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Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Textile, Handkerchief white edge, Circa 1918
Hankerchiefs have been used for centuries as a piece of cloth deemed useful for personal hygiene. They are usually kept in one's pocket but at times through history have been fluttered to attract attention or send a message. In harder times they proved to be a cheap item often used to add interest to an outfit. This item is one of five hankerchiefs which were brought back from France after WW1 by great uncles of Gloria Redman and have been passed down through her grandmother and mother. This item has significance as an item linked to a local family and World War 1 and as such has social, and historical significance. It is well provenanced and can be used to provide interest to the relating of a fairly common story whereby many soldiers brought or sent back small items such as hankerchiefs to their loved ones at home. Cream silk handkerchief with cream blanket stitched edge with three cream and one pink flower embroidered in each corner. Stems and leaves worked in green.redman, hankerchief, warrnambool, ww1 hankerchief, souvenir ww1 -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Interior of St Brigid's Crossley, 2018
"LARGE GATHERINGNG AT - CROSSLEY DEDICATION AND OPENING SERVICES. SERMON BY DR. MANNIX. Yesterday was an important and historic day for the Roman Catholic community of Crossley and Koroit, in as much as it will be always associated in the memories of all con cerned with the opening of the new St. Brigid's Church, Crossley. This building is far above the average standard of sacred edifices in country towns, and is certainly superior to any ercted in this district outside the churches in the two larger centres - Warrnambool and Koroit. The style of architecture chosen is a free treatment of the Romanesque, which is something quite original in the Western District. This noble style, from which, with its near re lative the Byzantine, spring the great Gothic school of architecture, is characterised by a special charm of its own, one of its chief features being graceful and sweeping circular curves in roof, window heads and in the ar rangenent of the ground plan. The building is of brick finished off with true Romanesqiue pillared pinnacles in concrete and plaster, the brick and concrete producing a pleasing contrast. The main characteristic of the front is a large rose window filled with Romlanesque circular tracery, and below a bold porch and entrance. The two sides are pierced with long circular-headed windows between graceful buttresses and the wall line is pleasingly broken by the projecting bays of the confessionals and also by the vestries. The main building is 80 feet by 30 feet' and the Sanctuary is spacious and semi-circular in shape, and lighted by three windows. The interior of the church is most artistic. The ceiling is semi-circular and of fibrous plaster in ornate designs. All the windows are lead lighted, throwing a rich and mellow harmony of' color throughout the interior and the white wails, mouldings, architraves and other fibrous plaster decorations: are further relieved by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around the nave. The central window of the Sanctuary contains a splendidly executed stained glass representation of St. Brigid. At.the western end is a room gallery. The altar is a choice piece of Gothic woodwork, in light, soft coloring, and there are two altars on either side of the Sanctuary in oak, and above whlch are very fine colored figures of Christ; and the Madonna. On either side of the altar are life-size figures of angels holding high brass candalabra. The whole of the furnishings of the church are on a sumptuous scale, and the edifice reflects credit on all concerned. The church can seat nearly 500 people. The architect was Mr. A. A. Fritsch. of Melbourne, and the contractors Messrs F. and E. Deagne, of North Fitzroy. The contract price for the building was £5,500. THE OPENING SERVICE. After the cereimony of solemnly blesssing the church was performed by His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, Dr. Higgins, assisted by His Grace the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne. Dr. Mannix, the great gatheiring from all parts of the district entered the church, which was soon completely filled. The members of the H.A.C.B.S. attended wearing their green and gold regalia, and acted as a 'guard of honor' to the Co-adjlutor Arclhbishop and Bishop. Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Phelan, of Koroit, and a feature of the solemn service was the singing of a choir which consisted of picked voices from St. Carthage's choir, with friends from Warrnam bool and assisted by some of the mem bers of the Koroit choir, with Miss Logan as organist and Mr. Arthur H. Renwick as conductor. They rendered the music in splendid style throghonut. The "Kyrie," "Gloria." "Agnus Dei' and Dona Nobis" were from Farmer's Mass in B flat, and the "Credo" and "Sanctus" from Webbe's Mass in G. The soloists in the Mass were Mrs. Ryan, the Misses McEntee. Miss Katie O'Brien. and Messrs. J. M. Crowley, W. J. Callaghan; B. McEntee and W. Mahony. The chorus sang with great precision, special attention being paid to at tack. At the offertory Mrs. Dan Ryan gave a beautiful rendering of Gounod's "Ava Maria." After the Elevation that fine duet "Tantum Ergo." by Rossi, was sung by Messrs. Crowley and Renwick in an artistic manner, their fine voices blending splendidly. During the collection, Mr. Renwick sang with much feeling that devotional solo, "Lead Thou Me On,", after which Mr Crowley gave .an ex cellent rendering of Weissi's "0 Salu taris Hostia;" and the choir sang several hymns." It might here be mentioned that at the request of Fa ther Kerin, the same choir will repeat the the Koroit Church on Sunday next, on the occasion of the ceremnly of laying the foundation stone of the cormpletion of the church. Dr. Mannix preachled the sermon for the occasion, taking his text from St. Luke first 11 verses. He re viewed the Gospel story of Christ preaching to the multitude from a boat on Lake Gennesaret and the miraculous draught of fish. The obedi ence of the poor fishermen in casting their nets at Christ's bidding was richly rewarded, and the miraculous occurrence was a striking example of what was to happen when Christ established His Church and built it up on those twelve apostles. When they came to think of it, nothing so re markable and marvellous had happened before or since in the history of mankind. The world at that time was for the most part a Pagan world steeped in iniquity and sin. The chosen people of God had God's re velation, but they worshipped with their lips and not with their hearts. When Christ was to establish His Church upon earth and leave an or gantisation that would continue His work, did He select learned men, powerful men, rich men, or a time that would seem propituous? No. He selected twelve poor, igorant simple fishermen, without money, power, learning or anything calculated to enable them to do anything striking in the world's history. The success of the first morning after pentecost was not confined to those first days when the plentitude of the Holy Ghost sat upon the .Apostles, but it continued age after age until the whole world was brought within the sphere of ac tion of the Church. Greece, Rome Europe Asia and America, and now Australia had been brought into the net. This must be a consolation to them all as well as it was to him (the preacher), when they remembered that they came from a land which of all others had been faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a consolation to them that in that great work that had been accomplished in bringing men into the meshes of the Church, and bringing them to God the nation to which they belontged had taken so great a part. Their religion flourished in England, Scotland, America and Australia. Surely it was due to the sons of St. Patrick, the sons and daughters of Ireland to find consolation in these great facts might It might seem hard that so many had to leave their native-land for England, Scotland, America and Australia. But if hard it was the means of keeping the Catholic faith living in England and Scotland. If to-day the Irish Catholics and Catholics of Irish de scent were taken out of the English and Scotch population there would be little left of the true Church