Showing 1386 items
matching public schools
Mortlake and District Historical Society
The Peace Tree
This Norfolk Island pine tree was planted in 1919 as 'The Peace Tree'. A community gesture signifying the embrace of 'peace' as a valuable concept symbolised by the planting of a tree. [from Mortlake Dispatch] PEACE DAY 1919. Throughout the Empire three days were marked as Public Holidays including Peace Day in July 1919. Mortlake observed Peace Day by Peace Medals being distributed at the State School, Union Jacks being flown from many buildings and houses and the Peace Tree being planted at the intersection of Officer Street, Jamieson Avenue and Shaw Street. Then followed a procession [of local people]. It is assumed the Progress Association, which undertook the Avenue of Honour, also was responsible for planting the Peace Tree. Norfolk Pine tree located on eastern corner of Officer Street, Shaw Street and Jamieson Avenue intersection.1919, peace, norfolk island pine -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue 3 2021, November 2022
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website.Ship to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, art prize, exhibitions, concerts, open house, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, festival, flying angel, staff, chaplains, heritage, collection, archives, maritime art prize, sue dight, 2021, docklands primary school, community, docklands, covid 19, vaccination, covid vaccine, xmas, christmas, pandemic -
Greensborough Historical Society
Plan, Watsonia High School Library: floor plan 1971, 1971_
In the early 1970s "Commonwealth Libraries" were funded in secondary schools. This is the proposed plan for the Watsonia High School Library.An example of school library plans from the 1970s.3 copies of a one-page floor plan and front elevation of building.Written on front "Watsonia"watsonia high school, commonwealth libraries -
Greensborough Historical Society
Leaflet, Colin Brooks, Putting people first, 2016_
... , with a number of public transport and road improvements primary schools ...Information brochure from Colin Brooks MP detailing improved educational funding for Greensborough Primary School, Bundoora Primary School, Kingsbury Primary School, Greensborough College and Greensborough TAFE, with a number of public transport and road improvementsDouble sided coloured brochureprimary schools greensborough, public transport, colin brooks -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - artist's impression of Kyeema, n.d
On August 19th 1966 a Public meeting was held in the Portland Town Hall with Cr Mibus as Mayor of the town of Portland chairing. From this meeting, a Provisional Committee of ten (10) people was established. At the first meeting of this Committee, it was resolved that a competition to find a name for the Centre was held amongst the local schools. From over two hundred (200) entries the name “Kyeema”, an aboriginal word meaning “dawn” was selected. The Kyeema Centre opened in June 1967 in the Portland Guide Hall. These temporary premises were used until funds could be raised to build on the land the Portland Town Council gave for this project. On 23 November 1969 the new building was built on land donated by the Portland Town Council at the corner of Lalor Street and Bridgewater Road and was officially opened by the Hon. Malcolm Fraser. This facility provided services to children and adults with intellectual disabilities.Black and white photo of an artist's impression of what Kyeema would look like when builtFront: ':KYEEMA:' printed bottom of photokyeema, support services, architect, artists impression -
Greensborough Historical Society
Typewriter- Portable, Olympia typewriter, 1956c
Bought new in the late 1950s by Mr Les Swaby of Greensborough. This is an excellent example of what a 'portable communication device' was viewed as in the 1950s and 1960s. Les was a member of the Greensborough State School Committee, Watsonia Progress Association and Watsonia High School Parents and Friends Association and was Honorary Secretary of each.This typewriter is of historic significance and provenance as it can be directly linked to original items of correspondence held at the Public Records Office of Victoria from the Department of Education under the file for Watsonia High School (WHS), Greensborough. Correspondence from various community and school groups of which Mr Les Swaby was a member was actually generated on this typewriter. Our Society has exhibits related to WHS which includes the correspondence to and from the Victorian Education Department and serving Ministers during the 1950s and 1960s.Contained within a black portable carry case. The actual typewriter is also black and made primariily of all metal components including the typewriter casing. Overall weight is 7kg approx. Olympia Werke West GMBH watsonia, watsonia high, watsonia high school, les swaby, typewriters, olympia -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Letter - Correspondence, 1924
