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Melbourne Legacy
Letter - Document, letter, 15/12/1980
Reply to invitation by Legacy to Mr AGW Keys, National President of the Returned Services League of Australia (RSL). Legatees met regularly and had guest speakers to entertain and inform on different subjects at their Tuesday Luncheons. This document was from a file of information about guest speakers (see also 00812-00822 and 00829-00837). The Programme Committee was responsible for organising the speakers. A record that the speakers at the Legacy functions were from very different walks of life and the subjects spoken on varied. White A4 paper, black type, on R.S.L. letterhead to Legacy.Signed: Bill (A.G.W. Keys, President)speakers, programme committee -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph - Photo, Legacy Lone Pines, 1989
Photos of President Chas Wilks collecting pine cones from the Lone Pine descendant at the Shrine of Remembrance, the 24th Battalion tree. The cones dropped to the ground and school children are seen collecting them. Legacy has run a programme since the 1970s of propagating saplings taken from seeds of pine descended from a pine tree from Gallipoli and giving them to various clubs, schools and town councils. The photo appeared in the President's Highlights report in 1989. The caption says '1,000 seedlings from the historic Lone Pine tree near the Shrine of Remembrance will be propagated on behalf of Melbourne Legacy by the Department of Conservation Forests and Lands. Melbourne President Legatee Chas Wilks, along with the Minister for CFL, Ms Kay Setches and pupils from South Yarra Primary School helped to collect the seeds. The trees, once grown will be distributed to schools by Melbourne Legacy. Also see item at 01334 in 1993 when President Woodward was giving out saplings, it was three years later was when the saplings grown from these seeds were distributed. Legacy is helping to keep the memory of the Gallipoli "Lone Pine" alive - its spirit living on today. Presentations are made to schools, ex-service organisations and interested bodies by Legacy Clubs in the hope that they will be cherished as a symbol of nationhood and of its just pride, devotion, courage, selflessness and sense of service to others.A record of the way Legacy was propagating Lone Pine saplings for schools and organisations. The Lone Pine programme show the type of work done by Legatees to keep the memory of Gallipoli and fallen comrades alive.Colour photo x 4 of President Chas Wilks in a crane collecting pine cones at the Shrine and children collecting the cones.Handwritten '10' in a circle in blue pen.tree planting, lone pine -
Melbourne Legacy
Programme, Wangaratta Group Annual Meeting & Dinner, 1978
Program for the Installation of Group President Elect Legatee R.D. Graham Saturday 5th August 1978. Program includes running order and menu.A record of official meeting procedures for Legacy branches and the importance of gathering together to install the new President.Cardboard program for the Installation of Group President Elect Legatee R.D. Graham Saturday 5th August 1978. Program includes running order and menu.branch, wangaratta, changeover dinner -
Melbourne Legacy
Book - Book, diary, The Blackwood Papers, 1976
The diary written by Legatee George Blackwood which gives an account of the life of a Melbourne Legacy President in 1975, the people he meets, the places he goes and some humour. The forward was written by Legatee Ravenscroft who was president in 1983. The first few pages deal with the history of Legacy. Then there are the speeches that were spoken at the handover dinner when Legatee Blackwood was the outgoing president and Legatee Baker was incoming. The speeches had interesting facts and insights into the characters of some of the legatees. Subsequent pages included the day to day events that the President experienced under the title of President's Musings and Meanderings.There is much valuable information in this diary for all to read. As such the diary was passed on to succeeding presidents as a guide.Blue cardboard cover with white paper pages.On the first page there is a note to the diary and the signature of Legatee Len E. Ravenscroft, Melbourne Legacy President 1983.past presidents, len ravenscroft, speeches, george blackwood, history -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Album - Collection of black and white photographs, Alec and Helen Sandner, 1984 - 86
