Showing 654 items
matching w class
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Two new W class trams will make their home at the Ballarat Tram Museum", 16/08/2019 12:00:00 AM
... "Two new W class trams will make their home at the Ballarat...W Class Trams... titled "Two new W class trams will make their home... Parade Ballarat Ballarat goldfields W Class Trams Grants BTM ...Newspaper clippings from The Courier, Ballarat, 16/8/2019 titled "Two new W class trams will make their home at the Ballarat Tram Museum" about the delivery of two trams (836 and 1029) from Newport to Bungaree. Press conference held at the Ballarat depot featuring Paul Mong, Michaela Settle (Buninyong State MP) and Juliana Addison (Wendouree State MP) and Chris Phillips. Article by Greg Gliddon, photo Lachlan Bence. Items includes photographs of the trams being loaded at Newport the previous day and a photo of W6 965 en route to the Docks on its way to Denmark. See Reg Item 7396 for two video files ex VicTrackw class trams, grants, btm, donations, victorian government, tram acquisition -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Postcard - St Kilda Road, with W class trams and the Shrine of Remembrance, National View by Murfett Publishing, 1970s
... St Kilda Road, with W class trams and the Shrine of...Postcard colour - St Kilda Road, with W class trams... - Murfett publishing Postcard St Kilda Road, with W class trams ...Postcard - St Kilda Road, view looking south at the Shrine of Remberance, BP House and on the far right part of the now demolished Prince Henry's Hospital. Trams in the view are W2 345 (Carnegie Route 4) and SW6 913 (City, Route 4). Tram 813 has adverts for Coffey Ford and T&G insurance along with others. The driver of 913 has his cap on an angle.Yields information about St Kilda Road around the Shrine, c1970 and tram services.Postcard colour - St Kilda Road, with W class trams and the Shrine of Remembrance - National View - Murfett publishingtrams, tramways, st kilda road, w2 class tram, sw6 class tram, tram 913, tram 345, shrine of remembrance -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Demonstration of lifting bicycle into W class and Z class trams, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), c1975
... Demonstration of lifting bicycle into W class and Z class... onto a W class tram and Z class tram and the difficulty... onto a W class tram and Z class tram and the difficulty ...Staged photograph to demonstrate the lifting of a bicycle onto a W class tram and Z class tram and the difficulty of fitting it on board.Yields information about social inclusion Set of four black and white photographs with surnames of two, three and four males featured written in inkHandwriting illegibletrams, publicity, bicycle on tram, social inclusion -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, Victor Borge driving a W class tram, 19/02/1994 12:00:00 AM
... Victor Borge driving a W class tram.... the concert pianist Victor Borge driving a W class tram. Notes... pianist Victor Borge driving a W class tram. Notes that he was 85 ...Newspaper clipping from The Age 19/2/1994, featuring the concert pianist Victor Borge driving a W class tram. Notes that he was 85 at the time, and he had grown up in Copenhagen. Item not dated, date determined by an online search.trams, tramways, visitors, celebrations, special trams, music -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, "A W class gets to stand tall", Nov. 2013
... "A W class gets to stand tall"...Newspaper clippings from The Age, Nov 2013, titled "A W... 499 "A W class gets to stand tall" Newspaper The Age ...Newspaper clippings from The Age, Nov 2013, titled "A W class gets to stand tall" about the positioning of full scale model of W7 1040, at the corner of Spencer and Flinders St. Item details the Art project, sponsored by the City of Melbourne and undertaken by David Bell and his team. Consists of two pieces of newspaper, not known how they went together. See also Reg Item 499trams, tramways, melbourne, sculpture, art works, flinders st, spencer st -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Photo Album, Transit Australia Publishing, "TAP - Part A - Pre MMTB or W class – sheets A1 to A29", 1950's to 1990's
