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Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book, Glenvale School (Lilydale, Vic.). Committee of Parents and Friends, Firestorm : Black Saturday's Tragedy, 2009
This book is dedicated to all who lost so much on the darkest Saturday in Australia's history. Australia's worst natural disaster was a tragedy beyond belief that scarred Victoria physically and the whole Australian nation physiologically. Extreme temperatures, tornado-like wind speeds and tinder-dry land, culminated in the disaster we now know as Black Saturday. Before the sun would set on the blackest day in Australia's history, thousands of hectares would become blackened landscape and an unparalleled loss of lives could only mean that many areas would never be the same again. This graphic pictorial record takes you through the conditions prior to the day, the horrific fires that destroyed both bush and townships alike, the amazing bravery of emergency services personnel and the tragic aftermath. Accounts from eye-witnesses describe a fire like never seen before, a wild fire that outran every warning system. "A comprehensive account of Australia's worst natural disaster ever"black saturday, bush fires, bushfire, fire damage - buildings, victorian bushfires - 2009 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Binder, Eltham District History, Eltham Road Board, 1856-1871; Research by Keith Chappel, 1971-1974
Eltham District History, Eltham Road Board, 1856-1871Two binders containing 486 A4 pages (photocopied) of mostly handwritten notes from research undertaken of Public Office Records of Victoria various holdings. Some photocopies from source reference books. Includes 20 page subject index (handwritten) at front and 5 pages of notes and sources at rear and a photocopy of short biography of Keith Chappel.a. foley, a. harkness, a. mackie, a. mcintyre, a. von ziegler, a.a. vivian, a.d. kinninmont, a.d. quadri, a.h. grimshaw, a.w. page, aboriginal reserve, aborigines, abraham quarman, abraham rooks, abraham taylor, adam goudie, aenaes harrison, agnes black, agnes charlton, agnes dalrymple, ah chong, ah cock, ah hein, ah lie, ah sing, albert lunson, albert ness, albert parker, albert ramseyor, alert hunt, alex cameron, alex eason, alex mcandrew, alexander crichton, alexander donaldson, alexander falconer, alexander innes, alexander james, alexander mcdonald, alexander miller, alexander thompson, alexander walker, alexander white, alfred armstrong, alfred burgess, alfred davey, alfred deschamp, alfred eddy, alfred hinley, alfred hooper, alfred hubbard, alfred lowman, alfred smith, alfred whelpton, alice power, allen heeps, allwood, amelia neuman, amos taylor, anderson, andersons creek, andrew brown, andrew byrne, andrew harkness, andrew herbert, andrew ross, andrew smith, angus mcdonald, ann emmott, ann mcphee, ann odea, ann plunkett, ann snell, ann tatty, annie ashmore, annie herbert, annie stuart, anthony beale, anthony currie, ants nest, archibald mcphee, arthur connor, arthur lyttle, arthur rooke, arthur young, arthurs creek, arthurs creek school, august ostling, b.o. wallis, barkers creek, barr, belton, benjamin bain, benjamin jenken, benjamin lawford, benjamin rice, benjamin shaw, benjamin smith, benjamin wallis, benjamin walton, berry, bismark hotel, black calf gully, black thursday, boomers gully, bridget bunker, bridget hailes, bridget kearse, bruno hirt, burns, bushranger, c. twiss, c.h. bade, caleb sherar, caledonia, caledonia diggings, campbell hunter, carl euman, caroline davey, catherine kennedy, cathren brock, cecilia farman, chamberlain, chapman, charles caldwell, charles campbell, charles dale, charles draper, charles fowler, charles green, charles hawkins, charles hempel, charles hirt, charles hirtson, charles jefer, charles jesse, charles kerchevell, charles lidgerwood, charles morris, charles peake, charles prince, charles rielly, charles roberts, charles rowand, charles simms, charles souter, charles swan, charles verso, charles wells, charles whelpton, charles williams, charles wingrove, charles woodley, charleys gully, charlotte beltison, charlotte goodwin, ching ah hock, christine brennan, christine mckenzie, christmas hills hotel, christmas hills school, christopher battaila, christopher twiss, chune grove, church of england, church of england school, clarissa milton, cleir hills, colin amos, constable quirke, constable talty, cornelius haley, cornelius stewart, cottles bridge, councillors hotel, cricket, cucksons brewery, d. nicholson, d.w. morrissey, dalry, daniel charleston, daniel harding, daniel jepps, daniel mccarthy, daniel mckenzie, daniel mcloughlin, daniel oloughlin, david boyd, david christian, david clark, david creighton, david rogers, david rolfe, david sharp, david shawcross, david smith, david stevenson, diamond accommodation store, diamond reef mine, dickson, dixon bertram, donald cameron, donald mcmillan, donaldson, dougald mcphee, dr barclay, dugald mcphee, dugald taylor, duncan fraser, duncan smith, dungey, e. hildebrand, e. stichlins, e.f. falkiner, e.j. hughes, e.m. garsed, e.w. morrissey, edith staff, edmund clarke, edmund cuckson, edmund hall, edmund picket, edward bage, edward beltison, edward bunker, edward ford, edward hindley, edward jackson, edward jones, edward kelly, edward qualtrough, edward staff, edward tresain, edward weller, edward whelpton, edward whilpson, edwin biley, edwin cartwright, edwin cohen, edwin deschamp, edwin mcleish, edwin rodda, edwin smith, effie rodda, eliza bellamy, eliza dawson, eliza howell, eliza nield, eliza smith, elizabeth cockshutt, elizabeth eiles, elizabeth fitch, elizabeth gillespie, elizabeth harris, elizabeth herbert, elizabeth hollow, elizabeth le juge, elizabeth plunkett, elizabeth whelpton, ellen hurst, ellen kearse, ellen quarman, ellen sweeney, ellen white, ellis, eltham cemetery, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham market, eltham police station, eltham pound, eltham quarry, eltham racecourse, eltham roads board, eltham school, emile hude, emily anderson, emily blamire, emily coutie, emma smith, emma taylor, ephraim wyett, ernest baillie, ernest henrick, ernest steer, esther porter, ethel baillie, evan jones, evelyn hotel, evelyn observer, ewen cameron, ewen jones, f. chrimes, f. grundel, f.e. falkiner, f.r. howard, fanny benson, fanny white, felix hude, felix noisette, ferdinand ramseyer, flora vale, florence hurst, fogarty, forbes mackenzie, fords creek, frances kearse, francis baker, francis hales, francis raselli, francis steer, frank eiles, frank rogerson, frank tanner, fraser, fred hurst, frederick falkiner, frederick hurst, frederick muller, frederick nink, frederick walker, frederick wharington, friedrich muller, fryers gully, furphy, g. donaldson, g. houghton, g. turnbull, geanetta hude, george assender, george bear, george beare, george benson, george bird, george boston, george brain, george brandt, george burley, george buswell, george coutie, george eiles, george ewings, george ford, george godber, george goodman, george gray, george griffiths, george hall, george herbert, george horn, george kirk, george langhorne, george mann, george mclelland, george mosely, george neumayer, george orchard, george parish, george porter, george purcell, george ralph, george reid, george rocke, george rogers, george rolfe, george stebbing, george stebbings, george stebbins, george switzer, george symons, george thompson, georgina hilton, glenda moriss, glengloy, gold, goulstone, greensborough police station, gulf station, h. jennings, h. mann, h.h. farquason, hannah sunderland, happy valley, harkness, harold scarce, harriet hunt, harriet smith, harry hollow, hazel glen, healesville, heinrich hirt, helena peters, henrietta hill, henry arthur, henry ashmore, henry austin, henry brown, henry dendy, henry dineen, henry fowler, henry gardner, henry green, henry griffin, henry hart, henry hirst, henry hirt, henry