Showing 643 items
matching agreement
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Circular to the Members of The Melbourne Legacy Club and The 'Carry on' Club (H10), 1937
This circular was issued to both Legacy Club of Melbourne and The 'Carry On' Club of Melbourne, and signed by presidents: JHB Armstrong for Legacy and WL Sinclair for Carry On. It was after a series of annual conferences between the two clubs and shows an agreement between the clubs on the spheres of work carried out by each club to prevent duplication of effort. As a general rule, Legacy would concentrate on the care of widows and children of DECEASED servicemen; the 'Carry On' Club would focus on the LIVING ex-servicemen and their dependents. A note was made that the Intermediate Legacy Club was a group formed of sons of deceased soldiers who had progressed through the Junior Legacy Club and now 'interest themselves in the physical well-being of totally and permanently incapacitated ex-servicemen.' When an ex-serviceman dies leaving dependents the case will be transferred from the Carry On Club to Legacy, with the occasional exception. Employment: 'Legacy will pass to 'Carry On' the employment opportunities or vacancies that can be filled by ex-servicemen or their dependents in instances were Legacy is unable to fill such vacancies from it's own register' and vice versa. Welfare: close liaison is important and copies of reports will be transferred when transferring cases. These resolutions and discussions about them are shown in the minutes of the "Combined Meeting of Members of Legacy and 'Carry On' Clubs held at Legacy Club Rooms on 27 May 1937, which is the second document included here. Present for Legacy were Legatees Armstrong, Russell, Birrell, Kemsley, Clements. And present for the 'Carry On' Club were Messrs Hall, Pears, Masterson, Neil and Ramsay. The notation H10 in red pen shows that it was part of the archive project that was trying to capture the history of Legacy. A record that Legacy was in contact with similar clubs with the intent of sharing the work load and not duplicating effort. Notice to the members of Melbourne Legacy and 'Carry On' clubs 15 October 1937 outlining the agreed spheres of work of each club.Handwritten H10 in red pen. history, carry on club, intermediate legacy club -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Bethanga Bridge
The Bethanga Bridge was built between 1927 and 1930 as a joint venture between Victoria and New South Wales and was a key element of the River Murray Waters Agreement. It consists of nine spans of 82 metres long. Each span is supported between double reinforced concrete pylons and a riveted steel camel back Pratt truss. The overall span of the bridge is a length of 752 metres. It was completed in 1929 at a cost of £194,000. The road deck was initially constructed from timber but was replaced in 1961 with a concrete waffle slab deck 7.7metres wide. In 1961 the bridge deck and truss structure were raised 300 millimetres to allow for the enlargement of the lake. The bridge was designed in NSW by road engineer Percy Alan and the trusses were built by the Charles Ruwolt Pty. Ltd. Charles Ruwolt Pty. Ltd. was originally established by Charles Ruwolt as a foundry at Wangaratta in 1902 and transferred its operations to Richmond, Melbourne in 1914. By 1938 it had become one of the biggest engineering companies in Australia. After Charles Ruwolt’s death in 1946, Vickers Ltd. acquired the company and in 1948 the firm became known as Vickers Ruwolt Pty. Ltd. Because of the Bethanga Bridge’s unique location, over the waters of a dam with the border running down the centre of the body of water, the Bethanga Bridge is the only built structure shared by both Victoria and New South Wales. As the border of New South Wales aligns with the southern bank of the Murray River all of the other bridges along its length are deemed to be in New South Wales. The Bethanga Bridge is listed on both the New South Wales State Heritage Register and the Victorian Heritage Database. In 2015 the Bethanga Bridge was nominated for a heritage award by the Institution of Engineering Australia.These images are significant because they document the construction of a bridge which links Victoria and New South Wales and has been recognised for its historical, technical and engineering significance.A collection of photos documenting the construction of the Bethanga Bridge which links the States of Victoria and New South Wales as part of the construction of the Hume Dam .bethanga bridge, hume dam constuction, charles ruwolt, percy allan engineer -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Howard Murray (Pat) Lightfoot, 1969
Howard Murray (Pat) Lightfoot (1904-1991) served as President for the Association for the Blind in 1952-1954 and 1964-1972 respectively. He joined the Association in 1938 as a sighted member of the General Committee, and was part of the group that dealt with the breakdown of a uneasy financial agreement that existed between the RVIB and AAB, the incorporation of the AAB under the Charities Act and the development of a rehabilitation centre at Kooyong for those who wished to have support without a residential component. After losing his father at an early age, Pat Lightfoot began working as an office boy for Nicholas Pty Ltd, later studying and becoming an accountant - such skills highly needed by the newly incorporated Association. According to 'No Sight, Great Vision', he was a highly skilled communicator, whose friendly and approachable manner won over most of those who opposed his presence on the general committee due to his sight. His support for and recognition of the work done by Mr Paterson led to him standing aside for the position of President and nominating his friend until the Committee overrode him in 1952. His appointment signaled a change in how the organisation was run, and introduced John Wilson as Secretary as well as Stan Horsfall as Treasurer in 1953, which helped move the administration style from social volunteering to business thinking. Health concerns caused him to resign in 1954, however when his health improved he rejoined the Committee in 1958 and again became a key worker in keeping the organisation financially healthy. The "H.M. Lightfoot Centre" - a two storey building attached to Paterson Hall was named after him. This image was provided when J Balmain was approached to paint a portrait of Mr Lightfoot, for the centenary celebrations of the AFB, as per the letter.1 portrait photograph of Howard (Pat) Lightfoot and 1 associated letter regarding usage for a portrait by Balmain.Mr H.M. (Pat) Lightfoot - (Past President) 1" Deep (No. 2) Association for the Blind 7 Mair Street Brighton Beach, 3188 Please return to PR Department (arrow pointing to left) 14 ems (arrow pointing to right) 1.95 .1 100# Ticket No: 5230 Client: Abaris 100# Wanted: Tues 19th AM Mounted: as layout and sticker 43 1/4% Please Quote No: BA 9105 Laurie Richards 4 Tower Ave, Alphington 3078 489-8528 48-5541h.m. lightfoot, association for the advancement of the blind, association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Pat and Beth Lightfoot, 1985
Howard Murray (Pat) Lightfoot (1904-1991) served as President for the Association for the Blind in 1952-1954 and 1964-1972 respectively. He joined the Association in 1938 as a sighted member of the General Committee, and was part of the group that dealt with the breakdown of a uneasy financial agreement that existed between the RVIB and AAB, the incorporation of the AAB under the Charities Act and the development of a rehabilitation centre at Kooyong for those who wished to have support without a residential component. After losing his father at an early age, Pat Lightfoot began working as an office boy for Nicholas Pty Ltd, later studying and becoming an accountant - such skills highly needed by the newly incorporated Association. According to 'No Sight, Great Vision', he was a highly skilled communicator, whose friendly and approachable manner won over most of those who opposed his presence on the general committee due to his sight. His support for and recognition of the work done by Mr Paterson led to him standing aside for the position of President and nominating his friend until the Committee overrode him in 1952. His appointment signaled a change in how the organisation was run, and introduced John Wilson as Secretary as well as Stan Horsfall as Treasurer in 1953, which helped move the administration style from social volunteering to business thinking. Health concerns caused him to resign in 1954, however when his health improved he rejoined the Committee in 1958 and again became a key worker in keeping the organisation financially healthy. The "H.M. Lightfoot Centre" - a two storey building attached to Paterson Hall was named after him. In these three photographs Pat and his wife Beth look or stand next to the portrait painted of Pat Lightfoot, for the centenary celebrations.3 coloured photographs of Pat and Beth Lightfooth.m. lightfoot, association for the blind -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
