Showing 66890 items
matching walker-house
International House, The University of Melbourne
Photograph (Sub-Item), Victorian house on the site of International House at the University of Melbourne, c. 1957
buildings, royal parade, architecture -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, The Rose Stereograph Company, "Heidelberg House" Hospital, c.1938
View looking across a treed landscape lawn towards the new 'Heidelberg House' at the Austin Hospital, which was opened in 1939. This glass plate negative was used to manufacture postcards (1:1 printing) for commercial sale by the Rose Sterograph Company and its subsidiaries. George Rose founded the Rose Stereograph Company in 1880 and was joined by Herbert (Bert) Cutts in the early 20th Century. The pair formed a lifetime working partnership and strong personal friendship. Assisted by George’s two sons, Herbert George and Walter, and later by Neil Cutts, the Rose Stereograph Company continued its operations for more than 140 years. The company was initially built on stereographs, but as cinema took over and stereographs fell out of fashion, the Rose Stereograph Company developed Australia’s first commercially viable photographic postcard business. Specialising in postcards of iconic historical moments and significant landmarks, The Rose Stereograph Company became a staple of the Australian travel industry.This remarkable collection of glass plate negatives, transparencies, and postcards – arguably Australia’s most significant photography collection outside of public hands – has been passed down through the generations, surviving war, relocation, and the harsh Victorian climate. The historic Rose Stereograph collection is the culmination of George Rose’s dream of capturing and preserving precious moments in time and remains the legacy of the Rose and Cutts families. It is with great sadness that the Cutts family says goodbye to a collection that spans five generations and 140 years. The Cutts family understands that for these historically important pieces to rest with one family is to deny others the pleasure of their custodianship.Glass Plate Negative Size: 9 x 14 cm"Heidelberg House" Hospital, Velentine Series No. 1117, Copyrightpostcard, travel, rose stereograph company, glass plate negative, ray trinham, austin hospital, heidelberg house, valentine series postcard, heidelberg, peter and elizabeth pidgeon collection -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Image, Nazareth House, Ballarat, 11/01/2016
Nazareth House was founded in 1888. This photograph was taken at the time of the Royal Commission into Institution Child Sex Abuse and the residency of Bishop Mulkearns. The ribbons were highlighting the concept of 'No more silence'.Colour photograph of a three storey building known as Nazareth House run by the Sisters of Nazareth. nazareth house, ballarat, orphanage, catholic, sisters of nazareth, residential care, ribbons, architecture -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Image, Nazareth House, Ballarat, 11/01/2016
Nazareth House was founded in 1888. This photograph was taken at the time of the Royal Commission into Institution Child Sex Abuse and the residency of Bishop Mulkearns. The ribbons were highlighting the concept of 'No more silence'.Colour photograph of a three storey building known as Nazareth House run by the Sisters of Nazareth. nazareth house, ballarat, orphanage, catholic, sisters of nazareth, residential care, ribbons, architecture -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Image, Clare Gervasoni, Nazareth House, Ballarat, 11/01/2016
Nazareth House was founded in 1888. This photograph was taken at the time of the Royal Commission into Institution Child Sex Abuse and the residency of Bishop Mulkearns. The ribbons were highlighting the concept of 'No more silence'.Colour photograph of a three storey building known as Nazareth House run by the Sisters of Nazareth. nazareth house, ballarat, orphanage, catholic, sisters of nazareth, residential care, ribbons -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Widows Club at Legacy House, 1980s
A group of ladies at art and craft classes at Legacy House. The lady in the top left corner is Valerie Rae. The other ladies are not known. Date is not known but possibly in the 1980s. Was donated with three other photos after Valerie Rae passed away. The note with the photos was dated 2014 and it said she died in 2009.A record of activities that Legacy provided for widows.Black and white photo of a group of widows at Legacy House with flowers.Handwritten on back in blue pen 'Melbourne Art and Craft', also typed in black on a small label 'Widows at Art and Craft Class'.widows, widows clubs, craft -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Smith - Signalman at Ringwood - at No.1 Wantirna Rd Railway house, Undated
