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4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photo Albums - set of two, c. 1919
... of the French and Italian troops accompanying him. Guard represents New... accompanying him. Guard represents New Zealand, Australia, England ...Memorabilia of 908 Dvr Thomas Edward Whyte, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance, World War 1 READ THIS. During the last war I sent these pictures home through devious channels. When I lobbed back I found them all pasted in these albums by my young brother Billy. He was only a kid then! Nowadays he is serving up North. Went away with the original 9th Battn. Was in the Blitz on England and served in Libya, Tobruk, Greece, Crete and Palestine and was twice knocked. It's not long since the last upheaval 1914-18 and I wonder if these boys think as we did. This will be the last war? I sincerely hope so. TWSet of two photo albums. Photos pasted into albums with captions in white ink. Photo captions - Vol 1. (? = not legible) 1. Prisoners from ES SALT 2. Dust scene at AUJA FORD. 4th LH BDE 3. ? ? CHEOPS PYRAMID 4. Houses and domain WASSA battle 5 .Pontoon at SERAPELAI 6. SPINX (sic) & PYRAMID 7. The Nile floods occur once yearly and all irrigation centres are alternatively flooded 8. Pontoon bridge over SUEZ Canal at SERAPEUM . Constructed by Aust Engineers 9. The arrival of newspapers and mail 10. Lake IIMSAH-ISMALIA 11. Camp outside Jerusalem. Walls of old city easily discernible 12. Roman walls on beach at MONTAZEH 13. ? ? These boats are used for conveying between steamer & shore 14. Interest shown in the new issue. Through the scarcity of horses Batmen/Grooms and drivers ? allotted donkeys ? ? 15. DAMASCUS GATE JERUSALEM 16. Trumpeter ? 17 Indians making ? for railroad 18. 'SPELLO' Sinai Country 19. Police searching Egyptian labourer 20. Cavalry ?? SHA? 21. Entering ? WADI ? 22. Bedouins at ? 23 No caption 24 No caption 25 Bolar trees EZBEKIEH Gardens CAIRO 26 .Flamingos at NOUZEH Gardens ALEXANDRIA 27 BARAGE 28 KASR-ELNILL Bridge 29 NOUZEH GARDENS 30 AMGS on beach at ? 31 NOUZEH GARDENS - ALEX 32 Mascot of 7th M.V.G. 3RD ALHR 33 Printing on walls inside St Mary's Church. Depicting the Flight from Herod. (Corner torn off photo) 34 Inside Virgin Mary's Church at MATARA 35 ? painting in Church ?? 36 SUEZ Canal. Finish of Arab pony race. ZAL-A-ZIA 37 Admiralty offices at PORT SAID 38 A corner of CHEOP"s PYRAMID 39 The Spinx (sic). Nose was blown off by a shell from one of Napoleon's guns. 40 Monastry on the MT of TEMPTATION 41 Mess orderlies. Foodstuffs in locker given to troops by the AIF 42 Mid day meal on treck 43 Ambulance sand carts for conveying wounded and sick over desert sand 44 3rd ALHB 45 Kaisers Church JERUSALEM. Inside is a large painting figuring the Kaiser & Kaiserine holding a model church. 46 Bedouin women drawing water from well at EL-ARISH 47 2nd ALH BGDE doing route march on JERUSALEM-JERICHO ROAD 48 GEN HODSON GOC Anzac Mounted Divn presenting decorations & investitures on the sands at SHEIKS-ZOWAID 49 Armoured Car 50 Snow at the CEEDERS (sic) on Mt LEBANON 51 Compulsory phenyle bath for all troops in front line area 52 Austrian guns taken at point of bayonet by NZ & 2nd BGDE at GAZA 53 CACHOLETS for carrying wounded 54 The boys found some timber and made a spring board on SUEZ Canal 55 Bedouin wedding. The Bride travels in state amongst rubbish on top of camel. Her father leads conveyance. 56 Australian graves at SHALLAL 57 Camel Transport Company bring rations along beach 58 Billy the mascot holds an offensive & checks advancement 59 Exercising horses at HELMIEH Egypt 60 PONT-DE-QUOBBA Egypt. A suburb of well-to-do Egyptian merchants 61 Demolition stunt at ASLU. Bridge destroyed by Australian Engineers 62 Swimming horses in Great Bitter Lakes Egypt 63 On the move along Wadi 64 On the shores of the Bitter Lakes EL-EGYTE 65 A leave party waiting for the pontoon to swing into position 66 Carting grain 67 Egyptian Brass Band 68 French warboat (sic) in Canal 69 Russian Troops from Mesopotamia passing through SUEZ Canal 70 Prisoners coming in under escort. Turkish & German officers in lead mounted on ponies 71 Turkish prisoners 72 T.B.D in Canal 73 Old trenches on SUEZ CANAL near BITTER LAKES on W Bank 74 Monitor in Canal 75 Block house, trenches & entanglements near Post 62 76 A halt in an Egyptian village EL-MARO' 77 Mobile wireless plant 78 On the road from Canal to Railhead 79 Old Turkish guns in ancient fort at ALEXANDRIA 80 Francenia steaming through Canal 81 After MAGHDABA stunt. Convoy taking wounded form EL-ARISH to railway at 139 82 Indian Camelry 83 Virgin Mary's Church 84 Sluice gate at BARAGE Egypt 85 Hospital at lower W bank of Canal 86 Virgin Mary's tree 87 Sweetwater Canal at ISMAILIA Egypt 88 Halt and Feed. The A.M.C. attached to flying column. 89 Bringing stores ashore at JAFFA 90 H Videon & J Britton astride donks. Horses became scarce through casualties etc and units had donkeys issued to them 91 RAMLEH. The traditional burial place of St John the patron saint of England (sic). 92 Jewish Synagogue at RISHON-COUR-LE-LION (Richard the Lion Hearted) 93 Water tower at HELIOPOLIS 94 Portion of camp on HELIOPOLIS Racecourse 95 Arrival of papers 96 Sand sleigh 97 Boring plant & prisoners taken on the JIFF-JAFFA stunt. Two Austrian officers and party of Turks taken whilst building a concrete gun emplacement 98 The obelisk at MATARIA 99 In an avenue of Australian gums at ZEITOUA 100 Mountain battery gun 101 The 3rd ALH BGDE camped at HELIOPOLIS Racecourse 102 Captured Turkish guns 103 Turkish and Austrian prisoners. JORDAN VALLEY 104 The MT of Temptation Monastery built over spot where Christ spent his 40 days 105 Refugees from ES-SALT at JERICHO 106 3rd LHFA and 8th LH REGT at HELIOPOLIS 107 Fig trees at Roman Wells JIFF JAFFA 108 Inside the Blue Mosque CAIRO 109 Lagoon that was destroyed on JIFF JAFFA stunt 110 Section race at Brigade sports 111 Another tombstone at ALEX 112 Innoculating female date palm 113 Bronze tombstone in a cemetary at ALEXANDRIA 114 Luna Park at HELIOPOLIS 115 Egyptian water buffalo. Used by natives for ploughing etc 116 Russian church. Some call it the "Church of St Mary Magdelene" 117 At pyramids GIZA. Billingsley lost leg & McMullin KIA 118 Pontoon bridge over Suez Canal 119 DURBAN 120 Rescue work 121 Paddy Hanly 122 Motor train for conveying rations between Canal and Railhead. 123 At MUCKSHUBE ? 124 British ??? 125 Bedouins bringing in their harvest from the fields of ABBASSAN-EL-KEBIR Palestine 126 German HD QTRS BEERSHEBA 127 Date ? SINAI 128 Military railroad running through ? at EL-ARISH 129 Street scene at KHAN-YUNIS Palestine. Samson often called at this place to visit his girl. Napoleon narrowly escaped capture here during his ? in 1799 130 Date palms bearing fruit. These do not ? they are ?? 131 Motor ambulance convoy 132 Turkish hospital BEERSHEBA 133 MT CALVARY 134 Town Hall BEERSHEBA 135 Railway station BEERSHEBA 136 ASLUJ 137 Turkish depot MAGDABA 138 DURAN 139 3rd ALAB Hospital 140 Main Street PORT SAID 141 Stock Exchange ALEXANDRIA 142 The "Bull Ring" 14th AGH 143 (Double exposure) 144 Jewish School at DURAN Palestine 145 Damascus Gate JERUSALEM 146 Roller used for grinding clay for making bricks 147 The Harbour at ALEXANDRIA 148 Part of Napoleons Road along sea shore opposite BEELAH 149 Hotel at ALEX. Barred to the troops of course. 150 HELIOPOLIS 151 -153 ALEXANDRIA 154 Ambulance treck 155 Cacholets at the casually clearing station 156 Refugees from ES-SALT entering the Jordan Valley. Mts of MOAB in background 157 Cameliers bring in prisoners 158 The "Niagara". Casualties were from the front line by all descriptions of transport and passed through several field hospitals until they eventually reached the railway. They were sent to KANTARA by train. Despatched from there to PORT SAID by this boat 159 JERICHO 160 Turkish prisoners in JORDAN VALLEY 161 Bedouin nippers of SINAI 162 Bridge destroyed by ALH at ASLUJ 163 Railway sheds at BEERSHEBA. Portion was set afire by retreating Turks 164 ASLUJ Station 165 German Hospice 166 at ASLUJ 167 Suez Canal offices PORT SAID 168 MENA Village from top of Cheops. White lines at left are roads made by Australian troop. First Aust Contingent camped here. 169 A felukeh passing through gate at BARAGE 170 Military railway terminal EL ARISH 171 (No caption) 172 Egyptian family waiting for a train 173 Turkish prisoners and captured material coming in 174 Turkish wounded at BEERSHEBA awaiting removal 175 Two hospital ships at ALEXANDRIA 176 Some of the Bd boys 177 Race meeting 3rd ALHB at TRIPOLI- SYRIA 178 The blacksmith and Rodney Thomas swimming horse in SUEZ CANAL 179 Natives grinding grain 180 Thoroughbred 181 MUKATTAM HILLS 182 Trenches at JIFF JAFFA 183 MacBoyd as a Padre 184 Egyptian Syce having shave by travelling barber 185 The creek outside ALMINA 186 Cameliers 187 Clearing Station on beach at EL-ARISH 188 Wadi at TALLAT-EL-DUMM 189 Motor transport park 190 Some of the boys 191 Pompeys Pillar 192 at MAGHDABA 193 Hospital at JERUSALEM 194 Cheop's Pyramid 195 Golden Gate JERUSALEM 196 Hustling Turks through BEERSHEBA 197 Holy City 198 Mosque of Omar Jerusalem 199 Railway bridge destroyed by ALH at ASLUJ 200 Enemy material captured at SHERIA BEERSHEBA 201-3 These Mosques built with alabaster taken from pyramids at GIZA 204 Pontoon bridge built by our Engineers over RIVER JORDAN 205 3rd Bgde in Koil at MASAID 206 Billy McGhie throwing the weight 207 Nirazeh ? Gardens 208 Motor Ambulance Park 209 Bedouin women in Palestine village 210 ALEXANDRIA 211 Junction Stn 212 Indian Lancers 213 Motor convoy at ESSANI 214 A & B Sections 215 JERUSALEM. Once known as the 'City of Palms' and presented to Cleopatra by Anthony 216 Monastery on the Mount of Temptation. Situated on the Hills of Solomon on E side of Jordan Valley just behind JERICHO 217 DURAN A Jewish village in Palestine 218 One of our planes meets with a mishap on landing 219 Bedouin flocks around NABLUS 220 ES-SALT Road just above Jordan River 221 Halt! Action Front! Getting guns into action from pack 222 Village well 223 Gun inspection 224 WADI GHUZZEE Bridge 225-6 At GIZA Zoo Egypt 227 Syrians gathering olives 228 Smashed plane 229 MacBoyd 230 Bridge across Jordan at GORRONHOER 231 Competitors for Gretna Green. 3rd Bgde sports at TRIPOLIA 232 EL ARISH 233 Main street JAFFA 234 The beach at MARI-KHEB 235 Scene of old Cairo 236 Bedouin market 237 Bridge built over Wadi EL-ARISH. The biblical "River of Egypt". 238 Old water reservoir in native village 239 A "spello" on the track 240 Plane going out on reconnaissance 241 Bomb attached to carrier on a plane 242 Ancient Turkish gun at forts in TRIPOLI - SYRIA 243 Gun inspection 3rd AMGS 244 Old Turkish trenches outside GAZA 245 Wadi KHUZEL Bridge at SHALLA 246 BEERSHEBA 247 Street scene ZAG-A-ZIG 248 Spinx (sic) & Pyramid - GIZA 249 Egyptian Coastguards at ALEXANDRIA 250 A Palestine camp E Troop 3rd MG Sqn 251 B class horses killed in Syria 252 Scene from summit of Pyramid 253 Bert Richmond & an old Turkish Howitzer on MONTAZEH 254 LION'S WELL 255 Australian trenches outside Ferry's Post near Hill 70 256 A street scene in HELIO{PLIS 257 Electric trams at ALEXANDRIA 258 Cleaning harness 259 Swinging pontoon bridge into position at SERAPEUM 260 British Monitor in Suez Canal 261-2 Scenes of Turkish buildings at MAGHDABA. Taken by the ALH The first time in history mounted troops have attacked and taken entrenched positions 263 Aussies at Egypt's ancient monuments 264 Scenes of old CAIRO from MOKATTAM Hils 265 Bridge across canal at BARAGE, 16 miles outside CAIRO 266 Curly and Vic Norton 267 Stumpy McIntyre & Long Pikington 268 In Wadi GHUZZEL near TELL-EL-JEMM 269 Digging post holes for stables 270 Cameliers bring in prisoner. Austrian Officer in black 271 White washing mess shed 272 F Troop 3rd AMGS Sqn 273 Jews at Recruiting Depot at JERUSALEM, forming Jewish Battalion 274 In Jordan Valley, 3rd Machine Gunners have 8 horses killed by an aerial torpedo 275 Turkish prisoners 276 Cocos Island 277 Snow on the Lebanon Ranges 278 Egyptian Hotel 279 Gordon Wake. Note intruders 280 Electric trams at HELIOPOLIS Egypt. Heliopolis built by Belgian firm in 7 years 281 Sweetwater Canal at SERAPEUM 282 The ? wells at JIFF-JAFFA 283 Virgin Mary's well at MATARIA. Boyd, Simpkin & Crowley 284 Cricket for convalescents at MONTAREH 285 Indians working at cutting for military railway 286 Australian Hospital BEERSHEBA 287 Removing wrecked ambulance car from rail road 288 Engineers depot in ? at EL-ARISH 289 Water preservation scheme at SHALLAL 290 German Princes Palace at HELIOPOLOLIS 291 Some of the boys 292 Aussie aerodrome BEELAH 293 EL-JALLAH outside BETHLEHEM 294 Some of the gunners 295 Trying camels in gun carriages. Note sand caterpillar 296 Street outside old city JERUSALEM 297 D.H QRS In EL-ARISH. Hod 298 Cairo Museum 299 Wadi bridge built by Army Engineers 300 A two storied building at GALM used as German HQrs until reached by our guns 301-2 No caption 303 Ambulance with Flying Column 304 Jack Pegg 3 AMGS 305 KHAN YUNIS 306 In the Jewish village of "Rischon le Lion" 307 Wet Canteen BEELAH 308 Motor Transport LATRON 309 Gen Chauvel OC Desert Mounted Column 310 10th LH - Inverness Battery "Railhead" 311 3rd LHFA "SERAPIUM" 312 ESBEKIEN Gardens "LE CAIRE" 313 Camel training and wireless station Hill 60 314 ZAG-A-ZIG Rly Stn 315 One of the Irrigation Canal locks "HELOUAN" 316 Indian Camel Corps 317 Base at Hill 60 318 Aussie transport arriving "ALEXANDRIA" 319 3 ALHB at AL MINA 320 Main entry to city of JAFFA 321 Mosque at DAMASCUS 322 A Turk brought to earth by one of our patrols 323 Brigade boxing contrst 324 Ostrich farm ZEITOUN 325 MATERIA 326 No caption 327 Mail day 328 3rd LHFA entering HELIOPOLIS from MENA 329 M Boyd, L Simpkins, S Crowley 330 Stretcher bearers 331 French Hosp JERUSALEM 332 SERAPIUM 333 Gippo crushing wheel 334 On the move - bully and biscuits 335 V Morton, F Stokes, L Simpkins & Hanley 336 Turkish prisoners - SHERIA 337 Getting used to the mask J Antonio MM 338 Sand carts 339 Model house - MONTAZA Hospital 340 "Abdul" 341 Wood Depot "ESDUD" 342 On troop ship - from Syria 343 Turkish prisoners "JULIUS" 344 TRIPOLI 345 3rd AMGS cook house "BEELAH" 346 Breaking camp "ZEITOUN" 347 Turkish prisoners "GAZA" 348 One of our tanks. About nine were blown out of action at GAZA 349 Camp in HOD-EL-ARISH 350 German HQRS BEERSHEBA 351 Race Course TRIPOLI 352 A Locke & P Leeming 353 Sea planing in Suez Canal 354 MOASCR detail camp 355 KANTARE Suez Canal 356 Four boys of MG Sqn at cards while convalescing . Marked X was a prisoner of war for three days. Got him back with us when we countered. 