Historical information

This is a report of 1966-67 functioning of the Apex Club of Orbost. It has a membership list at the back of the booklet and also contains the names of office bearers etc. This Report was presented to the Handover Dinner 5 August 1967. President Don McKenzie; Vice Presidents Dennis Robinson, David Neal; Treasurer Graeme Duff; Secretary Keith Murray


Evidence of the functioning of the Apex Club of Orbost 1966-67 with names of members, activities, finances.

Physical description

A booklet of 13 pages with a grey coloured cover. On the cover are the words Ninth ANNUAL REPORT 1966-67 Apex Club of Orbost ZONE 12 DISTRICT 6 CLUB No. 251. Inside are copied pages of the Report including names of committee members, board members, and past presidents, also several b/w photos of activities, financial report, awards, and the President's Report 5 August 1967.

Inscriptions & markings

as above