No.1 Wantirna Rd. Railway house originally built in 1889 - said to be one of the oldest in the state.Written on back of photograph, "No.1 Wantirna Rd. Railway house built in 1889. Now one of the oldest in the state. Occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Eric Smith. Signalman at Ringwood". "Eric W. & P. Skewes, Commercial & Industrial Photography, 48 Pitt St. Ringwood. Phone 87 6720". -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Legacy House, 1997
A photo of Legacy House from 1997. Junior Legacy Melbourne purchased 289-299 Swanston Street Melbourne (previously called Red Cross House) in 1956 from the Commonwealth Government with money gifted to Legacy in memory of David H Dureau. The donation was initially used to purchase a different building at 342 Swanston St, which was sold in 1954, and 289 Swanston St was purchased. Melbourne Legacy is still using three floors of the building, with tenants on the ground floor. Plus two photos from earlier time that have been digitised from slides. The brown photo would have been from late 1950s and then the green is after it was repainted in 1961 (according to the slide mount) An article mentions the purchase price was undisclosed. It says the purchase was possible due to a generous gift of money from overseas in 1944. The building would be called the David H Dureau Memorial Building at the request of the donors. A record of what the Legacy House building looked like when it was acquired by Melbourne Legacy. Black and white photo of Legacy House from 1997.dureau house, properties, streetscape, swanston st -
Melbourne Legacy
Slide, Government House Christmas Party 1957, 1957
Colour slide of a boy sitting on a rocking horse at Government House. Melbourne Legacy held an annual Christmas Party for Junior Legatees and Widows at Government House for many years. Junior Legatees were given gifts. Was with many other slides taken in the 1950s and 1960s. The slides have been photographed to make digital images and moved to archive quality sleeves. In many cases the original images were not well focussed and the digital image is the best available.A record of a Legacy Christmas party held at Government House.Colour slide of a boy on a rocking horse at a Legacy Christmas Party at Government House, in a cardboard mount.Imprinted '16 in red ink. Handwritten 'Junior at Legacy Party 14.12.1957' in black party, government house party, toys -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Badge, House Captain's badge
House captain's badge provided by Ballarat Clarendon College for the Captain of Henderson House. Two gold-plated badges with House name in red lettering. Rectagular name plate sits on red circle. Gold border to both pieces. Pin fastening fixed across rear. Face: HENDERSONhenderson-house, house-captain, ballarat-clarendon-college -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Widow at Legacy House, 2001
Photo a Legacy widow reading The Answer newsletter. It held a lot of information about events that the widows could be involved in. Legacy House was open Monday to Friday with many events scheduled for Widows to participate in such as craft sessions, painting lessons, and a cup of tea was always available. Possibly more photos to be found and can be added here. Date is assumed from the date on the cover of the newsletter - 2001.A record of the type of activities Legacy provided as a social outlet for widows. Colour photo of a widow reading The Answer at Legacy HousePrinted on the back " -
International House, The University of Melbourne
Photograph (Item), Australian News and Information Bureau, Group of people including first Warden Brian Jones walking near the recently-completed first accommodation building (llater named the Ian Clunies Ross Wing) at International House Melbourne, c. 1957
International House at the University of Melbourne was the first residence of its type in Australia. The first accommodation building, which opened to residents in 1957, was later named in honour of Ian Clunies Ross (1899-1959), the first chair of the International House Council. 1950s melbourne, international house -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, House helps sufferers
