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matching community newsletters
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. April 27th 1970. Edition No. 3/70, 27/04/1970
... news, Personal news. A digital copy of this Newsletter ...This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's April 1970 meeting, Councillors' report, Memories of an old resident, William Trevithick, Report on Blackburn Group of Semi-Rural Streets, School and kinder news, Scout and Guide news, Personal news. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 16 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 23rd February 1970. Edition No.1/70, 23/02/1970
This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's February 1970 meeting, Councillors' reports, School and Kinder news, Scout and Guide news, Local wattles, Diamond Valley Repertory Group, Personal news. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 14 p., illus., map.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. Dec. 8th 1969. Edition No.1/69, 08/12/1969
... Newsletter, 16 p., illus. Community News: official journal ...This edition includes the aims of the Progress Association, School and Kinder news, Scout and Guide news, A report on a deputation to the Minister for Local Government on street construction, Wildflower notes, Personal news. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 16 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 23rd March 1970. Edition No.2/70, 23/03/1970
... Newsletter, 14 p., illus. Community News: official journal ...This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's AGM March 1970 meeting, School and Kinder news, Scout and Guide news, Wild cherry, Personal news. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 14 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 30 November 1970. Edition No. 10/70, 30/11/1970
... Newsletter, 16 p., illus. Community News: official journal ...This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's November 1970 meeting, Councillors' report, The road to survival, Save the Juggernaut, The origins of Greensborough, Eradication of a noxious weed - Boneseed, Scout news, Kinder news, Is there a future for Community News? Supplement to "Community News". No. 11/70. Greenhills' panorama #2. p. 4-5. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 16 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 29th October 1970. Edition No. 9/70, 29/10/1970
... Association greenhills Newsletter, 18 p., illus. Community News ...This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's October meeting, Councillors' report, Game fame, Wattle time, A mixed bag for spring planting, The Little People's Association, What is progress, Greenhills panorama, Guide news, School and Kinder news and Letters to the editor, Supplement to "Community News". No. 9/70. Greenhills' panorama #2. p. 2-3. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 18 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 20th July 1970. Edition No. 6/70, 20/07/1970
... Progress Association greenhills Newsletter, 16 p., illus. Community ...This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's July1970 meeting, Councillors' report, Roads, nature or "nature strips", Protecting and improving the Plenty River, Toxic insecticides - the total dangers, New park complex to be Bundoora Fields, School and Kinder news, Scout and Guide news, Letter to editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 16 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 28th February, 1971. Edition No. 1/71, 28/02/1971
... Progress Association greenhills Newsletter, 12 p., illus. Community ...This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's February 1971 meeting, Councillors' report. Diamond Valley Repertory, Guide news, About Community News, The Greenhill Road Progress Association?, Kinder news, The trees of Greenhills, Supplement to "Community News". No. 1/71. Greenhills' panorama #2. p. 8-9. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 12 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 28 Dec. 1970. Edition No. 11/70, 28/12/1970
... Newsletter, 14 p., illus. Community News: official journal ...This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's December 1970 meeting, Councillors' report, World premieres at Greenhills!, The rocks of Greenhills, Tales of mining boom, Letter to the Editor. Supplement to "Community News". No. 11/70. Greenhills' panorama #2. p. 6-7. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 14 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 26th August 1970. Edition No. 7/70, 26/08/1970
... news, Letters to the editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter ...This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's August 1970 meeting, Councillors' report, Homebuilders - the affluent vandals, Tolai rides again!, Churinga, School and kinder news, Letters to the editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 16 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 26th April, 1971. Edition No. 2/71, 26/04/1971
... Association greenhills Newsletter, 18 p., illus. Community News ...This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's April 1971 meeting, Councillors' report, Roads report "The Age", 3/4/71, Creative playground for school, Community isolation, Personal news, The Plenty River, Thoughts on an evening stroll. Rostrum Club planned for Greensborough, Supplement to "Community News". No. 2/71. Greenhills' panorama #2. p. 10-11. A digital copy of the Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 18 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 28th June 1971. Edition No. 4/71, 28/06/1971
... Newsletter, 15 p., illus. Community News: official journal ...This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's June 1971 meeting, Councillors' report, The establishment of a new school, Novel tree-planting scheme, May we introduce [Jarvis Richard Worn], Diamond Valley's claim to fame, Diamond Valley Repertory, Letters to the Editor. A digital copy of the Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 15 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 27th May, 1971. Edition no. 3/71, 27/05/1971