... "TAP - Part A - Pre MMTB or W class – sheets A1 to A29"...Photo Album - titled "TAP - Part A - Pre MMTB or W class... or W class – sheets A1 to A29 ", from Transit Australia ...Photo Album - titled "TAP - Part A - Pre MMTB or W class – sheets A1 to A29 ", from Transit Australia Publishing. Photos used in the Destination City and other publications series. For a detailed list of photographs see htd4600i.pdf. For individual photo images see: \dbtext\hawthtramcoll\photo collections\htd4600-TAP-PartA, images TAP1 to TAP65. TAP01_Malvern Depot-assembling-trams.jpg TAP02_M1_Union Rd. Ascot Vale.jpg TAP03_Myer-Santa-tram_WilliamSt_MMTB.jpg TAP03_Myer-Santa-tram_William St_MMTB-obverse.jpg TAP04_8_Preston WS_Norm Cross.jpg TAP05_22-5_High St-Prahran_1910_CRC Field.jpg TAP06_31-36_High St-Armadale Rose Postcard.jpg TAP07_36_Dandenong Rd_c1917_Duckett Collection.jpg TAP08_Glenferrie Rd. Rose Postcard.jpg TAP09_52_Glenferrie Rd. Rose Postcard.jpg TAP10_53_Glenhuntly Rd_13Nov1913_Duckett Collection.jpg TAP11_93_Balwyn.jpg TAP12_163_Barkly St.jpg TAP13_177_Footscray_25Sep1953_W John Webster.jpg TAP14_177_Radiax Truck_Footscray_25Sep1953_W John Webster.jpg TAP15_181_Footscray_25Sep1953_WJ ohn Webster.jpg TAP16_185_Newmarket.jpg TAP17_197_SouthMelb_RJNowell.jpg TAP18_202_WilliamSt-late1920s.jpg TAP19_204_WilliamSt-late1920s.jpg TAP20_205_BowCollector.jpg TAP21_206_Preston_Mar1948_JackRichardson.jpg TAP22_ZooHorseTRam_TMSV-Postcard.jpg TAP22_ZooHorseTRam_TMSV-Postcard-obverse.jpg TAP23_16_Bendigo.jpg TAP24_456-others_Preston_Jul1947_JackStranger.jpg TAP25_180_WilliamstownRd.jpg TAP26_U_RacecourseRd.jpg TAP27_BoxHill-saloon.jpg TAP28_NMET-9-trailer_MtAlexanderRd.jpg TAP29_16_NicholsonSt-Coburgt_MMTB.jpg TAP30_26_CamberwellDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP32_47_MalvernDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP33_44-18_Bendigo.jpg TAP34_50_.jpg TAP35_60_KewDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP36_83_MalvernDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP37_275-6-93_Preston_RayPearson.jpg TAP38_99_KewDepot_Jan1937_RayPearson.jpg TAP39-122_McCraeSt_NormCross.jpg TAP40_137_HawthornDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP41_138_BourkeSt_20Oct1991_RayMarsh.jpg TAP42_140_PointOrmond.jpg TAP43_141_MalvernDepot_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP44_150_PointOrmond.jpg TAP45B_159_SwanstonSt_KSKings_14Mar1948.jpg TAP45C_159_SwanstonSt_KSKings_14Mar1948.jpg TAP46_171_SouthMelbourneDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP47_174_StGeorgesRd_JohnBeckett_1949.jpg TAP48_177_FootscrayDepot.jpg TAP49_177_FootscrayDepot_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP50_178_PointOrmond.jpg TAP51_178_ElsternwickRS_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP52A_179_LeedsSt-Footscray.jpg TAP52A_179_LeedsSt-Footscray_LCrow.jpg TAP52B_179_LeedsSt-Footscray_LCrow.jpg TAP53_187_SouthMelbourneDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP54_190_CamberwellDepot_GeoffGrant_7May1955.jpg TAP55_191_ElizabethSt-terminus_JohnBeckett.jpg TAP56_192_StKildaSA.jpg TAP57_200_MillerSt.jpg TAP58_205_LygonSt-into-BrunswickRd.jpg TAP59_208_EssendonDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP60_V214_MillerSt_1978_MMTB.jpg TAP61_15_EssendonDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP62_PrinceofWales-decoration_1920.jpg TAP63_EssendonDepot-PowerHouse.jpg TAP64_DoncasterTram_IllustratedAustrlianNews_9Nov1889.jpg TAP65_180_BourkeSt-at-SpencerSt.jpg Transit Australia Photos - Pre W class - sheets A1 to A29 -trams, tramways, transit australia, destination city, tramcars, depots, pmtt, htt, mbctt, nmetl, doncaster, bendigo, tram 1, tram 13, tram 9, 16, tram 8, tram 22, tram 5, tram 31, tram 36, tram 50, tram 63, tram 53, tram 93, tram 163, tram 177, tram 181, tram 185, tram 197, tram 202, tram 204, tram 205, tram 206, tram 84, tram 456, tram 180, tram 9, tram 26, tram 31, tram 36, tram 47, tram 44, tram 60, tram 83, tram 275, tram 93, tram 99, tram 122, tram 137, tram 138, tram 140, tram 141, tram 150, tram 159, tram 171, tram 174, tram 177, tram 178, tram 179, tram 187, tram 190, tram 191, tram 200, tram 205, tram 214, tram 15, tram 180 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album, Gus Weir, My Melbourne Trams - W class, City Circle, Restaurant & Heritage trams, 1967 to 2012