The Uniting Church Community Services Opportunity Shop has given help towards modifying a local house to be used for day care for Alzheimer Disease sufferers.The Uniting Church Community Services Opportunity Shop has given help towards modifying a local house to be used for day care for Alzheimer Disease sufferers. The house bought by Strathdon will be known as Strathdon Community Care Centre. The opportunity shop is calling for help to keep the shop running.The Uniting Church Community Services Opportunity Shop has given help towards modifying a local house to be used for day care for Alzheimer Disease sufferers. community services, uniting church community services opportunity shop, strathdon community, bain, jean, toby, anne, best, bill -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture, The Mueller House Cup, 1968
At this time there were 2 rival sporting Houses at Burnley College-Mueller House and McAlpine House.Black and white photograph. 2 students and 2 men standing outside the Administration Building holding the Cup.On reverse, "Left to Right (Pupils) Ann Flinn, Mr. R. Gardner Mueller House Cup Burnley Speech Day Dec. '68," and, "Photograph by Information Branch Victorian Department Of Agriculture Ref. No. D.1448.A." students, men, administration building, ann flinn, mueller house cup, burnley, speech day, 1968, r. gardner, publicity -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, 10. The Residence: "Blamey House" Extract from Minutes 23.10.73
Pages 2 and 3 extracted from minutes of an unnamed committee meeting held on 5.11.73, probably the Residences Committee. The items discussed seem to be mostly about Blamey House and the need to renovate various areas at a possible cost of $20,000-$25,000. The minutes emphasise the need to bring forward a complete Works Programme for Blamey House to bring it up to the standard of Harelands and Stanhope.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.Foolscap sheets x 2, black type on white. Two holes punched for filing. 01675.3 Pencilled notes: 'HR & JC to talk about forecast', occupancy rates for Blamey House, Stanhope and Har elands in '74.residences, blamey house -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Holiday camp at Blamey House 1961, 1961
Two photos of country Junior Legatees that had come to Melbourne for a camp in January 1961. They stayed for two weeks at Blamey House in Kew. At the time Legatee Bert Davis was CFO and his daughter Louise was asked to help with the running of the camp. Photos donated by Legatee Bert Davis' daughters.A record of outings and camps provided for Junior Legatees in the 1960s.Black and white photo x 2 of girls outside Blamey House.camps, blamey house, junior legatee outings -
Melbourne Legacy
Slide, Government House Christmas Party, 1950s
Colour slide of children on a merry-go-round ride with wooden horses at Government House. Melbourne Legacy held an annual Christmas Party for Junior Legatees and Widows at Government House for many years. The year is unknown but likely to be during the 1950s. A group of slides in glass mounts with green tape are probably from a couple of consecutive years. They will be catalogued separately. Was with many other slides taken in the 1950s and 1960s. The slides have been photographed to make digital images and moved to archive quality sleeves. In many cases the original images were not well focussed and the digital image is the best available.A record of a Legacy Christmas party held at Government House.Colour slide of a merry-go-round at Government House, in a glass mount with green party, government house party, carousel -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Book, The Golf House-Marysville, Victoria, 2007
Paperback. Front cover has a photograph of old El Kanah. Below that is a drawing of what appears to be the author standing next to a car that has a sign on its roof saying 'The Golf House'. The back cover has a photograph of the author and a blurb about the author.The Golf House/...this story tells of an outstanding golfing/ career as a player and tutor and humorous/ happenings while operating a guesthouse/ aply called The Golf House Stamp of the Marysville & District /Historical Society Inc / P.O. Box 22 / Marysville 3779 To Jasper & family / Wishing you all a wonderful future / & Life / Regards / Norman Murphy / XXgolf, history, el kanah, marysville -
Melbourne Legacy
Slide, Legacy House in Market Street, 1950s
