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Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education: Scrapbook of newspaper cutting, Book 3, July 1970 to December 1970
Newspaper cuttings relating to Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education. These are from various newspapers and include The Age, Ballarat Courier, The Australian, The Herald. The cuttings cover the period from 7 July 1970 to 12 December 1970. Book with yellow cover, front. Spiral bound.ballarat institute of advanced education, biae, employment advertisements, early school records found, council records from 1870 - 1893, john lynch wins stock exchange award, b r hames to deliver lecture at smb, death of a w steane, biae motor cycle club visit factory, mount helen campus of the future, visit from mt isa officer, centenary celebrations, peter hensley outstanding academic record 1969, rosslynne guymer, hill climb, repco gives $5000 to smb fund, ray woolard artist, mineral discoveries in australia, centenary prediction, centenary medallion, betty archdale to deliver fourth lecture, looking back on school history, e j tippett, threshold of the second century, e j barker, stanley white awarded csiro doctoral scholarship, tertiary colleges should be community centre, post-diploma course in malting and brewing, young geologists from broken hill, technical conference for ballarat, banks' gift, exhibition by students, rare rocks for biae, teachers' college at mt helen?, technical principals' association, miss n findley of emily mcpherson college, visiting heads admire facilities at biae, advisory council sets guidelines, smb plaque unveiled, $25000 to centenary appeal, national service exemption granted, technical schools disrupted by teachers' strike, bid for fourth university, librarian course advocated, smb appeal at $221000, centenary of technical education in australia, mt helen campus opening, centenary of great achievement, governments give $100000 to institute, student from last century, mrs o ratray, biae asked to train librarians, buninyong seek talks, problems of "background" in education, exhibition by jon crawley - potter, mr thompson's comment, art sake at school, 90 engineers at biae, ray woollard -
Ballarat Clarendon College
DVD, Coming to Australia, 1989
Florence (Smith) Kerr (1913) boarded at Clarendon PLC c1910-1913. The DVD interview was recorded in 1989 and covers Florence's grandparents experiences o the goldfields and at Italian Valley, near Scarsdale. The accompany notes document Florence's years as a teacher around Victoria before her marriage. DVD and accompanying A4 bound notesflorence smith, florence kerr, clarendon-presbyterian-ladies-college, halley's comet, gold rush -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter, Letter from Mrs Pilven, 1938, 26/11/1937
This letter was probably written during the Polio pandemic.Letter to the Ballarat School of Mines from Mrs Pilven to Mr Steane, Principal of the Ballarat Junior Techncial School, notifying of her children's absence from school, and a reply from F.E. Ferguson, Registrar of the Ballarat School of Mines.Brown Hill 25-11-37 Mr Steane, Dear Sir, In your reply to your letter about my son Edward, I wish to inform you that all my children have been isolated for three weeks, from 20th Nov, as my children attended Brown Hill school, account of one case. Would you kindly give me a reply what to do. Our district Dr is Spring Victorian St. I am yours Truly [signed] Mrs Pilven Brown Hill November 29th, 1937. Mrs, Pilvenm, Brown Hill. Dear Madam. I received you letter of the 25th inst/ and note that your children have been isoated. It will be necessary for you to complete the Application for Admission Form and return it to me before Friday th 3rd December. A letter has been sent to the Head Teacher of the Brown Hill School requesting him to forward Elementary School Record Cards for those students who desire to enter the Technical School next year and students will be selected on the information disclosed by those cards. Yours faithfully, [signed] F.E. Ferguson, Registrarpilven, f.e. feguson, illness, polio, edward pilven, brown hill, pandemic -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, The Ballarat School of Mines and Industries 1870-1920 Jubilee Booklet, 1920 (estimated)
The first school of Mines in Australia was established at Ballarat in 1870. At the time of its jubilee (1930) the following people were members of the School Council: W.H. Middleton (President), W.T. Humphreys (VP), J.S. Vickery (VP), F. Barrow, Col. W.K. Bolton, William Baragwanath, A.E. Cutter, J.N. Dunn, G. Fitches, W.H. Fleay, F. Herman. W.D. Hill, T. Hurley, K. Kean. J. Kelly, L. Lederman, Mayor of Ballarat, Mayour of Ballarat East, D. Maxwell, M. Martin, R. Maddern, D. Ronaldson, F. Saunders, R. Stephenson, A.O. Stubbs, R.E. Tunbridge. The School Staff in 1920 comprised: Herbert H. Smith, Walter Rowbotham, Reginald L. Cutter, M.C. Young, Hilda Wardle, M. Wiliamson, P.S. Richards, L.H. Archibald, J. Woods, Ken Moss, W. Kenneth, Mrs McIlvena. B. Robinson, S. Rowe, E. Hope-Jones, Miss Abrams, L.St.G.P. Austin, Alfred Mica Smith, J.R. Pound, Herbert R. Murphy, N.H. Junner, Maurice Copland, L.H. Archibald, E.J.A. McConnon, Newton King, D.m. Hull, T.R. Gordon, John M. Sutherland, T.K. Jebb, Dick