... My Melbourne Trams - W class, City Circle, Restaurant... album sheets for photographs of Melbourne - W class, City... for photographs of Melbourne - W class, City Circle, Restaurant & Heritage ...Compiled by Gus Weir of the Wellington Tramway Museum, former Wellington tram driver. Comprises some 42 double-sided album sheets for photographs of Melbourne - W class, City Circle, Restaurant & Heritage trams. - Scanned into 4 parts as pdf files. Many photos taken in the City area, Some photos by M Hawkins. Part 1 - cover - logos - MMTB, The Met, PTC, Swanston Trams, M>Tram, Yarra Trams, PTC, 11W, cable dummy, V214, W2 262. 380., 384, 431, 442, 504, 510 and X2 676. Part 2 -W2 512, W5 729, 721, 727, 728, 731, 753, 758, 760, 777, 780, 808, 823, 824, 842, SW5 856, 842, 853, 854 SW6 866, 862, SW5 728, SW6 871, 888, 890, 891, 899. 900, 896,905, 907, 909, 910, 919, 909 and VR 53, Part 3 - W6 884, W7 1002, 1000, 1020,W6 991, 998, 982, 982, 975, 983, 974, 975, 962, 972, SW6 957, 961, 957, SW5 728, SW6 954, 951, 951, Restaurant trams 935, 939. 938, 939, and 937 Psrt 4 - W7 1020, 1000, 1002, 1015, 1021, 1024, 1026, 1034, 1031, 1036, 1039, Yields detailed information about Melbourne trams from 1967 to 2012Set of 42 album sheets generally with four photos within a bound album, with many blanks to allow for further photos. Each photo has a label on the rear, with details of the photograph's location, photographer, and date. An insert label on each page gives the tram number, location, and date.tramways, tramcars, albums, melbourne, yarra trams, logos, w2 class, w5 class, sw5 class, sw6 class, w6 class, w7 class, restaurant tram, city circle, mmtb, the met, ptc, m>trams, swanston trams, x2 class. -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, Metro News, Metro News - is this where our W class trams are headed?, 1984 to 2001
... Metro News - is this where our W class trams are headed?... of Metro News24/1/2001 - about the sale of W class trams. Cover... of W class trams. Cover photo has a tram at Dales Creek, story ...Set of five newspaper cuttings (or group of cuttings) regarding trams sold by the MMTB and their relocation. .1 - Community Valley News "Huge tram sure to stop traffic; well that's the idea!", 16/4/2002 - W6 968 being relocated to the Essendon Traffic School - see image i9. .2 - Cover and pages 6 & 7 of Metro News24/1/2001 - about the sale of W class trams. Cover photo has a tram at Dales Creek, story by Ingrid Svendsen about the storage of trams at Newport, reuse. Quotes Dr Mees, Roberto D' Andrea, Peter Batchelor and Geoff Leigh. .3 - Free Press - 22/2/1984 - "Last Stop Cockatoo" - W2 611 to Cockatoo Primary School. .4 - Diamond Valley News, 13/3/1984 about the sale of W2 640 to Mrs Fabian Broekan to the Eltham area and the objection of the Eltham council. .5 - The Sun - 24/8/1987 - "Aboard the tram home" about the former trams at Ferny Creek. Two centre pages. See also Reg Items about these tramcars. .6 - The Phillip Motorway - 19/8/1993 - about W2 284, owned by Evan Bekiaris which was built by Holdens in SA.trams, tramways, sale of trams, mmtb, newport workshops, preserved trams, ferny creek, tramcars, pmtt, melbourne, houses, essendon, holden, tram 968, tram 611, tram 640, tram 284 -
Malmsbury Historical Society
Photograph (Item), B/W Class Photo St Mary'S Roman Catholic School, Malmsbury c1938
... B/W Class Photo St Mary'S Roman Catholic School, Malmsbury...-ranges People - Students B/W Class Photo St Mary'S Roman Catholic ...People - Students -
Malmsbury Historical Society
Photograph (Item), B/W Class Photo St Mary'S Roman Catholic School 16/8/23, Malmsbury c1938
... B/W Class Photo St Mary'S Roman Catholic School 16/8/23...-ranges People - Students B/W Class Photo St Mary'S Roman Catholic ...People - Students -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Drawing, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "4 Motor Bogie Class W Details of Signal Bell", c1960?