Alec Sandner was a Strathfieldsaye Shire Councillor from 1982 -1987, Strathfieldsaye Shire President from 1985 – 86 and Mayor of Bendigo 2011 - 2012.Bound, fourteen page 'sticky' photo album with yellow vinyl cover containing thirty six black and white commercially produced photographs capturing activities and events attended by Alec Sandner during his time as Councillor and Shire President with the Shire of Strathfieldsaye. Each photograph has handwritten annotation with details including date, event and people present. Alec Sandner was a Strathfieldsaye Shire Councillor from 1982 -1987, Strathfieldsaye Shire President from 1985 – 86 and Mayor of Bendigo 2011 - 2012.0135b Alec – planting a tree at / Flora Hill High School – Arbor Week / 12th April, 1984 0135c Alec – Michael John / May 7, 1984 0135d Mr Sinclair, Jeff Kennett, Michael John and Alec / inspecting Sinclair Foundry / May 17, 1984 0135e Alec – christening ‘Eugene Sandner’ scull / Bendigo rowing Club / Sunday, June 24, 1984 0135f Alec (standing) with Micahel John, / Andrew Peacock – Marisa D’Agnostina / Bendigo – Thursday August 2, 1984 0135g Bruce Reid, Alec, Jeff Kennett and Michael / John. Bendigo Wednesday August 8, 1984 0135h Mr Alan Hunt M.L.C, Michael John, Bill Ebery and alec / Sunday Sept 9, 1984 0135i t; Alec – Prue Sibree, Castlemaine, Oct . 84 m; Jeff Kennett, Alec and Bill Ebery / 1984 l; Belinda John, Mr Hunt, Alec & Bruce Reid 0135m Max Drechsler, Alec, David Wright / Statutory Meeting / Strathfieldsaye Shire Wed 7th August / 1985 0135n Wendy Drechsler, Helen / Statutory Meeting / Strathfieldsaye Shire / Wed 7th August / 1985 0135o Doug Stevenson, Alec, Joan Kirner, David Kennedy / Strathdale Community Centre / Thursday 8th August 1985 0135p Alec with members Bendigo Pony / Club – Spring Gully / Saturday 17th August 1985 0135q Alec / Opening Strathfield -/ saye bowling / Club / Sunday October 13, / 1985 0135r Honor Walters and Helen (President / Laura Clarke Auxiliary / Tuesday, October 29, 1985 0135s Mirridon Christmas Part 1985 / Aux. L to R Tilly Aston, Bendigo, Laura Clarke. / Mirr. Social Club, Strathfieldsaye, Huntly, Mc Ivor 0135t Alec presenting Atsuko Yajima / with spoons. / Bendigo Advertiser, Mon Jan 27, 1986 0135u Alec with Thomas / Bendigo Advertiser / Fri June 27, 1986 0135v Alec & Helen with / Emma Kelcher – Hannah Every / Flower Girls / Shire Presidents Ball / June 20, 1986 0135w Alec & Cr Ron Alexander, adressing (sic) / Public Meeting, Sat 19th July, 1986 0135x Alec, Wendy Drechsler & Helen / Red Cross Centre, July 1986 0135y t; Alec – Final Council Meeting / July 1987 0135z Alec – Merv Trimper / Shire of Strathfieldsaye / March 20, 1988 sandner collection, shire of strathfieldsaye, president of strathfieldsaye shire, alec and helen sander -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Craft exhibition 1993, 1993
A table of exhibits of knitted toys and craft items. This was the Annual Art and Craft Exhibitions that was run by the widows club in July 1993. The items could be sold at trading tables and at the table outside Legacy House during Badge Week in September to raise funds. President John Stevenson speaking, also Charles Munnerley is in the background. The winners were named in The Answer in September 1993.A record of the type of activities Legacy provided as a social outlet for widows. Colour photo x 14 of a table of craft items at Legacy house, and President Stevenson speaking.00677.1 Printed on the back 24 843 0162 N N N-12. Also Pg21 (A) written in blue. 00677.2 Printed on the back 31 843 0162 N N N-12. Printed on Kodak paper. Other negative numbers are 15, 17, 19, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 35widows, answer, craft -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, The Age, Behind These Hallowed Walls, 2011
Article about John Fordham's (President Friends of Burnley Gardens) involvement with the trees in the Melbourne Club garden.Article in the "Saturday Age" 12.02.2011 gardening section by Denise Gadd about John Fordham's (President Friends of Burnley Gardens) involvement with the trees in the Melbourne Club garden.the age, denise gadd, john fordham, fobg, friends of burnley gardens, melbourne club -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph - Fundraising, Brighton Grammar Fundraising, 1991
