Showing 419 items
matching girls' association
Southern Sherbrooke Historical Society Inc.
Information folder - Colby Family
... ' basketball association annual ball, undated. -photo, man and girl... and Fairest trophy winners, girls' basketball association annual ball ...Information folder containing items pertaining to the Colby family. Contents: -article re. Keith Colby's election to local council, undated -article and photo, South Belgrave & Kallista girls' basketball teams, inc. Pam Colby, undated./photo, J. B. Colby, quality butcher, 2 copies, undated./photo, Belgrave South State School, Grade 1, 1964. -photo, Belgrave South State School, Grade 5, 13/11/1969. -photo, Belgrave South State School, Grades 4 & 5, 1960. -photo, Belgrave South State School, Grade 1B, 1963 -photo, Belgrave South State School, Grade 3, 1966. -photo, Belgrave South State School, Grade 6, 13/11/1969. -article, "Sherbrooke has lost a valued leading citizen.", re. Keith Colby, undated. -article re. Belgrave South fire and Kell family, undated. -article and photo, Best and Fairest trophy winners, girls' basketball association annual ball, undated. -photo, man and girl, no details. -photo, unnamed school group, undated. -photo x2 football teams, unnamed or dated. -photo, school concert. -photo from newspaper, "Belgrave Heights fire captain Bruce Colby" and Mr & Mrs Colby. -invitation to A. W. Edelston to attend reception at CBA bank, Belgrave, for appointment of Mr S. Jobst as bank manager, plus newspaper photo of event. -newspaper photo, Belgrave South football team with Victor Moore and his Victa mower, undated. -4 items, Free Press 1968, "Councillor's Daughter" re. marriage of Susan Colby & Graham Sharp -photo of couple/engagement notice -page from Parish Register showing marriage.colby family, belgrave south state school, belgrave height & south rural fire brigade, sporting teams, local government -
Glen Eira Historical Society
... . 61st Annual Report Girl Guides Association of Victoria, 1986/87.... 61st Annual Report Girl Guides Association of Victoria, 1986/87 ...This file contains 20 items: A photocopy of a Girl Guides registration form, 1st Oakleigh Girl Guides, formed 6th August 1925, with names of captains, etc. A photocopy of a Girl Guides registration form Oakleigh and Murrumbeena district, 1st Oakleigh Trinity Company, 6th August 1925, with names of captains etc. A photocopy of a Girl Guides registration form, Oakleigh and Murrumbeena district, 1st Oakleigh Holy Trinity pack, formed 6th June 1929, with names of ‘Brown Owls’. This appears to be a component of the previous company. A photocopy of a Girl Guides registration form, 1st Murrumbeena Ranger company, formed 6th June 1933. A handwritten note states it was ‘disbanded April 1938.’ A photocopy of a Girl Guides registration form, 1st Murrumbeena Brownie Pack, formed 29th March 1930, with names of Brown Owls, etc. A photocopy from Matilda, December 1925, ‘Mrs. Maloprop’s Account of the Hamilton District Rally.’ Also lists of appointments as District Commissioners. A photocopy from Matilda March 1929, account of ‘Interstate Camp 1928/29.’ A photocopy from Matilda, September 1929, of ‘Imperial Headquarters Building Fund,’ etc. Handwritten letter (undated) from Meriel Hunt, Vic. Archivist to Mrs Ascup and (separately) Goula Astrup, ‘These are all the Rangers Units I could find.’ A photocopied cut-out (12 pages) of lists of Girl Guides Divisions and their officers in the South-Eastern Suburbs region. Includes 1945/46, 1947/48, 1948/49, 1949/50, 1950/51, 1951/52, 1952/53, 1953/54, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 19654. Handwritten letter (2 pages, undated) from Irene to Goula concerning the Girl Guides’ records of companies formed after 1945. Handwritten list (two pages, undated) of Caulfield Girl Guides packs (7 packs) with dates of formation and officers. Date of formation range from 1957 to 1986. Handwritten list (one page, undated) of Carnegie Girl Guides Parks (two packs), with dates of formation and officers. Handwritten list (one page, undated) of Carnegie Girl Guides companies (3 companies) with dates of formation and officers Handwritten list (one page, undated) of Elsternwick Girl Guides Companies (one existing company, 2 previous companies), with officers. Handwritten list (undated), of Caulfield Division, Girl Guides’ Companies (6 Companies), with list of officers. Handwritten list (undated) of Girl Guides’ Ranger Units formed since 1945. Typewritten list (photocopy) of Queens Guides (by name if individual) in Caulfield, Murrumbeena,m Carnigie, and Elsternwick. Photocopied cut-outs (19 pages) of lists of Division and their officer bearers in South-Eastern Region of the Girl Guides. Includes 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988. 61st Annual Report Girl Guides Association of Victoria, 1986/87, 18 page printed booklet. 62nd Annual Report, Girl Guide of Victoria, 1987/88, 18 page printed booklet.girl guides, caulfield, murrumbeena, elsternwick, guide groups -
Ruyton Girls' School
Photograph, Ruyton Girls' School, 1952
... of Melbourne's girls' schools. An Association was formed in 1905... girls' schools. An Association was formed in 1905, and the rules ...Depicted are 14 students comprising the the 1952 Ruyton Girls' School hockey team. The photograph is an official school portrait taken outdoors on a patch of grass with a leafy bush visible in the background. The students are all dressed in light coloured shorts with a collared, buttoned blouse, wool blazers, white socks and white sneakers. Six girls are kneeling in the front row, and eight are standing up in the back row. All of the students are holding their own hockey stick. The idea of field hockey for female players was brought to Victoria by two sisters, Lillian and Margaret Irving, who had first seen girls playing it during their travels in England in 1902. By 1903, the Irving sisters were joint headmistresses of Lauriston, a school they had founded two years earlier. Both had deep connections to Ruyton Girls' School through their time as teachers at the older school during the 1880s-1890s. For Lilian Irving, this had included seven years as Ruyton's co-Principal with Miss Eliza Bromby from 1888-1895. With these links it was only natural that Ruyton students would join Lauriston to try out the new game. On a vacant block on the corner of Mercer and Malvern Roads, students from Ruyton and Lauriston Girls' Schools had assembled to play Victoria’s first ever inter-school hockey match for girls. Some students from Melbourne Girls' Grammar School came along to watch the spectacle and assess the new game's potential. Hockey quickly caught on, and friendly games were soon being played amongst a number of Melbourne's girls' schools. An Association was formed in 1905, and the rules formalised. These included arrangements around the competition fixture and the length of games (35 minutes for each half). In celebration of their joint role in bringing field hockey to Victorian school girls, Ruyton and Lauriston have met for friendly re-enactment matches in 2003 and 2018. The photograph also illustrates the shift in hockey uniform and apparatus. In the early 1920s, Ruyton established instructions for playing attire: "skirts must be eight inches off the ground. No white petticoats...", and importantly, least any team get an unfair advantage, "hard-rimmed hats and hatpins must not be worn during play." Ruyton appears to have taken the latter instruction to heart, and adopted the soft tam o’shanter hat as seen in surviving photographs of early teams. The tam o’shanter may have been removed for play, but the blouse and long skirt had to be put up with. According to Lilian Irving they had "a horrid habit of parting company", and she was delighted to see the transition to a more comfortable tunic in later years. Another change she observed was the hockey stick itself, which originally were all of "uniform thickness from handle to head, about the thickness of a stout walking stick" and so very different from the hockey sticks that are used today.The record has strong historic significance as it depicts a former notable student, Helen Gordon (maiden name Cole), pictured third from the right in the front row. Helen started at Little Ruyton in Prep 1940 and finished Year 12 in 1952 as School Captain, Bromby Captain, Form Captain for Matric, Tennis Captain, Hockey Captain, Swimming Vice Captain, and an award for Best All-Round Girl. She also played baseball for Victoria. After finishing school, Helen went on to graduate from the University of Melbourne as a physiotherapist in 1956. Her first position at age 19 involved setting up clinics with the Victorian Health Department Poliomyelitis Rural division. Helen’s strong ties to Ruyton continued when she held the position of President of the Old Ruytonians’ Association from the start of 1966 to the end of 1967. In 2019, Helen received an Order of Australia Medal for service to community health as a physiotherapist. She was also the recipient of the 2022 Victorian Senior Achiever Award at Parliament House. Helen passed away in July 2023 at age 88. The record's significance is further enhanced by its strong provenance, having been produced by Ruyton Girls' School and donated to the Archives by a familial connection.Black and white rectangular photographs printed on matte photographic paper.Reverse: gton / Margaret Hanesho (?) / Helen Gordon / 1952 / Mary Macpherson-Smith /ruyton girls' school, kew, victoria, tennis, sport, women's sport, students, school, 1950s, uniform, lauriston, hockey, field hockey, hockey stick -