Richards, C. Tonkin, A.W. Steane, J. Paterson, H.W. Malin, R.V. Maddison, S.M. Mayo, F.A. King, W.H. Steane, T.R. Gordon, T.A. Williams, H. Waldron, G. Black, E.J. McConnon, R.V. Duncan. R. Cutter, E.G. Vawdrey, Hilda WardleWhite stapled booklet - landscape format - 20pp + soft covers with blue writing. Includes an historical sketch of the Ballarat School of Mines. Contains images of the school from around 1920. The history outlined in the booklet follows: 'Ballarat has helped to influence the life and destinies of Australia in many ways, the recital of which would perhaps prove tedious to the citizens of less favoured localities! However, it can be said, without much fear of contradiction, that only less known thought Australia than its fame as a gold field is the reputation won for it by its school of Mines, ... Ballarat was still quite a new place when the School was founded, but a very propserous and popular place all the same, with a go-ahead lot of citizens brim full of the spirit of enterprise which seemsto animate mining populations generally. Money was plentiful, and they launched out into ventures, which later, were to develop and take the place of the gold mines, while what is more to the point, they understood the value of education. the old digging days were passing away. So far as Ballarat itself was concerned the day of the cradle and tin dish had already passed into an antiquity "as dead and distant as the age of the Tubal Caon," said dir redmond Barry on declaring the School open. Mining had become a serious business, and the mining engineer, the metallurgist, and the geologist had become a power in the land. In these circumstances the suggestions to found a School of Mines met with ready acceptance. The late Mr James M. Bickett had the honor of bringing forward the proposition at a meeting of the Ballarat Mining Board in October, 1869. it was agreed to, and the Government, having been approached for assistance, granted a lease of the old Supreme Court buildings at a nominal reantal. A modest sum, including 100 pounds from the Borough Council of Ballarat West, was subscribed by a number of sympathisers, and on the 26th October, 1870, the inaugural address was delivered by Sir Redmond Barry, the first President of the School. Classes were commenced on the 23rd January, 1871. The students at first were mostly adults. They were chiefly men emloyed at the mines, who had the wisdom and energy to devote their spare time to study, and, though their attendance was somewhat irregular, they made very good progress. Old prints which have been preserved show them at work at furnaces, big bearded men of the old-fashioned type of miner. It is interesting to note that among those who gave evidence and encouragement was Sir Roderick Murchison, who many years before had advised Cornish miners to emigrate to Australia to search for gold, and who in 1848 was in possession of gold ore sent from this country. Sir Roderick sent a parcel of books for the library, and gave useful advice as to the curriculum which should be adopted. The Museum, which now contains a most valuable collection of minerals, was one of the first things attended to, and the reports presented to the Council from time to time speak of additions being made from all parts of the world. New equipment was constantly being added to the School, a good deal of assay work was done, and some specimens were sent from the East Indies for examination as far back as 1873. By this time there was a difficulty in providing accomodation for the students who wished to enrol, and the number of instructors had grown from two to four. In 1882 the first building was being erected on what was then part of the gaol reserve. A little more than ten years afterwards a buildnig formerly serving as a Methodist Church was absorbed, while later on, the demand for accomodation increasing, the attack upon the gaol was renewed. The School continued to grow in reputation and size, and became the science centre of the district, and in 1889 a learge new building was opened by Sir Alexander Peacock. Students came from over seas as well as from all the States of Australia, and after going through their courses they took with them the name and fame of the old School to all parts of the globe. School of Mines boys have played a great part in developing the mining fields of Western Australia, South Australia, and africa, while old students who have made a name in their profession are constantly dropping in to see how the old place is getting along. It was not to be expected, however, that the Ballarat School would be left without rivals, its very success inspiring competition. Mining Schools were started in other parts of Australia, and, at the same time, Victoria ceased to hold first place as a mining state. On the other hand there was a great advance in manufacturing, and the demand for technicaly trained men became a great and as insistent as ever it had been for trained mining men. The Council was quick to adapt the school to the new conditions, and the result is seen in the institution, which is one of Ballarat's proudest possession. Instruction is given in all branches of technical work, and the classes are filled with students who are building up for Ballarat a reputation as an industrial centre, which promises to equal that which it formerly held as