McColl Rankin & Stanistreet, New Star Gold Mine Harrietville NL. a/ Department of Mines 20.2.1934 laboratory reports results, 3 receipts attached, list of general expenses, quarter ended 30.4.1934, heading Dargo ''Gold Butterfly'' Gold Butterfly crossed out hand inscription Gold Reefs Syndicate, Wanangatta, Dargo. b/ copy of Purchase agreement of leasehold land for the purpose of mining. Dated 28.6.1934. c/ Payments by R.A. Rankin - Office Account A/C Leases No's. 5187 and 5195 Dargo, Gippsland, prior to exercise of option. Inscription: Paid by New Star Company ?? On ?? 1934 ?? ?? ??. d/ Letter: purchase of Leases No's 5187 & 5195 Black Snake Black Snake Creek, Dargo. Dated: 22.8.1934. e/ letter acknowledging receipt of payment for application of Lease No. 5187, lease will be delayed until precise area is determined. Signed: ?? Rankin. 3 pence stamp for stamp duty attached. Dated: 23.8.1934. f/ Memo, Mr Grelis. Re Leases No's 5187 & 5195 Dated: 4.9.1935. Signed: ?? g/ McColl Rankin & Stanistreet business envelope. Envelope labelled New Star Gold Mine Harrietville. 46.organization, business, gold mine, mccoll rankin & stanistreet, new star gold mine harrietville nl. dargo ''gold butterfly'' gold reefs syndicate, wanangatta, dargo black snake black snake creek 1934 1935 -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Pat Dodson et al, Recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the Constitution : report of the expert panel, 2012
Current multiparty support has created a historic opportunity to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first peoples of Australia, to affirm their full and equal citizenship, and to remove the last vestiges of racial discrimination from the Constitution. The Expert Panel was tasked to report to the Government on possible options for constitutional change to give effect to Indigenous constitutional recognition, including advice as to the level of support from Indigenous people and the broader community for these options. This executive summary sets out the Panel's conclusions and recommendations" [taken from executive summary]. Report contains draft Bill for an Act to alter the Constitution to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their cultures, languages and heritage, to replace racially discriminatory provisions and to include a prohibition of racial discrimination. Letter to the Prime Minister Foreword from the co-chairs Executive summary Introduction: Expert panel and its methodology 1. Historical background 2. Comparative and international recognition 3. The national conversation: themes from the consultation program 4. Forms of recognition 5. The 'race' provisions 6. Racial non-discrimination 7. Governance and political participation 8. Agreement-making 9. The question of sovereignty 10. Approaches to the referendum 11. Draft bill Appendixes Bibliography.maps, tables, colour photographs, chartsconstitutional history, legislation, australian constitution, constitutional law, closing the gap, 1967 referendum, white australia policy, sovereignty -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Instruction, Swanston Trams, "New Years Eve Contingency Plans Update", Dec. 1999
Set of four photocopied documents issued by Swanston Trams for New Years Eve, 1/1/2000 - to address the matter known as the "Y2K bug" - where some computer systems or equipment may not have recognised the change of the year due to using only two digits for the year instead of four. (We all survived! - then the fireworks started and all kept going). Also known as the year 2000 problem. All stapled in the top left hand corner. .1 - eight page document, titled "New Years Eve Contingency Plans Update", detailing what to do in the event the power supply failed. Also has plans for the AVM system, Customer bulletin for the all night service, services during the Christmas New Year period. plans from ADtranz - to provide coverage for the night and a Swanston Trams "All Staff Notice" regarding payment for working during the period and the agreement with the Union. .2 - Copy of the New Year Eve Fleet Rosters - 3 pages. .3 - Swanston Trams Contact List for the period including Customer Service Employees and Adtranz workers - 3 pages. .4 - Vehicle Group list - 3 pages at 238 am on 1/1/2000.trams, tramways, swanston trams, year 2000, events, operations, planning, adtranz, rosters -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Memorandum, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Visit of HRH the Prince of Wales", 5 and 6/1920
Series of notices issued for the "Visit of HRH the Prince of Wales" to Melbourne 26 May and 7 June 1920. All Gestener duplicated .1 - Foolscap - 1 sheet - memo to/from Wages Department setting on the various mechanisms for the payment during this visit. Two copies held. .2 - Foolscap - 1 sheet, machine signature of W. O. Strangward, setting out the dates and for the various additional pay rates and records. See .5 for more detail. Dated 27/5/2020. .3 - half foolscap - 1 sheet - Notice to Gripman Conductors - dated 20/5/1920 to all car houses, depots, advising that free travel is to be provided to Officers and Men of the HMS Renown and Australian War ships in uniform. .4 - half quarto - 1 sheet - Notice to Gripman Conductors - dated 4/6/1920, to "Electric Systems" that the free travel was to be extended to the 14th of June. .5 - Foolscap - 2 sheets pinned together, giving the rates of pay for those staff under agreements, the various days, methods of recording, including Juniors, cable car repair shop, other employees and Official and Clerical staff. Dated 26/5/1920. Two copies held.trams, tramways, wages, cable trams, royal visit, agreements, free tram -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1998 Australian federal election campaign material by Victorian Trades Hall focusing on industrial relations, 1998
Owned by long-time Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch) Professional Officer Catherine Hutchings.1998 federal election campaign material by Victorian Trades Hall. Full colour bi-fold brochure, using images depicting 1998 Australian waterfront dispute. Text on front: 'Welcome to John Howard's Australia. In 1996, John Howard promised that under his industrial relations laws, 'no worker would be worse off'. In 1998, his government cheered on the illegal sacking of 2000 workers. His laws have changed our system from one of fairness and decency to a system that encourages conflict and division. John Howard's laws are undermining Australian wages and working conditions by attacking unions, encouraging individual contracts and dismantling the award system and the Industrial Relations Commission. On October 3rd [1998], use your vote wisely Your job may depend on it.' Text on rear: 'Five Facts About Industrial Relations Under John Howard Workers have lost award conditions and legal protections. Australian wages are being undermined by individual contracts and non-union agreements. Companies can use corporate law to sack workforces and not pay wages owed. Workers have been sacked because they belong to a Union. Conflict and Division in the workforce has increased. On October 3rd [1998], use your vote wisely. Your job may depend on it.'victoria, australia, john howard, liberal party, 1998 federal election, protest, industrial relations, unions, trade unions, trades hall, carlton, politics, political history, waterfront dispute, events, labour history, solidarity -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Folded ten page 'Deed of Association' of the Victorian Associated Brewers dated First day Of June 1916, prepared by Pavey,Wilson & Cohen, Solicitors 360 Collins Street Melbourne. Breweries subject to the Agreement ; Carlton & United Breweries, Melbourne Co-Operative Brewery, Ballarat Brewing Company, Bendigo United Co-Operative Breweries, Fitzgeralds Brewing & Malting Co Castlemaine Limited, Cohns Bros Victoria Brewery, Bryant & Co Proprietary [Stawell] John James Breheny, Thomas Breheny, Peter Martin Breheny and James Patrick Breheny [Breheny Bros Sale] William Shiel and John Shiel Trustees of deceased elder William Shiel ,and younger William Shiel, Walter Garnet Bryant, William John Bryant and Cyharles William Bryant [Bryant & Shiel Bros Wangaratta] Isaac George Hodges and Harry Barkly Hodges [Hodges Bros Geelong] Bryant & Shiel [Shepparton] Breheny Bros & Kenna's Warrenheip , Elizabeth Chamberlain, George Nelson Chamberlain and Charles Cohen [Trustees of the Estate Charles Chamberlain dec and Thos Pritchard [Pritchard & Chamberlain] Francis Mary M'Gee [Sheldrick & Co, Warnambool] Murray Breweries [Beechworth],. Document outlines operation and conditions of Breweries listed. Retail Minimum Price List shows names of various alcoholic drinks and their recommended prices for 1916.bendigo, industry, cohn bros brewery, recommended alcoholic drink price for 1916. the 1916 victorian associated brewers 'deed of association'. -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Functional Object - Insulator for tramway overhead - made in Japan, c1950
Its manufacture demonstrates from an industrial aspect a period of history following the occupation of Japan by the USA after the second world war and has a strong association with this event.Insulator - known as an egg type - ceramic - fired clay (porcelain) finished with a brown colour with two holes for span wire with the holes offset to each other. Marked in a very light almost clear finish on one side "Made in Occupied Japan" See item 8534 for another example - a larger size. - accessed 15/4/20201 gives some background: "For the period from the end of World War II in 1945 through April 28, 1952, the United States and its Allies occupied Japan. The Occupation involved approximately 130,000 Americans (both military and civilian) and about 35,000 British Troops based in Japan. SCAP (Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers), led by General MacArthur, wrote a new constitution for Japan. As Japan needed to rebuild their economy after the war, part of the agreement to allow them to export goods out of their country was that they had to mark 50% of all items with "Occupied Japan" or "Made in Occupied Japan." This could be done with a paper label, cloth label (as on scarves, doilies, clothing), engraved, handwritten or stamped. Thus, you may come across things, such as a salt and pepper set, where only one of the pair is marked OJ and the other will just have "Japan" on it. The tags, labels, marks were placed on the items in Japan, before they were exported to other countries. "trams, tramways, overhead, trolley wire, insulation, electrical equipment -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
