Historical information

Previous owners: T. H. Smith, T. W. Smith

Physical description

No. of volumes: 294
Volume range: 1866-2014 (Years with 2 parts: 1891-1911, 1916-1919, 1921, 1924-1942, 1948-1972, 1990-1991) (Years with 3 parts: 1912-1915, 1920, 1922-1923) (2009-2014 unbound parts)

Bulwer, J. R. (Vol. 1866-1886)
Stone, A. P. (Vol. 1886-1894)
Pollock, F. (Vol. 1895-1936)
Topham, A. F. (Vol. 1936-1939)
Williams, R. E. L. V. (Vol. 1940)
Sutton, R. (Vol. 1941-1953)
Colinvaux, R. P. (Vol. 1953- 1968)
Lamb, J. F. (Vol. 1969)
Ellis, C. J. (Vol. 1970-1995)
Williams, R. (Vol. 1996-2007)
Scowen, C. (Vol. 2008)

Queen's Bench 1866-1900 & 1952 (Part 2)-2008
King's Bench 1901-1952 (Part 1)

Inscriptions & markings

ISSN: 02641127