a mining town. Owing to its bracing climate, its abundant opportunities for recreations, and its accessibilty, Ballarat as a city is an ideal place for educational purposed, and is yearly becoming more and more appreciated throughout the State. The chairman of one of Ballarat's biggests industries claims that the workman can do twice the day's work here that he can do in Melbourne. he was a little enthusiastic over it, perhaps, but it is a well-known fact that the healthy and invigourating Ballarat climate is conducive to both physical and mental activity, and the records of the School provide ample proof of it. One of the most interesting and successful branches of the School of Mines and Industries - if the name be enlarged with the enlargement of its scope - is the Technical Art School. "The City of Statues" has from its earliest days been a stronghold of art. Art schools have flourised here, and in 1905 the Education Department came to the conclusion that the best thing to do with them was to place them under the management of the School of Mines Council. A magnificent new Technical Art School was built at a cost of some 12,000 pounds on the site of the old Supreme Court building, and was formally opened on the 23rd July, 1915. The results have not only been justified but surpassed all anticipations. The most comprehensive list of subjects is taught, and this list is constantly added to. Students have flocked to the art School, which may be said to occupy a unique position in Australia, and its record of success is really astonishing. Its students supply art teachers for the newer schools that are being built, and many occupy leading positinos in important business houses. So well is its reputation known that orders are constantly being received, not only from Victoria, but from other States, for honor boards and challenge shields to be designed and made. The most recent addition to the School of Mines and Industries is the Junior Technical School, for which a new building is now being erected on a portion of the gaol site, transferred to the School of Mines Counci by the Government. At the present moment temporary quarters are being occupied. Some students after passing through the Junior School go straight to employment, continuing perhaps to attend the evening trade classes, while others move on to the senior School. In a review of the work of the School of Mines mention must be made of a series of industrial research carried out under supervision of the Principal. One in particular, regarding the suitability of the local ores for the manufacture of pigments attracted much attention, while the experiemtns on the manufacture of white potery from Victorian clayes were considered of sufficient importance by the Federal Advisory Council of Science and Industry to warrant the appointment of a special investigator. The results of these have been most encouraging, and may have far-reaching consequences. The vocational training of returned soldiers also should not be overlooked. The work was taken in hand from the first, before the Repatriation Department gave assistance, and now with the help of the department of the School has become one of the largest vocational training centres in Victoria outside of Melbourne. The soldiers, trained in a variety of occupations, have made remarkable progress, and already considerable numbers have found employment in local workshops and factories. To sum up, the School is divided into the following departments, each well staffed and equipped: - The School of Mines, science, and Engineering; the Techncial Art School, the Boys' Junior Technical School, the Girl's Preparatory Technical Classes, Trade Classes, and the Commercial School. The school of Mines, science and Engineering, comprises the following branches: - Mining, Metallurgy, Geology, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Chemistry, and Pharmacy. Battery treatments, Cyanide Testing, Smelting, Assays, and Clay Testing from a regular part of the School's work. Students gaining qualifications obtain concession in their courses at the university, should they proceed there to continue their studies. The technical Art school curriculum includes training in all branches of pictorial and applied art, an Architectural Diploma Course, a Draughtman's Course, technical Art teachers' Course, Photography,Ticket Writing, Art Metal Work, Woodcarving, Needlework, and Leather work. The Trade Classes give instruction in Telephone Mechanics, telegraphy, Carpentry, Cabinet Making, Plumbing, Blacksmithing, Fitting, Electric Wiring, and Printing. Numerous Scholarships are offered every year, and altogether students will find few places to equal the Ballarat School of Mines and Industries as a training place for their life's work. One of the first in the continent to be established, its Jubilee finds it still in the front rank, keeping pace with the times, and offering to the youths of this country the means of taking advantage of Australia's teeming opportunities. william, battery, smith, herbert, drawing from the antique, ballarat school of mines botanical gardens, ballarat school of mines, redmond barry, alfred mica smith, james bickett, museum, dick richards, ballarat junior technical school, s m b, ballarat school of mines and industries, ballarat technical art school, model mine, james m bickett, j m bickett, roderick murchison, vocational training rooms, wesley church, methodist church, alexander peacock, lathes, repatriation, repatriatin department, war service, school council, baragwanath, gold mining, mining laboratory, plaster cast, r.w. richards, anniversary, jubilee -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, RAN, FRAMED, c. pre 1941
