fia, College of the Arts, Singapore 1996 Artist in residence, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne 1993 Reduction Aquatint Workshop & Residency, Graphic Investigation Department, Canberra School of Art, Canberra NB: all residencies have included workshops involving students, children or the general public COLLECTIONS Artbank, Sydney Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Canson Australia Pty Ltd, Australia City of Box Hill, Melbourne City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Downlands College, Toowoomba, QLD Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, VIC Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Gold Coast, QLD Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD Helensvale High School, Brisbane Holmes à Court Collection, Perth Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC Monash University, Melbourne Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Collection, Mornington, VIC National Gallery of Australia, Canberra National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra Print Council of Australia, Melbourne Private collections in Australia, Switzerland, USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Holland Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston, TAS Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Shire of Diamond Valley, Diamond Valley, VIC Star of the Sea College, Melbourne The Melbourne Club, Melbourne University of Central Queensland, Brisbane University of Technology, Sydney Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC BIBLIOGRAPHY PERIODICALS AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 4, July-August 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 6, November-December 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol.71, Issue 7, April 1999 Backhouse, Megan; “Going out of print and back to basics”, The Age, February 2003 Bellamy, Louise; “Renaissance of Western Art”, The Age (A2 section), 26 November 2005 Clabburn, Anna; “Fables and Foibles”, Art Monthly, September 1994 Dutkiewicz, Adam; “Edge of the sublime”, Advertiser, 1 December 2003, p. 76. Erickson, Dorothy; “The Festival that could have been”, The Bulletin, March 1994 Farmer, Alison; “Ricardo makes poster splash”, Sunday Times - Entertainment Extra, 19 September 1993 “Festival taps weaver’s art”, The West Australian, 11February 1994 Fiasco (web-page), March 2003 Jenkins, John; “A Dark City Narrative”, Imprint, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1999 Grishin, Sasha; “Multiplicity – collecting Australian prints”, Australian Art Review, Issue 13, March-June 2007, pp. 52-55 Grishin, Sasha; “Profiles in Print - Geoffrey Ricardo”, Craft Arts International, Issue 76, 2009, pp.1-4 Lloyd, Tim; “The elephant man”, The Advertiser (Review section), December 2007 Manzana Arné, Josep; “De L’Ex-Libris a L’Ex-Webis: Ex-Libris a Internet”, Ex-Libris, Associació Catalana D’Exlibristes, Barcelona, No. 27, July-December 2002, p.11 McDonald, John; “Dreams of hope and menace” The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 1995 McMillan, Peter; “Darkness visible”, The Age, 11September 1999 Nelson, Robert; “Circuses can be curated, but not cured”, The Age, 18 January 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Dream Weavers”, The Age, June 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Paen To Ricardo”, Imprint, Vol. 29, No.1, April, 1994 Nelson, Robert; “Revealed: Mother Nature’s vulgar past”, The Age, September 6, 2000 Nelson, Robert; “Riddled with hidden meaning”, The Age, September 8, 1999 Quadrant, April, 1995 Quadrant, Jan/Feb, 1995 Quadrant, October, 1995 Quadrant, November, 1994 “Ricardo’s surreal works at gallery”, Times-Spectator, 25 July 2003, p.7 Snell, Ted; “Art”, The Australian, 18 February1994 Snell, Ted; “Visual arts at the Festival of Perth”, Art Monthly, April 1994 Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Timms, Peter; “Geoff Ricardo: emerging from darkness”, Art Monthly, Issue 140, June 2001 Wallace, Dr Carmel; “Ways of seeing Australia”, Asian Art News, May/June 2004 BOOKS & CATALOGUES A Dark City Narrative, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 1999 ARC Biennial Exhibition (Exhibition catalogue), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, 2007, pp. 78-79 Clabburn, Anna; “The Collaborative Spirit”, Australian Tapestries: Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 1995, p. 37 Fantastic Art, Orange Regional Gallery, NSW, 2001 Field, Caroline; Herd, catalogue essay, Australian Galleries, Sydney, 2007 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Identities in Printmaking, Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, 2000 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Printmaking in the 1990’s, Craftsman House, 1997 Havighurst, Sophie (Illustrations by Geoffrey Ricardo); When Lester lost his cool, The University of Melbourne, 2007 Kolenberg, Hendrik & Ryan, Anne; Australian Prints, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998 Lawrence, Michel; Framed; photographs of Australian Artists, 1998 Modern Australian Tapestries, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 2000 The Rapunzel Suite, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 2002 Wallace, Dr Carmel (Essay); Surface Tension, Twenty One Contemporary Australian Printmakers, Gallery 101, Melbourne, 2004 Workings of the Mind : Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane, 2000 TELEVISION Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Inside Art TV, Channel 31, July 2012Framed coloured aquatint on paper. Donated through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Programme by Katherine Littlewood.Under image in pencil ' T/P "Monkeyshine" Ricardo 2000'geoffrey ricardo, framed print -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Artwork - Printmaking, Geoffrey Ricardo, 'Dummy Throw' by Geoffrey Ricardo, 2000
GEOFFREY RICARDO (1964- ) Born 1964, Melbourne, Australia 1984-86 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Printmaking, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1987-89 Printing Assistant at Bill Young Studios, Editioning intaglio prints, King Valley, VIC 1988 Full-time Studio Technician at Printmaking Department, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1989-90 Graduate Diploma (Fine Art), Printmaking, Monash University, Melbourne 1991 Traveled to England, France, Spain and USA (Winsor & Newton International Travelling Bursary, National Students Art Prize) Worked in private studios in Gaucin, Spain and New York, USA 1994-95 Master of Fine Arts, Monash University, Melbourne 1995 Guest Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne Traveled to Europe and America 1996 Guest Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1990-98 Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne 1998 Traveled to America and Mexico 2001-05 Sessional Lecturer, The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne 2003-10 Printmaking Workshops, Warrnambool TAFE, Warrnambool, VIC 2004 Traveled to Europe, Mexico and Cuba 2005 Lecturer, National Art School (Summer School), Sydney Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne Lecturer, Institution of Koorie Education, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2012 ‘Collection of Works’ The Art Vault Mildura ‘Deeper Meanings’, The Incinerator Gallery, Melbourne ‘Three Projects’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney Melbourne Art Fair Stand F33, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 2009 ‘Anno Domino, Antarctica and The Anatomy Lesson’, Australian Galleries Derby Street, Melbourne The Art Vault, Mildura, VIC 2008 MV Orlova (Quark Expeditions), The Drake Passage, Antarctica 2007 ‘Herd’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney 2006 ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2004 ‘Recent work’, BMGArt, Adelaide 2003 ‘The Rapunzel Suite and Other New Works’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Recent Works’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Recent works’, Cowwarr Art Space, Cowwarr, VIC 2002 ‘The Rapunzel Suite’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Strange Games’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney 1999 ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne 1998 Cullity Gallery, School of Architecture and Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Delaney Gallery, Perth Chapman Gallery, Canberra BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1995 ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1994 Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth Graham Galleries + Editions, Brisbane ‘Wishful Thinking, Prints and Sculptures’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth 1992 ‘Prints, Sculptures and Watercolours’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne and Sydney 1990 ‘Watercolours, Prints and Small Bronzes’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculptures’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2013 ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ Cottlesloe, Western Australia 2012 ‘Brave New World’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC ‘Sculpture by the Sea’, Bondi, Sydney 2011 ‘Sculpture by the sea’, Aarhus, Denmark ‘Artwork to Tapestry’, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, Healesville, VIC Burnie Print Prize, Burnie Regional Gallery, Burnie, TAS ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Roylston Street, Sydney ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Derby Street, Melbourne ‘Nature of the Mark’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Rick Amor Print Prize, Montsalvat, Eltham, VIC 2010 ‘Summer show’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney ‘Summer stock show’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne ‘Sub10’, Substation, Melbourne ‘McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2010’, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘Artists’ Prints made with Integrity I’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC 2009 ‘Artists’ ink: printmaking from the Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection, 1970-2001’, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Ararat, VIC ‘Lorne Sculpture’ (Winner), Lorne, VIC 2008 ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Smith Street, Melbourne 2007 ARC Biennial (Art, Design and Craft), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane ‘Prints Tokyo: International Print Exhibition’, Tokyo, Japan Seoul International Print, Photo and Edition Works Art Fair, Seoul, Korea Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Antipodean Bestiary’, Project Space / Spare Room, RMIT University, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2007, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘2007: Works from the studio’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘50 - a print exchange portfolio’, Geelong Art Gallery, Geelong, VIC ‘Small Pleasures’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2006 ‘Partnership or perish’, Academy of the Arts, School of Visual and Performing Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart Libris Awards, Artspace Mackay, Mackay, QLD ‘Summery’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Bookish’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne Melbourne Art Fair, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘50th Anniversary Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2005 ‘End of Year Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Works on Paper’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Expansion’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘The Art of Collaboration’, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore ‘Double take’, Arts Project Australia, Melbourne ‘Small Treasures - 20 emerging and established artists’, TILT Contemporary Art, Melbourne Jacques Cadry Memorial Art Prize, Fox Studios and State Library of NSW, Sydney ‘Tales of the City’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘A Decade of Collecting 1995-2005’, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Surface Tension: 21 Contemporary Australian Printmakers’, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS ‘Neo-millenium’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne 2004 ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Species’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘In the presence of creatures great and small’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Tapestries from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Sculpture’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, National Arts Club, New York, USA ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, Gallery 101, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Australian Prints from the Collection’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney ‘Bridge’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne ‘Vivid’, Fortyfive Downstairs, Melbourne Lake Gallery, Paynesville, VIC 2003 ‘Paper matters’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Less is more’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘The ink’s on me: Bill Young master printmaker’, Wangaratta Exhibitions Gallery, Wangaratta, VIC ‘Fantastic and Visionary Art’, Touring: Global Arts Link, QLD; Ipswich Regional Gallery, QLD ; Orange Regional Gallery, NSW; Manning Regional Gallery, NSW; Parramatta Heritage Centre, Sydney; Ballarat Regional Gallery, VIC 2002 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2001 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Six Degrees of Collaboration’, RMIT Faculty of Art, Design and Communication Gallery, Melbourne ‘Reciprocal Moves’, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC International Print Triennial, Kanagawa, Japan ‘Fantastic Art’, Orange Regional Gallery, Orange, NSW ‘Dancing Made a Man out of Me’, The Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gippsland, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Celebration’, Regional touring exhibition, VIC 2000-01 ‘Workings of the Mind: Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s’, Touring: Grafton Regional Gallery, NSW; Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD; Nolan Gallery, Canberra; Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC; PercTucker Regional Gallery, QLD 2000 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA The Hutchins Art Prize, Long Gallery, Hobart ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 1999 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Space, Fremantle, WA ‘We are Australian’, George Adams Gallery, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne Rena Ellen Jones Memorial Print Award, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC ‘National Works on Paper’, Mornington Peninsula Gallery, Mornington, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Pleasure’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1998-99 ‘Australian Prints’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1997 ‘KNOCK, KNOCK’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Woven Colour, The Art of Tapestry’, Dr Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore 1996 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta, India ‘Synergy’, Touring: Lalit Kala Akademi, New Dehli, India; Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, Bombay, India; Birla, India ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, Denmark; Australia House, London, UK 1995 ‘Interweave - Tapestry A Collaborative Art’, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Printmakers’, La Trobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Circus Capers’, Caulfield Arts Complex, Melbourne 1994 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA Australian Universities of Visual Art, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, BMGArt, Adelaide Fourth Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne 1993 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA 1992 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Transitional Times’, Print Council of Australia, Melbourne ‘Second Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints’, Japan 1991 Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Table Top Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Art 91’, London Contemporary Art Fair, London, UK 1990 M.P.A.C. Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Prize, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle WA ‘The Christmas Show’, Intaglio Printmaker, London, England ‘Australian Contemporary Art’, AZ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1989 National Student Art Prize, Mitchell College, Bathurst, NSW Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA City of Doncaster Acquisitive Print Prize, Manningham Gallery, Melbourne ‘Affiliations’, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne 1988 M.P.A.C. Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC 1987 ‘The Comedy Show’, Print Guild, Melbourne ‘Fluxus Art Flow’, Melbourne 1986 Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC Chisolm Institute of Technology, Graduating Students exhibition, Melbourne AWARDS 2013 King Valley Art Prize (printmaking) 2009 Lorne Sculpture Exhibition (Winner), Lorne, VIC 1989 Windsor and Newton International Travelling Bursary, UK Linbrook International First Prize for Printmaking, Australia COMMISSIONS 2005 Tapestry design for Bairnsdale Hospital (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Bairnsdale, VIC 1999 Tapestry design ‘Emblem’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1995 ‘A Night of Infectious Laughter’ Poster, St Kilda Festival, Melbourne 1994 Tapestry design ‘Elephant Gingham’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1993 Tapestry design for the Festival of Perth Official Poster (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Perth RESIDENCIES & PROJECTS 2013 ‘Come In Outside’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool 2011 Mildura Wentworth Arts Festival Project, Mildura, VIC Residency, The Art Vault , Mildura, VIC 2010 ‘Wish’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool, Artplay, Melbourne The Art Vault (included continuous public flag making workshops which were flown as part of The Wentworth Mildura Art Festival), Mildura, VIC 2009 The Art Vault (included two public printmaking workshops), Mildura, VIC 2008 Artist in residence, MV Orlova, Quark Expeditions, Antarctica 2003 Residency, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Bairnsdale, VIC 1998 Residency, School of Architecture & Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Residency, La Salle/Fia, College of the Arts, Singapore 1996 Artist in residence, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne 1993 Reduction Aquatint Workshop & Residency, Graphic Investigation Department, Canberra School of Art, Canberra NB: all residencies have included workshops involving students, children or the general public COLLECTIONS Artbank, Sydney Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Canson Australia Pty Ltd, Australia City of Box Hill, Melbourne City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Downlands College, Toowoomba, QLD Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, VIC Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Gold Coast, QLD Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD Helensvale High School, Brisbane Holmes à Court Collection, Perth Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC Monash University, Melbourne Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Collection, Mornington, VIC National Gallery of Australia, Canberra National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra Print Council of Australia, Melbourne Private collections in Australia, Switzerland, USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Holland Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston, TAS Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Shire of Diamond Valley, Diamond Valley, VIC Star of the Sea College, Melbourne The Melbourne Club, Melbourne University of Central Queensland, Brisbane University of Technology, Sydney Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC BIBLIOGRAPHY PERIODICALS AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 4, July-August 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 6, November-December 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol.71, Issue 7, April 1999 Backhouse, Megan; “Going out of print and back to basics”, The Age, February 2003 Bellamy, Louise; “Renaissance of Western Art”, The Age (A2 section), 26 November 2005 Clabburn, Anna; “Fables and Foibles”, Art Monthly, September 1994 Dutkiewicz, Adam; “Edge of the sublime”, Advertiser, 1 December 2003, p. 76. Erickson, Dorothy; “The Festival that could have been”, The Bulletin, March 1994 Farmer, Alison; “Ricardo makes poster splash”, Sunday Times - Entertainment Extra, 19 September 1993 “Festival taps weaver’s art”, The West Australian, 11February 1994 Fiasco (web-page), March 2003 Jenkins, John; “A Dark City Narrative”, Imprint, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1999 Grishin, Sasha; “Multiplicity – collecting Australian prints”, Australian Art Review, Issue 13, March-June 2007, pp. 52-55 Grishin, Sasha; “Profiles in Print - Geoffrey Ricardo”, Craft Arts International, Issue 76, 2009, pp.1-4 Lloyd, Tim; “The elephant man”, The Advertiser (Review section), December 2007 Manzana Arné, Josep; “De L’Ex-Libris a L’Ex-Webis: Ex-Libris a Internet”, Ex-Libris, Associació Catalana D’Exlibristes, Barcelona, No. 27, July-December 2002, p.11 McDonald, John; “Dreams of hope and menace” The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 1995 McMillan, Peter; “Darkness visible”, The Age, 11September 1999 Nelson, Robert; “Circuses can be curated, but not cured”, The Age, 18 January 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Dream Weavers”, The Age, June 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Paen To Ricardo”, Imprint, Vol. 29, No.1, April, 1994 Nelson, Robert; “Revealed: Mother Nature’s vulgar past”, The Age, September 6, 2000 Nelson, Robert; “Riddled with hidden meaning”, The Age, September 8, 1999 Quadrant, April, 1995 Quadrant, Jan/Feb, 1995 Quadrant, October, 1995 Quadrant, November, 1994 “Ricardo’s surreal works at gallery”, Times-Spectator, 25 July 2003, p.7 Snell, Ted; “Art”, The Australian, 18 February1994 Snell, Ted; “Visual arts at the Festival of Perth”, Art Monthly, April 1994 Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Timms, Peter; “Geoff Ricardo: emerging from darkness”, Art Monthly, Issue 140, June 2001 Wallace, Dr Carmel; “Ways of seeing Australia”, Asian Art News, May/June 2004 BOOKS & CATALOGUES A Dark City Narrative, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 1999 ARC Biennial Exhibition (Exhibition catalogue), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, 2007, pp. 78-79 Clabburn, Anna; “The Collaborative Spirit”, Australian Tapestries: Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 1995, p. 37 Fantastic Art, Orange Regional Gallery, NSW, 2001 Field, Caroline; Herd, catalogue essay, Australian Galleries, Sydney, 2007 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Identities in Printmaking, Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, 2000 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Printmaking in the 1990’s, Craftsman House, 1997 Havighurst, Sophie (Illustrations by Geoffrey Ricardo); When Lester lost his cool, The University of Melbourne, 2007 Kolenberg, Hendrik & Ryan, Anne; Australian Prints, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998 Lawrence, Michel; Framed; photographs of Australian Artists, 1998 Modern Australian Tapestries, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 2000 The Rapunzel Suite, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 2002 Wallace, Dr Carmel (Essay); Surface Tension, Twenty One Contemporary Australian Printmakers, Gallery 101, Melbourne, 2004 Workings of the Mind : Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane, 2000 TELEVISION Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Inside Art TV, Channel 31, July 2012Framed coloured aquatint on paperUnder image in pencil '4/20 "Dummy Throw" Ricardo 2000' geoffrey ricardo, framed print, printmaking, available, available framed, sport -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Artwork - Printmaking, Geoffrey Ricardo, 'Antelope' by Geoffrey Ricardo, 1997