hopkinson, henry hude, henry hurst, henry inch, henry jones, henry mills, henry scarce, henry st paul, henry stevens, henry stooke, henry thomson, henry vogt, henry wallace, henry wilson, herbert rodda, herman henrick, hermann lampe, hermann steinmann, hester staff, hitchill, holbert, honoree hude, hotel de france, hugh mccann, humphrey peers, humphrey spicer, hurstbridge, hurstbridge general store, i.h. clarke, ida adelskold, ignatz kinzel, ira pimm, irene donaldson, isaac briggs, isaac hickson, isaac hill, isaac kerr, isaac varby, isaac williams, isabella donaldson, isabelle herbert, j. dungate, j. eccleston, j. harkness, j. hartley, j. hude, j. irvine, j. jones, j. manduell, j. mason, j. mcdonald, j. mcnamara, j. nichenson, j. renahen, j. scott, j. seymour, j.a. goold, j.a. panton, j.c. hughes, j.d. thompson, j.f. hughes, j.f. johnstone, j.g. walter, j.h. taylor, j.p. morris, jack ewart, jacob belsham, jacob goldstein, jacob morast, jam loon, james alexander, james anderson, james andrew, james andrews, james baines, james batchelor, james bond, james bradford, james brennan, james brock, james brown, james brunning, james buchanan, james cockburn, james cowan, james dalrymple, james donaldson, james duckworth, james goodwin, james harding, james harrison, james hartley, james hawkins, james hewish, james holinger, james hughes, james inglis, james jamieson, james johnson, james johnston, james kaye, james kew, james lindsay, james lindsey, james lynan, james macpherson, james mann, james martley, james mayger, james mccutcheon, james mcmahon, james mcpherson, james mess, james miller, james mitton, james morton, james murdoch, james murdock, james nickinson, james orford, james purcell, james qualtrough, james rudall, james simpson, james smith, james spence, james stonachan, james stuart, james suman, james surman, james sutherland, james thompson, james thomson, james walker, james walters, james watts, jane cleave, jane donaldson, jane mess, jane sadler, jane shaw, jane thomson, janefield, jean borelli, jeanette hudi, jeanne hude, johann muller, john ainsworth, john andrew, john baillie, john barr, john beale, john bell, john bellin, john blake, john blyth, john brock, john brown, john byers, john cameron, john candler, john carter, john cobbock, john cockshank, john cockshutt, john coleman, john connell, john crozier, john darroch, john dennis, john donaldson, john elsworthy, john fenton, john fitch, john gardner, john gast, john graham, john grimshaw, john haines, john haley, john harper, john harris, john hassall, john hayes, john heales, john herbert, john holland, john holman, john hood, john horner, john horton, john hughes, john jardine, john johns, john johnston, john jones, john kearse, john kilpatrick, john knell, john lawrey, john macadam, john mandell, john manduell, john marker, john mccoll, john mccolly, john mcdonald, john mcintyre, john mckimmie, john mcnamara, john mitchell, john moore, john morgan, john muller, john murray, john pearson, john peterson, john petty, john pullen, john quinn, john rawlings, john ryder, john sabelberg, john scott, john semar, john serman, john seymour, john shawcross, john smith, john staff, john steer, john stephens, john sweeney, john thompson, john thomson, john trahy, john walker, john weller, john wells, john williams, john williamson, john yates, john yeoman, john young, johnn mcdonnell, joseph bull, joseph burns, joseph caldwell, joseph caudwell, joseph coutie, joseph elliott, joseph emmott, joseph fayver, joseph furphy, joseph hall, joseph hibbert, joseph hilton, joseph johns, joseph lithgow, joseph panton, joseph rodda, joseph sands, joseph sanson, joseph schubert, joseph scott, joseph shaw, joseph smith, joseph spedder, joseph stevenson, joseph verco, joseph wilson, josiah hollis, josiah hullis, josiah thomas, judith furphy, julie williams, junction hotel, kangaroo forest, kangaroo ground, kangaroo ground cemetery, kangaroo ground general store, kangaroo ground hotel, kangaroo ground police station, kangaroo ground post office, kangaroo ground school, kate bolger, kath scarce, katherine kearse, kidd, kinglake, kinglake hotel, kingstown, l. storey, lan quan, lang, latimour, laura henrick, laurence paterson, leon berlioz, levinia henrick, lillian gillan, linton, little eltham, long gully, louis henrick, louis le juge, louis smith, louisa steinmann, louise miller, lower plenty bridge hotel, lucy tidell, lydia qualtrough, m.j. careton, m.s. adams, macrudden, maggs, mail coach, maplestone, margaret graham, margaret hollins, margaret kearse, margaret kennedy, margaret kinrade, margaret lynch, margaret mcbirney, margaret steinmann, marguerite borelli, maria reilly, maria st paul, maria trew, marian trew, marianne miller, marie wright, marion hillier, mark bunker, martha herbert, martin brennan, mary alexander, mary beltison, mary bradford, mary bridgman, mary brock, mary bull, mary eiles, mary hopkinson, mary kearse, mary lean, mary mcinerney, mary miller, mary parmington, mary pearson, mary pickles, mary robertson, mary rodda, mary ross, mary smith, mary surman, mary weller, matilda jordan, matilda mcmillan, matthias watson, mawson, mechanics institute, michael callanan, michael fenton, michael kearse, michael mctyne, michael merritt, michael oday, michael odea, midgley hall, mills, minnie watts, miss bellon, morgans gully, mount joy, mr donnan, mr omeare, mr page, mrs greenaway, mrs havard, mrs hude, mrs morris, muller, murrays bridge, n.d. whyte, ned kelly, new caledonia creek, nicholas rodda, nillumbik, norman mcphee, old caledonia gully, oliver gourlay, one tree hill, owen finnegan, panton hill, panton hill hotel, panton hill post office, panton hill school, parambool, patrick armstrong, patrick bourke, patrick burke, patrick callaghan, patrick green, patrick harrington, patrick kearse, patrick lynch, patrick mcintyre, patrick o'callaghan, patrick rodgers, patrick sheahan, peach grove, perinella bull, perry, peter carrucan, peter flyn, peter ford, peter lawlor, peter patterson, peter snodgrass, peter watson, philip korfman, phillip gakden, phillip kaufman, phillip korfman, pierce brennan, pierce power, poo long, pound bend, pretty hill, queenstown, queenstown cemetery, queenstown police station, queenstown school, r. mackie, r.a. davidson, rebecca noisette, rebecca weller, reefers hotel, research, research gully, research gully hotel, research hotel, research school, rev dobinson, rhoda coutie, richard brook, richard capper, richard dunstan, richard goulding, richard heales, richard lane, richard matthews, richard rodda, richard searle, richard smith, richard wallis, richard warren, richard woolcott, robert alice, robert bourke, robert burke, robert charlton, robert clarke, robert cunningham, robert dugdale, robert grant, robert hall, robert harris, robert hempel, robert hill, robert hurst, robert lowman, robert mcadam, robert mckee, robert nink, robert norman, robert pontessey, robert sharp, robert smith, robert steel, robert stevenson, robert strong, robert surnam, robert wood, robina joyce, rogerson, roman catholic church, rossiter, rudolph muller, ruth mess, ruth sadler, ruth stevenson, s. smith, s. stewart, salters rush, sam deacon, samuel bird, samuel brace, samuel cameron, samuel candler, samuel cole, samuel cracknell, samuel dagley, samuel flier, samuel furphy, samuel merriman, samuel moseley, samuel mosley, samuel smith, sarah howard, sarah moseley, sarah raston, sarah walters, second watery gully school, self, shin hun, simon armstrong, smiths gully, smiths gully mechanics institute, smiths gully school, sophia greenaway, spanish gully, st andrews, st andrews hotel, st helena, stack, stanley smith, stephen gonnet, stephenson turner, stephensons bridge, steven anderson, stevensons corner, sumner, susan dickson, susan street, susan walke, sutherland, t. davidson, t. mclaughlin, t. symons, t.a. aldwell, t.b. drummond, t.b. henderson, t.e. johnston, t.h. subelly, tarrawarra, theis, theodore