Mervyn Clive Townsend was born in Bairnsdale on 5.2.1917 to Edward and Muriel Townsend. The family moved to Bendigo in 1930. His father was a teacher at the Bendigo High School. Mervyn enlisted in the RAN on 14.10.1940 age 23 years for temporary service and Commissioned at HMAS Cerberus. He was posted as Surgeon Lieutenant (Dental) on the HMAS Sydney on 5.4.1941. He was later KIA on 19.11.1941 along with the whole crew of 645 during a battle with the German Cruiser (Raider) Kormoran. His very brief records of 5 pages states “Missing presumed lost Sydney 20.11.1941.Black & white photograph of a Naval Officer in uniform re M C Townsend. Photograph has a light grey surround. Frame is black, military history, ran, hmas sydney -
Federation University Historical Collection
Article - Catalogue package, Creativity Released, Advanced Diploma of Graphic Design, 2010, 2010
Unprinted, forme-cut black folder, triangular window, sealed with triangular sticker containing a suite of A5 (148 x 210mm) cards promoting works of University of Ballarat, Advanced Diploma of Graphic Design (2 years) students. Contains 15, two-sided A5 cards, most featuring student work. Reverse of first card lists 12 graduates for 2010. Introduction by Paul Mah (co-ordinator / teacher). Teaching staff listed as Sam Harmer, Jill Hyatt, Slena Shillito, Travis Price, Ben Sanders, Anthony Woodward, Paul Mah, Alister Heighway, Peter Lambert, James Baker. Printed by Sovereign Press. Pack by Bennet-Meyer Packaging. One card features supporting sponsors Unprinted, forme-cut black folder, triangular window, sealed with triangular sticker containing a 15 A5 cards promoting student work.As per parent record, but opened. Promotional catalogue (pack of A5 cards) for graduating students of the University of Ballarat (TAFE), Advanced Diploma of Graphic Design. Unprinted, forme-cut black folder, triangular window, sealed with triangular sticker containing a 15 A5 cards promoting student of ballarat, federation university, graphic design, tafe, advanced diploma, arts academy, camp street campus -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Happy Valley School, 1985
This photo was taken in 1985. Alf Watson, a descendent of settlers of the district - the Smiths and the Yungs whose children attended this school, is standing to the right of the building. The history of Happy Valley State School 1863 The school opened as Lucky Woman's in 1863. The school was located in the Linton area, a small mining township. The first head teacher was Thomas Lea. 89 students had enrolled. 1883 The name of the school changed to Happy Valley. The brick school building was built in this period. 1920s Enrolment declined in the 1920s to around 10 students. 1932 Enrolment continued to decline and the school was closed. 1933 The school reopened briefly under head teacher Selina McFarlane. 1936 It closed again at some stage before reopening in 1936 under head teacher Maxwell Brown. The school was closed finally in 1936. 1940 The building was sold. 150 years: Happy Valley State School Learn about the history of Happy Valley State School, one of Victoria’s oldest public schools. Key information Address: Ballarat, 3350 Opened: 1 February 1860 Closed: 31 December 1940 School type: Primary School number: 376 Other names: Lucky Woman's Common School, Lucky Woman's State School Search for more school profiles The history of Happy Valley State School 1863 The school opened as Lucky Woman's in 1863. The school was located in the Linton area, a small mining township. The first head teacher was Thomas Lea. 89 students had enrolled. 1883 The name of the school changed to Happy Valley. The brick school building was built in this period. 1920s Enrolment declined in the 1920s to around 10 students. 1932 Enrolment continued to decline and the school was closed. 1933 The school reopened briefly under head teacher Selina McFarlane. 1936 It closed again at some stage before reopening in 1936 under head teacher Maxwell Brown. The school was closed finally in 1936. 1940 The building was sold. Can you help us find records for this school? The Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) only hold historical correspondence records for this closed school. If you have any, or if you know of any, please let us know by emailing [email protected] Updated 19 May 2022.1 Happy Valley State School photographed in June 1985. Alf Watson observing the building. .2 View from the back and side of the Happy Valley State School.1 Verso: Grandma Watson's school Happy Valley June 1985 (Grandma nearly 97 years) Alf in bacckground. Edith Emma Watson b Yung. Alf - son of Edith and John Richard Watson. .2 Verso: School where Grandma Watson eudcated. Happy Valley. June 1985happy valley state school, lucky womans, lucky woman's common school, lucky woman's state school -
Greensborough Historical Society
Magazine - School Magazine, Watsonia High School, Kurnaji 1967 Watsonia High School Yearbook WaHIGH, 1967_