Two slide images of the staircase in the old Legacy House in Market Street, probably from the 1950s. It shows children and people gathered together, some are holding balloons and some have party hats on. Legacy rented the Market St premises for many years. It was part of the Western Market complex that was demolished and redeveloped in the early 1960s. Legacy held meetings, activities and the girls classes on the second floor of the building, accessed by this staircase, but it was barely fit for purpose. In the 1940s a generous donation by an anonymous donor meant Legacy could purchase a building at 342 Swanston St, but due to several factors were never able to inhabit it. Finally it was sold in 1954 and Junior Legacy Melbourne purchased 289-299 Swanston Street Melbourne (previously called Red Cross House) in 1956 from the Commonwealth Government.A record of the Market Street building that Legacy occupied for many years until 1956-7.Colour slide x 2 of the staircase at Legacy House in Market, market st -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Postcard (Item) - Black and white postcard, Rose Stereograph Company, BLACK SPUR HOTEL AND NARBETHONG HOUSE, NARBETHONG, 1913-1967
A digital copy of a black and white postcard of the Black Spur Hotel and Narbethong House in Narbethong.A digital copy of a black and white postcard of the Black Spur Hotel and Narbethong House in Narbethong. A postcard in a series produced by the Rose Stereograph Company in Victoria, Australia as a souvenir of Narbethong. narbethong, victoria, australia, postcard, rose series postcard, the rose stereograph company, p. 2258, souvenir, black spur hotel, narbethong house -
Cockatoo History & Heritage Group
Regulations, Providence House Regulations, Cockatoo Victoria
The Presbyterian Church owned three lots of land bounded by Pakenham Road and the northern side of Dorchester Road, between 1927 and 1964. Providence House opened in 1927 as a peaceful country rest home for “tired mothers” from the inner suburbs, and their children. It was also used, at different times, for kindergarten groups and in 1955 for a girls Bible Class for Easter “studies, fun and fellowship.”Cockatoo had several guest houses which took paying guests. Providence House did not charge fees, but is the best-documented of the large houses which provided accommodation.Framed regulations for the Presbyterian Church of Victoria's Providence House in Cockatoo.providence house, cockatoo victoria, presbyterian church, regulations, -
International House, The University of Melbourne
Photograph, Australian News and Information Bureau, Josevats Komikamica and John Daniel with Prime Minister of Australia Robert Menzies after the official opening of International House, 24/05/1958
Josevats Komikamica, a commerce student from Fiji, and John Daniel, a medical student from India, attended International House in its opening year, 1957. Prime Minister of Australia, Robert Menzies, pictured here with the two students, attended and spoke at the official opening of International House.Black and white photograph of Josevats Komikamica and John Daniel with Prime Minister of Australia Robert Menzies after the official opening of International Houseinternational house, students, official opening -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Postcard (item) - Sepia postcard, Rose Stereograph Company, "MT. KITCHENER HOUSE," MARYSVILLE, VIC, 1913-1967
A sepia postcard of Mt. Kitchener House in Marysville that was produced by the Rose Stereograph Company as a souvenir of Marysville.A sepia postcard of Mt. Kitchener House in Marysville that was produced by the Rose Stereograph Company as a souvenir of Marysville.THE ROSE SERIES P. 4926/ COPYRIGHT POST CARD The "Rose" Series/ De Luxe A Real Photograph/ Produced in Australia Published by the Rose Stereograph Co.,/ Armadale, Victoria.marysville, victoria, australia, mt kitchener house, accommodation, rose series, rose stereograph company, postcard, souvenir, p. 4926 -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Glenburnie Guest House, Wodonga
In the early 1900s a new Coffee Palace was erected on the first railway land to be leased for private business in Wodonga. This Coffee Palace (later to become Glenburnie Guest House) was situated in High Street opposite the former Customs House which at the time was being used as the Wodonga Police Station. It was built by Mr Denny Donovan and operated by his wife. An article in the Wodonga and Towong Sentinel declared that “No expense has been spared in the erection and fitting up of the Palace, which is intended to supply a long felt want”. The building consists entirely of brick and the rooms are lofty, spacious and well-ventilated. The bedsteads are modern, and will satisfy the most fastidious. The motto of the proprietress is “Cleanliness, civility and attention”. Mr Donovan died in January 1908 and in 1909 the Wodonga Coffee Palace was sold by Mrs Donovan to Mrs P. Egan who advertised hot and cold