... for the consumer, Letters to the Editor. A digital copy of the Newsletter ...This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's May 1971 meeting, Councillors' report, Where do all the 5 per cents go?, Pollution of the Plenty River, First catch your frog, Kinder news, Diamond Valley Repertory, Redress for the consumer, Letters to the Editor. A digital copy of the Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 15 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association and the Apollo Parkways Progress Association. 5th July 1976. Edition No. 6/76, 05/07/1976
... news, Scout and Guide news. A digital copy of this Newsletter ...This edition includes a report on the The Apollo Parkways Progress Association's June1976 meeting, Great Greenhills happening, A foreigner in Melbourne, Lonely people, Feeling -- Belonging -- Sharing, Nerve deafness, Family Day Care, From the Council Chamber, Cameo of Graeme Davies, Lost in Lerderderg Gorge, This and that, Meet the natives, Plenty Valley Squash Club, School and Kinder news, Scout and Guide news. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 27 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills, apollo parkways progress association, apollo parkways -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 30th Sept.,1972. Edition No. 7/72, 30/09/1972
... Association greenhills Newsletter, 14 p., illus. Community News ...This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's September 1972 meeting, Councillors' report, Plenty river report, The rites of spring, Preparing for a hot summer, Tolai and the Spring Street happing, School news, Eltham Film Society, Letter to Editor. Supplement to September 1972 "Community News" Open forum. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 14 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 27th July, 1972. Edition No. 5/72, 27/07/1972
... Newsletter, 16 p., illus. Community News: official journal ...This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's July 1972 meeting, Year of the Book, Spring planting time, School and kinder news, Letter to the editor, Megalopolis or the bush, Parks, gardens and reserves, Eltham Film Society. Supplement to July 1972 "Community News" Open forum. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 16 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association.28th August 1972. Edition No. 6/72, 28/08/1972
... , Personal news, Roads report. Supplement to August '72 "Community ...This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's August 1972 meeting, Councillor's' report, Watching the birds, "Clematis" replies, Letters to the editor, School news, Personal news, Roads report. Supplement to August '72 "Community News" Open forum. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 14 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association. 26th June, 1972. Edition No. 4/72, 26/06/1972
... Newsletter, 18 p., illus. Community News: official journal ...This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's June 1972 meeting, Future of Ashril... still undecided, Mulching and other carry on, School and kinder news, A humanist's viewpoint, Ashril Cinema, Open forum. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 18 p., illus. greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Article - Newsletter Clipping, Colin Brooks MP, Modern classrooms delivered for Bundoora community, March 2024
... primary school colin brooks Newsletter article text with colour ...Article from Brooksy's Briefing about new classrooms and food technology centre for Bundoora Primary School Newsletter article text with colour imagebundoora primary school, colin brooks -
Greensborough Historical Society
Article - Newsletter Clipping, Colin Brooks, St Mary's Primary School hall refurbishment now open, June 2024
Article from Brooksy's Briefing about St Mary's Primary School's refurbished hall thanks to school fundraising and a North East Link Community Grant.Newsletter article text with colour imagest. mary's primary school, colin brooks, st marys parish greensborough, st marys primary school -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association and the Apollo Parkways Progress Association.10th June,1976. Edition No. 5/76, 10/06/1976
... the O'Donnells, Diminishing community spirit?, School news, Greenhills ...This edition includes a report on the The Apollo Parkways Progress Association's May1976 meeting, Bicycle routes, lanes, paths and trails, Thoughts from young cyclists, It can happen to you [youth deaths on our roads], Lament for a traffic statistic, Returning to study, I can do it too!!, This and that, Cameo of Les James, How does the working mum cope?, From the O'Donnells, Diminishing community spirit?, School news, Greenhills basketball, Scout and Guide news, Nursing Mothers Association. Supplement to "Community News". No. 6/76. Diamond Valley Shire: South-East Councillors' report, From the Chamber Council, Art and craft survey, Letter to the Editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society. Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills, apollo parkways progress association, apollo parkways -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 26th March, 1973. Edition No. 2/73, 26/03/1973
... , Letter to the Editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter ...This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's March 1973 meeting, President's report, 1973, What a way to run a railway, History Group visits the Greenhills area, Interview with ex-Councillor, Laurie Svendsen, Montmorency Baseball Club, Access to Plenty increased, School and Kinder news, Letter to the Editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 28 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 28th May, 1973. Edition No. 4/73, 28/05/1973
... Newsletter, 24 p., illus. Community News: official journal ...This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's May 1973 meeting, Councillor's report, "And it came to pass", Flats report, Pre-natal and Family Planning Clinic, Star Victorian Association for the Retarded, Montmorency Baseball Club, Kinder news, Letter to the Editor. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newsletter, Greenhills and North Greensborough Progress Association, Community News: official journal of the Greenhills and Nth. Greensborough Progress Association. 25th April, 1973. Edition No. 3/73, 25/04/1973