A permanent record of who attended Watsonia High School - both student and teacher in 1967 - includes photographs and articles on school activities. The donor of this copy, Glynne Cousins Pietzsch was a member of the magazine committee for this edition.Annual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place over the year by using both photos and reports.68 Pages, orange cover, Title "Kurnaji" in black ink. Cover illustration - black ink line drawing of students in school grounds. Letter to Glynne Pietszch pasted inside front cover.watsonia high school, yearbook, kurnaji, school magazines, glynne pietzsch, glynne cousins pietzsch -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Memories of the 'class' of 1988 - Watsonia High School Yearbook WaHIGH, 1988_
"Memories of the 'class' of 88", Title "Kurnaji" actually not shown or used. Headmaster / Principal – Mr. Michael Blake. Depicts events and attitudes, primarily of students as they go through their adolescent years in the late 1980s. Includes Roll Call section with names of all students.A permanent record of who attended Watsonia High School - both student and teacher in 1988 - includes photographs50 Pages (approx), Yellow cover with black writing. watsonia high school, yearbook, kurnaji, school magazines -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Kurnaji 1969 Watsonia High School Yearbook WaHIGH, 1969_
A permanent record of who attended Watsonia High School - both student and teacher in 1969 - includes photographs Includes Roll Call section with names of all studentsAnnual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place over the year by using both photos and reports.48 Pages, Blue cover, Title "Kurnaji" in Black ink. Cover illustration - black ink line drawing. Headmaster / Principal - Mr. C.K. (Ken) Canty. 2 copies.watsonia high school, yearbook, kurnaji, school magazines -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Kurnaji 1970 Watsonia High School Yearbook WaHIGH, 1970_
A permanent record of who attended Watsonia High School - both student and teacher in 1970 - includes photographs.Includes Roll Call section with names of all students.Depicts events and attitudes, primarily of students as they go through their adolescent years in the early 1970s48 Pages, Black & White cover, Title "Kurnaji" in White. Black and white photograph of two students and school banner. Headmaster / Principal – Mr. C.K. (Ken) Canty. 3 copies.watsonia high school, yearbook, kurnaji, school magazines -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Kurnaji 1971 Watsonia High School Yearbook WaHIGH, 1971_
A permanent record of who attended Watsonia High School - both student and teacher in 1971 - includes photographs. Includes Roll Call section with names of all students. Depicts events and attitudes, primarily of students as they go through their adolescent years in the early 1970's.50 Pages (approx), Blue & White cover, Title "Kurnaji" in Blue ink. watsonia high school, yearbook, kurnaji, school magazines -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Kurnaji 1972 Watsonia High School Yearbook, 1972_
Depicts events and attitudes, primarily of students as they go through their adolescent years in the early 1970's.A permanent record of Who attended Watsonia High School - both student and teacher in 1972 - includes photographs50 Pages (approx), Blue cover, Title "Kurnaji" in White ink on blue and maroon background. Headmaster / Principal – Mr. C.K. (Ken) Canty Includes Roll Call section with names of all students.watsonia high school, yearbook, kurnaji, school magazines -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Watsonia High School Yearbook. 1986 - WaHIGH, 1986_
Depicts events and attitudes, primarily of students as they go through their adolescent years in the mid 1980's. In this edition, the Principal discusses a possible merge with Watsonia Tech.A permanent record of who attended Watsonia High School - both student and teacher in 1986 - includes photographs. Note: This edition of the yearbook was not called Kurnaji. Annual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place over the year by using both photos and reports. Written in pen on front cover "Donated by Rosie Bray"watsonia high school, yearbook, kurnaji, school magazines -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Watsonia Happy 25th 1987. Watsonia High School Yearbook. WaHIGH, 1987_
A permanent record of who attended Watsonia High School - both student and teacher in 1987. Note: This edition of the yearbook was not called Kurnaji. Annual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place over the year by using both photos and reports. Includes Roll Call section with names of all students. Black and white cover. Graphic depicts the number 25 and a drawing of debutantes 2 copies.In pen on front cover: "Donated by Rosie Bray"watsonia high school, yearbook, kurnaji, school magazines -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Kurnaji 1988. Watsonia High School Yearbook - WaHIGH, 1988_