... as arrangements made with the Public Works Dept. EDUCATION Schools Halls ...Letter sent by Hon. R. F. Toutcher MLA's secretary on November 30, 1926 authorising the erection of new school building and necessary out-offices and fences. The work to be carried out as soon as arrangements made with the Public Works Dept.Letter sent from Education Office melbourne to halls gap School Committee authorising erection of new school building.Dept. of Education Victoriaeducation, schools, halls gap -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Letter - Correspondence, 31/03/1931
Memo sent to school committee declining a subsidy on a pound for pound basis, for improvement works at the Halls Gap school. The reason given being that it had been necessary to discontinue the granting of all subsidies due to the condition of the finances of the State. The letter also requests a balance sheet for an entertainment held on 20 March 1931.Memo to Mr. L.S. Watten School Committee No. 3058 from M.H. Bottoms, Secretary of education Dept, Public Offices, Treasury Place,, schools, halls gap -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - B/W, C 1918
... . Local resident Mrs E Watson who attended school in the nearby... Watson who attended school in the nearby public hall remembers ...Kept by A H Barnes, 1922-1924 name changed to Grampians House kept by Miss Allison and Miss Porter 1924-1925 kept by Mrs Anderson Grampians House - The earliest record of Grampians House was recorded in 1918 when the property was known as "Killarney" listed in the Country, Hotel and Boarding House Guide and Tourists handbook. The listing notes it as being kept my Mr A H Barnes The property consisted of 29 acres, the house of 8 rooms, kitchen, bathroom, vestibule, front and side passages, with verandah on front and side of building, also 3 roomed cottage with bathroom, 5 chalets containing 7 bedrooms, storeroom,wash house, water and gas laid on throughout. 4 stall stables and feed house, buggy shed for three buggies, motor shed for 4 cars, cow shed, and yards and pens. Local resident Mrs E Watson who attended school in the nearby public hall remembers going to a side window of the house and being able to purchase biscuits, sweets and drinks. The 1922-24 Handbook the listing was changed to "Grampians House" kept by Misses Allison and Porter. The 1924-25 Handbook listed "Grampians House" being kept by Mrs Anderson.Photo of original building of 8 rooms Proprietor A H BarnesFuji Film Pictor Paperaccommodation, guesthouses, killarney, grampian hosue -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Newspaper - Photocopy
The article shows a photo of the original Hall's Gap Hall and the (then) new Hall, which was built in 1956. The copy has been scanned as two separate images (because it was too large for the scanner). the second image is stored under "Additional Images". HISTORY OF HALL'S GAP HALL: No village, no matter how small, could possibly survive without a public meeting place, and Hall's Gap was no exception, even in 1899-1900. Actually it was the locals of Stony Creek village, as Hall's Gap was known for a short time, who decided to hold a meeting to find out how much interest there was in building a town hall! They soon found out that support was overwhelming, as can be seen by the fact that 14 gentlemen nominated for a position on the committee of four! Several motions were moved at that meeting, mainly with reference to the materials to be used, for instance that no "wattle and daub", but rather slabs of bark and local bush logs be used. The walls were to be constructed of slabs, 6 feet long, 9 inches wide and two inches thick. Uprights were to be 9 feet high and at least 9 inches thick. Sheets of bark, all 32 of them, had to be 8 feet by 8 feet. Tenders for the building materials were called on 9 March 1899 and, 21 days later, McKeon Brothers won the right to supply all the material for the princely sum of 4 pounds 10 shillings. The size of the hall was to be 20 feet by 10 feet. The first hall served the community well for the next thirteen years, being regularly used as a place of entertainment and religious worship. The growing community soon realised the need for a larger venue, with better facilities, so once again the townsfolk rallied to raise funds for a new hall, realising their dream around 1913. In 1921 a schoolteacher was provided by the education department but as there was no school building she was expected to use the hall. Mainly lessons were held in the kitchen as it was much warmer than the hall itself, and it was not unusual for up to twenty children to be taught, ranging in age from 5 to 14 years. It was not until 1928 that an official school was built. 1955-56 were years of great excitement. The Progress Association was in charge of deciding the format for the new hall, and there were many rowdy meetings beforehand. Some members had much more vision than others, and to some the amount of money required seemed astronomical. Two hall committee members resigned over differences of opinion but amazingly it all came together in the end, albeit at a greater cost than had been anticipated. There is only one record of a grant being made for the building,1500 pounds, and it came for the Minister of Public Works. Estimated cost of the building was around 8,000 pounds, and when finally finished it was just slightly over, but bank charges and interest took it to well over 9,000 pounds. An electric light generator was included and lighting installed. The SEC electricity was connected in 1962.A copy of a newspaper article entitled 'The Old . . . and the Present!', which includes two photographs.buildings, halls -