sabelberg, theresa lynch, thomas anderson, thomas armstrong, thomas baillie, thomas batt, thomas bell, thomas benson, thomas bibbs, thomas boardman, thomas bradford, thomas bull, thomas cattery, thomas cochrane, thomas cook, thomas cottle, thomas cousins, thomas downward, thomas edwards, thomas evans, thomas grierson, thomas haines, thomas harmer, thomas hunniford, thomas huntford, thomas hurry, thomas jardine, thomas jones, thomas kearse, thomas kennedy, thomas marland, thomas martin, thomas mcinerney, thomas morrison, thomas mundy, thomas murphy, thomas murray, thomas peacock, thomas plunkett, thomas postlethwaite, thomas prior, thomas qualtrough, thomas smith, thomas stone, thomas sunderland, thomas swatling, thomas sweeney, thomas symons, thomas walke, thomas wall, thomas wright, thomas young, tim shaw, toll gate, tom collins, tommys hut, true, upper diamond creek, upper diamond creek school, view hill, virtue hall, w. cockayne, w. craig, w. foster, w. marriott, w. ridley, w. trenoweth, w.a. page, w.b. andrew, w.b. burnley, w.b. phillips, w.c. shortt, w.w. herbert, walter barlow, walter hillier, walter joyce, walter knell, walter mckimmie, walter mcnicoll, walter thomson, walter wippell, warburton carr, warrandyte, warrens hotel, watery gully, watsons creek, watsons creek hotel, wattle glen school, wellers hotel, weymss donaldson, whipstick gully, white cloud, wild dog creek, wild dog gully, wiliam albert, william aitken, william albert, william anderson, william andrews, william barr, william barrow, william bell, william bond, william bowden, william bremmer, william brewer, william bridgman, william burnley, william buswell, william cant, william clarke, william cleave, william crozier, william dawson, william dodging, william ellis, william finn, william fitzgibbon, william ford, william foster, william garland, william ghosley, william golding, william goodwin, william graham, william gray, william grimshaw, william hall, william harding, william herbert, william hoilett, william hopkinson, william howitt, william howlett, william hubbard, william hunt, william inglis, william jarrold, william joyce, william kidd, william kilpatrick, william kommer, william lodge, william mclaughlin, william mcmurray, william mitton, william moore, william mosley, william murphy, william nicholson, william normage, william norman, william nuttall, william phillips, william quarman, william ronald, william sadler, william scott, william seaville, william sharp, william smith, william spicer, william taylor, william thomson, william tobin, william underwood, william walsh, william walshe, william walters, william watkins, william west, william wilmot, william wilson, william wolverston, william woods, wolfe, woodley, yarra bank, yow yow creek, a. brewer, a. easson, a. edwards, a. melville, a.m. ross, a.r. larrimour, aborigine reserve, advertisements, agricultural district, alan bernhard horsley, albert frederick charles glover, albert h price, albert h.c. price, albert henry charles price, alex easson, alexander campbell, alexander melville, alexander thomas haley, alexander thomson, alfred j. lowman, alice may peake, alie haley, alistair knox, alistair samuel knox, allandale road, allendale road, allwood run, andrew, andrew mckay, anton william brinkkotter, archibald brown, argus, arthur chichester allen, arthur edwin cracknell, arthur john braid, arthur robert traynor, atlas of australia 1886, b. lawford, b. mess, barry thale houston, basil y hall, basil yaldwyn hall, bell street, benjamin baxter, benjamin bowater, benjamin thomas taylor, benjaomin o. wallis, bible street, billis, bolton street, brewery, brisbane street, buckingham, bushrangers, c. brown, c. carroll, c. hirt, c.s. haley, c.s. wingrove, c.t. harris, caledonia run, cam, cattle, charis meta alexander pelling, charles brown, charles ellis, charles hicks bath, charles newman, clara gonnet, claude bryan gibbs, clifford henry goulding seear, coleraine, colin t. bell, collectors, collingwood, commissioner airey, coplin thomas bell, cornelius john stewart, cornelius sharp haley, cornelius sharpe haley, county of evelyn, culla hill, cutto hill, d. ryan, daily news newspaper, dalton street, daniel jepp, derek cecil o'beirne, diamond creek, diamond creek post office, diamond creek railway station, diamond creek run, diamond creek station, diamond creek township, divisions, doctor, donald alfred neil, donald charles maling, donald ingersole, donald kennedy, douglas anderson, e. cameron, e. falkiner, e. stooke, e.t. peers, edward dumaresq, edward heller, edward james, edward wilson, edwin stooke, elections, electoral districts, electoral roll, electrified railway, eltham, eltham district description, eltham district history, eltham district road board, eltham post office, eltham railway station, eltham road district, eltham road district board, eltham shire council, eltham shire councillors, eltham shire history, eltham town common, eltham village, eltham-hurstbridge railway, ely street, eric dudley butler, eric nichol staff, eric percival harmer, ernest james andrews, eve may edwards, evelyn and mornington division, evelyn division, everard albert hale, ewn hugh cameron, f. stone, f.d. wickham, flour mill, fountain of friendship hotel, francis bradley, francis joseph favier, francis regiereals(?), francis watson rosier, frank haley, frank wayne maas, franklin william nankervis, frederick charles barrett, frederick edward falkiner, frederick eldred griffith, frederick filed durham, frederick gration, frederick kirk gration, frederick vincent squire, fredrick ninck, g. drabble, g. haley, g. hodgkins, g. lee, g. thomas, g. thomson, g.d. boursiquot, g.f. belcher, garden hill, geoffrey charles dreverman, geology, george d'arley boursiquot, george ellis parker, george fletcher, george frederick belcher, george haley, george hirt, george louie cresp, george love, george robertson, george turnbull, george wise, godalmin street, gold mining, goodman, gordon melville, government gazette, graham lindsay bride, grazing, greenhill, greensborough, grierson, gun maker, h. g. james, h. stooke, h. taylor, h.g. jhones, h.t. beams, harold edward bartlett, heatherleigh, heidelberg, helen louise wells, henry creswell, henry gilbert jones, henry holloway, henry peers, herbert eric rundle, herbert hewitt, herbert rutter, hoddle, holiday resort, horace hilton, house of assembly, hugh larimour, hurst, i. barrow, i. rooks, ian g smedley, ian gordon smedley, industry, isaac rooks, isidore t. wilmor, j. alison, j. brown, j. cameron, j. carfrae & co., j. ferguson, j. frank, j. garthwaite, j. greaves, j. greitzner, j. irish, j. lindsay, j. murray, j. o'brien, j. stevenson, j. wilson, j.b. phipps, j.b. rodda, j.f. imley, j.g. foxton, j.g. fraser, j.h.f. hawke, j.k. zahn, j.m. holloway, j.p. imley, jack cato, jack clendinnen gill, jacob belcham, jacob greitzner, jakeb greitzner, james bailey, james cox, james d mealy, james darley mealy, james frank, james frederick mackay, james graham, james johnstone, james kay bryce, james mclaren, james murray, james oliver white, james pearson imley, james pearsons imley, james rosier, james ryan, jane thompson, jersey, johann karl zahn, john a porter, john alexander hampton lewis, john alison, john b. wilson, john barter bennett, john blackmore phipps, john blakemore phipps, john carfrae, john dane, john g. foxton, john gerald searle, john greaves, john green foxton, john greenlaw foxton, john henry sabelberg, john johnstone, john lee smith, john lindsay, john lindsay beale, john mann, john mason, john pape, john porter, john samuel lithgow, john stevenson, john verran mcconnell, john wilson, jonathan scott, joseph anderson panton, joseph bromley shallard, joseph garthwaite, joseph smedley, joseph walter henry bradbury, josiah morris holloway, k.e. dunstan, m kinglake, keelbundora, kenneth chareles crompton, kenneth donald macmillan, kenneth frederick hines, kenyon, kerby