Ruyton Girls' School
Photograph, Ruyton Girls' School, 1950
... of Melbourne's girls' schools. An Association was formed in 1905... girls' schools. An Association was formed in 1905, and the rules ...Depicted are 13 students comprising the the 1950 Ruyton Girls' School hockey team. The photograph is an official school portrait taken outdoors on a patch of grass with a leafy bush visible in the background. The students are all dressed in light coloured shorts with a collared, buttoned blouse, wool blazers, white socks and white sneakers. Five girls are kneeling in the front row, and seven are standing up in the back row. All of the students are holding their own hockey stick. The idea of field hockey for female players was brought to Victoria by two sisters, Lillian and Margaret Irving, who had first seen girls playing it during their travels in England in 1902. By 1903, the Irving sisters were joint headmistresses of Lauriston, a school they had founded two years earlier. Both had deep connections to Ruyton Girls' School through their time as teachers at the older school during the 1880s-1890s. For Lilian Irving, this had included seven years as Ruyton's co-Principal with Miss Eliza Bromby from 1888-1895. With these links it was only natural that Ruyton students would join Lauriston to try out the new game. On a vacant block on the corner of Mercer and Malvern Roads, students from Ruyton and Lauriston Girls' Schools had assembled to play Victoria’s first ever inter-school hockey match for girls. Some students from Melbourne Girls' Grammar School came along to watch the spectacle and assess the new game's potential. Hockey quickly caught on, and friendly games were soon being played amongst a number of Melbourne's girls' schools. An Association was formed in 1905, and the rules formalised. These included arrangements around the competition fixture and the length of games (35 minutes for each half). In celebration of their joint role in bringing field hockey to Victorian school girls, Ruyton and Lauriston have met for friendly re-enactment matches in 2003 and 2018. The photograph also illustrates the shift in hockey uniform and apparatus. In the early 1920s, Ruyton established instructions for playing attire: "skirts must be eight inches off the ground. No white petticoats...", and importantly, least any team get an unfair advantage, "hard-rimmed hats and hatpins must not be worn during play." Ruyton appears to have taken the latter instruction to heart, and adopted the soft tam o’shanter hat as seen in surviving photographs of early teams. The tam o’shanter may have been removed for play, but the blouse and long skirt had to be put up with. According to Lilian Irving they had "a horrid habit of parting company", and she was delighted to see the transition to a more comfortable tunic in later years. Another change she observed was the hockey stick itself, which originally were all of "uniform thickness from handle to head, about the thickness of a stout walking stick" and so very different from the hockey sticks that are used today.The record has strong historic significance as it depicts a former notable student, Helen Gordon (maiden name Cole), pictured third from the right in the front row. Helen started at Little Ruyton in Prep 1940 and finished Year 12 in 1952 as School Captain, Bromby Captain, Form Captain for Matric, Tennis Captain, Hockey Captain, Swimming Vice Captain, and an award for Best All-Round Girl. She also played baseball for Victoria. After finishing school, Helen went on to graduate from the University of Melbourne as a physiotherapist in 1956. Her first position at age 19 involved setting up clinics with the Victorian Health Department Poliomyelitis Rural division. Helen’s strong ties to Ruyton continued when she held the position of President of the Old Ruytonians’ Association from the start of 1966 to the end of 1967. In 2019, Helen received an Order of Australia Medal for service to community health as a physiotherapist. She was also the recipient of the 2022 Victorian Senior Achiever Award at Parliament House. Helen passed away in July 2023 at age 88. The record's significance is further enhanced by its strong provenance, having been produced by Ruyton Girls' School and donated to the Archives by a familial connection.Black and white rectangular photographs printed on matte photographic paper.Reverse: Ruyton Hockey Team 1950. / 17 Cole / From left to right standing. / Helen Cole. / Left to right kneeling. /ruyton girls' school, kew, victoria, tennis, sport, women's sport, students, school, 1950s, uniform, lauriston, hockey, field hockey, hockey stick -
Ruyton Girls' School
Photograph, Ruyton Girls' School, 1951
... girls' schools. An Association was formed in 1905, and the rules... girls' schools. An Association was formed in 1905, and the rules ...The photograph depicts 12 young women students who were part of the 1951 Ruyton Girls' School hockey team. The students are all dressed in light coloured shorts with a collared, buttoned blouse, wool blazers, white socks and white sneakers. Three girls are kneeling in the front row, and nine are standing up in the back row. All of the students are holding their own hockey stick. The photograph was taken on School grounds, next to a pond which is no longer in existence at Ruyton. The idea of field hockey for female players was brought to Victoria by two sisters, Lillian and Margaret Irving, who had first seen girls playing it during their travels in England in 1902. By 1903, the Irving sisters were joint headmistresses of Lauriston, a school they had founded two years earlier. Both had deep connections to Ruyton Girls' School through their time as teachers at the older school during the 1880s-1890s. For Lilian Irving, this had included seven years as Ruyton's co-Principal with Miss Eliza Bromby from 1888-1895. With these links it was only natural that Ruyton students would join Lauriston to try out the new game. On a vacant block on the corner of Mercer and Malvern Roads, students from Ruyton and Lauriston Girls' Schools had assembled to play Victoria’s first ever inter-school hockey match for girls. Some students from Melbourne Girls' Grammar School came along to watch the spectacle and assess the new game's potential. Hockey quickly caught on, and friendly games were soon being played amongst a number of Melbourne's girls' schools. An Association was formed in 1905, and the rules formalised. These included arrangements around the competition fixture and the length of games (35 minutes for each half). In celebration of their joint role in bringing field hockey to Victorian school girls, Ruyton and Lauriston have met for friendly re-enactment matches in 2003 and 2018. The photograph also illustrates the shift in hockey uniform and apparatus. In the early 1920s, Ruyton established instructions for playing attire: "skirts must be eight inches off the ground. No white petticoats...", and importantly, least any team get an unfair advantage, "hard-rimmed hats and hatpins must not be worn during play." Ruyton appears to have taken the latter instruction to heart, and adopted the soft tam o’shanter hat as seen in surviving photographs of early teams. The tam o’shanter may have been removed for play, but the blouse and long skirt had to be put up with. According to Lilian Irving they had "a horrid habit of parting company", and she was delighted to see the transition to a more comfortable tunic in later years. Another change she observed was the hockey stick itself, which originally were all of "uniform thickness from handle to head, about the thickness of a stout walking stick" and so very different from the hockey sticks that are used today.The record has strong historic