357 Signal station at CANA 358 H Videon in german rig 359 ROD-EL-FARAC 360 Sweetwater Canal ZAG-A-ZOG 361 Hospital train on beach EL-ARISH 362 Jerusalem Road 363 Bedouin camel and young'un 364 Admiralty Offices, PORT SAID 365 Suez Canal PORT SAID 366 Taking wounded to clearing station 367 Hills of 10-60 MALHA 368 Junction Station 369 EL ARISH 370 Wine Distillery LATRON 371 White figures how entrance to Pyramid 372 RAPC Wireless Station 373 Sports in Canal. ANZAC Day 1916. Prince of Wales is aboard white launch. 374-5 Captured Austrian boat. 40,000 cases of benzine aboard. She was brought into Canal at Port Said. Spies set her afire. She burnt for some considerable time and eventually blew up. 376 Pumping water from Wadi on Muckshabee stunt 377 On trenches 378 Bringing in disabled battle plane 379 Giving a motor transport a lift 380 Old Turkish howitzer. MONTAZZA 381 Jerusalem country 382 Palm Hod in SINAI. Trees do not bear dates until 14 years old. No bees here. Palms innoculated by Bedouin. 383 Camel cacolets for conveying wounded 384 ESKBEKIEL Gardens Cairo 385 LAKE TIMBAH 386 Xmas dinner 1916 387 Gift billies from ACF 388 Section competition 389 In big marquees HELIOPOLIS 390 HM Landships 391 Capt Aberdeen inspecting horses 392 Football. Black vs White 393 The game 394 Old Napoleon fort. 10 mile along coast from ALEX 395 Jewish Cemetery AKRON 396 Ration fatigue 397 Blowing bottom out of Turkish Reservoir to allow soakage 398 Tilley & Farley - 14th AGH 399 At GIZA Zoo. Note height of giraffe 400 On this stunt we destroyed Turkish reservoir of 2 1/2 million gallons 401 Demolition party at wells MUCK-SHUBE 402 3rd ALH Bde HELIOPOLIS Race course 403 HMLS "Lady Wingate" 404 Turks blew out our tanks at GAZA 405 One of our aviators captured by German. Note German wearing Iron Cross. Snapped behind Turkish lines. Original of this snap was dropped at Aust aerodrome to let them know Aussie airman was alright and not killed in capture. Chivalry 406 Sausage observation balloon 407 READY 408 Bomb on carrier 409 Testing 410 B Richmond, Wireless Operator RAFC 411 Loading Bomb 412 Crash in desert 413 Bomb in YMCA at MAZRAR 414 No caption 415 LW Simpkin - Late 3LHFA 416 LEMNOS 417 Shelling the MARSDEN 418 Pontoon across Jordan River 419 Shells on Walkers Ridge 420 Sweetwater Canal 421 LAKE ISMAILIA 422 Indian Lancers on Canal 423 CAIRO Railway Station 424 Destroying Turkish water supplies. Explosives used for breaking clay at bottom of lagoon, help to absorb water 425 Exercising horses at ZEITOUN Egypt 426 In Wadi on MUG-SHUBEE stunt 427 Tractor drawing 60 lb gun towards front line 428 Sultan's mother's place at HELIOPOLIS = City of the Sun 429 Camped on the sands outside RAILHEAD, Jump off for SINAI campaign 430 G Turner & A Lockwood out for a camel ride. 431 GAZA and Nile floods from top of Pyramid 432 Baby refuses to carry his harness and his pal wears an astonished look 433 No caption 434 Turkish Officers 435 Regt HQRS at IBEETA 436 No caption 437 3rd Machine Gun Squadron 3rd ALH Bgde (my unit) 438 Camel Corps at dinner 439 KHEFREN Pyramid snapped from top of Cheops 440 CHEOPS 441 Pyramids 442 MENA from top of Pyramids 443 Snap from Pyramid showing MENA-CAIRO road running through Nile floods 444 MENA village from Pyramid 445 Band of British West Indies Regt 446 Gippo Band 447 Swimming on Med Sea 102 KmA 448 H Maddocks 449 Bedouin and Egyptians utilise any animals for their fields 450 Captured Turkish train - BEERSHEBA 451 Gardens ISMAILIA 452 Gippos used for horse lines etc 453 Canteens at HELIOPOLIS 454 3 ALHB watering in Wadi on ESSANI stunt 454 JAFFA 455 ALEX, Napoleon relics 456 Egyptian water wheel 457 SUEZ 458 WADI GHUZZEE 459 On Reconnaissance at 10-60 460 Goats and sheep captured from hostile Bedouins 461 Pontoon SERAPIUM 462 Aust trenches - Suez Canal. Turks attacked FEB 1916 463 Camel transport 464 3 ALHB Wireless Station. Col Scott 9 LH got DSO on this stunt (MUCK SHUBE) 465 ALEXANDRIA 466 Canal Hospital Ships 467 Ambulance - Sand cart 468 At old Cairo 469 No 1 Casualty Clearing Station 470 3rd Brigade on move 471 3rd LHFB- Making camp SERAPIUM 472 Watering horses 473 Moving up wadi 474 The wells at Wadi GHUZZEE 475 Camel transport SINAI 476 Turkish reservoir destroyed by ALH 477 Wall in a Luxor tomb 478 Entrance to "Temple of Bulls" 479 Bob White 480 Bedouin crops 481 Harem of Montazza, Turkish prince 482 Jack Holmes, Billy McGhee 483 MUDERIA, B Troop post 484 JIFF JAFFA 485 Natives on railroad construction 486 Aust graves SHALLAL 487 The Stumpy Mirror 488 R Nile at MANSUREH 489 Aust graves - BEELAH 490 NOUZEH Gardens - ALEXANDRIA 491 On issue from QMS. Take what comes. Fit does not matter 492 MATARA 493 German Yacht Club - ALEX 494 Old Turkish Howitzer and cannon ball 495 Field hospital 496 Gardens at BARAGE 497 A dispute's ending 498 Snow. MT LEBANON 499 Bedouin sheep 500 Combat in the air 501 no caption 502 Old Napoleon gun 503 Gordon Wake HQ car 504-5 Burying the dead at GAZA 506 Water Polo 507 Brigade boxing comp 508 Field cooker 509 Bridge on Jerusalem road, Blown up by Turks 510 Teaching horses to lay quiet. For protective purposes 511 "Major" and "Bitsy" 512 Bedouin Scarabs 513 Convalescent 514 1. W Billings. Returned to Aust 2. W McMahon KIA 515 Hospital 516 Coming good 517 1st day up - 14th AGH PORT SAID 518 Back again in Regt 519 Billy and Taffy 520 Stew 521 KHAN YUNIS 522 MENA 523 Casualties PORT SAID 524 Washing 525 Mail 526 Gun from the "Emden" mounted in Syney 527 MARSURES 528 Desert bivouac 529 HASSED 530 3RD ALH Bde. Good camp (Extra) All conv's 531 New issue 532 On to another camp (8 LH Regt) 533 Shore - JAFFA on MED SEA Photo Captions Volume 2 (Illegible = ?) 1 The Cedars on Mt Lebanon, according to tradition originated from the staves of the 12 Apostles 2000 years ago. 2 TIBERIUS taken 27th Sept '18 3 NAZARETH taken 20th Sept. German officer and Arab pony 4 TIBERIUS fell on 27th Sep. Von Saunders was the GOC of Turkish Forces in Palestine 5 Jordan Valley & Plains of Jericho run between Mts of Moab & Hills of Solomon. Distance across valley from foot of each range of hills abt 13 miles, looks ? 6 Storm on Sea of Galilee 7 DAMASCUS fell on 1st October. German vehicle park. 8 German funeral near Jerusalem 9 JENIN. German Headquarters. Fell 20th Sept. German field bakery 10 Three pages back will be seen a storm on GALILEE. Note now calm here. This photo taken near spot from which the previous one was taken. German motor launch on Galilee. 11 Captured intact on 20th Sept. German workshops JENIN 12 Turkish aerodrome captured here. Hostile aircraft landed whilst it was in our hands. Aviators greatly surprised and even indignant. Motor smash near EL FULE. 13 German Orderly Room (Ammunition box full of gold), DAMASCUS. All this gold Turkish coin secured by our troops. 14 German artillery on the way to the front near KENETRA. The ALH swooped down on the artillery around this vicinity & captured many field guns. 15 German Despatch Rider on the road to ES SALT. Unsuccessful raids carried out on ES SALT on 30th April & 4th May. This country was hard on men and horses. Goat tracks were used at times but horse were led most of the time. Stunt lasted 14 days in wet weather & horses were only unsaddled for about 2 hours during stunt. 16 Strand, ? , Tiberius, Gallilee 17 German workshop. Captured by ALH 18 One of the dead lying outside GAZA. Killed 19th April 17. We could not bury them before November 19 Some of the boys that fell in the charge at BEERSHEBA. Tibby Cotter 20 Collecting our dead for burial. They were K in A on the 19th April at GAZA. Buried seven months later, 23,000 casualties in one day 21 German U-Boat 22 Page of postage stamps and money - Struck to commemorate Gallipoli victory - Turkish war postage stamps - War duty - Turkish war bank notes 23 Pamphlet. With paper badges affixed These badges were worn by young Egyptian students. Arabic translation means "Egypt for Egyptians Long Live Egypt" This pamphlet was printed under German influence & distributed around ZAG-A-ZIG, the chief centre of hostilities during the recent Egyptian riots. The Young Egyptian Students influenced the Natives to oppose British Administration, what they called Tyranny. They professed to have sufficient competent educated men to govern their own affairs, but our Heads would not hear of it. Consequently the riots. Many ? and soldiers killed. All railways and communications disorganised. It took several months to bring things to their normal ? Pictures of medals 1. In honour of General Falkenhaugh GOC Turkish Forces 2. The Victorious Emperors of Germany, Austria and Turkey 3. Egypt Awakening 24 Those large photographs I sent you were procured for me by a pal who knew the chap that owned the negatives. The owner of these snaps belongs to the 5th Regiment of the 2nd Brigade, and he took the camera from a Turkish Officer. It had only 6 snaps of a spool of 10, and the BIll Jim finished off the spool by taking 4 of the special entry into Jerusalem. The cross indicates those taken by the Australian, the remainder were taken by the Jackos in the vicinity of BEERSHEBA and SHERIA Turkish field bakery 25 Cavalry going up to support their own line. However never had much action against the Turkish horsemen 26 Turkish Electricians in the field. I have an idea that this photo was taken to get the centre figure. He looks dinkum Australian. Note Australian leggings on Turk on the right 27 Turkish machine gunners ready for action. This is very much like the Beersheba country. Turkish officers on the right, and along side him is the range taker with his Barand Stroud. We use these instruments in the Sqn and they cost about 83 (Pound) 28 Turkish General Head Quarters just beyond SHERIA. Note hard rocky country 29 Turkish Cavalry watching a fight and getting ready to go into action. This is at SHERIA, and the heavy fighting lasted several days. Plenty of water and the Jacko's tried their hardest to hold on to this pozzie. Often our chaps met the gamer Turks in the dead of night, because both sides were on the same game, crawling down for water. This stunt is known as the Junction Fight. 