GEOFFREY RICARDO (1964- ) Born Melbourne, Australia 1984-86 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Printmaking, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1987-89 Printing Assistant at Bill Young Studios, Editioning intaglio prints, King Valley, VIC 1988 Full-time Studio Technician at Printmaking Department, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1989-90 Graduate Diploma (Fine Art), Printmaking, Monash University, Melbourne 1991 Traveled to England, France, Spain and USA (Winsor & Newton International Travelling Bursary, National Students Art Prize) Worked in private studios in Gaucin, Spain and New York, USA 1994-95 Master of Fine Arts, Monash University, Melbourne 1995 Guest Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne Traveled to Europe and America 1996 Guest Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1990-98 Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne 1998 Traveled to America and Mexico 2001-05 Sessional Lecturer, The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne 2003-10 Printmaking Workshops, Warrnambool TAFE, Warrnambool, VIC 2004 Traveled to Europe, Mexico and Cuba 2005 Lecturer, National Art School (Summer School), Sydney Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne Lecturer, Institution of Koorie Education, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2012 ‘Collection of Works’ The Art Vault Mildura ‘Deeper Meanings’, The Incinerator Gallery, Melbourne ‘Three Projects’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney Melbourne Art Fair Stand F33, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 2009 ‘Anno Domino, Antarctica and The Anatomy Lesson’, Australian Galleries Derby Street, Melbourne The Art Vault, Mildura, VIC 2008 MV Orlova (Quark Expeditions), The Drake Passage, Antarctica 2007 ‘Herd’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney 2006 ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2004 ‘Recent work’, BMGArt, Adelaide 2003 ‘The Rapunzel Suite and Other New Works’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Recent Works’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Recent works’, Cowwarr Art Space, Cowwarr, VIC 2002 ‘The Rapunzel Suite’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Strange Games’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney 1999 ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne 1998 Cullity Gallery, School of Architecture and Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Delaney Gallery, Perth Chapman Gallery, Canberra BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1995 ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1994 Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth Graham Galleries + Editions, Brisbane ‘Wishful Thinking, Prints and Sculptures’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth 1992 ‘Prints, Sculptures and Watercolours’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne and Sydney 1990 ‘Watercolours, Prints and Small Bronzes’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculptures’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2013 ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ Cottlesloe, Western Australia 2012 ‘Brave New World’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC ‘Sculpture by the Sea’, Bondi, Sydney 2011 ‘Sculpture by the sea’, Aarhus, Denmark ‘Artwork to Tapestry’, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, Healesville, VIC Burnie Print Prize, Burnie Regional Gallery, Burnie, TAS ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Roylston Street, Sydney ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Derby Street, Melbourne ‘Nature of the Mark’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Rick Amor Print Prize, Montsalvat, Eltham, VIC 2010 ‘Summer show’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney ‘Summer stock show’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne ‘Sub10’, Substation, Melbourne ‘McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2010’, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘Artists’ Prints made with Integrity I’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC 2009 ‘Artists’ ink: printmaking from the Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection, 1970-2001’, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Ararat, VIC ‘Lorne Sculpture’ (Winner), Lorne, VIC 2008 ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Smith Street, Melbourne 2007 ARC Biennial (Art, Design and Craft), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane ‘Prints Tokyo: International Print Exhibition’, Tokyo, Japan Seoul International Print, Photo and Edition Works Art Fair, Seoul, Korea Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Antipodean Bestiary’, Project Space / Spare Room, RMIT University, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2007, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘2007: Works from the studio’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘50 - a print exchange portfolio’, Geelong Art Gallery, Geelong, VIC ‘Small Pleasures’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2006 ‘Partnership or perish’, Academy of the Arts, School of Visual and Performing Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart Libris Awards, Artspace Mackay, Mackay, QLD ‘Summery’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Bookish’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne Melbourne Art Fair, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘50th Anniversary Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2005 ‘End of Year Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Works on Paper’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Expansion’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘The Art of Collaboration’, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore ‘Double take’, Arts Project Australia, Melbourne ‘Small Treasures - 20 emerging and established artists’, TILT Contemporary Art, Melbourne Jacques Cadry Memorial Art Prize, Fox Studios and State Library of NSW, Sydney ‘Tales of the City’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘A Decade of Collecting 1995-2005’, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Surface Tension: 21 Contemporary Australian Printmakers’, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS ‘Neo-millenium’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne 2004 ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Species’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘In the presence of creatures great and small’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Tapestries from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Sculpture’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, National Arts Club, New York, USA ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, Gallery 101, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Australian Prints from the Collection’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney ‘Bridge’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne ‘Vivid’, Fortyfive Downstairs, Melbourne Lake Gallery, Paynesville, VIC 2003 ‘Paper matters’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Less is more’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘The ink’s on me: Bill Young master printmaker’, Wangaratta Exhibitions Gallery, Wangaratta, VIC ‘Fantastic and Visionary Art’, Touring: Global Arts Link, QLD; Ipswich Regional Gallery, QLD ; Orange Regional Gallery, NSW; Manning Regional Gallery, NSW; Parramatta Heritage Centre, Sydney; Ballarat Regional Gallery, VIC 2002 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2001 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Six Degrees of Collaboration’, RMIT Faculty of Art, Design and Communication Gallery, Melbourne ‘Reciprocal Moves’, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC International Print Triennial, Kanagawa, Japan ‘Fantastic Art’, Orange Regional Gallery, Orange, NSW ‘Dancing Made a Man out of Me’, The Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gippsland, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Celebration’, Regional touring exhibition, VIC 2000-01 ‘Workings of the Mind: Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s’, Touring: Grafton Regional Gallery, NSW; Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD; Nolan Gallery, Canberra; Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC; PercTucker Regional Gallery, QLD 2000 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA The Hutchins Art Prize, Long Gallery, Hobart ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 1999 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Space, Fremantle, WA ‘We are Australian’, George Adams Gallery, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne Rena Ellen Jones Memorial Print Award, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC ‘National Works on Paper’, Mornington Peninsula Gallery, Mornington, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Pleasure’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1998-99 ‘Australian Prints’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1997 ‘KNOCK, KNOCK’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Woven Colour, The Art of Tapestry’, Dr Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore 1996 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta, India ‘Synergy’, Touring: Lalit Kala Akademi, New Dehli, India; Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, Bombay, India; Birla, India ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, Denmark; Australia House, London, UK 1995 ‘Interweave - Tapestry A Collaborative Art’, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Printmakers’, La Trobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Circus Capers’, Caulfield Arts Complex, Melbourne 1994 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA Australian Universities of Visual Art, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, BMGArt, Adelaide Fourth Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne 1993 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA 1992 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Transitional Times’, Print Council of Australia, Melbourne ‘Second Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints’, Japan 1991 Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Table Top Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Art 91’, London Contemporary Art Fair, London, UK 1990 M.P.A.C. Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Prize, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle WA ‘The Christmas Show’, Intaglio Printmaker, London, England ‘Australian Contemporary Art’, AZ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1989 National Student Art Prize, Mitchell College, Bathurst, NSW Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA City of Doncaster Acquisitive Print Prize, Manningham Gallery, Melbourne ‘Affiliations’, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne 1988 M.P.A.C. Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC 1987 ‘The Comedy Show’, Print Guild, Melbourne ‘Fluxus Art Flow’, Melbourne 1986 Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC Chisolm Institute of Technology, Graduating Students exhibition, Melbourne AWARDS 2013 King Valley Art Prize (printmaking) 2009 Lorne Sculpture Exhibition (Winner), Lorne, VIC 1989 Windsor and Newton International Travelling Bursary, UK Linbrook International First Prize for Printmaking, Australia COMMISSIONS 2005 Tapestry design for Bairnsdale Hospital (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Bairnsdale, VIC 1999 Tapestry design ‘Emblem’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1995 ‘A Night of Infectious Laughter’ Poster, St Kilda Festival, Melbourne 1994 Tapestry design ‘Elephant Gingham’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1993 Tapestry design for the Festival of Perth Official Poster (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Perth RESIDENCIES & PROJECTS 2013 ‘Come In Outside’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool 2011 Mildura Wentworth Arts Festival Project, Mildura, VIC Residency, The Art Vault , Mildura, VIC 2010 ‘Wish’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool, Artplay, Melbourne The Art Vault (included continuous public flag making workshops which were flown as part of The Wentworth Mildura Art Festival), Mildura, VIC 2009 The Art Vault (included two public printmaking workshops), Mildura, VIC 2008 Artist in residence, MV Orlova, Quark Expeditions, Antarctica 2003 Residency, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Bairnsdale, VIC 1998 Residency, School of Architecture & Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Residency, La Salle/Fia, College of the Arts, Singapore 1996 Artist in residence, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne 1993 Reduction Aquatint Workshop & Residency, Graphic Investigation Department, Canberra School of Art, Canberra NB: all residencies have included workshops involving students, children or the general public COLLECTIONS Artbank, Sydney Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Canson Australia Pty Ltd, Australia City of Box Hill, Melbourne City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Downlands College, Toowoomba, QLD Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, VIC Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Gold Coast, QLD Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD Helensvale High School, Brisbane Holmes à Court Collection, Perth Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC Monash University, Melbourne Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Collection, Mornington, VIC National Gallery of Australia, Canberra National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra Print Council of Australia, Melbourne Private collections in Australia, Switzerland, USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Holland Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston, TAS Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Shire of Diamond Valley, Diamond Valley, VIC Star of the Sea College, Melbourne The Melbourne Club, Melbourne University of Central Queensland, Brisbane University of Technology, Sydney Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC PERIODICALS AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 4, July-August 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 6, November-December 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol.71, Issue 7, April 1999 Backhouse, Megan; “Going out of print and back to basics”, The Age, February 2003 Bellamy, Louise; “Renaissance of Western Art”, The Age (A2 section), 26 November 2005 Clabburn, Anna; “Fables and Foibles”, Art Monthly, September 1994 Dutkiewicz, Adam; “Edge of the sublime”, Advertiser, 1 December 2003, p. 76. Erickson, Dorothy; “The Festival that could have been”, The Bulletin, March 1994 Farmer, Alison; “Ricardo makes poster splash”, Sunday Times - Entertainment Extra, 19 September 1993 “Festival taps weaver’s art”, The West Australian, 11February 1994 Fiasco (web-page), March 2003 Jenkins, John; “A Dark City Narrative”, Imprint, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1999 Grishin, Sasha; “Multiplicity – collecting Australian prints”, Australian Art Review, Issue 13, March-June 2007, pp. 52-55 Grishin, Sasha; “Profiles in Print - Geoffrey Ricardo”, Craft Arts International, Issue 76, 2009, pp.1-4 Lloyd, Tim; “The elephant man”, The Advertiser (Review section), December 2007 Manzana Arné, Josep; “De L’Ex-Libris a L’Ex-Webis: Ex-Libris a Internet”, Ex-Libris, Associació Catalana D’Exlibristes, Barcelona, No. 27, July-December 2002, p.11 McDonald, John; “Dreams of hope and menace” The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 1995 McMillan, Peter; “Darkness visible”, The Age, 11September 1999 Nelson, Robert; “Circuses can be curated, but not cured”, The Age, 18 January 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Dream Weavers”, The Age, June 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Paen To Ricardo”, Imprint, Vol. 29, No.1, April, 1994 Nelson, Robert; “Revealed: Mother Nature’s vulgar past”, The Age, September 6, 2000 Nelson, Robert; “Riddled with hidden meaning”, The Age, September 8, 1999 Quadrant, April, 1995 Quadrant, Jan/Feb, 1995 Quadrant, October, 1995 Quadrant, November, 1994 “Ricardo’s surreal works at gallery”, Times-Spectator, 25 July 2003, p.7 Snell, Ted; “Art”, The Australian, 18 February1994 Snell, Ted; “Visual arts at the Festival of Perth”, Art Monthly, April 1994 Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Timms, Peter; “Geoff Ricardo: emerging from darkness”, Art Monthly, Issue 140, June 2001 Wallace, Dr Carmel; “Ways of seeing Australia”, Asian Art News, May/June 2004 BOOKS & CATALOGUES A Dark City Narrative, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 1999 ARC Biennial Exhibition (Exhibition catalogue), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, 2007, pp. 78-79 Clabburn, Anna; “The Collaborative Spirit”, Australian Tapestries: Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 1995, p. 37 Fantastic Art, Orange Regional Gallery, NSW, 2001 Field, Caroline; Herd, catalogue essay, Australian Galleries, Sydney, 2007 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Identities in Printmaking, Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, 2000 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Printmaking in the 1990’s, Craftsman House, 1997 Havighurst, Sophie (Illustrations by Geoffrey Ricardo); When Lester lost his cool, The University of Melbourne, 2007 Kolenberg, Hendrik & Ryan, Anne; Australian Prints, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998 Lawrence, Michel; Framed; photographs of Australian Artists, 1998 Modern Australian Tapestries, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 2000 The Rapunzel Suite, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 2002 Wallace, Dr Carmel (Essay); Surface Tension, Twenty One Contemporary Australian Printmakers, Gallery 101, Melbourne, 2004 Workings of the Mind : Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane, 2000 TELEVISION Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Inside Art TV, Channel 31, July 2012Framed coloured aquatint on paperunder image in pencil 'G.P. Ricardo '97'geoffrey ricardo, framed print, printmaking -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Artwork - Printmaking, 'Personal Best' by Geoffrey Ricardo, 2000