of God. It seemed hard to emigrate to distant lands, but the result had been the new magnificent church in the United States, the flourishing churches in Canada and South Africa. Those Irish emigrants were a cornparatively small band. Perhaps they had not the learning of other nations. Certainly they had not the wealth and it did not fall to their lot to have the power of the sword, but God was with them, and the faith they took from Ireland flourished in those distant lands. In this fair land of Australia they had a glorious herit age handed down from the pioneer Irish Catholics, who came to this fair Austral land. There was a time when those who were opposed to God and God's Church,thought that Australia should be a wholly Protestant land. They had lived to see whether God or His enemies were the stronger. They had lived to see that those who in distant days would have stamped out the Catholic religion in Australia, had not prevailed. Their names had been forgotten because of their persecution of the Catholic Church, and they had lived - to see the glorious success that now, in every part of the Common wealth, rested upon the Catholic Church in Australia. Might God bless that Church and those Irish people, and the people of Irish descent, who had built it up. In that locality, and there was no place in.the Common wealth where the Catholic Church was held in higher esteem, the people would always be faithful to God and His Church. That beautiful building, and all it signified in loyalty and faithfulness, was a credit and a consolation to the Bishop and people of the diocese, to the architect who had done his work so artistically and skil fully. to the priests and the zealous administration of the parish. There was surely hope and inspiration in that day's celebration, that as time went on the Catholic faith would sink deeper and deeper into ther coming generation, and that the Catholic progress of the past 50 years would be small in comparison to the great progress of the future. He congratulated the Bishop priests and people who had raised that temple. He congratulated the people of Crossley; upon their generosity and self-sacrifice, and he prayed that God's blessing and the blessing of St. Brigid would rest upon them; their children and children's children. And when those who had received the sacraments and had been instructed in that Church were called before the Judgment Seat he pray ed that not one would be missing, and St. Peter aind St. Brigid would be able to count them all into the en joyment .of Eternal bliss. THE CELEBRATION The Rev. Father Kerin, Adninistra tor of the Parish, after the collection, read a lengthy list of the principal donations, headed by the Bishop, Dr. Higgins, with £250. All the furnish ings of the Church were also donations, and the Coadjutor-Archbishop added £5 to the list. The Rev. Father Kerin stated that the total to hand was £1245/10/7, which was an other proof of the generosity of the Crossley and district people. The amount previously received in donations was £1077/3. They started buildiing with a credit balance of £262 10/5 and ther now had a debit balance of £2,728/18/5. The total cost of the Church was £6,250, so that they would see the greater part of the indebtedness had already been wiped out. The Bishop (Dr. Higgins) delivered a brief address, in the course of which he congratulated the priests and people upon the completion of their magnificent Church. He congratulated the people on their magnificent generosity. He expressed his of deep indebtedness to the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne for the services he had rendered to them. He had attended at considerable sacrifice to himself, and they were extremely grateful for the presence of so distinguished a champion who had shown such zeal and interest in their Church in this new land. He (the Bishop) trusted that his splendid talents would long be devoted to the defence of the Church." (Warrnambul Standard, 02 July 1914)Digital panoramic image of the interior of St Brigid's brigid's crossley, st brigid's, catholic church, catholic, church, community, ceiling, stations of the cross, confessional, statues, windows -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - Marriage Certificates of Edward de Lacy Evans and Edmund de Lacy
Edward (Edmund) de Lacy Evans was really Ellen Tremaye; and in 1856 she married her fellow passenger on her voyage to Australia, Mary Delahunty; under the assumed name of EDMUND De Lacy. In 1859 he/she married Sarah Moore. They were married for eight years when in 1867 she died in childbirth. In 1868 after Sarah had died; Ellen, now known as EDWARD de Lacy Evans married Julia Mary Marquand in Ballarat. From the Melbourne Argus Friday 5th Sept 1879, Page 7 THE EXTRAORDINARY PERSONATION CASE. [BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) SANDHURST, THURSDAY. The De Lacy Evans case has created great excitement here. The man-woman having resided in the district for about 20 years, was well known amongst the miners, but no one appeared ever to have supposed that she was other than as she represented herself to be, and the discovery of her sex has caused the greatest astonishment. The police have not yet moved in the matter of the discovery of her antecedents, but from the result of inquiries I have made, there seems to be no room to doubt that the woman is identical with the girl Ellen Tremaye, referred to in yesterday's telegram as having arrived at Melbourne by the ship Ocean Monarch in June, 1857. The nurse at the hospital, Mrs. Holt, is positive she is the same, and says the opinion was held amongst those on board the vessel that Tremaye had been well connected, and that she had left home in consequence of some misconduct. The Ocean Monarch was an immigrant vessel, and on the voyage Tremaye and another young woman, named Rose Kelly, were very intimate, but the latter, being seized with a dangerous illness, was left at Rio Janiero. Mrs. Evans, the wife of the supposed man, states that she frequently heard Evans say that she came out by the Ocean Monarch. But the most satisfactory information of Evans' previous history yet received has been obtained from a Mrs. Thompson, a charwoman at Myers' Creek, who was also a shipmate of the girl Tremaye. At the time she made the voyage she was unmarried, and was accompanied by Miss Mary Ann Delahunty, a young lady who was very well connected, and who came from the same village as herself, named Monakine, on the north bank of the river Suir, in Kilkenny. Miss Delahunty was an orphan and brought with her about £900. After Rose Kelly was taken ill, Tremaye resorted to Miss Delahunty's berth, and the passengers appeared to think there was something strange about the manner in which Tremaye conducted herself, and she had been observed to wear a man's under-clothing. Upon the arrival of the ship in Hobson's Bay, Tremaye declared herself to be a man, and told Mrs. Thompson she intended to marry Miss Delahunty. The next Mrs. Thompson saw of Ellen Tremaye was at Peg-leg Gully, Eaglehawk. Tremaye had just established herself in a house there under the name of Edward de Lacy Evans, and Mrs. Thompson went to serve them with milk. When she went to the house, she saw Evans sitting inside dressed in male attire, and immediately recognised him as her fellow passenger, Ellen Tremaye. Evans had, at this time, married his second wife, Miss Moore, who was then present. Evans re-marked to her—"I think I know you." To which Mrs. Thompson replied—"I know you, too," and added something to the effect that Ellen (referring to Tremaye) was a queer girl." Oh, said Evans, evidently anxious that his then wife should not understand Mrs. Thompson's reference, "It's a good job she is gone back to the old country." Mrs. Thompson inquired as to what had become of Miss Delahunty, and Evans replied, "Oh, my poor wife and boy both died of consumption, and are buried in the North Melbourne cemetery. " In reply to an inquiry as to what had been done with her (Delahunty's) money, Evans said she had sent it home to a nunnery. Evans's then wife had been absent during a portion of this conversation, but at this point she returned, and Evans went outside to the milkwoman, and said, "For your life don't mention my dead wife's name ; call me Mr. Evans. This missus of mine is death on the Roman Catholics, and she can't bear to hear my dead wife's name mentioned." This conversation took place about 12 or 14 years ago, and Mrs. Thompson seems to have quite believed that Evans had personated a woman under the name of Ellen Tremaye on the voyage out and was really a man. She lost sight of Evans soon afterwards, and took no further notice of the affair.Two Photocopies: 1. Marriage Certificates of Edward de Lacy Evans to Julia Mary Marquand 18th Sept 1868 with appropriate marriage details. 