A photo of President Sullivan at Brighton Grammar Junior School presenting a boy, Troy Robinson, with a plaque with the Legacy torch emblem alongside the Junior School Master, Mr Peter Toms. L/ Sullivan is also seen speaking at a school assembly and standing by a tree that had been planted in honour of Legatee Tom Bell in 1989 (see item 01538). The label explains the link to Brighton Grammar Junior School was fostered by the late L/ Tom Bell, although not a past pupil he endeared himself to the school that on his death shortly after the 1989 badge appeal the students planted a tree in his honour at a special memorial service. For many years the boys from Brighton Grammar Junior School raised money from the sale of Legacy badges and the President would present them with a plaque of appreciation. Between 1991and 1995 the boys have raised in excess of $16,000. Photos were in a scrapbook of photos spanning 1983 to 1991. A record of Brighton Grammar School fundraising for Legacy.Colour photo x 4 of boys at Brighton Grammar with President Sullivan and a pink paper label.Typed on the pink paper label explained the link to the tree planted to honour Tom Bell.fundraising, john sullivan, brighton grammar -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - gymnastic group Lakes Entrance Victoria, Lakes Post Newspaper
gymnastic group with coach Judy Smith, President Sue Campsi and Bruce Evans of East Gippsland Shire Lakes Entrance VictoriaBlack and white photograph of gymnastic group with coach Judy Smith, President Sue Campsi and Bruce Evans of East Gippsland Shire Lakes Entrance Victoriasports, clubs, gymnastics -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Edmonston, Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat, C.Edmonston, "Circa 1886"
Councilor Charles Edmonston was elected as a member of council in1885 until 1897 and was President in 1890-91.Section of Original Historic Photo which depicts all councilors for the council year 1885-86.Photo of Coucilor Charles Edmonston,in Sepia,is oval,set on a light grey " horse shaped " mount edged with gold and on a darker grey mount and on the bottomright of the " horse shoe ". It is part of a composite collection of photos of councilors,1885-86." PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT G. RENNIE ESQ. TO THE BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL.1885-86.ballarat shire council, edmonston charles, 1885 1897 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Innes, Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat, Councilor J.N.O.Innes,Councilor 1883-84, "circa 1884"
Councilor John.N.O.Innes was elected to council in 1878 - 87.He did not become President during that time.Section of Original photo of all councilors for the year 1883-84.This Sepia ,oval photo of Councilor John.N.O. Innes,is part of a collection of all councilors for the year 1883-84.It is in a light tan mount with "gold" edging around the photo and a fine black line around the "cutout".It is at the bottom left corner of the circle of photos.Councilor Innes name is inscribed under the photo. PRESENTED by the PRESIDENT,J. DALGLEISH ESQ. to the BALLAARAT SHIRE COUNCIL. 1883-84. ballaarat shire council, john n o innes 1883 84 -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, 25th Anniversary of Founding of Nunawading Historical Society, 1990
Memorabilia of 25th Anniversary of Nunawading Historical SocietyMemorabilia of 25th Anniversary of Nunawading Historical Society - list of members and visitor's, invitation, president's address (Bill Gray), list of apologies. Date 8/12/1990Memorabilia of 25th Anniversary of Nunawading Historical Society nunawading historical society, gray, bill -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Booklet - Program, Burial service program, 2009
Gordon Dawe was a member of Maldon Historical Society and president of Central Highlands Historical Association (CCHA)for many years. Small booklet for memorial service for Gordon Dawe (President Central Highlands Historical Association) Contains photographs and text, black text on white card, coloured photos.A Celebration of the Life of Gordon Dawe 30 June 1923 (crossed out and 1928 inserted in pencil) - 26 May 2009 Meldon Community Hall Wednesday 3 June 2009gordon dawe, maldon historical society, central highlands historical society, chha -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Findlay, Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat, Councilor Alexander Findlay 1883-84
Councilor Alexander Findlay was elected to council in 1873 and again in 1879-85.He did not serve as President during that time.He resided at Ercildourne.This original photo forms part of a collection of photos showing all councilors for the year 1883-84.This oval sepia photo is of Councilor Alexander Findlay,set in a "light tan" mount with gold around edge of "cutout". A fine black line surounds the photo linking it to the next.It forms part of a collection of photos of all councilors for the year 1883-84 and is second from the top,left hand side. PRESENTED by the PRESIDENT J.DALGLEISH ESQ.To the BALLAARAT SHIRE COUNCIL 1883-84.ballaarat shire council 1883 84, alexander findlay, ercildourne -