GEOFFREY RICARDO (1964- ) Born Melbourne, Australia 1984-86 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Printmaking, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1987-89 Printing Assistant at Bill Young Studios, Editioning intaglio prints, King Valley, VIC 1988 Full-time Studio Technician at Printmaking Department, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1989-90 Graduate Diploma (Fine Art), Printmaking, Monash University, Melbourne 1991 Traveled to England, France, Spain and USA (Winsor & Newton International Travelling Bursary, National Students Art Prize) Worked in private studios in Gaucin, Spain and New York, USA 1994-95 Master of Fine Arts, Monash University, Melbourne 1995 Guest Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne Traveled to Europe and America 1996 Guest Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1990-98 Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne 1998 Traveled to America and Mexico 2001-05 Sessional Lecturer, The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne 2003-10 Printmaking Workshops, Warrnambool TAFE, Warrnambool, VIC 2004 Traveled to Europe, Mexico and Cuba 2005 Lecturer, National Art School (Summer School), Sydney Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne Lecturer, Institution of Koorie Education, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2012 ‘Collection of Works’ The Art Vault Mildura ‘Deeper Meanings’, The Incinerator Gallery, Melbourne ‘Three Projects’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney Melbourne Art Fair Stand F33, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 2009 ‘Anno Domino, Antarctica and The Anatomy Lesson’, Australian Galleries Derby Street, Melbourne The Art Vault, Mildura, VIC 2008 MV Orlova (Quark Expeditions), The Drake Passage, Antarctica 2007 ‘Herd’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney 2006 ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2004 ‘Recent work’, BMGArt, Adelaide 2003 ‘The Rapunzel Suite and Other New Works’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Recent Works’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Recent works’, Cowwarr Art Space, Cowwarr, VIC 2002 ‘The Rapunzel Suite’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Strange Games’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney 1999 ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne 1998 Cullity Gallery, School of Architecture and Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Delaney Gallery, Perth Chapman Gallery, Canberra BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1995 ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1994 Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth Graham Galleries + Editions, Brisbane ‘Wishful Thinking, Prints and Sculptures’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth 1992 ‘Prints, Sculptures and Watercolours’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne and Sydney 1990 ‘Watercolours, Prints and Small Bronzes’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculptures’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2013 ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ Cottlesloe, Western Australia 2012 ‘Brave New World’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC ‘Sculpture by the Sea’, Bondi, Sydney 2011 ‘Sculpture by the sea’, Aarhus, Denmark ‘Artwork to Tapestry’, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, Healesville, VIC Burnie Print Prize, Burnie Regional Gallery, Burnie, TAS ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Roylston Street, Sydney ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Derby Street, Melbourne ‘Nature of the Mark’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Rick Amor Print Prize, Montsalvat, Eltham, VIC 2010 ‘Summer show’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney ‘Summer stock show’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne ‘Sub10’, Substation, Melbourne ‘McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2010’, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘Artists’ Prints made with Integrity I’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC 2009 ‘Artists’ ink: printmaking from the Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection, 1970-2001’, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Ararat, VIC ‘Lorne Sculpture’ (Winner), Lorne, VIC 2008 ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Smith Street, Melbourne 2007 ARC Biennial (Art, Design and Craft), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane ‘Prints Tokyo: International Print Exhibition’, Tokyo, Japan Seoul International Print, Photo and Edition Works Art Fair, Seoul, Korea Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Antipodean Bestiary’, Project Space / Spare Room, RMIT University, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2007, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘2007: Works from the studio’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘50 - a print exchange portfolio’, Geelong Art Gallery, Geelong, VIC ‘Small Pleasures’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2006 ‘Partnership or perish’, Academy of the Arts, School of Visual and Performing Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart Libris Awards, Artspace Mackay, Mackay, QLD ‘Summery’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Bookish’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne Melbourne Art Fair, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘50th Anniversary Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2005 ‘End of Year Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Works on Paper’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Expansion’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘The Art of Collaboration’, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore ‘Double take’, Arts Project Australia, Melbourne ‘Small Treasures - 20 emerging and established artists’, TILT Contemporary Art, Melbourne Jacques Cadry Memorial Art Prize, Fox Studios and State Library of NSW, Sydney ‘Tales of the City’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘A Decade of Collecting 1995-2005’, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Surface Tension: 21 Contemporary Australian Printmakers’, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS ‘Neo-millenium’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne 2004 ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Species’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘In the presence of creatures great and small’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Tapestries from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Sculpture’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, National Arts Club, New York, USA ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, Gallery 101, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Australian Prints from the Collection’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney ‘Bridge’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne ‘Vivid’, Fortyfive Downstairs, Melbourne Lake Gallery, Paynesville, VIC 2003 ‘Paper matters’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Less is more’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘The ink’s on me: Bill Young master printmaker’, Wangaratta Exhibitions Gallery, Wangaratta, VIC ‘Fantastic and Visionary Art’, Touring: Global Arts Link, QLD; Ipswich Regional Gallery, QLD ; Orange Regional Gallery, NSW; Manning Regional Gallery, NSW; Parramatta Heritage Centre, Sydney; Ballarat Regional Gallery, VIC 2002 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2001 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Six Degrees of Collaboration’, RMIT Faculty of Art, Design and Communication Gallery, Melbourne ‘Reciprocal Moves’, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC International Print Triennial, Kanagawa, Japan ‘Fantastic Art’, Orange Regional Gallery, Orange, NSW ‘Dancing Made a Man out of Me’, The Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gippsland, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Celebration’, Regional touring exhibition, VIC 2000-01 ‘Workings of the Mind: Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s’, Touring: Grafton Regional Gallery, NSW; Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD; Nolan Gallery, Canberra; Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC; PercTucker Regional Gallery, QLD 2000 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA The Hutchins Art Prize, Long Gallery, Hobart ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 1999 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Space, Fremantle, WA ‘We are Australian’, George Adams Gallery, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne Rena Ellen Jones Memorial Print Award, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC ‘National Works on Paper’, Mornington Peninsula Gallery, Mornington, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Pleasure’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1998-99 ‘Australian Prints’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1997 ‘KNOCK, KNOCK’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Woven Colour, The Art of Tapestry’, Dr Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore 1996 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta, India ‘Synergy’, Touring: Lalit Kala Akademi, New Dehli, India; Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, Bombay, India; Birla, India ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, Denmark; Australia House, London, UK 1995 ‘Interweave - Tapestry A Collaborative Art’, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Printmakers’, La Trobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Circus Capers’, Caulfield Arts Complex, Melbourne 1994 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA Australian Universities of Visual Art, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, BMGArt, Adelaide Fourth Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne 1993 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA 1992 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Transitional Times’, Print Council of Australia, Melbourne ‘Second Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints’, Japan 1991 Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Table Top Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Art 91’, London Contemporary Art Fair, London, UK 1990 M.P.A.C. Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Prize, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle WA ‘The Christmas Show’, Intaglio Printmaker, London, England ‘Australian Contemporary Art’, AZ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1989 National Student Art Prize, Mitchell College, Bathurst, NSW Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA City of Doncaster Acquisitive Print Prize, Manningham Gallery, Melbourne ‘Affiliations’, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne 1988 M.P.A.C. Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC 1987 ‘The Comedy Show’, Print Guild, Melbourne ‘Fluxus Art Flow’, Melbourne 1986 Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC Chisolm Institute of Technology, Graduating Students exhibition, Melbourne AWARDS 2013 King Valley Art Prize (printmaking) 2009 Lorne Sculpture Exhibition (Winner), Lorne, VIC 1989 Windsor and Newton International Travelling Bursary, UK Linbrook International First Prize for Printmaking, Australia COMMISSIONS 2005 Tapestry design for Bairnsdale Hospital (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Bairnsdale, VIC 1999 Tapestry design ‘Emblem’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1995 ‘A Night of Infectious Laughter’ Poster, St Kilda Festival, Melbourne 1994 Tapestry design ‘Elephant Gingham’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1993 Tapestry design for the Festival of Perth Official Poster (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Perth RESIDENCIES & PROJECTS 2013 ‘Come In Outside’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool 2011 Mildura Wentworth Arts Festival Project, Mildura, VIC Residency, The Art Vault , Mildura, VIC 2010 ‘Wish’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool, Artplay, Melbourne The Art Vault (included continuous public flag making workshops which were flown as part of The Wentworth Mildura Art Festival), Mildura, VIC 2009 The Art Vault (included two public printmaking workshops), Mildura, VIC 2008 Artist in residence, MV Orlova, Quark Expeditions, Antarctica 2003 Residency, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Bairnsdale, VIC 1998 Residency, School of Architecture & Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Residency, La Salle/Fia, College of the Arts, Singapore 1996 Artist in residence, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne 1993 Reduction Aquatint Workshop & Residency, Graphic Investigation Department, Canberra School of Art, Canberra NB: all residencies have included workshops involving students, children or the general public COLLECTIONS Artbank, Sydney Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Canson Australia Pty Ltd, Australia City of Box Hill, Melbourne City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Downlands College, Toowoomba, QLD Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, VIC Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Gold Coast, QLD Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD Helensvale High School, Brisbane Holmes à Court Collection, Perth Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC Monash University, Melbourne Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Collection, Mornington, VIC National Gallery of Australia, Canberra National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra Print Council of Australia, Melbourne Private collections in Australia, Switzerland, USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Holland Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston, TAS Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Shire of Diamond Valley, Diamond Valley, VIC Star of the Sea College, Melbourne The Melbourne Club, Melbourne University of Central Queensland, Brisbane University of Technology, Sydney Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC BIBLIOGRAPHY PERIODICALS AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 4, July-August 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 6, November-December 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol.71, Issue 7, April 1999 Backhouse, Megan; “Going out of print and back to basics”, The Age, February 2003 Bellamy, Louise; “Renaissance of Western Art”, The Age (A2 section), 26 November 2005 Clabburn, Anna; “Fables and Foibles”, Art Monthly, September 1994 Dutkiewicz, Adam; “Edge of the sublime”, Advertiser, 1 December 2003, p. 76. Erickson, Dorothy; “The Festival that could have been”, The Bulletin, March 1994 Farmer, Alison; “Ricardo makes poster splash”, Sunday Times - Entertainment Extra, 19 September 1993 “Festival taps weaver’s art”, The West Australian, 11February 1994 Fiasco (web-page), March 2003 Jenkins, John; “A Dark City Narrative”, Imprint, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1999 Grishin, Sasha; “Multiplicity – collecting Australian prints”, Australian Art Review, Issue 13, March-June 2007, pp. 52-55 Grishin, Sasha; “Profiles in Print - Geoffrey Ricardo”, Craft Arts International, Issue 76, 2009, pp.1-4 Lloyd, Tim; “The elephant man”, The Advertiser (Review section), December 2007 Manzana Arné, Josep; “De L’Ex-Libris a L’Ex-Webis: Ex-Libris a Internet”, Ex-Libris, Associació Catalana D’Exlibristes, Barcelona, No. 27, July-December 2002, p.11 McDonald, John; “Dreams of hope and menace” The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 1995 McMillan, Peter; “Darkness visible”, The Age, 11September 1999 Nelson, Robert; “Circuses can be curated, but not cured”, The Age, 18 January 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Dream Weavers”, The Age, June 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Paen To Ricardo”, Imprint, Vol. 29, No.1, April, 1994 Nelson, Robert; “Revealed: Mother Nature’s vulgar past”, The Age, September 6, 2000 Nelson, Robert; “Riddled with hidden meaning”, The Age, September 8, 1999 Quadrant, April, 1995 Quadrant, Jan/Feb, 1995 Quadrant, October, 1995 Quadrant, November, 1994 “Ricardo’s surreal works at gallery”, Times-Spectator, 25 July 2003, p.7 Snell, Ted; “Art”, The Australian, 18 February1994 Snell, Ted; “Visual arts at the Festival of Perth”, Art Monthly, April 1994 Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Timms, Peter; “Geoff Ricardo: emerging from darkness”, Art Monthly, Issue 140, June 2001 Wallace, Dr Carmel; “Ways of seeing Australia”, Asian Art News, May/June 2004 BOOKS & CATALOGUES A Dark City Narrative, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 1999 ARC Biennial Exhibition (Exhibition catalogue), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, 2007, pp. 78-79 Clabburn, Anna; “The Collaborative Spirit”, Australian Tapestries: Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 1995, p. 37 Fantastic Art, Orange Regional Gallery, NSW, 2001 Field, Caroline; Herd, catalogue essay, Australian Galleries, Sydney, 2007 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Identities in Printmaking, Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, 2000 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Printmaking in the 1990’s, Craftsman House, 1997 Havighurst, Sophie (Illustrations by Geoffrey Ricardo); When Lester lost his cool, The University of Melbourne, 2007 Kolenberg, Hendrik & Ryan, Anne; Australian Prints, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998 Lawrence, Michel; Framed; photographs of Australian Artists, 1998 Modern Australian Tapestries, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 2000 The Rapunzel Suite, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 2002 Wallace, Dr Carmel (Essay); Surface Tension, Twenty One Contemporary Australian Printmakers, Gallery 101, Melbourne, 2004 Workings of the Mind : Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane, 2000 TELEVISION Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Inside Art TV, Channel 31, July 2012Framed coloured etchingon paper. Donated through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Programme by Katherine Littlewood.Under image in pencil ' state proof ', "personal best" Ricardo 2000'. From Strange Games series. geoffrey ricardo, printmaking, framed print, available framed, available, sport -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Artwork - Printmaking, Geoffrey Ricardo, "The Urbane Heart" by Geoffrey Ricardo, 1999
GEOFFREY RICARDO (1964- ) Born Melbourne, Australia 1984-86 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Printmaking, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1987-89 Printing Assistant at Bill Young Studios, Editioning intaglio prints, King Valley, VIC 1988 Full-time Studio Technician at Printmaking Department, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1989-90 Graduate Diploma (Fine Art), Printmaking, Monash University, Melbourne 1991 Traveled to England, France, Spain and USA (Winsor & Newton International Travelling Bursary, National Students Art Prize) Worked in private studios in Gaucin, Spain and New York, USA 1994-95 Master of Fine Arts, Monash University, Melbourne 1995 Guest Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne Traveled to Europe and America 1996 Guest Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1990-98 Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne 1998 Traveled to America and Mexico 2001-05 Sessional Lecturer, The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne 2003-10 Printmaking Workshops, Warrnambool TAFE, Warrnambool, VIC 2004 Traveled to Europe, Mexico and Cuba 2005 Lecturer, National Art School (Summer School), Sydney Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne Lecturer, Institution of Koorie Education, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2012 ‘Collection of Works’ The Art Vault Mildura ‘Deeper Meanings’, The Incinerator Gallery, Melbourne ‘Three Projects’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney Melbourne Art Fair Stand F33, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 2009 ‘Anno Domino, Antarctica and The Anatomy Lesson’, Australian Galleries Derby Street, Melbourne The Art Vault, Mildura, VIC 2008 MV Orlova (Quark Expeditions), The Drake Passage, Antarctica 2007 ‘Herd’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney 2006 ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2004 ‘Recent work’, BMGArt, Adelaide 2003 ‘The Rapunzel Suite and Other New Works’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Recent Works’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Recent works’, Cowwarr Art Space, Cowwarr, VIC 2002 ‘The Rapunzel Suite’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Strange Games’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney 1999 ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne 1998 Cullity Gallery, School of Architecture and Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Delaney Gallery, Perth Chapman Gallery, Canberra BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1995 ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1994 Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth Graham Galleries + Editions, Brisbane ‘Wishful Thinking, Prints and Sculptures’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth 1992 ‘Prints, Sculptures and Watercolours’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne and Sydney 1990 ‘Watercolours, Prints and Small Bronzes’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculptures’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2013 ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ Cottlesloe, Western Australia 2012 ‘Brave New World’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC ‘Sculpture by the Sea’, Bondi, Sydney 2011 ‘Sculpture by the sea’, Aarhus, Denmark ‘Artwork to Tapestry’, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, Healesville, VIC Burnie Print Prize, Burnie Regional Gallery, Burnie, TAS ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Roylston Street, Sydney ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Derby Street, Melbourne ‘Nature of the Mark’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Rick Amor Print Prize, Montsalvat, Eltham, VIC 2010 ‘Summer show’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney ‘Summer stock show’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne ‘Sub10’, Substation, Melbourne ‘McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2010’, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘Artists’ Prints made with Integrity I’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC 2009 ‘Artists’ ink: printmaking from the Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection, 1970-2001’, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Ararat, VIC ‘Lorne Sculpture’ (Winner), Lorne, VIC 2008 ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Smith Street, Melbourne 2007 ARC Biennial (Art, Design and Craft), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane ‘Prints Tokyo: International Print Exhibition’, Tokyo, Japan Seoul International Print, Photo and Edition Works Art Fair, Seoul, Korea Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Antipodean Bestiary’, Project Space / Spare Room, RMIT University, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2007, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘2007: Works from the studio’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘50 - a print exchange portfolio’, Geelong Art Gallery, Geelong, VIC ‘Small Pleasures’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2006 ‘Partnership or perish’, Academy of the Arts, School of Visual and Performing Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart Libris Awards, Artspace Mackay, Mackay, QLD ‘Summery’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Bookish’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne Melbourne Art Fair, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘50th Anniversary Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2005 ‘End of Year Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Works on Paper’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Expansion’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘The Art of Collaboration’, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore ‘Double take’, Arts Project Australia, Melbourne ‘Small Treasures - 20 emerging and established artists’, TILT Contemporary Art, Melbourne Jacques Cadry Memorial Art Prize, Fox Studios and State Library of NSW, Sydney ‘Tales of the City’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘A Decade of Collecting 1995-2005’, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Surface Tension: 21 Contemporary Australian Printmakers’, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS ‘Neo-millenium’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne 2004 ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Species’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘In the presence of creatures great and small’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Tapestries from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Sculpture’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, National Arts Club, New York, USA ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, Gallery 101, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Australian Prints from the Collection’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney ‘Bridge’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne ‘Vivid’, Fortyfive Downstairs, Melbourne Lake Gallery, Paynesville, VIC 2003 ‘Paper matters’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Less is more’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘The ink’s on me: Bill Young master printmaker’, Wangaratta Exhibitions Gallery, Wangaratta, VIC ‘Fantastic and Visionary Art’, Touring: Global Arts Link, QLD; Ipswich Regional Gallery, QLD ; Orange Regional Gallery, NSW; Manning Regional Gallery, NSW; Parramatta Heritage Centre, Sydney; Ballarat Regional Gallery, VIC 2002 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2001 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Six Degrees of Collaboration’, RMIT Faculty of Art, Design and Communication Gallery, Melbourne ‘Reciprocal Moves’, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC International Print Triennial, Kanagawa, Japan ‘Fantastic Art’, Orange Regional Gallery, Orange, NSW ‘Dancing Made a Man out of Me’, The Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gippsland, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Celebration’, Regional touring exhibition, VIC 2000-01 ‘Workings of the Mind: Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s’, Touring: Grafton Regional Gallery, NSW; Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD; Nolan Gallery, Canberra; Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC; PercTucker Regional Gallery, QLD 2000 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA The Hutchins Art Prize, Long Gallery, Hobart ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 1999 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Space, Fremantle, WA ‘We are Australian’, George Adams Gallery, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne Rena Ellen Jones Memorial Print Award, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC ‘National Works on Paper’, Mornington Peninsula Gallery, Mornington, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Pleasure’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1998-99 ‘Australian Prints’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1997 ‘KNOCK, KNOCK’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Woven Colour, The Art of Tapestry’, Dr Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore 1996 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta, India ‘Synergy’, Touring: Lalit Kala Akademi, New Dehli, India; Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, Bombay, India; Birla, India ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, Denmark; Australia House, London, UK 1995 ‘Interweave - Tapestry A Collaborative Art’, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Printmakers’, La Trobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Circus Capers’, Caulfield Arts Complex, Melbourne 1994 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA Australian Universities of Visual Art, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, BMGArt, Adelaide Fourth Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne 1993 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA 1992 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Transitional Times’, Print Council of Australia, Melbourne ‘Second Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints’, Japan 1991 Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Table Top Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Art 91’, London Contemporary Art Fair, London, UK 1990 M.P.A.C. Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Prize, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle WA ‘The Christmas Show’, Intaglio Printmaker, London, England ‘Australian Contemporary Art’, AZ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1989 National Student Art Prize, Mitchell College, Bathurst, NSW Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA City of Doncaster Acquisitive Print Prize, Manningham Gallery, Melbourne ‘Affiliations’, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne 1988 M.P.A.C. Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC 1987 ‘The Comedy Show’, Print Guild, Melbourne ‘Fluxus Art Flow’, Melbourne 1986 Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC Chisolm Institute of Technology, Graduating Students exhibition, Melbourne AWARDS 2013 King Valley Art Prize (printmaking) 2009 Lorne Sculpture Exhibition (Winner), Lorne, VIC 1989 Windsor and Newton International Travelling Bursary, UK Linbrook International First Prize for Printmaking, Australia COMMISSIONS 2005 Tapestry design for Bairnsdale Hospital (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Bairnsdale, VIC 1999 Tapestry design ‘Emblem’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1995 ‘A Night of Infectious Laughter’ Poster, St Kilda Festival, Melbourne 1994 Tapestry design ‘Elephant Gingham’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1993 Tapestry design for the Festival of Perth Official Poster (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Perth RESIDENCIES & PROJECTS 2013 ‘Come In Outside’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool 2011 Mildura Wentworth Arts Festival Project, Mildura, VIC Residency, The Art Vault , Mildura, VIC 2010 ‘Wish’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool, Artplay, Melbourne The Art Vault (included continuous public flag making workshops which were flown as part of The Wentworth Mildura Art Festival), Mildura, VIC 2009 The Art Vault (included two public printmaking workshops), Mildura, VIC 2008 Artist in residence, MV Orlova, Quark Expeditions, Antarctica 2003 Residency, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Bairnsdale, VIC 1998 Residency, School of Architecture & Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Residency, La Salle/Fia, College of the Arts, Singapore 1996 Artist in residence, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne 1993 Reduction Aquatint Workshop & Residency, Graphic Investigation Department, Canberra School of Art, Canberra NB: all residencies have included workshops involving students, children or the general public COLLECTIONS Artbank, Sydney Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Canson Australia Pty Ltd, Australia City of Box Hill, Melbourne City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Downlands College, Toowoomba, QLD Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, VIC Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Gold Coast, QLD Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD Helensvale High School, Brisbane Holmes à Court Collection, Perth Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC Monash University, Melbourne Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Collection, Mornington, VIC National Gallery of Australia, Canberra National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra Print Council of Australia, Melbourne Private collections in Australia, Switzerland, USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Holland Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston, TAS Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Shire of Diamond Valley, Diamond Valley, VIC Star of the Sea College, Melbourne The Melbourne Club, Melbourne University of Central Queensland, Brisbane University of Technology, Sydney Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC BIBLIOGRAPHY PERIODICALS AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 4, July-August 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 6, November-December 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol.71, Issue 7, April 1999 Backhouse, Megan; “Going out of print and back to basics”, The Age, February 2003 Bellamy, Louise; “Renaissance of Western Art”, The Age (A2 section), 26 November 2005 Clabburn, Anna; “Fables and Foibles”, Art Monthly, September 1994 Dutkiewicz, Adam; “Edge of the sublime”, Advertiser, 1 December 2003, p. 76. Erickson, Dorothy; “The Festival that could have been”, The Bulletin, March 1994 Farmer, Alison; “Ricardo makes poster splash”, Sunday Times - Entertainment Extra, 19 September 1993 “Festival taps weaver’s art”, The West Australian, 11February 1994 Fiasco (web-page), March 2003 Jenkins, John; “A Dark City Narrative”, Imprint, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1999 Grishin, Sasha; “Multiplicity – collecting Australian prints”, Australian Art Review, Issue 13, March-June 2007, pp. 52-55 Grishin, Sasha; “Profiles in Print - Geoffrey Ricardo”, Craft Arts International, Issue 76, 2009, pp.1-4 Lloyd, Tim; “The elephant man”, The Advertiser (Review section), December 2007 Manzana Arné, Josep; “De L’Ex-Libris a L’Ex-Webis: Ex-Libris a Internet”, Ex-Libris, Associació Catalana D’Exlibristes, Barcelona, No. 27, July-December 2002, p.11 McDonald, John; “Dreams of hope and menace” The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 1995 McMillan, Peter; “Darkness visible”, The Age, 11September 1999 Nelson, Robert; “Circuses can be curated, but not cured”, The Age, 18 January 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Dream Weavers”, The Age, June 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Paen To Ricardo”, Imprint, Vol. 29, No.1, April, 1994 Nelson, Robert; “Revealed: Mother Nature’s vulgar past”, The Age, September 6, 2000 Nelson, Robert; “Riddled with hidden meaning”, The Age, September 8, 1999 Quadrant, April, 1995 Quadrant, Jan/Feb, 1995 Quadrant, October, 1995 Quadrant, November, 1994 “Ricardo’s surreal works at gallery”, Times-Spectator, 25 July 2003, p.7 Snell, Ted; “Art”, The Australian, 18 February1994 Snell, Ted; “Visual arts at the Festival of Perth”, Art Monthly, April 1994 Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Timms, Peter; “Geoff Ricardo: emerging from darkness”, Art Monthly, Issue 140, June 2001 Wallace, Dr Carmel; “Ways of seeing Australia”, Asian Art News, May/June 2004 BOOKS & CATALOGUES A Dark City Narrative, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 1999 ARC Biennial Exhibition (Exhibition catalogue), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, 2007, pp. 78-79 Clabburn, Anna; “The Collaborative Spirit”, Australian Tapestries: Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 1995, p. 37 Fantastic Art, Orange Regional Gallery, NSW, 2001 Field, Caroline; Herd, catalogue essay, Australian Galleries, Sydney, 2007 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Identities in Printmaking, Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, 2000 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Printmaking in the 1990’s, Craftsman House, 1997 Havighurst, Sophie (Illustrations by Geoffrey Ricardo); When Lester lost his cool, The University of Melbourne, 2007 Kolenberg, Hendrik & Ryan, Anne; Australian Prints, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998 Lawrence, Michel; Framed; photographs of Australian Artists, 1998 Modern Australian Tapestries, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 2000 The Rapunzel Suite, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 2002 Wallace, Dr Carmel (Essay); Surface Tension, Twenty One Contemporary Australian Printmakers, Gallery 101, Melbourne, 2004 Workings of the Mind : Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane, 2000 TELEVISION Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Inside Art TV, Channel 31, July 2012Framed intaglio print from Geoffrey Ricardo's 'A Dark City, A Narrative' suite'. Donated through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Programme by Katherine Littlewood.Under image in pencil ' artists proof "The Urban Heart" Ricardo 99,geoffrey ricardo, printmaking, framed print, intaglio -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Artwork - Printmaking, Geoffrey Ricardo, 'Love Street' by Geoffrey Ricardo, 1999
GEOFFREY RICARDO Born 1964, Melbourne, Australia 1984-86 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Printmaking, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1987-89 Printing Assistant at Bill Young Studios, Editioning intaglio prints, King Valley, VIC 1988 Full-time Studio Technician at Printmaking Department, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1989-90 Graduate Diploma (Fine Art), Printmaking, Monash University, Melbourne 1991 Traveled to England, France, Spain and USA (Winsor & Newton International Travelling Bursary, National Students Art Prize) Worked in private studios in Gaucin, Spain and New York, USA 1994-95 Master of Fine Arts, Monash University, Melbourne 1995 Guest Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne Traveled to Europe and America 1996 Guest Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1990-98 Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne 1998 Traveled to America and Mexico 2001-05 Sessional Lecturer, The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne 2003-10 Printmaking Workshops, Warrnambool TAFE, Warrnambool, VIC 2004 Traveled to Europe, Mexico and Cuba 2005 Lecturer, National Art School (Summer School), Sydney Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne Lecturer, Institution of Koorie Education, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2012 ‘Collection of Works’ The Art Vault Mildura ‘Deeper Meanings’, The Incinerator Gallery, Melbourne ‘Three Projects’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney Melbourne Art Fair Stand F33, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 2009 ‘Anno Domino, Antarctica and The Anatomy Lesson’, Australian Galleries Derby Street, Melbourne The Art Vault, Mildura, VIC 2008 MV Orlova (Quark Expeditions), The Drake Passage, Antarctica 2007 ‘Herd’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney 2006 ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2004 ‘Recent work’, BMGArt, Adelaide 2003 ‘The Rapunzel Suite and Other New Works’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Recent Works’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Recent works’, Cowwarr Art Space, Cowwarr, VIC 2002 ‘The Rapunzel Suite’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Strange Games’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney 1999 ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne 1998 Cullity Gallery, School of Architecture and Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Delaney Gallery, Perth Chapman Gallery, Canberra BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1995 ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1994 Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth Graham Galleries + Editions, Brisbane ‘Wishful Thinking, Prints and Sculptures’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth 1992 ‘Prints, Sculptures and Watercolours’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne and Sydney 1990 ‘Watercolours, Prints and Small Bronzes’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculptures’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2013 ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ Cottlesloe, Western Australia 2012 ‘Brave New World’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC ‘Sculpture by the Sea’, Bondi, Sydney 2011 ‘Sculpture by the sea’, Aarhus, Denmark ‘Artwork to Tapestry’, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, Healesville, VIC Burnie Print Prize, Burnie Regional Gallery, Burnie, TAS ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Roylston Street, Sydney ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Derby Street, Melbourne ‘Nature of the Mark’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Rick Amor Print Prize, Montsalvat, Eltham, VIC 2010 ‘Summer show’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney ‘Summer stock show’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne ‘Sub10’, Substation, Melbourne ‘McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2010’, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘Artists’ Prints made with Integrity I’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC 2009 ‘Artists’ ink: printmaking from the Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection, 1970-2001’, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Ararat, VIC ‘Lorne Sculpture’ (Winner), Lorne, VIC 2008 ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Smith Street, Melbourne 2007 ARC Biennial (Art, Design and Craft), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane ‘Prints Tokyo: International Print Exhibition’, Tokyo, Japan Seoul International Print, Photo and Edition Works Art Fair, Seoul, Korea Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Antipodean Bestiary’, Project Space / Spare Room, RMIT University, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2007, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘2007: Works from the studio’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘50 - a print exchange portfolio’, Geelong Art Gallery, Geelong, VIC ‘Small Pleasures’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2006 ‘Partnership or perish’, Academy of the Arts, School of Visual and Performing Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart Libris Awards, Artspace Mackay, Mackay, QLD ‘Summery’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Bookish’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne Melbourne Art Fair, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘50th Anniversary Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2005 ‘End of Year Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Works on Paper’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Expansion’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘The Art of Collaboration’, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore ‘Double take’, Arts Project Australia, Melbourne ‘Small Treasures - 20 emerging and established artists’, TILT Contemporary Art, Melbourne Jacques Cadry Memorial Art Prize, Fox Studios and State Library of NSW, Sydney ‘Tales of the City’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘A Decade of Collecting 1995-2005’, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Surface Tension: 21 Contemporary Australian Printmakers’, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS ‘Neo-millenium’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne 2004 ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Species’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘In the presence of creatures great and small’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Tapestries from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Sculpture’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, National Arts Club, New York, USA ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, Gallery 101, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Australian Prints from the Collection’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney ‘Bridge’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne ‘Vivid’, Fortyfive Downstairs, Melbourne Lake Gallery, Paynesville, VIC 2003 ‘Paper matters’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Less is more’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘The ink’s on me: Bill Young master printmaker’, Wangaratta Exhibitions Gallery, Wangaratta, VIC ‘Fantastic and Visionary Art’, Touring: Global Arts Link, QLD; Ipswich Regional Gallery, QLD ; Orange Regional Gallery, NSW; Manning Regional Gallery, NSW; Parramatta Heritage Centre, Sydney; Ballarat Regional Gallery, VIC 2002 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2001 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Six Degrees of Collaboration’, RMIT Faculty of Art, Design and Communication Gallery, Melbourne ‘Reciprocal Moves’, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC International Print Triennial, Kanagawa, Japan ‘Fantastic Art’, Orange Regional Gallery, Orange, NSW ‘Dancing Made a Man out of Me’, The Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gippsland, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Celebration’, Regional touring exhibition, VIC 2000-01 ‘Workings of the Mind: Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s’, Touring: Grafton Regional Gallery, NSW; Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD; Nolan Gallery, Canberra; Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC; PercTucker Regional Gallery, QLD 2000 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA The Hutchins Art Prize, Long Gallery, Hobart ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 1999 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Space, Fremantle, WA ‘We are Australian’, George Adams Gallery, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne Rena Ellen Jones Memorial Print Award, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC ‘National Works on Paper’, Mornington Peninsula Gallery, Mornington, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Pleasure’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1998-99 ‘Australian Prints’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1997 ‘KNOCK, KNOCK’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Woven Colour, The Art of Tapestry’, Dr Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore 1996 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta, India ‘Synergy’, Touring: Lalit Kala Akademi, New Dehli, India; Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, Bombay, India; Birla, India ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, Denmark; Australia House, London, UK 1995 ‘Interweave - Tapestry A Collaborative Art’, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Printmakers’, La Trobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Circus Capers’, Caulfield Arts Complex, Melbourne 1994 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA Australian Universities of Visual Art, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, BMGArt, Adelaide Fourth Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne 1993 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA 1992 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Transitional Times’, Print Council of Australia, Melbourne ‘Second Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints’, Japan 1991 Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Table Top Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Art 91’, London Contemporary Art Fair, London, UK 1990 M.P.A.C. Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Prize, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle WA ‘The Christmas Show’, Intaglio Printmaker, London, England ‘Australian Contemporary Art’, AZ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1989 National Student Art Prize, Mitchell College, Bathurst, NSW Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA City of Doncaster Acquisitive Print Prize, Manningham Gallery, Melbourne ‘Affiliations’, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne 1988 M.P.A.C. Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC 1987 ‘The Comedy Show’, Print Guild, Melbourne ‘Fluxus Art Flow’, Melbourne 1986 Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC Chisolm Institute of Technology, Graduating Students exhibition, Melbourne AWARDS 2013 King Valley Art Prize (printmaking) 2009 Lorne Sculpture Exhibition (Winner), Lorne, VIC 1989 Windsor and Newton International Travelling Bursary, UK Linbrook International First Prize for Printmaking, Australia COMMISSIONS 2005 Tapestry design for Bairnsdale Hospital (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Bairnsdale, VIC 1999 Tapestry design ‘Emblem’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1995 ‘A Night of Infectious Laughter’ Poster, St Kilda Festival, Melbourne 1994 Tapestry design ‘Elephant Gingham’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1993 Tapestry design for the Festival of Perth Official Poster (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Perth RESIDENCIES & PROJECTS 2013 ‘Come In Outside’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool 2011 Mildura Wentworth Arts Festival Project, Mildura, VIC Residency, The Art Vault , Mildura, VIC 2010 ‘Wish’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool, Artplay, Melbourne The Art Vault (included continuous public flag making workshops which were flown as part of The Wentworth Mildura Art Festival), Mildura, VIC 2009 The Art Vault (included two public printmaking workshops), Mildura, VIC 2008 Artist in residence, MV Orlova, Quark Expeditions, Antarctica 2003 Residency, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Bairnsdale, VIC 1998 Residency, School of Architecture & Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Residency, La Salle/Fia, College of the Arts, Singapore 1996 Artist in residence, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne 1993 Reduction Aquatint Workshop & Residency, Graphic Investigation Department, Canberra School of Art, Canberra NB: all residencies have included workshops involving students, children or the general public COLLECTIONS Artbank, Sydney Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Canson Australia Pty Ltd, Australia City of Box Hill, Melbourne City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Downlands College, Toowoomba, QLD Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, VIC Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Gold Coast, QLD Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD Helensvale High School, Brisbane Holmes à Court Collection, Perth Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC Monash University, Melbourne Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Collection, Mornington, VIC National Gallery of Australia, Canberra National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra Print Council of Australia, Melbourne Private collections in Australia, Switzerland, USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Holland Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston, TAS Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Shire of Diamond Valley, Diamond Valley, VIC Star of the Sea College, Melbourne The Melbourne Club, Melbourne University of Central Queensland, Brisbane University of Technology, Sydney Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC BIBLIOGRAPHY PERIODICALS AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 4, July-August 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 6, November-December 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol.71, Issue 7, April 1999 Backhouse, Megan; “Going out of print and back to basics”, The Age, February 2003 Bellamy, Louise; “Renaissance of Western Art”, The Age (A2 section), 26 November 2005 Clabburn, Anna; “Fables and Foibles”, Art Monthly, September 1994 Dutkiewicz, Adam; “Edge of the sublime”, Advertiser, 1 December 2003, p. 76. Erickson, Dorothy; “The Festival that could have been”, The Bulletin, March 1994 Farmer, Alison; “Ricardo makes poster splash”, Sunday Times - Entertainment Extra, 19 September 1993 “Festival taps weaver’s art”, The West Australian, 11February 1994 Fiasco (web-page), March 2003 Jenkins, John; “A Dark City Narrative”, Imprint, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1999 Grishin, Sasha; “Multiplicity – collecting Australian prints”, Australian Art Review, Issue 13, March-June 2007, pp. 52-55 Grishin, Sasha; “Profiles in Print - Geoffrey Ricardo”, Craft Arts International, Issue 76, 2009, pp.1-4 Lloyd, Tim; “The elephant man”, The Advertiser (Review section), December 2007 Manzana Arné, Josep; “De L’Ex-Libris a L’Ex-Webis: Ex-Libris a Internet”, Ex-Libris, Associació Catalana D’Exlibristes, Barcelona, No. 27, July-December 2002, p.11 McDonald, John; “Dreams of hope and menace” The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 1995 McMillan, Peter; “Darkness visible”, The Age, 11September 1999 Nelson, Robert; “Circuses can be curated, but not cured”, The Age, 18 January 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Dream Weavers”, The Age, June 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Paen To Ricardo”, Imprint, Vol. 29, No.1, April, 1994 Nelson, Robert; “Revealed: Mother Nature’s vulgar past”, The Age, September 6, 2000 Nelson, Robert; “Riddled with hidden meaning”, The Age, September 8, 1999 Quadrant, April, 1995 Quadrant, Jan/Feb, 1995 Quadrant, October, 1995 Quadrant, November, 1994 “Ricardo’s surreal works at gallery”, Times-Spectator, 25 July 2003, p.7 Snell, Ted; “Art”, The Australian, 18 February1994 Snell, Ted; “Visual arts at the Festival of Perth”, Art Monthly, April 1994 Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Timms, Peter; “Geoff Ricardo: emerging from darkness”, Art Monthly, Issue 140, June 2001 Wallace, Dr Carmel; “Ways of seeing Australia”, Asian Art News, May/June 2004 BOOKS & CATALOGUES A Dark City Narrative, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 1999 ARC Biennial Exhibition (Exhibition catalogue), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, 2007, pp. 78-79 Clabburn, Anna; “The Collaborative Spirit”, Australian Tapestries: Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 1995, p. 37 Fantastic Art, Orange Regional Gallery, NSW, 2001 Field, Caroline; Herd, catalogue essay, Australian Galleries, Sydney, 2007 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Identities in Printmaking, Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, 2000 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Printmaking in the 1990’s, Craftsman House, 1997 Havighurst, Sophie (Illustrations by Geoffrey Ricardo); When Lester lost his cool, The University of Melbourne, 2007 Kolenberg, Hendrik & Ryan, Anne; Australian Prints, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998 Lawrence, Michel; Framed; photographs of Australian Artists, 1998 Modern Australian Tapestries, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 2000 The Rapunzel Suite, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 2002 Wallace, Dr Carmel (Essay); Surface Tension, Twenty One Contemporary Australian Printmakers, Gallery 101, Melbourne, 2004 Workings of the Mind : Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane, 2000 TELEVISION Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Inside Art TV, Channel 31, July 2012Framed intaglio print from Geoffrey Ricardo's 'A Dark City, A Narrative' suite. Donated through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Programme by Katherine Littlewood.Under image in pencil '7/25 "Love street" Ricardo 99'geoffrey ricardo, printmaking, artworks, artist -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Artwork - Printmaking, Geoffrey Ricardo, Not known (Geoffrey Ricardo), 1997
GEOFFREY RICARDO (1964- ) Born Melbourne, Australia 1984-86 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Printmaking, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1987-89 Printing Assistant at Bill Young Studios, Editioning intaglio prints, King Valley, VIC 1988 Full-time Studio Technician at Printmaking Department, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1989-90 Graduate Diploma (Fine Art), Printmaking, Monash University, Melbourne 1991 Traveled to England, France, Spain and USA (Winsor & Newton International Travelling Bursary, National Students Art Prize) Worked in private studios in Gaucin, Spain and New York, USA 1994-95 Master of Fine Arts, Monash University, Melbourne 1995 Guest Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne Traveled to Europe and America 1996 Guest Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1990-98 Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne 1998 Traveled to America and Mexico 2001-05 Sessional Lecturer, The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne 2003-10 Printmaking Workshops, Warrnambool TAFE, Warrnambool, VIC 2004 Traveled to Europe, Mexico and Cuba 2005 Lecturer, National Art School (Summer School), Sydney Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne Lecturer, Institution of Koorie Education, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2012 ‘Collection of Works’ The Art Vault Mildura ‘Deeper Meanings’, The Incinerator Gallery, Melbourne ‘Three Projects’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney Melbourne Art Fair Stand F33, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 2009 ‘Anno Domino, Antarctica and The Anatomy Lesson’, Australian Galleries Derby Street, Melbourne The Art Vault, Mildura, VIC 2008 MV Orlova (Quark Expeditions), The Drake Passage, Antarctica 2007 ‘Herd’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney 2006 ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2004 ‘Recent work’, BMGArt, Adelaide 2003 ‘The Rapunzel Suite and Other New Works’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Recent Works’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Recent works’, Cowwarr Art Space, Cowwarr, VIC 2002 ‘The Rapunzel Suite’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Strange Games’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney 1999 ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne 1998 Cullity Gallery, School of Architecture and Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Delaney Gallery, Perth Chapman Gallery, Canberra BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1995 ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1994 Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth Graham Galleries + Editions, Brisbane ‘Wishful Thinking, Prints and Sculptures’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth 1992 ‘Prints, Sculptures and Watercolours’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne and Sydney 1990 ‘Watercolours, Prints and Small Bronzes’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculptures’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2013 ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ Cottlesloe, Western Australia 2012 ‘Brave New World’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC ‘Sculpture by the Sea’, Bondi, Sydney 2011 ‘Sculpture by the sea’, Aarhus, Denmark ‘Artwork to Tapestry’, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, Healesville, VIC Burnie Print Prize, Burnie Regional Gallery, Burnie, TAS ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Roylston Street, Sydney ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Derby Street, Melbourne ‘Nature of the Mark’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Rick Amor Print Prize, Montsalvat, Eltham, VIC 2010 ‘Summer show’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney ‘Summer stock show’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne ‘Sub10’, Substation, Melbourne ‘McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2010’, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘Artists’ Prints made with Integrity I’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC 2009 ‘Artists’ ink: printmaking from the Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection, 1970-2001’, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Ararat, VIC ‘Lorne Sculpture’ (Winner), Lorne, VIC 2008 ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Smith Street, Melbourne 2007 ARC Biennial (Art, Design and Craft), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane ‘Prints Tokyo: International Print Exhibition’, Tokyo, Japan Seoul International Print, Photo and Edition Works Art Fair, Seoul, Korea Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Antipodean Bestiary’, Project Space / Spare Room, RMIT University, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2007, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘2007: Works from the studio’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘50 - a print exchange portfolio’, Geelong Art Gallery, Geelong, VIC ‘Small Pleasures’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2006 ‘Partnership or perish’, Academy of the Arts, School of Visual and Performing Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart Libris Awards, Artspace Mackay, Mackay, QLD ‘Summery’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Bookish’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne Melbourne Art Fair, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘50th Anniversary Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2005 ‘End of Year Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Works on Paper’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Expansion’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘The Art of Collaboration’, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore ‘Double take’, Arts Project Australia, Melbourne ‘Small Treasures - 20 emerging and established artists’, TILT Contemporary Art, Melbourne Jacques Cadry Memorial Art Prize, Fox Studios and State Library of NSW, Sydney ‘Tales of the City’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘A Decade of Collecting 1995-2005’, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Surface Tension: 21 Contemporary Australian Printmakers’, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS ‘Neo-millenium’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne 2004 ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Species’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘In the presence of creatures great and small’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Tapestries from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Sculpture’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, National Arts Club, New York, USA ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, Gallery 101, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Australian Prints from the Collection’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney ‘Bridge’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne ‘Vivid’, Fortyfive Downstairs, Melbourne Lake Gallery, Paynesville, VIC 2003 ‘Paper matters’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Less is more’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘The ink’s on me: Bill Young master printmaker’, Wangaratta Exhibitions Gallery, Wangaratta, VIC ‘Fantastic and Visionary Art’, Touring: Global Arts Link, QLD; Ipswich Regional Gallery, QLD ; Orange Regional Gallery, NSW; Manning Regional Gallery, NSW; Parramatta Heritage Centre, Sydney; Ballarat Regional Gallery, VIC 2002 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2001 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Six Degrees of Collaboration’, RMIT Faculty of Art, Design and Communication Gallery, Melbourne ‘Reciprocal Moves’, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC International Print Triennial, Kanagawa, Japan ‘Fantastic Art’, Orange Regional Gallery, Orange, NSW ‘Dancing Made a Man out of Me’, The Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gippsland, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Celebration’, Regional touring exhibition, VIC 2000-01 ‘Workings of the Mind: Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s’, Touring: Grafton Regional Gallery, NSW; Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD; Nolan Gallery, Canberra; Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC; PercTucker Regional Gallery, QLD 2000 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA The Hutchins Art Prize, Long Gallery, Hobart ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 1999 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Space, Fremantle, WA ‘We are Australian’, George Adams Gallery, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne Rena Ellen Jones Memorial Print Award, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC ‘National Works on Paper’, Mornington Peninsula Gallery, Mornington, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Pleasure’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1998-99 ‘Australian Prints’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1997 ‘KNOCK, KNOCK’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Woven Colour, The Art of Tapestry’, Dr Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore 1996 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta, India ‘Synergy’, Touring: Lalit Kala Akademi, New Dehli, India; Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, Bombay, India; Birla, India ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, Denmark; Australia House, London, UK 1995 ‘Interweave - Tapestry A Collaborative Art’, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Printmakers’, La Trobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Circus Capers’, Caulfield Arts Complex, Melbourne 1994 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA Australian Universities of Visual Art, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, BMGArt, Adelaide Fourth Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne 1993 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA 1992 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Transitional Times’, Print Council of Australia, Melbourne ‘Second Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints’, Japan 1991 Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Table Top Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Art 91’, London Contemporary Art Fair, London, UK 1990 M.P.A.C. Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Prize, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle WA ‘The Christmas Show’, Intaglio Printmaker, London, England ‘Australian Contemporary Art’, AZ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1989 National Student Art Prize, Mitchell College, Bathurst, NSW Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA City of Doncaster Acquisitive Print Prize, Manningham Gallery, Melbourne ‘Affiliations’, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne 1988 M.P.A.C. Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC 1987 ‘The Comedy Show’, Print Guild, Melbourne ‘Fluxus Art Flow’, Melbourne 1986 Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC Chisolm Institute of Technology, Graduating Students exhibition, Melbourne AWARDS 2013 King Valley Art Prize (printmaking) 2009 Lorne Sculpture Exhibition (Winner), Lorne, VIC 1989 Windsor and Newton International Travelling Bursary, UK Linbrook International First Prize for Printmaking, Australia COMMISSIONS 2005 Tapestry design for Bairnsdale Hospital (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Bairnsdale, VIC 1999 Tapestry design ‘Emblem’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1995 ‘A Night of Infectious Laughter’ Poster, St Kilda Festival, Melbourne 1994 Tapestry design ‘Elephant Gingham’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1993 Tapestry design for the Festival of Perth Official Poster (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Perth RESIDENCIES & PROJECTS 2013 ‘Come In Outside’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool 2011 Mildura Wentworth Arts Festival Project, Mildura, VIC Residency, The Art Vault , Mildura, VIC 2010 ‘Wish’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool, Artplay, Melbourne The Art Vault (included continuous public flag making workshops which were flown as part of The Wentworth Mildura Art Festival), Mildura, VIC 2009 The Art Vault (included two public printmaking workshops), Mildura, VIC 2008 Artist in residence, MV Orlova, Quark Expeditions, Antarctica 2003 Residency, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Bairnsdale, VIC 1998 Residency, School of Architecture & Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Residency, La Salle/Fia, College of the Arts, Singapore 1996 Artist in residence, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne 1993 Reduction Aquatint Workshop & Residency, Graphic Investigation Department, Canberra School of Art, Canberra NB: all residencies have included workshops involving students, children or the general public COLLECTIONS Artbank, Sydney Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Canson Australia Pty Ltd, Australia City of Box Hill, Melbourne City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Downlands College, Toowoomba, QLD Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, VIC Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Gold Coast, QLD Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD Helensvale High School, Brisbane Holmes à Court Collection, Perth Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC Monash University, Melbourne Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Collection, Mornington, VIC National Gallery of Australia, Canberra National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra Print Council of Australia, Melbourne Private collections in Australia, Switzerland, USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Holland Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston, TAS Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Shire of Diamond Valley, Diamond Valley, VIC Star of the Sea College, Melbourne The Melbourne Club, Melbourne University of Central Queensland, Brisbane University of Technology, Sydney Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC BIBLIOGRAPHY PERIODICALS AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 4, July-August 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 6, November-December 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol.71, Issue 7, April 1999 Backhouse, Megan; “Going out of print and back to basics”, The Age, February 2003 Bellamy, Louise; “Renaissance of Western Art”, The Age (A2 section), 26 November 2005 Clabburn, Anna; “Fables and Foibles”, Art Monthly, September 1994 Dutkiewicz, Adam; “Edge of the sublime”, Advertiser, 1 December 2003, p. 76. Erickson, Dorothy; “The Festival that could have been”, The Bulletin, March 1994 Farmer, Alison; “Ricardo makes poster splash”, Sunday Times - Entertainment Extra, 19 September 1993 “Festival taps weaver’s art”, The West Australian, 11February 1994 Fiasco (web-page), March 2003 Jenkins, John; “A Dark City Narrative”, Imprint, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1999 Grishin, Sasha; “Multiplicity – collecting Australian prints”, Australian Art Review, Issue 13, March-June 2007, pp. 52-55 Grishin, Sasha; “Profiles in Print - Geoffrey Ricardo”, Craft Arts International, Issue 76, 2009, pp.1-4 Lloyd, Tim; “The elephant man”, The Advertiser (Review section), December 2007 Manzana Arné, Josep; “De L’Ex-Libris a L’Ex-Webis: Ex-Libris a Internet”, Ex-Libris, Associació Catalana D’Exlibristes, Barcelona, No. 27, July-December 2002, p.11 McDonald, John; “Dreams of hope and menace” The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 1995 McMillan, Peter; “Darkness visible”, The Age, 11September 1999 Nelson, Robert; “Circuses can be curated, but not cured”, The Age, 18 January 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Dream Weavers”, The Age, June 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Paen To Ricardo”, Imprint, Vol. 29, No.1, April, 1994 Nelson, Robert; “Revealed: Mother Nature’s vulgar past”, The Age, September 6, 2000 Nelson, Robert; “Riddled with hidden meaning”, The Age, September 8, 1999 Quadrant, April, 1995 Quadrant, Jan/Feb, 1995 Quadrant, October, 1995 Quadrant, November, 1994 “Ricardo’s surreal works at gallery”, Times-Spectator, 25 July 2003, p.7 Snell, Ted; “Art”, The Australian, 18 February1994 Snell, Ted; “Visual arts at the Festival of Perth”, Art Monthly, April 1994 Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Timms, Peter; “Geoff Ricardo: emerging from darkness”, Art Monthly, Issue 140, June 2001 Wallace, Dr Carmel; “Ways of seeing Australia”, Asian Art News, May/June 2004 BOOKS & CATALOGUES A Dark City Narrative, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 1999 ARC Biennial Exhibition (Exhibition catalogue), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, 2007, pp. 78-79 Clabburn, Anna; “The Collaborative Spirit”, Australian Tapestries: Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 1995, p. 37 Fantastic Art, Orange Regional Gallery, NSW, 2001 Field, Caroline; Herd, catalogue essay, Australian Galleries, Sydney, 2007 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Identities in Printmaking, Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, 2000 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Printmaking in the 1990’s, Craftsman House, 1997 Havighurst, Sophie (Illustrations by Geoffrey Ricardo); When Lester lost his cool, The University of Melbourne, 2007 Kolenberg, Hendrik & Ryan, Anne; Australian Prints, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998 Lawrence, Michel; Framed; photographs of Australian Artists, 1998 Modern Australian Tapestries, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 2000 The Rapunzel Suite, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 2002 Wallace, Dr Carmel (Essay); Surface Tension, Twenty One Contemporary Australian Printmakers, Gallery 101, Melbourne, 2004 Workings of the Mind : Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane, 2000 TELEVISION Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Inside Art TV, Channel 31, July 2012Etching with aquatint on paper depicting a group of people pulling along a giant inflatable cow. Donated through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Programme by Katherine Littlewood.Lower left "State Proof" Lower right "Ricardo '97"geoffrey ricardo, printmaking, balloon, cow -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Artwork - Printmaking, Ricardo, Geoffrey, 'Veneer Deer' by Geoffrey Ricardo, 1997
GEOFFREY RICARDO (1964- ) Born Melbourne, Australia 1984-86 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Printmaking, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1987-89 Printing Assistant at Bill Young Studios, Editioning intaglio prints, King Valley, VIC 1988 Full-time Studio Technician at Printmaking Department, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1989-90 Graduate Diploma (Fine Art), Printmaking, Monash University, Melbourne 1991 Traveled to England, France, Spain and USA (Winsor & Newton International Travelling Bursary, National Students Art Prize) Worked in private studios in Gaucin, Spain and New York, USA 1994-95 Master of Fine Arts, Monash University, Melbourne 1995 Guest Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne Traveled to Europe and America 1996 Guest Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1990-98 Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne 1998 Traveled to America and Mexico 2001-05 Sessional Lecturer, The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne 2003-10 Printmaking Workshops, Warrnambool TAFE, Warrnambool, VIC 2004 Traveled to Europe, Mexico and Cuba 2005 Lecturer, National Art School (Summer School), Sydney Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne Lecturer, Institution of Koorie Education, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2012 ‘Collection of Works’ The Art Vault Mildura ‘Deeper Meanings’, The Incinerator Gallery, Melbourne ‘Three Projects’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney Melbourne Art Fair Stand F33, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 2009 ‘Anno Domino, Antarctica and The Anatomy Lesson’, Australian Galleries Derby Street, Melbourne The Art Vault, Mildura, VIC 2008 MV Orlova (Quark Expeditions), The Drake Passage, Antarctica 2007 ‘Herd’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney 2006 ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2004 ‘Recent work’, BMGArt, Adelaide 2003 ‘The Rapunzel Suite and Other New Works’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Recent Works’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Recent works’, Cowwarr Art Space, Cowwarr, VIC 2002 ‘The Rapunzel Suite’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Strange Games’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney 1999 ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne 1998 Cullity Gallery, School of Architecture and Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Delaney Gallery, Perth Chapman Gallery, Canberra BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1995 ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1994 Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth Graham Galleries + Editions, Brisbane ‘Wishful Thinking, Prints and Sculptures’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth 1992 ‘Prints, Sculptures and Watercolours’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne and Sydney 1990 ‘Watercolours, Prints and Small Bronzes’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculptures’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2013 ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ Cottlesloe, Western Australia 2012 ‘Brave New World’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC ‘Sculpture by the Sea’, Bondi, Sydney 2011 ‘Sculpture by the sea’, Aarhus, Denmark ‘Artwork to Tapestry’, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, Healesville, VIC Burnie Print Prize, Burnie Regional Gallery, Burnie, TAS ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Roylston Street, Sydney ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Derby Street, Melbourne ‘Nature of the Mark’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Rick Amor Print Prize, Montsalvat, Eltham, VIC 2010 ‘Summer show’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney ‘Summer stock show’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne ‘Sub10’, Substation, Melbourne ‘McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2010’, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘Artists’ Prints made with Integrity I’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC 2009 ‘Artists’ ink: printmaking from the Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection, 1970-2001’, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Ararat, VIC ‘Lorne Sculpture’ (Winner), Lorne, VIC 2008 ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Smith Street, Melbourne 2007 ARC Biennial (Art, Design and Craft), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane ‘Prints Tokyo: International Print Exhibition’, Tokyo, Japan Seoul International Print, Photo and Edition Works Art Fair, Seoul, Korea Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Antipodean Bestiary’, Project Space / Spare Room, RMIT University, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2007, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘2007: Works from the studio’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘50 - a print exchange portfolio’, Geelong Art Gallery, Geelong, VIC ‘Small Pleasures’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2006 ‘Partnership or perish’, Academy of the Arts, School of Visual and Performing Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart Libris Awards, Artspace Mackay, Mackay, QLD ‘Summery’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Bookish’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne Melbourne Art Fair, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘50th Anniversary Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2005 ‘End of Year Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Works on Paper’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Expansion’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘The Art of Collaboration’, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore ‘Double take’, Arts Project Australia, Melbourne ‘Small Treasures - 20 emerging and established artists’, TILT Contemporary Art, Melbourne Jacques Cadry Memorial Art Prize, Fox Studios and State Library of NSW, Sydney ‘Tales of the City’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘A Decade of Collecting 1995-2005’, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Surface Tension: 21 Contemporary Australian Printmakers’, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS ‘Neo-millenium’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne 2004 ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Species’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘In the presence of creatures great and small’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Tapestries from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Sculpture’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, National Arts Club, New York, USA ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, Gallery 101, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Australian Prints from the Collection’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney ‘Bridge’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne ‘Vivid’, Fortyfive Downstairs, Melbourne Lake Gallery, Paynesville, VIC 2003 ‘Paper matters’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Less is more’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘The ink’s on me: Bill Young master printmaker’, Wangaratta Exhibitions Gallery, Wangaratta, VIC ‘Fantastic and Visionary Art’, Touring: Global Arts Link, QLD; Ipswich Regional Gallery, QLD ; Orange Regional Gallery, NSW; Manning Regional Gallery, NSW; Parramatta Heritage Centre, Sydney; Ballarat Regional Gallery, VIC 2002 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2001 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Six Degrees of Collaboration’, RMIT Faculty of Art, Design and Communication Gallery, Melbourne ‘Reciprocal Moves’, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC International Print Triennial, Kanagawa, Japan ‘Fantastic Art’, Orange Regional Gallery, Orange, NSW ‘Dancing Made a Man out of Me’, The Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gippsland, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Celebration’, Regional touring exhibition, VIC 2000-01 ‘Workings of the Mind: Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s’, Touring: Grafton Regional Gallery, NSW; Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD; Nolan Gallery, Canberra; Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC; PercTucker Regional Gallery, QLD 2000 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA The Hutchins Art Prize, Long Gallery, Hobart ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 1999 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Space, Fremantle, WA ‘We are Australian’, George Adams Gallery, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne Rena Ellen Jones Memorial Print Award, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC ‘National Works on Paper’, Mornington Peninsula Gallery, Mornington, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Pleasure’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1998-99 ‘Australian Prints’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1997 ‘KNOCK, KNOCK’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Woven Colour, The Art of Tapestry’, Dr Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore 1996 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta, India ‘Synergy’, Touring: Lalit Kala Akademi, New Dehli, India; Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, Bombay, India; Birla, India ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, Denmark; Australia House, London, UK 1995 ‘Interweave - Tapestry A Collaborative Art’, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Printmakers’, La Trobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Circus Capers’, Caulfield Arts Complex, Melbourne 1994 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA Australian Universities of Visual Art, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, BMGArt, Adelaide Fourth Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne 1993 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA 1992 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Transitional Times’, Print Council of Australia, Melbourne ‘Second Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints’, Japan 1991 Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Table Top Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Art 91’, London Contemporary Art Fair, London, UK 1990 M.P.A.C. Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Prize, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle WA ‘The Christmas Show’, Intaglio Printmaker, London, England ‘Australian Contemporary Art’, AZ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1989 National Student Art Prize, Mitchell College, Bathurst, NSW Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA City of Doncaster Acquisitive Print Prize, Manningham Gallery, Melbourne ‘Affiliations’, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne 1988 M.P.A.C. Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC 1987 ‘The Comedy Show’, Print Guild, Melbourne ‘Fluxus Art Flow’, Melbourne 1986 Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC Chisolm Institute of Technology, Graduating Students exhibition, Melbourne AWARDS 2013 King Valley Art Prize (printmaking) 2009 Lorne Sculpture Exhibition (Winner), Lorne, VIC 1989 Windsor and Newton International Travelling Bursary, UK Linbrook International First Prize for Printmaking, Australia COMMISSIONS 2005 Tapestry design for Bairnsdale Hospital (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Bairnsdale, VIC 1999 Tapestry design ‘Emblem’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1995 ‘A Night of Infectious Laughter’ Poster, St Kilda Festival, Melbourne 1994 Tapestry design ‘Elephant Gingham’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1993 Tapestry design for the Festival of Perth Official Poster (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Perth RESIDENCIES & PROJECTS 2013 ‘Come In Outside’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool 2011 Mildura Wentworth Arts Festival Project, Mildura, VIC Residency, The Art Vault , Mildura, VIC 2010 ‘Wish’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool, Artplay, Melbourne The Art Vault (included continuous public flag making workshops which were flown as part of The Wentworth Mildura Art Festival), Mildura, VIC 2009 The Art Vault (included two public printmaking workshops), Mildura, VIC 2008 Artist in residence, MV Orlova, Quark Expeditions, Antarctica 2003 Residency, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Bairnsdale, VIC 1998 Residency, School of Architecture & Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Residency, La Salle/Fia, College of the Arts, Singapore 1996 Artist in residence, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne 1993 Reduction Aquatint Workshop & Residency, Graphic Investigation Department, Canberra School of Art, Canberra NB: all residencies have included workshops involving students, children or the general public COLLECTIONS Artbank, Sydney Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Canson Australia Pty Ltd, Australia City of Box Hill, Melbourne City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Downlands College, Toowoomba, QLD Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, VIC Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Gold Coast, QLD Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD Helensvale High School, Brisbane Holmes à Court Collection, Perth Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC Monash University, Melbourne Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Collection, Mornington, VIC National Gallery of Australia, Canberra National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra Print Council of Australia, Melbourne Private collections in Australia, Switzerland, USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Holland Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston, TAS Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Shire of Diamond Valley, Diamond Valley, VIC Star of the Sea College, Melbourne The Melbourne Club, Melbourne University of Central Queensland, Brisbane University of Technology, Sydney Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC BIBLIOGRAPHY PERIODICALS AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 4, July-August 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 6, November-December 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol.71, Issue 7, April 1999 Backhouse, Megan; “Going out of print and back to basics”, The Age, February 2003 Bellamy, Louise; “Renaissance of Western Art”, The Age (A2 section), 26 November 2005 Clabburn, Anna; “Fables and Foibles”, Art Monthly, September 1994 Dutkiewicz, Adam; “Edge of the sublime”, Advertiser, 1 December 2003, p. 76. Erickson, Dorothy; “The Festival that could have been”, The Bulletin, March 1994 Farmer, Alison; “Ricardo makes poster splash”, Sunday Times - Entertainment Extra, 19 September 1993 “Festival taps weaver’s art”, The West Australian, 11February 1994 Fiasco (web-page), March 2003 Jenkins, John; “A Dark City Narrative”, Imprint, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1999 Grishin, Sasha; “Multiplicity – collecting Australian prints”, Australian Art Review, Issue 13, March-June 2007, pp. 52-55 Grishin, Sasha; “Profiles in Print - Geoffrey Ricardo”, Craft Arts International, Issue 76, 2009, pp.1-4 Lloyd, Tim; “The elephant man”, The Advertiser (Review section), December 2007 Manzana Arné, Josep; “De L’Ex-Libris a L’Ex-Webis: Ex-Libris a Internet”, Ex-Libris, Associació Catalana D’Exlibristes, Barcelona, No. 27, July-December 2002, p.11 McDonald, John; “Dreams of hope and menace” The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 1995 McMillan, Peter; “Darkness visible”, The Age, 11September 1999 Nelson, Robert; “Circuses can be curated, but not cured”, The Age, 18 January 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Dream Weavers”, The Age, June 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Paen To Ricardo”, Imprint, Vol. 29, No.1, April, 1994 Nelson, Robert; “Revealed: Mother Nature’s vulgar past”, The Age, September 6, 2000 Nelson, Robert; “Riddled with hidden meaning”, The Age, September 8, 1999 Quadrant, April, 1995 Quadrant, Jan/Feb, 1995 Quadrant, October, 1995 Quadrant, November, 1994 “Ricardo’s surreal works at gallery”, Times-Spectator, 25 July 2003, p.7 Snell, Ted; “Art”, The Australian, 18 February1994 Snell, Ted; “Visual arts at the Festival of Perth”, Art Monthly, April 1994 Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Timms, Peter; “Geoff Ricardo: emerging from darkness”, Art Monthly, Issue 140, June 2001 Wallace, Dr Carmel; “Ways of seeing Australia”, Asian Art News, May/June 2004 BOOKS & CATALOGUES A Dark City Narrative, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 1999 ARC Biennial Exhibition (Exhibition catalogue), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, 2007, pp. 78-79 Clabburn, Anna; “The Collaborative Spirit”, Australian Tapestries: Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 1995, p. 37 Fantastic Art, Orange Regional Gallery, NSW, 2001 Field, Caroline; Herd, catalogue essay, Australian Galleries, Sydney, 2007 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Identities in Printmaking, Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, 2000 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Printmaking in the 1990’s, Craftsman House, 1997 Havighurst, Sophie (Illustrations by Geoffrey Ricardo); When Lester lost his cool, The University of Melbourne, 2007 Kolenberg, Hendrik & Ryan, Anne; Australian Prints, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998 Lawrence, Michel; Framed; photographs of Australian Artists, 1998 Modern Australian Tapestries, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 2000 The Rapunzel Suite, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 2002 Wallace, Dr Carmel (Essay); Surface Tension, Twenty One Contemporary Australian Printmakers, Gallery 101, Melbourne, 2004 Workings of the Mind : Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane, 2000 TELEVISION Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Inside Art TV, Channel 31, July 2012Framed coloured aquatint.geoffrey ricardo, printmaking -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Artwork - Printmaking, Ricardo, Geoffrey, 'Lobster Chase' by Geoffrey Ricardo, 2000
GEOFFREY RICARDO (1964- ) Born Melbourne, Australia 1984-86 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Printmaking, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1987-89 Printing Assistant at Bill Young Studios, Editioning intaglio prints, King Valley, VIC 1988 Full-time Studio Technician at Printmaking Department, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1989-90 Graduate Diploma (Fine Art), Printmaking, Monash University, Melbourne 1991 Traveled to England, France, Spain and USA (Winsor & Newton International Travelling Bursary, National Students Art Prize) Worked in private studios in Gaucin, Spain and New York, USA 1994-95 Master of Fine Arts, Monash University, Melbourne 1995 Guest Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne Traveled to Europe and America 1996 Guest Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1990-98 Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne 1998 Traveled to America and Mexico 2001-05 Sessional Lecturer, The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne 2003-10 Printmaking Workshops, Warrnambool TAFE, Warrnambool, VIC 2004 Traveled to Europe, Mexico and Cuba 2005 Lecturer, National Art School (Summer School), Sydney Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne Lecturer, Institution of Koorie Education, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2012 ‘Collection of Works’ The Art Vault Mildura ‘Deeper Meanings’, The Incinerator Gallery, Melbourne ‘Three Projects’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney Melbourne Art Fair Stand F33, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 2009 ‘Anno Domino, Antarctica and The Anatomy Lesson’, Australian Galleries Derby Street, Melbourne The Art Vault, Mildura, VIC 2008 MV Orlova (Quark Expeditions), The Drake Passage, Antarctica 2007 ‘Herd’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney 2006 ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2004 ‘Recent work’, BMGArt, Adelaide 2003 ‘The Rapunzel Suite and Other New Works’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Recent Works’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Recent works’, Cowwarr Art Space, Cowwarr, VIC 2002 ‘The Rapunzel Suite’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Strange Games’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney 1999 ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne 1998 Cullity Gallery, School of Architecture and Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Delaney Gallery, Perth Chapman Gallery, Canberra BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1995 ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1994 Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth Graham Galleries + Editions, Brisbane ‘Wishful Thinking, Prints and Sculptures’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth 1992 ‘Prints, Sculptures and Watercolours’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne and Sydney 1990 ‘Watercolours, Prints and Small Bronzes’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculptures’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2013 ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ Cottlesloe, Western Australia 2012 ‘Brave New World’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC ‘Sculpture by the Sea’, Bondi, Sydney 2011 ‘Sculpture by the sea’, Aarhus, Denmark ‘Artwork to Tapestry’, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, Healesville, VIC Burnie Print Prize, Burnie Regional Gallery, Burnie, TAS ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Roylston Street, Sydney ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Derby Street, Melbourne ‘Nature of the Mark’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Rick Amor Print Prize, Montsalvat, Eltham, VIC 2010 ‘Summer show’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney ‘Summer stock show’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne ‘Sub10’, Substation, Melbourne ‘McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2010’, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘Artists’ Prints made with Integrity I’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC 2009 ‘Artists’ ink: printmaking from the Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection, 1970-2001’, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Ararat, VIC ‘Lorne Sculpture’ (Winner), Lorne, VIC 2008 ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Smith Street, Melbourne 2007 ARC Biennial (Art, Design and Craft), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane ‘Prints Tokyo: International Print Exhibition’, Tokyo, Japan Seoul International Print, Photo and Edition Works Art Fair, Seoul, Korea Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Antipodean Bestiary’, Project Space / Spare Room, RMIT University, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2007, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘2007: Works from the studio’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘50 - a print exchange portfolio’, Geelong Art Gallery, Geelong, VIC ‘Small Pleasures’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2006 ‘Partnership or perish’, Academy of the Arts, School of Visual and Performing Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart Libris Awards, Artspace Mackay, Mackay, QLD ‘Summery’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Bookish’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne Melbourne Art Fair, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘50th Anniversary Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2005 ‘End of Year Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Works on Paper’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Expansion’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘The Art of Collaboration’, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore ‘Double take’, Arts Project Australia, Melbourne ‘Small Treasures - 20 emerging and established artists’, TILT Contemporary Art, Melbourne Jacques Cadry Memorial Art Prize, Fox Studios and State Library of NSW, Sydney ‘Tales of the City’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘A Decade of Collecting 1995-2005’, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Surface Tension: 21 Contemporary Australian Printmakers’, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS ‘Neo-millenium’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne 2004 ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Species’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘In the presence of creatures great and small’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Tapestries from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Sculpture’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, National Arts Club, New York, USA ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, Gallery 101, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Australian Prints from the Collection’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney ‘Bridge’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne ‘Vivid’, Fortyfive Downstairs, Melbourne Lake Gallery, Paynesville, VIC 2003 ‘Paper matters’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Less is more’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘The ink’s on me: Bill Young master printmaker’, Wangaratta Exhibitions Gallery, Wangaratta, VIC ‘Fantastic and Visionary Art’, Touring: Global Arts Link, QLD; Ipswich Regional Gallery, QLD ; Orange Regional Gallery, NSW; Manning Regional Gallery, NSW; Parramatta Heritage Centre, Sydney; Ballarat Regional Gallery, VIC 2002 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2001 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Six Degrees of Collaboration’, RMIT Faculty of Art, Design and Communication Gallery, Melbourne ‘Reciprocal Moves’, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC International Print Triennial, Kanagawa, Japan ‘Fantastic Art’, Orange Regional Gallery, Orange, NSW ‘Dancing Made a Man out of Me’, The Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gippsland, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Celebration’, Regional touring exhibition, VIC 2000-01 ‘Workings of the Mind: Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s’, Touring: Grafton Regional Gallery, NSW; Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD; Nolan Gallery, Canberra; Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC; PercTucker Regional Gallery, QLD 2000 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA The Hutchins Art Prize, Long Gallery, Hobart ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 1999 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Space, Fremantle, WA ‘We are Australian’, George Adams Gallery, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne Rena Ellen Jones Memorial Print Award, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC ‘National Works on Paper’, Mornington Peninsula Gallery, Mornington, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Pleasure’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1998-99 ‘Australian Prints’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1997 ‘KNOCK, KNOCK’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Woven Colour, The Art of Tapestry’, Dr Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore 1996 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta, India ‘Synergy’, Touring: Lalit Kala Akademi, New Dehli, India; Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, Bombay, India; Birla, India ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, Denmark; Australia House, London, UK 1995 ‘Interweave - Tapestry A Collaborative Art’, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Printmakers’, La Trobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Circus Capers’, Caulfield Arts Complex, Melbourne 1994 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA Australian Universities of Visual Art, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, BMGArt, Adelaide Fourth Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne 1993 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA 1992 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Transitional Times’, Print Council of Australia, Melbourne ‘Second Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints’, Japan 1991 Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Table Top Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Art 91’, London Contemporary Art Fair, London, UK 1990 M.P.A.C. Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Prize, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle WA ‘The Christmas Show’, Intaglio Printmaker, London, England ‘Australian Contemporary Art’, AZ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1989 National Student Art Prize, Mitchell College, Bathurst, NSW Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA City of Doncaster Acquisitive Print Prize, Manningham Gallery, Melbourne ‘Affiliations’, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne 1988 M.P.A.C. Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC 1987 ‘The Comedy Show’, Print Guild, Melbourne ‘Fluxus Art Flow’, Melbourne 1986 Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC Chisolm Institute of Technology, Graduating Students exhibition, Melbourne AWARDS 2013 King Valley Art Prize (printmaking) 2009 Lorne Sculpture Exhibition (Winner), Lorne, VIC 1989 Windsor and Newton International Travelling Bursary, UK Linbrook International First Prize for Printmaking, Australia COMMISSIONS 2005 Tapestry design for Bairnsdale Hospital (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Bairnsdale, VIC 1999 Tapestry design ‘Emblem’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1995 ‘A Night of Infectious Laughter’ Poster, St Kilda Festival, Melbourne 1994 Tapestry design ‘Elephant Gingham’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1993 Tapestry design for the Festival of Perth Official Poster (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Perth RESIDENCIES & PROJECTS 2013 ‘Come In Outside’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool 2011 Mildura Wentworth Arts Festival Project, Mildura, VIC Residency, The Art Vault , Mildura, VIC 2010 ‘Wish’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool, Artplay, Melbourne The Art Vault (included continuous public flag making workshops which were flown as part of The Wentworth Mildura Art Festival), Mildura, VIC 2009 The Art Vault (included two public printmaking workshops), Mildura, VIC 2008 Artist in residence, MV Orlova, Quark Expeditions, Antarctica 2003 Residency, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Bairnsdale, VIC 1998 Residency, School of Architecture & Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Residency, La Salle/Fia, College of the Arts, Singapore 1996 Artist in residence, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne 1993 Reduction Aquatint Workshop & Residency, Graphic Investigation Department, Canberra School of Art, Canberra NB: all residencies have included workshops involving students, children or the general public COLLECTIONS Artbank, Sydney Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Canson Australia Pty Ltd, Australia City of Box Hill, Melbourne City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Downlands College, Toowoomba, QLD Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, VIC Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Gold Coast, QLD Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD Helensvale High School, Brisbane Holmes à Court Collection, Perth Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC Monash University, Melbourne Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Collection, Mornington, VIC National Gallery of Australia, Canberra National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra Print Council of Australia, Melbourne Private collections in Australia, Switzerland, USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Holland Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston, TAS Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Shire of Diamond Valley, Diamond Valley, VIC Star of the Sea College, Melbourne The Melbourne Club, Melbourne University of Central Queensland, Brisbane University of Technology, Sydney Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC BIBLIOGRAPHY PERIODICALS AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 4, July-August 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 6, November-December 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol.71, Issue 7, April 1999 Backhouse, Megan; “Going out of print and back to basics”, The Age, February 2003 Bellamy, Louise; “Renaissance of Western Art”, The Age (A2 section), 26 November 2005 Clabburn, Anna; “Fables and Foibles”, Art Monthly, September 1994 Dutkiewicz, Adam; “Edge of the sublime”, Advertiser, 1 December 2003, p. 76. Erickson, Dorothy; “The Festival that could have been”, The Bulletin, March 1994 Farmer, Alison; “Ricardo makes poster splash”, Sunday Times - Entertainment Extra, 19 September 1993 “Festival taps weaver’s art”, The West Australian, 11February 1994 Fiasco (web-page), March 2003 Jenkins, John; “A Dark City Narrative”, Imprint, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1999 Grishin, Sasha; “Multiplicity – collecting Australian prints”, Australian Art Review, Issue 13, March-June 2007, pp. 52-55 Grishin, Sasha; “Profiles in Print - Geoffrey Ricardo”, Craft Arts International, Issue 76, 2009, pp.1-4 Lloyd, Tim; “The elephant man”, The Advertiser (Review section), December 2007 Manzana Arné, Josep; “De L’Ex-Libris a L’Ex-Webis: Ex-Libris a Internet”, Ex-Libris, Associació Catalana D’Exlibristes, Barcelona, No. 27, July-December 2002, p.11 McDonald, John; “Dreams of hope and menace” The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 1995 McMillan, Peter; “Darkness visible”, The Age, 11September 1999 Nelson, Robert; “Circuses can be curated, but not cured”, The Age, 18 January 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Dream Weavers”, The Age, June 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Paen To Ricardo”, Imprint, Vol. 29, No.1, April, 1994 Nelson, Robert; “Revealed: Mother Nature’s vulgar past”, The Age, September 6, 2000 Nelson, Robert; “Riddled with hidden meaning”, The Age, September 8, 1999 Quadrant, April, 1995 Quadrant, Jan/Feb, 1995 Quadrant, October, 1995 Quadrant, November, 1994 “Ricardo’s surreal works at gallery”, Times-Spectator, 25 July 2003, p.7 Snell, Ted; “Art”, The Australian, 18 February1994 Snell, Ted; “Visual arts at the Festival of Perth”, Art Monthly, April 1994 Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Timms, Peter; “Geoff Ricardo: emerging from darkness”, Art Monthly, Issue 140, June 2001 Wallace, Dr Carmel; “Ways of seeing Australia”, Asian Art News, May/June 2004 BOOKS & CATALOGUES A Dark City Narrative, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 1999 ARC Biennial Exhibition (Exhibition catalogue), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, 2007, pp. 78-79 Clabburn, Anna; “The Collaborative Spirit”, Australian Tapestries: Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 1995, p. 37 Fantastic Art, Orange Regional Gallery, NSW, 2001 Field, Caroline; Herd, catalogue essay, Australian Galleries, Sydney, 2007 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Identities in Printmaking, Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, 2000 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Printmaking in the 1990’s, Craftsman House, 1997 Havighurst, Sophie (Illustrations by Geoffrey Ricardo); When Lester lost his cool, The University of Melbourne, 2007 Kolenberg, Hendrik & Ryan, Anne; Australian Prints, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998 Lawrence, Michel; Framed; photographs of Australian Artists, 1998 Modern Australian Tapestries, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 2000 The Rapunzel Suite, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 2002 Wallace, Dr Carmel (Essay); Surface Tension, Twenty One Contemporary Australian Printmakers, Gallery 101, Melbourne, 2004 Workings of the Mind : Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane, 2000 TELEVISION Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Inside Art TV, Channel 31, July 2012Framed coloured etching.geoffrey ricardo, printmaking, available, lobster -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Limited Edition Coloured Print - 4/30, Geoffrey Ricardo, 'Naturalists' by Geoffrey Ricardo, 1992