Depicts events and attitudes, primarily of students as they go through their adolescent years in the late 1980's. A permanent record of who attended Watsonia High School - both student and teacher in 1988 - includes photographs. Annual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place over the year by using both photos and reports. Black cover with white text. 5 copies.Copy 1: On page 1: 'Donated by Rosie Bray'.watsonia high school, yearbook, kurnaji, school magazines -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Horizon '97: The annual magazine of Greensborough College. Gr8750, 1997_
Annual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place in 1997. Each year, the college yearbook reports on the people (students and staff) and events and activities that took place that year. Note: In 1989, Watsonia High School was merged with Watsonia Technical School to become Greensborough Secondary College.A permanent record of who attended Greensborough College - both student and teachers, includes photographs. 50 Pages (approx.) Includes black and white and colour photos and reports. Cover depicts a school corridor.In pen inside front cover: "Donated by Rosie Bray"greensborough college, yearbook, horizon, school magazines -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Horizon 1999: The annual magazine of Greensborough College. Gr8750, 1999_
Annual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place in 1999. Each year, the college yearbook reports on the people (students and staff) and events and activities that took place that year. Note: In 1989, Watsonia High School was merged with Watsonia Technical School to become Greensborough Secondary College.A permanent record of who attended Greensborough College - both student and teachers, includes photographs. 40 Pages (approx), Includes black and white and colour photos and reports. Cover depicts a group photo of students.In pen on front cover: "Donated by Rosie Bray"greensborough college, yearbook, horizon, school magazines, greensborough secondary college -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Horizon 2000: The magazine of Greensborough College Gr8750, 2000_
Each year, the college yearbook reports on the people (students and staff) and events and activities that took place that year. Note: In 1989, Watsonia High School was merged with Watsonia Technical School to become Greensborough Secondary College.A permanent record of who attended Greensborough College - both student and teachers, includes photographsAnnual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place in 2000. Includes black and white and colour photos and reports. 44 pages. Cover depicts students and the Olympic rings.In pen on front cover: "Donated by Rosie Bray"greensborough college, yearbook, horizon, school magazines, greensborough secondary college -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Horizon 2001. The magazine of Greensborough College Gr8750, 2001_
Annual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place in 2001. Each year, the college yearbook reports on the people (students and staff) and events and activities that took place that year. Note: In 1989, Watsonia High School was merged with Watsonia Technical School to become Greensborough Secondary College.A permanent record of who attended Greensborough College - both student and teachers, includes photographs. 60 pages. Includes black and white and colour photos and reports. Cover depicts students.In pen on front cover: "Donated by Rosie Bray"greensborough college, yearbook, horizon, school magazines, greensborough secondary college -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Greensborough College 2002 Gr8750, 2002_
Annual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place in 2002. Each year, the college yearbook reports on the people (students and staff) and events and activities that took place that year. Note: In 1989, Watsonia High School was merged with Watsonia Technical School to become Greensborough Secondary College. Previous editions of this yearbook were called 'Horizon'.A permanent record of who attended Greensborough College - both student and teachers, includes photographs. 68 pages. Includes black and white and colour photos and reportsIn pen inside front cover: "Donated by Rosie Bray"greensborough college, yearbook, horizon, school magazines, greensborough secondary college -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, 'Borough Broadsheet 96. Gr8750, 1996_
Annual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place in 1996. Each year, the college yearbook reports on the people (students and staff) and events and activities that took place that year. Previous editions of this yearbook were titled "Horizon". Note: In 1989, Watsonia High School was merged with Watsonia Technical School to become Greensborough Secondary College.A permanent record of who attended Greensborough College - both student and teachers, includes photographs36 Pages (approx.) Includes black and white photos and reports., Colour cover includes photos of students.In pen inside front cover: "Donated by Rosie Bray"greensborough college, yearbook, horizon, school magazines, watsonia high school, watsonia technical school -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Greensborough Secondary College Yearbook 1993 Gr8750, 1993_