document - Correspondence, Electric Supply Co. of Vic (ESCo), Aug. 1929
Set of three letters between Mr. P. J. Pringle of ESCo Ballarat and Mr. D. Murdoch, General Manager of the TB Melbourne regarding rates of pay for conductors and drivers. 1977.1 - Letter from Mr. Pringle to Mr. Murdoch dated 27/8/1929, received by TB 28/8/1929, thanking for information regarding rates of pay. On ESCo letterhead. Has file number "22/1/2" in pencil in top right hand corner. Has been folded into 6. Damaged on right and bottom edges - folded and creased. 1977.2 - Carbon copy on pink paper from Mr. Murdoch to Mr. Pringle, dated 21/8/1929, advising the fares for conductors and drivers in 1923 and 1929 on a per day basis. Damaged along bottom edge. Has file number "22/1/2" in pencil in top right hand corner. 1977.3 - Letter from Mr. Pringle to Mr. Murdoch dated 19/8/1929, received by TB 20/8/1929, requesting copy of Tramway Agreement, and margins for skill paid to conductors. Has been folded into 6. Has pencil figures in the bottom left hand corner of the rates of pay. Minor damage along bottom edge. All have pin holes in the top left hand corner. tram, trams, esco, mmtb, wages, drivers, conductors -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Various Inwards Correspondence from; Crafers Organ and Choral Music Society re Simon Preston; Bendigo Woollen Mills re Craft exhibition; Craft Council of Victoria; Sandhurst Trustees re sponsorship of Craft Exhibition; Regional Arts Victoria re 2001 closure of Arts Bendigo; Bendigo Advertiser re 1988 Annual Supplement; Don Mackay - 2001 congratulatory letter to AB; Barry Ackerman (Mayor) with congratulations to AB 2001; John Little congratulations 2001 to AB; Roman Rudnytsky (pianist) re forthcoming visit 1997; Marketing Images & Technology re visit of Simon Preston 1988 (with supplementary material); William Feasley- guitar?- re confirmation of Bendigo performance (no stated year); Geelong Society of Operatic and Dramatic Art re information as to their use of Plaza Theatre, Geelong; Public Record Office Victoria re application for Local History Grants Program; sue Prain re possible appointment as coordinator/rehearsal leader of Bells and Brass Project; Victorian Arts Council (1981) re performance of ''You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown''; Australian Dance Theatre re details of trip to Bendigo October 1987; Sandhurst Trustees Bendigo Easter Fair Festival (1997) re inclusion of AB/BRAC event - ''Facing the Music''; Victorian Arts Council re letter of agreement for ''Wish You Were Here'' (1993). -
Vision Australia
Painting - Artwork, Portrait of Thomas Marks, 2001
Framed portrait of Thomas Marks who was President of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind 1900, 1935-1937. It is part of a series of paintings commissioned by the VAF Board to commemorate the work of past presidents of the organisation. Mr Marks sits at a table, wearing black tails and pants, a white pleated dinner shirt and black evening dress bow-tie. One hand rests next to a cup and saucer, the other rests on his lap. Tom Marks was educated at the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind. He was a founding member of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind (now Vision Australia) at its establishment in 1895. He went on to serve as President of organisation in 1900 and was later appointed as a part time paid secretary – an office he occupied from 1904 to 1927. He again served as President from 1935 to 1937 during which time he celebrated his 80th birthday. As the living conditions of many blind people were deplorable at this time – they were often confined to a room or shed without any social contacts – it was realized that support for blind persons was needed to serve as a refuge for the oppressed, a home for the indigent, a rest home for the sick and a convalescent home to provide both respite care and permanent accommodation. Mr Marks had a reputiation of having good contacts and being able to use people with more knowledge than himself. An able musician, Tom Marks was often employed in the homes of wealthy families. As a result he met Mr and Mrs Grimwade who were already supporters of Vision Australia. They organized a gymkhana to raise money for the nucleus of a building fund. From this time Tom Marks was involved in the finances of the centres at Brighton, Ballarat and Bendigo, which were the ultimate result of the fund. He was also part of a team that negotiated the financial agreement between the RVIB and Vision Australia over fund raising and the allocation of money, which lasted from 1930 to 1939. 1 art original in gold frameThe plaque at the base of the painting reads 'Mr Thomas Marks / President 1900, 1935-1937/ Association for Advancement of the Blind'. association for the advancement of the blind, thomas marks -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
McColl Rankin & Stanistreet, Angove & Carrs Lease, Diamond Hill. a/ Manila folio Markings: Angove & Carrs Lease Diamond Hill. Freed?aus Extended. b/ Plan Area Applied For On Lease No. 10103 Ben. By A A Macintosh. Mining District of Bendigo Parish of Mandurang County of Bendigo. Inscriptions: G Birch advises 16/5/35. Survey made by Assistant he has yet to receive. 10710 W J Angove - Spring Gully PO. Dated August 12th 1933 signed: Garnet G Birch J Victor Buley. c/ Agreement of lease for 1 month with the option of 9 months, followed by the option of purchase between Summerhill Anticlines NL of Adelaide and Angove & Carr at German Gully (Mandurang). Markings: 25/3/13 note by Summerhill Anticline NL. Requests information as to whether or not the Syndicate (E Mann, W Angove & H Irvine, H. Mc……….) desire to take up the options of lease or not. d/ Notice to Shareholders of a meeting in Collins Street Melbourne. 6 March, 1935 to consider proposals of the future of the company. J G Stanfield & Stewart, Manager. e/ Neangar Gold Mining Company NL 6 Month Report 27/2/1935 Business, Director's Report & Financial Report. f/ Report by A J J Moore BCE Mining Engineer, Ramrod Lease, Golden Fleece Mine near Spring Gully Reservoir the most Southern mine being Worked in Bendigo. Lease in on the Carshalton line. Report details the progress of the workings at the mine.organization, business, gold mine, mccoll rankin & stanistreet, angove & carrs lease, diamond hill a a macintosh parish of mandurang county of bendigo w j angove august 12th 1933 summerhill anticlines 6 month report 27/2/1935 golden fleece mine near spring gully reservoir -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice, Tramway Board, "Tramway Board War Loan 5% Bonds, Repayable in 1927", Mar. 1918
Set of 9 notices and other documents concerned with the issuing of "Tramway Board War Loan 5% Bonds, Repayable in 1927". by the Commonwealth Government. Signed W. O Strangward Secretary. .1 - Notice - setting out the conditions, the need, payments - dated 26/2/1918 - 2 copies held. .2 - Notice - application notice - dated 6/3/1918 giving conditions - 2 copies held. .3 - Memo dated 11/4/1918 - on half foolscap, carbon copy, address to all stations regarding extension of the closing date. .4 - Gestetner printed notice dated 27/2/18, forwarding copies of the notices and conditions of the loan and documents. .5 - Quarto printed sheet - Memorandum of Agreement for the employee to signed, giving conditions and signature lines. .6 - Sheet, headed "Tramway Board Melbourne Commonwealth 5% War Bonds" - for each car or power house, listing the names, number of bonds, applicants signature and the amount paid. Double sided, Nos. 104 and 105 .7 - Poster or notice - printed foolscap sheet - advertising the Bonds, and conditions and asking employees to consider. .8 - Memorandum to the Officer in Charge of a particular location, dated 19/9/18, advising of the war loans and associated paperwork. Two copies held. .9 - Form to record payments for the war loans for a particular person, three copies, numbered 496, 497 and 500. Pink cloth back recording the location, name and application number - form No. 530. See also Reg Item 3924 for other documents.trams, tramways, tramway board, world war 1, finances, bonds -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - Advisory Committee on Commonwealth Mapping Meeting Notes - (National Mapping Council Meetings), Circa 1972