significance as it depicts a former notable student, Helen Gordon (maiden name Cole), pictured third from the right in the front row. Helen started at Little Ruyton in Prep 1940 and finished Year 12 in 1952 as School Captain, Bromby Captain, Form Captain for Matric, Tennis Captain, Hockey Captain, Swimming Vice Captain, and an award for Best All-Round Girl. She also played baseball for Victoria. After finishing school, Helen went on to graduate from the University of Melbourne as a physiotherapist in 1956. Her first position at age 19 involved setting up clinics with the Victorian Health Department Poliomyelitis Rural division. Helen’s strong ties to Ruyton continued when she held the position of President of the Old Ruytonians’ Association from the start of 1966 to the end of 1967. In 2019, Helen received an Order of Australia Medal for service to community health as a physiotherapist. She was also the recipient of the 2022 Victorian Senior Achiever Award at Parliament House. Helen passed away in July 2023 at age 88. The record's significance is further enhanced by its strong provenance, having been produced by Ruyton Girls' School and donated to the Archives by a familial connection.Black and white rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Reverse: Felicity Jacobs / Ann Dickinson / RGS011/1951/0002 /ruyton girls' school, ruyton, hockey, sport, school sport, field hockey, kew, melbourne, girls school, students, school uniform -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, Wood, 1901
This photograph appears to have been taken during the construction of the rifle range just north of the Orbost township. "The photo shows the range stop butt being formed by the scoops being pulled by the horses. It appears that the rear of the mound there is a wall of logs lining it, most likely to help with being eroded or washed away. They haven’t yet formed the mantlet and target machines." ( Info, from Victorian Rifle Association) The Orbost Rifle Club existed in the early 20th century. (There are records from 1900). It folded in the late 1970's.Target shooting is one of the oldest organised sports in Australia. Records date back to the British Marines at Sydney Cove in 1788. The Victorian Rifle Association (VRA) was formed in 1860. After Federation in 1901, rifle clubs came under army control, but in 1921 they were reconstituted as a civilian organisation, which they have remained ever since. After World War I a system of national training was embodied in the Defence Act and the rifle clubs reverted to their purely sporting role. A black / white photograph of four men and four horses standing an a soil bank with another man, a lady and a small girl at the base of the hill. It is in a clearing in forest. It appears to have a row of targets set at the edge of the bank. The photograph is mounted on a very mouldy cream coloured buff card.on front - "Wood" ; "Rifle Range - 1901" ; "Orbost 1901"sport-shooting orbost-rifle-range -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, Warren, Mrs H, first half 20th century
The photograph shows Linda Warren, Enid Eaton, Jim Trewin and Jim Nixon. The photographer was Warren, Helena (1871-1962) who was a self-taught photographer who became both the local press correspondent and a producer of humorous trompe l'oeil postcard images. Helena Warren was a thirty-two year old settler living on a small mixed farm with her husband, William, at Newmerella, near Orbost in Gippsland, Victoria, when she bought her first camera, an Austral Box quarter-plate. Her family says she was entirely self-taught, like many women photographers who started out with nothing but the instructions on the packets of film and chemicals. In over fifty years practice she graduated from the total novice, who opened all her first mail order plates in bright sunlight and ruined them, to a competent photographer who became both the local press correspondent and an inveterate producer of humorous trompe l’oeil postcard images. Helena Francis Warren (nee McKeown) was married to William John Warren and lived in Newmerella. She supplied the photos for the Back-To-Orbost celebration book in 1937 and also designed the Back-To-Orbost badge. She was known for her soft toy making. (by Ivy Rodwell in from Personalities and Stories of the Early Orbost District by Mary Gilbert). This photograph has significance in its association with Helen Frances Warren, a popular Orbost identity who was well known as an accomplished photographer and needleworker,A black / white photograph of a young girl on a horse pulling a group of children in a large pumkin. On the side of the pumpkin is "HMAS ORBOST"pumpkins-orbost warren-helena nixon-jim trewin-jim warren-linda eaton-enid -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, Warren, Mrs H, 1934
This is a photograph of the twin daughters of Mrs Trixie Mason - Marion and May,. They had a brother Alec Mason. The Mason Twins are the granddaughters of George and Agnes Thomas from Newmerella . The photographer was Warren, Helena (1871-1962) who was a self-taught photographer who became both the local press correspondent and a producer of humorous trompe l'oeil postcard images. Helena Warren was a thirty-two year old settler living on a small mixed farm with her husband, William, at Newmerella, near Orbost in Gippsland, Victoria, when she bought her first camera, an Austral Box quarter-plate. Her family says she was entirely self-taught, like many women photographers who started out with nothing but the instructions on the packets of film and chemicals. In over fifty years practice she graduated from the total novice, who opened all her first mail order plates in bright sunlight and ruined them, to a competent photographer who became both the local press correspondent and an inveterate producer of humorous trompe l’oeil postcard images.This photograph has significance in its association with Helen Frances Warren, a popular Orbost identity who was well known as an accomplished photographer and needleworker.A black / white photograph of two small twin Aboriginal girls in a large pumpkin floating on water. There is a Union Jack at each end with "HMAS CENTENARY 1934" on the side.pumpkins-orbost warren-helena-photographer mason-marion mason-may aboriginal-children -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Postcard - Seated girl, 1914-1918
This is number 20 of 27 items in the Daisy Vickers collection of World War One memorabilia. These items were sent or given to Daisy Ogier (nee Vickers) during World War One by Corporal Arthur Anderson who enlisted from Warrnambool in 1915 at the age of 21. He served in Egypt and France and returned to Australia in 1919. Daisy Ogier (1907-1987) was a student and then a teacher at Warrnambool Technical School with her early teaching years there from 1925 to 1936 and in 1949. She became the head mistress from 1950 to 1963 and in 1968. She officially retired in 1976. Daisy Vickers was one of the best loved and dedicated teachers that the school ever had. She married the Reverend Fred Ogier and continued her association with the school after her husband's death.This card is interesting because of its association with World War One and two local people Daisy Vickers and Arthur AndersonThis postcard features a seated girl wearing a pink dress and a pink bow with her dolls on the bench beside her. She is holding a toy kitten. It appears to be a coloured photograph. There is French writing on the front and the back and English writing on the back.Avec mes poupees dont je suis si fiere Je dis pour toi ma petite priere! Furia 615/2 France Oct 10th 1916 Miss Daisy Vickers Bushfield Victoria Australia.daisy vickers, arthur anderson, warrnambool technical school, world war one postcard -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Round about the minster green