street, kinglake school, krelbundora, l. jenyns, l.m. bill, lancefield, land act 1862, land act 1865, land act 1869, land alienation, land settlement, legislative council, leopold kershaw lawry, leslie christopher docksey, leslie edward clarke, little eltham school, m. o'shea, m.h. fitzpatrick, mail run, mail service, main road, map, margaret moody, martin fogarty, mary leak, maxwell alexander spence, medical practitioner, michael o'shea, miss haley, moira, morang, mr. ford, mrs galbraith, n. gillies, n. rodda, name, names, neil stewart roberts, norman ernest charles williams, opening, orchard district, p. ryan, p.a.c o'farrell, p.p. cotter, parish of nillumbik, parish of nillumbik 1856, patrick costello, patrick turnbull, percy downer, peter andrew charles o'farrell, peter fair, peter graham, petr lawlor, phillip cumming, photographer, plenty river, polling place, polling places, porter street, portrait, post office, post office directory 1868, princes bridge, proclamation, r. boston, r. hepburn, r. lane, r. wadeson, r.d. mess, r.s.h. moody, radley (rodney) douglas quin, rag mill, railway lines, raymond clive duncan, registrar, research state school no. 2959, reserve for aborigines, reynolds road, richard jones and co, richard robert woolcott, river plenty, robert alan bell, robert benn (ship), robert cadden, robert cunningham white, robert david taylor, robert hepburn, robert kenneth marshall, robert miller, robert reid, robert stewart hull moody, robinia joyce, rodda family, rosemount, rupert norman maskell, ryans road, s. evans, s. wekey, samuel evans, samuel phillips, samuel ramsden, samuel w. scott, searle, shire of diamond valley, sigismund wekey, sly grog seller, sources, south province, south yarra, st kilda, stanley simpson addison, strathbogie, strippers of bark, stuart alexander donaldson, sweeneys lane, sweeny, sylvia ruth houston, t. archer, t. huntley, t. murray, t. stephens, t. watkins, t.a. stork, t.b. daling, t.b. darling, t.c. darling, t.milthorpe, t.p. cross, tannery, tenders, terence alphonsus collins, the explorers and early colonists of victoria, the story of the camera in australia, thomas bell darling, thomas clarke, thomas darling, thomas foster chuck, thomas grant, thomas henry bowman, thomas herbert power, thomas irvine, thomas maltby, thomas mccombie, thomas scarce, thomas sweeny, thornton street, town of eltham, vaccinations act, victorian government gazette, virtue hall station, virtue hill, w. archer, w. brown, w. gordon, w. inglis, w. jones, w. matthew, w. mcdonald, w. williams, w. wilson, w.r. belcher, w.t. fitzpatrick, walter craig, walter wipple, warringal, water wheel, wattle glen, whittlesea, william acland, william adams, william b. burnley, william buckingham, william c. farrell, william cleve, william craig, william frederick ford, william george gray, william henry hull, william john taylor, william john turner clarke, william johnson, william jones, william lorimer, william morris, william redmond belcher, william thomas cochrane, william vasey houghton, william walker, william wandliss herbert, william white, willie haley, willie stanley dawson, yan yean, yarra flats, yarra river, yielima, york street, yow yow gully, zig zag road, frederick george hurst, grimshaw, mrs s marshall, mrs mcclelland, bushfire -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book - Photo album, The Reynolds/Prior photography collection
The Reynolds/ Prior collection of photographs were snapped by Tom Prior, the Uncle of Ivy Reynolds (her mother's brother) around 1900 and the 60 photos in the album give a fine overview of many of the landmarks of Research and Eltham over 100 years ago. lvy is a much loved pioneer who lived in the family home for many years at 106 Thompson Cres Research. Many today living in our township will know Ivy and remember her sister Margaret. Ivy's father, Ernst Richard Reynolds and grandfather, Richard Reynolds, lived at the same address. Ivy's father Richard worked for Mr. Trail on his property in Research. Reynolds Road is named after the family. Mr Tom Prior (wife Eva) worked at the Melbourne zoo. He was very innovative and made his own camera, using the black cloth hood to exclude the light. The photographs are a reminder of the rural nature of Research and Eltham and its rich heritage. Ivy Reynolds would like to share this history, stories and anecdotes with you. If they are not recorded and presented they are lost. In Andrew Lemon's Book Return to Research, A Centenary History of Research Primary School, there is a chapter-- reminiscing ..... the Reynold's family in Research 1870 to 1989 by Jenny Anderson With this in mind, Ivy would like to present the Reynolds/Prior collection in album form to the Historical Society of Eltham, and also to the Andrew Ross Museum, Kangaroo Ground. Ross McDonald 605 Mt Pleasant Rd Research, Vic 3095 (March, 2006 )The Reynolds family were early settlers in Research. The Reynolds/ Prior collection of photographs were taken by Tom Prior, the maternal uncle of Ivy Reynolds, around 1900 and the 60 photos in the album give a fine overview of many of the landmarks of Research and Eltham over 100 years ago. lvy lived in the family home for many years at 106 Thompson Cres Research. Ivy's father, Ernst Richard Reynolds and grandfather, Richard Reynolds, lived at the same address. Ivy's father Richard worked for Mr. Trail on his property in Research. Reynolds Road is named after the family. Mr Tom Prior (wife Eva) worked at the Melbourne zoo. He was very innovative and made his own camera, using the black cloth hood to exclude the light. The photographs are a reminder of the rural nature of Research and Eltham and its rich heritage. Album of photograps (rteproductions) and A4 photocopy (7 pages) contained in album, the Reynolds/Prior Photograph Collection giving background to collection and notes on photosThe Reynolds/Prior Photograph Collection, Presented to the Eltham District Historical Society, 14 June 2006 by Ross McDonald. A second copy was also presented to the Andrew Ross Museum, Kangaroo Groundreynolds prior collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Award Certificate, Local History Grants Program 2017-2018 Awards, Eltham District Historical Society; Public Record Office Victoria, 2018
Local History Grant issued to Eltham District Historical Society to assist in furthering collection management objectives14 A4 pageseltham district historical society, local history grants program 2017-2018, public record office victoria (prov) -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Folder, Unpublished collection of Eltham State School No. 209 items, 1856-1995 by Harry Gilham (EDHS)
Contents 1. Draft chronology - Eltham Primary School Chronology 1856-1995; Harry Gilham (EDHS) 1995 127 pages, A4 photocopies This collection of memorabilia has a focus on the Eltham State School No. 209. It was prepared to help celebrate the 140th year of the school's existence on its original land grant of 1856, which appeared on the first surveyed land for the formation of the Town of Eltham, in the Parish of Nillumbik, County of Evelyn, granted by the then Government of New South Wales. It is inscribed in Harry Gilham's writing on page 1 - "For Eltham P.S Chronology 209 - 150th Anniv. book; Harry Gilham Collection; Unpublished" and stamped "Eltham District Historical Society" Pages 3 and 4 missing. This manuscript was a major source reference for the book "We Did Open A School In Little Eltham; Eltham Primary School 209, 1856-2006, A History" Source references from Inspector's Register of State Schools; photocopies held by EDHS in A3 binders 2. Renovation of Eltham Primary School Residence; Application of a Grant from National Estate Grants program, 17 April 1989 10 pages A4 photocopy 3. Wayfinding In The Environment; The role of aesthetics research in participatory planning design by Victoria Sharp for the School of Environmental Planning, The University of Melbourne, February 1987 4 pages, A4 photocopy extracts copied include: Synopsis Spefic Design Concerns p37 (relative to Eltham Gateway) Summary p38 4. File Record, State School No 209 - Eltham; National Trust of Australia File No B3260; 29 March 2000 1 page A4 5. Notes by Harry Gilham concerning Eltham State School No 209 1 page handwritten lined pad sheet 6. Notes by Harry Gilham concerning Eltham State School No 209 and feedback on 150th Anniversary book 1 page, A4 green 144 A4 pages As noted150th anniversary, chronology, eltham gateway, eltham primary school, eltham state school, harry gilham, national trust of australia, planning, renovation, school residence, state school no. 209, victoria sharp -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Folder, Shire of Eltham Living and Learning Centre, 1996
