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Orbost & District Historical Society
watch, second half 19th century
... after World War I. Pocket watches were either stem-wound or key ...From the estate of Elsie Cooke. Elsie Cooke was a librarian in Orbost for many years. She was the daughter of John Cooke early Brodribb settler. Elsie Cooke lived all her life in Gippsland,. She was born at Brodribb in 1895 and died in 1970, Elsie Cooke lived at Bruthen for a short time and, in 1937, moved to live with her aunt, Miss Jean Munro. Miss Cooke was Librarian at the Mechanics Institute for many years. Kindness and consideration for other were Miss Cooke’s attributes and she endeared herself to all who knew her. She was a loyal member of the Presbyterian Church and a stalwart of the Ladies’ Guild, an energetic worker for the Municipal Auxiliary and a member of the Red Cross. (ref. Mary Gilbert) Pocket watches were the most common type of watch from their development in the 16th century until wristwatches became popular after World War I. Pocket watches were either stem-wound or key-wound. The very first pocket watches, since their creation in the 16th century, up until the third quarter of the 19th century, had key-wind and key-set movements. On a key-wind watch the mainspring is wound by turning a key which usually fits through a hole in the back inner-lid of the watch case. This item is a key wind watch. A silver lady's pocket watch. There are two keys attached with brown tape. The case has engraved patterns on the top and bottom. There is a small ring for attaching a chain. It opens at the back for winding.46792 anchor lion indecipherable mark (could be a duty stamp) scratched -1864 6 sterling-silver cooke-elsie -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Document - Certificate of Competency, Marine Department, Commonwealth Council for Trade, 1883-1894
Fifteen year old Albert Edward Gill was born in Poplar, Middlesex, in 1868. He volunteered in May 1883 as an Apprentice Ordinary Seaman with the Merchant Services under the London shipping company James P. Corry & Co., owner of the Star Line. The shipping company by this time had a fleet of both clipper and steam cargo ships that sailed as far away as Australia and New Zealand. Gill’s apprenticeship was a four year unpaid term, with only his food, drink, lodgings, washing and medical needs provided for him. The contract had many conditions but it was a wonderful opportunity for a young man. His father James Gill signed the papers as his guarantor. In December 1887 Gill completed his apprenticeship and qualified as an Able Seaman. He served for another seven years with James P. Corry & Co. and earned his Certificate of Competency as a Master in the Merchant Service in April 1894, having passed the Ordinary Examination. (The transcription of Gill's two certificates is provided further down this page.) JAMES P. CORRY & CO. - The Belfast Company was formed in 1826 by Robert Corry, and imported timber from Canada to Ireland. In 1859 the company expanded to import timber from Calcutta, and relocated its offices to London. In the 1880s the company had a fleet of 13 tall clipper ships and included ports in Australia and New Zealand in its destinations. It continued to expand trade even further and by 1908 the Star Line had seven cargo steamers trading with the East and Far East (the ships were named Star of Australia, Star of Japan, Star of England, Star of New Zealand, Star of Ireland, Star of Scotland and Star of Victoria). In 1912 the Star Line ships added an emigrant service to Australia. TRANSCRIPTION OF CERTIFICATES - = = = = = = = = = = = = “Ordinary Apprentice’s Indenture” Transcribed:- (Printed form with printed logo of the Marine Department, Commonwealth Council for Trade. Sanctioned by the Board of Trade, May 1855. ) Registered at the Port of London, Sixteenth of May, 1883, and signed for the Registrar General. Stamped in blue ink “REGISTERED IN LONDON, MAY 16 1883” “RECORD OF THE REGISTER GENERAL OF SEAMEN” “This Indenture, made the SIXTEENTH day of MAY 1883 between ALBERT EDWARD GILL aged FIFTEEN years, a native of POPLAR, in the county of MIDDLESEX of the first part JAMES P. CORRY & CO. OF 9 & 11 FENCHURCH AVENUE in the CITY of LONDON of the second part, and JAMES GILL, of POPLAR, in the county of MIDDLESEX, of the third part, WITNESSETH, That the said ALBERT EDWARD GILL hereby voluntarily binds himself Apprentice unto the said JAMES P. CORRY & CO., his Executers, Administrators and Assigns, for the term of FOUR years from the date hereof; And the said Apprentice hereby covenants that, during such time, the said Apprentice will faithfully serve his said Master, his Executors, Administrators and Assigns, and obey his and their lawful commands, and keep his and their secrets, and will, when required, give to him and them true accounts of his or their goods and money which may be committed to the charge, or come into the hands, of the said Apprentice; and will, in case the said Apprentice enters Her Majesty’s Service during the said term, duly account for and pay, or cause to be paid, to his said Master, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, all such Wages, Prize Money and other Monies as may become payable to the said Apprentice for such service; and that the said Apprentice will not, during the said term, do any damage to his said Master, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, nor will he consent to such damage being done by others, but will, if possible, prevent the same, and give warning thereof; and will not embezzle or waste the Goods of his Master, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, nor give or lend the same to others without his or their licence; nor absent himself from his or their service without leave; nor frequent Taverns or Alehouses, unless upon his or their business, nor play at Unlawful Games : IN CONSIDERATION WHEREOF, the said Master hereby covenants with the said Apprentice, that during the said term he the said Master, his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, will and shall use all proper means to teach the said Apprentice or cause him to be taught the business of a Seaman, and provide the said Apprentice with sufficient Meat, Drink, Lodgings, Washing, Medicine, and Medical and Surgical Assistance, NO WAGES, the said Apprentice providing for himself all sea-bedding, wearing apparel, and necessaries (except such as are herein-before specially agreed to be provided by the said Master): AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED, that if, at any time during the said term, the said Master, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, provide any necessary apparel, or sea-bedding for the said Apprentice, he and they may deduct any sums properly expended thereon by him or them from the sums so agreed to be paid to the said Apprentice as aforesaid: And for the performance of the Agreements herein contained, each of them, the said A.E.GILL and JAMES P CORRY & Co., doth hereby bind himself, his Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, unto the said JAMES P. CORRY & CO., his Executors and Administrators, unto the other of them, his Executors and Administrators, in the penal sum of THIRTY pounds; and for the performance of the covenants on the part of the said Apprentice herein contained, the said JAMES GILL as surety, doth hereby bind himself, his Heirs, Executors, and Administrators unto the said JAMES P. CORRY & Co., his Executors and Administrators, the penal sum of THIRTY pounds; Provided, that notwithstanding the penal stipulations herein contained any Justice or Justices of the Pease may exercise such jurisdiction in respect of the said Apprentice as he or they might have exercised if no such stipulations had been therein contained. In witness whereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year above written. Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of - - Weston, 9 & 11 Fenchurch Avenue Signed, James P. Corry (Master) Signed, Albert Edward Gill (Apprentice) James Gill (Surety) NOTE – This Indenture must be executed in duplicate, both copies must be taken to the Registrar General of Seamen; or if in the Outports to the Shipping Master; one copy will then be retained and recorded, and the other returned to the Master with the necessary endorsement. = = = = = = = = = = = = Reverse of the Indenture, Transcribed:- “This is to certify that the herein mentioned Alfred Edward Gill has served the full term of the Indenture in our employ during which time he has conducted himself satisfactorily. According to the Captain’s report he has been strictly sober during the last – years [? from his failure?] Signed: James P. Corry & Co., Owner, Star Line 9 Fenchurch Avenue St, 13 Dec. ‘87 = = = = = = = = = = = = Certificate of Competency, Transcribed:- (Board of Trade logo and printed text of the certificate, with hand written details filled in) By the Lords of the Committee of Privy, Council for Trade Certificate of Competency as MASTER to Albert Edward Gill Whereas it has been reported to us that you have been found duly qualified to fulfil the duties of MASTER in the Merchant Service, we do hereby, in performance of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, grant you this Certificat6e of Competency. By Order of the Board of Trade, this 19th day of APRIL, 1894 Signed INGRAM B WALKER (one of the Assistant Secretaries of the Board of Trade) Countersigned -, Regulator General. Registered at the Office of the Regulator General of Shipping and Seamen. = = = = = = = = = = = = Reverse of Certificate of Competency, Transcribed:- No. of Certificate - 020886 Address of Owner - SUNNY LAWN, WALLWOOD ROAD, LEYTONSTONE Date and Place of Birth – 1868, POPLAR Signature – A E GILL. This Certificate is given upon an Ordinary Examination passed at LONDON on the 17th day of APRIL 1894 Every person who makes, or procures to be made, or assists in making any false Representation for the Purpose of obtain for himself or for any other Person a Certificate either of Competence or Service, or who forges, assists in forgery, or procures to be forged, or fraudulently alters, assists in fraudulently altering, or procures to be fraudulently altered, any such Certificate or any Official Copy of any such Certificate, or who frequently makes use of any such Certificate, or copy of any such Certificate, which is forged, altered, cancelled, suspended, or to which he is not justly entitled or who fraudulently lends his Certificate to, or allows the same to be used by any other person, shall for each offence be deemed guilty of a Misdemeanour, and my be summarily punished by imprisonment with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding Six Months or by a penalty not exceeding 100 pounds, and any Master or Mate who fails to deliver up a Certificate which has been cancelled or suspended is liable to a penalty not exceeding 50 pounds. N.B. – Any person other than the Owner thereof becoming possessed of the Certificate is required to transmit it forthwith to the Register General of Shipping and Seamen, Custom House, London, E.C. Issued at the Port of LONDON on the 20th day of APRIL 1894. Signed J I-, - Supt. = = = = = = = = = = = = These certificates are significant as a record of the process required to qualify as a ship’s Master, which was required by the vast number of merchant ships that crossed the world to Australia with cargo and passengers, all contributing to the early settlement and development of Australia as a Colony and a Nation. The certificates are also significant for their association with James P. Corry & Col. owner of the Star Line shipping company that provided trade and passengers to Australia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Set of two documents from the Board of Trade, printed on cloth and wax paper, each relating to achieving the standard of Master Seaman, and belonging to Albert Edward Gill. They are dated 1883 to 1894. The forms have been stamped, signed, dated, details completed and sealed with three red wax seals. The certificate number has been stamped onto the document is such as was as to deter forgery. The forms relate to Albert Edward Gill and James P. Corry & Co, Star Line Merchant Services and show his registered number as a Master Seaman. 245.1 – Front: Ordinary Apprentice’s Indenture, printed certificate, with spaces completed and signed by hand, and sealed with three red wax seals. Signed and dated 16 May 1883 Reverse: Handwritten statement, signed and dated 13 Dec 1887. 245.2 – Front: Certificate of Competency, Master in the Merchant Service, printed and completed by hand, registered at the Office of the Regulator General of Shipping and Seamen, dated 19 April 1894. Reverse: Certificate, Ordinary Examination Passed, printed and completed by hand, dated 17 April 1894Signatures and other handwritten details. Stamped with security lines, Registration Number "020886"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, albert edward gill, certificate of compentency, apprentice's indenture, education, employment, 1880's, ordinery examination, able seaman, master seaman, james p. corry & co., star line, timber merchant, emigrant ships -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Postcard (item) - Black and white postcard, Valentine Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd, Tallest Known Hardwood Tree in the World, Height 301 Feet at Marysville, Vic. V10, 1923-1963
An early black and white photograph of the Big Tree in Cambarville in Victoria.An early black and white photograph of the Big Tree in Cambarville in Victoria. It was, at one stage, known to be the tallest hardwood tree in the world standing at 92 meters (301ft, 6 inches). However, it was reduced to 84 meters by a wind storm in 1959. It is a mountain ash. There is a walking track through the forest that will take you to the Big Tree. This postcard was published by Valentine Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd. as a souvenir of Marysville.VALENTINE'S/ POST/ CARD A GENUINE PHOTOGRAPH Dear Mother & Dad I received your letter and/ was glad to know everything is OK at home./ The weather is still pretty good. Today is dull/ with a drop of rain every now & then but not enough/ to stop you from going out. Tomorrow we are going/ to the Eildon Weir so we are hoping it stays fine./ Had a letter from Mrs Thompson. She says Alison is/ doing fine. She has been playing with Judy/ You didnt way whether you were coming up here or/ not but I doubt whether you will get in after next/ week as it is the school holidays. Cumberland House/ seems to be very nice + it is on the main road let me/ know by return post & Ill see what I can do for you./ I think the tariff seems to be the same. Well dear thats all for/ now as I want to send a card to Auntie Love Ethel & Clarriebig tree, mountain ash, cambarville, victoria, valentine publishing co, postcard, souvenir -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Photograph (item) - Colour tinted photograph, Sluicing for Wolfram, Mt. Bismark, 1908
... were lodged in 1908 and then with the start of World War I ...An early colour tinted photograph taken at the Wilks Creek wolfram mine near Marysville in Victoria.An early colour tinted photograph taken at the Wilks Creek wolfram mine near Marysville in Victoria. The first discovery of wolfram in this location was in 1894. The first claims were lodged in 1908 and then with the start of World War I the value of tungsten increased and more claims were lodged and worked. After the war the use for tungsten diminished and the mine was abandoned until World War II when tungsten again became a valuable commodity. However due to difficulties encountered in the mining of the tungsten at the Wilks Creek mine, it was unable to pay its way and at the end of 1943 the mine closed. The viability of mining wolfram at Wilks Creek was again reviewed in the 1960s but with little success. Once again, in 1980 it was reported that there would still be wolfram to be mined but the environmental impact to an area of outstanding natural beauty was deemed to be too great to continue with the project.wilks creek, wolfram mine, wolfram, tungsten, marysville, victoria, mt bismark, wood's point -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Photograph (item) - Colour tinted photograph, 1908
... were lodged in 1908 and then with the start of World War I ...An early black and white photograph taken at the Wilks Creek wolfram mine near Marysville in Victoria.An early black and white photograph taken at the Wilks Creek wolfram mine near Marysville in Victoria. The first discovery of wolfram in this location was in 1894. The first claims were lodged in 1908 and then with the start of World War I the value of tungsten increased and more claims were lodged and worked. After the war the use for tungsten diminished and the mine was abandoned until World War II when tungsten again became a valuable commodity. However due to difficulties encountered in the mining of the tungsten at the Wilks Creek mine, it was unable to pay its way and at the end of 1943 the mine closed. The viability of mining wolfram at Wilks Creek was again reviewed in the 1960s but with little success. Once again, in 1980 it was reported that there would still be wolfram to be mined but the environmental impact to an area of outstanding natural beauty was deemed to be too great to continue with the project.wilks creek, wolfram mine, wolfram, tungsten, marysville, victoria, mt bismark, wood's point -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Booklet - Paperback booklet, Ann Thomas, The Big Culvert, 1992
A history of the Big Culvert in the Cumberland Reserve and its link to the Yarra Track.Paperback. Front cover has an old photograph of the big culvert.non-fictionA history of the Big Culvert in the Cumberland Reserve and its link to the Yarra Track.big culvert, cumberland reserve, yarra track, victoria, history -