... Progress Association greenhills Newsletter, 24 p., illus. Community ...This edition includes a report on the Progress Association's April 1973 meeting, Councillor's report, If you... : on flats and units, Women's Electoral Lobby, School and kinder news, Letter to the Editor, The Leichhardt experiment, Recent happenings. A digital copy of this Newsletter is available from Greensborough Historical Society.Newsletter, 24 p., illus.greenhills and north greensborough progress association, greenhills -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Ryan, Daniel, Catherine, Patrick, Jock, Jean
Daniel and Catherine came to Australia in 1856; settling at Diamond Creek; his son Patrick established the butcher shop. Patrick and Jean had three sons, one being John, rather ofJock Ryan who became an Anglican minister. Contents Newspaper article: "Home again at St John's", Diamond Valley News, 23 April 1991. Jock Ryan 's family and career in the Services and as an Anglican minister. Newspaper article: "Sedate bring centenary", Diamond Valley News, 15 April 1998. History of Diamond Creek Bridge and involvement of Ryan family. Newspaper article: "Pages a passage to past", Diamond Valley Leader 14 March 2001. Jock Ryan researching Diamond Creek history in the State Library. Newsletter article: "Honouring the Ryans", Heidelberg Historian no.217 August 2003. BroadGully Reserve renamed Ryans Reserve to acknowledge community service of the Ryan family. Newspaper article: "Penniless, brave start for clan", Diamond Valley Leader, ? January 2006. History of the Ryan family of Diamond Creek. Newspaper notice: "Ryan, Rev Jock Lugton", The Age, 15 May 2020. Death notice. Newspaper notice: "Ryan, Eleanor Jean (known as Jean) (nee Baddeley)", The Age, 12 September 2020 and 17 September 2020. Death notice.Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcjock ryan, gipson street diamond creek, patrick ryan, heidelberg council, joseph lugton, diamond creek primary school, eltham high school, melbourne high school, commonwealth rehabilitation scheme, ridley theological college, caulfield grammar school, diamond creek living and learning centre, st john's anglican church diamond creek, nillumbik historical society, pub crawl around diamond creek's historical pubs, daniel ryan, catherine ryan, diamond creek football club, jean ryan, diamond creek bridge, lanvos reserve diamond creek, broadgully road diamond creek, ryans reserve diamond creek, joan hipkin nee ryan, eleanore jean ryan nee baddeley, margaret ryan, jock lugton ryan -
Healesville and District Historical Society
Newsletter (Item) - Volume 1; No. 5, Healesville History News, January 1985, November-1984
Contents: Return of the aborigines "Barak" and the purchase by Worowa for a college Unveiling Joseph Furphy Memorial 1934 Test transmission Community Radio Council defers writing of Healesville history funding End of the Line Railway joint activity List of members January 1985 Photograph exhibition success - Plus moreThe first newsletter of the Society was issued July 1984 and has been published continuously ever since on a quarterly basis. The collection provides a valuable resource about the Society's activities, office bearers and committee members and, especially, many relevant items of local historical interest. -
Healesville and District Historical Society
Newsletter (Item) - Volume 1; No. 6, Healesville History News, February 1985, November-1984
Contents: Return of the aborigines "Barak" and the purchase by Worowa for a college Unveiling Joseph Furphy Memorial 1934 Test transmission Community Radio Council defers writing of Healesville history funding End of the Line Railway joint activity List of members January 1985 Photograph exhibition success - Plus moreThe first newsletter of the Society was issued July 1984 and has been published continuously ever since on a quarterly basis. The collection provides a valuable resource about the Society's activities, office bearers and committee members and, especially, many relevant items of local historical interest. -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newsletter, Preston Depot Committee, "Preston Depot Committee - Bulletin July 1979", Jul. 1979
Newsletter - two foolscap duplicated sheets stapled in the top left hand corner, titled "Preston Depot Committee - Bulletin July 1979". Jim Harper Union Delegate, reports on the political situation at the time, a wage freeze, attacks on Trade Unions by Malcolm Fraser and Margaret Thatcher and the Union's campaign for wage parity with NSW. Refers to the Union Secretary - Mr Shooter. On page 2 has a report from Tom Gordon about Civil Branch Stoppage on 5 and 6 July Also has notes on the Community Health Centre, Pool Tournament, Canteen Committee. Authorised by the Preston Depot Committee.trams, tramways, unions, public transport, disputes, civil engineering, atmoea, preston depot -
Greensborough Historical Society
Pamphlet - Newsletter, Victorian Government, Big Build: M80 Ring Road. Community update March 2024, 2024
A collection of updates on major projects in Victoria, in particular the M80 Ring Road upgrades. Beginning in 2024, these updates are distributed to the local area.4 p., colour illus. north east link, victoria's big build, western ring road, m80 ring road, metropolitan ring road -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Audio - Audio Recording, Audio Recording; 2017-08-09 Prof Margaret Deighton and the Shallards of Montmorency, 9 Aug 2017
August Meeting (Newsletter No. 235, Aug. 2017) Blanche and Jack Shallard were involved in many activities in the Montmorency community throughout their lives. They observed Were Street grow from a one shop street to a bustling shopping village. Jack was a local solicitor and on the Board of the Diamond Valley Community Hospital, while Blanche was a member of the Hospital Auxiliary and both were involved with our Society. They were also connected with Montmorency State School and St Faith’s Church in Montmorency. At this meeting we are pleased to have their daughter, Professor Margaret Deighton, speak about her family and her recollections of growing up in Montmorency.0:47:43 duration Digital MP3 File 67 MB audio recording, eltham district historical society, margaret deighton, meeting, montmorency, shallard, society meeting