This book was awarded in 1884 to Bessie McMahon from the Warrnambool State School. The teacher was Bella Davidson. Warrnambool State School No. 1743 in Jamieson Street, Warrnambool, was opened in 1876 and is still open today. Elizabeth Mary (Bessie) McMahon was the daughter of William and Mary McMahon of Glenrye, Warrnambool. Her father was a Warrnambool lawyer. Bessie McMahon married John Clarke of Garvoc. Isabella (Bella) Davidson was the daughter of John and Isabella Davidson of Rosebank near Woodford. She became a well-known teacher in Warrnambool, commencing as a pupil teacher in the Warrnambool National School (later Common School 646) and moving to the Warrnambool State School in Jamieson Street when it opened. She resigned in 1886 to open a private school in Koroit Street (known as Ellerslie College) and continued as the proprietor and Head Teacher until 1891. This book is of considerable importance because of its association with the Warrnambool State School early in its existence, with Bella Davidson, a noted Warrnambool educationalist of the 19th century and with Bessie McMahon, a member of a prominent family in 19th century Warrnambool.This is a hard cover book of 310 pages. The cover has a blue background with gold and black ornamentation and a gold shield. The shield contains an illustration of a girl lowering a bundle down from a window to a boy below. The lettering on the cover and spine is gold and the pages are gilt-edged. The cover is slightly stained. There are several full-page black and white illustrations scattered throughout the pages. The illustration at the front of the book is loose and the binding is partly detached from the spine. The inscription is handwritten in black ink. ‘Warrnambool State School 1743 Decem 1884 Prize Awarded to Bessie McMahon for highest marks in French Div 111 B. Davidson’ warrnambool state school, bella davidson, bessie mcmahon, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, The two new girls - Betty Marchant, 1927 ( date of first edition)
This book, written for girls by the English novelist, Bessie Marchant, was given as a prize to Claire Gilbert. She was the daughter of Roy and Miriam Gilbert and lived in Coulstock Street. Her father worked at Swintons Store in Warrnambool. She would have been at school in the 1940s. She married a farmer, Ainslie Crothers. It is presumed that ‘Y.W.L’ stands for ‘Young Women’s League’, but no Warrnambool group with this name has been found (apart from a Young Women’s Association run by the Presbyterian Church in the 1920s). This book is of interest as it belonged to a local girl, Claire Gilbert, at school in the 1940s. This is a hard cover book of 152 pages with 16 pages at the back giving information on other books published by the same company. The cover is green with the title information enclosed in dark red text boxes with green printing. The spine has red printing with red lines and squares for ornamentation. The inscription is handwritten in black ink on a printed book plate pasted onto the first page. There is a colour plate at the beginning of the story. ‘2nd prize Awarded to Claire Gilbert, Y.W.L., Warrnambool’ claire gilbert, yung women’s league, history of warrnambool -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Grave of Violet Feldbauer (nee Teagle), Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 5 April 2021
FELDBAUER / TEAGLE Theodore Albert ‘Curly’ Feldbauer was born 15 October 1909 at Melbourne, the son of Theodore Henry (a naturalised German) and Jessie Margarette Feldbauer. The family moved several times during his childhood but before he was 20 he was living and working in the Eltham district. He became a well-known local sportsman. He played cricket for the Montmorency Imperials in 1929 and 1930 in the Eltham Cricket Association and excelled as a footballer and football coach. There are press references at the time to minor misdemeanours and accidents: evidently he was up for a brawl or two, but he was also able to do a recitation at a social night to launch the Eltham Girls Club in 1932. He married a local girl, Violet Amelda Teagle, in 1933, the 12th of 13 Teagle offspring who lived in Frank Street. Curly and Violet’s first child, June, was born the following year. By 1935 Curly was honorary secretary of the Research Cricket Club. He continued playing cricket regularly, mainly for Research, through till the 1940 season, after the war had begun. The girls started at Research State School in 1939 and 1940, respectively. They lived near Violet’s parents in Frank Street. Curly and Violet’s daughter, Valerie Waller recalls: “We lived near my Teagle grandparents, who had a cow. Dad took over the milking. He would rest his head against the cow and sing to her. When he left to join the army, it took weeks before she would settle down to allow anyone else to milk her.” Curly’s service record is not yet accessible from the National Archives of Australia. Valerie Waller gives us some insight into that period between Curly joining and ultimately embarking for Singapore: “Before he sailed to Singapore, Mum would travel by train, to Seymour, to spend a few hours with him. He sent her postcards and called her his “dear love”. His idea was that the sooner everyone eligible joined up, the sooner the war would be over. He had a great love for Australia.” “While he was a prisoner, Mum received a few postcards from him, not in his neat handwriting, but in block letter printing, to tell her he had received no mail or parcels from her. He must have felt we’d forgotten him, because, of course, Mum had sent lots of parcels and letters, and the Japanese hadn’t handed them on.” Theo was one of over 2,000 Allied prisoners of war held in the Sandakan POW camp in north Borneo, having been transferred there from Singapore as part of B Force. The 1,494 POWs that made up B Force were transported from Changi [Singapore] on 7 July 1942 on board the tramp ship Ubi Maru, arriving in Sandakan Harbour on 18 July 1942. Sergeant Feldbauer, aged 35, died as a prisoner of the Japanese on 27 March 1945 at Sandakan Number 1 Camp. The Japanese recorded his death from Malaria. He has no known grave, but it is believed to be at Sandakan Number 2 Camp. His death was not reported in Australia until some months later. Valerie noted: “I will never forget the sound my mother made when she received the telegram saying Dad had died months earlier, ostensibly from Malaria, but he died during the march. The sound still haunts me.” Violet’s husband Theo is recognised on the Eltham Roll of Honour, which was commissioned by the Eltham War Memorial Trust to be hung in the Baby Health Centre opened in 1952; the first of three buildings, the others being the Eltham Kindergarten and Children’s Library, that were established as the Eltham War Memorial a living memorial, with a specific focus for the welfare of children of the district. Violet and Theo’s son Albert, being the youngest child of the children of soldier fathers attending a school in the district, was given the honour of turning the first sod for the Eltham War Memorial Building, 15 July 1950. In Loving Memory of Violet Feldbauer Died 7. 11 .1982 aged 88 Loved wife of Theo (Curly) Died P.O.W. Borneo 1945 Re-united Alongside Violet lay her parents, John Thomas and Margaret TeagleBorn Digitaleltham cemetery, gravestones, charles louis layfield, edwina may layfield (nee teagle), john thomas teagle, margaret teagle, theodore feldbauer, violet feldbauer (nee teagle), annie lillian devine, frederick raymond devine, eltham war memorial, honour board, roll of honour -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Painting, Audrey Cahn, Old Bakery, York Street, Eltham, May 1974
Painted for the Shire of Eltham Historical Society by Audrey Cahn, a member of our Society for many years and Vice President till 1978. Audrey was the sister of the late Charis Palling, founding president of our Society. She had remained a member for many years although she had moved from her family home at Warrandyte to live with her daughter in New South Wales. Audrey had been blind for some years but maintained a local interest by having our Newsletter read to her. Audrey's associations with Warrandyte started because her father Professor Osbourne had bought 60 acres in 1904. " Gold mining was beginning to die out and Warrandyte was a decaying area. Land was cheap because of the lack of transport and the soil was poor for farming” Audrey said. Audrey first attended school in the city at the Church of England Girls Grammar School and was always a bit rebellious. “If I felt some restrictions were unfair or some judgement unjust, I resented it”. Audrey got into Agricultural Science at Melbourne University and in 1928 was the second women to get such a degree. Audrey married in 1926, and later divorced Leslie Cahn an architect. They had twin daughters whom she left with her parents in Warrandyte while she studied dietetics during the depression. She found employment as a microbiologist at the Kraft/Walker Milk and Cheese Factory in Drouin - she drove home at weekends to see her daughters who were then at boarding school. During the war Audrey was in charge of catering at the Heidelberg Military Hospital – again the appointment of a women caused some unrest. She was in the army for more than 4 years and achieved the rank of General which-made her the most highly-ranked-woman at the hospital. After the war she became a senior lecturer in Dietetics at Melbourne University, again being aware of the limitations her gender brought to promotion possibilities. During her time at the university, she undertook a series of studies in nutritional biochemistry. Of especial note is the analysis of common dietary foods so that the composition and calorific value, the data that was needed for inclusion in Food tables - that professional sports people and weight-watchers so avidly follow today! She was an early proponent of the need to reduce fat intake and to substitute saturated fats with polyunsaturated fatty acids. In the 1950's Audrey and fellow workers established norms for the growth of Australian children to be compared with British and American children. Over 17 years they concluded that Australian children were overweight and inactive - what is new! She bought a cottage in Warrandyte as her home. In 1968 she retired to further develop her other interests as a potter and painter. Audrey was a foundation member of the group of potters that set up Potters Cottage. Audrey died in 2008 aged 102. (Ref:Newsletter No. 185 March 2009)art, artwork, audrey cahn, eltham, old bakery, york street -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - St Pauls Anglican Church, 530 Dandenong Road, Caulfield North