Morwell RSL Sub Branch
framed photograph, portrait of Sister of D.J. Hower
Portrait black and white, Nursing Sister 2nd Leiutenant D.J. Hower framed in uniform, with nurses vail, cloack(white Collar) rising sun badge at neck, uniform underneath cloak, australia shoulder badges, details underneath the photo miltary-portrait, photo, framed, 1942, 2/2-Army-General-Hospital, 2nd-A.I.F., Sister-D.J.-Hower, WW2, a4-sized, gold-painted-frame, military, nurse, world-war-2,inscription under photo. 112012 Sister 2\2 A.G.H/ 1942 2nd A.I.F./ D.J. Hower Died 31.1.1974Portrait black and white, Nursing Sister 2nd Leiutenant D.J. Hower framed in uniform, with nurses vail, cloack(white Collar) rising sun badge at neck, uniform underneath cloak, australia shoulder badges, details underneath the photo inscription under photo. 112012 Sister 2\2 A.G.H/ 1942 2nd A.I.F./ D.J. Hower Died 31.1.1974military, photo, 1942, nurse, miltary portrait, framed, 2 2 army general hospital, 2nd a i f, sister d j hower, ww2, a4 sized, gold painted frame, world war 2 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Roll of Honor, Ballarat School of Mines Honor Book, c1920
... world war i... one ww1 ballarat school of mines world war 1 world war i ...The Ballarat Technical Art School made many honour boards for schools and organisation in Victoria and interstate. Their own was made, but the names were not listed. The Ballarat School of Mines Annual Report for 1921 states: 'It has been decided, for the present, to record the names of our students who served in the warm, in an Honor Book, and to defer the erectin of an Honor Board until we can feel ssured that the Roll is complete. the wide spread occupations of our students has rendered it very difficult for us to secure detailed information of their service. A handsome Honor Book and Case has been designed and executed by the staff ad students of the technical Art School, and the engrossing of the names and military records will be proceeded with as soon as possible. The Technical Art School was quite busy with commissions. The SMB Annual Report of 1918 states: 'under the direction of the Art principal (Mr H.H. Smith), the work of the Art School continues to receive wide public recognition. Handsome Honor Boars have been designed and executed for the Sydney Sports' Club, the St Arnaud High School, the Birregurra State School, the Wendouree State School and the Ballarat Old Colonists' Club. The School also designed the certificates for the Young Workers' Patriotic Guild, the 'Herald" Shield for perpetual competition at the technical Schools' athletic meetings, the "Hansen" Shield for competition among the Northern District High Schools, two metal tablets for the Castlemaine high School, and a certificate for the Grampians Secondary Schools' Association. Numerous Honor Books and Mural cases have also been designed for State Schools.' Over 400 former students and staff of the Ballarat School of Mines served during World War One. The 1920 SMb Students' Magazine said' 'Many students left Australia with the first Contingent, and since then, the School has been represented on every field where Australians have fought, from the first landing at Gallipoli to the decisive victory on the 8 August 1918.' The influence of the school was appropriately shown in the fact that at least 13 of its students were officers in the Australian Mining Corps. The title page has the initials 'D.J.' which most probably stands for Donald I. Johnston, a teacher with the Ballarat Technical Art school from 1920 to 1949. The Ballarat School of Mines World War 1 Honor Book remained uncompleted for more than 90 years. The names of over 400 SMB staff and students who served their country were not inscribed until 2012, despite names, ranks and service records being compiled. A restoration project was instigated as part of the 140th anniversary of the Ballarat School of Mines in 2010. Names were inscribed into the book by Calligrapher Lyn Forrester. The University of Ballarat believed this project is important not only to SMB's history, but the families and descendants of those who served while studying or teaching at SMB. The restoration project involved names being hand written in calligraphy into the Honor Book and was funded with the assistance of the 'Restoring Community War Memorial Grant'. The memorial was designed and made by the staff and students of the Ballarat School of Mines Technical Art School under the direction of Principal Herbert H. Smith. In 1921 the Ballarat School of Mines Annual Report recorded: "It has been decided, for the present, to record the names of our students who served in the war, in an Honor Book, and to defer the erection of an Honor Board until we can feel assured that the roll is complete. The wide spread occupations of our students has rended it very difficult for us to secure detailed information of their service. A handsome Honor Book and case has been designed and executed by the staff and students of the Technical Art School, and the engrossing of the names and miliatary records will proceed with as soon as possible. The Ballarat Technical Art School and was involved with the design and manufacture of numerous WW1 memorials. When it came time to complete their own memorial, the Principal died, and the Honor Roll must have been overlooked in the confusion that ensued. There have been numerous theories about why the Honor Roll was never completed, one being that it was because the SMB Principal, Maurice Copland, literally worked himself to death organising repatriation classes for ex-soldiers who attended SMB. The Courier of 18 November 1922 said of Maurice Copland: “He put his very best into the work for the welfare of the soldiers; in fact, he did too much for the good of his physique, for he wore himself out in the services of the returned men. If ever there was a war victim the late Mr Copland was one. But for the stress of work entailed by those repatriation classes and the amount of general war work which he performed Mr Copland would probably have been with them today." Understandably, SMB was thrown into some disarray by their Principal's death and the Honor Book was not completed. The University of Ballarat would like to finally honor its SMB war veterans by completing the Honor Book and as a further mark of respect, dedicate the project to Maurice Copland. The Ballarat Technical Art School undertook many honor boards. The Ballarat School of Mines Annual Report 1918 states: "Under the direction of the Art Principal (Mr H.H. Smith), the work of the Art School continues to receive a wide public recognition. handsome Honor Boards have been designed and executed for the Sydney Sports' Club, the St Arnaud High School, the Birregurra State School, the wendouree State School and the Ballarat Old Colonists' Club. The School also designed certificates for the Young Workers' patriotic Guild, the "Herald" Shield for perpetual Competition at the Technical schools athletics meetings, the "Hansen" Shield for competition in the northern District High Schools, two metal tablets for the Castlemaine High School, and a certificate for the Grampians Secondary Schools' Association. Numerous Honor Gooks and mural cases have also been designed for State Schools." The 1920 Ballarat School of Mines Annual Report stated: Public appreciation of the High standard of design and artistic craft work produced by the students of the Art School, under the direction of the Principal (Mr Herbert H. Smith), continues to be demonstrated by the lage number of important commissions entrusted to the school, not only by the public bodies and business firms by the Education Department and public bodies all over the State." "Amongst the important local commissions received during the year was the designing and supplying of the Municipal Council's Address of Welcome Casket for presentation to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, the designing and supervising of a large four-light stained glass window for the Lydiard Street Methodist Church, ... and supply numerous honor books, honor boards, etc., for public institutions and school." "The School has been honored by, and has acceded to the request of the Education Department to supply designs for the title page, chapter headings and initial letters for the War Service Book which it is about to publish, Mr F. Tate, director of Education, recognising the students' work in this direction by an appreciative letter of thanks. The Education Department has also been instrumental in directing to the School applications from all parts of the State, including Melbourne, for the School to supply competitive sports shields, honor boards, books and designs for certificates, and various decorative objects. The School has therefor been responsible for much work coming to local Ballarat firms which would otherwise have found its way to Melbourne or other centres. In 2011, as the result of a 'Restoring Community War Memorials Grant' calligrapher Lynton Forrester was commissioned to record over 400 names into the honor book. A red leatherbound Ballarat School of Mines Honor Book. The book includes a title page relating to the Ballarat School of Mines and Industries. The Ballarat School of Mines Honor Book was not finally inscribed with names until 2011-2012. world war one, ww1, ballarat school of mines, world war 1, world war i, honour roll, calligraphy, don johnston, honor book, honor roll, copeland, maurice copeland, honour book, roll of honour, percy coltman, arthur e. tandy, leslie coulter -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Pamphlet - Air raid precautions