... "4 Motor Bogie Class W Details of Signal Bell".../1929?, titled "4 Motor Bogie Class W Details of Signal Bell... B, dated 12/12/1929?, titled "4 Motor Bogie Class W Details ...Dyeline print of MMTB Drawing R1241, version B, dated 12/12/1929?, titled "4 Motor Bogie Class W Details of Signal Bell", showing details of the conductors bells to be fitted to W class trams Includes pattern numbers and parts list.On rear in pencil "P.O. 36062"trams, tramways, conductors, tramcars, conductors bell -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
document - Clock, c2005
... W Class Trams...Souvenir Clock - "Australian Canned Clock - W class tram... Class Trams Souvenir Clock - "Australian Canned Clock - W class ...Souvenir Clock - "Australian Canned Clock - W class tram". Image of W 907 set in small can wrapped with a plastic sheet titled "Melbourne's W class Tram" Clock with alarm hand, second hand, battery operated with stand. AA Battery required (battery removed at the time of cataloguing) For details see: (accessed 3/1/14). tram, trams, clock, souvenirs, w class trams -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, Herald Sun, "Thank you, Melbourne", 11/08/1991 12:00:00 AM
... W Class... saving Melbourne's W class trams. Premier Joan Kirner announced... Trams tramways W Class Sale Of Trams Scrapped Trams Tramcars ...Newspaper clipping from the Herald-Sun, Sunday 11/8/1991, titled "Thank you, Melbourne", written by Michael Ryan about saving Melbourne's W class trams. Premier Joan Kirner announced a moratorium on scrapping or selling the previous Wednesday. Gives background to the tramcars and their use. Notes a comment from David Clarke, Spokesman for Friends of the W class trams that they should be operational. Has a photo of tram 758.trams, tramways, w class, sale of trams, scrapped trams, tramcars, tram 758 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Report, Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA), "Metropolitan Transit Authority of Victoria - Tram and Bus Division - Tram Repair Policy", c1988
... W Class... and electronic equipment, W class air equipment and W class mechanical... Trams tramways MTA W Class Maintenance Construction Has a list ...Document - policy - report - 28 A4 pages, stapled in the top left hand corner titled, "Metropolitan Transit Authority of Victoria - Tram and Bus Division - Tram Repair Policy". Has table of contents. Looks at the identification of tasks between the tram construction and maintenance branch of the Tram Servicing branch. Includes notes on Bogies, bodywork and fitting, electrical and electronic equipment, W class air equipment and W class mechanical braking equipment.Has a list on the top right hand corner for distribution and "c1988" in ink.trams, tramways, mta, w class, maintenance, construction -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, John Gillman, Sunday Herald, "old-style trams on way out", Aug. 1989
... W Class... of W class trams to a one man and more modern looking version... Trams tramways W Class Tickets Conversion Unions Ticket Machines ...Photocopy of a newspaper clipping reduced to A4 size from the Sunday Herald, August 20, 1989 about the conversion of the Melbourne tram system from conductors to ticket machines, conversion of W class trams to a one man and more modern looking version, phasing out of W class trams. Quotes Mr Jim Harper, Secretary of the union and spokesman for the Transport Minister, Mr. Jim Kennan. Gives some numbers regarding vehicle requirements. Written by John Gillman.trams, tramways, w class, tickets, conversion, unions, ticket machines -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, Herald Sun, "Thumbs down for old trams", 12/11/1993
... W Class... - People were asked: 1 - Want to keep the W class trams 2 - Want W... asked: 1 - Want to keep the W class trams 2 - Want W class ...Gives the result of a Herald Sun survey with a map - People were asked: 1 - Want to keep the W class trams 2 - Want W class for Tourism 3 - Want W class withdrawn Survey involved the Airport West, North Coburg, Mont Albert, South East (route 8 and 69, and city streets. The choice included retiring the early Z class trams, that were not even 20 years old. Includes an interview with Jean Geil by David Jarvis on the trams and with Lisa Fabian who did not like the W. Item written by Damon Johnston, Transport Reporter.Demonstrates The Herald Sun investigation into W class trams during 1993.Newspaper clipping from The Herald Sun, Friday 12/11/1993, titled partly ""Thumbs down for old trams" spread over two pages.trams, tramways, w class, surveys, public transport, state transport authority, ptc -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Set of three fault finding sheets, c2000