Advisory Committee on Commonwealth Mapping (ACOCM) Meeting Notes. 15 Items of typed pages and diagrams. .1 Letter to the Hon WS Kent Hughes MVO, OBE, Mc, ED, MP, Minister for the Interior, ACT Signed Jos Francis. Cabinet Decision taken on 22 July 1954, effects on current military mapping agreements between AUS, UK and USA. Australian responsibility "Noted was the fact that RASvy was in preparation for War." .2 Letter by H Wells Lieutenant General, Chief of the General Staff, 17 Feb 1955. Refers to the invitation of Major General RL Brown UK Defence to visit Australia to help align the mapping programme. .3 Draft Cabinet Submission on National Mapping Survey and Mapping Co-ordination of the 22 July 1955. Attachment 1 Cabinet Minute, Vice-President's letter Canberra22 July 1954. Decision No2 (VP). Submission 8 National Mapping Survey and Mapping Co-ordination. .4 Air photography and Mapping Programme 1956/57. Signed by LF Fitzgerald OBE Director of Military Survey 26 Jan 56. .5 Letter Hon WS Kent Hughes MVO, OBE, MC, ED, MP. Minister for the Interior ACT. Confirming the Cabinet Decision No2 (VP) Signed by Joe Francis .6 National Mapping Programme 1956/57. States a view to Army's contribution to this programme .7 Clarifies Army participation in Cabinet Decision No2 (VP) .8 History of National Mapping Asst Secretary (General) 24 Apr 1958 .9 Report on Army Committee on National Mapping. 2 July 1958 .10 RASvy Brief Review of Activities Jan - Dec 1964 .11 Advisory Committee on Commonwealth Mapping Meeting Notes 12 Feb 1965 - Agenda item 8. This endorsed the principle of grouping Commonwealth Mapping Agencies in a Survey Mapping Group in Canberra which included AHQ Survey Regiment. This did not come to fruition. .12 Advisory Committee on Commonwealth Mapping Meeting Notes 12 Feb 1965 - Agenda item 8 para 5.1.3 - 11.2 .13 ACOCM Meeting Agenda 1968 .14 ACOCM Meeting Minutes 1970 .15 Letter to Mr B White CBE Secretary from LF BottAdvisory Committee on Commonwealth Mapping (ACOCM) Meeting Notes. 15 Items of typed pages and diagrams. .1 Letter 22 July 1954 .2 Letter 17 Feb 1955 .3 Letter 22 July 1955 .4 letter 26 Jan 1956 .5 Letter Hon WS Kent Hughes Minister for the Interior ACT .6 National Mapping Programme 1956/57 .7 Clarifies Army participation in Cabinet Decision No2 (VP) .8 History of National Mapping 24 Apr 1958 .9 Report on Army Committee on National Mapping 2 July 1958 .10 RASvy Brief Review of Activities Jan - Dec 1964 .11 Advisory Committee Meeting Notes 12 Feb 1965 - Agenda item 8 .12 Advisory Committee Meeting Notes 12 Feb 1965 - Agenda item 8 para 5.1.3 - 11.2 .13 ACOCM Meeting Agenda 1968 .14 ACOCM Meeting Minutes 1970 .15 Letter to Mr B White CBE Secretary from LF Bottroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr, national mapping -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document. Various legal documents. 1 - 1894 - Agreement to Let for house and land in Golden Square between Stone Henry of Sheepwash Road, Bendigo, Eucalyptus Manufacturer, Tatchell George Henry of Bendigo and Roberts George of High St, Golden Square. 2 - 1895 - The Estate of Canning J N. Accounts for 1895 to 1896. 3 - 1896 - Probate Jurisdiction, Administration of the Estate of Canning Esther Isabell, late of Golden Square, Hotel Keeper, by Executors - Stone Henry Sheepwash Road, Eucalyptus Manufactuter and Tatchell George Henry, Williamson Street, Bendigo. Mentions properties still as yet undistributed. Mentions Canning Jas Nisbett. 4 - 1895 - Handwritten Will and Instructions of Canning Thomas, Engine Driver, Garsed St, Bendigo. Mentions desire to be buried at Kangaroo Flat Cemetry next to his Mother. Mentions brother - Canning James Nesbitt, wife - Canning Elizabeth Theresa. 5 - 1895 - Canning J N & Co (Complainant) Hutchens P? H (Defendant). Court Summons contains envelope addressed to Messrs Canning & Co, Produce Merchants, High St. Bendigo, and letter dated 9 Aug 1895 from Stoddart? Police Department informing Defendants address - 3 Lydia St Brunswick. 6 - 1895 - Account to Canning J N, Produce Merchants, High St, Bendigo dated Apr 1 1895. Re Canning J N & Co. v Hutchens. 7 - 1895 - Letter from Canning James Nisbett and Canning Thomas Re the Will of Canning Esther Isabell to Stone Henry and Tatchell George Henry, Executors of the Will.cottage, miners -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Personal Papers, Melbourne Tramways Trust (MTT), "Notice Papers for 'The Melbourne Tramways Trust' meetings", 1885 - 1886
Set of 23 Notice Paper or Meeting Agendas - sent to Trust Members and others for The Melbourne Tramways Trust for period Feb. 1885 to December 1885. Printed by Ferguson and Moore for the Trust. Signed by the Secretary. Covers construction arrangements, appointments, financial, loans, debentures, legislation, arrangements with the Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Company and other organisations including banks. Notes are the principal items shown in the Orders of the Day. Printed by Fergusson and Moore 1885-1886 1 27/2/1885 Election of Chairman and committee members. 2 6/3/1885 Finance report – payments to employees, auditor appointment and payments to suppliers. 3 20/3/1885 Finance re interest rates and commissions, calling tenders for wood blocks, screens and items for Fitzroy and Simpson’s Road lines. 4 2/4/1885 Payment to employees, custody of agreement, report on tenders and payments to suppliers. 5 17/4/1885 Commission charged by banks in London, payments of accounts, expenses reporting to Councils. 6 1/5/1885 Finance report, MTOCo seeking payment for Richmond Line, funds transferred to the Trust, works committee report – 2 million wood blocks from David Munro & Co. 7 15/5/1885 Payment of Accounts including Richmond line to MTCo, accept tender for Spencer St to Victoria Parade and Simpson’s Rd branch. 8 39/5/1885 Wages, Finance Committee, list of inspectors employed, tenders for Fitzroy line, horizontal engines, wood blocks, alterations to gas lines and employment of an architectural draftsman for engine house design. 9 12/6/1885 Finance, debentures, payments on Richmond line, considered order of construction of lines and start on plans for Sydney Road line. 10 26/6/1885 Finance, payments, issues with the City of Melbourne who holds the 4th Schedule agreement, payments to suppliers and issues with contractor supplying the screenings. 11 10/7/1885 Finance, relocation of the Burke and Wills monument, payments to suppliers. 12 24/7/1885 Wages, salaries, construction of No. 2 section of Fitzroy line. 13 7/8/1885 Purchase of land for engine houses, payments on patents, works, tenders for rope winding gear. 14 21/8/1885 Wages, supplier payments, tenders for rails and crossings. 15 4/9/1885 Wages, supplier payments, tender for Fitzroy engine house, call further tenders. 16 18/9/1885 Wages, supplier payments, tender for rope driving gear let. 17 2/10/1885 Wages, supplier payments, tender for crossing and wire rope. 18 16/10/1885 Wages, supplier payments. 19 30/10/1885 Wages, supplier payments, tender for bank loans to be called. 20 13/11/1885 Wages, supplier payments, tenders for various equipment. 21 27/11/1885 Wages, supplier payments, tender for driving gear accept, and equipment. 22 11/12/1885 Wages, supplier payments. 23 22/12/1885 Special meeting to pass salaries and contractors accounts. List of accounts passed attached. For a word version - see: \dbtext\hawthtramcoll\images\htd2002doc.doctrams, tramways, mtt, cable trams, melbourne tramways trust, construction, finances, mto co -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newspaper, Diamond Valley Mirror, Tuesday, August 31, 1965
Includes Newspaper article on page three "Living Memorial Is Trust's Gift To A Shire" a second clipping of which is also attached to cardboard for display purposes. Article includes text and photographs. Living Memorial is Trust's Gift To A Shire Bathed in bright sunshine and now at its best, the Memorial Garden of the Eltham War Memorial provided a perfect setting for the handing over of the Memorial to the people of Eltham last Saturday afternoon. Speaking for the War Memorial Trust, Mr E. P. Harmer, chairman paid tribute to the unselfishh service given by its members , some for more than 20 years. Special tribute was paid to the late Mrs Ada Lyon, a foundation member who, Mr Harmer said, made the Trust her life. A memorial plaque to Mrs Lyon was unveiled by foundation members Mr N. Kerr. Facilities. An infant welfare centre, a pre-school cente and a children's library are built within the memorial. Funds for the buildings were raised by the Trust and theh women's auxiliary. Accepting the Memorial on behalf of the people of the Shire, the Shire President, Cr. L. C. Docksey, assessed the value at beyond £50,000. To make the transaction legal, Cr. Docksey paid the sum of £1 to the Trust. Many foundation members of the Trust and councillors of the Shire were among the official guests. The Shire of Eltham Brass Band provided suitable background music for the ceremony and at. (remaining part of article is missing) Photo: Mrs C RAINS signs the agreement on behalf of the Eltham War Memorial Trust, transferring the Memorial to the Shire of Eltham, as Mr L. Virgo, secretary of the Trust, affixes the seal and Mr. E. P. Harmer, chairman, accepts payment of £1 from Cr. L. C. Docksey, Shire President. In the background are Mrs Harmer, Cr. T. Collins and Mr S. Addison. Accepting the Memorial on behalf of the people of the Shire was Cr. Docksey's last official duty as President. Separate article on the clipping includes the heading: President Rests in Comfort with a photograph and text: A Tribute to Cr. A. K.Lines, first President of the Shire of Diamond Valley, was paid by fellow councilors last Tuesday night. Acting on behalf of all members of the council, Cr. George Upton, in presenting Cr Lines with an armchair, expressed gratitude for his guidance and assistance to the new shire. Newspaper, 12 pages with four holes punched through near centre margin.eltham war memorial building,eltham war memorial trust,eltham pre-school,e. p. harmer,mrs ada lyon,mrs n. kerr,cr. l. c. docksey,shire of eltham brass band,cr. a. k. lines,diamond valley mirror,1965,cr t. collins,mr. s. addison -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Muriel Pornitz (deceased), Quarry on site of Grovedale Road - James Street Park