2. Marriage Certificate dated 21st Mar 1985 for Edmund de Lacy to Mary Delahunty.ellen tremaye, sarah moore, julia mary marquand, mary delahunty, de lacy evans, de lacy, edward de lacy evans, edmund de lacy -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Edward (Edmund) de Lacy Evans was really Ellen Tremaye; and in 1856 she married her fellow passenger on her voyage to Australia, Mary Delahunty; under the assumed name of EDMUND De Lacy. In 1859 he/she married Sarah Moore. They were married for eight years when in 1867 she died in childbirth. In 1868 after Sarah had died; Ellen, now known as EDWARD de Lacy Evans married Julia Mary Marquand in Ballarat. From the Melbourne Argus Friday 5th Sept 1879, Page 7 THE EXTRAORDINARY PERSONATION CASE. [BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) SANDHURST, THURSDAY. The De Lacy Evans case has created great excitement here. The man-woman having resided in the district for about 20 years, was well known amongst the miners, but no one appeared ever to have supposed that she was other than as she represented herself to be, and the discovery of her sex has caused the greatest astonishment. The police have not yet moved in the matter of the discovery of her antecedents, but from the result of inquiries I have made, there seems to be no room to doubt that the woman is identical with the girl Ellen Tremaye, referred to in yesterday's telegram as having arrived at Melbourne by the ship Ocean Monarch in June, 1857. The nurse at the hospital, Mrs. Holt, is positive she is the same, and says the opinion was held amongst those on board the vessel that Tremaye had been well connected, and that she had left home in consequence of some misconduct. The Ocean Monarch was an immigrant vessel, and on the voyage Tremaye and another young woman, named Rose Kelly, were very intimate, but the latter, being seized with a dangerous illness, was left at Rio Janiero. Mrs. Evans, the wife of the supposed man, states that she frequently heard Evans say that she came out by the Ocean Monarch. But the most satisfactory information of Evans' previous history yet received has been obtained from a Mrs. Thompson, a charwoman at Myers' Creek, who was also a shipmate of the girl Tremaye. At the time she made the voyage she was unmarried, and was accompanied by Miss Mary Ann Delahunty, a young lady who was very well connected, and who came from the same village as herself, named Monakine, on the north bank of the river Suir, in Kilkenny. Miss Delahunty was an orphan and brought with her about £900. After Rose Kelly was taken ill, Tremaye resorted to Miss Delahunty's berth, and the passengers appeared to think there was something strange about the manner in which Tremaye conducted herself, and she had been observed to wear a man's under-clothing. Upon the arrival of the ship in Hobson's Bay, Tremaye declared herself to be a man, and told Mrs. Thompson she intended to marry Miss Delahunty. The next Mrs. Thompson saw of Ellen Tremaye was at Peg-leg Gully, Eaglehawk. Tremaye had just established herself in a house there under the name of Edward de Lacy Evans, and Mrs. Thompson went to serve them with milk. When she went to the house, she saw Evans sitting inside dressed in male attire, and immediately recognised him as her fellow passenger, Ellen Tremaye. Evans had, at this time, married his second wife, Miss Moore, who was then present. Evans re-marked to her—"I think I know you." To which Mrs. Thompson replied—"I know you, too," and added something to the effect that Ellen (referring to Tremaye) was a queer girl." Oh, said Evans, evidently anxious that his then wife should not understand Mrs. Thompson's reference, "It's a good job she is gone back to the old country." Mrs. Thompson inquired as to what had become of Miss Delahunty, and Evans replied, "Oh, my poor wife and boy both died of consumption, and are buried in the North Melbourne cemetery. " In reply to an inquiry as to what had been done with her (Delahunty's) money, Evans said she had sent it home to a nunnery. Evans's then wife had been absent during a portion of this conversation, but at this point she returned, and Evans went outside to the milkwoman, and said, "For your life don't mention my dead wife's name ; call me Mr. Evans. This missus of mine is death on the Roman Catholics, and she can't bear to hear my dead wife's name mentioned." This conversation took place about 12 or 14 years ago, and Mrs. Thompson seems to have quite believed that Evans had personated a woman under the name of Ellen Tremaye on the voyage out and was really a man. She lost sight of Evans soon afterwards, and took no further notice of the affair.Ballarat, Information re De Lacy Evans/Ellen Tremaye - various printed accounts of male impersonator, De Lacy Evans and his marriages and life in Bendigo and elsewhere. Filed under 'De Lacy Evans': a.Typescript - 'The strange story of Ellen Tremaye' (2 pp,); b.Newspaper cuttings (newspaper unknown): September 4, 1879 and 23rd July 1879. names mentioned on this report are; Evans, Stewart, The Trumpeter Clock, Mr. J. W. Moody, Edward De Lacy Evans, Samuels, Holdsworth, Dr. Cruikshank, Dr J. Boyd, Mr. Sterry J.P. (mayor), Mr. Osborn J.P. Elizabeth Marchment, Cornish United Company Long Gully, Constable Hayes, Mr. F. J. Duffy, Mr. J. Quick. C.Bendigo Advertiser 4th Sept 1879 (12 pages) - pp, 1-9 ''Extraordinary case of the concealment of sex'' (pp. 10-12) ''Interview with Mrs Evans''. Names on these sheets are; Edward De Lacy Evans, Sandhurst (Bendigo), Mr. Samuels, Mr. Holdsworth, Dr. Cruikshank, Dr. J. Boyd, Bendigo Hospital, Mr. Gundry (Warder), Irish, France, Dr. Poland, Mr. Bayne, Mr. Strickland, Kew Lunatic Asylum, Argus (newspaper), Sandhurst Hospital, Bendigo Hospital, County Kilkenny Ireland, Mrs Holt (Matron), Ellen Tremayne, Treneage, Eaglehawk, Sarah Moore, Mr. John J. Hall, Mr. George Willan, Buick Henderson and Co,. Pall Mall, Miss Julia Marquahand, Ballarat, Presbyterian Church, Rev. W. Henderson, Paris, Ellen McCormick, , Duncan Uquhart, Anne Dora (Welshman), Pleasant Creek, New Chum Extended Company, Julia Mary, Quarry Hill, Constable Bradley, General Sir Charles De Lacy Evans, Francis Bros Drapers of Pall Mall, Stawell, Allingham Drapers, View Grove Cottage Quarry Hill, Mrs Lofts Denmark Cottage Hargreaves Street, Jersey Cottage off Russell Street Quarry Hill, Great Southern Company, Sea Company, d.Single column entry, Bendigo Advertiser Dec 15th 1879: ''De Lacy Evans''. Names in the article; Ellen Tremayne, Sandhurst, Stawell, The Herald, Mr. F. Hilton, Diorama and Mirror of Australia, Horsham, The Horsham Times, Ireland. e. Newspaper article, by David Horsfall, Bendigo Advertiser Jan 10th 1990 (Title??) with photo of De Lacy Evans (standing); f.Newspaper article (poor legibility) Bendigo Advertiser Aug 27th 1901 ''Death of De Lacey Evans''; g.Newspaper article (undated) by Frank Cusack: ''Forgotten Bendigonians - Bendigo Goldfields und…??'' h.Journal article(3 pp.), The Medical Journal of Australia, Aug 26, 1978 by J R B Ball & R Emmerson: ''A case of personation'';i. copy of page #210 from unknown book (heading:'' Mount Royal Hospital'' j.27 pp.headed ''The Man-Woman Mystery'' (from bound book - binding visible - and copy in the Mitchell Library, publisher; W. Marshall, Royal Lane, Melbourne and Record Office, Emerald Hill with page (no page number) referring to two relevant documents ''The originals of these documents can be seen in the Hall'';Bendigo Advertiserjohn baptiste loridan, ellen tremaye, sarah moore, julia mary marquand, mary delahunty, de lacy evans, de lacy, edward de lacy evans, edmund de lacy, bendigo -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Edward (Edmund) de Lacy Evans was really Ellen Tremaye; and in 1856 she married her fellow passenger on her voyage to Australia, Mary Delahunty; under the assumed name of EDMUND De Lacy. In 1859 he/she married Sarah Moore. They were married for eight years when in 1867 she died in childbirth. In 1868 after Sarah had died; Ellen, now known as EDWARD de Lacy Evans married Julia Mary Marquand in Ballarat. From the Melbourne Argus Friday 