Ring out Wild Bells!', an all-encompassing history of St Pauls Anglican Church from 1904 – 2004 by Southern cross The book takes in all aspects of the church’s ministry, from acquiring the first building, church festivals, Dramatic Club, Social dances, Annual fetes, tennis club, St Pauls Preparatory School; Darish Heros, the 16 memorial stained glass windows, St Pauls dance group, Home group, the healing team, St Pauls Juvenile Orchestra and womens guilds. Correspondence to Claire Barton, dated 29/04/2010 from Cynthia Nyholm, with enclosed book – Ring out Wild Bells the centenary book for St Pauls Anglican Church; Caulfield North paul’s anglican church, lynch frank rev., nyholm cynthia, falkingham john canon, north caulfield, ivens george walter dr., kircher godfre rev., saunders harriet eleanor (nelly), wilson albert rev., thewlis brian rev., saunder elizabeth (topsy), meredith charles rev., rutherford. graeme rev., arnold leonard rev, drought john rev., hannaford. john rev., rich roger rev., grully/moore alison, charles oliver, bell towers, clarke henry lowther, roberts frank, ngaruk william, boon wurrung, aboriginal peoples, the black chapel, hawthorn road, balaclava road, glen eira road, taylor rev., seddon rev., edith street, park street, st. mary's parish, shelley edgar, ellerslie, roe thomas, salisbury street, st. elmo's community, mccartney hugh, herring nigel, robinson john, mollinson a.j., derby parade, vance george, statham rev., priest rev., cox rev., queen's hall caulfield, jolly edith, evans jan, societal event and activities, clubs and associations, sporting clubs, cohen leslie, cohen doris, 'anselm', manses, wilson albert mrs, wainwright emily, ivens eleanor, roberts frank, falkenstein lynaire, dove bill, lawn david, edwards peter, jenkins barry, backhouse gerald, triller henrietta, monahan marjorie, wainright bill, 'yanga', alma road, dandenong road, fitzwater mr, lovell house girls school, st paul's preparatory school, independent schools, kindergartens, hoggart mrs, jackson miss, davidson bob, hutchens bernard, meredith benjamin, mannett david, hutchins harry, vicars, foote sheila, scholes lillian, mee elroy, driver marjorie, manton betty, bottomley hilda, west joan, finn grace, dell hazel, guild of the holy spirit, carrigan john rev., allen douglas, thompson norman, hardy don, moroney john, scott-simmons harry, morphet george, houghton robert, drought tom, stringer alf, miller eddie, michie bill, roberts david, hardy bill, cohen vernon, cohen leon, thewlis jeremy, tanner simon, lambert luke, wainwright bill, wilson albert, meredith charles, williams louis r., architects, dawson and smith, builders, monuments and memorials, st. paul apostle and martyr, red hill, ackland a.l., drought peter, kircher virginia, martinu ignaz, metal working, crafts and craft equipment, mathieson w., stained glass, morgan kerr w., cohen ursula, french anne maree, stephens evelyn, roberts janet, tanner john, oliphant alison, oliphant david, drought alison, widdowson charles rev., rich regina, fettel rex, amson evan, amson angela, stonehouse elwyn, thewlis elsbeth, cranswick jim, byrne meredith, jackson jill, jackson family, fitzgerald anne, molineux john, pilkington merridee, wood noel, major paula, major tracy, kaines fiona, west ed, nelson jenny, booth anne, pental road, carnarvon road, daynes alysa, tanner john, tanner winkie, jackson les, thornton graham, thornton gwyn, drought gladys, mcgillivery joan, glennen jim canon, wood maureen, wood david boyle, wood felicity, corrie ian, corrie lesley, sharrock heidi, sharrock lynette, sharrock david, rutherford david, samuel anto (hilda), hannaford john, palliar bob, golden hope healing sanctuary, hostels, moore alison, johnson wendy, stringer barbara, carson penny, edwards joan, glen eira intercessary group, smith beverly, daynes aylsa, lyon tryphena, fitzgerald anne, de bibra (peggy) margaret, de bibra florence, singleton george, darke guy, thompson norman, hutchinson jay, lawry margaret, woddy julie, mcgrath lesley, amson angela, prashanthi samuel, mclean rob, st. elmo's fire alpha in victoria, kainey john, kainey dick rev., amson evan, hannaford janine, hannaford john rev., playgrounds, shinkfield thelma, west joan, staham clive, batey mandy, walker david rev., stokes tom rev., batey david, freeman lesley, social services, pittaway geoff, jones greg, turf club hotel, the angel, conway carolyn, razmaran (raz) rameen, moore peter, thewlis sharon, walker stephen, turuwhenva jo maka maka, redman dylan, jolly david, toombs nicole, hannaford/akins christy, akins ben, edwards rozanne, masson andrew, batey kyle, batey ailsa, kovars aranka, graffiti, mcallister alison, buchanen noel, cocks damien, holland m.w., artists, akins robert, barberis irene, reynolds chris, wolstencroft ivor, gully/moore alison, moore peter, engineers, kovacs joseph, architects, vicars-foote bequest dorothy, hallock shanta, newman philip, molineux john, stained glass, molineux kim, moorhouse philip, o'farrell gavan, smith beverley rev., peppercorn miss, corrigan mrs, choirs, thomas ronald, geo fincham and sons, wicks mr, mcgillivery alf, organs, mcgillivery ian, touzeau mme, triller lily, lawrence jean, falkingham john, bonsal/boone peter, tweeddale alistair, worsnop paul, stonehouse pam, rutherford graeme, rutherford caroline, braun doug, naughton celia, correll madge, edwards joan, paranavitana darshini, gebert barb, wood felicity, cowell alison, mannaford lawson, ellankoon robby, knight sheila, thornton graeme, kyle estelle, davies john, roberts frank, welch ian, de saint-ferjeux, francis peggy, gill heather, lambert dale, newing joyce, young rosemary, mcallister (pownell/washington), roeland linda, mcdonald brendan, lewis irene, lewis graham, fitzgerald anne, hoffman tim, kaines fiona, marriott dianne, stryk angela, leaf narelle, choo lucy, fitzgerald narelle, nunis mark, waterman roma, beggs joshua, cramer deb, beggs camilla, gebert kelvin, oakes joanne, sargeant john, schulz wendy, smith lerisse, austin adrian, mitchell stephanie, oakes jessica, cropley stan, banks caroline, banks peter, chen caroline, west rob, chen family, mcgough virginia (now mcdonald_, fin tania, stonehouse elwyn, ryan luisa, knight sheila, savage ian rev., kircher jillian, kircher pamela, kircher margaret, bernaldo darryl, rich cassandra, rich leighton, james scott, correll madge (nee gamble), correll tony, o'brien maureen, rodwell kevin, de vries isabella, de vries andre, de vries darren, cummins mr, roberts mr, de vries ngaio (nee morre), wainright emily, wainright william, massauelli lionel, roberts frank, foster muriel, thomas janet, laycock gordon, shiel john, langmuir keith, langford alan, burns jack, manson ian, manton john, mclean robert, lund milton, carr sylvia, ross margie, naughton michael, edwards joan, chappele ethel, chappele marion, pollard mrs, moorhouse michelle, shipp joyce, hayman jean, bright-parker kath, stringer thelma, armstrong wendy, martin neil, stonehouse janet, eddy elsie, gras elsie, macartney kitty, ormond special school (katandra), herring nigel, roe sisters, watson w.g., nicholls w., beith harley, cullen phyllis, burns leline, hayman eric, boyd-jones ennys, roberts frank, ellankoon chrissie, blommestein michael, ahn sil -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Newsletter - St Peters Church of England, Murrumbeena