... W class...Issued to drivers to aid fault finding of modified W class...Issued to drivers to aid fault finding of modified W class ...Issued to drivers to aid fault finding of modified W class, A class and Z class trams. undated c2000.Yields information about fault finding for trams by drivers.Set of 3 laminated sheets for tram fault finding - cheat sheets.tramways, training, a class, z class, w class, faults -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Glen Huntly tram depot interior, c1925
... W class... depot, c1925 with W class trams, and other trams in the depot.... depot, c1925 with W class trams, and other trams in the depot ...The photograph shows the interior of the Glen Huntly tram depot, c1925 with W class trams, and other trams in the depot.Yields information about the Glen Huntly depot, c1925.Black and White photograph with notes on rear"Camberwell" crossed out and "Glenhuntly Duplicate Copy" written in.trams, w class, glen huntly depot -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), new South Melbourne or Hanna St depot, c1925
... W class... Melbourne or Hanna St depot, c1925 with a T class 182 and a W class... Trams tramways Hanna St South Melbourne Depot T Class tram 182 W ...Laminated A3 sheet featuring a photograph of the new South Melbourne or Hanna St depot, c1925 with a T class 182 and a W class tram on the depot fan. Photo from VR / PROV Heritage series H598trams, tramways, hanna st, south melbourne depot, t class, tram 182, w class, mmtb -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Functional object - Sign, Holden Motor Body Builder's Ltd, Builders Plate, mid 1920s
... W class...Used by the company on the W class tramcar bodies it built... by the company on the W class tramcar bodies it built for the MMTB ...Used by the company on the W class tramcar bodies it built for the MMTB in the 1920's. See item 2430 for another example. Demonstrates the method of recording who built the tramcar body.Builders Plate, sign - pressed brass sheet with burnished black background around the raised letters - "Coach Work by Holdens Motor Body Builders Ltd Adelaide & Melbourne". Has screws holes in each plate, adelaide, tramcar, signs, tramcars, holdens, new trams, w class -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, "Brakes could spell the end of line for classic trams", 2/06/2000 12:00:00 AM
... W Class... an accident in St Kilda Road when a W class tram collided with a Z... Trams tramways W Class SW5 class Accidents Route 16 St Kilda Rd ...Newspaper clipping from The Age, (2/6/2000?), about an accident in St Kilda Road when a W class tram collided with a Z class tram. Article reports on the withdrawal of W class trams by Swanston St tram immediately. Titled "Brakes could spell the end of line for classic trams" Hugh Waldron's Transit Australia notes (Reg Item 5359 for June 2000) reports "After an accident between “SW6” 869 and “Z1” 75 at about 4pm on Thursday 1st June 2000 all Swanston “W” class trams were instructed to shunt at the closest crossover and return special to the Depot. " Article buy Sushi Das and photo by Ken Irwin of the front of Sw5 869 (University route 16). Quotes from Kevin O'Shea of National Express (Swanston Trams), Phil Alteri (RTBU) and Christine Buckingham of Yarra Tramstrams, tramways, w class, sw5 class, accidents, route 16, st kilda rd, tram 869 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, Herald Sun, "Let old trams die", 28/9/1993
... W class... and Melbourne's W class tram future including the development of a polity... for their future. The reporter notes the lack of awareness for W class ...Article by Damon Johnston about Jeff Kennett and Melbourne's W class tram future including the development of a polity for their future. The reporter notes the lack of awareness for W class trams, compared to the general tram fleet, compares performance with Z class fleet. Quotes National Trust, PTUA and Charles Sowerwine of Melb. Uni urban historian. See item 7613 for the decision News Release.Yields information the formation of a policy regarding the W class in 1993 by Government.Newspaper clipping from Herald Sun 28/9/1993tramways, w class, national trust, tramcars -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - List, Drawn by KC - Goninan & Co?, "Wiring Table - Route Order", Apr. 1994
... W Class... for the W class tram conversion project - 1994. Has many notes... Trams tramways W Class One Man Trams Conversion Electrical ...Set of 6 A4 sheets, stapled in the top left hand corner, listing on a wiring table the various terminals, locations wiring for the W class tram conversion project - 1994. Has many notes, particularly on the first page.Drawings has notes, red lines on the first sheet.trams, tramways, w class, one man trams, conversion, electrical equipment, driver only modifications -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Functional object - Tea Towel, Nu-color-Vue, "Melbourne's old tramways", c1995
