Showing 1104 items
matching justice
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Australian Law Reform Commission, Review of the adversarial system of litigation : rethinking the federal civil litigation system : issues paper 20, 1997
Issues paper 20ISBN: 0642270945adversary system (law) -- australia, civil procedure -- australia, administrative procedure -- australia, family law -- australia -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Australian Law Reform Commission, Review of the adversarial system of litigation : rethinking legal education and training : issues paper 21, 1997
Issues paper 21ISBN: 0642280789adversary system (law) -- australia, law -- study and teaching -- australia, judges -- education -- australia -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Astor, Hilary, Quality in court connected mediation programs : an issues paper, 2001
dispute resolution (law) -- australia, mediation -- australia -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Australian Law Reform Commission, Review of the adversarial system of litigation : ADR - its role in federal dispute resolution : issues paper 25, 1998
Issues paper 25ISBN: 0642471053adversary system (law) -- australia, dispute resolution (law) -- australia, litigation, adversary system, alternative dispute resolution, national native title tribunal, law reform, cases (law), federal issue -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Victoria. Parliament. Law Reform Committee, Alternative dispute resolution : discussion paper, 2007
Discussion paper September 2007ISBN: 9780975798430dispute resolution (law) -- victoria, mediation -- victoria -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Book, Birrell, Augustine et al, The duties and liabilities of trustees : six lectures : delivered in the inner temple during the Hilary sittings, 1896, at the request of the Council of Legal Education, 1920
1920 reprinttrusts and trustees -- great britain -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Review of civil and administrative penalties in federal jurisdiction : background paper, 2001
Background Paper No. 7administrative law -- australia, administrative agencies -- australia, remedies (law) -- australia, administrative law -- australia -- criminal provisions, administrative remedies -- australia, sanctions:administrative--australia, civil penalties -- australia, law enforcement -- australia -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Books, Australia Attorney-General's Department, The Corporations Law : reprinted as at 30 June 1992, 1992
Reprinted as at 30 June 1992 2 volumes australia. corporations act 1989, corporation law -- australia, law and legislation, business -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Book, Strahan, J. A, A concise introduction to conveyancing : with a chapter on Irish conveyancing, 1921
Second edition Name inside front cover: "Thomas W. Smith Trinity College Parkville"conveyancing -- great britain, land titles -- great britain -- registration and transfer, torrens system -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Tasmania Law Reform Institute : warnings in sexual offences cases relating to delay in complaint, 2006
sex crimes -- law and legislation -- tasmania, complaints (criminal procedure) -- tasmania, law reform -- tasmania -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Book, Else-Mitchell, R. et al, Hire-purchase law : being the Hire-purchase Act, 1960-1965 (N.S.W.) : annotated and explained, together with a comparative table of sections of the various hire-purchase acts of the Australian states, and the Australian Capital Territory ordinance, 1968
Fourth editionsales: conditional -- new south wales -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Confiscation that counts : a review of the proceeds of Crime Act 1987 : Report No 87, 1999
Report no. 87searches and seizures -- law and legislation -- australia, confiscations -- australia, criminal law -- australia, searches and seizures -- australia, forfeiture -- australia, confiscations -- law and legislation -- australia, money laundering -- australia -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Book, Fricke, Graham L, Compulsory acquisition of land in Australia : and particularly in Victoria, 1975
ISBN: 0455193479land tenure -- law and legislation -- australia, land tenure -- law and legislation -- victoria, eminent domain -- australia -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Book, Rustomjee, Noshir C. J, The Rent Act : No. 7 of 1972 : being an exposition of the act, 1972
Includes fold out Dedication on second page: "To my very dear friend and colleague, Tim Smith, with my compliments Noshir C. J. Rustomjee 26th June 1986"rent control -- sri lanka, landlord and tenant -- sri lanka -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Maximum penalties for sexual penetration with a child under 16 : report, 2009
sentences (criminal procedure) -- victoria, sex crimes -- victoria, child sex abuse -- victoria, liability for child sexual abuse -- victoria -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Book, Rose, Dennis J, Lewis' Australian bankruptcy law, 1967
Fifth edition Has dust jacketbankruptcy -- australia -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Book, Ball, W. Valentine et al, The law of libel and slander, 1936