Contents: 1. Hand drawn schematic record of site buildings as of 1975 compiled by Harry Gilham, Shire of Eltham Historical Society 2. History compiled on the ocassion of the Eltham Living and Learning Centre's 21st birthday in 1996. Includes historical notes about the property, origins of the Living and Learning Centre at Eltham which started in 1975. List of associate groups, friends of the creek, friends of the centre, playhouse, list of co-ordinators 3. Enrolment Day Cake recipe 4. Poem - "Who'd be a co-ordinator" by unknown 5. Traditions and Memories by Margaret Johnson, Program Co-ordinator for 10 years 6. Reminiscences by Linda Kirkwright, Admin Assistant 7. In the beginning there was a small cottage ... by Joanne Osborne, Assistant Co-ordinator 1977-1980 8. Newsclippings - Living and Learning Centre in Council Centre, Diamond Valley New, 2 Apr 1975; 'Rub-A-Dub" unknown publication; and miscellaneous advertisements 9. Copy of certifcate of title when transferred to the Shire of Eltham in 1975 10. Copy of 1992 Shire of Eltham Heritage Study, pages 930-936 with notations 48 A4 pages photocopies HG Booklets 22 and 47, 64eltham living and learning centre, enrolment day cake, harry gilham collection, heritage study, history, joanne osborne, linda kirkwright, margaret johnson, poem, recipe, reminiscences, who'd be a co-ordinator -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Folder, Victorian Municipal Directory and Gazetteer: and also Commonwealth Guide and the water Supply records for 1936, 1936
Includes municipal information about the Shire including brief history, parishes, political boundaries and names of representatives, statistics, Councilors, Officers, names of places and descriptions. Also includes part one for Euroa Shire and last page for Shire of East Lodden.3 pages. Photocopy relating to Eltham Shire. Includes title page and pages 568-571.HG Booklet 25harry gilham collection, councilors, directory, towns, 1936, shire of eltham -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Folder, Schools no 209 Eltham and no 371 Little Eltham, 1970
Information collated about the early history of Eltham Primary School (n 209) from the Education Department Victoria, 1970 (some duplicated) and School no. 371 "Little Eltham" operated by the Church of England. Includes hand written extracts from correspondence registers of the denominational school board from Public Records Office Victoria (marked pages 77-83 from Chappel file). Copy of handwritten letter from the PROV file dated April 20 1872 advocating the need and preservation of the two schools in the township. 12 pages. PhotocopiesHG Booklet 40harry gilham collection, church of england school, eltham primary school, eltham state school -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Folder, Hotels, 2008
EDHS_04894 Folder: Hotels Contents: 1. Newspaper clippings (photocopies) 1.1. Advertising (1886, December 3). Evelyn Observer, and South and East Bourke Record (Vic. : 1882 - 1902), p. 2 (MORNING.). Retrieved August 6, 2022, from 1.2. MR. H. T. CLARTON AT ELTHAM. (1886, February 12). Evelyn Observer, and South and East Bourke Record (Vic. : 1882 - 1902), p. 3 (MORNING.). Retrieved August 6, 2022, from 1.3. Advertising (1889, September 20). Evelyn Observer, and South and East Bourke Record (Vic. : 1882 - 1902), p. 1 (MORNING.). Retrieved August 6, 2022, from 1.4. Advertising (1890, July 18). Evelyn Observer, and South and East Bourke Record (Vic. : 1882 - 1902), p. 1 (MORNING.). Retrieved August 6, 2022, from 1.5. Newspaper clipping (photocopy): Advertising (1892, January 29). Evelyn Observer, and South and East Bourke Record (Vic. : 1882 - 1902), p. 1 (MORNING.). Retrieved August 6, 2022, from 1.6. The Evelyn Observer, (1892, June 3). Evelyn Observer, and South and East Bourke Record (Vic. : 1882 - 1902), p. 2 (MORNING.). Retrieved August 6, 2022, from (Fire at Morris's Evelyn Hotel); and The Evelyn Observer, (1892, June 24). Evelyn Observer, and South and East Bourke Record (Vic. : 1882 - 1902), p. 2 (MORNING.). Retrieved August 6, 2022, from (Kangaroo Ground Hotel) 1.7. Newspaper clipping (photocopy): Advertising (1898, September 2). Evelyn Observer, and South and East Bourke Record (Vic. : 1882 - 1902), p. 1 (MORNING.). Retrieved August 6, 2022, from 1.8. ELTHAM SHIRE COUNCIL. (1898, September 9). Evelyn Observer, and South and East Bourke Record (Vic. : 1882 - 1902), p. 2 (MORNING.). Retrieved August 6, 2022, from (formation of footpath in front of Watson’s and Morris’s hotels) 1.9. ELTHAM. (1911, August 4). Evelyn Observer and Bourke East Record (Vic. : 1902 - 1917), p. 3 (MORNING.). Retrieved August 6, 2022, from (Drunken railway workers working on Hurstbridge extension) 1.10. Advertising (1924, February 22). Advertiser (Hurstbridge, Vic. : 1922 - 1939), p. 4 (AFTERNOON). Retrieved August 6, 2022, from (Eltham Dining Rooms - Late Morriss's Hotel - Mrs Fyffe) 1.11. Eltham. (1925, September 11). Advertiser (Hurstbridge, Vic. : 1922 - 1939), p. 3 (AFTERNOON). Retrieved August 6, 2022, from (New Eltham Hotel under construction)) 1.12. Eltham. (1925, June 5). Advertiser (Hurstbridge, Vic. : 1922 - 1939), p. 2 (AFTERNOON). Retrieved August 6, 2022, from (New Eltham Hotel to be built) 1.13. Eltham. (1925, July 10). Advertiser (Hurstbridge, Vic. : 1922 - 1939), p. 2 (AFTERNOON). Retrieved August 6, 2022, from (Demolition of original Eltham Hotel) 1.14. LICENSING PROSECUTIONS AT ELTHAM. (1929, June 14). Advertiser (Hurstbridge, Vic. : 1922 - 1939), p. 2 (AFTERNOON.). Retrieved August 6, 2022, from 1.15. KANGAROO GROUND HOTEL (1930, August 8). Advertiser (Hurstbridge, Vic. : 1922 - 1939), p. 1. Retrieved August 6, 2022, from 1.16. Big Fire at Eltham : Extensive Damage (1931, February 20). Advertiser (Hurstbridge, Vic. : 1922 - 1939), p. 1. Retrieved August 6, 2022, from (Former Evelyn Hotel destroyed) 1.17. FIRE AT RESEARCH (1931, March 20). Advertiser (Hurstbridge, Vic. : 1922 - 1939), p. 1. Retrieved August 6, 2022, from (Research Hotel destroyed by fire) 1.18. On the thirsty road to the diggings, A Journey in Time, Nillumbik Mail, Wednesday, September 6, 2000, p4 (Kangaroo Ground Hotel) 2. Eltham Hotel 1850 / 1925 2.1. Photocopy of photo of Watson’s Hotel “On the road to Melbourne” (EDHS_00133) 2.2. Photocopy of photo of Reed’s Eltham Hotel “Jim at "The Pub" (EDHS_01777-3); Reed's Eltham Hotel 2.3. Notes by Harry Gilham of early proprietors Richard Warren and Benjamin Oliver Wallis. Also reference to Jack Moore 1911 of Kangaroo Ground Hotel and Mrs Harper and William Morris of Evelyn Hotel 3. Fountain Hotel / Evelyn Hotel 1852-1931 3.1. Photocopy of image showing Fountain Hotel with two-storey (EDHS_00137) 3.2. Typed chronology by date of events (by Harry Gilham) extracted from Evelyn Observer and Advertiser newspapers 3.3. Letter: (Copy) Jean Uhl to Peter Bassett-Smith, 30 September 1979 of index records to Forresters’ Hotel and Fountain Hotel (with reference to Susan Chapman of Greensborough Hotel) 3.4. Handwritten notes (Harry Gilham) timeline of building use 3.5. Copy of hand drawn map (Harry Gilham) of hotel site 3.6. Copy of William Morris advertisement July 18, 1890 3.7. Copy of Order of Programme; Procession then Inaugural Meeting (1860) at the Fountain Hotel (Eltham Church Committee) 3.8. Copy of “President’s Findings” by Harry Gilham with a summarised history of the hotel EDHS Newsletter No. 183, November 2008 3.9. Information sheet, 19th Century Portable Iron Houses, National Trust 3.10. Pamphlet: Portable 19th Century Iron Houses, National Trust, Calendar of Events, Sep-Dec 2008 4. Public Lists on Trove 4.1. Eltham – Hotels 4.2. Eltham - Hotels (Eltham Hotel 1854 / 1925) 4.3. Eltham - Hotels (Fountain / Evelyn Hotel 1852-1931) Booklet 46harry gilham collection, eltham hotel, fountain hotel, 19th century portable iron houses, evelyn hotel, kangaroo ground hotel -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Folder, Great Britain (ship), 1988-1995