... W Class... featuring three different trams: Restaurant tram W class tram... Trams tramways Tea Towel W Class City Circle Tea Towel - linen ...Tea Towel - linen - white background, printed in colour featuring three different trams: Restaurant tram W class tram - green and yellow City Circle tram with the location Melbourne at the base of the item. Made by Nucolorvue c1995.trams, tramways, tea towel, w class, city circle -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Laminated, "Tram Ready for Road/Running In", 1980s
... W class tram... from or back for W class trams. Lists the steps required... or back for W class trams. Lists the steps required to be done ...Details the process for getting a tram ready to run out from or back for W class trams. Lists the steps required to be done by the driver.Yields information about getting a tram ready for the road and returning to a depot.Plastic clear laminated sheet - double sided tramways, drivers, depots, w class tram, training -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Handwritten Notes, John Prideaux, "Trams at Depot [N]", 26/07/1975 12:00:00 AM
... W Class... class tram, lists up to Z9 and W class trams.... Trams tramways Z class North Fitzroy Depot W Class Sheet ...Sheet of paper with a hand written listing of trams at North Fitzroy depot 26-7-1975 at 10am and 11.30 listing trams at depot and in Traffic. At the time of the introduction of the Z class tram, lists up to Z9 and W class trams.trams, tramways, z class, north fitzroy depot, w class -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Report, Public Transport Corporation (PTC), "Ticket Machine installation - ATM Fitup's", Apr. 1998
... W Class... machines for both Yarra and Swanston Trams to W class trams. Gives... Trams tramways Preston Workshops W Class Ticket Machines Metcard ...Report, single A4 sheet with notes titled "Ticket Machine installation - ATM Fitup's" , giving dates for the fitting of ticket machines for both Yarra and Swanston Trams to W class trams. Gives total numbers. Dated 29/4/1998trams, tramways, preston workshops, w class, ticket machines, metcard -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document, "Standard W tram destination blind titles", 6/1987
... W class...Document lists W class tram destinations for Essendon... Document lists W class tram destinations for Essendon, Brunswick ...Document lists W class tram destinations for Essendon, Brunswick, Preston, Kew, Malvern, Camberwell, and Glen Huntly depots. Dated 20/6/1987. Yields information about the destination blind listings for each depot during 1987.Photocopy of a 9 page A4 document.tramways, trams, destination rolls, w class, depots -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, "Tram review in doubt as PTC faces funds cut", "Tramway plan offers reform at a price", "Report criticises run-down trams", 1992
... W Class... of getting cabinet support for planned upgrades, storage of W class... Trams tramways Budgets PTC Unions W Class B class Public ....1 - Newspaper clipping, The Age 3/8/1992, titled "Tram review in doubt as PTC faces funds cut", written by Jacqui Macdonald Transport Reporter, with a photo of Mr Spyker, Transport Minister. Quotes Mr John McMillan, DG of Transport, re issues of getting cabinet support for planned upgrades, storage of W class trams, unions, conductors, work practices, cross linking of tram routes, rail and buses. .2 - Editorial, The Age, 2/7/1992 - titled "Tramway plan offers reform at a price" - about the proposed plan to restructure the public transport system, W class trams, operations and the revolt against scratch tickets. .3 - Newspaper clipping - The Age - 3/4/1992 titled "Report criticises run-down trams" abort the report by Workshops director John Barry, the condition of W class trams, stored B class trams, sub-stations and maintenance.trams, tramways, budgets, ptc, unions, w class, b class, public transport, funding, operations, scratch tickets -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Sign - "Do not lean against door", Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), 1940s?
... W Class Trams...Was located at the top of the driver's exit door in W class... Was located at the top of the driver's exit door in W class tramcars ...Was located at the top of the driver's exit door in W class tramcars. If a person was leaning against door, made it very difficult for the driver to exit quickly from their cabin.Demonstrates MMTB signage in tramcars.Sign - engraved brass sheet, with black lettering and lining on the outside and screw holes in each corner and top and bottom edges in the centre with the words: "Do not lean against door" in capitals. trams, tramcars, drivers, emergencies, w class trams, signs