Yendon History Group
Visitors Book, school, Collins Bros, Stationers Pty. Limited, 1964 (estimated)
... yendon public school... school yendon public school visitors yendon school concert ...High level of local significance as there are many names and addresses of present and past identities.Tan coloured book with black spine containing all names of attendees at the Yendon school centenary celebrations 7/3/1964 AND containing names of attendees at the last school concert 16/12/1993"Visitors" in gold coloured script on cover, lower right hand.centenary, yendon state school, yendon public school, visitors, yendon, school concert -
Yendon History Group
Newspaper Cutting, school, Yendon School Faces Closure, 31/3/1982 (exact); Newspaper published 31 Mar 1982
... yendon public school... state school yendon public school ballarat courier small school ...Photocopy of newspaper article, Ballarat Courier 31 May 1982. Enlarged copy, laminated.yendon state school, yendon public school, ballarat courier, small school closure -
Yendon History Group
School Sports Shield
... yendon public school... state school yendon public school yendon fisken cup school ...Wooden shield with metal inscription & other decorative plates in sterling silver attached.FISKEN CUP ASSOCIATION / Won by / YENDON S.S. No 719 / 1930yendon state school, yendon public school, yendon, fisken cup, school sports -
Yendon History Group
Certificate for school bank, The State Savings Bank School Bank Certificate, 1963 (estimated); Assumed to be printed in the same year the certificate was presented
... yendon public school... certificate yendon state school yendon public school yendon state ...Certificate in a glass fronted wooden frame acknowledges that 100% of Yendon School students were bank depositors. Frame of light coloured timber, 20mm wide.Dated 3rd June 1963. Signed "Mall", General Managercertificate, yendon state school, yendon public school, yendon, state savings bank of victoria, school bank -
Yendon History Group
School photograph of Queen Elizabeth II, 1954 (estimated)
... yendon public school... visit 1954 yendon state school yendon public school elizabeth ii ...Coloured photograph of QE II, in a white wooden frame, which used to hang in Yendon State School. Photo probably taken in 1954 during her visit to Australia. She is wearing a yellow dress (photo now faded), a sheer stole, long white gloves, a sprig of wattle on her right shoulder and a blue sash over her left shoulder. She is waving with her right hand.noneroyal visit 1954, yendon state school, yendon public school, elizabeth ii, photograph of queen -
Yendon History Group
Plaque, bronze, school
... yendon public school... state school yendon public school school centenary honourable js ...Bronze plaque screwed to a plastic(?) backing. Saved from the Yendon State School when it was closed. The plaque commemorates the school centenary in 1964. Newspaper article relating to this event is item registration no. 00029.YENDON STATE SCHOOL // THIS PLAQUE COMMEMORATES / THE CENTENARY OF THIS / SCHOOL AND WAS UNVEILED BY / THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, / THE HONOURABLE J.S. BLOOMFIELD, M.L.A., / ON THE 7TH DAY OF MARCH, 1964.yendon state school, yendon public school, school centenary, honourable js bloomfield mla -
Yendon History Group
... yendon public school... state school yendon public school fisken cup school sports acw ...Wooden shield with silver central boss, 10 small silver shields surrounding it. Silver banner across the top. This wooden shield is back with a second wooden shield, this one with a silver plate with donation record at the bottom.FISKEN CUP ASSOCIATION Won by / YENDON / No 719 / 1971 WON BY / YENDON / No 719 / 1972 THIS SHIELD WAS PRESENTED BY / CR & MRS A.C.W.FISKEN C.M.G, O.B.E, M.C / IN NOV 1938 / NEW SHIELDS FOR ENGRAVING WERE / RENEWED BY MRS A.C.W.FISKEN / IN APRIL 1971yendon state school, yendon public school, fisken cup, school sports, acw fisken -
Yendon History Group
Trophy, base of school sports trophy, Fisken Cup, 1927 (estimated)
... yendon public school... state school yendon public school fisken cup school sports ...Solid black bakelite/plastic base. Two mini shields with inscriptions attached to side of base.WON BY / YENDON S.S. / NO 719 / 1927 / STASIL WON BY / YENDON S.S. / NO 719 / 1928 yendon state school, yendon public school, fisken cup, school sports, sports trophy -
Yendon History Group
Trophy, top of school sports trophy, Fisken Cup, 1927 (estimated)
... yendon public school... state school yendon public school fisken cup school sports ...Silver. Two handles curve higher than the rim of the cup. A set of four grooves about one third of the way down the cup. Base is registration no 00010.1 FISKEN CUP / WON BY / YENDON S.S. NO.719yendon state school, yendon public school, fisken cup, school sports, sports trophy -
Yendon History Group
Book, school, Minister's Report, Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the year 1914-15, 1915 (estimated)