The photo is of a painting of the dam formed on land between Grovedale Road and James Street, Surrey Hills. It was painted in 1927 by Miss Muriel Pornitz, an art teacher, who lived in Grovedale Road. The land had been part of Mr James Maling Snr’s property and in the 1880s clay was removed to build houses, including his own located on the corner of Weybridge and James Streets. Maling grazed cattle on this area and used it as a dam. The land was subsequently made into parkland, the quarry / dam having been filled in after several drownings had occurred in the 1920s/1930s. See also SHP94, another copy of the same. Muriel Hedwig Lucy Pornitz lived at 22 Grovedale Road, Surrey Hills. She was born c1894 in Balwyn; died in Kew on 1 December 1982. She was the daughter of Konrad Pornitz (1864-1903) and his wife Charlotte Richardson Gooderidge (1863-1942), known as Tottie, who married in 1890. Konrad Pornitz is listed in the 1892 directory as living in Edgevale Road, Kew and the business Pornitz and Ross at 291 & 293 Little Collins Street, importers and commission merchants. The 1896 directory gives the Kew address as 176 Edgevale Road, Kew, however the business Pornitz and Ross was dissolved on 1st day of October 1892, by mutual agreement. Legal notice advised that: Mr Pornitz will hereafter carry on the business on his own behalf at the same address, under the style "Pornitz and Ross". Muriel is buried in Box Hill Cemetery (B-086-0042) along with Ulrich Horst Holm Pornitz known as Horst or Bon (d 1957) and Edith Olga Pornitz (d 1951), her brother and sister. A further sibling (Konrad b 1891) died in infancy. He is buried with his mother in Boroondara (Kew) Cemetery - C/E A 0366. Konrad died at his home 'Yarran' in Lane Cove Road, North Sydney on 31 October 1903; reported in the Sydney Morning Herald. Buried Gore Hill Cemetery, St Leonards, North Sydney. The headstone reveals he was born in Chemnitz, Saxony in 1863. Muriel was also known as Muriel Pornett. She studied at the South Australian School of Arts & Crafts in 1911 under James Ashton and Fred Britton, and at the Australian School of Etching in Sydney. She was also an illustrator and cartoonist. The photo, and the painting from which it is derived, documents the landscape prior to close settlement and is material to early building and farming in the Surrey Hills area.A black and white photograph of a painting of a landscape of parkland. Two trees are on top of a rise and are reflected at the bottom in water. The signature of the artist is in the bottom right corner: "AUST MP 192" (and the rest is cut off).(miss) muriel pornitz, grovedale road, james street, surrey hills, artists, parks and reserves, (mr) john butler maling, snr, quarry, dam, (miss) muriel hedwig lucy pornitz, box hill cemetery, muriel pornett -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Container - Milk Bottle, Nursery Milk Bottle : Kennedy & Sons, Kew, Twentieth century
Kennedy and sons, Roselea Dairy operated in Kew (<1930-1945>). In 1945 Thomas Kennedy, Michael Kennedy and Patrick John Kennedy traded as Kennedy and sons, Roselea Dairy at 80 Pakington St, Kew. (Victorian Government, 07 December 1945). Tom Kennedy, Jnr, and his wife, Lucy, lived at 109 Pakington St Kew. Tom Kennedy Jnr. died 02 November 1963. Lucy Kennedy died 28 November 1987. "CONTEMPT OF COURT. MILK-CARTER GUILTY. Breach of an Injunction. A Supreme Court writ has been issued by Thomas Kennedy, sen., Thomas Kennedy, jun., Patrick John Kennedy, and Michael Kennedy, trading as Kennedy and Sons, Rose Lea Dairy, against Gordon Allberry Shepherdly, of Barnard street, North Kew, milk-carter, claiming an injunction and damages. Plaintiffs carry on business at Pakington street. Kew, and Melville street, Hawthorn, and they claim In their writ an injunction restraining the defendant from soliciting or endeavouring to obtain the custom of people who were customers of plaintiffs when Shepherdly was employed by them under an agreement dated March 13 1928. Plaintiffs also claim damages. Mr Read (instructed by Messrs. Moule, Hamilton, and Derham) appeared for plaintiffs before Mr. Justice Macfarlan in the Practice Court yesterday, to ask for an order for the committal of Shepherdly to prison, or alternatively, for an order that plaintiffs be at liberty to Issue a writ of attachment against him for contempt of court in soliciting or endeavouring to obtain the custom of plaintiffs' customers. The affidavits set out that Shepherdly was employed by plaintiffs from March I3, 1928. until June 6. 1930. An Interlocutory injunction had been granted pending trial of the action for a permanent injunction. Shepherdly, who appeared in person yesterday, said that he had a sick wife and two children. He had not served any of the customers referred to since the granting of the injunction. He had passed them over to another man for whom he was working. Mr Justice Macfarlan - In doing that you have committed a breach of the injunction, and I have no alternative but to order that you be sent to gaol. I will make an order that you be committed to prison until further order of the Court. I will direct, however, that the order be not executed until Tuesday next. If you can then satisfy the Court that you have ceased to serve, or take any part in serving, the customers of Kennedy and Sons, the order will not be executed. (The Argus, 11 July 1930) Rare, if damaged milk bottle from an historic Kew dairyMilk bottle produced for and retailed by Kennedy & Sons Kew. The dairy operated under various names, and at one stage was described as the Rose Lea Dairy. The dairy was situated on the corner of Eglinton and Pakington Streets, Kew. "Kennedy & Sons / Kew / Nursery Milk / This bottle is the property of T.Kennedy & Sons, Kew/ and cannot be legally used by others."kennedy's dairy, kennedy and sons, dairies - kew (vic), milk bottles - kew - melbourne - victoria, thomas kennedy, michael kennedy -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Administrative record - Correspondence, Public Transport Corporation (PTC), "A New Deal for Tram Drivers", 1989 - 1990
Set of 10 documents about the industrial action of early 1990, that resulted in the tram blockade. .1 - Letter from K. Fitzmaurice dated 30-11-1989 - titled "A New Deal for Tram Drivers", one page, regarding the phasing out of the tram conductors and increase in wages. .2 - ditto, dated 2/1/1990, two pages regarding the unauthorised use of a Met vehicle - occurred the previous day. .3 - Letter from Jim Kennan (Minister for Transport) and Neil Pope (Minister for Labour) - dated 4/1/1990, on Victoria Transport Letterhead, giving a guarantee to conductors. .4 - Letter from K. Fitzmaurice dated 9-1-1990 - one page regarding their future jobs and the impacts of Met Ticket and improved rates of pay. .5 - Advert in The Age, Full page 11/1/1990 - to all tram and bus crews - regarding Job Guarantee. .6 - Letter from K. Fitzmaurice dated 17-1-1990 - seven pages regarding - headed Government return to work proposal. Gives the proposals placed before the unions about Conductors and Met Tickets. .7 - Instruction to crews at Camberwell Depot dated 26/1/1990, 5 sheets stapled in top left hand corner, about the pending introduction of one person trams and the relevant instructions. Headed "Notice to One-person tram operations" .8 - Letter from K. Fitzmaurice dated 1/2/1990 - one page - "Return to Work Proposal" on PTC letterhead giving a summary of the agreement with the union. .9 - Letter from Ian Stoney Chief Executive of the PTC dated 29/5/1990 address to Carolyn Dean, regarding a review of one-person operation. .10 - One sheet - titled "pay structure - tram and bus" - gives the existing and proposed rates - not dated. May not be a 1990 document.trams, tramways, strike, ptc, met tram, tram blockade, unions, employees, conductors, drivers, one man trams, wages -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
McColl Rankin & Stanistreet, North Virginia Gold Mining Company NL. a/ Application for Mining Lease No. 10027, agreed to purchase from Executors in the Estate if the late W H Millet Allotments 164 & 165 Section (A) for the sum of 40 pounds, Executors agreed to sell North Virginia Gold Mining Company NL, Executors and beneficiary Herbert Jackson Leed consented to the sale. Dated 17/8/1933 Signed by: H J Leed & S Millett. b/ Letter dated 11/8/1933, an agreement to sell Allotments 164 &165 Section (A) Parish of Nerring County of Bendigo to the North Virginia Gold Mining Company for 40 pounds. Signed by S Millett. c/Typed receipt for 150 pounds as cash consideration for the purchase and transfer of leases No 10027 and 10150, Bendigo. Dated 21/8/1933. Signed J J Hall. Stamp Duty Stamp 3 pence. d/Particulars And Conditions Of Sale of Freehold Property, by private sale on 23/8/1933. Land allotments 168 & 159 of Section A Parish of Nerring County of Bendigo. Harry Eastwood Jones the vendor sold to North Virginia Gold Mining Company NL purchaser. Signed by Harry Eastwood Jones, Albert L Biescher, J Michelsen, Stanistreet. e/ Particulars And Conditions Of Sale of Freehold Property, by private sale on 23/8/1933. Land allotments 160 of Section A Parish of Nerring County of Bendigo. Charlotte Jones the vendor sold to North Virginia Gold Mining Company NL purchaser. Signed by Charlotte Jones, J Michelsen, Albert L Biescher, Stanistreet. f/ Written on blue paper. Received from McColl Rankin & Stanistreet for 200 paid up shares in North Virginia Cold Mining Co NL distinctive numbers 49801/5000. Signed Scott Bently. Dated 26/9/1933. Pinned to Typed receipt: 50 pounds and 1800 Fully paid up shares in North Virginia Gold Mining Co NL. Dated 13/1/1933 between H J Veale and J J Hall, J A Michelsen, J J Stanistreet date signed 15/9/1933. Stamp Duty Stamp 3 pence.organization, business, gold mine -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Fred Rochow Railways Collection - Bicentennial Train Locomotive 3801, 29 October 1988