This file contains two items about air raid instructions during World War 2. 1. Air Raid instructions booklet (15 pages), National Emergency Services of NSW’s official public handbook , produced by Consolidated Press Ltd. 2. City of Caulfield Air Raid Precautions (1 page), cardboard instructions approved by State Emergency Council for Civil Defence, war 1939-1945, emergency services, air raid precautions, air raid sirens, air raid shelters, air raid wardens, caulfield, hawthorn road, packer j. i., tyers s. w. cr., dandenong road, carnegie, briggs james. r. town clerk -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 1 item: A print out of an article in the Western Mail dated 07/02/1919 entitled ‘A Woman’s Melbourne Letter, Melbourne, Jan 24’. It describes a society gathering of which one of the guests is Matron Gertrude Davis. It goes on to describe her distinguished career in the Australian Army Nursing Service both overseas (serving during World War 1); and her plus other nurses working at Caulfield Hospital.royal red cross (1st class), kaisar-i-hind, davis gertrude matron, elsternwick, caulfield hospital, australian army nursing service lemnos, victorian women’s army auxiliary corps (waac), medals, insignia, awards, hospitals, nursing, nursing homes, medical services, nurses, world war 1914-1918, wars, military history, military hospitals, hospital ships -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Caroline Winter, World War One Graves, 05/08/2012
... world war i... cemetery world war i world war pickford evans horace pickford harry ...These photographs were taken by Caroline Winter, lecturer at the University of Ballarat. Horace Pickford was born at Clunes, Victoria. He was killed in action on 27 September 1917. According to his dossier Pickford was in the 58th battalion and was buried in the vicinity of Polygon Wood. Glyndwr Evans was a native of Treorchy in the Welsh Rhondda Valley. He emigrated to Australia with his parents who lived at Randwick in New South Wales. He attended the Ballarat School of Mines, and served on the Student's Magazine Committee in 1905. The following year Glyndwr took up a position as a solutionist at the Golden Horseshoe Mine at Kalgoorlie. In the application for a commission in the AIF Glyndwr stated at he had completed three years at the Ballarat School of Mines, obtaining a Mine Manager's Certificate of Competancy, an Assayers Certificate and additional certificates in Land Surveying, Electrical Technology, Metallurgy and Geology. Gyndwr was a member of the AIF 1st Australian Tunnelling Coy. He was killed in Action at Hill 60 on 25 April 1917 and is buried in Belgium at the Railway Dugout Burial Ground (Plot VII, Row G, Grave 33). ( A number of colour photographs of World War One war graves of soldiers from the Ballarat district. .1) Horace Pickford's headstone, Tyne Cot Cemetery .2) Glyn Evans tombstone, Railway Dugouts Cemetery south of Ypres. 3. Railway Dugouts Cemetery, Glyn Evans tombstone has a poppy on it. university of ballarat, world war one, war graves, war cemetery, world war i, world war, pickford, evans, horace pickford, harry pickford -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter Book, Ballarat School of Mines Outward Letter Book, 1874-8, 1874 - 1878
The Ballarat School of Mines was Australia's first School of Mines, which was established in 1870.Large letter book with rough calf spine and corners, green fabric cover, green marbled end papers, and leather spine labels. Sample letters are shown below Melbourne July 20/77 My Dear Maskelyne, The object of this note is to introduce Mr Barnard the Registrar of the School of Mines at Ballarat to you, and to your Department at the museum as a Correspondent. I presume you still collect specimens all over the world, and from time to time exchange with other museums. The Ballarat School of Mines is subsidized by the State, and is not unlikely to become our chief mining school if indeed it is not that already. As it is in the midst of an interesting geological district it may now and again be able to contribute something rare and valuable even to the British Museum, and on the other hand what is valueless to you may be of greatest use to us. You may place implicit confidence in Mr Barnard who has been connected with the School for years, and is an enthusiast in Scientific matters. Very Truly Yours Charles H. Pearson. P.E. Day Esq M.A. London My dear Sir I have the pleasure to inform you that I have this day written to Professor Maskelyns of the British Museum asking his help in the way suggested by Professor Pearson in a not of introduction with which he has favoured me, and copy of which is now enclosed. May I beg you to be so good as to call on Professor Machelyne make arrangement for the shipment of any case or cases of specimens which the may be able and willing to present to the School. Need I add that your prompt attention to this matter will be much esteemed by Yours faithfully W.H. Barnard Registrar Pro tem ballarat school of mines, correspondence, w.h. barnard, barnard -
Federation University Historical Collection
Postcard, The Watter-mill, Meaulte, Somme
... World War I... War World War 1 World War One World War I France Somme wtter ...This card was most probably purchased by Harry Holmes while on service with the Australian Imperial Forces during World Way One.Black and white postcard showing a three story brick building. It is the Watter-mill, Le Moulin, Somme. This card was purchased by an Australian soldier, probably Henry Smerdon Holmes, during World War One. chatham - holmes family archive, chatham, holmes, harry holmes, world war, world war 1, world war one, world war i, france, somme, wtter-mill, meaulte, le moulin, amiens, aif -
Federation University Historical Collection
Postcard, "A" Squad Cadets, St John's Wood Barracks, 1917
... World War I... World War World War One World War 1 World War I France Harry ...St John's Wood is a district of north-west London, in the City of Westminster, and at the north-west end of Regent's Park. The King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery formerly resided at St John's Wood Barracks. The regiment moved to Woolwich on 6 February 2012; the barracks is to be demolished and developed as housing. ('s_Wood)A number of uniformed men pose for a photograph in front of a weatherboard building. The image is of the "A" Squad Cadets at St John's Wood Barracks, London.This card was purchased by an Australian soldier, probably Henry Smerdon Holmes, during World War One. Verso: "A" Squad Cadets. St John's Wood Barracks, London, 12th March 1917chatham family collection, chatham, world, war, world war one, world war 1, world war i, france, harry holmes, holmes, st john's wood -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Book, Albert Steane, Freemasonic Records Ballarat and District 1854 - 1957, 16/10/1957 (exact)