30 Official entry Dec 11th. The official entry into Jerusalem. Sir G Allenby in the lead with his staff officers of the French and Italian troops accompanying him. Guard represents New Zealand, Australia, England Wales Scotland Ireland and India entering theJaffa Gate 31 Sir Ronald Storrs made Governor of JERU. Captured 9th Dec 17. Reading the Proclamation, General Allenby wearing white breeches. Troops of other nations were present, and the notables of Jerusalem. It was read from the foot of the Tower of David, a place that has been standing since the time of Christ 32 The first of the British troops entering Jerusalem. A few Turkish officers may b seen walking at the head of the column. Populace in a bad plight, very poor and no tucker, and all were greatly overjoyed at the ?? of the British Hundreds and kiddies ill treated ?? (Part of caption missing) 33 10th LH Regt first to enter JERUSALEM. Mounted officer on the right supposed to be the CO of the first troops to enter Jerusalem. Note mud on the horses. Had very wet and muddy weather 34 Dead Jacko 35 Turkish machine gun and crew 36 Hanging Armenian doctors who refused to join Turkish Army 37 Outside Damascus Gate Jerusalem 38 Turkish patrol lying outside trench at EL BUAJ 39 Burying Aussies at DAMASCUS 40 1. Djemel Pasha 2. General Limon Von Saunders GOC Turkish Forces in Palestine 41 One execution in Egypt. Executing an Egyptian offender 42 Turkish atrocities DAMASCUS 43 Turks occupying trenches outside JERICHO 44 On ASLUJ demolition stunt. Feeding and spelling. Arrived at Rendezvous too early 45 Turkish saw bayonet 46 Captured guns taken at BEERSHEBA & SHERIA 47 Our gunners obtained a direct hit on ammunition train 48 The large and small of the game. At GAZA. 74th CCS in background 49 Around JULIOUS. These Turkish shell dumps were very numerous around this vicinity 50 Captured Turkish Cavalry 51 Cavalry leaders 52 Turkish machine gun & crew 53 Enemy officers. One on left is wearing Iron Cross ribbon 54 Captured Austrian boat afire, Suez Canal Port Said. 40,000 cases of benzine aboard. Fire a mysterious outbreak 55 ? Hotchkiss gunners and enemy aircraft over ? TELL-EL-FARA 56 Types of enemy officers. One of our bikes in their possession. Recaptured later. The five pointed medals worn by these officers is called the Gallipoli Star. Issued to commemorate the Turkish victory at Gallipoli 57 Our batteries put in some good shooting amongst Turkish transport 58 Showing compactness of Turkish trenches 59 Desert homes. The only time we had cover in SINAI was when we camped near a Hod. Then we could use date palm leaves 60 JIFF JAFFA 61 ZAITZOUN 62 10th Regt MGS amongst hills outside JERUSALEM 63 Jews wailing place JERUSALEM 64-5 German post card characters 66 Post Card PHYLAE The Kiosk 67 Post Card Vue du Canal de Suez 68 Post Card No 93 Queen Street, Fort, Colombo 69 Snipers at NALIN Sth Syria. Lousy country for richochets. Nast wounds. (Aust War Memorial Melbourne) 70 Myself on Ginger. This little neddie is boshter jumper 71 Magazine cutting - Lt C H Vautin & German airman G Felmy 72 9th Regt 3rd LHB Judean Hills outside JERUSALEM. (Aust War memorial Melbourne) 73 Sand hills SINAI ? Desert (Aust War Memorial Melbourne) 74 3rd LHB spelling at GALILEE (AWM Melbourne) 75 Jordan Valley outside JERICHO (AWM Melbourne) - lovely Jordan Valley, dust and heat, 1280 ft below sea level 76 Copy of no 69 77 Watering at MATARIA 78 A desert grave - Tpr H R Olver MM 6th LH MGS Beneath this simple cross there lies a comrade true and tried He fought as fights a soldier And like a soldier died 79 B Section. When they first took our Stetsons and issued cumbersome helmets 80 Palestine types of Turkish and German officers 81 Some of the gunners amongst the snows in MT LEBANON 82 The country around JERUSALEM 83 JERUSALEM 84 Fishing ? ? at GALLILEE 85 Jerusalem taken Dec 9th. Official entry on the 11th. Jerusalem (showing) Holy City and Mosque of Omar 86 Turkish shell hits old tomb at ZERNUKAH. Capt Hurley official photographer - AWM Melbourne 87 14th AGH at PORT SAID 88 Human bones at Dead City ABBASSIA 89 3rd ALH Bde at HELIOPOLIS 90 Men wearing gloves 91 Wireless station in course of erection at MATARIA - 28 masts 92 Old slave market at ABBRASSIA. Many excavations performed on projecting wooden frame at corners 93 3rd guns on the move. The beautiful scenery between LATRON & JERUSALEM 94 Bedouin agents 95 Collecting captured enemy material 96 Captured double-engined plane 97 On the march. Country at Eastern SINAI 98 Anzac mosaic found at SHALLAL whilst trench digging now covered with gun etc ready for removal. Was sent to Canberra. 99 A Troop watering. A rotten job at a small well when horses are thirsty 100 The new Jericho road. Running through Hills of Solomon Valley in distance 101 Gun inspection 102 Draining pools at WADI AUJA. Keeping down Malaria carrying mosquitos 103 8th Regt and 3rd AMGS at BEELAH 104 A rendezvous in the Jordan Valley 105 2nd ALHB camped outside JERUSALEM 106 WADI AUJA in the Jordan Valley 107 Hospital train on the beach at EL -ARISH 108 Jacko's 109 Jerries 110 Stables of Turkish Headquarters SHALLAL 111 Early training. Every man to throw and quieten his horse for purpose of taking cover 112 A Troop 3rd Guns at TAALAT-EL-DUMM 113 Watering at WADI GHUZZEE 114 J Rushden KIA at ES-SALT 115 J Carling F Troop 3rd AMGS. Taken prisoner at EL-BURJ. Repatriated after Armistace 116 Captured enemy plane 117 Jacko gun 118 Brig-Gen Galloping Jack Royston. OC 3rd ALH Bde 119 Cleaning ammunition belts in the Hod at MASAID 120 Bringing up the fodder at ABBASSAN-EL-KEBIA 121 Some of the boys amongst the snow on MT LEBANON 122 Turkish barley crops at SHALLAL in Southern Palestine 123 The crops a few weeks after our horses had been in this vicinity 124 Clearing up after a stunt 125 On the move. 5 minute spells for the horses 126 In Jordan Valley. An airial torpedo lobbed amongst 3rd MG Transport horses & killed 28 127 Camel ration convoy coming along beach 128 Field Hospital at ET MALER 129 Desert graves at ROMANI 130 A day on the beach. Wash self, horse and clothing 131 Watering on the beach at BEELAH. Note how close fresh water is to the seashore 132 A patrol caught by a shell 133 Spello 134 Crossing the Wadi 135 Halt! Weights off and feed 136 Gas instruction 137 F Troop at TELL-EL-FARI 138 Xmas Dinner at MASAID 1916-17. Arrived back at this camp Xmas Eve after 5 nights & 4 days in saddle & the capture of MAGHDABA 139 Exercising along the beach at MARA-KHEB 140 Watering at a Bedouin well 141 At Sheikh's ZOWAID 142 3rd Gun Squadron at ABBASSAN-EL-KEBIR 143 Captured plane on its way to Australian Aerodrome 144 One of our planes about to pass over Hod 145 E & F Troop horse lines and horses 146 Sun set on Med Sea 147 Beach scene at EL-ARISH 148 Turkish transport. Small animals but they can pull big loads and they possess large hearts 149 The dressing station JIFF JAFFA ? 150-8 Types of Egyptian women - Nubian - Fellaheen - Sudanese - Low class Gippo - Egyptian - Middle Class -Egyptian Aristocracy - Turkish 159 French girls on beach at PORT SAID 160 Bedouin girls drawing water 161 Egyptian flappers at ALEXANDRIA 162 Post Card- Dame Turque 163 Post Card - Jeunne Fille Arabe 164 Graves of New Zealanders at RISCHON 165 Graves of Australians at DEIR-EL-BELAH 166 Race day. The saddling paddock 167 Bivouacs 168 3rd ALH Brigade at TRIPOLI 169 Advance party putting down horse lines at KHAN YURIS 170 Breaking the desert monotony 171 WADI QUELT. Taken from one of its precipitous banks 172 Turkish stores on N shore of DEAD SEA 173 Watering at Solomon's Pools 174 Waiting for action at - ES DUN (AWM Melbourne) 175 Camel Corps in action SINAI (AWM Melbourne) 176 ALH Time to Camp (part missing) (AWM Melbourne) 177 3rd Machine Gun Squadron IBU-HARITH, Lieut Breed, McLeod, Guppy, Whyte 178 Cartoon sketch - "A Digger" 179 Turkish Cavalry 180 Gun crew of No 2 Sub F Troop, 3rd Gun Sqdn 181 Operating base of JIFF JAFFA stunt 182 One of the British war boats that cooperated with the Land Force 183 Military railway line passing through a Hod in SINAI 184 AL-MINAH The sea port of Tripoli, Syria 185 NAZARETH Taken on 20 Sep 18 186 The Monastery on the Mt of Temptation, Taken from a cave on opposite hill. 187 JAFFA From the beach 188 In Monastery on the Mt of Temptation Rock on which Christ spent his 40 days 189 Cross indicates Garden of Gethsemane. Arrow at Russian Church of St Magdalene. MT of Olives on left 190 The Roman Bath at MONTAZAH. Hewn out of solid rock 191 Mine sweeper ashore near SHEIK'S ZOWAIL 192 Throwing "Chester" for an operation 193 The swimming pozzie at LAKE TIMSAH, ISMAILIA. Half a mile from MOASCAR, the Aust Training Depot 194 The remains of Napoleon's road. Portions can be seen running between BEELAH & GAZA 195 Camels utilised for ambulance work 196 TULKERAM taken on 19th Sep. This stunt started the previous night and this position fell to us the first day. About 60 miles from starting point 197 German officer at mess, JERUSALEM 198 German Headquarters SEMAK 199 TIBERIAS 200 Water preservation scheme at SHALLAL 201 A dip in the Jordan River. Crossed river on night 21-22 April 18 202 Watering and a wash up 203 JERICHO Taken on 21 Feb 18 204 Turkish graves 205 KHAN YUNIS. Southern Palestine, Note how sand ridges from the beach meet vegetation area. Fertile land 20 miles in width. the beginning of PHILISTIA 206 TAUBE-OVER 207 Drawing drinking water in Wadi GHUZZEE 208 The swimming pozzie in JORON 209 Landing stores at EL-ARISH 210 A camp near the wadi 211 Railway line and bridge crossing wadi above SHALLAL 212 The mid-day halt 213 Turks and Aussies at Dressing Station on beach 214 Washing day 215 Bringing supplies ashore 216 Trying mules in a 60 pounder 217 The desert winds have blown away and left this piece standing 218 Pontoons used by the Turks in their attempt to cross Suez Canal Feb 15 219 "HASSEIN" 220 "GIPPO" Mascot of 3rd AMG Sqdn 221 "Biddy" 222 Railhead camp 223 Typical Bedouin 224 Motor Submarine chaser dvr whyte, photos, ww1, light horse field ambulance -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Archive - Biographical material, Maggs Family of Ringwood and District (Parent Record)
... the ordeal to make a new life in Australia. James obtained work... the ordeal to make a new life in Australia. James obtained work ...Transcript of the Maggs Family History, given by Joan Walker, former member of RDHS:- Pioneer Family - Maggs • James Maggs and wife Harriet Banfield migrated to Melbourne on the “Ticondergoa” which sailed from Birkenhead on 4th August 1852 with 812 assisted immigrants. • In 1856 James purchased 7 acres of land, part of section 75, in the parish of Nunawading where he developed an orchard. • Three children died young – Emma (before 1862), Jemima at Ticonderoga Bay and Mary Jane aged 3 weeks at Koonung Creek. Three sons and a daughter survived them. Harriet died in 1875, James in 1888 both buried in Box Hill cemetery. • Their sons Joseph, Samuel and James all established orchards in the Ringwood/Croydon district. Samuel Maggs • Born 11 May 1851, Somerset, England and grew up on his fathers property in Springfield Road, Blackburn, one block east of Surrey Road. • On 4 October 1876 Sam married Eliza Ann Barnes. • 1881 purchased a block, Allot. 39 Parish of Warrandyte and developed an apple and cherry orchard. The orchard occupied the area between White Horse Road and Mullum Mullum Creek from Oban Rd east to where White Horse Road takes a slight turn to the right, near Burnt Bridge. • Son George b.28 December 1876 Warrandyte married Annie Smith d.9 May 1947. • Daughter Eliza Jane b.27 July 1878 Ringwood married William Dobbin, d.31 May 1946 Camberwell. • Son James b.15 May 1880, Lilydale married Catherine Atkins d.28 July 1940 Ringwood buried Box Hill. • Daughter Jemima b.16 December 1881 Warrandyte married Edward Lindsay in 1905, d.2 November 1955 and buried in Box Hill. • Daughter Jane b.22 May 1884 Warrandyte married Thomas S Knee in 1912 d.31 January 1971, buried at Box Hill. • Son Samuel William b.1 Jan 1889 Ringwood married Mina Lillian Schuhkraft in 1911 d.15 Jan 1955 Ringwood. Joseph Maggs • Born 5 June 1845, Somerset England. • Married Mary Ann Reid in April 1867 at Templestowe. • Bought Sec. 26a, in Ringwood on the corner of Eastfield Road an Mt Dandenong Road in February 1870. Planted 4 acres with fruit trees. Was also a wood carter. During the 1880s white clay was mined here, which he carted for the Victorian Porcelain Clay Coy. • Daughter Emma b.8 Jan 1868 Templestowe d. 3 August 1939, Richmond married May 1890 Fredrick W. McGinnis. • Daughter Agnes b.16 June 1869 Templestowe married John D Miller c.1894. d.3 February 1912 Heathmont, buried Box Hill. • Son Albert b.1 May 1871 Nunawading d.15 Nov 1893. • Son Hubert b.10 May 1873 Nunawading married Isabella Atkins in 1898 Ringwood d.11 August Wagga Wagga and buried there. • Daughter Harriet Annis b.13 August 1875 Box Hill d.21 Sept 1875. • Son Joseph b.25 September 1876 Box Hill d.3 Oct 1900 Mitcham. • Daughter Harriet Annis b.18 Aug 1879, Ringwood married James R Miller d.8 May 1945. • Son William b.3 Sep 1881 married Mary E Hardidge. D.6 April 1950 South Melbourne. • Daughter Dora Jane Dulcie b.13 December 1883 Ringwood d.1973. • Daughter Delia Rose b.20 February 1886, Ringwood married William J Sharkie d.30 October 1914 James Maggs • Youngest (born 28 April 1862, Blackburn) and only Australian born son was also an orchardist. • Married Marianne Hardidge in 1880 (divorced in 1906) purchased land in what is now Kalinda Road, adjoining Sam’s land. • James lived with Teresa Shanks in the Hawthorn and Prahran districts and became a taxi driver. Died in 1925, buried at Box Hill. Marianne became a midwife who delivered over 500 babies in the area – was known as Nurse Polly Maggs, died in 1941 aged 81. • Daughter Mary Ann Hase Polly b.5 July 1881 Ringwood married Thomas Lawford d.9 November 1961 buried at Box Hill. • Daughter Jane Emma b.9 May 1883 Ringwood married Frederick Bloom 1910 d.28 July 1954. • Daughter James John b.17 Jan 1885 Ringwood married Johanna Ida Edith Bloom in 1912 d.24 August 1962 buried at Box Hill. • Daughter David Joseph b.31 Jan 1887 Ringwood married Violet Lepp married 1916, d.11 July 1966. • Son Samuel Arthur b.11 March 1888 Ringwood married Bertha Anna Pump in 1913 d.7 August 1957. • Son John William b.16 April 1890 Ringwood married Lillian Mabel May Smith in 1909 d.18 February 1959 Cobram. • Daughter Eliza Anne b.6 March 1892 Ringwood d.April 18 1892. • Son Robert Thomas b.7 March 1893 Ringwood married Edith E Britnell in 1919 d.12 March 1981 buried Box Hill. • Son Albert Edward b.12 April 1895 Ringwood married Florence Sarah Pearce in 1918 d.30 January 1976 buried at Springvale. • Daughter Evaleen Victoria b.28 Aug 1897, Ringwood married Sydney Till married 1920 d.5 September 1989 buried at Box Hill. • Daughter Harriet Banfield Chrissy b.14 December 1899 Ringwood d.28 Dec 1979 buried Box Hill. Jane Maggs • Born 19 December 1858 in Blackburn. Died 5 July 1926 buried at Box Hill. Married William Cook and had one child, Harriet Amy Cook who never married and lived in Whitehorse Road, Mitcham until her death in 1962. Details, extract from Family Tree Maker family tree:- Descendants of James Maggs Generation No. 1 1. JAMES5 MAGGS (JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)1 