Brunel's SS Great Britain is one of the most important historic ships in the world. When she was launched in 1843 she was called 'the greatest experiment since the Creation'. She made many voyages to Australia bringing many immigrants to a new life. "Andrew Ross, headmaster of the Kangaroo Ground School is said to have recorded in his diary "that having climbed the hill in 1852, and requipped with a powerful telescope observed the arrival in Port Phillip of the steam-powered Great Britain direct from England" - Cover story The Kangaroo Ground Memorial Tower, The Genealogist, March 2010 p. 3 Folder includes: colour brochure about the site of the ship in Bristol which can be visited, tourist 2 pages printout from Maritime History Virtual Archives (2001), 4 pages printouts from, two pages from Brunel, seven pages from ss Great websites no longer accessible. Transcription of article in "The Evelyn Observor" Remiscences and other text photocopied from unidentified book, Copy of Shipping advertisement from The Argus, August 19, 1864 and an original copy or facsimile. Original and photo copies of "Maggie's Isles" from The Age 7 August 1999. and photocopy from unidentified sourceHG Booklet 50harry gilham collection, s.s. great britain -
Waverley RSL Sub Branch
News paper Cutting Chaplain-Captain F. H. King, ? 1917
Captain Frank Herbert King was born in the Parish of St. Saviors in the borough of Brougham London March 5th 1875. He was educated in theology at St. Augustine's College Durban University. He went on to serve for 2 1/2 years in South Africa during the Boer Wars and then re-enlisted in the A.I.F.16th November 1916 when he listed his address as "The Vicarage Sunshine Victoria" and listed his wife as "Kathleen King" “Revd McCoy announced his intention of moving to the parish of Deniliquin in October 1915. He was replaced by F.H. King. Though the parish could not house him, he came in November. King was a typical “new broom”. In January 1916, at his instigation, the parish agreed to change its hymn book to Ancient and Modern. This decision could be viewed as a “churchmanship” matter, one of many that happened in these years. He pushed through the building of the vicarage, from tender in January to blessed and occupied by June. At the Annual General Meeting, King described 1915 as a trying time in the church and looked forward to a happier and more prosperous time during 1916. At a special vestry meeting, 3 November 1916, King announced that he had accepted an appointment by the Archbishop for service at the front, and that he had been instructed to prepare to go abroad. It was decided in his absence the parish use lay-readers, with periodic visits by clergy for Holy Communion. On 12 November, King thanked the parish for their loyalty and their devotion to him and the church. In return the parish presented him with a wrist watch. The parish was not formally vacant; just without a vicar. In September 1917, the Archbishop wrote advising that King had resigned. He appointed the Rev. W. Green to the parish, but Green declined.”(1) He was sent to Egypt where he administered to the Australian Stationary Hospital Australian 3rd and 5th light horse brigades. His Army record states he was Invalided and Completion of Duty 12 July 1918. He was later awarded th Order of the British Empire (OBE) 1 “The Junction” a history of St Mark’s Sunshine The picture of Chaplain-Captain F.H. King was carried in the Bible of Sig. H. C. Roussac ( a Gallipoli veteran) during his service with the A.I.F. in France. It can only be assumed that F.H.King had a profound effect on Sig. Roussac.Cutting of a lithographic picture showing Chaplain-Captain F. H. King giving away "The Age" (News paper) to Australian troops in Egypt 1917 Chaplain-Captain F. H. King giving away "The Age" to Australian troops in Egypta.i.f. egypt, chaplain, f.h.king, light horse egypt, roussac, o.b.e., boer war -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Book, Maroondah Country, 1979
A history of the Maroondah ReservoirPaperback. Front cover shows a colour photograph of the Maroondah Dam wall. Back cover shows a black and white photograph of the Maroondah Dam under construction.Madge Stevens / 85 Rose Street / West Coburg From Mena & Bill on / birthday 5.9.82 AN APPRECIATION Living all my earlier life at my birth-place, Heales-/ ville, with my sisters and brothers and our good parents,/ it was a privilege to return and re-acquaint during the/ collecting of these few impressions of the old times./ Thanks are due to the obliging attendants at MMBW/ and LaTrobe libraries, where frequent checks of old/ newspapers - including "The Healesville & Yarra Glen/ Guardian" - and records were essential./ Thanks also to my friends, and cousin Dave./ Ann Thomas Stamp of Marysville & District / Historical Society Inc / P.O. Box 22 / Marysville 3779maroondah dam, maroondah, fernshawe, healesville, maroondah aqueduct, maroondah reservoir, victoria, history -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Book, Jennifer Jones et al, On Taungurung Land-Sharing History and Culture, 2020
... historical record. This local history and cultural memoir shows... and an unusually rich historical record. This local history and cultural ...On Taungurung Land: Sharing History and Culture is the first monograph to examine how the Taungurung Nation of central Victoria negotiated with protectors and pastoralists to retain possession of their own country for as long as possible.Front cover has a photograph of the Patterson family c.1904. Back cover has the blurb of the book and information about the authors of the book.non-fictionOn Taungurung Land: Sharing History and Culture is the first monograph to examine how the Taungurung Nation of central Victoria negotiated with protectors and pastoralists to retain possession of their own country for as long as possible.taungurung nation, elder uncle roy patterson, jennifer jones, acheron aboriginal station, mohican aboriginal station, central victoria, history, white settlement -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education: Scrapbook of newspaper cutting, Book 3, July 1970 to December 1970