Second editionlibel and slander -- great britain, press law -- great britain -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Journals, Great Britain. Supreme Court of Judicature, The annual practice 1948 [1957] : being a collection of the statutes, orders, and rules relating to the general practice, procedure, and jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, with notes, [1949]
Previous owner: T. H. Smith, T. W. Smith2 Very wide volumes & 1 not so wide Volume 1948 & Volume 1957 & 1957 Tables & Index Index volume by F. W. SimpsonISSN: 00395978procedure (law) -- great britain, court rules -- great britain -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Hanlon, Fiona, Criminal conferencing: managing or re-imagining criminal proceedings?, 2010
ISBN: 9781875527533criminal justice: administration of, criminal justice: administration of -- australia, trials, trials -- australia, evidence: criminal, criminal procedure -- australia, criminal procedure, mediation, judicial councils and conferences -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Vines, Prue, Bleak House revisited? : disproportionality in family provision estate litigation in New South Wales and Victoria, 2011
ISBN: 9781875527564inheritance and succession -- australia, actions and defenses -- australia, assets (accounting) -- management, wills -- australia -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Hale, Sandra, Interpreter policies, practices and protocols in Australian courts and tribunals : a national survey, 2011
ISBN: 9781875527557law -- translating, criminal justice: administration of -- australia, court interpreting and translating -- australia, interpreters, court procedures -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Book, Victoria, Acts index : 1985, 1985
victoria. laws: etc -- indexes, law -- victoria -- indexes, legislation -- victoria -- indexes -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Review of the Uniform Evidence Acts : discussion paper : ALRC discussion paper 69 : NSWLRC discussion paper 47 : VLRC discussion paper July 2005, 2005
Australian Law Reform Commision (ALRC) discussion paper 69 New South Wales Law Reform Commission (NSWLRC) discussion paper 47 Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC) discussion paper July 2005ISBN: 0975060090australia. evidence act 1995, evidence (law) -- australia, privileges and immunities -- australia -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Uniform evidence law : report : ALRC report 102 : NSWLRC report 112 : VLRC final report December 2005, 2005
Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) report 102 New South Wales Law Reform Commission (NSWLRC) report 112 Victoria Law Reform Commission (VLRC) final report December 2005 ISBN: 0975821318evidence (law) -- australia, privileges and immunities -- australia, legislative harmonisation, law reform, evidence act 1995, interstate comparisons, evidence act 1995 (nsw), evidence act 1958 (vic) -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report series, Review of Australian privacy law : discussion paper : discussion paper 72 September 2007, 2007
No. of volumes: 3 Range of volumes: Vol. 1-3 Discussion paper 72 September 2007ISBN: 9780975821398australia. privacy act 1988, privacy -- law and legislation -- australia, privacy: right of -- australia, confidential communications -- australia, disclosure of information -- law and legislation -- australia, legislative review, law reform -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report series, For your information: report : Australian privacy law and practice : report 108 May 2008, 2008
No. of volumes: 3 Range of volumes: Vol. 1-3 Report 108 May 2008ISBN: 9780980415322australia. privacy act 1988, privacy -- law and legislation -- australia, privacy: right of -- australia, confidential communications -- australia, disclosure of information -- law and legislation -- australia -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Journal series, Res judicatae : the magazine of the Law Students' Society of Victoria [became Melbourne University Law Review], 1940
Previous owners: T. H. Smith, T. W. Smith, Victorian Law FoundationNo. of volumes: 20 Volume range: Res Judicatae: Vol. 1 (1935-38) - Vol. 7 (1955-57) NB: Vol. 4&5 are bound in same book Melbourne University law review: Vol. 1 part 1 (1957) [p. i-xii only], Vol. 1 parts 3 & 4, Vol. 2 parts 1-4, Vol. 3 parts 1-4, Vol. 4 parts 2-3 (1964) Missing volumes: Vols. 1 parts 1&2, 4 part 1 ISBN: 00258938law -- australia -- periodicals, law reviews -- australia -- victoria -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Lane, Patricia M, Court management information : a discussion paper, 1993
Discussion paperISBN: 1875527109court administration -- australia -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee, Inquiry into the right to silence : final report March 1999, 1999
Final report March 1999 No. 40 session 1998 Includes 'With compliments' slip inside front coverISBN: 0731130189criminal procedure -- victoria, silence (law) -- victoria, self-incrimination -- victoria, evidence: criminal -- victoria -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Williams, Philip L. et al, The cost of civil litigation before intermediate courts in Australia, 1992
ISBN: 1875527052civil procedure -- australia -- costs, appellate courts -- australia, costs (law) -- australia