This file contains four items. THE PARISH MESSENGER St Agnes Glenhuntly and St Peters Murrumbeena – six newsletters dated from August 1912 to June 1914. St Peters Church Papers, Murrumbeena and Carnegie - two newsletters dated August 1915. St Peters Church Parish Paper, Murrumbeena and Carnegie – twenty newsletters dated from September 1917 to June 1925. St Peters Parish Paper, Murrumbeena, Carnegie and Hughesdale, nine newsletters dated from April 1926 to July 1934. All newsletters include information on Church activities, names of vicars and church officeholders.the parish messenger, st agnes glenhuntly, st peters murrumbeena, murrumbeena, phillips rev w. a., organs, glen huntly, rothschild st, addiscombe, house names, carnegie, neerim road, inghaim rev. a.e., churches, world war 1914-1918, emily street, green rev. walter, gleaners’ union, sowers (missionary band), carnegie methodist church, st peters church of england, green rev w.g.a., st peters vicarage, tennis clubs, baptisms, weddings, womens missionary unions, watts-ditchfield rev. j.e., mothers union, sunday school, ladies guild, baglin rev. j.t., hospitals’ league of mercy, nursing classes, thomas dr., faulkner e.h., advertisements, depression 1929-1939, business, fete, vestry, confirmation, bands, festivals, picnics, poynder rev. r., thos. grogan, drapery, awards, associations, church services, ingham rev. a.e., schools, cragg miss elvie, principals, choirs, st peters troop of boy scouts, hoggart miss, st peters school, st peters girls school, booth miss d., andrew miss eileen, meredith rev. charles w., church day school, walker miss, financial documents -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - E. E. Gunn Reserve
This file contains three items about this Park, formerly known as Ormond Park: An original photograph of E. E. Gunn Reserve Hall. An article from the Caulfield Contact relating to the history of E.E. Gunn Park and the achievements of the committee of management of the Park, dated January/February 1992. An article from The Leader summarising the football competition results, some of which may have been held at E.E. Gunn Park, dated 26 July 2011.e. e. gunn reserve, e.e. gunn park, ee gunn park, ormond park, caulfield south ward, foch street, malane street, ormond, ormond amateur football club, ormond/glen huntly baseball club, ormond cricket club, ormond tennis club, ormond football club, ormond park trust, caulfield, caulfield council, kilvington girls baptist grammar school, e.e. gunn committee of management, barret james, singleton clive, robertson john, gunn ernest edwin, dorothy avenue, newham grove, collegians, de la salle, st. bedes, the tigers, ajax, rupertswood, blieden gary, old camberwell, rombotis john, toolongs steve, glen eira, paterson tom, boyd glenn, demashki mark, the saints, the monds, eltham, elsternwick, albert park, the falcons, the wicks, convery james, hunter justin, power house, prahran/assumption, parks, reserves, playgrounds, sportsgrounds, football, australian rules football, sporting clubs, sports people, clubs, associations, football clubs, sports, recreations, leisure, cultural events, cultural activities, cricket club, baseball club, ovals, playing fields, club houses, scout halls, halls, tennis clubs, athletics, cycling -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Murrumbeena Baptist Church, Murrumbeena Road, 44
Reprinted history of Murrumbeena Baptist Church 1890 – 1990 compiled for the church’s centenary celebrations in 1990 by Ross Harrison Snow and Geoft Barthold. Each chapter details certain periods of church history and associated events Handwritten notes, including wording on foundation stone, by person unknown & undatedmurrumbeena, murrumbeena baptist church, pitt annie sophia, dandenong road., george samuel, baptist church, emily street, whitlam janet, box henry, snow ross harrison, gallop abel, pay henry mrs., rollings william, barthold geoff, thomas pay, pay e – miss godfrey, w- mrs, pitt st clair percival, godfrey william, pay t. a. h – mrs, blair mrs, white mrs, shearer mrs., box marie miss, box nellie miss, gallop prudence miss, gallop e. j. miss, rosstown wesleyan churches, murrumbeena baptist church, churches, gresswell f. l. mrs, neerim road, public halls, murrumbeena railway station, union chapel, kangaroo road, oakleigh, cole. j. h., turner mr., williamson r. rev, stewart allan., rosstown., architects, laver and flick messrs, mayhew george mr., chambers a. r. mr., godfrey brother, whitley w. t. rev., williamson rev., endersby elizabeth miss., meehani francis, french john, whyte mrs., thompson isabella mrs., burgess mary mrs., organ, tarry j. brother, mclean donald f. rev., wilkins george mr., sutherland mr., sydney street, nopkins ivor. rev, gallop mrs, pay brother, pitt brother, hopkins mrs, thompson ethel. miss, thompson mabel. miss, lavender mr. fred, whitlam george. master, varley frank mr, whitlam fred. mr, varley mrs, hale g. e. rev., whitlam crissie miss, curnick elizabeth miss, byrne mr, clemens f. rev., tennis club, tennis courts, cheffer mr., peace george mr., green mr., nash w. f rev., earl stanley j. rev, earl mrs., parker miss, adelaide street 12 manses, endersby david, harvey nellie. miss, fasham f. miss, mills mr., kelly mr., dyason mr, mckeon mr, lavender b. mr., chaffey alf, nelson norman, guthrie andrew, hopkins mrs., kindergarten, girl guides, loyal orange lodge, hall, fire, juniour christian endeavour league, intermediate christian, endeavour society, endersby mr, wilkins mr, wills mr, kelley mr, golden jubilee 22- 29 sept. 1940, knight e. o. rev, marriott e staunton m stone j., clay clark e. messrs, carter mr, carter mrs, deacenesses, helmore p. h. mrs, ryall c. m. mrs, carbis l. miss, wilson a. mrs, clark e. j. mrs, cornock m. miss, smith a. w. rev, mcdonald h. miss, stewart j. miss, edwards. w. messrs, crowe m. messrs, diggins l. messrs, wilson k. mr, ryall c. m. mr., wright a. mr., watkins mr., smith k. a. rev, scout groups, hobart street – 59 manses, helmer p. mr, filmer mr, carter mr., staunton martin mr., lewis donald rev 1951- 1956, perri john, collrus barry, ferguson mrs, white mrs, outhread noel mr., burleigh betty miss, orchestras, clark ted mr., daniels alan mr, staunton keith mr., staunton martin mr, steer doug mr, pascoe vack mr., ryall mert mr., clay ken mr., carter francis mr., chambers harry mr, hendry t. j. mr, andrews. e. f. rev, venning frank, provis keith, lee milton f. rev, kingdom max rev, kingdom fredq, allison c., eleiner e mrs, provis jan miss, chambers merle miss, collicot allison miss, cook john, cook family, horn neville rev, horn family, benneld family, bennett john., bennetts cliff, wiesmayrs’ family, allison barbara miss, jones ross, jones joy, fverst walter, doyle family, bertram estelle, bertram family, saletta margaret, saletta len, close kevin, close family, close anne, stewart des, stewart family, peel family, fisher family, leis family, arms harry, jones ross, jones family, jones joy, langdon family, bertram bill, staunton ian, staunton yvonne, staunton jean, staunton keith, staunton martin, clifferd. patricia, clifferd. charles, chambers awen, wall brian, wall bev, ryall geoff, ryall kay, ryall edna, davidson max, davidson mary, freeman john, hendry t s, provis keith, terrington michael, terrington doreen, carbis hazel miss, butterworth ern, clay ken, clay mrs., clay judith, clay noelle, muller ron, cook john, kingdom joy, kingdom graham, strong david, owens cliff, chambers harry, christy family, warr bill dr., morrison grace mrs., soderholm harvey, soderholm mrs, harris jeanette mrs, harris trevor rev., freeman pauline, freeman john., hendry t. j., steer doug, owens allison, owens graham, henderson ray, henderson chris, rathbone ian, rathbone pat, jenkins marion, girls’ club, wilson cliff dr., ladies evening group (legs), anderson family, l’ amont family, powell harold., harris luke, harris trevor, davies mrs, young george, anderson russell, wade joan, sauvarin lois, hill fred, wilson david., hansell fiona, hansell jane, brammer leanne, bertram ruth, langton john, crowe ken, dobney john, nobbs steve, jordan mr., steer david., steer doug, murrumbeena christian education centre (cec), suggare alwyn, gray s. mr., wilson clive rev., jephcott hume, jephcott heather, mccleary ross, mccleary glenn, claringbold mary, bennetts marcia., langton phil, worthy reg, thomson ave, mckerlie darrell rev., henderson ray, langenberg stewart van, crowe malcolm., sydney street, wall brian, zegelis imants, allison doug, owens rhonda, anderson peter, provis ken, vaitch fay, longenberg roger van, ife david, warren lena, churches bruce, churches mrs, bennetts john, mcdonald. k., cathie ian., cathie wendy, wright norman rev., alma street, mckerlie darrell rev., hampton keith rev., robinson john rev, jolly rod, crowe malcolm, lakey m, ferdinands ann, ferdinands ken, inders brett, inders jenny, cooke stephen, cooke deanne, langenberg jeremy van, binks paul, wall john, leslie geoff, leslie debbie, macleod nelson, macleod heather, dalton steven, pugh jeff, jones ross, ceulson joy, jackel lindsay, jackel sue, berry graham, wall brian, wheatland don, langton phil, stewart margaret, wheatland elise, wall bev., chambers gwen., foundation stone, morley john rev., sunday seekers, young marrieds, mothers’ group, choirs, walrond cw, turner mr, chisholm mr, mcdonald mr, church furniture, williams brother, sunday schools, victorian baptist preachers’ society, pitt mrs, thompson m miss., pitt w. miss, pay miss, thompson e. mrs., stained glass, christian endeavour society, young worshipper’ league, baptist women’s association, men’s society, murrembeena baptist football club, children’s church, youth council, junior christian endeavour, buds, baptist girls’ fellowship, boys club, baptist men’s society, youth fellowship life boys, boys brigade, alma street 17 chadstone manse, one way searchers’ group -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document (Item) - Article, The Eltham Roll of Honour: Second World War, 9 Aug 2020