5th Sept 1879, Page 7 THE EXTRAORDINARY PERSONATION CASE. [BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) SANDHURST, THURSDAY. The De Lacy Evans case has created great excitement here. The man-woman having resided in the district for about 20 years, was well known amongst the miners, but no one appeared ever to have supposed that she was other than as she represented herself to be, and the discovery of her sex has caused the greatest astonishment. The police have not yet moved in the matter of the discovery of her antecedents, but from the result of inquiries I have made, there seems to be no room to doubt that the woman is identical with the girl Ellen Tremaye, referred to in yesterday's telegram as having arrived at Melbourne by the ship Ocean Monarch in June, 1857. The nurse at the hospital, Mrs. Holt, is positive she is the same, and says the opinion was held amongst those on board the vessel that Tremaye had been well connected, and that she had left home in consequence of some misconduct. The Ocean Monarch was an immigrant vessel, and on the voyage Tremaye and another young woman, named Rose Kelly, were very intimate, but the latter, being seized with a dangerous illness, was left at Rio Janiero. Mrs. Evans, the wife of the supposed man, states that she frequently heard Evans say that she came out by the Ocean Monarch. But the most satisfactory information of Evans' previous history yet received has been obtained from a Mrs. Thompson, a charwoman at Myers' Creek, who was also a shipmate of the girl Tremaye. At the time she made the voyage she was unmarried, and was accompanied by Miss Mary Ann Delahunty, a young lady who was very well connected, and who came from the same village as herself, named Monakine, on the north bank of the river Suir, in Kilkenny. Miss Delahunty was an orphan and brought with her about £900. After Rose Kelly was taken ill, Tremaye resorted to Miss Delahunty's berth, and the passengers appeared to think there was something strange about the manner in which Tremaye conducted herself, and she had been observed to wear a man's under-clothing. Upon the arrival of the ship in Hobson's Bay, Tremaye declared herself to be a man, and told Mrs. Thompson she intended to marry Miss Delahunty. The next Mrs. Thompson saw of Ellen Tremaye was at Peg-leg Gully, Eaglehawk. Tremaye had just established herself in a house there under the name of Edward de Lacy Evans, and Mrs. Thompson went to serve them with milk. When she went to the house, she saw Evans sitting inside dressed in male attire, and immediately recognised him as her fellow passenger, Ellen Tremaye. Evans had, at this time, married his second wife, Miss Moore, who was then present. Evans re-marked to her—"I think I know you." To which Mrs. Thompson replied—"I know you, too," and added something to the effect that Ellen (referring to Tremaye) was a queer girl." Oh, said Evans, evidently anxious that his then wife should not understand Mrs. Thompson's reference, "It's a good job she is gone back to the old country." Mrs. Thompson inquired as to what had become of Miss Delahunty, and Evans replied, "Oh, my poor wife and boy both died of consumption, and are buried in the North Melbourne cemetery. " In reply to an inquiry as to what had been done with her (Delahunty's) money, Evans said she had sent it home to a nunnery. Evans's then wife had been absent during a portion of this conversation, but at this point she returned, and Evans went outside to the milkwoman, and said, "For your life don't mention my dead wife's name ; call me Mr. Evans. This missus of mine is death on the Roman Catholics, and she can't bear to hear my dead wife's name mentioned." This conversation took place about 12 or 14 years ago, and Mrs. Thompson seems to have quite believed that Evans had personated a woman under the name of Ellen Tremaye on the voyage out and was really a man. She lost sight of Evans soon afterwards, and took no further notice of the affair.Certificate (Order) - Admission to Lunacy Ward, Bendigo Hospital 2/7/1879 signed by M Samuel Holdsworth(??) JP. Copy of Order. Other names on these sheets are; Ernst Hayes, Constable Bradley, Elizabeth Marchment, and other names that are unreadable.ellen tremaye, sarah moore, julia mary marquand, mary delahunty, de lacy evans, de lacy, edward de lacy evans, edmund de lacy, bendigo -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Set of 6 Black & White Photograph/s, 1959 to 1960
Set of 6 photographs of the Flinders St flyover over Kings St, soon after opening with tramcars and motor vehicles on the streets and bridge. Has the Waterside Hotel on the right side of the photographs. Has the pedestrian crossing traffic lights in the views. Don Storey's tramway history notes - accessed 23/6/2019 notes that for 1959 - Temporary track on a new flyover in Flinders Street at King Street was brought into use; the permanent track was completed on June 26, 1960.Photos were contained within an envelope marked "Secretary Head Office MMTB (616 Lt Collins St) and "Please do not fold.trams, tramways, king st, flinders st, bridges, traffic lights -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Edward (Edmund) de Lacy Evans was really Ellen Tremaye; and in 1856 she married her fellow passenger on her voyage to Australia, Mary Delahunty; under the assumed name of EDMUND De Lacy. In 1859 he/she married Sarah Moore. They were married for eight years when in 1867 she died in childbirth. In 1868 after Sarah had died; Ellen, now known as EDWARD de Lacy Evans married Julia Mary Marquand in Ballarat. From the Melbourne Argus Friday 5th Sept 1879, Page 7 THE EXTRAORDINARY PERSONATION CASE. [BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) SANDHURST, THURSDAY. The De Lacy Evans case has created great excitement here. The man-woman having resided in the district for about 20 years, was well known amongst the miners, but no one appeared ever to have supposed that she was other than as she represented herself to be, and the discovery of her sex has caused the greatest astonishment. The police have not yet moved in the matter of the discovery of her antecedents, but from the result of inquiries I have made, there seems to be no room to doubt that the woman is identical with the girl Ellen Tremaye, referred to in yesterday's telegram as having arrived at Melbourne by the ship Ocean Monarch in June, 1857. The nurse at the hospital, Mrs. Holt, is positive she is the same, and says the opinion was held amongst those on board the vessel that Tremaye had been well connected, and that she had left home in consequence of some misconduct. The Ocean Monarch was an immigrant vessel, and on the voyage Tremaye and another young woman, named Rose Kelly, were very intimate, but the latter, being seized with a dangerous illness, was left at Rio Janiero. Mrs. Evans, the wife of the supposed man, states that she frequently heard Evans say that she came out by the Ocean Monarch. But the most satisfactory information of Evans' previous history yet received has been obtained from a Mrs. Thompson, a charwoman at Myers' Creek, who was also a shipmate of the girl Tremaye. At the time she made the voyage she was unmarried, and was accompanied by Miss Mary Ann Delahunty, a young lady who was very well connected, and who came from the same village as herself, named Monakine, on the north bank of the river Suir, in Kilkenny. Miss Delahunty was an orphan and brought with her about £900. After Rose Kelly was taken ill, Tremaye resorted to Miss Delahunty's berth, and the passengers appeared to think there was something strange about the manner in which Tremaye conducted herself, and she had been observed to wear a man's under-clothing. Upon the arrival of the ship in Hobson's Bay, Tremaye declared herself to be a man, and told Mrs. Thompson she intended to marry Miss Delahunty. The next Mrs. Thompson saw of Ellen Tremaye was at Peg-leg Gully, Eaglehawk. Tremaye had just established herself in a house there under the name of Edward de Lacy Evans, and Mrs. Thompson went to serve them with milk. When she went to the house, she saw Evans sitting inside dressed in male attire, and immediately recognised him as her fellow passenger, Ellen Tremaye. Evans had, at this time, married his second wife, Miss Moore, who was then present. Evans re-marked to her—"I think I know you." To which Mrs. Thompson replied—"I know you, too," and added something to the effect that Ellen (referring to Tremaye) was a queer girl." Oh, said