GEOFFREY RICARDO (1964- ) Born Melbourne, Australia 1984-86 Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Printmaking, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1987-89 Printing Assistant at Bill Young Studios, Editioning intaglio prints, King Valley, VIC 1988 Full-time Studio Technician at Printmaking Department, Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1989-90 Graduate Diploma (Fine Art), Printmaking, Monash University, Melbourne 1991 Traveled to England, France, Spain and USA (Winsor & Newton International Travelling Bursary, National Students Art Prize) Worked in private studios in Gaucin, Spain and New York, USA 1994-95 Master of Fine Arts, Monash University, Melbourne 1995 Guest Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne Traveled to Europe and America 1996 Guest Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1990-98 Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne 1998 Traveled to America and Mexico 2001-05 Sessional Lecturer, The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne 2003-10 Printmaking Workshops, Warrnambool TAFE, Warrnambool, VIC 2004 Traveled to Europe, Mexico and Cuba 2005 Lecturer, National Art School (Summer School), Sydney Sessional Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne Lecturer, Institution of Koorie Education, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2012 ‘Collection of Works’ The Art Vault Mildura ‘Deeper Meanings’, The Incinerator Gallery, Melbourne ‘Three Projects’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney Melbourne Art Fair Stand F33, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 2009 ‘Anno Domino, Antarctica and The Anatomy Lesson’, Australian Galleries Derby Street, Melbourne The Art Vault, Mildura, VIC 2008 MV Orlova (Quark Expeditions), The Drake Passage, Antarctica 2007 ‘Herd’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney 2006 ‘Herd’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2004 ‘Recent work’, BMGArt, Adelaide 2003 ‘The Rapunzel Suite and Other New Works’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Recent Works’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Recent works’, Cowwarr Art Space, Cowwarr, VIC 2002 ‘The Rapunzel Suite’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Strange Games’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney 1999 ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘A Dark City Narrative’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne 1998 Cullity Gallery, School of Architecture and Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Delaney Gallery, Perth Chapman Gallery, Canberra BMGArt, Adelaide ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Menagerie’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1995 ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1994 Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth Graham Galleries + Editions, Brisbane ‘Wishful Thinking, Prints and Sculptures’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth 1992 ‘Prints, Sculptures and Watercolours’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne and Sydney 1990 ‘Watercolours, Prints and Small Bronzes’, Australian Galleries, Sydney ‘Paintings, Prints and Sculptures’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2013 ‘Sculpture by the Sea’ Cottlesloe, Western Australia 2012 ‘Brave New World’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC ‘Sculpture by the Sea’, Bondi, Sydney 2011 ‘Sculpture by the sea’, Aarhus, Denmark ‘Artwork to Tapestry’, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, Healesville, VIC Burnie Print Prize, Burnie Regional Gallery, Burnie, TAS ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Roylston Street, Sydney ‘large exhibition of small works’, Australian Galleries, Derby Street, Melbourne ‘Nature of the Mark’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Rick Amor Print Prize, Montsalvat, Eltham, VIC 2010 ‘Summer show’, Australian Galleries, Glenmore Road, Sydney ‘Summer stock show’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne ‘Sub10’, Substation, Melbourne ‘McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2010’, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘Artists’ Prints made with Integrity I’, Australian Galleries, Smith Street, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC 2009 ‘Artists’ ink: printmaking from the Warrnambool Art Gallery Collection, 1970-2001’, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Ararat, VIC ‘Lorne Sculpture’ (Winner), Lorne, VIC 2008 ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Smith Street, Melbourne 2007 ARC Biennial (Art, Design and Craft), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane ‘Prints Tokyo: International Print Exhibition’, Tokyo, Japan Seoul International Print, Photo and Edition Works Art Fair, Seoul, Korea Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Antipodean Bestiary’, Project Space / Spare Room, RMIT University, Melbourne Montalto Sculpture Prize, Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove, Red Hill South, VIC McClelland Sculpture Survey and Award 2007, McClelland Gallery + Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, VIC ‘2007: Works from the studio’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘50 - a print exchange portfolio’, Geelong Art Gallery, Geelong, VIC ‘Small Pleasures’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2006 ‘Partnership or perish’, Academy of the Arts, School of Visual and Performing Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart Libris Awards, Artspace Mackay, Mackay, QLD ‘Summery’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Summer Stock Show’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Bookish’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne Melbourne Art Fair, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘50th Anniversary Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne 2005 ‘End of Year Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Works on Paper’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘Expansion’, Lancaster Press, Melbourne ‘The Art of Collaboration’, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore ‘Double take’, Arts Project Australia, Melbourne ‘Small Treasures - 20 emerging and established artists’, TILT Contemporary Art, Melbourne Jacques Cadry Memorial Art Prize, Fox Studios and State Library of NSW, Sydney ‘Tales of the City’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘A Decade of Collecting 1995-2005’, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Surface Tension: 21 Contemporary Australian Printmakers’, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS ‘Neo-millenium’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne 2004 ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Group Exhibition’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Melbourne ‘Species’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Melbourne ‘In the presence of creatures great and small’, Australian Galleries Works on Paper, Sydney ‘Tapestries from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Sculpture’, Australian Galleries Painting & Sculpture, Sydney ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, National Arts Club, New York, USA ‘Contemporary Australian Prints’, Gallery 101, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Australian Prints from the Collection’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney ‘Bridge’, Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, Melbourne ‘Vivid’, Fortyfive Downstairs, Melbourne Lake Gallery, Paynesville, VIC 2003 ‘Paper matters’, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Less is more’, BMGArt, Adelaide ‘The ink’s on me: Bill Young master printmaker’, Wangaratta Exhibitions Gallery, Wangaratta, VIC ‘Fantastic and Visionary Art’, Touring: Global Arts Link, QLD; Ipswich Regional Gallery, QLD ; Orange Regional Gallery, NSW; Manning Regional Gallery, NSW; Parramatta Heritage Centre, Sydney; Ballarat Regional Gallery, VIC 2002 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 2001 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Six Degrees of Collaboration’, RMIT Faculty of Art, Design and Communication Gallery, Melbourne ‘Reciprocal Moves’, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC International Print Triennial, Kanagawa, Japan ‘Fantastic Art’, Orange Regional Gallery, Orange, NSW ‘Dancing Made a Man out of Me’, The Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gippsland, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Celebration’, Regional touring exhibition, VIC 2000-01 ‘Workings of the Mind: Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s’, Touring: Grafton Regional Gallery, NSW; Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD; Nolan Gallery, Canberra; Bendigo Art Gallery, VIC; PercTucker Regional Gallery, QLD 2000 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA The Hutchins Art Prize, Long Gallery, Hobart ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne 1999 Shell Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Space, Fremantle, WA ‘We are Australian’, George Adams Gallery, Victorian Arts Centre, Melbourne Rena Ellen Jones Memorial Print Award, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC ‘National Works on Paper’, Mornington Peninsula Gallery, Mornington, VIC ‘Artists for Kids Culture’, Brightspace, Melbourne ‘Pleasure’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne 1998-99 ‘Australian Prints’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1997 ‘KNOCK, KNOCK’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Woven Colour, The Art of Tapestry’, Dr Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore 1996 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta, India ‘Synergy’, Touring: Lalit Kala Akademi, New Dehli, India; Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, Bombay, India; Birla, India ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, Denmark; Australia House, London, UK 1995 ‘Interweave - Tapestry A Collaborative Art’, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne ‘Contemporary Printmakers’, La Trobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC ‘Contemporary Australian Tapestry’, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Circus Capers’, Caulfield Arts Complex, Melbourne 1994 M.P.A.C. Print Award, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA Australian Universities of Visual Art, Australian High Commission, Singapore ‘Prints, Paintings and Sculpture’, BMGArt, Adelaide Fourth Australian Contemporary Art Fair, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne 1993 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA 1992 Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Transitional Times’, Print Council of Australia, Melbourne ‘Second Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints’, Japan 1991 Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA ‘Table Top Sculpture’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne ‘Art 91’, London Contemporary Art Fair, London, UK 1990 M.P.A.C. Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Fremantle Print Prize, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle WA ‘The Christmas Show’, Intaglio Printmaker, London, England ‘Australian Contemporary Art’, AZ Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1989 National Student Art Prize, Mitchell College, Bathurst, NSW Fremantle Print Award, Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, WA City of Doncaster Acquisitive Print Prize, Manningham Gallery, Melbourne ‘Affiliations’, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne 1988 M.P.A.C. Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula Arts Centre, Mornington, VIC Henry Worland Memorial Print Prize, Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC 1987 ‘The Comedy Show’, Print Guild, Melbourne ‘Fluxus Art Flow’, Melbourne 1986 Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Acquisitive Print Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC Chisolm Institute of Technology, Graduating Students exhibition, Melbourne AWARDS 2013 King Valley Art Prize (printmaking) 2009 Lorne Sculpture Exhibition (Winner), Lorne, VIC 1989 Windsor and Newton International Travelling Bursary, UK Linbrook International First Prize for Printmaking, Australia COMMISSIONS 2005 Tapestry design for Bairnsdale Hospital (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Bairnsdale, VIC 1999 Tapestry design ‘Emblem’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1995 ‘A Night of Infectious Laughter’ Poster, St Kilda Festival, Melbourne 1994 Tapestry design ‘Elephant Gingham’ (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Australia 1993 Tapestry design for the Festival of Perth Official Poster (woven by the Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne), Perth RESIDENCIES & PROJECTS 2013 ‘Come In Outside’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool 2011 Mildura Wentworth Arts Festival Project, Mildura, VIC Residency, The Art Vault , Mildura, VIC 2010 ‘Wish’, Collaboration set design for Pocketfool, Artplay, Melbourne The Art Vault (included continuous public flag making workshops which were flown as part of The Wentworth Mildura Art Festival), Mildura, VIC 2009 The Art Vault (included two public printmaking workshops), Mildura, VIC 2008 Artist in residence, MV Orlova, Quark Expeditions, Antarctica 2003 Residency, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Bairnsdale, VIC 1998 Residency, School of Architecture & Fine Art, University of Western Australia, Perth 1997 Residency, La Salle/Fia, College of the Arts, Singapore 1996 Artist in residence, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne 1993 Reduction Aquatint Workshop & Residency, Graphic Investigation Department, Canberra School of Art, Canberra NB: all residencies have included workshops involving students, children or the general public COLLECTIONS Artbank, Sydney Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney Canson Australia Pty Ltd, Australia City of Box Hill, Melbourne City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Downlands College, Toowoomba, QLD Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, VIC Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Gold Coast, QLD Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD Helensvale High School, Brisbane Holmes à Court Collection, Perth Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, VIC Monash University, Melbourne Mornington Peninsula Arts Council Collection, Mornington, VIC National Gallery of Australia, Canberra National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra Print Council of Australia, Melbourne Private collections in Australia, Switzerland, USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Holland Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, Launceston, TAS Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Shire of Diamond Valley, Diamond Valley, VIC Star of the Sea College, Melbourne The Melbourne Club, Melbourne University of Central Queensland, Brisbane University of Technology, Sydney Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Warrnambool, VIC BIBLIOGRAPHY PERIODICALS AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 4, July-August 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol. 70, Issue 6, November-December 1998 AQ Journal of Contemporary Analysis, Vol.71, Issue 7, April 1999 Backhouse, Megan; “Going out of print and back to basics”, The Age, February 2003 Bellamy, Louise; “Renaissance of Western Art”, The Age (A2 section), 26 November 2005 Clabburn, Anna; “Fables and Foibles”, Art Monthly, September 1994 Dutkiewicz, Adam; “Edge of the sublime”, Advertiser, 1 December 2003, p. 76. Erickson, Dorothy; “The Festival that could have been”, The Bulletin, March 1994 Farmer, Alison; “Ricardo makes poster splash”, Sunday Times - Entertainment Extra, 19 September 1993 “Festival taps weaver’s art”, The West Australian, 11February 1994 Fiasco (web-page), March 2003 Jenkins, John; “A Dark City Narrative”, Imprint, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1999 Grishin, Sasha; “Multiplicity – collecting Australian prints”, Australian Art Review, Issue 13, March-June 2007, pp. 52-55 Grishin, Sasha; “Profiles in Print - Geoffrey Ricardo”, Craft Arts International, Issue 76, 2009, pp.1-4 Lloyd, Tim; “The elephant man”, The Advertiser (Review section), December 2007 Manzana Arné, Josep; “De L’Ex-Libris a L’Ex-Webis: Ex-Libris a Internet”, Ex-Libris, Associació Catalana D’Exlibristes, Barcelona, No. 27, July-December 2002, p.11 McDonald, John; “Dreams of hope and menace” The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 1995 McMillan, Peter; “Darkness visible”, The Age, 11September 1999 Nelson, Robert; “Circuses can be curated, but not cured”, The Age, 18 January 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Dream Weavers”, The Age, June 1995 Nelson, Robert; “Paen To Ricardo”, Imprint, Vol. 29, No.1, April, 1994 Nelson, Robert; “Revealed: Mother Nature’s vulgar past”, The Age, September 6, 2000 Nelson, Robert; “Riddled with hidden meaning”, The Age, September 8, 1999 Quadrant, April, 1995 Quadrant, Jan/Feb, 1995 Quadrant, October, 1995 Quadrant, November, 1994 “Ricardo’s surreal works at gallery”, Times-Spectator, 25 July 2003, p.7 Snell, Ted; “Art”, The Australian, 18 February1994 Snell, Ted; “Visual arts at the Festival of Perth”, Art Monthly, April 1994 Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Timms, Peter; “Geoff Ricardo: emerging from darkness”, Art Monthly, Issue 140, June 2001 Wallace, Dr Carmel; “Ways of seeing Australia”, Asian Art News, May/June 2004 BOOKS & CATALOGUES A Dark City Narrative, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 1999 ARC Biennial Exhibition (Exhibition catalogue), Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, 2007, pp. 78-79 Clabburn, Anna; “The Collaborative Spirit”, Australian Tapestries: Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 1995, p. 37 Fantastic Art, Orange Regional Gallery, NSW, 2001 Field, Caroline; Herd, catalogue essay, Australian Galleries, Sydney, 2007 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Identities in Printmaking, Wagga Wagga Regional Art Gallery, 2000 Grishin, Sasha; Australian Printmaking in the 1990’s, Craftsman House, 1997 Havighurst, Sophie (Illustrations by Geoffrey Ricardo); When Lester lost his cool, The University of Melbourne, 2007 Kolenberg, Hendrik & Ryan, Anne; Australian Prints, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998 Lawrence, Michel; Framed; photographs of Australian Artists, 1998 Modern Australian Tapestries, Victorian Tapestry Workshop, 2000 The Rapunzel Suite, Australian Galleries, Melbourne, 2002 Wallace, Dr Carmel (Essay); Surface Tension, Twenty One Contemporary Australian Printmakers, Gallery 101, Melbourne, 2004 Workings of the Mind : Melbourne Prints of the 1960s to the 1990s, Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane, 2000 TELEVISION Sunday Arts, ABC TV, 6 May 2007 Inside Art TV, Channel 31, July 2012 Framed limited edition coloured print showing two men in dinosaur masks, leaning over and heading butting each other. Edition is limited to 30, print is number four.On the left, between print and matting: 4/30 "Naturalists" On the right, between print and matting: signed Ricardo ' 92 On front upper right hand corner pale dark red stain on glass On back, left hand corner, red ink finger prints near where it appears that the backing board has been torn to remove the previous tape. On back, both vertical sides has a number of dents towards the outside of it near the tape. art, artwork, print, limited edition, geoffrey, ricardo, fantasy, colour, available, sport -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Photograph, Cr G Lydiard Belfast Shire President 1877-78-79, 83-84 88-90
George Lydiard occupied the station “Korongah” and with Mr J Knight carried out extensive drainage works from Tower hill to the Belfast Lough. This drain was constructed over a period of two years, is six miles long and some of it still exists.Black and white portraitbelfast, president, portrait, shire, council, municipal, local-government, korongah, g.lydiard