Born at the Victorian town of Sandhurst (now Bendigo, Albert Steane attended the Gravel Hill State School until the fourth class, then transferred to the Central School 1976 where he gained the Merit Certificate. The monitor system of teacher training had been introduced and he passed as a fourth, third, second and first class pupil teacher. At about 16 years of age Steane was appointed a teacher monitor at £12 per annum. Albert Steane was awarded the Teachers' Certificate of Competency in 1897. He was the first headmaster of the Ballarat Technical School, and opened the Sloyd (woodwork) Centre in 1902 at the Ballarat East Art School (later known as the Ballarat East Free Library). According to the Ballarat Courier of 23 March 1957 Steane established the Ballarat Junior Technical School in February 1913, a part of the School of Mines and Industries Ballarat. The beginning classes with 86 pupils were held at a temporary site at the Dana Street School. Classrooms were so scattered that Steane recalled without his motorbike he would never have covered the ground! By 9 September 1921 the Junior Technical School Building was officially opened on the site of the old Ballarat Gaol. In a confidential report of 1916 Steane was described as one of the best organizers in schools at that time, and he was noted for his strong but fair discipline. In the 1926 school report the Chief Inspector wrote that 'no boy is neglected'. Steane held the position of headmaster at the Ballarat Junior Technical School for 29 years retiring on 16 April 1942. Steane is known for the teaching of Sloyd or woodwork, which was an important point in his career, and for his love of gymnastics. He was made a life member of the Ballarat Y.M.C.A. in 1968 aged 91 years. The teaching of woodwork in Victoria began in 1901 and Steane was chosen, among 18 others for the inaugural training course at Queensberry State School in Melbourne. Because of his lifelong love of gymnastics Steane organized a gymnastic display for the Education Department in 1902 at Bendigo's Golden Jubilee Exhibition. He was one of those instrumental in establishing the Ballarat Y.M.C.A. and directed its physical culture evening classes in 1906. In 1908 Steane toured the world visiting the Swedish Naas Institute and the Gymnastic Festival in Germany. Steane in his reminiscences recalls: "In 1908 I obtained leave of absence and undertook a world trip to further my knowledge of both manual art training and physical training. On this trip I visited U.S.A., Canada, Scotland, England and Europe. Notable events were the attendance at the great 11th Deutche Turnfest at Frankfurt, inspection of the Naas Training School for Sloyd at Naas, Sweden inorgorated [sic] by Otto Solomon, and attendance at Physical Education Demonstrations at London given by the Swedish institution. These P.E. demonstrations were given to assist the organization and introduction of P.E. training in London schools.On returning to Ballarat I resumed my position at the Ballarat East Sloyd Centre and continued my studies at the Ballarat Art School gaining the Drawing Teachers' Certificate." Steane died, aged 93 years, on 13 July 1970, at Sydney, leaving his widow Grace Elliott Steane and children Eric and Violet. Steane is listed on the University of Ballarat Honour Roll at Printed green book with soft cover. The book lists all masonic bodies, including lodges and chapters, that have worked within 30 miles of Ballarat during the first 100 years of Freemasonry in the district. Includes a Loose, one page addenda et Corrigenda.The image of Albert Steane in the front of the book is inscribed "Yours faithfully A.W. Steane."ballarat, freemason, freemasonic, lodge, albert steane, a a w steane, a j dean, mark lodges, royal ark mariners, royal arch chapters, masonic orders -
Federation University Historical Collection
Postcard - black and white, Trafalgar Square, London, 1917, c1917
This card was most probably sent from Harry Holmes to a family member in Ascot, Victoria during his overseas service during World War One.Black and white postcard with a photographic impression of London including Trafalagar Square. The postcard has writing on the back. This card was purchased by an Australian soldier, probably Henry Smerdon Holmes, during World War One and sent to his sister, Mary Coghill HolmesLondon 16.4.17 Dear Mary Received your welcome letter a few weeks back, pleased indeed to hear from you & to know that you were OK. Sorry I have been so long in answering it, but I suppose it is better late then never. Still in the same old job at present, but all 'A' class chaps are to go back to the units 20 per weeks, so it may not be very long before I will be having a move on, Girls seem to be taking the vacant gaps. chatham-holmes family collection, world war one, ascot, trafalgar square, london, holmes -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Extra Muros 1956, Teachers' College Ballarat, 1956
Editorial, Our Principal, Second Year Staff and Students', First Year Students', Main Events of '56, Hostel Highlights, Sporting World, Sports Awards. December 1955 Ballarat Teachers’ College held its first Graduation Ceremony. The words of the Graduation Hymn were written by Mavis Canty. (BTC Handbook 1965) July 1956 Tenders were called for the first section of the new Ballarat Teachers’ College to be built in Gillies St. (BTC Handbook 1965)Light blue cover (cream inside cover) with dark blue and yellow titles. Soft covered magazine of the Ballarat Teachers College. Title page states Vol. 2. No. 3.btc, ballarat teachers college, n. l. harvey, t. w. h. turner, john pianta, d. stanley, b. parker, j. hutchings, n. ruddick, b. poole, r. arthur, e. w. doney, f. golding, a. hutchings, j. hammet, d. wyley, m. hutchinson, i. burt, y. davey, p. mcconville, m. ryan, h. miller, p. wiltshire, d. wright, m. hyndman, v. goodwin, k. reither, h. weeks, r. delbridge, n. freeman, b. pointer, w. taylor, g. mcrae, l. dugdale, b. robson, e. o. walpole, r. j. croft, e. constable, j. brown, j. dugdale, ian burt, heather sparkes, g. whitelaw, e. major, ruth ray, ron bunn, w. j. taylor, shirley a. mclay, d. henderson, a. gleeson, p. utber, a. rutter, i. erdmanis, e. phillips, i. mckinley, a. stalker, m. spencer, c. rodger, r. ross, l. jenkins, j. m. blair, j. kirk, m. odd, b. dahlenburg, m. cattanach -
Federation University Historical Collection
Furniture - Honour Board, Herbert Henry Smith, Ballarat Junior Technical School World War I Honor Board, c1921
... Ballarat Junior Technical School World War I Honor war i... technical school alexander peacock world war 1 world war i honour ...The Ballarat Junior Technical School (BJTS) was the junior division of the Ballarat School of Mines.The honor board was unveiled on 17 June 1922 by Sir Alexander Peacock, the Minister for Public Instruction. it was witnessed by a large gathering of parents, friends, students, past student, Albert Steane (Headmaster) and the president, Council and Staff of the Ballarat School of Mines. At the conclusion of the ceremony the junior Technical School was opened for public inspection and afternoon tea was provided by a ladies committee. The Honour Board contains 28 names and of these only one lost his life on active service. this was Francis G. Davis. After the unveiling his father, A. Davis, planted a tree in the grounds of the Junior Technical School in memory of his deceased son. The following names are on the Honour Board Adair, S.H. Allen, W.I Bennett, H.G Bernaldo, Allan Borradale, Robert Brittain, C.C.. Burge, A.A. Burrow, B.C. Carmichael, N.C. Carnegie, G Collins, H.A. Crick, R.J Cunningham, C Davis, Francis G (killed) Edwards, S.F. Frank, P.C. Gilbert, J.H. James, J.F. Leech, G.J. McGrath, D.G. McNab, J.C. Parkin, R. Paterson, W.J Ronaldson, L.A. Shannon, G.O. Steele, S.L. Terry, W.R. Townsend, S.H. A timber honour board with names written in gold. The board was designed by H.H. Smith, Principal of the Ballarat Technical Art School. A central case holds a copy of the Victorian Education Department War Service war one, ww1, ballarat school of mines, ballarat junior technical school, alexander peacock, world war 1, world war i, honour roll, hh herbert, francis davis, frank davis, s.h. adair, w.i. allen, h.g. bennett, allan bernaldo, robert borradale, c.c. brittain, a.a. burge, b.c. burrow, n.c. carmichael, g. carnegie, h.a. collins, r.j. crick, c. cunningham, s.f. edwards, p.c. frank, j.h. gilbert, j.f. james, g.j. leech, d.g. mcgrath, j.c. mcnab, r. parkin, w.j. paterson, l.a. ronaldson, g.o. shannon, s.l. steele, w.r. terry, s.h. townsend -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph (black & white), Four Principals of the Ballarat School of Mines, June 1983
This photograph was taken at the presentation of a bust of Dick Richards to the Ballarat School of Mines. Dick Richards joined the Ballarat School of Mines (SMB) in 1914, and soon afterwards was granted leave to join an expedition to Antartica. In 1915 he sailed from Australia with the Antartic Exploraton Expedition, led by Sir Ernest Shackleton. Dick Richards was the physicist and sled manager for Shackleton's Ross Sea Party - with the task to meet Shackleton on the other side of the continent. When Shackleton planned his transcontinental crossing he decided to use supply depots as loads of supplies were too heavy to pull. The depots would enable Shackleton's party to carry just enough to reach the Pole, relying on the depots which were to be left by the Aurora's crew every 60 miles, stowed in 2 sledge journeys in 1915 and 1916. Dick Richards spent 3 freezing years in Antarctica between 1914 and 1917. Travelling south with Sir Ernest Shackleton Richards' worst experience was when his ship Aurora, tethered offshore, was blown away in a gale leaving Richards marooned for two years with nine other men on the ice floe. The Ross Sea Party arrived in McMurdo Sound aboard the Aurora in January 1915. The going was tough on the sledging trips as the sledges were overloaded. Temperatures were as low as minus 68F. In June 1916 the party crossed on foot to Cape Evans, occupied Scott's Hut (from his Terra Nova Expedition, erected in January 1911) in May 1915, for two months. On 10 January 1917 Richards was