died 24 Sep 18881. He married (1) HARRIET MARTHA BANFIELD1 23 Dec 1841 in Bristol, Somerset, England1. She was born 19 Jun 1817 in Clutton, Somerset, England1, and died 12 May 1875 in Nunawading, Victoria, Australia1. He married (2) ROSENA MAHON1 09 Dec 1875 in Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia1. She was born in Deptford, London, England1. Notes for JAMES MAGGS: JAMES MAGGS, and his wife HARRIET BANFIELD, migrated to Melbourne on the "Ticonderoga", which sailed from Birkenhead 4th Aug 1852 with 812 assisted immigrants aboard. In the close confines of the ship fever broke out and by the time she arrived off Port Phillip Heads on or about 2nd Nov, 100 deaths had been recorded in the log and hundreds were too weak to help themselves. Captain Wylie of the coastal trader "Champion", informed Captain Ferguson, the harbourmaster at Williamstown, of the tragic plight of the passengers and crew, and he came with two doctors, in the "Empire", to their aid. They anchored just inside Port Phillip Heads on 5 Nov. at the "Sanatory Station", declared but not yet established by the local authorities. Those who were well enough were put ashore in tents made of spars and sails. The "Lysander" was despatched from Melbourne to act as a hospital ship, and 2 houses, built of the local limestone, were commandeered as a quarantine station. For six weeks the survivors were held near Point Nepean at a place still known as Ticonderoga Bay while the fever, propably typhus, a louse borne epidemic disease, ran its course and a further 68 passengers, 2 crew members and 4 newborn babes succumbed to the scourge. Among them was Jemima Maggs, 3 year old daughter of James and Harriet. The dead were buried at the waters edge, in a grove of titree, a site now marked by Heaton's monument. The remainder of the family, including Samuel, just one year old, lived through the ordeal to make a new life in Australia. James obtained work with Robert Wilson of Bulleen for a period of 3 months at a wage of 52 pounds per annum with rations. By 1856 he was able to purchase 7 acres of land, part of section 75, in the parish of Nunawading at 5 pounds per acre. Here he developed an orchard by means of various mortgages including one taken out 17 July 1872 for 50 pounds from the Victorian Permanent Property Investment & Building Society. Three of their seven children died young, Emma before 1862, Jemima at Ticonderoga Bay, and Mary Jane, the first of their three Australian born children, aged 3 weeks at Konung Creek.Three sons and a daughter survived them. Harriet died in 1875, James lived until 1888 and both are buried at the Box Hill Cemetery. Their sons, Joseph, Samuel, and James all established orchards in the Ringwood/Croydon district. Bur Reg 308 Box Hill Grave #64 Presbyterian More About JAMES MAGGS: Ancestral File Number: LN0V-G01 Burial: 26 Sep 1888, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1 Christening: 20 Oct 1816, Clutton, Somerset, England1 Record Change: 03 Oct 20041 More About HARRIET MARTHA BANFIELD: Ancestral File Number: LN0V-N11 Burial: 14 May 1875, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1 Christening: 31 Aug 18171 Record Change: 29 Nov 20041 More About ROSENA MAHON: Record Change: 01 Dec 20011 Children of JAMES MAGGS and HARRIET BANFIELD are: i. EMMA6 MAGGS1, b. 13 Nov 1843, Clutton, Somerset, England1. More About EMMA MAGGS: Record Change: 08 Jul 20031 2. ii. JOSEPH MAGGS, b. 05 Jun 1845, Clutton, Somerset, England; d. 24 Jun 1886, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia. iii. JEMIMA MAGGS1, b. 25 Oct 1848, Clutton, Somerset, England1; d. 1852, Ticonderoga Bay, Victoria, Australia1. More About JEMIMA MAGGS: Record Change: 24 Jan 20031 3. iv. SAMUEL MAGGS, b. 11 May 1851, Clutton, Somerset, England; d. 30 Aug 1942, Croydon, Victoria, Australia. v. MARY JANY MAGGS1, b. 03 Dec 1855, Konung Creek, Victoria, Australia1; d. 27 Dec 18551. More About MARY JANY MAGGS: Record Change: 23 Jan 20051 4. vi. JANE MAGGS, b. 19 Dec 1858, Blackburn, Victoria, Australia; d. 05 Jul 1926, , Victoria, Australia. 5. vii. JAMES MAGGS, b. 1862, Nunawading; d. 1925, Fitzroy. Generation No. 2 2. JOSEPH6 MAGGS (JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)1 was born 05 Jun 1845 in Clutton, Somerset, England1, and died 24 Jun 1886 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia1. He married MARY ANN READ1 01 Apr 1867 in Templestowe, Victoria, Australia1. She was born Abt. 1847 in of Templestowe, Victoria, Australia1, and died 1925 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia1. Notes for JOSEPH MAGGS: Joseph Maggs born 5 Jun 1845 at Clutton, Somerset, England, arrived in Australia age 7 years. He married Mary Ann Read, in Apr 1867 at Templestowe, selected land, Lot 26a,in Ringwood on the corner of Eastfield Road and Mt.Dandenong Road, approx 114 acres, at 11 o'clock 2 Feb 1870. He planted 4 acres with fruit trees valued at 80 pounds and by Sep 1874 his occupation was farmer and wood carter. A 4 room house of lathe and plaster with a paling roof, a kitchen, a slab and bark stable and a pigsty had been errected to a value of 71 pounds. A well, 3 dams, clearing and fencing valued at 96 pounds are also listed. He notes "from the nature of the land, being very poor and heavily timbered, I have not been quite able to clear the complement required, not having means sufficient to do so, neither will the land pay when cultivated." Traces of antimony were found on the land but not in commercial quantities, however during the 1880s white clay was mined here, which he carted for the Victoria Porcelain Clay Coy. In Mar 1880 he was granted freehold title at a price of one pound per acre. More About JOSEPH MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1 Record Change: 18 Feb 20011 More About MARY ANN READ: Burial: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1 Record Change: 21 Jul 20021 Children of JOSEPH MAGGS and MARY READ are: 6. i. EMMA7 MAGGS, b. 08 Jan 1868, Templestowe, Victoria, Australia; d. 03 Aug 1939, Richmond, Victoria, Australia. ii. ALBERT MAGGS1, b. 01 May 1871, Nunawading, Victoria, Australia1; d. 15 Nov 1893, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia1. More About ALBERT MAGGS: Record Change: 12 Oct 19971 7. iii. HUBERT MAGGS, b. 10 May 1873, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia; d. 11 Aug 1956, Wagga Wagga, N.S.W., Australia. iv. HARRIET ANNIS MAGGS1, b. 13 Aug 1875, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1; d. Ringwood, Victoria, Australia1. More About HARRIET ANNIS MAGGS: Burial: 21 Sep 1875, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1 Record Change: 18 Feb 20011 v. JOSEPH MAGGS1, b. 25 Sep 1876, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1; d. 03 Oct 1900, Mitcham, Victoria, Australia1. More About JOSEPH MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 20011 8. vi. HARRIET ANNIS MAGGS, b. 18 Aug 1879, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia; d. 08 May 1945. vii. WILLIAM MAGGS1, b. 03 Sep 18811; d. 06 Apr 1950, South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia1; m. MARY ELIZA HARDIDGE1, 24 Dec 1912, Goulburn, N.S.W., Australia1; b. Abt. 1884, , of Victoria, Australia1; d. 1956, Lilydale, Victoria, Australia1. More About WILLIAM MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 20011 More About MARY ELIZA HARDIDGE: Record Change: 18 Feb 20011 viii. DORA JANE DULCIE MAGGS1, b. 13 Dec 1883, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia1; d. 1973, Mitcham, Victoria, Australia1. More About DORA JANE DULCIE MAGGS: Record Change: 21 Jan 20021 9. ix. DELIA ROSE MAGGS, b. 20 Feb 1886, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia; d. 30 Oct 1914. 10. x. AGNES MAGGS, b. 16 Jun 1869, Templestowe, Victoria, Australia; d. 03 Feb 1912, Heathmont, Victoria, Australia. 3. SAMUEL6 MAGGS (JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)1 was born 11 May 1851 in Clutton, Somerset, England1, and died 30 Aug 1942 in Croydon, Victoria, Australia1. He married ELIZA ANN BARNES1 04 Oct 1876 in Nunawading, Victoria, Australia1. She was born 19 Sep 1848 in St Lukes, London, England1, and died 17 Feb 1923 in Croydon, Victoria, Australia1. Notes for SAMUEL MAGGS: SAMUEL MAGGS grew up on his father's property in Springfield Road, Blackburn, one block east of Surrey Road. West of Surrey Road and fronting to White Horse Road was James Barnes' property, so by walking through the Maggs land and crossing Surrey Road, one might enter the back of the Barnes land, an easy way to visit ELIZA ANN BARNES. On the 4 Oct 1876 Sam and Eliza were married at her father's house. Sam wrote to the Secretary for Lands on the 29 Sep 1880, requesting that Allot. 39 Parish of Warrandyte be made available for selection. This block had been refused for selection earlier on the objection of the Mines Department as it was believed that the area was auriferous. When told that the block was available, Sam marked it at 5 o'clock December 3rd and applied for a lease of 12 acres 3 rods and 34 perches on the 6th December. On the application it is noted that he already had leasehold of 104 acres. His license was approved 7 Mar 1881 at a rate of 6 shillings and 6 pence per halfyear. Previously paid fees and rental came to 3 pounds 18 shillings, and he paid another pound for a certificate fee, a pound lease fee, plus the first half years rental, then proceeded to develop the land into an apple and cherry orchard.In 7 Mar 1898 he had succeeded in securing the freehold grant of the area by paying 2 pounds 18 shillings 6 pence fees due,plus a 1 guinea grant fee and assurance fund contribution of 7 pence, a total of 4 pounds and 1 penny. The orchard occupied the area between White Horse Rd and Mullum Mullum Creek,from Oban Rd east to where White Horse Road, now the Maroondah Highway, takes a slight turn to the right, near the Burnt Bridge. Sam and Eliza built a house on Sec38 and planted Fivecrown apples grafted on a Maggs Seedling stock at 24 ft spacing. Trees put in about 1875 were yielding up to twenty bushells 30 years later. He didn't approve of regulations which required spraying for codlin moth and was reputed to have said when denied coolstorage space until he sprayed his trees, "No one is going to tell me how to grow apples and anyway a bit of codlin is good for you". More About SAMUEL MAGGS: Ancestral File Number: LN0V-8X1 Record Change: 20 Aug 19971 Notes for ELIZA ANN BARNES: ELIZA ANN BARNES married SAMUEL MAGGS, son of neighbouring land owner, James Maggs, 4 Oct 1876 and had 6 children. She had a stroke about 1921 but was able to attend her seventyfourth birthday party held at her daughter Jane Knee's home in Sep 1922 when over forty family members gathered for the celebration(see photo). She died 17 Feb 1923 at Croydon. More About ELIZA ANN BARNES: Ancestral File Number: LN0V-2W1 Record Change: 20 Aug 19971 Children of SAMUEL MAGGS and ELIZA BARNES are: 11. i. GEORGE7 MAGGS, b. 28 Dec 1876, Warrandyte, Victoria, Australia; d. 09 May 1947, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia. 12. ii. ELIZA JANE MAGGS, b. 27 Jul 1878, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia; d. 31 May 1946, Camberwell, Victoria, Australia. 13. iii. JAMES MAGGS, b. 15 May 1880, Lilydale, Victoria, Australia; d. 28 Jul 1940, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia. iv. JANE MAGGS1, b. 22 May 1884, Warrandyte, Victoria, Australia1; d. 31 Jan 19711; m. THOMAS SAMUEL KNEE1, 1907, , Victoria, Australia1; b. 07 Aug 1881, Lilydale, Victoria, Australia1; d. 19 Apr 19601. More About JANE MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1 Record Change: 18 Feb 20011 More About THOMAS SAMUEL KNEE: Burial: 21 Apr 1960, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1 Record Change: 22 Aug 20031 14. v. SAMUEL WILLIAM MAGGS, b. 01 Jan 1889, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia; d. 15 Jan 1955, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia. 15. vi. JEMIMA MAGGS, b. 16 Dec 1881, Warrandyte, Victoria, Australia; d. 02 Nov 1955. 