Evans, evidently anxious that his then wife should not understand Mrs. Thompson's reference, "It's a good job she is gone back to the old country." Mrs. Thompson inquired as to what had become of Miss Delahunty, and Evans replied, "Oh, my poor wife and boy both died of consumption, and are buried in the North Melbourne cemetery. " In reply to an inquiry as to what had been done with her (Delahunty's) money, Evans said she had sent it home to a nunnery. Evans's then wife had been absent during a portion of this conversation, but at this point she returned, and Evans went outside to the milkwoman, and said, "For your life don't mention my dead wife's name ; call me Mr. Evans. This missus of mine is death on the Roman Catholics, and she can't bear to hear my dead wife's name mentioned." This conversation took place about 12 or 14 years ago, and Mrs. Thompson seems to have quite believed that Evans had personated a woman under the name of Ellen Tremaye on the voyage out and was really a man. She lost sight of Evans soon afterwards, and took no further notice of the affair.Copies of two studio Photographs - De Lacy Evans standing with seated woman: a. De Lacy Evans standing with woman seated; b. De Lacy Evans (handwritten below) with woman of same heighta. A. Flegeltaub b.??de lacy evans., ellen tremaye, sarah moore, julia mary marquand, mary delahunty, de lacy, edward de lacy evans, edmund de lacy -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Edward (Edmund) de Lacy Evans was really Ellen Tremaye; and in 1856 she married her fellow passenger on her voyage to Australia, Mary Delahunty; under the assumed name of EDMUND De Lacy. In 1859 he/she married Sarah Moore. They were married for eight years when in 1867 she died in childbirth. In 1868 after Sarah had died; Ellen, now known as EDWARD de Lacy Evans married Julia Mary Marquand in Ballarat. From the Melbourne Argus Friday 5th Sept 1879, Page 7 THE EXTRAORDINARY PERSONATION CASE. [BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) SANDHURST, THURSDAY. The De Lacy Evans case has created great excitement here. The man-woman having resided in the district for about 20 years, was well known amongst the miners, but no one appeared ever to have supposed that she was other than as she represented herself to be, and the discovery of her sex has caused the greatest astonishment. The police have not yet moved in the matter of the discovery of her antecedents, but from the result of inquiries I have made, there seems to be no room to doubt that the woman is identical with the girl Ellen Tremaye, referred to in yesterday's telegram as having arrived at Melbourne by the ship Ocean Monarch in June, 1857. The nurse at the hospital, Mrs. Holt, is positive she is the same, and says the opinion was held amongst those on board the vessel that Tremaye had been well connected, and that she had left home in consequence of some misconduct. The Ocean Monarch was an immigrant vessel, and on the voyage Tremaye and another young woman, named Rose Kelly, were very intimate, but the latter, being seized with a dangerous illness, was left at Rio Janiero. Mrs. Evans, the wife of the supposed man, states that she frequently heard Evans say that she came out by the Ocean Monarch. But the most satisfactory information of Evans' previous history yet received has been obtained from a Mrs. Thompson, a charwoman at Myers' Creek, who was also a shipmate of the girl Tremaye. At the time she made the voyage she was unmarried, and was accompanied by Miss Mary Ann Delahunty, a young lady who was very well connected, and who came from the same village as herself, named Monakine, on the north bank of the river Suir, in Kilkenny. Miss Delahunty was an orphan and brought with her about £900. After Rose Kelly was taken ill, Tremaye resorted to Miss Delahunty's berth, and the passengers appeared to think there was something strange about the manner in which Tremaye conducted herself, and she had been observed to wear a man's under-clothing. Upon the arrival of the ship in Hobson's Bay, Tremaye declared herself to be a man, and told Mrs. Thompson she intended to marry Miss Delahunty. The next Mrs. Thompson saw of Ellen Tremaye was at Peg-leg Gully, Eaglehawk. Tremaye had just established herself in a house there under the name of Edward de Lacy Evans, and Mrs. Thompson went to serve them with milk. When she went to the house, she saw Evans sitting inside dressed in male attire, and immediately recognised him as her fellow passenger, Ellen Tremaye. Evans had, at this time, married his second wife, Miss Moore, who was then present. Evans re-marked to her—"I think I know you." To which Mrs. Thompson replied—"I know you, too," and added something to the effect that Ellen (referring to Tremaye) was a queer girl." Oh, said Evans, evidently anxious that his then wife should not understand Mrs. Thompson's reference, "It's a good job she is gone back to the old country." Mrs. Thompson inquired as to what had become of Miss Delahunty, and Evans replied, "Oh, my poor wife and boy both died of consumption, and are buried in the North Melbourne cemetery. " In reply to an inquiry as to what had been done with her (Delahunty's) money, Evans said she had sent it home to a nunnery. Evans's then wife had been absent during a portion of this conversation, but at this point she returned, and Evans went outside to the milkwoman, and said, "For your life don't mention my dead wife's name ; call me Mr. Evans. This missus of mine is death on the Roman Catholics, and she can't bear to hear my dead wife's name mentioned." This conversation took place about 12 or 14 years ago, and Mrs. Thompson seems to have quite believed that Evans had personated a woman under the name of Ellen Tremaye on the voyage out and was really a man. She lost sight of Evans soon afterwards, and took no further notice of the affair.Copies of Photographs of Tombstone - Eliza Jane Ponsford and daughter Matilda and Sarah De Lacy Evans (''who was the sister of Eliza Jane Ponsford''). One photo showing detail of text; the other showing background of cemetery. (De Lacey)eliza jane ponsford, ellen tremaye, sarah moore, julia mary marquand, mary delahunty, de lacy evans, de lacy, edward de lacy evans, edmund de lacy, bendigo -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Edward (Edmund) de Lacy Evans was really Ellen Tremaye; and in 1856 she married her fellow passenger on her voyage to Australia, Mary Delahunty; under the assumed name of EDMUND De Lacy. In 1859 he/she married Sarah Moore. They were married for eight years when in 1867 she died in childbirth. In 1868 after Sarah had died; Ellen, now known as EDWARD de Lacy Evans married Julia Mary Marquand in Ballarat. From the Melbourne Argus Friday 5th Sept 1879, Page 7 THE EXTRAORDINARY PERSONATION CASE. [BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) SANDHURST, THURSDAY. The De Lacy Evans case has created great excitement here. The man-woman having resided in the district for about 20 years, was well known amongst the miners, but no one appeared ever to have supposed that she was other than as she represented herself to be, and the discovery of her sex has caused the greatest astonishment. The police have not yet moved in the matter of the discovery of her antecedents, but from the result of inquiries I have made, there seems to be no room to doubt that the woman is identical with the girl Ellen Tremaye, referred to in yesterday's telegram as having arrived at Melbourne by the ship Ocean Monarch in June, 1857. The nurse at the hospital, Mrs. Holt, is positive she is the same, and says the opinion was held amongst those on board the vessel that Tremaye had been well connected, and that she had left home in consequence of some misconduct. The Ocean Monarch was an immigrant vessel, and on the voyage Tremaye and another young woman, named Rose Kelly, were very intimate, but the latter, being seized with a dangerous illness, was left at Rio Janiero. Mrs. Evans, the wife of the supposed man, states that she frequently heard Evans say that she came out by the Ocean Monarch. But the most satisfactory information of Evans' previous history yet received has been obtained from a Mrs. Thompson, a charwoman at Myers' Creek, who was also a shipmate of the girl Tremaye. At the time she made the voyage she was unmarried, and was accompanied by Miss Mary Ann Delahunty, a young lady who was very well connected, and who came from the same village as herself, named