hunting for seals when he saw a ship on the horizon. It was 'The Aurora'. Picking up the relieved survivors 'The Aurora' arrived in New Zealand on 9 February 1917 to a hero's welcome. Joyce, Wild, Hayward and Richards later won the Albert Medal for their heroic devotion to duty. Later an inlet on the Antartic continent was named after Richards. Dick Richards wrote the following years after the ordeal "To me no undertaking carried through to conclusion is for nothing. And so I don't think of our struggle as futile. It was something the human spirit accomplished." After returning to Australia Dick Richards resumed his work at SMB as Lecturer in Physics and Mathematics, and developed many pieces of experimental equipment. During World War Two he acted as a scientific adviser in the production of optical apparatus in Australia. In 1946 he was appointed Principal and twelve years later he retired after a total of 44 years service. Dick Richards has been honoured through the naming of a Ballarat School of Mines prize - The R.W. Richards Medal. This medal later became a University of Ballarat prize. It has been awarded annually since 1959 to the Bachelor of Applied Science graduate considered to have achieved the most outstanding academic performance of their course. The award was was introduced to commemerate the long years of service to tertiary education in Ballarat by Mr Richards. See,Dick.shtmlBlack and white photograph featuring 4 men who had serves as Principal of the Ballarat School of Mines. Left to Right: E.J. (Jack) Barker, Peter Shiells, Richard W. Richards, Graham Beanland.ballarat school of mines, dick richards, antarctica, ernest shackleton -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph (black & white), Richard W. Richards, c1950
This photograph was taken at the presentation of a bust of Dick Richards to the Ballarat School of Mines. Dick Richards joined the Ballarat School of Mines (SMB) in 1914, and soon afterwards was granted leave to join an expedition to Antarctica. In 1915 he sailed from Australia with the Antartic Exploration Expedition, led by Sir Ernest Shackleton. Dick Richards was the physicist and sled manager for Shackleton's Ross Sea Party - with the task to meet Shackleton on the other side of the continent. When Shackleton planned his transcontinental crossing he decided to use supply depots as loads of supplies were too heavy to pull. The depots would enable Shackleton's party to carry just enough to reach the Pole, relying on the depots which were to be left by the Aurora's crew every 60 miles, stowed in 2 sledge journeys in 1915 and 1916. Dick Richards spent 3 freezing years in Antarctica between 1914 and 1917. Travelling south with Sir Ernest Shackleton Richards' worst experience was when his ship Aurora, tethered offshore, was blown away in a gale leaving Richards marooned for two years with nine other men on the ice floe. The Ross Sea Party arrived in McMurdo Sound aboard the Aurora in January 1915. The going was tough on the sledging trips as the sledges were overloaded. Temperatures were as low as minus 68F. In June 1916 the party crossed on foot to Cape Evans, occupied Scott's Hut (from his Terra Nova Expedition, erected in January 1911) in May 1915, for two months. On 10 January 1917 Richards was hunting for seals when he saw a ship on the horizon. It was 'The Aurora'. Picking up the relieved survivors 'The Aurora' arrived in New Zealand on 9 February 1917 to a hero's welcome. Joyce, Wild, Hayward and Richards later won the Albert Medal for their heroic devotion to duty. Later an inlet on the Antartic continent was named after Richards. Dick Richards wrote the following years after the ordeal "To me no undertaking carried through to conclusion is for nothing. And so I don't think of our struggle as futile. It was something the human spirit accomplished." After returning to Australia Dick Richards resumed his work at SMB as Lecturer in Physics and Mathematics, and developed many pieces of experimental equipment. During World War Two he acted as a scientific adviser in the production of optical apparatus in Australia. In 1946 he was appointed Principal and twelve years later he retired after a total of 44 years service. Dick Richards has been honoured through the naming of a Ballarat School of Mines prize - The R.W. Richards Medal. This medal later became a University of Ballarat prize. It has been awarded annually since 1959 to the Bachelor of Applied Science graduate considered to have achieved the most outstanding academic performance of their course. The award was was introduced to commemerate the long years of service to tertiary education in Ballarat by Mr Richards. See,Dick.shtml Black and photo portrait of Richard W. (Dick) Richards, Principal of the Ballarat School of Mines. dick richards, r.w. richards, ballarat school of mines, antarctic explorer -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter - Correspondence, Frank Parker, 16/10/1952
Frank Wright was a renown resident of Smeaton, where he was born on 2 August 1901. He lived at Laura Villa, and attended Smeaton State School. His father William was a gold miner and his mother's name was Sarah. Their family won many singing and instrumental awards. Frank was tutored by Percy Code and was awarded a gold medal for the highest marks in the ALCM examinations in the British Colonies at the age of seventeen years. He became the Australian Open Cornet Champion by the age of eighteen. A year later, Frank conducted the City of Ballarat Band, and later the Ballarat Soldiers’ Memorial Band. He formed the Frank Wright Frisco Band and Frank Wright and his Coliseum Orchestra. These bands won many South Street awards, and Frank as conductor won many awards in the Australian Band Championship contest. In 1933 Frank Wright sailed to England to conduct the famous St Hilda’s Band and was later appointed Musical Director of the London County Council, where he organized many amazing concerts in parks, in and around the London district. He was made Professor of Brass and Military Band Scoring and conducted at the Guildhall of Music and Drama. Frank was often invited to adjudicate Brass Band Championships around Europe, in Australia, including South Street and in New Zealand. The Frank Wright Medal at the Royal South Street competition is awarded to an individual recognized as making an outstanding contribution to brass music in Australia.Letter from Frank Packer of Belle Vue (Manchester) Limited to Frank Wright, 1952Frank Wright Esq., 14, Highbury Grange, London, N.5. Dear Mr. Wright, We have pleasure in enclosing cheque for 10 pounds 10 shillings being the fee and expenses for adjudicating at our 100th Annual September Brass Band Contest held on Saturday, the 6th inst. The Centenary Contest was certainly the greatest of them all, the competing Bands being twenty of the World's best. It was the finest entry the Belle Vue "September" has ever obtained. The awards were very well received, your decisions appear to have given entire satisfaction. I would like ot place on record my appreciation of the able and efficient manner in which you carried out your duties, and trust that the arrangements made for your comfort were in every wat satisfactory. I send along my best wishes and kind regards, and hope to have the pleasure of your co-operation again on some future occasion. Yours faithfully, Belle Vue (Manchester) Limited Frank Parker Brass Band Contest Manager. belle vue, frank wright, letter, adjudicator, brass band -
Federation University Historical Collection
Medal - Numismatics, 'Dead Man's Penny' for Edwin Joseph 'Ted' Cannon, c1919