4. JANE6 MAGGS (JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)1 was born 19 Dec 1858 in Blackburn, Victoria, Australia1, and died 05 Jul 1926 in , Victoria, Australia1. She married WILLIAM COOK1 1880 in , Victoria, Australia1. He was born Abt. 1859 in Wickliffe, Victoria, Australia1, and died 09 Aug 19391. Notes for JANE MAGGS: Jane Maggs, the only surviving daughter of James and Harriet, married William Cook and had one child, Harriet Amy Cook, known to her relatives as Cousin Amy. She never married and lived in the house inWhitehorse Road, Mitcham built by her parents, for many years until her death in 1962. She took a keen interest in family history and was a great source of information and memorabilia about the early days of the Ringwood area. More About JANE MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill1 Record Change: 18 Feb 20011 More About WILLIAM COOK: Burial: 10 Aug 1939, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1 Record Change: 05 Nov 20011 Child of JANE MAGGS and WILLIAM COOK is: i. HARRIET AMEY7 COOK1, b. 1881, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1; d. 13 Sep 1962, Surrey Hills, Victoria, Australia1. More About HARRIET AMEY COOK: Burial: 17 Sep 1962, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1 Record Change: 18 Feb 20011 5. JAMES6 MAGGS (JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)2,3 was born 1862 in Nunawading4, and died 1925 in Fitzroy4. He married (1) THERESA BROWN4 in Christchurch, New Zealand5. She was born 1869 in Clunes, Victoria, Australia5, and died 1930 in Prahran, Victoria, Australia5. He married (2) MARIANNE HARDIDGE6 1880 in Kew6. She was born 1860 in Doncaster6, and died 1941 in Mitcham6. He married (3) ADA JANE CROY7 19127. She was born 1883 in ,Victoria, Australia7. Notes for JAMES MAGGS: James Maggs, the youngest child and only Australian born son of James and Harriet, was an orchardist like his older brothers. He married Marianne Hardidge in 1880 and selected an area in what is now Kalinda Road, adjoining Sam's land. They constructed a four roomed house measuring 26 feet square valued at fifty pounds and stables valued at forty pounds. The buildings were made of palings with an iron roof. Here they raised ten children and lost a little girl, Eliza, aged three weeks. In 1900 James became seriously ill with a kidney disease and was visited during his illness by a wide section of his neighbours, including Mrs Theresa Shanks. He and Theresa became attracted to each other and broke up their marriages, with James and Marianne being divorced in 1906. James and Theresa lived in the Hawthorn and Prahran districts and he became a taxi driver. He contributed to the upkeep of his children although the divorce was a bitter affair. He died in 1925 in Fitzroy and Theresa only survived him by five years. They are buried in the same grave at Box Hill. Marianne became a midwife who delivered over 500 babies in the neighborhood. She was known as Nurse Polly Maggs and the people of Ringwood presented her with a wireless set in appreciation of her service to the community. She died at the age of 81 years in 1941. More About JAMES MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill Cemetery8 Record Change: 01 Sep 20018 Notes for THERESA BROWN: [Ringwood.ged] Theresa had a son Jim Shanks born1902 (father was James Maggs) Reg No 12243R More About THERESA BROWN: Burial: 05 Feb 1930, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia9 Record Change: 01 Sep 200110 More About MARIANNE HARDIDGE: Burial: Box Hill Cemetery10 Record Change: 01 Sep 200110 Marriage Notes for JAMES MAGGS and MARIANNE HARDIDGE: [Ringwood.ged] divorced in 1906 More About ADA JANE CROY: Burial: 15 Apr 1932, Geelong, Victoria, Australia11 Record Change: 10 Aug 200211 Child of JAMES MAGGS and THERESA BROWN is: i. JIM7 MAGGS12, b. 190212. More About JIM MAGGS: Record Change: 01 Sep 200112 Children of JAMES MAGGS and MARIANNE HARDIDGE are: ii. MARY ANN HASE7 MAGGS12, b. 188112. More About MARY ANN HASE MAGGS: Record Change: 01 Sep 200112 16. iii. JANE EMMA MAGGS, b. 1883; d. 28 Jul 1954. 17. iv. JAMES JOHN MAGGS, b. 1885; d. 24 Aug 1962, Parkville, Victoria, Australia. v. DAVID JOSEPH MAGGS12,13, b. 188714; d. 11 Jul 1966, Mt. Waverley, Victoria, Australia15; m. VIOLET ADELINE LEPP15, 1916, , Victoria, Australia15; b. 1888, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia15; d. 26 Mar 1966, ,Victoria, Australia15. More About DAVID JOSEPH MAGGS: Record Change: 01 Sep 200116 More About VIOLET ADELINE LEPP: Record Change: 21 Jan 200217 18. vi. SAMUEL ARTHUR MAGGS, b. 1888; d. 07 Aug 1957, Doncaster, Victoria, Australia. 19. vii. JOHN WILLIAM MAGGS, b. 1890; d. 18 Feb 1959, Cobram, Victoria, Australia. viii. ELIZA ANN MAGGS18, b. 189218; d. 189218. More About ELIZA ANN MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill Cemetery18 Record Change: 01 Sep 200118 20. ix. ROBERT THOMAS MAGGS, b. 1893; d. 12 Mar 1981. 21. x. ALBERT EDWARD MAGGS, b. 1895; d. 1976. 22. xi. EVALEEN VICTORIA MAGGS, b. 1897; d. 05 Sep 1989. xii. HARRIET BANFIELD MAGGS18, b. 189918. More About HARRIET BANFIELD MAGGS: Record Change: 01 Sep 200118 23. xiii. MARY ANN HASE POLLY MAGGS, b. 05 Jul 1881, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia; d. 09 Nov 1961. xiv. HARRIET BANFIELD CHRISSY MAGGS19, b. 14 Dec 1899, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia19; d. 28 Dec 1979, Blackburn, Victoria, Australia19. More About HARRIET BANFIELD CHRISSY MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill19 Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 Children of JAMES MAGGS and ADA CROY are: xv. CLENCIE JOAN7 MAGGS19, m. ARTHUR RODERICK PITTER19. xvi. CLYDE MAGGS19, b. 1917, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia19; d. 1917, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia19. More About CLYDE MAGGS: Record Change: 10 Aug 200219 Generation No. 3 6. EMMA7 MAGGS (JOSEPH6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)19 was born 08 Jan 1868 in Templestowe, Victoria, Australia19, and died 03 Aug 1939 in Richmond, Victoria, Australia19. She married FREDRICK WILLIAM MCGINNIS19 May 1890 in , Victoria, Australia19. He was born in , of Victoria, Australia19. More About EMMA MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 More About FREDRICK WILLIAM MCGINNIS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 Children of EMMA MAGGS and FREDRICK MCGINNIS are: i. RENIRA EDDA8 MCGINNIS19. ii. FREDRICK HENRY MCGINNIS19, b. 1894, , of Victoria, Australia19; d. 195819. More About FREDRICK HENRY MCGINNIS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 7. HUBERT7 MAGGS (JOSEPH6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)19 was born 10 May 1873 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia19, and died 11 Aug 1956 in Wagga Wagga, N.S.W., Australia19. He married ISABELLA ATKINS19 09 Mar 1898 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia19. She was born Abt. 1875 in St Arnaud, Victoria, Australia19. More About HUBERT MAGGS: Burial: Wagga Wagga, N.S.W., Australia19 Record Change: 23 Jan 200519 More About ISABELLA ATKINS: Record Change: 23 Jan 200519 Children of HUBERT MAGGS and ISABELLA ATKINS are: i. HUBERT CARLYLE8 MAGGS19. ii. ANNE THORA MAGGS19. iii. RAYMOND MAGGS19, b. 09 Jun 1905, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia19; d. 20 Jul 190519. More About RAYMOND MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 8. HARRIET ANNIS7 MAGGS (JOSEPH6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)19 was born 18 Aug 1879 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia19, and died 08 May 194519. She married JAMES RICHARD MILLER19 26 Sep 1910 in Ringwood East, Victoria, Australia19. He was born 1878 in Collingwood, Victoria, Australia19. More About HARRIET ANNIS MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 More About JAMES RICHARD MILLER: Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 Children of HARRIET MAGGS and JAMES MILLER are: i. DUDLEY8 MILLER19. ii. IRENE DOROTHY MILLER19, b. 10 Nov 1913, , of Victoria, Australia19; d. 29 Sep 199019. More About IRENE DOROTHY MILLER: Burial: Lilydale, Victoria, Australia19 Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 iii. CYRIL MILLER19, b. 26 Sep 1915, , of Victoria, Australia19; d. 05 Apr 197319. More About CYRIL MILLER: Burial: Springvale, Victoria, Australia19 Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 9. DELIA ROSE7 MAGGS (JOSEPH6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)19 was born 20 Feb 1886 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia19, and died 30 Oct 191419. She married WILLIAM JAMES SHARKIE19. More About DELIA ROSE MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia19 Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 Child of DELIA MAGGS and WILLIAM SHARKIE is: i. RONALD8 SHARKIE19, b. Abt. 1914, , of Victoria, Australia19; d. Abt. 1964, , N.S.W., Australia19. More About RONALD SHARKIE: Record Change: 15 Oct 200119 10. AGNES7 MAGGS (JOSEPH6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)20,21 was born 16 Jun 1869 in Templestowe, Victoria, Australia21, and died 03 Feb 1912 in Heathmont, Victoria, Australia21. She married (1) JOHN DOMONIC MILLER22 189423,24, son of FRANK MILLER and KATE MADDEN. He was born 187025,26, and died 194227,28. She married (2) JOHN DOMINIC MILLER29 1894 in , Victoria, Australia30,31. He was born 1870 in Box Hill, Victoria, Australia31. More About AGNES MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia31 Record Change: 11 Sep 200132 More About JOHN DOMONIC MILLER: Record Change: 11 Sep 200132 More About JOHN DOMINIC MILLER: Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 Children of AGNES MAGGS and JOHN MILLER are: i. ALBERT JOHN8 MILLER33, b. 1894, , of Victoria, Australia33. More About ALBERT JOHN MILLER: Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 ii. LOUIS NICHOLAS MILLER33, b. 1901, , of Victoria, Australia33; d. 197433; m. LILA MERTON33. More About LOUIS NICHOLAS MILLER: Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 iii. LESLIE DOMINIC MILLER33, b. 1904, , of Victoria, Australia33; d. 198933. More About LESLIE DOMINIC MILLER: Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 11. GEORGE7 MAGGS (SAMUEL6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)33 was born 28 Dec 1876 in Warrandyte, Victoria, Australia33, and died 09 May 1947 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia33. He married ANNIE GRACE SMITH33 26 Mar 1902 in , Victoria, Australia33. She was born Abt. 1878 in of Ringwood, Victoria, Australia33, and died 1967 in Box Hill, Victoria, Australia33. More About GEORGE MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 More About ANNIE GRACE SMITH: Record Change: 21 Jan 200233 Children of GEORGE MAGGS and ANNIE SMITH are: i. CLYDE8 MAGGS33, m. VIOLET OXENBURY33. 24. ii. GEORGE ALBERT MAGGS, b. 17 Jul 1902, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia; d. 1974, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia. iii. HILDA GLADYS BILLIE MAGGS33, b. 05 Sep 1903, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia33; d. 15 Oct 198733; m. LENARD DRYSDALE REID33. More About HILDA GLADYS BILLIE MAGGS: Burial: Springvale, Victoria, Australia33 Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 iv. MYRTLE OLIVE MAGGS33, b. 24 Dec 1905, Kew, Victoria, Australia33; d. 02 Jan 198333; m. ROBERT SAMUEL BOB HEAD33, 1924, , Victoria, Australia33; b. 1898, , of Victoria, Australia33; d. 15 Oct 1980, Mermaid Beach, Queensland, Australia33. More About MYRTLE OLIVE MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 More About ROBERT SAMUEL BOB HEAD: Burial: 17 Oct 1980, Nerang, Queensland, Australia33 Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 v. FREDERICK STANLEY MAGGS33, b. 10 Jul 1907, of, Victoria, Australia33; d. 26 Jan 1975, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia33; m. (1) RUBY EMILY BRIERLEY33; m. (2) SARAH MRS FREDERICK MAGGS33; m. (3) ISABEL WOOD33. More About FREDERICK STANLEY MAGGS: Record Change: 21 Jul 200233 vi. ALFRED FRANCIS MAGGS33, b. 19 Jun 1909, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia33; d. 06 Feb 198733; m. FRANCES ESTELLE WILLOUGHBY33. More About ALFRED FRANCIS MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 vii. ERIC RAYMOND MAGGS33, b. 29 Nov 1910, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia33; d. 29 Jan 198633; m. THELMA THOMPSON33. More About ERIC RAYMOND MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 viii. MARJORIE FLORENCE MAGGS33, b. 21 Jun 1912, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia33; d. 20 Aug 197433; m. COLIN ADDISON33. More About MARJORIE FLORENCE MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 ix. CLARICE MAGGS33, b. 20 Dec 1913, , Victoria, Australia33; m. RONALD STONE33. More About CLARICE MAGGS: Burial: , Queensland, Australia33 Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 12. ELIZA JANE7 MAGGS (SAMUEL6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)33 was born 27 Jul 1878 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia33, and died 31 May 1946 in Camberwell, Victoria, Australia33. She married WILLIAM NEWCOMB DOBBIN33 14 Mar 1900 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia34,35. He was born 02 Aug 1878 in Bendigo, Victoria, Australia35, and died 12 May 1960 in Brighton, Victoria, Australia35. More About ELIZA JANE MAGGS: Ancestral File Number: LN0T-NV35 Record Change: 20 Aug 199735 Notes for WILLIAM NEWCOMB DOBBIN: WILLIAM NEWCOMB DOBBIN, the second child of William Edward Jones Dobbin and Amelia Matilda Shoman, was born at Bendigo in the state of Victoria, on the 2 August 1878. He spent his early childhood years in the goldfields towns of Bendigo and Ballarat but by the time he was of age to start school his family had moved to Melbourne and he commenced his education at the Richmond State school. His first job as a baker's boy in Ringwood included delivering bread by bicycle to homes in that area, and that was how he met ELIZA JANE MAGGS. By the time he turned 17 he had decided to go to Western Australia so in 1895 he embarked on a ship named the "Inaminka" which carried a deck cargo of draught horses. While crossing the Great Australian Bight a severe storm was encountered and three of the fifteen horses on deck were killed. He found work in a timber camp in the south west,near Albany, and lived in a hut made of palings for a time with five other men. While he was there an itinerant Indian photographer named S.Bhan took a picture of the hut with its inhabitants standing outside. Approaching the turn of the century his mind turned to thoughts of marriage. He returned to Victoria and proposed to