shower baths with meals at all hours. In 1913 the Wodonga Coffee Palace was taken over by Mrs Cuthbertson and Miss Steele. In 1921 Wodonga Coffee Palace was taken over by Julia Ronan who had successfully conducted the dining rooms at the Wodonga Saleyards for 15 years until those premises burned down. The Wodonga and Towong Sentinel on 10 January 1936 reported that “the business premises formerly conducted by Mrs Ronan have been renovated and refurbished. The new proprietresses are Misses Breen, who have had extensive experience in managing such businesses. The new premises will be known as the Glenburnie Guest House.” Changes of ownership continued with Mrs M.E. Elliot taking over in December 1940, followed by Mrs Stella Victoria Wong in 1945. In 1953 it was again taken over by Mrs E.M. Moran. The date of the closure of Glenburnie Guest House is uncertain but the building was demolished in the early 1970s.This image is significant because it is one of the few remaining links to an important Wodonga business.A photo taken from a newspaper article about Glenburnie Guest Houseglenburnie guest house, early wodonga businesses, coffee palaces -
International House, The University of Melbourne
Photograph (Item), Lady Maie Casey, Sir Samuel Wadham, and an unidentified woman in profile, possibly at the opening of the Samuel Wadham Wing at International House, c. 1963
This image could be one of several formal occasions attended by Lady Maie Casey and Lord Richard Casey, as both were dedicated patrons of International House. In March 1963, Lord Casey opened the Samuel Wadham Wing, named for the man in the centre of this image. Samuel Wadham (1891–1972) was a professor of agriculture at the University of Melbourne and chair of the International House Council from 1959 to 1969. He and his wife Lady Dorothy Wadham were deeply involved in fundraising and public outreach on behalf of International House.maie casey, samuel wadham -
Melbourne Legacy
Slide, Government House Christmas Party, 1950s
Colour slide of people at Government House. Melbourne Legacy held an annual Christmas Party for Junior Legatees and Widows at Government House for many years. The year is unknown but likely to be during the 1950s. A group of slides in glass mounts with green tape are probably from a couple of consecutive years. They will be catalogued separately. Was with many other slides taken in the 1950s and 1960s. The slides have been photographed to make digital images and moved to archive quality sleeves. In many cases the original images were not well focussed and the digital image is the best available.A record of a Legacy Christmas party held at Government House.Colour slide of people at Government House for a Legacy Christmas Party, in a glass mount with green party, government house party -
International House, The University of Melbourne
Photograph (Item), International House Vice-Warden Rajaratnam Sundarason and resident Harry Leong
Rajaratnam Sundarason from Singapore was one of the founders of International House at the University of Melbournefounder -
Circa Vintage Archive
House of Merivale 1970s dress, Lace up maxi dress by the House of Merivale 1970s, Mid 1970s
This dress was featured in a fashion editorial in the Herald Sun 2012 for a Jerry Hall style look, and also a fashion parade at the Love Vintage fair in 2011 as well as in the book "Style is Eternal" 2009.This dress is representative of 1930s style fashions created by the House of Merivale in the 1970sHalterneck maxi dress with scooped neckline, and deep lace up back. Flared, bias cut skirt perfectly matches up the pinstriped fabric. Centre back nylon zipper. Labelled the House of Merivale -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Traquair House, circa 1950, 1950
Black and white photograph of a single storey building showing five arched windows and front door facing the street."Traquair House c1950s"buildings, traquair house, bank of nsw -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Postcard (item) - Black and white postcard, Valentine Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd, MT. KITCHENER HOUSE, MARYSVILLE, 1923-1963
A black and white postcard of Mt. Kitchener House in Marysville that was produced by the Valentine Publishing Co Pty. Ltd. as a souvenir of Marysville.A black and white postcard of Mt. Kitchener House in Marysville that was produced by the Valentine Publishing Co Pty. Ltd. as a souvenir of Marysville.V.5. VALENTINE'S/ POST CARD/ A GENUINE PHOTOGRAPHmarysville, victoria, australia, mt kitchener house, accommodation, the valentine publishing co pty. ltd., v.5., souvenir, postcard