Orbost & District Historical Society
Booklet - ANNUAL REPORT, Ninth ANNUAL REPORT 1966-67 Apex Club of Orbost
This is a report of 1966-67 functioning of the Apex Club of Orbost. It has a membership list at the back of the booklet and also contains the names of office bearers etc. This Report was presented to the Handover Dinner 5 August 1967. President Don McKenzie; Vice Presidents Dennis Robinson, David Neal; Treasurer Graeme Duff; Secretary Keith MurrayEvidence of the functioning of the Apex Club of Orbost 1966-67 with names of members, activities, finances.A booklet of 13 pages with a grey coloured cover. On the cover are the words Ninth ANNUAL REPORT 1966-67 Apex Club of Orbost ZONE 12 DISTRICT 6 CLUB No. 251. Inside are copied pages of the Report including names of committee members, board members, and past presidents, also several b/w photos of activities, financial report, awards, and the President's Report 5 August 1967. as aboveapex club, orbost -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Team digs discovery, 2007
Relics from Whitehorse's pioneering past found in paddock adjoining Schwerkolt Cottage & Museum Complex.Relics from Whitehorse's pioneering past found in paddock adjoining Schwerkolt Cottage & Museum Complex. Photos of Society President Judith Fry and members Valda Arrowsmith & Ian Nethercote.Relics from Whitehorse's pioneering past found in paddock adjoining Schwerkolt Cottage & Museum Complex. schwerkolt cottage & museum complex, fry, judith, arrowsmith, valda, nethercote, ian, manufactured objects -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Document, Unofficial History of 13th Light Horse/Armoured Regiment
This history was prepared by Mr Claude H Wilson, President of the 13th Armoured Regiment Association in the late 1980s and draws on a diary by a member of the WWI 13th Light Horse. Valuable historical source of a Victorian regional military unit in both WWI (1914-1918) and WWII (1939-1945).Typed document prepared by Mr Claude H Wilson, President of the 13th Light Horse Regimental Association 1987. Scanned and posted as pdf file.13th armoured regiment, 13th light horse, history, military -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - McDonald.A, Drummond Studios, Councilor A. McDonald
Councilor A. McDonald was elected to council in 1960, serving till 1980. He was Shire President in 1969-70.Original Historic photo of all Councilors and staff for 1959-60.Sepia photo(rectangular),on white mount,of Councilor A.McDonald,situated right hand side of top row ,forming part of composite collection of photos of all councilors and staff for 1959-60.Presented to the Ballarat Shire Council by Councilor C.E.Brown (J.P.),President 1959-1960.ballarat shire council 1959 60, a mcdonald 1960 1980 -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Legacy Appeal 1996, 1996
Photos during Badge Week in September 1996, including President Ray Ward selling badges with school boys. The article in the December 1996 edition of the Answer says they were expecting to reach $300,000 from the Annual Appeal. A record of the fundraising for the Legacy Appeal in 1996.Colour photo x 5 of various badge sellers, including President Ray Ward, during Badge week and an article in The Answer.Printed on the back legacy appeal, fundraising, badge week, answer, ray ward -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Spittle S.G, Thornton Richards & Co, Spittle. S.G. Councilor 1942-43, Circa 1943"
In 1931 Councilor S.G.Spittle was elected as a ,member of the Ballarat Shire Council,serving until 1943. He served a term as Shire President in 1934-35.Original Historic Photo of Councilors for the year 1942-43.Photo is Sepia on Brown mount, of Councilor S.G.Spittle, situated top right hand corner of collection of photos of all councilors for the year 1942-43. It is rectangular with a curved top.Presented to the Ballarat Shire Council by Councilor R.T.White,President, 1942-43.spittle, s g councilor, ballarat shire council 1942 43 -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, They'll take the high road, 1994
Nunawading Highland Pipe Band are to compete in the world championships in Scotland.Nunawading Highland Pipe Band are to compete in the world championships in Scotland. Band President - Ian Bell said sheer hard work has raised $160,000 to fund the trip.Nunawading Highland Pipe Band are to compete in the world championships in Scotland. city of nunawading highland pipe band, ardense, karolyn, wanless, chris, carter, denise, bowles, mark, cliff, renee, bell, ian -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Mitcham Naturalists Club, c1931