Eliza Jane. They were married on the 14 March 1900 at Lilydale Road Ringwood according to the rites of the Church of Christ by Thomas Hagger in the presence of George Maggs,the brother of the bride and Elizabeth Frances Bell. He and his bride returned to Western Australia on a ship called the "Oruba" and when their first child was born at Denmark, on the 18 January 1901 he named her VERA ORUBA DOBBIN. Eliza Jane found the living conditions very rough and because of poor health she returned to Victoria when Vera was three months old. William followed on a ship called the "Suvic". Their second child, Cyril William Dobbin was born at Ringwood in October 1902 where William worked an orchard owned by his father-in-law, Sam Maggs. He purchased from Sam an area in Wonga Park Rd, (now Kalinda Rd) north of the creek which had been planted as a cherry orchard and part of the area on the corner of Oban Road He also worked in a pottery and in the 1905 Sands and McDougall directory he is listed as a brick and tile maker. In 1917 he rented premises in Main Street (Whitehorse Road), Ringwood, then newly built by J.B.McAlpin, the estate agent, on the corner of Melbourne Street. The shop between A.C.Beilby's store and McAlpin's office on the corner was opened as "The Railway Fruit and Confectionary Palace" and a shop in Melbourne Street, which adjoined the Main Street shop at the rear, became "The Fernery Refreshment Rooms". Three more children were born at Ringwood, Leonard Suvic in 1905, Clarence Newcomb in 1907, and the youngest child, a daughter named Elvie Olive in 1909. A fruit shop in Melrose Street, Sandringham, "The Covent Garden Fruit Palace" was purchased in 1921 and later taken over by his son Cyril. During the early 1930's his marriage failed and he went to Williamstown and opened a florist shop in the name of Walter Dobson which did very well. He married again and settled down to a life of retirement in Prahran, but his second wife, Elsie Fritzlaff (formerly Mrs Wilson) died unexpectedly and he was left alone once more. His eyesight deteriorated badly in his later years and he eventually entered the Mair Street Home for the Blind in Brighton where he died on the 12 May 1960. More About WILLIAM NEWCOMB DOBBIN: Ancestral File Number: LN0S-PW35 Record Change: 31 Mar 200135 Children of ELIZA MAGGS and WILLIAM DOBBIN are: i. ELVIE OLIVE8 DOBBIN35, m. ROY STEWART35; b. 1904, Landsborough, Victoria, Australia35; d. 30 Jun 1992, , Victoria, Australia35. More About ROY STEWART: Record Change: 18 Feb 200135 ii. VERA ORUBA DOBBIN35, b. 18 Jan 1901, Denmark, W.A., Australia35; d. 16 May 1995, Warwick, W.A., Australia35; m. ALEXANDER FRANCIS LAIRD35, 16 May 1923, Hampton, Victoria, Australia35; b. 24 Sep 1898, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia35; d. 21 Jul 1981, Kallaroo, W.A., Australia35. More About VERA ORUBA DOBBIN: Record Change: 02 Sep 200435 More About ALEXANDER FRANCIS LAIRD: Ancestral File Number: LN0Q-QS35 Record Change: 02 Sep 200435 iii. CYRIL WILLIAM DOBBIN35, b. 22 Oct 1902, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia35; d. 10 Aug 1989, Frankston, Victoria, Australia35; m. FLORENCE CONSTANCE DAVIDSON35, 22 Mar 1925, Brighton, Victoria, Australia35; b. 08 Mar 1903, South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia35; d. Jun 1987, Australia35. More About CYRIL WILLIAM DOBBIN: Record Change: 18 Feb 200135 Notes for FLORENCE CONSTANCE DAVIDSON: Notes: written by Carol Humphrey (daughter) 2001 Florence Constance Davidson, born in South Melbourne, was the second eldest child in her family. Her father worked for the Victorian railways and while stationed in Hamilton, Victoria, had met and married her mother. The family moved to the city from Hamilton, in 1903. They spent a brief period in South Melbourne before taking up residence in Ringwood. Throughout her life Florence answered to many different versions of her name. When she was small could never manage to say her full name, the best she could come up with was “Wonnie Connie Davie”. All of her life her immediate family called her “Won” (a shortened version of “Wonnie”). Her husband, Cyril, called her Florrie and her close friends called her Flo. She attended State School 2997, at the corner of Whitehorse Road and Ringwood Street, Ringwood. In the later stages of her schooling, each Wednesday, she travelled to Glenferrie Technical College (now Swinburne College) in Burwood Road, to attended cooking and laundry classes. She travelled by train to attend these classes and was given 1/- (one shilling) to cover the expenses for the day. A three course meal, which she helped to prepare, cost 3d. (three pence), her train fare cost 8d. (eight pence), leaving her one penny. Depending on the family finances for that week, sometimes she was allowed to spend the change. After leaving school she signed up as an apprentice tailoress. She began her apprenticeship on 9th May 1919, with Charles Lane & Co., whose workroom was in Flinders Lane Melbourne, between Elizabeth and Market Streets; the shop was on the corner of Flinders Lane and Elizabeth Street. Her wages for the first six months were 7 shillings and 6 pence and they increased gradually over the four year period of the apprenticeship to 35 shillings. After completing her apprenticeship she worked at Jimmy Oliver’s workroom at the back of Melbourne Town Hall, in Little Collins Street. She left this position when she married Cyril Dobbin in 1925. During her married life Florence worked in the family business in Melrose Street, as well as raising a family of 6 children. She sewed and knitted for her children, was a great cook and she was very meticulous with her laundry, which was probably a reflection of her lessons in cooking and laundry taken years earlier. In later life, when she had more time to herself, she loved to read and was a wizard at crossword puzzles, cryptic crossword puzzles and Scrabble (a word game). More About FLORENCE CONSTANCE DAVIDSON: Record Change: 18 Feb 200135 iv. LEONARD SUVIC DOBBIN35, b. 04 Jan 1905, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia35; d. Jan 194435; m. ALMA WEBSTER35. More About LEONARD SUVIC DOBBIN: Record Change: 18 Feb 200135 v. CLARENCE NEWCOMB DOBBIN35, b. 17 Mar 1907, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia35; d. 22 Jun 1977, Prahan, Victoria, Australia35; m. ELLEN PEARL ISELIN35, 04 Jul 1936, Camberwell, Victoria, Australia35; b. 17 Nov 1910, Richmond, Victoria, Australia35; d. 24 Aug 1979, Burwood, Victoria, Australia35. More About CLARENCE NEWCOMB DOBBIN: Record Change: 18 Feb 200135 More About ELLEN PEARL ISELIN: Record Change: 18 Feb 200135 13. JAMES7 MAGGS (SAMUEL6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)35 was born 15 May 1880 in Lilydale, Victoria, Australia35, and died 28 Jul 1940 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia35. He married CATHERINE ATKINS35 24 Apr 1901 in , Victoria, Australia36,37. She was born 04 Nov 1882 in St Arnaud, Victoria, Australia37, and died 11 Oct 1960 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia37. More About JAMES MAGGS: Burial: 30 Jul 1940, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia37 Record Change: 23 Jan 200537 More About CATHERINE ATKINS: Burial: 18 Oct 1960, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia37 Record Change: 18 Feb 200137 Children of JAMES MAGGS and CATHERINE ATKINS are: i. RUBY ISABEL GENIVEVE8 MAGGS37, m. (1) RODERICK CASSIDY37; m. (2) CHARLES BRUCE37. ii. BEULAH LEAH DRUCILLA DAPHNE MAGGS37, m. HERBERT BOPPEL37. iii. OLIVER SAMUEL JAMES MAGGS37, b. 10 Jan 1903, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia37; d. 1974, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia37; m. RITA MARGUERITE PICKETT37; b. Abt. 1903, of, Victoria, Australia37; d. 1971, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia37. More About OLIVER SAMUEL JAMES MAGGS: Record Change: 22 Jul 200237 More About RITA MARGUERITE PICKETT: Record Change: 21 Jan 200237 iv. DOUGLAS LINDSAY GORDON MAGGS37, b. 30 Dec 1904, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia37; d. 1977, ,Victoria, Australia37; m. EDITH EMMA ANNE MEYLAND37, Abt. 1930, , Victoria, Australia37; b. 01 Oct 1905, of, Australia37; d. 1980, ,Victoria, Australia37. More About DOUGLAS LINDSAY GORDON MAGGS: Record Change: 21 Jul 200237 More About EDITH EMMA ANNE MEYLAND: Record Change: 21 Jul 200237 v. LAURENCE REGINALD VIVIAN MAGGS37, b. 26 Jun 1906, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia37; d. 04 Jul 1955, Ashburton, Victoria, Australia37; m. DOROTHY CLAIRE SKURRIE37. More About LAURENCE REGINALD VIVIAN MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200137 vi. BASIL RODERICK SYLVESTER MAGGS37, b. 06 Sep 191037; d. 04 Oct 1969, Aspendale, Victoria, Australia37; m. DOROTHY BURLOCK37. More About BASIL RODERICK SYLVESTER MAGGS: Record Change: 21 Jan 200237 vii. LEWIS KEVIN MAXWELL MAGGS37, b. 30 May 1912, , of Victoria, Australia37; d. 11 Nov 1948, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia37. More About LEWIS KEVIN MAXWELL MAGGS: Record Change: 13 Jul 200037 viii. RONALD ALBURY RUSSEL MAGGS37, b. 25 Sep 1914, , Victoria, Australia37; d. 20 Mar 1960, St Kilda, Victoria, Australia37; m. ELVIE MARY IRENE MAGGS37, Abt. 1946, , Australia37; b. 02 Jun 1920, , of Victoria, Australia37; d. 04 Feb 196837. More About RONALD ALBURY RUSSEL MAGGS: Burial: 23 Mar 1960, Springvale, Victoria, Australia37 Record Change: 18 Feb 200137 More About ELVIE MARY IRENE MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200137 ix. JAMES RALPH MCKENNA MAGGS37, b. 17 Nov 1921, , Victoria, Australia37; d. 18 Aug 1973, Ashwood, Victoria, Australia37; m. SYLVIA GRACE MAGGS37, Abt. 194237; b. 1925, of, Victoria, Australia37; d. 22 May 200237. More About JAMES RALPH MCKENNA MAGGS: Burial: 22 Aug 1973, Templestowe, Victoria, Australia37 Record Change: 18 Feb 200137 More About SYLVIA GRACE MAGGS: Record Change: 24 Mar 200337 14. SAMUEL WILLIAM7 MAGGS (SAMUEL6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)37 was born 01 Jan 1889 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia37, and died 15 Jan 1955 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia37. He married MINA LILLIAN SCHUHKRAFT37 21 Jun 1911 in , Victoria, Australia37. She was born 21 Jun 189037, and died 1974 in Leongatha, Victoria, Australia37. More About SAMUEL WILLIAM MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200137 More About MINA LILLIAN SCHUHKRAFT: Record Change: 21 Jan 200237 Children of SAMUEL MAGGS and MINA SCHUHKRAFT are: i. BRIAN LESLIE8 MAGGS37, m. JEAN AIRD37. ii. CLIVE LIONEL MAGGS37, m. ALBERTA HARRIS37. iii. DONALD FREDERICK MAGGS37, m. PAULEEN HIGGS37. iv. RUSSELL IAN MAGGS37, m. VINA ANDERSON MILLAR37; b. 21 Jan 1928, Kew, Victoria, Australia37; d. 04 Nov 199437. More About VINA ANDERSON MILLAR: Record Change: 10 Jul 200237 v. MINA LYLA MAGGS37, m. WILLIAM ERNEST MATTHEWS37. vi. NANCY ELIN MAGGS37, m. ROBERT JOHN BRUCE37. vii. KEITH ALAN MAGGS37. 15. JEMIMA7 MAGGS (SAMUEL6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)38,39 was born 16 Dec 1881 in Warrandyte, Victoria, Australia39, and died 02 Nov 195539. She married EDWARD LINDSAY40,41 190542, son of JAMES LINDSAY and HELEN CORMLEY. He was born 188242, and died 194243,44. More About JEMIMA MAGGS: Burial: 04 Nov 1955, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia45 Record Change: 16 Jul 200146 Notes for EDWARD LINDSAY: [Ringwood.ged] See Borough Visitors Book 14 Borough Voters Roll 1924 Borough of Ringwood Voters List 12,13 More About EDWARD LINDSAY: Burial: Box Hill Cemetery46 Record Change: 15 Aug 200146 Children of JEMIMA MAGGS and EDWARD LINDSAY are: i. MYRTLE IVY8 LINDSAY46,47, b. 190648; d. 197948; m. BERT QUICK49. More About MYRTLE IVY LINDSAY: Record Change: 15 Aug 200150 ii. EUNICE EVELYN LINDSAY50,51, b. 190952; d. 197552; m. ROY LONG53. More About EUNICE EVELYN LINDSAY: Record Change: 15 Aug 200154 iii. CLUTHA BRUCE LINDSAY54,55, b. 191156; d. 198156. More About CLUTHA BRUCE LINDSAY: Record Change: 15 Aug 200156 16. JANE EMMA7 MAGGS (JAMES6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)56,57 was born 188358, and died 28 Jul 195459. She married FREDERICK ALFRED BLOOM59 14 Oct 1910 in , Victoria, Australia59. He was born 1882 in Doncaster, Victoria, Australia59. More About JANE EMMA MAGGS: Record Change: 01 Sep 200160 More About FREDERICK ALFRED BLOOM: Record Change: 18 Feb 200161 Child of JANE MAGGS and FREDERICK BLOOM is: i. HAROLD GRIFFITHS8 BLOOM61, b. 25 Nov 191161; d. 18 Jun 200061; m. MARJORIE HORSBURGH61. More About HAROLD GRIFFITHS BLOOM: Burial: 23 Jun 2000, Anderson's Creek, Victoria, Australia61 Record Change: 13 Jul 200061 17. JAMES JOHN7 MAGGS (JAMES6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)62,63 was born 188564, and died 24 Aug 1962 in Parkville, Victoria, Australia65. He married JOHANNA IDA EDITH BLOOM65 23 Oct 1912 in , Victoria, Australia65. She was born 1880 in Doncaster, Victoria, Australia65, and died 22 Sep 1964 in Box Hill, Victoria, Australia65. More About JAMES JOHN MAGGS: Burial: Springvale, Victoria, Australia65 Record Change: 01 Sep 200166 More About JOHANNA IDA EDITH BLOOM: Record Change: 18 Feb 200167 Children of JAMES MAGGS and JOHANNA BLOOM are: i. MERLE ADRIENNE8 MAGGS67, m. EDWARD BARNFATHER67. ii. LINTON DAVID MAGGS67, b. 31 Jan 1915, , Victoria, Australia67; d. 28 Nov 198667; m. DOROTHY JEEVES67. More About LINTON DAVID MAGGS: Burial: , Queensland, Australia67 Record Change: 26 Feb 199967 iii. RALPH LINDSAY MAGGS67, b. 05 May 1921, , Victoria, Australia67; d. 1960, , N.S.W., Australia67; m. MAVIS HYLAND67. More About RALPH LINDSAY MAGGS: Record Change: 15 Oct 200167 iv. BETTINA MIRIAM MAGGS67, b. 30 Apr 1923, , Victoria, Australia67; d. 12 Feb 194967. More About BETTINA MIRIAM MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia67 Record Change: 05 Mar 199967 18. SAMUEL ARTHUR7 MAGGS (JAMES6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)68,69 was born 188870, and died 07 Aug 1957 in Doncaster, Victoria, Australia71. He married BERTHA ANNA PUMP71 01 Oct 1913 in , Victoria, Australia71. She was born 1887 in Doncaster, Victoria, Australia71, and died 13 Nov 1963 in Box Hill, Victoria, Australia72,73. More About SAMUEL ARTHUR MAGGS: Record Change: 01 Sep 200174 More About BERTHA ANNA PUMP: Record Change: 18 Feb 200175 Children of SAMUEL MAGGS and BERTHA PUMP are: i. NELLIE8 MAGGS75, m. THOMAS WHITMORE75. ii. MARY MAGGS75, m. (1) HECTOR WHITMORE75; m. (2) THOMAS BAKER75. iii. LESLIE JOHN MAGGS75, m. PATRICIA BONNEY75. 