Each year, the college yearbook reports on the people (students and staff) and events and activities that took place that year. Previous editions of this yearbook were titled "Horizon". Note: In 1989, Watsonia High School was merged with Watsonia Technical School to become Greensborough Secondary College.A permanent record of who attended Greensborough College - both student and teachers, includes photographs. Annual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place in 1993. Includes black and white and colour photos and reports. 40 Pages (approx), Cover graphic is a collage of student photos. 2 copies.In pen inside front cover: "Donated by Rosie Bray"greensborough college, greensborough secondary college, yearbook, horizon, school magazines -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Greensborough Secondary College Yearbook 1994 Gr8750, 1994_
Each year, the college yearbook reports on the people (students and staff) and events and activities that took place that year. Previous editions of this yearbook were titled "Horizon". Note: In 1989, Watsonia High School was merged with Watsonia Technical School to become Greensborough Secondary College.A permanent record of who attended Greensborough College - both student and teachers, includes photographs. Annual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place in 1994. Includes black and white and colour photos and reports. 36 Pages (approx), Cover is a collage of student photos and artwork.In pen inside front cover: "Donated by Rosie Bray"greensborough college, greensborough secondary college, yearbook, horizon, school magazines -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Greensborough Secondary College Yearbook 1995. Gr8750, 1995_
Annual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place in 1995. Each year, the college yearbook reports on the people (students and staff) and events and activities that took place that year. Previous editions of this yearbook were titles "Horizon". Note: In 1989, Watsonia High School was merged with Watsonia Technical School to become Greensborough Secondary College.A permanent record of who attended Greensborough College - both student and teachers, includes photographs. 50 Pages (approx.) Includes black and white and colour photos and reports., Cover includes a collage of student photos.In pen inside front cover: "Donated by Rosie Bray"greensborough college, greensborough secondary college, yearbook, horizon, school magazines, watsonia technical school, watsonia high school -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Kurnaji 1989. Watsonia High School Yearbook WaHIGH, 1989_
A permanent record of who attended Watsonia High School - both student and teacher in 1989 - includes photographs. Note: This was the last year of publication of Kurnaji as Watsonia High School was merged with Watsonia Technical School to become Greensborough Secondary College. Includes Roll Call section with names of all students. 50 Pages (approx), Black cover, Title "Kurnaji" in White ink.watsonia high school, kurnaji, yearbooks -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Kurnaji 1978 Watsonia High School Yearbook WaHIGH, 1978_
Annual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place over the year 1978 by using both photos and reports This edition appears to have been produced 'in house' by photocopying. A permanent record of who attended Watsonia High School - both student and teacher in 1978 - includes photographsPages not numbered, pale green cover, Title "Kurnaji 78" in black ink. Cover illustration - black ink line drawing. Stapled foolscap pages.watsonia high school, yearbook, kurnaji, school magazines -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Kurnaji 1974 Watsonia High School Yearbook WaHIGH, 1974_
Annual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place over the year by using both photos and reports. Headmaster / Principal - Mr. G L ShawA permanent record of Who attended Watsonia High School - both student and teacher in 1974 - includes photographs Pages not numbered, yellow cover, Title "Kurnaji" in brown ink. Cover illustration - black ink line drawing. Text and illustrations. 2 copies.watsonia high school, yearbook, kurnaji, school magazines -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Watsonia High School Yearbook 1986 WaHIGH, 1986_
Annual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place over the year by using both photos and reports. Headmaster / Principal - Mr. Don GrantA permanent record of who attended Watsonia High School - both student and teacher in 1986 - includes photographs. Note change of name from Kurnaji (previous yearbooks).Pages not numbered, white cover, Title "Watsonia High School 1986" in Black ink. Contains text and graphics. Cover illustration – black and white photograph.. watsonia high school, yearbook, kurnaji, school magazines -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Watsonia 1983 The Magazine WaHIGH, 1983_
Annual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place over the year 1983 by using both photos and reports. Headmaster / Principal - Mr. Don GrantA permanent record of who attended Watsonia High School - both student and teacher in 1983 - includes photographs. Note change of name from Kurnaji (previous yearbooks).Pages not numbered, blue cover, Title "Watsonia 1983 The Magazine" in blue ink. Contains text and graphics. Cover illustration – stylised board game depicting the school day. 2 copies. One copy has 'M.Willimott' written in pencil on cover.watsonia high school, yearbook, kurnaji, school magazines