Syllabus of meetings and excursions of the Mitcham Naturalist's Society, 1931 - 1941Syllabus of meetings and excursions of the Mitcham Naturalist's Society, 1931 - 1941 with a covering letter from Laurence Eager, whose father, William Andrews Eager, was a past president of the society.Syllabus of meetings and excursions of the Mitcham Naturalist's Society, 1931 - 1941mitcham naturalists society, eager, laurence, eager, william andrews -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Tributes to 'Cec' Cook of Mitcham, 1975
Arthur Cecil Cook died in Heidelberg Hospital, Nov 1975.Arthur Cecil Cook died in Heidelberg Hospital, Nov 1975. He was a former president of the Mitcham RSL, a World War 1 veteran and 1972 Nunawading 'Citizen of the Year'Arthur Cecil Cook died in Heidelberg Hospital, Nov 1975. mitcham returned servicemens league, cook, a. c., citizens of the year -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Rev. Djiniyini Gondara, 06/1984
Rev. Djiniyini Gondarra 1986. Moderator Northern Synod and Vice President of Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Conference.Head and shoulders portrait."Rev. Djiniyini Gondara, Vice President of Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress"gondarra, djiniyini, uniting aboriginal & islander christian congress -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Rev. Djiniyini Gondara, 06/1984
Rev. Djiniyini Gondarra 1986. Moderator Northern Synod and Vice President of Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Conference.Head and shoulders portrait."Rev. Djiniyini Gondara, Vice President of Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress"gondarra, djiniyini, uniting aboriginal & islander christian congress -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Rev. Djiniyini Gondara, 06/1984
Rev. Djiniyini Gondarra 1986. Moderator Northern Synod and Vice President of Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Conference.Head and shoulders portrait."Rev. Djiniyini Gondara, Vice President of Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress"gondarra, djiniyini, uniting aboriginal & islander christian congress -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - Doug Taylor Johnsonville Angling Club, Fred Clark, Lakes Post Newspaper, 1/10/1994 12:00:00 AM
Doug Taylor winner of Heaviest Bream trophy at Johnsonville Angling Club presentation night with President Fred Clark Johnsonville VictoriaBlack and white photograph showing Doug Taylor winner of Heaviest Bream trophy at Johnsonville Angling Club presentation night with President Fred Clark Johnsonville Victoriafish, recreational facilities, sports -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Merle Bush Trefoil Guild
The first meeting of the 1st Bendigo Guides was held by Miss Merle Bush on the 22nd of August 1922 in the St Paul' School Room. Twelve girls were present. Miss Bush was given permission to open the Company by Miss R. Hamilton, State Secretary for Victoria, she received her Captain's Warrant on 12th December 1922. Colour Picture of three women standing in front of Merle Bush Trefoil Guild members Board listing President Secretary Treasurer from 1981 to 2017Up to date Members Board Merle Bush Trefoil Guild Office Bearers Left Grae Dack Treasurer Centre Lola Johnston President Right Wynne Baker Secretary March 2017girl guides, guiding, merle bush, trefoil guild -
Buninyong Visitor Information Centre
Ceremonial object - Plaque, Official Opening of Restored Buninyong Library, April 1991, April 1991
Brass plaque commemorating the Official Opening of Restored Buninyong Library, April 1991 by Cr. Derek Leather, Shire President, and active, hands-on supporter of the project.Brass plaque commemorating the Official Opening of Restored Buninyong Library, April 1991 by Cr. Derek Leather, Shire President, and active, hands-on supporter of the project.buninyong visitor information centre, buninyong library, plaques -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Slattery J.P, Thornton Richards & Co, Slattery,J.P.(J.P.),Councilor 1942-43, Circa 1943"
J.P.Slattery, (J.P.),was elected to council in 1943 serving until 1955. He served a term as Shire President in 1949-50.Original Historic Photo for the year 1942-43.Rectangular Sepia photo on brown mount of Councilor J.P.Slattery,(J.P.),situated middle of top row of collection of photos of all councilors for 1942-43.Presented to the Ballarat Shire Council by Councilor R.T.White,(J.P.),President 1942-43.slattery, j p j p councilor, ballarat shire council 942 43