Monakine, on the north bank of the river Suir, in Kilkenny. Miss Delahunty was an orphan and brought with her about £900. After Rose Kelly was taken ill, Tremaye resorted to Miss Delahunty's berth, and the passengers appeared to think there was something strange about the manner in which Tremaye conducted herself, and she had been observed to wear a man's under-clothing. Upon the arrival of the ship in Hobson's Bay, Tremaye declared herself to be a man, and told Mrs. Thompson she intended to marry Miss Delahunty. The next Mrs. Thompson saw of Ellen Tremaye was at Peg-leg Gully, Eaglehawk. Tremaye had just established herself in a house there under the name of Edward de Lacy Evans, and Mrs. Thompson went to serve them with milk. When she went to the house, she saw Evans sitting inside dressed in male attire, and immediately recognised him as her fellow passenger, Ellen Tremaye. Evans had, at this time, married his second wife, Miss Moore, who was then present. Evans re-marked to her—"I think I know you." To which Mrs. Thompson replied—"I know you, too," and added something to the effect that Ellen (referring to Tremaye) was a queer girl." Oh, said Evans, evidently anxious that his then wife should not understand Mrs. Thompson's reference, "It's a good job she is gone back to the old country." Mrs. Thompson inquired as to what had become of Miss Delahunty, and Evans replied, "Oh, my poor wife and boy both died of consumption, and are buried in the North Melbourne cemetery. " In reply to an inquiry as to what had been done with her (Delahunty's) money, Evans said she had sent it home to a nunnery. Evans's then wife had been absent during a portion of this conversation, but at this point she returned, and Evans went outside to the milkwoman, and said, "For your life don't mention my dead wife's name ; call me Mr. Evans. This missus of mine is death on the Roman Catholics, and she can't bear to hear my dead wife's name mentioned." This conversation took place about 12 or 14 years ago, and Mrs. Thompson seems to have quite believed that Evans had personated a woman under the name of Ellen Tremaye on the voyage out and was really a man. She lost sight of Evans soon afterwards, and took no further notice of the affair.Copy of a newspaper article titled The Impersonator of Peg-leg Gully, The Woman of Many Wives by J P Quaine. Article mentions Edward De Lacy Evans who successfully impersonated a male and was married at least three times. After a head injury Evans was admitted to the Bendigo Hospital as a lunatic and remained for some weeks without arousing any suspicions. The secret was discovered when transferred to a Melbourne Institution. After improvement she returned to the Bendigo Hospital until she was well enough to leave the colony.bendigo, the long gully history group - the impersonator of peg-leg gully, j p quaine, edward de lacey evans, monarch of the ocean, bendigo hospital, ellen tremaye, sarah moore, julia mary marquand, mary delahunty, de lacy evans, de lacy, edward de lacy evans, edmund de lacy -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Edward (Edmund) de Lacy Evans was really Ellen Tremaye; and in 1856 she married her fellow passenger on her voyage to Australia, Mary Delahunty; under the assumed name of EDMUND De Lacy. In 1859 he/she married Sarah Moore. They were married for eight years when in 1867 she died in childbirth. In 1868 after Sarah had died; Ellen, now known as EDWARD de Lacy Evans married Julia Mary Marquand in Ballarat. From the Melbourne Argus Friday 5th Sept 1879, Page 7 THE EXTRAORDINARY PERSONATION CASE. [BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) SANDHURST, THURSDAY. The De Lacy Evans case has created great excitement here. The man-woman having resided in the district for about 20 years, was well known amongst the miners, but no one appeared ever to have supposed that she was other than as she represented herself to be, and the discovery of her sex has caused the greatest astonishment. The police have not yet moved in the matter of the discovery of her antecedents, but from the result of inquiries I have made, there seems to be no room to doubt that the woman is identical with the girl Ellen Tremaye, referred to in yesterday's telegram as having arrived at Melbourne by the ship Ocean Monarch in June, 1857. The nurse at the hospital, Mrs. Holt, is positive she is the same, and says the opinion was held amongst those on board the vessel that Tremaye had been well connected, and that she had left home in consequence of some misconduct. The Ocean Monarch was an immigrant vessel, and on the voyage Tremaye and another young woman, named Rose Kelly, were very intimate, but the latter, being seized with a dangerous illness, was left at Rio Janiero. Mrs. Evans, the wife of the supposed man, states that she frequently heard Evans say that she came out by the Ocean Monarch. But the most satisfactory information of Evans' previous history yet received has been obtained from a Mrs. Thompson, a charwoman at Myers' Creek, who was also a shipmate of the girl Tremaye. At the time she made the voyage she was unmarried, and was accompanied by Miss Mary Ann Delahunty, a young lady who was very well connected, and who came from the same village as herself, named Monakine, on the north bank of the river Suir, in Kilkenny. Miss Delahunty was an orphan and brought with her about £900. After Rose Kelly was taken ill, Tremaye resorted to Miss Delahunty's berth, and the passengers appeared to think there was something strange about the manner in which Tremaye conducted herself, and she had been observed to wear a man's under-clothing. Upon the arrival of the ship in Hobson's Bay, Tremaye declared herself to be a man, and told Mrs. Thompson she intended to marry Miss Delahunty. The next Mrs. Thompson saw of Ellen Tremaye was at Peg-leg Gully, Eaglehawk. Tremaye had just established herself in a house there under the name of Edward de Lacy Evans, and Mrs. Thompson went to serve them with milk. When she went to the house, she saw Evans sitting inside dressed in male attire, and immediately recognised him as her fellow passenger, Ellen Tremaye. Evans had, at this time, married his second wife, Miss Moore, who was then present. Evans re-marked to her—"I think I know you." To which Mrs. Thompson replied—"I know you, too," and added something to the effect that Ellen (referring to Tremaye) was a queer girl." Oh, said Evans, evidently anxious that his then wife should not understand Mrs. Thompson's reference, "It's a good job she is gone back to the old country." Mrs. Thompson inquired as to what had become of Miss Delahunty, and Evans replied, "Oh, my poor wife and boy both died of consumption, and are buried in the North Melbourne cemetery. " In reply to an inquiry as to what had been done with her (Delahunty's) money, Evans said she had sent it home to a nunnery. Evans's then wife had been absent during a portion of this conversation, but at this point she returned, and Evans went outside to the milkwoman, and said, "For your life don't mention my dead wife's name ; call me Mr. Evans. This missus of mine is death on the Roman Catholics, and she can't bear to hear my dead wife's name mentioned." This conversation took place about 12 or 14 years ago, and Mrs. Thompson seems to have quite believed that Evans had personated a woman under the name of Ellen Tremaye on the voyage out and was really a man. She lost sight of Evans soon afterwards, and took no further notice of the affair.With a card (for exhibition??) entitled '' The only known photograph of the enigmatical De Lacy Evans who for many years impersonated a man and was by occupation a gold miner''. Date 1877 (1880 crossed out). On the reverse side is the name N. White photographer Mitchell St Sandhurst, Opposite St. Paul's Tower.N W White, Mitchell St, Sandhurstperson, individual, male impersonater., ellen tremaye, sarah moore, julia mary marquand, mary delahunty, de lacy evans, de lacy, edward de lacy evans, edmund de lacy -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Document - Plan, Victorian Harbours Warrnambool, Victorian Harbours, Warrnambool, Plan to Accompany Sir John Coode's Report, 28-02-1879