The Fred Rochow Railways Collection incorporates photos related to the operation of the Wodonga Railway Station including different types of trains and railways staff C. 1930 – 1990. It was donated to the Wodonga Historical Society by Fred Rochow, a railwayman who spent many years based in Wodonga. He joined the Victorian Railways on 17th June l947 and retired in 1988. For some time, he was a member of the Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen and served a term as a member of the Trades Hall Council. He had an extensive knowledge of the struggles that took place to achieve better conditions for railway workers. Fred worked for many years as a fireman and then worked his way up the ranks to driver, experiencing many changes from the days of steam locomotives through to diesel trains, locomotives and even the modern XPT train. He worked throughout Victoria at different stages of his career, with his final working years focused on the northeast of Victoria and the Albury to Melbourne line. After his retirement, Fred continued to share his love of steam miniature trains with the community.This collection has local and statewide significance as it captures images of trains, locomotives and personnel who operated the railway services in Wodonga and throughout Northeast Victoria. The railways played a critical role in opening up Victoria and connecting Australia for trade, business, social communication and transport.Bicentennial Train hauled by Locomotive 3801 passing through Wodonga. Locomotive 3801 was built by Sydney company The Clyde Engineering Co. Ltd., Granville in 1943 as the first of five streamlined (C) 38-class locomotives for the New South Wales Government Railways’ top-link express passenger duties. The delivery of 3801 was much delayed due to wartime labour & material shortages, together with competing wartime construction priorities. After many years of service, 3801 had been scheduled for withdrawal in 1962 due to deteriorating mechanical condition, but rail enthusiasts raised sufficient funds to cover the cost of its overhaul. 3801 joined the collection of the New South Wales Rail Transport Museum (NSWRTM), Enfield on withdrawal from NSWGR service and continued in operation as a tour locomotive. It hauled the “Western Endeavour” on the first crossing of the Australian continent by a standard gauge train from Sydney to Perth and return in August – September 1970. 3801 also stars in the railway film ‘A Steam Train Passes’ made by Film Australia in 1974 By 1976 had been withdrawn from service due to poor boiler condition and placed on static display by the Rail Transport Museum in Thirlmere, NSW. The Locomotive remained in Thirlmere until 1983 when it was decided it should be restored for the Australian Bicentenary in 1988. A new organisation was created specifically for the purpose of operating 3801, and thus 3801 Limited was incorporated on 5th June 1985. Work on the locomotive was completed after three years, with 3801 making its debut at a special Railway Ball hosted in its honour on 29th November 1986. During the Australian Bicentenary celebrations in 1988, it operated an extensive program across Australia visiting every mainland capital accessible by rail including an appearance at AusSteam ’88 in Melbourne in October 1988, stopping over in Wodonga on the way. After the company’s 20-year lease on the locomotive expired in 2006 Railcorp chose not to extend the agreement, and the locomotive returned to the Rail Transport Museum at Thirlmere (now the NSW Rail Museum). 3801 was withdrawn from service in 2007 for major boiler repairs. Locomotive 3801 was officially relaunched at Sydney's Central Station on Friday 12 March 2021 by Her Excellency, the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, Governor of New South Wales.On front of locomotive Australia Bicentennial logo and sign "BICENTENNIAL TRAIN/3801" railways wodonga, fred rochow, locomotive r761, bicentennial train, locomotive 3801 -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Fred Rochow Railways Collection - Bicentennial Train Locomotive 3801 arriving in Albury, 29 October 1988
The Fred Rochow Railways Collection incorporates photos related to the operation of the Wodonga Railway Station including different types of trains and railways staff C. 1930 – 1990. It was donated to the Wodonga Historical Society by Fred Rochow, a railwayman who spent many years based in Wodonga. He joined the Victorian Railways on 17th June l947 and retired in 1988. For some time, he was a member of the Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen and served a term as a member of the Trades Hall Council. He had an extensive knowledge of the struggles that took place to achieve better conditions for railway workers. Fred worked for many years as a fireman and then worked his way up the ranks to driver, experiencing many changes from the days of steam locomotives through to diesel trains, locomotives and even the modern XPT train. He worked throughout Victoria at different stages of his career, with his final working years focused on the northeast of Victoria and the Albury to Melbourne line. After his retirement, Fred continued to share his love of steam miniature trains with the community.This collection has local and statewide significance as it captures images of trains, locomotives and personnel who operated the railway services in Wodonga and throughout Northeast Victoria. The railways played a critical role in opening up Victoria and connecting Australia for trade, business, social communication and transport.Bicentennial Train hauled by Locomotive 3801 arriving at Albury Station, Locomotive 3801 was built by Sydney company The Clyde Engineering Co. Ltd., Granville in 1943 as the first of five streamlined (C) 38-class locomotives for the New South Wales Government Railways’ top-link express passenger duties. The delivery of 3801 was much delayed due to wartime labour & material shortages, together with competing wartime construction priorities. After many years of service, 3801 had been scheduled for withdrawal in 1962 due to deteriorating mechanical condition, but rail enthusiasts raised sufficient funds to cover the cost of its overhaul. 3801 joined the collection of the New South Wales Rail Transport Museum (NSWRTM), Enfield on withdrawal from NSWGR service and continued in operation as a tour locomotive. It hauled the “Western Endeavour” on the first crossing of the Australian continent by a standard gauge train from Sydney to Perth and return in August – September 1970. 3801 also stars in the railway film ‘A Steam Train Passes’ made by Film Australia in 1974 By 1976 had been withdrawn from service due to poor boiler condition and placed on static display by the Rail Transport Museum in Thirlmere, NSW. The Locomotive remained in Thirlmere until 1983 when it was decided it should be restored for the Australian Bicentenary in 1988. A new organisation was created specifically for the purpose of operating 3801, and thus 3801 Limited was incorporated on 5th June 1985. Work on the locomotive was completed after three years, with 3801 making its debut at a special Railway Ball hosted in its honour on 29th November 1986. During the Australian Bicentenary celebrations in 1988, it operated an extensive program across Australia visiting every mainland capital accessible by rail including an appearance at AusSteam ’88 in Melbourne in October 1988, stopping over in Wodonga on the way. After the company’s 20-year lease on the locomotive expired in 2006 Railcorp chose not to extend the agreement, and the locomotive returned to the Rail Transport Museum at Thirlmere (now the NSW Rail Museum). 3801 was withdrawn from service in 2007 for major boiler repairs. Locomotive 3801 was officially relaunched at Sydney's Central Station on Friday 12 March 2021 by Her Excellency, the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, Governor of New South Wales.On front of locomotive Australia Bicentennial logo and sign "BICENTENNIAL TRAIN/3801" railways wodonga, fred rochow, locomotive r761, bicentennial train, locomotive 3801 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Folder with papers, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Employment Procedures", c1964