Newspaper cuttings relating to Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education. These are from various newspapers and include The Age, Ballarat Courier, The Australian, The Herald. The cuttings cover the period from 7 July 1970 to 12 December 1970. Book with yellow cover, front. Spiral bound.ballarat institute of advanced education, biae, employment advertisements, early school records found, council records from 1870 - 1893, john lynch wins stock exchange award, b r hames to deliver lecture at smb, death of a w steane, biae motor cycle club visit factory, mount helen campus of the future, visit from mt isa officer, centenary celebrations, peter hensley outstanding academic record 1969, rosslynne guymer, hill climb, repco gives $5000 to smb fund, ray woolard artist, mineral discoveries in australia, centenary prediction, centenary medallion, betty archdale to deliver fourth lecture, looking back on school history, e j tippett, threshold of the second century, e j barker, stanley white awarded csiro doctoral scholarship, tertiary colleges should be community centre, post-diploma course in malting and brewing, young geologists from broken hill, technical conference for ballarat, banks' gift, exhibition by students, rare rocks for biae, teachers' college at mt helen?, technical principals' association, miss n findley of emily mcpherson college, visiting heads admire facilities at biae, advisory council sets guidelines, smb plaque unveiled, $25000 to centenary appeal, national service exemption granted, technical schools disrupted by teachers' strike, bid for fourth university, librarian course advocated, smb appeal at $221000, centenary of technical education in australia, mt helen campus opening, centenary of great achievement, governments give $100000 to institute, student from last century, mrs o ratray, biae asked to train librarians, buninyong seek talks, problems of "background" in education, exhibition by jon crawley - potter, mr thompson's comment, art sake at school, 90 engineers at biae, ray woollard -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Claus Gronn, Erindringer fra Sö og Land (Memories from Sea and Land), 1906
From the age of 23, Claus Gronn kept a diary/account book to record his daily events and expenditures. In his old age, he used his diary to compile a book, all written in Danish, for his family detailing his many adventurers as a sailor and a gold-digger and his visits to his home-town of Mels as an old man. Eleven copies were printed, one for each of his surviving children. The book was later translated and published by Claus' grand-daughter, Cora McDougall, in the book "Gold, Gold! Diary of Claus Gronn, A Dane on the Diggings". Claus Grönn (1832-1909) was born in Mels, Oksbol Sogn, Schleswig (then still a part of Denmark), the son of blacksmith Claus Mathiesen Gronn. He married Mary Ann Priestley Horsfall at Newstead, Victoria, in 1856. Claus was sent to sea at the age of 14, returning two years later when he took part in the first Schleswig war between Prussia and Denmark as a cadet in the Danish Marine Service. He spent the next four years at sea sailing to Iceland, Russia, Spain and British Guinea. Adopting an anglicised name, Charles Edward Sinclair (which he used until his marriage in 1856 when he resumed his own names), Claus' last voyage was destined for Australia. On June 10, 1854, on board the Koh-i-noor, Claus arrived in Sandridge (now known as Port Melbourne), Victoria. Deciding to try his luck in the goldfields Claus Gronn hoped to earn enough money to be able to return to Denmark with a certain wealth. He purchased some basic tools, he walked 100 km to the Mount Alexander goldfields, trying his luck at Campbell's Creek. He went into partneship with another Dane, Peter Hansen. On 30 September 1909 Claus Gronn died aged 77, at his farm "Leavoldston" located north of Oakleigh, and is buried in the Burwood Cemetery.Green hard covered book. Plate 1 is a signed image of Claus Gronn. Another plate depicts Claus Smed, and Dr Preshaw's tent in Castlemaine. With the book is some cutting, including 'Cuttings from various journals about Claus Gronn and HIs Memoirs by Jens Lyng, as well as hair samples from Margaret Billyeald, Gladstone Procter's second wife. There is also a family tree, and a copy of the details on the Horsfall family from the family bible. non-fictionFrom the age of 23, Claus Gronn kept a diary/account book to record his daily events and expenditures. In his old age, he used his diary to compile a book, all written in Danish, for his family detailing his many adventurers as a sailor and a gold-digger and his visits to his home-town of Mels as an old man. Eleven copies were printed, one for each of his surviving children. The book was later translated and published by Claus' grand-daughter, Cora McDougall, in the book "Gold, Gold! Diary of Claus Gronn, A Dane on the Diggings". Claus Grönn (1832-1909) was born in Mels, Oksbol Sogn, Schleswig (then still a part of Denmark), the son of blacksmith Claus Mathiesen Gronn. He married Mary Ann Priestley Horsfall at Newstead, Victoria, in 1856. Claus was sent to sea at the age of 14, returning two years later when he took part in the first Schleswig war between Prussia and Denmark as a cadet in the Danish Marine Service. He spent the next four years at sea sailing to Iceland, Russia, Spain and British Guinea. Adopting an anglicised name, Charles Edward Sinclair (which he used until his marriage in 1856 when he resumed his own names), Claus' last voyage was destined for Australia. On June 10, 1854, on board the Koh-i-noor, Claus arrived in Sandridge (now known as Port Melbourne), Victoria. Deciding to try his luck in the goldfields Claus Gronn hoped to earn enough money to be able to return to Denmark with a certain wealth. He purchased some basic tools, he walked 100 km to the Mount Alexander goldfields, trying his luck at Campbell's Creek. He went into partneship with another Dane, Peter Hansen. On 30 September 1909 Claus Gronn died aged 77, at his farm "Leavoldston" located north of Oakleigh, and is buried in the Burwood Cemetery.claus grönn 1832-1909, leavoldston, claus gronn, peter hansen, campbell's creek, peter skjellerup, mary ann horsfal, sandon, dr preshaw, claus smed, ship, immigraion, family history, danish, biography -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Book, Mrs E Burrows, Tuppy; or, the autobiography of a donkey, 1868
... records in the 1964 History of Ballarat College, p. 19. shelia ...Book prize awarded to T Boyd (enrolled 1873) for excellence in Writing by Principal F J Thomas in 1874. The book was donated to the school by Sheila (Campbell) Edwards who purchased it from a secondhand dealer in Melbourne.During these early times book prizes were ordered from London where they were specially bound and embossed with the College crest. F J Thomas had an illustrious career at Ballarat College. During his tenure as Principal it was discovered the BA after his name stoold for Bonn Academy (Germany) not, as may have been implied, Bachelor of Arts. Once discovered he left the State under 'not too dignified circumstances' as Mein records in the 1964 History of Ballarat College, p. 19. Light brown calf binding with gold borders to front and back covers; raised bands on spine with six compartments, gold lettering and decoration; school crest embossed on front cover; book plate inside front cover;black and white sketches on frontispiece and throughout book;Book plate inside front cover: Ballarat College crest / PRIZE / FOR / Writing / Awarded to / T Boyd / 1874 / F J THOMAS, B.A.PRINCIPALshelia-edwards, thomas-boyd, 1974, book-prize, ballarat-college, f-j-thomas -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Photograph, Burlington Studios, J.L.McIntyre
... R.S.L. 1890 - 1990 well documented history and service record ...The Burlington Studios were in the Wertheim Buildings, 294 Bourke Street, Melbourne (now the Bourke Street Mall). The photo would have been taken circa 1915. WW1 picture of (Jack McIntyre) J.L. McIntyre; REG. No. 3591; 58th. BATT. 1st A.I.F Foundation Member Lara R.S.L. 1890 - 1990 well documented history and service record.Carboard with wax paper over framed pictureOn front side, half way down are the words The Burlington Melbourne and below this is an embossed picture of a female upper torso. On the rear in pen are the words J.L. J.McIntyre (Jack) 45 Walkers Road Lara. -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Boolet signs of History, The Reunion 60th Anniversary 2002 - The Bombing of Darwin 1942 -45 - Signs of History, Circ 1999