... feldbauer eltham cricket association eltham girls club frank street ...Information regarding the circumstances of the eleven men of the Shire of Eltham who died serving their country in the Second World War and for whom the Eltham War Memorial was dedicated. Their names are listed on the Eltham Roll of Honour in order of rank. The image portrayed shows the eleven men (left to right, top to bottom) by date of fatality: CASTLEDINE, George Ernest, Spr., VX10044 (KIA 18 Apr 1941, Greece) GAHAN, Studley Manston, Capt., VX48379 (KIA 17 May 1941, Tobruk, Libya) RUTTER, David, Flying Off., 833 (400833) (KIA 9 Dec 1941, Bir El Gubbi, Libya) CLERKE, Alfred Charles, Cpl., VX23112 (KIA 2 Feb 1942, Laha, Ambon Island) DUNLOP, Cuthbert Douglas, Sgt., VX15252 (KIA 22 Nov 1942, Gona, New Guinea) INGRAM, Lester Neil, Flt. Sgt., 410236 (DOD 22 Apr 1943, Longworth, England) McLEAN, Stanley, Flt. Sgt., 419844 (KIA 7 Oct 1944, Emmerich, Germany) FELDBAUER, Theodore, Sgt., VX51733 (DOD 27 Mar 1945, Borneo) RUTTER, Donald Hemphill, Flt. Lt., 410262 (KIA 5 Apr 1945, Varrelbusch, Germany) FIELD, Kevin Francis, Pte., VX144763 (KIA 28 Jun 1945, Bougainville, PNG) BUTHERWAY, Jack Herbert, Pte, VX37645 (DOD 8 Jul 1945, Borneo)eltham war memorial, roll of honour, second world war, eltham, eltham roll of honour, shire of eltham, 2/4 field workshop, 22 independent brigade group ordnance workshop, a.i.f., australian army ordnance corps, australian corps of electrical and mechanical engineers, changi, falkiner street, florence mary butherway, jack herbert butherway, prisoner of war (pow), ranau number 1 jungle camp, sandakan death march, singapore, thomas james butherway, vx37645, 2/2 field company, 6th division, abington, annie castledine, arthur frederick castledine, george ernest castledine, greece, jean simonson, lower plenty, old eltham road, royal australian engineers, vx10044 sapper g. e. castledine, 2/23 bn, derril, gahan house, main road, rats of tobruk, studley manston gahan, tobruk, vx48379, 3 squadron r.a.a.f., aboukir, alamein memorial, beulah alice (simpson) rutter, bir el gubbi, broken hill aero club, david rutter, egypt, hubert rutter, libya, yarra braes, 2/21 bn, 23rd australian infrantry brigade, 8th division, alfred charles clerke, ambon island, battle of ambon, bidgeland park estate, inga caroline (nicholls) clerke, inga mary nicholls, laha airfield, nora ann clerke, rose matilda clerke, vx23112, william charles clerke, 2/14 bn, 2/16 bn, 21st brigade, 7th division, cuthbert douglas dunlop, gona, gona war cemetery, henry street, janet dunlop, kokoda track, new guinea, palestine, papua new guinea, port moresby (bomana) war cemetery, reuben cuthbert dunlop, syria, vx15252, 10 operational training unit, 410236, ada (key) ingram, berkshire, bomber command, england, group no. 91, john ingram, lester neil ingram, longworth, n.1374, r.a.a.f., r.a.f., r.a.f. abington, research (vic.), whitley v bomber, 419844, 514 bomber squadron, emmerich, germany, gordon stanley mclean, ji-g2, kleve, lancaster lm735, lucy mclean, mount pleasant road, r.a.f. waterbeach, reichswald forest war cemetery, stanley mclean, 2/10 ordnance workshops, albert feldbauer, eltham cricket association, eltham girls club, frank street, henry feldbauer, jessie margarette feldbauer, june feldbauer, ken ingram, margaret (feldbauer) ingram, montmorency imperials, research cricket club, research state school, sandakan number 1 camp, sandakan number 2 camp, theodore albert feldbauer, valerie (feldbauer) waller, violet amelda (teagle) feldbauer, vx51733, 247 ‘china-british’ squadron, caithness, cloppenburg, donlad hemphill rutter, essen, gloucester, hanover war cemetery, hanover-limmer british military cemetery, holten-lochem, oldenburg, r.a.f. castletown, r.a.f. station lealing, stoppenburg, typhoon ib jp443, typhoon ib sw526, 15th australian infantry brigade, 1940 cup, 3rd division, 57th/60th bn, best and fairest, bougainville island, buin road, mary field, mayona road, mivo river, mobiai river, montmorency, vx144763, william field -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Book, Margaret Coleman, From a Flicker to a Flame-The Story of The Girl Guides in Australia, 1989
... Girl Guides Association of Australia Incorporated... Margaret Coleman Girl Guides Association of Australia Incorporated ...The story of The Girl Guide movement in Australia.Front dust cover has a photograph of a group of Girl Guides sitting around a camp fire reading.non-fictionThe story of The Girl Guide movement in Australia.girl guides, australia, history -
Ballarat Clarendon College
The invoice issued by Clarendon ladies College details the sundry expenses of a girl's boarding education in 1905, including tuition and boarding fees, books & music and disbursements. The invoice is socially and historically significant because it provides comment on the economics of education in the early 1900's. Photocopy of official invoice issued by Clarendon Ladies College to T. Fawcett Esq on May 16, 1905. A4 sheet single-sided. Also photocopied receipt issued by the Old Ballarat Collegians Association to W.T Fawcett for payment of Life member's Subscription 3/12/1912. Invoice bears a stamp duty stamp dated 10/06/1909 Receipt bears the Ballarat College crest -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat School of Mines Scrapbook 1921-1924, 1921-1924
The clippings in this book relate to the Ballarat School of Mines. Hard covered scrapbook with newspaper clippings relating to the Ballarat School of Mines.ballarat school of mines, scrapbook, ballarat technical art school, clay, ceramics, pottery, native clay, maurice copland, h.h. smith, c.h. beanland, technical schools, albert e. dowling, john dulfer, jenkin swimming shield, r.s. dale, j.y. mcdonald, a.f. heseltine, stained glass windows, amalie feild, richard dale, ballarat school of mines museum, ballarat junior secondary school, war criminal trials, j.f. crichton, repatriation department, w.o.f. close, soldiers vocational classes, world war one, alexander peacock, ballarat junior technical school opening, effie holmes, cornell chemist, w.k. moss, ken moss, obituary, j. vickery, w.d. hill, r.w. richards, shackelton, antarctic exploration, t.h. trengrove, samuel mayo, vera lindsay, bessie robertson, victor greenhalgh, repatriation classes closure, repatriation classes termination, university college, vocational training, arbor day, j.b. corbet, ballarat school of mines procession, ballarat junior technical school honour board, harold herbert, albert steane, a.w. steane, francis davis, tree planting, clyde lukeis, trade classes, old boys association, alfred james higgin, blackill color and oxide company, electric supply company, state school exhibition, state education jubilee, scholarships, clay deposits, james coad, t.a. williams, copland memorial, e.j. mcconnon, alfred mica smith, ponsonby carew smyth, d. maxwell, lena rutherford, dorothy whitehead, examination results, geoffrey nicholls, robert dowling, j.b. robinson, percy trompf, j.c. bush, white flat reserve, rubbish tip, sports ground, broken hill excursion, old boy's association, school of mines procession, white flat improvements, empire exhibition, ballarat school of mines literary society, school reunion, john rowell, d.e. mullins, g. renkin, t.m. shattock, new law courts, supreme court building transferred to ballarat school of mines, buildings, ballarat state offices, ballarat school of mines museum closed, ballarat school of mines and industries, k.b. brown, sir r. garran, alf hannah, macrobertson scholarship, simone fraser, violet hambley, alfred bayley, j. heriot, c.r. pittock, i.r. bradshaw, ballarat exhbition, e. parkin, c.m. harris, mica smith bust, william henry nicholls, daniel walker, paul montford, w.h. corbould, j.w. sutherland, technical training for girls, girls education, amalie colquhoun, ken moss obituary, opening of the ballarat junior technical school, j.s. vickery, j.s. vickery obituary, ida v. johnson, john rowell exhibition, max meldrum, w.g. coates, g.f. fitches, walter white, sewerage plumbing, villers brettonneux school -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Book, Half hours with the best authors, Vol 1