Low level of significance, either local or state.Copy of State Government report of 112 pages, which was presented to parliament in 1915, detailing all relevant facets of the education system in, education department, minister of education, public instruction -
Yendon History Group
... yendon public school... state school yendon public school sports shield fisken cup ...Wooden shield with central silver boss, silver banner across top and five small silver shields and one different metal shield. Also has a silver plaque at bottom.FISKEN CUP ASSOCIATION / SCHOOL SPORTS / PERPETUAL SHIELD / 1930 // WON BY / YENDON S.S. / NO 719 / 1930, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1938, 1959yendon state school, yendon public school, sports shield, fisken cup association, school sports perpetual shield -
Yendon History Group
Certificate regarding Yendon School Endowment Plantation, 1957 (estimated)
... yendon public school.... certificate yendon state school yendon public school endowment ...This item holds social significance. It records the inauguration of the school plantation which was expected to be harvested to bring in money for the school. The certificate was signed be every pupil at the scool at the time, so is an important record of Yendon families. Cardboard framed (uncovered), water-stained, dirty, torn and faded.Certificate 1 YENDON SCHOOL ENDOWMENT PLANTATION / Trustees E.G. Pearson District Inspector / A.J. McLachlan Head Teacher / A.J. Harbour Chairman of school Committee / R.W. Harrison / H.G. Bowers Certificate 2 signed by 19 students Certificate 3 (dated) 29th April 1957 / (signed by) A.J. Harbour / H.G. Bowers and 2 others.certificate, yendon state school, yendon public school, endowment plantation -
Yendon History Group
School photograph framed, Harvey Photo, 1973 (exact)
... yendon public school... teachers children yendon state school yendon public school yendon ...Black and while photo of Yendon State School pupils and teachers with the Fisken Shield in 1973. Framed in white wooden frame. Photo taken inside school in front of blackboard Monday 2nd April. Names of students and teachers under photo, which was taken by Harvey Photo. Has water stain on bottom right mount.teachers, children, yendon state school, yendon public school, yendon, fisken cup association, fisken shield, harvey photo -
Yendon History Group
School photograph framed, Harvey Photo, 1971 (exact)
... yendon public school... children yendon state school yendon public school fisken cup ...Black and white photograph of Yendon State School pupils and teacher holding the Fisken Shield. The white painted wooden frame is chipped and the mount is water stained on left hand side. Photo is take by Harvey Photo in 1971. Names of pupils and teacher under phootgraph.YENDON PRIMARY SCHOOL / WINNERS OF FISKEN CUP ASSOCIATION 1971 / Harvey Photo / Names of pupils and teacher F.C. Parnellchildren, yendon state school, yendon public school, fisken cup association, fisken shield, harvey photo, teacher fc parnell -
Yendon History Group
Book, school punishment, REGISTER OF CORPORAL PUNISHMENT School No. 719, printed before 1920
... yendon state school yendon primary school yendon public... school yendon public education corporal punishment school ...This book was used as a record of corporal punishment to children at the Yendon State School between the 1920's until 1972. It has the signatures of the teachers of the period and dated. Inside the front cover it has a list of rules related to disipline and how the corporal was to be carried out. Grey book with No.719 on front cover which was used as a register for corporal punishment. It has had several pages torn out. The first recorded date of entry is 8/6/33 until 22/7/1982.719 on front coveryendon state school yendon primary school yendon public education corporal punishment school discipline -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Shire of Eltham War Memorial, Memorial Park, Garden Hill, Kangaroo Ground; Eltham Heritage Tour, 24 May 1992, 24/05/1992
ELTHAM HERITAGE TOUR The Society excursion on 24th May 1992 was arranged by David Bick, leader of the team carrying out the Shire's heritage study. David selected a number of sites or buildings identified in the study, some of them lesser known components of the Shire's heritage. The tour commenced at the Eltham Shire Office at 10.00 am. Travel was by private car and mini-bus with stops at about twelve locations for commentary by David.It included a short walk in Hurstbridge and lunch at Kinglake. Highlights of the tour included: - 10 am Leave from Shire Offices - 3 Important Trees - A Physical Link to Eltham's First Settlers - Toorak Mansion Gates - A Surviving Farm House - An Intact Circa 1900 Main Street - First Settlers - Gold Miners, and Timber-getters - An Early Hotel - A Pioneering Homestead - Changing Eltham Shire - 20th Century - 4 pm Afternoon Tea and Finish Tour Extract from ELTHAM CULTURAL HERITAGE TOUR (Newsletter No. 85, July 1992, by Bettina Woodburn) "Now we drove through stands of pines to the Kangaroo Ground Lookout Tower, a most unusual War Memorial, World War I. The tower and a shed/residence (it