The Dead Man’s Penny is a commemorative medallion which was presented to the next-of-kin of the men and women from England and the Empire who died during World War One. The Dead Man’s Penny was accompanied by a letter from King George V, stating ‘I join with my grateful people in sending you this memorial of a brave life given for others in the Great War’.[] Popularly known as the "Dead Man’s Penny", because of the similarity in appearance to the somewhat smaller penny coin. 1,355,000 plaques were issued, which used a total of 450 tonnes of bronze, and continued to be issued into the 1930s to commemorate people who died as a consequence of the war. [] It was decided that the design of the plaque was to be picked from submissions made in a public competition. Over 800 designs were submitted and the competition was won by the sculptor and medallist Edward Carter Preston with his design called Pyramus, receiving a first place prize of £250.[] They were initially made at the Memorial Plaque Factory, 54/56 Church Road, Acton, W3, London from 1919. Early plaques did not have a number stamped on them but later ones have a number stamped behind the lion's back leg. [] Ted Cannon's plaquette does not have a stamped number. Ted Cannon was a gifted artist and cartoonist who studied at the Ballarat School of Mines Technical Art School. During the Battle of Pozieres on the Western Front Ted Cannon worked with the Scout Platoon sketching the enemy's gun emplacements. Ted proved invaluable to the Brigade and brought he came under the attention of the Australian High Command. On 13 September 1916 Ted was given a special assignment for General C.B.B. White. Ted was sent out forward of the Old Mill at Verbrandenmolen (in the Ypres Salient) to draw a panorama of the German lines in the area from Hill 60 to The Bluff. It was a hazardous task and Ted was warned to be careful. Tragically he was sniped by an enemy machine-gunner and sustained severe abdominal wounds. Stretcher-bearers rushed him to the 17th Casualty Clearing Station where he was operated on by the doctors at 8.30 that night. With little chance of success, but ever resilient, Ted remained conscious almost to the end. He died early in the morning of the 14 September 1916. His body was buried in the large Military Cemetery at Lijssenthoek. The effects of the late Ted Cannon were returned to his parents. These were an autograph book, three brushes, prayer book, housewife, whistle, book, hymn book, curios. Another listing gives his effects as "identity disc, letters, photos, wallet, 2 books, Mexican Dollar, 1 cent (Ceylon), 3 German Straps, Fountain Pen, Cigarette-holder, Franc Note, 50 centimes Note, devotional book, mirror, rosary, scapula, metal ring, two combs, book of views, nail clippers, badges, tie clip, Egyptian stamp.[] Ted Cannon was an only child. It is not known how the 'Dead Man's Penny' came into the ownership of the donor, but it is thought that it may have been left in a house owned by the donor's mother. Further information on Ted Cannon can be found at and bronze medallion or plaquette featuring an image of Lady Britannia surrounded by two dolphins (representing Britain’s sea power) and a lion (representing Britain) standing over a defeated eagle (symbolising Germany). Around the outer edge of the medallion are the words ‘He died for freedom and honour’. Next to Lady Britannia is the deceased solider’s name, with no rank provided to show equality in their sacrifice. ( The plaque was distributed throughout the British Empire, and the first plaques were distributed in Australia in 1922 "Returned home" by W. & O. Mayne, 2013. ted cannon, edwin joseph cannon, cannon, world war 1, world war -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Richards & co, Ballarat Junior Technical School Senior Cadet Team, 1918
... world war i... middleton world war 1 world war i world war one ballarat junior ...In 1918 the Ballarat Junior Technical School Cadets were the champions of the Maryborough, St Arnaud, Mildura, Colac and Ballarat Districts. According to Neil Leckie, Manager of the Ballarat Ranger Military Museum: * Originally 12 – 14 year olds went to Junior Cadets attached to their school. * From age 14 – 17 they were Senior Cadets attached to the local militia unit. * After 1 July of the year a Cadet turned 18, the Cadet left the Senior Cadets and became a member of the Citizen Military Force. * In October 1918 the AIF, Militia and Cadets were renamed to give some connection to the AIF battalion raised in the area. Ballarat saw: 8th Australian Infantry Regiment comprising: * 8th Battalion AIF renamed 1st Battalion 8th Australian Infantry Regiment * 70th Infantry Militia renamed 2nd Battalion 8th Australian Infantry Regiment * 70th Infantry Cadets renamed 3rd B, 8th Australian Infantry. 39th Australian Infantry Regiment comprising: * 39th Battalion AIF renamed 1st Battalion 39th Australian Regiment * 71st Infantry Militia renamed 2nd Bn, 39th Australian Infantry Regiment * 71st Infantry Cadets renamed 3rd Bn, 39th Australian Infantry Regiment Prior to the reorganisation in 1918 the 18th Brigade was the 70th, 71st and 73rd Infantry. It is thought that the 18th Brigade Cadet units in 1920 were those that came from the old: * 69th Infantry (Geelong/Queenscliff) * 70th Infantry (Ballarat/Colac) * 71st Infantry (Ballarat West) * 72nd Infantry Warrnambool) * 73rd Infantry (NW Vic) The next name change came in 1921! The Ballarat Star, Saturday 22 June 1918, Page 4 Junior Technical School Cadet Team. The Ballarat Junior Technical School Cadet Team, which was very successful in the competitions recently held at Colac, hopes to be able to compete in similar events at Maryborough. Mildura, and St. Arnaud, but unfortunately they have no funds available for the purpose. An appeal is to be made to the citizens of Ballarat to assist them in defraying the cost of their participation in the competitions at the places mentioned. The Ballarat Star, Saturday 6 July 1918, Page 3 MARYBOROUGH MILITARY SPORTS SUCCESS OF BALLARAT CADETS Maryborough, Friday, The following were the principal results of the events held here on the occasion of the handing over of' the 1900 quota of cadets to the Citizens' Forces, the ceremony in connection with which' was supplemented by arranging a programme of military events. Rifle Exercises, - Ballarat Technical School (85 pts:). l; St: Arnaud (75 pts.). 2; Maryborough High School (68 pts.). 3. Maryborough (66 pts), also competed. Despatch Race. 400 yards— Maryborough (No. 1); 1; Ballarat Technical School, 2. Squad Drill with Arms — Ballarat Technical. School (85. pts): 1; St. Arnaud (72 pts.) 2; Maryborough High School (70- pts), 3. Maryborough No. 1 (68 pts.) 3. Night Alarm: — Ballarat Technical School (3 min. 35. sees), 1; Maryborough High School (4 min. 4 secs), 2; Maryborough No. I (3- min 50 secs), 3. St. Arnaud (4 min. 10 secs). Placing Indian Club. — Maryborough No. 1,1; Ballarat Technical School, 2 Physical Training. Ballarat Technical School (85 pts), 1 ; Maryborough High School, (76 pts). 2; St. Arnaud (70. pts), .3. Tunnel Ball: Maryborough No. 2, 1'; Ballarat Technical School, 2; St. Arnaud; 3. Chase Ball in Two Lines.— Ballarat Technical School. 1; Maryborough; 2. Obstacle Race.. — Sergeant C. F. W. Krahnert (Ballarat), 1; T. Brown (High School) 2; Aggregate Points — Following are the aggregate points scored by the four leading teams :— Ballarat Technical School; 21; Maryborough. 9; Maryborough High School, 6; St. Arnaud 6. The Ballarat Star, Monday 28 October 1918, Page 4. Junior Technical School Cadet Team. —The Junior Technical School's cadet team, which won the championship at the South street competitions this year, was tendered a dinner by the staff in appreciation of the honor they had brought to the school. The function was held at Miss Brazenor's tea rooms, and a most dainty repast was served, the tables being arranged in the artistic fashion which is characteristic of these ladies. Mr W. H. Middleton (president of the School of Mines), Mr H. Smith (principal of the Art School), Lieut. P. Miller (instructor of the High School team), and Sgt. S. Fry were also present. Mr A. W. Steane (head master of The Junior Technical School) presided. After the toast of the King, Mr Middleton proposed, and Mr H. Smith supported, the health of the team and their instructor, Lieut. H. Wakeling, who suitably responded. The toast of the High School team was proposed by Mr. R. Cutler.; and Lieut D. Miller responded. The cup won at the recent competitions was then handed over to Mr - Steane; in accepting the trophy, said he was pleased to see swell a clean, sportsmanlike spirit between the rival teams. He hoped it would continue. He was proud to accept the cup from the team for the school. The Ballarat Star, Monday 12 April 1920 SENIOR CADET COMPETITION. 18th BRIGADE CHAMPIONSHIP. WON BY HIGH SCHOOL. On Saturday afternoon the championship of the 18th Brigade was decided as a preliminary to the State Championship, which will be held on the M.C.C. ground, Melbourne, on Anzac Day. Results, after a keen contest : Ballarat High School .... 1, Junior Technical School .. 2 As a result of this competition, High School will represent the 18th Brigade which embraces Ballarat, Geelong, Colac and the Western District, in the State event. Black and white photograph of 23 men in military uniform. Most wear a slouch hat, with the number 71 on the hat band. Two trophies are positioned in the front. Four men in the front row hold rifles. Back: R. Hirt; Percy Trompf; J. Nicholls; Robert Serjeant; J. Jones; A. Hannah; A. Duncan; L. Lindsay. Centre: H. Ashley; H. Beanland; J. Finlayson; F. Larkin; G. Chambers; A. McCallum; T. Shattock; E. Rowsell. Front: Sergeant A. Roe; John Dulfer, Major Tucker; Lieutenant Harold Wakeling; Sergeant-Major Reeves; Sergeant K. Krahnert; W. Middleton. .1) Mount and frame are wood grain. Top right hand corner of frame is chipped. .5) Framed black and white print of 1918 Ballarat Junior Technical School senior cadet team. 23 men in uniform. The St Arnaud event was for boys born in 1900 (the Quota). They would turn 18 in 1918..2) Reverse of photograph - "Ballarat Tech School Cadet Corp, 1918 / H Wakeling in charge / Photo property of H. Beanland / A Williams not in photo / H Wakeling & A Williams completed teacher training courses as I did but were 3 or 4 years my senior." .5) Top of mount - "Ballarat Junior Technical School Senior Cadet Team / champions 1918" Bottom of mount - "Winners of Following Competitions:- Stawell Colac Maryborough St Arnaud Mildura South Street "A" Grade" r hirt, percy trompf, j nicholls, robert serjeant, j jones, a hannah, a duncan, l lindsay, h ashley, h beanland, j finlayson, f larkin, g chambers, a mccallum, t shattock, e rowsell, a roe, john dulfer, tucker, harold gordon wakeling, reeves, krahnert, w middleton, world war 1, world war i, world war one, ballarat junior technical school, ballarat school of mines, wakeling, harold wakeling, royal south street competitions, 71st regiment, howard beanland -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Cadets, Richards & co, Ballarat Junior Technical School Cadets, c1917