This plan is of great significance to the local history of Warrnambool, in particular the Breakwater and its impact on Warrnambool's maritime and trade history. The plan shows the existing jetties at the Port of Warrnambool, plus the partially erected Breakwater and proposed works to the Breakwater by both the Borough of Warrnambool Surveyor and Sir John Coode. The plan was signed 28th February 1879 by Sir John Coode. The legend at the bottom left describes the existing works and the proposed works. The Warrnambool Breakwater Sir John Coode was a British harbour engineer. He was brought to Melbourne by the Melbourne Harbour Trust to advise on works to improve the Port of Melbourne. The Victorian Government commissioned him to present a plan to complete the Warrnambool Breakwater. His original plan was too expensive so he prepared a revised plan for a shorter structure. The work was completed in 1890. The construction proved to be too short to protect adequately from the weather and didn't allow enough depth for larger vessels to come into port. The decreasing trade was further affected by siltation in the bay due to the breakwater, and the completion of the railway line. The situation of the harbour became a real problem that, by 1910, required continuous dredging. In 1914 the Breakwater was extended but proved to be a failure because the work began to subside and by 1920 about two thirds of the harbour was silted up. Alterations made in the 1920's increased the silting problem and by the 1940's the harbour was no longer used. More alterations were made in the 1950's and 1960's. The Warrnambool Breakwater is registered as a place of significance on the Victorian Heritage Database. This plan of the proposed works for the existing Warrnambool Breakwater is of great significance to the local history of Warrnambool, in particular the Breakwater and its impact on Warrnambool's maritime and trade history. The Warrnambool Breakwater is registered as a place of significance on the Victorian Heritage Database (VHR H2024). It is historically significant to Victoria as one of the most important maritime engineering projects in Victoria in the late 19th century. The Warrnambool Breakwater is of historical significance as one of the most important maritime engineering projects in Victoria in the late nineteenth century. It is evidence of Victoria's nineteenth century investment in regional port infrastructure and the development of Victorian coastal shipping. It is of significance for its association with the English civil engineer Sir John Coode, the most distinguished harbour engineer of the nineteenth century, who was brought to Victoria to advise on works to improve the Port of Melbourne, but was retained by the Government to advise on improvements to the harbours at Portland, Geelong, Port Fairy, and Lakes Entrance, as well as Warrnambool. His projects for Melbourne, Lakes Entrance and Warrnambool were major engineering projects of the nineteenth century. The breakwater is historically significant as a reminder of Warrnambool's early maritime history as a Western District port, and as one of Victoria's major 'outer ports'. While the Warrnambool Breakwater is a demonstration of the engineering skills of the nineteenth century, it also demonstrates the limitations of knowledge relating to sedimentology at the time and the confidence apparent in a number of nineteenth century plans which assumed that natural forces could be overcome or contained by engineering.Plan of Warrnambool Harbour, Port of Warrnambool, dated 28 Feb 1879. Plan shows existing Breakwater and work proposed by both Warrnambool Borough Surveyor and Sir John Coode. Plan has gold coloured quarter-dowel rods top and bottom and a metal ring at the top. Stamped with title. Signed by Sir John Coode.Stamped "VICTORIAN HARBOURS / WARRNAMBOOL / PLAN / to accompany / SIR JOHN GOODE'S REPORT / DATED 28 FEB 1879" Signature "John Coode"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, sir john coode, borough of warrnambool surveyor, plan of warrnambool, victorian harbours, warrnambool harbour, warrnambool breakwater, port of warrnambool, vhd vhr h2024, flagstaff hill maritime museum & village, maritime village, map, chart, plan, lady bay, breakwater, jetty, pier, vhr h2024, proposed works, 1879 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, Former Methodist Church, Plenty, 5 August 2008
In 1924, the Methodist Church opened at the corner of River Ave and Yan Yean Road, Plenty. It was a simple weatherboard gabled building. The church developed a strong community life with celebrations as well as worships, Sundays Schools and social events. It closed in 1979. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p113 In 1924, the Methodist Church, (which closed in 1976), opened at the corner of River Avenue and Yan Yean Road. Church members including George Starling and Ernest Osmond, built the simple weatherboard gabled building.3 The church developed a strong community life, with celebrations as well as worship through Sunday School anniversaries, picnics, harvest festivals and youth groups. Many volunteers worked hard for the church - teaching Sunday School and ferrying young people to events, sometimes in the backs of trucks and furniture vans. Children from the Sutherland Homes were brought to church by their Matron – a ‘grim martinet’! Members included the Ashton, Reid, Harris, McLachlan, Hopkin, Rose and Stuchbery families. The first wedding was for Vida McLachlan and Ray Stuchbery.4This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, methodist church, plenty -
Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat Inc.
Photograph - Image, Edward Grose
"DEATH Of MR EDWARD GROSE. General and sincere regret will be felt at the announcement of the death of Mr Edward Grose, formerly one of the proprietors of The Ballarat Star. The sad event took place at the late gentleman's residence, Raglan street north, at 2 p.m. yesterday, in the presence of the members of the family, who were hastily summoned to his bedside on the previous night. Mr Grose had been in indifferent health for several years past, but he was always able to attend to business, and up till a fortnight ago, when he took to his bed, suffering from a severe affection of the kidneys and bronchitis, it was generally considered by those who knew him that he had many years of life before him. Notwithstanding, however, the unremitting attention of Dr Hardy and of Drs Woinsraki and Hudson, who were called in in consultation, be gradually became worse, until a few days ago his case was considered almost hopeless. Mr Grose was highly esteemed amongst a large circle of friends in Ballarat and district for his integrity of character and urbanity of manner, and the news of his death will come as a surprise to the many who knew him and were acquainted with his active and energetic temperament. In 1847 Mr Grose’s parents left Plymouth, England, for Australia, and on the voyage Mr Grose was born. His father, Mr. Thos. Bolitho Grose, who lived to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of his wedding, and died only recently, landed at Adelaide, and was connected for some time with the famous Burra Burra copper mines in South Australia. In 1851, when the Victorian goldfields were discovered, he came to the colony and engaged in mining in Ballarat and Creswick, and at the Mount Alexander, now Castlemaine, field with varying success. Ultimately he brought his wife and two sons to Ballarat, and in 1857 returned to Creswick. In 1862 Mr Edward Grose was apprenticed to the late Mr John Francis to learn printing at the Creswick Advertiser office. The late Mr F. N. Martin then purchased the paper, and on the 1st January, 1871, Mr Grose was admitted into partnership. In July, 1884, Messrs Martin and Grose purchased The Ballarat Star, which they conjointly conducted until a few months ago, when the partnership was dissolved and Mr Martin retired from business. Shortly afterwards Mr Grose also retired, having re-sold his interest to the present proprietors. While resident at Creswick Mr Grose identified himself with all local matters, and was at different times president of the hospital committee, a vice-president and member of the council of the School of Mines, chairman of the local Cemetery Trust, and a prominent member of the Creswick Horticultural Society, while he took an active interest in all charitable institutions. In March, 1873, Mr Grose was married by the late Rev. Robert Kennedy to Miss Robina Orr, the third daughter of the late Mr Archibald Fulton Orr, formerly of Johnstone, Renfrewshire, Scotland, brother of the well-known and popular sportsman, Mr Robert Orr, of this city. Our Creswick correspondent writes:— Much regret was expressed here this evening concerning the lamentable death of Mr Edward Grose. The late Mr Grose had lived the best part of his life in Creswick, where he took an active part in almost every institution in the town, and was greatly respected by all. With the late Mr F. N. Martin, he brought the Advertiser to a high standard, and the fact of the two gentlemen who played such an important part in local history dying within two months of each other has been a subject of considerable and regretful comment. The relatives of the late gentlemen may derive some comfort from the knowledge that they have the entire sympathy of the people of Creswick in their very sad trouble.” The funeral of the deceased will take place on Sunday, leaving his late residence, Raglan street north, at 1 o’clock, for the place of interment, the Creswick Cemetery." {Ballarat Star, 02 July 1897}Photographic portrait of Edward Grose, member of the Old Colonists Association of Ballarat. He was manager of the Ballarat Star. In March 1873 he married Robina Orr, daughter of Archibald Fulton Orr, at Mount Bolton.edward grose, old colonists' association of ballarat, old colonists' club -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Stick Pins, Sydney Olympic Games Victorian Torch Relay, 1998