Folder with papers - Manilla folder containing some 30 documents outlining the procedures for employing staff for the crewing of trams, tradesmen and other grades. Comprising primarily foolscap duplicated, quarto sheets but with some samples actual printed documents that were required. A - Employment Procedures, listing the following documents, each marked with the respective number using a blue pencil in the top left hand corner. Document No. (images refer to the sheet number) .1 - Interview Card .2 - General information regarding conditions of employment (Age, Height, Weight etc.) .3 - Education Test .4 and 5 - Application for Employment and Result of Medical examination .6 - List of Medical Standards for eyesight ( photocopy which is going to brown - reprinted and placed in a envelope as it was affecting the next sheet.) .7 - Chest X-Ray .8 - Form for attachment to depot closest to home or closest depot at which vacancy exists. .9 - Agreement form (8 and 9 stapled together) .10 - Requisitions for uniform .11 - Directions to Store and School .12 and .13 - Application for Re-employment and Special Day Report stapled together .14 - MMTB Employees Record .15 - Reference Investigations - where considered necessary .16 - Tradesmen and Miscellaneous Workers Identification Slip - in triplicate .17 - Weekly changes Report - used for adjusting staff totals of Conductors, Drivers - example dated 29.2.1964 - list names, starts, re-employments, new drivers, transfers, bus drivers, regressions, medical retirements, dismissals, resignations, noting who were University Students. .18 - List of Student Conductors to attend class .19 - Identification slip for cashier and employees pass issue .20 - List of (new) starters in the service - for use by Cashier and weekly changes .21 - Particulars of Platform Staff - used for compiling weekly staff totals .22 - Application for permission to train as a tram or bus driver .23 - Instruction to Mobile Inspector to recover absentee's uniform .24 - details of traffic employees leaving service .25 - Employee to be paid off Not numbered B - Procedure re Conductor Applications - (2 sheets) C - Student Conductors' Training (10 sheets) D - Summary of Curriculum of Training for Electric Tram Drivers.trams, tramways, personnel, conductors, training, employment, employees, drivers, procedures, instructions, uniforms, medical, interviews, reports, discipline -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Documents, William Ardlie Archives, C 1900-1940
This collection of papers have come from the offices of William Ardlie a local solicitor. He was born in Moonee Ponds in 1843 and was admitted as an attorney and solicitor of the supreme Court in 1865. From 1867 to 1878 he was in partnership with George Barber and then continued to practise until his late eighties which made him the oldest practising lawyer in Australia. He was involved in local councils and organisations such as the Hospital and Anglican Church.He was associated with several large homes in Warrnambool including Wyton presently the home of Emmanual College Warrnambool. He died in 1933.His son E L Ardlie also practised as a solicitor from the same offices from 1893. A number of the invoices included relate to the Estate of James drought who was a local policeman and owner of a number of properties and operated in various trades such as George Ramsay manufacturer of stoves and chimneys, J Rogers plumber & gas fitter and Christian & Dodds who were carpenters and joiners. There are a number of documents which relate to the Chinese, many of whom operated market gardens along the Merri River. They were a familiar part of Warrnambool from around 1872 until around 1940. The names mentioned in these documents include Ah Foo,Charles Quing Bow, Andrew Quing Bow Ah Bing Ah Jing Ah Moon and Ah Seong. They were reknown for their supply of fresh vegetables to the people of the town. They leased land from John Moore. These documents are a cross section of the types of documents which were used and are still used in the operation of businesses. They provide a social snapshot of people and the business which they conducted with their solicitors in this case William and E L Ardlie who were a long standing legal firm in the district. Another interesting aspect of some of these documents is the leases signed by the Chinese market gardeners who played an important but often overlooked aspect of Warrnambool's aspect.A total of 27 documents which relate to William Ardlie Solicitors 001133.1Policy from The Victoria Insurance Company for office effects, 001133.1.2 Receipt for 11/1 for policy. 001133.2 Renewal Receipt from Messrs Hammond & Richards as agents for Victoria Insurance Co. 001133.3 Renewal Receipt from Messrs Hammond & Richards as agents for Victoria Insurance Co. 001133.4 General rates receipt . City of Warrnmbool. 001133.5 Water rates receipt . City of Warrnmbool. 001133.6 Camperdown Chronicle , Letter re overdue payment 001133.7 Camperdown Chronicle Statement 31/12/1948 001133.8 Transfer of land notice Ben Rogers Mepunga 001133.9 W H Philpott Account for rent Estate R P Thomas 001133.10 George Ramsay account for Mr Walters for stove setting. 001133.11 Archibald Macfarlane & Co account for Estate James Drought for advertising. 001133.12 Letter to E L Ardlie re deed of Keane family arrangements 21/10/1910 001133.13 Letter to E L Ardlie re charges of Keane Estate 14/12/1910 001133.14 Account to E L Ardlie from J Rogers re estate Mr Drought , repairs.1/08/1906 001133.15 Account to EL Ardlie from J Rogers re estate Mr Drought1/10/1907 001133.16 Account to William Ardlie from J Rogers re estate Mr Drought 01/07/1908 001133.17 Account to William Ardlie from J Rogers re estate Mr Drought 01/07/1908 001133.18 State Savings Bank Victoria passbook of Margaret Molan 1/02/1937 001133.19 Account to E L Ardlie from Christian & Dodds repairs to Droughts house 01/07/1905 001133.20 Account to E L Ardlie from Christian & Dodds for Estate of Drought for house repairs Darling St1/10/1905 001133.21 Estimate to A A Briggs from Christian & Dodds for Estate of Drought 06/04/1908 001133.22 Receipt to E L Ardlie from Christian & Dodds for Estate of Drought for house repairs 01/05/1906 001133.23 Lease Indenture 02/06/1922 between William Ardlie andAH Foo re Crown Allotment 144 Wangoom for 70 pounds. 001133.24 Agreement 18/06/1929 Messrs Quing Bow & Sons to Messrs Ah Bing Ah Jing Ah Moon and Ah Seong witnessed John Moore. 001133.25 Lease indenture made 18/06/1929 betweenWilliam Ardlie to messrs Ah Bing Ah Jing Ah Moon and Ah Seong. 001133.26 Agreement 18/06/1929 Messrs Quing Bow & Sons to Messrs Ah Bing Ah Jing Ah Moon and Ah Seong witnessed John Moore 001133.27.1 Notification to Creditor of issue of stay order farmers Debts adjustment Act 1935 to Ellen C McGinness and Estate of john McGinness 001133.27.2Note re monthly inst of interest Estate McGinness1942 001133.27.3 Estate of j A Bromfield re Estate of McGinness Arrears of Interest1943 001133.27.4 Letter to W Ardlie from The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd24/02/1944 re interest on J A Bromfield's trust re McGinness mortgage. 001133.27.5 Letter to W Ardlie from The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd 25/02/1944 re interest on J A Bromfield's trust re McGinness mortgage. 001133.27.6 William Ardlie to The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd re Bromfield & McGinness 24/02/1944 001133.27.7 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd to William Ardlie re receipts 16/03/1944 001133.27.8 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd to William Ardlie re Bromfield & McGinness18/03/1944 Unable to complete enquiries. 001133.27.9 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd to William Ardlie 27/03/1944 001133.27.10 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd to William Ardlie29/04/1944 001133.27.11 Estate Sarah Donaldson re accrued Interest 1933-1961 001133.28.1 Indenture between Emily Maria Briggs,Mary Jane Briggs, Frederick William Briggs, Fanny Alethea Briggs, James Alfred Briggs,Lucy Annie Briggs, Arthur Albert Briggs , and Mary Ann Briggs 001133.28.2 Letter re estate of Mary Ann Briggs 001133.1 No 590911 001133.1.2 Signed G Begley 001133.2 Hammond & Richards 43/5 Kepler St Warrnambool 001133.3 Hammond & Richards 43/5 Kepler St Warrnambool 03/03/1934 001133.4 W Ardlie 18/06/1929 Thomas Beattie collector 001133.5 W Ardlie 18/06/1929 Thomas Beattie collector 001133.6 Wm Ardlie signed W A Donald10/08/1949 001133.7 Wm Ardlie 31/12/1948 001133.8 Alexander Ben Rogers 26/05/1950 001133.9 Estate R P Thomas 28/061955. Phone 124 001133.10 .Mr Walters Drought A Ramsay 01/05/1906 001133.11 Estate of the late James Drought 24/05/1906 001133.12 W F Molesworth Re Thomas Keane. Phone 81. 21/10/1910 001133.13 W F Molesworth Phone 81 Thomas Keane14/12/1910 001133.14 E L Ardlie Joseph Rogers 13/08/1906 001133.15 E L Ardlie Joseph Rogers 01/10/1907 001133.16 E L Ardlie 01/07/1908 001133.17 Estate Late Mr Drought 01/07/1908 001133.18 Miss Margaret Molan 001133.29 L Ardlie 01/07/1905 001133.20 E L Ardlie 01/10/1905 001133.21 Mr A A Briggs Christian & Dodds 06/04/1908 001133.22 L Ardlie W Christian 01/05/1906 001133.23 Stamp duty 04/061926 Signed William Ardlie Est Conway Ah Foo 001133.24 Signed John Moore, Charles Quing Bow, Andrew Quing Bow, Ah Bing, Ah Jing, Ah Moon, Ah Seong. 001133.25 Signed William Ardlie, E H Conway, Ah Bing, Ah Jing, Ah Moon, Ah Seong, John Moore. 001133.26 Signed John Moore, Charles Quing Bow, Andrew Quing Bow, Ah Bing, Ah Jing, Ah Moon, Ah Seong. 001133.27.1 Ellen C McGinness and Estate of John McGinness James Dickson R R Macfarlane Richard Vincent McGinness, Abraham McGinness, John Ambrose McGinness 14/07/1936 001133.27.2 Note re monthly inst of interest Estate McGinness 1942 001133.27.3 J A Bromfield McGinness 001133.27.4 W Ardlie, The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd 24/02/1944 J A Bromfield's trust re McGinness mortgage. Syd Jackson 001133.27.5 W Ardlie ,The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd 25/02/1944 J A Bromfield's trust re McGinness mortgage.Syd Jackson 001133.27.6 William Ardlie The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd re Bromfield & McGinness 24/02/1944 001133.27.7 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd William Ardlie 16/03/1944 001133.27.8 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd William Ardlie Bromfield & McGinness 18/03/1944 001133.27.9 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd William Ardlie 27/03/1944 001133.27.10 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd William Ardlie 29/04/1944 001133.27.11 Estate Sarah Donaldson 1933-1961 001133.28.1 Miss Emily m Briggs to Mrs Mary Ann Briggs Assignment . Stamped William Ardlie Solicitor Warrnambool. warrnambool,, william ardlie, james drought, christian & dodds, chinese of warrnambool, james a bromfield -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Rangefinder, E R Watts & Sons, 1930-1945