Booklet produced by Northern Territory Government and Darwin City Council.A photographic record of the Northern Territory During World War 11.Laminated Cardboard Cover - with 56 paper pages inside. Signs of History - A Photographic Collection of World War 11 Historiic sites signs in the Northern Territory 1999. Produced by Northern Territory Government 1999. Contains photographic images of areas in the Nortthern Territory specific to the operations and actions during the World War 11.Cover of the booklet Title is "Signs of History" on the center lower section above is a circular artistic laurel with heading 'The Reunion - 60th Anniversary 2002" - the inner of the circle "The Bombing of Darwin 1942 - Northern Territory Government and Darwin City Council.northern territory government, dawin city council, the reunion 60th aviversary 2002, signs of history, the bombing of darwin 1942 - 45 -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Newspaper - The Sun Dated 15/12/1939 - My War Part 4 - Graf Spee Defeated, Local Newspaper 15/12/1939 Special reporting World War 2 news
... dated 5/12/1939 wit reports of World War 2 News History recorded ...The Sun Newspaper dated 5/12/1939 wit reports of World War 2 NewsHistory recorded by Local NewspaperThe Sun Newspaper Special - My War Part 4 - Graf Spee DefeatedLocal Newspaper reporting World War 2 Newsgraf spee defeated, fins fight on against soviets -
Bendigo Military Museum
administrative record - Australian - United Kingdom Exchange Mid Tour Report by SSGT NJ Collins RE 1987, SSGT N.J. Collins RE, 29. 03.1987
The document is the Mid Tour Report by SSGT N.J. Collins RE, a British Army Senior NCO on a two-year exchange to the Army Survey Regiment. A4 size, Stapled, Front cover has a reproduction of a painting of Fortuna Villa in bottom half. Back cover has a difficult to see street scene of Pall Mall, Bendigo with a paragraph describing Bendigo's history superimposed. 19 Pages. The actual Report is contained on Pages 1-16. Annex A is 2 x pages plus a contents page.Green Hi-Light on parts of pages 10 and 11.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
‘WITNESS OF A BOMB” “S ens of an A-Bomb City/ Diary Hiroshima “Soft cover book Cover- cardboard, black and white on front and back covers. Cover illustration- three black and white photographs of bomb damage. 24 pages - cut, Palin, glossy white paper. Illustrated- collection of block and white photograph by Japanese cameraman YUICHIRO SASAKI Language - Japanese and English books, military history, ww2, japan -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - RECORDS, NAA WW2
... History WW2 Records - facsimile, with clear plastic front cover ...See Cat No. 5820. NAA Record of "KINGSBURY JACK": SERVICE NUMBER 40579: Date of Birth - 16 Mar 1916: Place of birth - /Northam WA: Place of Enlistment - Melbourne: Next of Kin - KINGSBURY JESSIE." See Cat 5820, 5821, 5823.Records - facsimile, with clear plastic front cover, black cardboard back cover and plastic binding comb. 117 pages - cut, plain, white paper. All with black print. NAA Record.naa records, military history, ww2 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - RECORDS, NAA WW2
... of Kin - JONES Mary - Page 1 of 16. NAA Records Military History ...See Cat 5820, 5821, 5822. NAA Record of "John Lewis JOHN; Service number - VX77957: Date of Birth - 11 Mar 1921: Place of birth: Melbourne Vic: Place of enlistment - CAULFIELD VIC: Next of Kin - JONES Mary - Page 1 of 16.Records - facsimile, with clear plastic front cover, black cardboard back cover and plastic binding comb. 16 pages - cut, plain, white paper. All with black print. NAA Record.naa records, military history, ww2 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, WW2, Sandgroper Press, "THE RATS OF TOBRUK ASSOCIATION", 1971
Owner and donor details, see Cat No. 5836.3. "The Rats of Tobruk Association/ Lest We Forget". "Register has been compiled by Mr. V. J. Behan, Supervisor for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Western Australia."Soft cover book. Cover - cardboard, black print on beige background - front. 29 pages - cut, plain, white paper, no illustrations. Tobruk War Cemetery, Battalion and Brigade Records.books, military history, ww2, tobruk, war graves -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, BIOGRAPHY & NARRATIVE of a PHOTOGRAPHER, BOWDEN Tim, "The Changi Camera", 2012
"THE CHANGI CAMERA/ A UNIQUE RECORD OF CHANGI AND THE THAI-BURMA RAILWAY" A unique story of an Australian soldier - GEORGE ASPINALL - a keen photographer.Hard cover book with dust cover. Hardcover - cardboard, black buckram with gold print on spine. Dust cover - paper, grey, red and gold print on front, spine, back and flaps. Illustrated sepia toned photographs. Front - Barracks with large crowd of troops. Back - Beach scene. 242 pages, cut, plain, white paper. Illustrated - collection of black and white photographs. End papers illustrated - black and white photographs.books, history, ww2, biography, photography -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, BIOGRAPHY - Facsimile, The Education Department, Victoria, "The Education Department's Record of War Service Victoria 1914-1919", c1921
Book - Facsimile - Hard cover, cloth tape binding. Cover - cardboard, front black print on white background. Blue cloth tape binding. 304 pages - paper, cut, plain, white. Illustrated - black and white copies of photographs and illustrations. Handwritten marking top front cover> Owners stamp top front cover.Front cover - top, handwritten, grey lead pencil "50-" Front cover - Owners stamp, black ink. "Mr. W.J. HAMMILL, A.A.I.M./PO Box 76, Kangaroo Flat/ Victoria, 3555, Australia"books, history, war service, ww1, biography -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, BIOGRAPHY - Facsimile, The Education Department, Victoria, "War Service Record 1939 - 1945", 1959
Facsimile - hard cover, cloth tape binding. Cover - cardboard, front - black print on white background. Green cloth tape binding. 313 pages, paper, cut, plain, white. Illustrated - black and white copies of photographs and illustrations. Handwritten marking, top front cover. Owners stamp top front cover.Front cover top - handwritten, grey lead pencil "50--" Owners stamp, black ink. "Mr W.J. HAMMILL, A.A.I.M./PO Box 76, Kangaroo Flat/Victoria, 3555, Australia"books, history, war service, ww2, biography -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK - facsimile, The Australian Newspaper - with Assistance of the "Staff of Central Army Records", "THE BATTLE OF ALAMEIN.", c1992
The Battle of Alamein - The Australian Casualties. The Australian`, The Weekend Australian - 50th Anniversary Special Edition. Honour Roll and Newspaper Articles.SOFT COVER BOOK - FOLIO FACSIMILE - Cloth tape binding. Cover - thin cardboard, front cover - black print on blue background, illustrated in black print three photographs - top/troops in a vehicle, bottom/ tanks and soldiers advamcing. Pages - paper, cut, plain white. Illustrated black and white copies of photographs. Owners stamp - inside front cover.Inside front cover - owner's stamp black ink "Mr W.J. HAMMILL, A.A.I.M./ PO Box 76, KANGAROO FLAT/ VICTORIA, 3505, AUSTRALIA"books, history, ww2 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - Minutes of the Unit (Army Survey Regiment) Historical Fund Committee Meeting 24 May 94 and 10 May 95, 10.05.1995
Considering the historical importance of Fortuna Villa, a small group of interested Unit members formed the Army Survey Regiment Historical Fund. The aim of the committee was to manage historical issues and raise funds to improve or preserve the Unit History or historical items. These minutes are a small sample record of the activities of the Unit Historical Fund. 6 x A4 pages of Minutes, photocopies, stapled in top left hand corner.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
"Havoc! War Cartoons by Armstrong" The Argus/August 1 to December 2, 1939/Two shillings. This book contains a permanent record of the cartoons of the 4 months from August 1 to December 2, 1939.Soft cover book. Cover - paper, dark brown and red print on front cover. Illustrated - grey and dark brown cartoon of a skull. 48 pages, cut, plain, off white paper, black and white, grey cartoon, history, ww2, cartoons