... world war i... world war i world war one school of mines ballarat wakeling A. W ....5) Item was in the collection of A E Williams from 1918 - 1988 The copies were prepared for the SMB history by Geoff Pope c1979.Mounted sepia prints, showing 18 males in cadet uniform, holding rifles. 6 copies in various condition. .5) and .4) are copies, and not mounted. On front - embossed printing - "Richards & co." .1) On back in pencil - "J.T.S. Cadet Team, 1917." .3) and .4) On back - "1918-20(?) S.M.B. Cadet Team. Standing - 1. A. W. Middleditch, 2. P. Hirt, 3. M. F. Larkin, 4. G. Chambers, 5. G. Renkin, 6. E. V. Rowsell, 7. A. G. Hannah, 8. Charles Howard Beanland. Seated - 1. F. H. Brown, 2. John Dulfer, 3. Major Samuel Tucker, 4. E. Reeves (Staff Sergeant Major), 5. H. Ashley, 6. L. Pearson, 7. G. Nicholls. In Front - 1. G. Beanland (205.3 has this item crossed out), 2. J.L. Lindsay, 3. G.E. Deeble (?)" .6) On back in pencil - "AEW / 1918/20?" ballarat junior technical school, a w middleditch, p hirt, m f larkin, g chambers, g renkin, e v rowsell, a g hannah, c h beanland, f h brown, j dulfer, harold gordon wakeling, e reeves, h ashley, l pearson, g nicholls, g beanland, j l lindsay, g e deeble, world war 1, world war i, world war one, school of mines ballarat, wakeling, a. w. middleditch, p. hirt, m.f. larkin, a.g. hannah, g. renkin, e.v. rowsell, charles beanland, c.b. beanland, h. ashley, e, reeves, g. nicholls, l. pearson, john dulfer, samuel tucker, f.h. brown, g. chambers -
Federation University Historical Collection
Souvenir - Note pad Holder, Ballarat Avenue of Honor Note Pad Holder
... world war i... of victory arch of victory world war 1 world war one world war i ...Timber note pad holder with a pictorial representation of the Ballarat Avenue of Honor burnt into the timber (poker work). ballarat avenue of honor, ballarat avenue of honour, ballarat arch of victory, arch of victory, world war 1, world war one, world war i, pokerwork -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Cassell and Company, Ltd, Australian War Photographs, 1917
... world war i... 1 world war i france trenches front line birdwood mark ...Photographic history of Australians during World War One129 page book with soft beige, brown and black cover depicting three soldiers at the front during World War One. The book includes many photographs and artwork of Australians at the French front from November 1917 until the end of the war. Photographers include Frank Hurley, E. Brooks, H.F. Baldwin and G.H. Wilkins. Artists include Crozier, W.L. King, Alan Lewis, Lothian, John Davis, S. Perks, I. Picking, Daryl Lindsay, Alf Saville, L.H. Howie, Stuart Shaw, P. Huthnance, Stiggo, S. Perks, C.H. Gould, Ted Canon, Bernie Bragg, S. Shaw, Will Dyson, An introduction is written by W. Birdwood, France, 28 September 1917. A number of pages have written notes on them by someone who had obviously been on the French Front. (These pages have been scanned and uploaded onto Victorian Collections. non-fictionPhotographic history of Australians during World War Onechatham family collection, chatham, world war one, world war 1, world war i, france, trenches, front line, birdwood, mark ridgeay, harold williamson, flanders, poziers, somme, becourt, mouquet farm, rupert whiteley, ypres, montauban, field cooker, gueudecourt, band, bapaume, bullecourt, h. murray, hindernburg wire, messines, howitzer, w. holmes. canon, ted canon, hill 60, gas masks, siege battery, menin road, ambulance, dressing station, glencorse wood, prisoners, pigeons, australian commonwealth military forces, sgs, chatham - holmes family archive -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Tom (possibly from Clunes), 1918
... world war i... world war i chatham chatham family collection pickford soldier ...Tom is probably a part of the Pickford familyAn AIF soldier stand in coat. He is wearing a slouch hat and holds a stick.In ink on lower right corner: "Yours sincerely Tom 1.3.18world war one, world war 1, world war i, chatham, chatham family collection, pickford, soldier -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - black and white postcard, Edith Pickford in WW1 AIF uniform and a standing uniformed woman, c 1915
... world war i... war one world war 1 world war i chatham chatham family ...Two young women pose in military uniform. One on the left is Edith Pickford of war one, world war 1, world war i, chatham, chatham family collection, pickford, soldier, edith pickford, unform, music, women, clunes -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Sepia Postcard, Henry Smerdon Holmes, c 1915
... world war i... henry holmes smerdon world war world war 1 world war i uniform ...HENRY SMERDON (Harry) HOLMES was born in 1897 at the family property, ’Sauchieburn’, 17 km north of Ballarat, in the Ascot district. He was the youngest of four children. After finishing his education at St Patrick’s College, Ballarat, Henry joined the Holmes family farming interests. At the age of 18 he enlisted and served with AIF in Egypt, France and Belgium 1915-1918. Henry served at the famous battlegrounds of Ypes and Somme in the Australian Army 8th Battalion He was a Driver with the 4th D.A.C. According to his Soldier's Pay Books (Cat. No. 20112) Holmes Registration number was 7983. He was Catholic and enlisted in the Third Military District on 17 September 1915, and embarked on 8 November 1915. Holmes was in the 18th AASC Unit with the rank of Driver at that time. On 15 November 1918 Holmes was promoted to Lance Corporal. He received leave on: * 3 August 1917 - London (10 days) * 19 February 1918 - Paris (10 days) * 27 August 1918 - London (14 days) In 1922 Harry married Edith Pickford of 'Yeovil', Clunes, and they lived at 'Sauchieburn' with Henry's brother Willie. In 1933 Harry and Edith built a new timber home 'Launchley' (Ascot) on the rise east of 'Sauchieburn' on the Ballarat - Maryborough Road. The home was built by Con Zilles to the designs of Clegg and Morrow. In 1938 Harry and Edith purchased a property at Derrinallum, Victoria and called it 'Launchley Park' on their first son's return from World War 2. In 1953 Harry purchased William and Charlotte's portion of 'Sauchieburn' for his son, Bill, and daughter-in-law Margaret. [Source: Unpublished notes by Jane Dyer ( nee Chatham)]Sepia photographic postcard of a World War 1 Australian soldier in uniform, Henry Smerdon Holmes from Ascot Victoria.Verso in pen "The boys say this isn't to (sic) bad so it will show you any changes. Heaps of love to all. Harrychatham, chatham family collection, holmes, harry holmes, henry holmes, smerdon, world war, world war 1, world war i, uniform -
Federation University Historical Collection
Postcard, 'United We Stand' World War One Souvenir Postcard, c1916
... world war i... henry holmes world war world war 1 world war i world war one ...Postcard sent from the French theatre of war during World War One by Harry Holmes. HENRY SMERDON (Harry) HOLMES was born in 1897 at the family property, ’Sauchieburn’, 17 km north of Ballarat, in the Ascot district. He was the youngest of four children. After finishing his education at St Patrick’s College, Ballarat, Henry joined the Holmes family farming interests. At the age of 18 he enlisted and served with AIF in Egypt, France and Belgium 1915-1918. Henry served at the famous battlegrounds of Ypes and Somme in the Australian Army 8th Battalion. He was a Driver with the 4th D.A.C. The postcard is of "The Ascot" boys. Includes [Samuel] Gordon Spittle, Henry [Harry] Holmes's first cousin, and other Ascot lads and district connections: neighbours, Ascot State School classmates and football mates from Clunes / Creswick districts. (Research by Jane Dyer) White postcard with embroidery on white silk. The embroidery includes 5 flags (England, France, Italy, Belgium, Russia), a blue horseshoe, a green sprig rosemary and the words 'United We Stand".Verso: With best love from Harry 13/5/16chatham, chatham family collection, holmes, harry holmes, henry holmes, world war, world war 1, world war i, world war one.