E. R. Watts and Son, makers of theodolites and other surveying instruments, of 123 Camberwell Road, London. The company was established in 1856 by Edwin Watts at twenty-three he had saved £100 from his earnings to start the business with his staff consisting of one boy and later Alexander Clarkson as an apprentice with the workshop a small room over a Bemondsey stable. Watts' first order was from Negretti and Zambra for a mining dial Alexander Clarkson In the early days the firm worked mainly on marine compasses. Edwin Watts would go down to the Docks to adjust the compasses once they had been installed on the ships. In May 1873 the business moved to larger premises a house with a garden. The workshop was also the home of Mr and Mrs Watts and their five sons and three daughters. By now there were fifteen to twenty men employed by the firm. The company were commissioned to supply the Theodolites and Levels for the construction to the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1881. Towards the end of the century, the firm began to make heliographs continuing to produce them for the government until just before the Second World War when by agreement assigned their manufacture to another firm. 1904 The first dividing engine was completed by George William Watts. It was so remarkable an instrument at the time and for years afterwards, In 1907 Arthur Ames went to Canada and started an organisation in Winnipeg in 1909 this became a separate company called E. R. Watts and Son Ltd. of Ottawa. This firm developed considerably and was eventually with the co-operation of three other instrument companies (Cambridge Instrument Co, Ross, and Negretti and Zambra), were reconstituted as ”Instruments Ltd” of Ottawa and Toronto. During the next ten years, the firm expanded greatly to include glass grinding, leather work, dividing and engraving, testing, adjusting and packing. This expansion was continued during the First World War when workshops were completed and the machinery installed and running within eleven weeks from the start of construction. During the war, a Sergeant Coles, among the rats, lice and mud of the trenches, fitted various bits of scrap into his cocoa tin and made the first Flash Spotter for plotting the positions of enemy guns. Coles was rushed home to the firm's factory where he and George William Watts designed a spotter not made out of a cocoa tin and as a result, the Watts Vertical Force Variometer was developed during WWI. Other Watts instruments made in the First World War included the Light Mountain Theodolites which were taken on Mt Everest expeditions. In 1919 ER Watts and Sons was incorporated as a limited company and in 1939 G. A. Whipple joined the Board of Directors. Shortly afterwards, Frank Charles Watts died having been Chairman of the firm for over 37 years and seen it through the First World War with all its expansions and difficulties. He was succeeded by his brother George William Watts with the vacant post of Managing Director being filled by G. A. Whipple. During the Second World War, the company expanded further and the number of employees rose to well over 1,300. In 1946 Watts acquired 78% of Adam Hilger and the microscope maker James Swift and Son Who were Manufacturers of Theodolites, Levels, Alidades, Meteorological Instruments, Variometers, and many other types of scientific instruments Then in 1948 the company amalgamated with Adam Hilger as Hilger and Watts which was then incorporated as a public company.Naval Rangefinder with a vertical wooden handle, and an arrangement of optical lenses. Three reversible brass inserts calibrated on both sides in yards, correspond to various base heights, (20 and 25 feet, 30 and 35 feet and 40 and 50 feet). They are fitted along the axis of the instrument. When the scale for the appropriate base height is selected and inserted, the carriage can be slid for coincidence and the distance read at the index mark on the sliding carriage.inscribed "Rangefinder Cotton Type Mk II" Calibrated scale up to 5000 yds (50 ft), 5000 yds (35 ft), 4000 yds (25 ft) made by E. R. Watts & Son.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, rangefinder, cotton type, e r watts & sons, naval range finder, marine equipment -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Fred Rochow Railways Collection - Bicentennial Train Locomotive 3801 passing Wodonga Signal box, 29 October 1988
The Fred Rochow Railways Collection incorporates photos related to the operation of the Wodonga Railway Station including different types of trains and railways staff C. 1930 – 1990. It was donated to the Wodonga Historical Society by Fred Rochow, a railwayman who spent many years based in Wodonga. He joined the Victorian Railways on 17th June l947 and retired in 1988. For some time, he was a member of the Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen and served a term as a member of the Trades Hall Council. He had an extensive knowledge of the struggles that took place to achieve better conditions for railway workers. Fred worked for many years as a fireman and then worked his way up the ranks to driver, experiencing many changes from the days of steam locomotives through to diesel trains, locomotives and even the modern XPT train. He worked throughout Victoria at different stages of his career, with his final working years focused on the northeast of Victoria and the Albury to Melbourne line. After his retirement, Fred continued to share his love of steam miniature trains with the community.This collection has local and statewide significance as it captures images of trains, locomotives and personnel who operated the railway services in Wodonga and throughout Northeast Victoria. The railways played a critical role in opening up Victoria and connecting Australia for trade, business, social communication and transport.Bicentennial Train hauled by Locomotive 3801 passing the Wodonga Signal box. Locomotive 3801 was built by Sydney company The Clyde Engineering Co. Ltd., Granville in 1943 as the first of five streamlined (C) 38-class locomotives for the New South Wales Government Railways’ top-link express passenger duties. The delivery of 3801 was much delayed due to wartime labour & material shortages, together with competing wartime construction priorities. After many years of service, 3801 had been scheduled for withdrawal in 1962 due to deteriorating mechanical condition, but rail enthusiasts raised sufficient funds to cover the cost of its overhaul. 3801 joined the collection of the New South Wales Rail Transport Museum (NSWRTM), Enfield on withdrawal from NSWGR service and continued in operation as a tour locomotive. It hauled the “Western Endeavour” on the first crossing of the Australian continent by a standard gauge train from Sydney to Perth and return in August – September 1970. 3801 also stars in the railway film ‘A Steam Train Passes’ made by Film Australia in 1974 By 1976 had been withdrawn from service due to poor boiler condition and placed on static display by the Rail Transport Museum in Thirlmere, NSW. The Locomotive remained in Thirlmere until 1983 when it was decided it should be restored for the Australian Bicentenary in 1988. A new organisation was created specifically for the purpose of operating 3801, and thus 3801 Limited was incorporated on 5th June 1985. Work on the locomotive was completed after three years, with 3801 making its debut at a special Railway Ball hosted in its honour on 29th November 1986. During the Australian Bicentenary celebrations in 1988, it operated an extensive program across Australia visiting every mainland capital accessible by rail including an appearance at AusSteam ’88 in Melbourne in October 1988, stopping over in Wodonga on the way. After the company’s 20-year lease on the locomotive expired in 2006 Railcorp chose not to extend the agreement, and the locomotive returned to the Rail Transport Museum at Thirlmere (now the NSW Rail Museum). 3801 was withdrawn from service in 2007 for major boiler repairs. Locomotive 3801 was officially relaunched at Sydney's Central Station on Friday 12 March 2021 by Her Excellency, the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, Governor of New South Wales.On front of locomotive Australia Bicentennial logo and sign "BICENTENNIAL TRAIN/3801" railways wodonga, fred rochow, locomotive r761, bicentennial train, locomotive 3801