According to the Ballarat College Report, Prize list and Prospectus published 1875 Miss E Rees was Dux of the school 'Ladies Department' and winner of the Mr R F Glover's Prize Essay. This book was awarded to Miss E Rees the following year by the Ballarat Ladies College associated with the ballarat Grammar School, Principal F J Thomas. Thomas had been appointed principal of Ballarat College in 1874 following the untimely death of the school's first principal Robert Oliver McCoy. However Thomas's credentials were questionable and he left the school under a cloud during 1875. Thomas established a rival college. This action had a devastating impact on Ballarat College because many students enrolled at the new college. This book is evidence of just one such transition. Ornately decorated book with calf spine and cover detail, marbled covers and end-pages, gold lettering and patterns on spine; Book plate inside front cover: Ballarat Ladies College / in association with the Ballarat Grammar School / CHRISTMAS 1878 / University Class / SPECIAL PRIZE / the gift of / the pupils of the Ballarat Gr. Sch. / for / 'the favorite girl' 2 vol. / awarded to / Miss E Rees / F J THOMAS, PRINCIPALe-rees, f-j-thomas, ballarat-ladies-college, grammar-school, 1876 -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Match box cover
Property of John S Coltman. John Coltman attended Ballarat College attended Ballarat College 1913 – 1920. A very high achiever John was Dux of College 1919 School Captain 1920 Captain of Cricket 1920, Captain of Tennis 1918 – 1920 Captain of Athletics and Football 1919 – 1920 Stroke, Rowing Firsts, 1919-1920. He maintained a long association with the school through participation in the Old Collegians Association. The match box may have been an Old Collegian's memento. John married Elvie (Price) Coltman. Elvie entered Clarendon Ladies College 1919, her childhood home ‘Dumbarton’ 1425 Sturt Street was purchased by the school and is part of the Girls Boarding House. Metal match box cover with Ballarat College emblem fixed to top faceBallarat College emblem fixed to top facejohn-s-coltman, ballarat-college, old colegians -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Education Gazette, 1968, 1968
... anzac fellowship scheme art teachers association of victoria ...Red hard covered book with Red spine. It holds each Education Gazette for gazette, aborignal advancement league, accident register, anzac fellowship scheme, art teachers association of victoria, ballarat girls' high school golden jubilee, o.e. nilsson, education week, epileptics and swimming classes, frank tate memorial lecture, handwriting in primary schools, fountain pens, jewish holy days, national gallert of victoria education program, needlecraft, nuffield foundation grants, pen friends, pioneers' day, poster competition, railways concession fares, h.n. muntz, school garden, swimming and life saving, swimming classes for teachers, tramways concession tickets, victorian state schools band association, victorian state schools horticutural society, fireworks, wet days -
Federation University Historical Collection
Article - Article - Women, Ballarat Technical Art School: Women of Note; Mary Fogarty, teacher Arts and Crafts.(1910-1981)
Mary Fogarty was a student at the School of Mines in the 1920s. She was a member of the Hockey team that was part of the Ballarat Hockey Association Competition. She studied Arts and Crafts and became a teacher at the SMB Technical Arts School. In 1945 she was in charge of the Girls' Preparatory Classes - Years 7 and 8. In 1950 she was asked to start the Technical School for Girls. !951 saw 30 Form 1 students in the ground floor of the old SMB Secondary School (E J Tippett Library/former Gaol Governor's residence). She had an assistant. 1952 saw another 30 students enrolled and two more staff. As the school grew they were given space in the Art School. Houses along Grant Street were bought with the intention of building a three storey building. The girls had Art with Art School Staff, Science in SMB Science Room and Music women of note, teacher, ballarat school of mines, smb campus, mary fogarty, student, hockey team, arts and crafts, technical arts school, girls' preparatory classes, technical school for girls, ballarat girls' technical school -
Federation University Historical Collection
Article - Article - Women, Ballarat School of Mines: Women of Note; Emily Stitfold, Photographer, (1866-1948)
Emily Ann Hanson Stitfold was born in Ballarat in 1866 to Thomas Stitfold and Sarah Stitfold (Hanson). There were six children, one boy and five girls. Emily attended photography classes at Ballarat School of Mines in 1896 (Grade !) and 1898. Photography was a new course offered and she was one of the first students to attend. She became a member of the Ballarat Amateur Photographic Association. Emily died in 1948 and is buried in the Ballarat Old Cemetery. (BN Section 19 Grave 9). Her parents, Thomas and Sarah are also buried in the Old Cemeterywomen of note, ballarat school of mines, emily stitfold, photography, student, ballarat amateur photographic association, ballarat old cemetery, thomas stitfold, sarah stitfold -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Neck Tie - Girl Guides, January 1965
The Girl Guides had a camp at Barree in January 1965 and wore this scarf. Historical: Girl Guides was a popular club for girls in the 1960s. Wilma Davies was a leader in the Kiewa Valley group and in Victoria. Blue-green cotton triangular neck tie with a brown kangaroo ironed on. Underneath the kangaroo in red: "Wilowie" / Barree Camp / Jan. 1965.Tie has been machine stitched on the 2 shorter sides to form a small hem."Willowie" / Barree camp / Jan. 1965girl guides, uniform, wilma davies, barree camp, association, community -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Programme - 29th Annual Combined Sports 1971, Kiewa Valley Schools' Sports Association
Combined school athletic sports were held annually. This one was between 11 teams: Mt. Beauty Black, Tawonga Purple, Mt Beauty Gold, Dederang, Mt Beauty Blue, Tawonga South, Mt Beauty Green, Bogong, Kancoona and Kergunyah South. Events included High Jump, Long Jump for Boys and Girls and Triple Jump for Boys. Also, Potato Race, Zig Zag team of 6, and Bounce Ball. Flat Races boys and girls. Championship for Boys and Girls Under and Over 10 years.Relay Team Open, Skip Ball Open. Tunnel Ball Open,.Circle Gap Open and a Boys and Girls Circle Gap 220 yards.Primary Schools from the Kiewa Valley held athletic sports each year. The schools consisted of small and big schools in the Kiewa Valley. The events included running and jumping as well as team 'fun/novelty' events.Events were run according to age and differed between boys and girls.Orange cardboard athletic sports programme folded in half with 69 events listed with "Officials" named and children's names or teams listed. "Don't you Think It's True You Ought To Be in Blue" penned on the front. "Good Old Blue. Blue Forever. We stick to First Place." "Blue is the Best" "No Sweat to Blue" penned on the fold in the middle. "Good Old Blue" and "Blue" penned on the back.athletics., athletics sports day, school sports, kiewa valley sports -
Invermay Local History Association
Postcard, Australian Series Pardalote and Flannel Flowers
Cardboard postcard printed four colour process on front and black on verso.Undated handwritten message [in ink] on verso reads: 'Dear Nellie I am glad you found some eggs. Some day I should like you girls to show me where you find them. Lots of our eggs have hatched; the caterpillars are growing. See if you can find any on the trees. Your affectionate teacher C. Merritt. -
Morongo Old Collegians
Wooden Honour Board
A list of all Honorary Life Members of the AssociationMorongo Old Collegians Honorary Life Members 1929 - 2007education, school, morongo, geelong, girls