These stick pins were souvenirs of the Olympic Torch Relay in 2000. The summer Olympic Games were held in Sydney in 2000 and the Olympic Torch was brought from Olympia in Greece to Australia via Oceania. There were 13,400 torchbearers with 11,000 of these being in Australia. The Olympic Torch was carried on Day 43 (July 20th 2000) through the streets of Warrnambool. These stick pins are of minor interest as souvenirs of the Sydney Olympics 2000 Torch Relay, an event connected to Warrnambool’s history. .1 A metal stick pin attached to a card. The card has a blue background with coloured writing and background images. The pin is gold-coloured and designed in the shape of the State of Victoria with an image of a runner, a boomerang and ocean waves on the front and a metal clip at the back .2 as above Celebrate the Torch Relay with your Sydney 2000 Olympic Torch Relay Free Vic Pin Presenting Partner AMP Herald Sun Not for sale TM C SOCOG 1998 sydney olympics 2000, olympic torch relay 2000 warrnambool, history of warrnambool -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A prefabricated, two-bedroom, wooden cottage brought from England by Victoria's first governor, Charles La Trobe. It was erected on his estate "Jolimont" near the current MCG.Booklet, Victoria's First Government House 1839 - 1854 Commentary and Catalogue Fourth edition 1974 National Trust of Australia. Contains black and white photographs and a map.australia, history, government, australia - history - government -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Postcard - Scenic - Warrnambool, Bay of Biscay, Hopkins River, Warrnambool, 1902-1910
The nine postcards in this set were donated together and date to the early 1900s. All but one postcard in this set shows images of Warrnambool, in the Western District of Victoria; the other has a London image. The postcards were all printed in Great Britain according to that country’s postal regulations. The fronts of all cards have titles printed in red. Most of the images on the cards are attributed to photographer Joseph Jordan and belong to the Jordan Series. The back of these cards has an outline for a postage stamp, a vertical dividing line and a heading on each side of the line to separate the Correspondence from the Address. Postcards or ‘correspondence cards’ appeared in Britain in 1894. They were plain cards with a space for the message on one side and an address on the other; regulations didn’t allow anything but the address to be written on the ‘address’ side. In 1902 the British regulations then allowed a picture to be printed on the front and the address on the back, so messages had to be written on the picture side. Soon, the regulations changed and the back was divided for a message and the address. Bay of Biscay, Hopkins River, Warrnambool – This same image was published in Table Talk on January 6th, 1910 and in The Age, on December 18, 1929, referred to a revival of fishing at the Bay of Biscay on the Hopkins River. These and similar articles showcased the Bay of Biscay as a popular boating and fishing location and well worth promoting to places outside of Warrnambool. Joseph Jordan - Joseph Jordan was born in 1841 in Leicester England. When he was 16 he joined the 7th Queen's Own Hussars and was sent to India at the outbreak of the mutiny. He took part in the relief of Lucknow and remained in India for eleven years. It was during this time that he became interested in photography. He was posted to New Zealand and later came to Victoria, becoming a sergeant major of the Mounted Rifles. In the mid-1880s he came to the Western district where he was responsible for establishing units of the Mounted Rifles in various country towns such as Dunkeld, Mortlake, Panmure, Bushfield, Koroit etc. He resigned from the army in 1889 and set up a professional photography studio in Liebig Street, Warrnambool. He became very well known in the Western District for family photographs, official photographs of local councillors and groups as well as views of local scenery. In 1891 he photographed the wrecked barque ‘Fiji’ at ‘Wrecks Beach’ near Princetown. His business was taken over by his son Arthur around 1917. Joseph was a keen rifle shot and in 1924 he donated the "Jordan Shield" as a prize to the Victorian Rifle Association. He was made a "Life Honorary Member" of the Warrnambool Returned Soldiers League and in 1933 he was recognised as being the oldest living soldier in Victoria. Joseph died in 1935 aged 95.The image of the figures in a row boat on the river suggests that the location was a popular place to visit. The choice of subject for this postcard indicates the popularity of Warrnambool's natural environment as a tourist attraction at a time when ships called coastal traders brought passengers and cargo to the Port of Warrnambool from ports along Victoria's southwest coast. Joseph Jordan is a significant figure in Warrnambool history as he helped to establish early units of the Mounted Rifles (G Company) in local towns during the late 1880's and later, photographed local scenes, groups and citizens of early Warrnambool.Postcard, one of nine, portrait orientation, coloured print within a rectangle border with an impressed line around the image and a title in red. The picture shows three figures wearing hats in a rowboat on the bank of a river beside cliffs. There is no correspondence written on the card. The back has inscriptions and outlines for a postage stamp. Jordan Series, printed in Great Britain.Front, in red: “Bay of Biscay, Hopkins River, Warrnambool” Back in green: “Jordan Series” “POST CARD” “PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN” “For correspondence” “The Address only to be written here”flagstaff hill maritime museum, flagstaff hill maritime village, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, maritime museum, warrnambool, great ocean road, warrnambool and district, warrnambool scenes, local scenes, views of warrnambool, joseph jordan, jordan series, jordan photography, postcard, souvenir, correspondence, cameo postcard, bay of biscay, fishing, boating -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Photograph - Historical - maritime, Early 1900's
The photograph of Lady Bay, Warrnambool, and its surrounds reflects the historical changes to the area since since the early days of the Breakwater, from the 1870's. The foreground shows a lamppost with insulators, showing that electricity was supplied before or at the time.The subject of the photograph gives a reference point to the passage of time and the changes brought about in the growth of the town to a busy city, of the changes in transport and landscape and the management of the Bay.Photograph, sepia, showing Lady Bay, Middle Island, Lake Pertobe, railway line and cows in foreground, steam ship with smoke docked at the breakwater, small hut and larger building at start of breakwater, row of Norfolk pine trees across centre. There is a lamppost with white insulators in the foreground.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, photograph, warrnambool, lady bay, lake pertobe, cannon hill, middle island, steam ship, breakwater, warrnambool history, insulators, electricity, power, shed on breakwater