19. JOHN WILLIAM7 MAGGS (JAMES6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)76,77 was born 189078, and died 18 Feb 1959 in Cobram, Victoria, Australia79. He married LILLIAN MABEL MAY SMITH79 20 Nov 1909 in Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia79. She was born 1888 in Walhalla, Victoria, Australia79, and died 18 Jul 1969 in Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia79. More About JOHN WILLIAM MAGGS: Record Change: 01 Sep 200180 More About LILLIAN MABEL MAY SMITH: Record Change: 21 Jan 200281 Children of JOHN MAGGS and LILLIAN SMITH are: i. BASIL ROBERT BOB8 MAGGS81, m. (1) FRANCES MAY CUNNINGHAM81; b. 05 May 1907, North Melbourne, Victoria, Australia81; d. 21 Jan 1947, Lilydale, Victoria, Australia81; m. (2) MARGARET JESSIE PEG LINCOLN81. More About FRANCES MAY CUNNINGHAM: Record Change: 21 Jul 200281 ii. RONALD JNO. MAGGS81. iii. GLADYS ELLA MAGGS81, m. CHARLES KEATING81. iv. EDNA LILLIAN MAGGS81, m. ALBERT ROWE81. v. CLIFFORD HENRY MAGGS81, m. SHIRLEY SMITH81. vi. EVELYN CHRISTINA MAGGS81, m. (1) FREDERICK HENRY CROSS81; b. 18 Aug 1928, of, Australia81; d. 25 Aug 196881; m. (2) LEONARD LLEWELYN HUGHES81; m. (3) RONALD FRANK BOLLARD81. More About FREDERICK HENRY CROSS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200181 vii. IVOR CYRIL EDWARD MAGGS81, b. 03 Mar 1910, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia81; d. 09 Mar 1992, Lilydale, Victoria, Australia81; m. ISABELLA CUNNINGHAM81. More About IVOR CYRIL EDWARD MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200181 viii. LORNA AGNES MAGGS81, b. 31 Jul 1915, , Victoria, Australia81; d. 1981, Ararat, Victoria, Australia81; m. ALBERT HUNTER81. More About LORNA AGNES MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200181 ix. EDWARD WILLIAM TINY MAGGS81, b. 08 Feb 1918, , Victoria, Australia81; d. 24 Aug 198281; m. MURIEL EMILY MORELAND81, 23 Jan 194381; b. 07 Dec 1917, of, Australia81; d. 27 Dec 2001, Bega, N.S.W., Australia81. More About EDWARD WILLIAM TINY MAGGS: Record Change: 07 Jan 200281 More About MURIEL EMILY MORELAND: Record Change: 07 Jan 200281 x. JOHN DAVID JACK MAGGS81, b. 05 Jun 192281; d. 04 Feb 1942, Rabaul, New Guinea, Ww281. More About JOHN DAVID JACK MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200181 xi. MAUREEN LESLEY MAGGS81, b. 12 Jul 1929, , Victoria, Australia81; d. 05 Jul 1989, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia81; m. STEPHEN BELL81. More About MAUREEN LESLEY MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200181 20. ROBERT THOMAS7 MAGGS (JAMES6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)82,83 was born 189384, and died 12 Mar 198185. He married EDITH ELLEN BRITNELL85 30 Mar 1919 in , Victoria, Australia85. She was born 1893 in , of Victoria, Australia85, and died 07 Sep 1973 in Box Hill, Victoria, Australia85. More About ROBERT THOMAS MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia85 Record Change: 01 Sep 200186 More About EDITH ELLEN BRITNELL: Record Change: 18 Feb 200187 Children of ROBERT MAGGS and EDITH BRITNELL are: i. GRACE ANNIE8 MAGGS87, m. JACOB BENNETT87. ii. BERYL ELLEN MAGGS87. iii. DOROTHY OLIVE PAT MAGGS87, m. ARTHUR BRYAN87; b. 08 May 1928, of, Australia87; d. 06 Jun 2004, ,Victoria, Australia87. More About ARTHUR BRYAN: Record Change: 08 Jun 200487 iv. GORDON ROBERT MAGGS87, m. MARY ELIZABETH BETTY GRAHAM87; b. , , of Victoria, Australia87; d. 28 Oct 1995, Swan Hill, Victoria, Australia87. More About MARY ELIZABETH BETTY GRAHAM: Record Change: 18 Feb 200187 v. WINIFRED FLORENCE MAGGS87, m. FRANK MCMILLAN87. vi. ELVIE MARY IRENE MAGGS87, b. 02 Jun 1920, , of Victoria, Australia87; d. 04 Feb 196887; m. (1) JAMES ANDERSON87; m. (2) RONALD ALBURY RUSSEL MAGGS87, Abt. 1946, , Australia87; b. 25 Sep 1914, , Victoria, Australia87; d. 20 Mar 1960, St Kilda, Victoria, Australia87. More About ELVIE MARY IRENE MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200187 More About RONALD ALBURY RUSSEL MAGGS: Burial: 23 Mar 1960, Springvale, Victoria, Australia87 Record Change: 18 Feb 200187 vii. ALEXANDER NORMAN MAGGS87, b. 19 Jan 192787; d. 199387. More About ALEXANDER NORMAN MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200187 viii. ARTHUR THOMAS MAGGS87, b. 22 Jun 1936, , Victoria, Australia87; d. 15 Apr 1945, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia87. More About ARTHUR THOMAS MAGGS: Record Change: 21 Jan 200287 21. ALBERT EDWARD7 MAGGS (JAMES6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)88,89 was born 189590, and died 197690. He married FLORENCE SARAH PEARCE91 06 Jul 1918 in Box Hill, Victoria, Australia91. She was born Abt. 1898 in , of Victoria, Australia91, and died 1973 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia91. More About ALBERT EDWARD MAGGS: Burial: Springvale, Victoria, Australia91 Record Change: 01 Sep 200192 More About FLORENCE SARAH PEARCE: Record Change: 21 Jul 200293 Children of ALBERT MAGGS and FLORENCE PEARCE are: i. JEAN EVELYN8 MAGGS93, b. 31 Oct 1918, Mitcham, Victoria, Australia93; d. 31 Mar 199093; m. ALBERT ERNEST BENNETT93. More About JEAN EVELYN MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200193 ii. STANLEY EDWARD MAGGS93, b. 17 Mar 1920, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia93; d. 26 Mar 1980, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia93. More About STANLEY EDWARD MAGGS: Record Change: 22 Jul 200293 iii. RUTH FLORENCE MAGGS93, b. 20 Dec 1923, , Victoria, Australia93; d. 15 Aug 197193; m. THOMAS BOYCE93. More About RUTH FLORENCE MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200193 22. EVALEEN VICTORIA7 MAGGS (JAMES6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)94,95 was born 189796, and died 05 Sep 198997. She married SYDNEY NORMAN TILL97 12 Jun 1920 in , Australia97. He died 10 Mar 193197. More About EVALEEN VICTORIA MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia97 Record Change: 01 Sep 200198 More About SYDNEY NORMAN TILL: Record Change: 18 Feb 200199 Children of EVALEEN MAGGS and SYDNEY TILL are: i. ALISON8 TILL99. ii. ALWYN TILL99, b. 09 May 192199; d. 28 Aug 1944, , Ww299. More About ALWYN TILL: Record Change: 18 Feb 200199 23. MARY ANN HASE POLLY7 MAGGS (JAMES6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)99 was born 05 Jul 1881 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia99, and died 09 Nov 196199. She married THOMAS CAREY LAWFORD99 1906 in , Victoria, Australia99. He was born 1883 in Box Hill, Victoria, Australia99. More About MARY ANN HASE POLLY MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia99 Record Change: 18 Feb 200199 More About THOMAS CAREY LAWFORD: Record Change: 18 Feb 200199 Children of MARY MAGGS and THOMAS LAWFORD are: i. LINDA ISOBEL8 LAWFORD99, b. 14 May 190799; d. 08 Mar 199699. More About LINDA ISOBEL LAWFORD: Record Change: 26 Feb 199999 ii. MELBA LAWFORD99, b. 08 May 190899; d. 199599. More About MELBA LAWFORD: Record Change: 26 Feb 199999 iii. OLIVE LAWFORD99, b. 30 Apr 190999; d. 24 Mar 198799; m. ERIC BLANCHFLOWER99. More About OLIVE LAWFORD: Record Change: 26 Feb 199999 Generation No. 4 24. GEORGE ALBERT8 MAGGS (GEORGE7, SAMUEL6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)99 was born 17 Jul 1902 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia99, and died 1974 in Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia99. He married THELMA LILIAN SMITH99 17 Oct 1923 in , Australia99. She was born Abt. 1906 in of, Victoria, Australia99, and died 1974 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia99. More About GEORGE ALBERT MAGGS: Record Change: 21 Jan 200299 More About THELMA LILIAN SMITH: Record Change: 22 Jul 200299 Child of GEORGE MAGGS and THELMA SMITH is: i. SYLVIA GRACE9 MAGGS99, b. 1925, of, Victoria, Australia99; d. 22 May 200299; m. JAMES RALPH MCKENNA MAGGS99, Abt. 194299; b. 17 Nov 1921, , Victoria, Australia99; d. 18 Aug 1973, Ashwood, Victoria, Australia99. More About SYLVIA GRACE MAGGS: Record Change: 24 Mar 200399 More About JAMES RALPH MCKENNA MAGGS: Burial: 22 Aug 1973, Templestowe, Victoria, Australia99 Record Change: 18 Feb 200199 This is the parent record for the archives collection of the Maggs family in the Ringwood area. -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Eastern Rosella, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
Eastern Rosellas are multi-coloured medium-sized Australian parrots with distinctive white cheek patches. The Eastern Rosella is found throughout south-eastern Australia, from Queensland to Victoria, south-eastern South Australia, and eastern Tasmania. Despite their vibrant colours, Rosellas camouflage well into their surroundings when perching or when on the ground. The Eastern Rosella is found in open woodlands, grasslands, farmlands and remnant bushland. These birds are often found in urban habitats such as parks, gardens and golf courses. Early European settlers encountered the Eastern Rosella at Rose Hill, New South Wales, now Parramatta, and so they called it the Rosehill parakeet which became "Rosehiller", and eventually shortened to "rosella". This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century. This mature Eastern Rosella has a red head and breast, with a light green belly and distinctive white cheeks. The back is yellow-green with black mottling, the yellow-green turning green then to blue across the wings. The tail feathers are blue/black, with a red base on the underside. This specimen stands upon a wooden platform and has an identification tag tied around its leg.Label: 79/ Rose-hill Parakeet / See catalogue, page 22 taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, australian birds, rosella, eastern rosella, rosehill parakeet, rose-hill parakeet -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Crimson Rosella, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. The Crimson Rosella is relatively easy to see as it forages on the ground or among the leaves of eucalypts, with its spectacular combination of deep-crimson, royal-blue and black plumage. However, not all Crimson Rosellas look the same. Along the Murray River, Crimson Rosellas aren’t crimson at all — they are yellow, black and blue, with the yellow feathering replacing the crimson plumage. In southern South Australia they differ again, being roughly intermediate between crimson and yellow, with varying amounts of red and yellow in their plumage. Research featured in the 'State of Australia's Birds 2015' headline and regional reports suggest that the Crimson Rosella may be declining in the East Coast. There are several populations of the Crimson Rosella. Red (crimson) birds occur in northern Queensland, in southern Queensland to south-eastern South Australia and on Kangaroo Island. Orange birds are restricted to the Flinders Ranges region of South Australia, while yellow ones are found along the Murray, Murrumbidgee and neighbouring rivers (where yellow birds meet red birds they hybridise, producing orange offspring). Red birds have been introduced to Norfolk Island and New Zealand.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.There are several colour forms of the Crimson Rosella. The form it is named for has mostly crimson (red) plumage and bright blue cheeks. The feathers of the back and wing coverts are black broadly edged with red. The flight feathers of the wings have broad blue edges and the tail is blue above and pale blue below and on the outer feathers. This particular specimen has lost some feathers in its plumage and its colour is not as bright as that of a live specimen.Label: 77a / Pennant's Parakeet / See catalogue, page 22taxidermy, crimson rosella, bird, australian bird, rosella, crimson -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Little Friarbird, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