had a chimney) were built from local sandstone. Below to the south and east of Melbourne spread 'suburbia'. Close by the landscape seemed so contrived - English fields and hedgerows! Although only about twenty inches deep, the soil of this ancient volcano, its crater lost under subsequent weathering, was rich, deserving the name of "Garden Hill". Now native trees are taking over again. In Kangaroo Ground itself stand the inevitable Store, School and Church - and two Norfolk pines and a monkey puzzle tree." On November 11th 1926 the Shire of Eltham War Memorial Tower at Kangaroo Ground was opened. It is regarded as one of Melbourne’s most outstanding lookout towers. It commands a magnificent 360 degree panorama from Kinglake across the Diamond Valley to Macedon and the You Yangs. It is built on a peak which was once a volcano, 237 metres above sea level. After World War one a memorial cairn was erected on the site, and in 1925 a committee of public-minded citizens began to plan for a tower. Many generous donations of material and money were forthcoming so that in 1926 the Governor General Lord Stonehaven was able to unveil the plaque before a crowd of 500 people. There was some concern in the 1960s when the Forests Commission wanted to build a firespotters cabin on the top. At first R.S.L. branches opposed the idea, but it was realised that this use could combine with its use as a tourist attraction, and would ensure its maintenance for the future, Today the Kangaroo Ground tower provides one of the best views around Melbourne and is a fitting memorial to those who died in two world wars. From: Historic items for Diamond Valley Community Radio September 1990 (EDHS collection) Record of the Society's history and activities and highlighting various aspects of the Heritage Study undertaken by David Bick used to create the future heritage overlay for the Shire of Eltham and later Nillumbik Shire.Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 4 stripsKodak Gold 100 5095culture, events, garden hill, kangaroo ground, kangaroo ground memorial, memorial park, shire of eltham war memorial tower, war memorials -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Papers - Public Record Office re Kiewa Valley
1. Mongan's Bridge School No. 3403 - 1 page 2. Tawonga School No. 2282 (& Mullindolingong No. 2551) - 28 pages 3. Court of Petty Sessions VPRS 8557 - 9 pages 4. Tangambalanga History c 1922 - 7 pages.Handwritten in pen the headings mongan's bridge school, tawonga school, mullindolingong school, court records in the kiewa valley -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Papers - Graham Gardner and "Back To Beauty"
Graham Gardner has written many historical books and helped organise the 'Back To Beauty' in 1998 Graham was born in 1941 the first child of Jim and Ada Gardner. He lived and went to school at Bogong and moved to Mt Beauty H.E.S. in 1949 and remained there until 1954. He wrote 'Kiewa Kids' in 1998 ready for the 'Back To Beauty' 50th anniversary of public education in Mt Beauty.3 pages on two sheets with small photo of Graham on A4 paper. "Back To Beauty' Program with registration form and a "Back To Beauty" newspaper article1.Stamp on back of page 1 with Graham's address 2. In pencil "Mrs Beryl Hazel (formerly Smith)" written on registration form. 2. Newspaper dated October 10th 1998. page 71 of th The Border Mailgraham gardner, kiewa kids, back to beauty 50th anniversary -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Maths, Frank Roland Potts, Sub Intermediate Mathematics Third Year, 1957
This book was written to cover the whole of the sub intermediate syllabus for Victoria. Form 3 or Year 9 in todays levels This was an introduction to the higher levels of maths, e.g. Leaving certificate. This book is a very good indicator of what was taught in Victorian SchoolsThis has social significance because it shows what students of the Mt Beauty secondary schools would have been learning during the 1950's. This book has been donated by Wilma Davies, a local idenity, and has her usuage in the book. Therfore this makes this item very good interpretive capacity. It is also now out of print and there is only a couple of copies for public viewing that the Victorian State Library, so it a rare collectible book. Faded blue cover with back writing. Black pattern block and linesbook, school, maths, eductional, text-book, wilma davies -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Certificate Prize - Bogong School, Australian Natives Association, 1944
Historical document detailing the significance of beautification and pride taken by all who worked and studied at Bogong School 4590This item represents a period in school and social development when the community covered the beautification of school facilities without State involvement. A period in time when public resources could only cover city and larger townships Buff coloured cardboard certificateThis is to certify that the Bogong School 4590 was awarded a water colour as the A.N.A. prize for the most improved school gardening and grounds in the Beechworth Inspectorial District for 1944 signed J. Parker General Secretarybogong school 4590, gardening awards, beechworth inspectorial