... northern Australia and the New South Wales/Victoria border... northern Australia and the New South Wales/Victoria border ...The Little Friarbird is a migrational bird, moving between northern Australia and the New South Wales/Victoria border in the spring and autumn times. It is primarily found near in forests and near water: rivers, wetlands. They eat nectar, bugs, fruit and seeds. They form monogamous pairs and nest close to water. They are not a threatened species. The Little Friarbird has a brown head, back, wings and tail. Its chest is light brown. Its legs, beak and face are dark grey. It has bright blue patches on its cheeks under the eyes. This specimen does not accurately match how the Little Friarbird looks because the specimen has lost clumps of feathers on its chest, neck and face. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century This Little Friarbird has blue patches on its cheeks, brown head, back and tail. The front and neck are a light brown. Its back is grey. It has serious pest damage to the back of its neck, which has no feathers. Above its eyes shows early signs of pest damage. The front of the bird has ruffled patches of feathers. It stands on a dark wooden stand. It has an identification tag hanging from its left leg. Label: 61a/ Blue faced Honey Eater / See catalogue page 19 taxidermy mount, taxidermy, burke museum, beechworth, little friarbird, australian bird -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Rufous-bellied Kookaburra (female), Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Rufous-bellied Kookaburra is a large member of the Kingfisher family. It commonly resides in the dense rainforests of lowland New Guinea, Saibai Island, Indonesia, Biak, Maluku/Moluccas Islands, Papua New Guinea, Melanesia and Queensland in Australia. This is unlike other species of Kookaburra which commonly prefer to reside in locations of open country. Another aspect which makes this bird unique to other Kookaburra is its tendency to live in pairs and not in family groups which is typical of other Kookaburras. In the case of the Rufous-bellied Kookaburra, both parents incubate and care for the eggs/chicks. This Kookaburra feeds on small mammals, birds, reptiles and insects. The Rufous-bellied Kookaburra was originally named the Gaudichaud's Kookaburra after the French botanist Charles Gaudichaud-Beaupré. This species of Kookaburra is among the most colorful varieties of the Kookaburra alongside the Spangled Kookaburra. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century. The Rufous-bellied Kookaburra is a large Kingfisher with a black coloured cap on the head, white collar around the neck, blue feathers on the wings and rump and a rufous belly. The female Kookaburra has a brown/rufous coloured tail, as is the case for this particular specimen which identifies it as female. This bird has a large white bill and pale coloured legs. The head is a large square shape and the body is stocky.Label: National Museum Victoria / 159a /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, australian birds, kingfisher, kookaburra, rufous-bellied kookaburra -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Brown Quail, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-80
This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. Like many species of quail, the Brown Quail is often difficult to see, as it inhabits rank, overgrown grassy areas, often in damp, low-lying patches beside wetlands. They are difficult to flush from this cover, preferring to squat among the grass or run quickly off through the vegetation rather than fly off. As is the case with many species that inhabit dense habitats, the Brown Quail may be heard more often than it is seen, with its characteristically mournful two-note call whistle often heard at dawn and dusk. The Brown Quail is found across northern and eastern Australia, from the Kimberley region in Western Australia to Victoria and Tasmania, as well as in south-western Australia. It is also found in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, and has been introduced to New Zealand. The Brown Quail feeds in the early morning or evening, on the ground, mainly on seeds and green shoots, but also on insects. In some area, quails will readily cross roads and may be seen feeding along roadsides.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century. The Brown Quail is a small, plump ground-dwelling bird. It is variable in colour, ranging from red brown to grey brown with fine white streaks and black barring above, and chestnut brown below. The eye is red to yellow, the bill black and the legs and feet orange-yellow. In Tasmania, this species is called the Swamp Quail and tends to be larger and darker than mainland birds, with a pale yellow eye. Female Brown Quails are larger and may be more heavily marked with black and paler below than males. Young birds are like adult females, with less distinct markings and a dark brown eye.Label: 33. / Swamp Quail / See Catalogue, page 30 / Mount: 09/taxidermy, quail, brown quail, taxidermy bird, burke museum taxidermy -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, c1900
Believed to have been taken sometime between 1858 and 1908, featuring a man with moustache, dressed in hat and long riding coat, seated on a bob-tailed horse, is stopped in the middle of a wide dirt road in Beechworth. He is outside a row of businesses, including R.McKenzie & Sons Grain Store and Mackenzie Family Store (Wholesale & Retail Est. 1855), along a sloping hill. Behind the main rider are a parked horse and laden two-wheeled cart backed up directly outside the grain store's verandah, and another man is driving a horse and four-wheeled wagon forward towards them. At the bottom of the hill is a bridge (Newtown Bridge) with forked road on the far side, leading to a number of houses on both sides of another hill. This image is looking down Bridge Street, Newtown, Beechworth and across to Ford Street (left) and High Street (right). Road-making was a focus of town development during the 1850s, and the wide streets were created on the instructions of the surveyor-general to be between sixty-six and ninety-nine feet wide to give the town a pleasing aspect.This photograph is important in showing the development and expansion of the various businesses and buildings in Bridge Street of Newtown, Beechworth. Black and white rectangular photograph printed on paperReverse: 6980/ PH 118/ 1998.00059/beechworth, new town, newtown, newtown beechworth, local business, mackenzie family store, mackenzie's family store, mackenzie, grain store, bridge, ford steet, high street, colonial australia, australian gold rushes, mining technology, beechworth historic district, indigo gold trail, migration, indigo shire, mckenzie and sons grainstore, mckenzie family store, mckenzie, newtown bridge -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - American Crow, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The American Crow is common throughout North America. They reside in areas with open view and trees but can often frequent city parks, suburbs of large cities and along the seashore. The Crow is a robber and therefore, find living in locations which they can raid for food perfect. These birds are sociable animals and are often found in small groups made up of family members. All their lives they reside in the one location; however, they do migrate south during the autumn. They usually find their food by walking along the ground and eat both plant and animal foods. This includes worms, larvae, insects and fruits and nuts. Crows are also known to feed on small rabbits, frogs and mice. They are also identified as nest predators because they feed on eggs. In areas occupied by humans, the Crow will find their food source from trash and also road kill. The American Crow is not considered to be an endangered species and list them on the IUCN Red List as Least Concern. However, large amounts of crows are killed for sporting and during campaigns (having a desire to reduce the population of the Crow in America). This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This American Crow has black plumage which has slightly faded in colour. This colour fading could also indicate that the bird was molting because the feathers of the American Crow appear brownish when the are about to molt and these feathers give way to new glossy black feathers. The specimen has two black glass eyes, a dark bill and dark legs with talons. Both the edges of the bill and the talons are faded into a pale buff colour. It is likely that the legs and talons were painted a dark black by the taxidermist and the paint has either worn off or faded over the years. The bird is standing tall on a wooden mount and looking forwards. It has a paper identification tag attached to the right leg. The tail is short and the feathers are rounded at the ends.153a. / See catalogue page 61taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, america, crow, american crow -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - White Winged Triller, 1860-1880
The White Winged Triller is a small member of the Campephagidae family. They can be found all over the Australian mainland, but there have also been sightings in Tasmania, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. Their breeding season is from September to December, when they migrate to southern Australia for the warmer months. The males can be very noisy during this time, when they 'trill' all day, granting them their name. Throughout the winter they can be found in northern Australia. This species can be found in open areas with shrub and lots of ground cover, in woodlands, forests, scrub and waterways. The males and females are noticeably different, particularly when breeding. Breeding males are the most conspicuous, with black on their heads, bodies and wing coverts, with a white body, lower face and lower wings. Females are brown, with a light body, a faint brow and a dark line through their eyes. When not in the breeding season, males are similar to females, though they have a greyer rump. These birds have a netted pattern on their wings. When in flight they undulate, and when they land they often shuffle and re-fold their wings. This species predominantly forage for insects on the ground or tree foliage, but also 'hawks' insects from higher perches. They build nests on horizontal branches or forks, and can be found sometimes using empty nests of other birds. Many of these birds can be found nesting in the same tree as a colony, and both parents incubate and brood their two to three nestlings. This specimen is a male White Winger Triller, which is apparent from his black and white colouring. While missing some plumage, the distinction between black wings, tail, cap and wing covert are still clear against his white body and under-wings. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This male White Winged Triller has a black cap on its head. It has black wings with black wing coverts, and a black tail. It has a white lower face and body, a white shoulder bar and white under-wings. This specimen stands upon a wooden post, attached to a wooden post and has an identification tag tied around its leg. Swing-tag: 22a / White shouldered Campephagidae/ See catalogue, page 11. /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, triller, white winged triller, campephagidae, australian birds -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Olive-Backed Oriole, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
... and eastern Australia, as well as New Guinea. Similar to the Yellow... and eastern Australia, as well as New Guinea. Similar to the Yellow ...The Olive-Backed Oriole are very common birds for northern and eastern Australia, as well as New Guinea. Similar to the Yellow Oriole, this species is more versatile yet less distinctive in colouring. The streaked underparts and red bill and eyes are easy identification features of this bird. Both sexes look very similar, with female colouring being slightly duller than males. This species frequents open forests and woodlands, and can tolerate dry climates. Most of this species breeds from September to January during the tropical wet season in northern Australia, but some are known to migrate south to breed in the summer. This species eats mainly native fruit, berries, and insects. This specimen is a good example of this species, but the colouring is very dull compared to living birds. This specimen has one red eye, which is a good example of a distinctive feature of this species. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This Olive-Backed Oriole has a faint olive-green head and back, and a faint red-tinged beak. Its body is cream coloured with brown streaks. It has one red eye. This specimen appears to be immature and/or female, as it has a pale pill and a duller-olive green back, with streaks quite high up on it's chin, which is indicative of an immature female of this species. This specimen stands upon a wooden platform and has an identification tag tied around its leg.Swing-tag: 52a / Australian Oriole / See catalogue page 17. taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, oriole, olive-backed oriole, yellow oriole, australian birds -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Dollarbird, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Dollarbird is so-named because of the coin-shaped patches on the tips of their wings, which is clear when in flight. They have distinctive blue-green colouring on their backs and wings, and a bright blue throat. This species migrates to northern and eastern Australia for breeding, between the months of September and April. These birds migrate to New Guinea and nearby islands in the Winter, but can be found in Japan and India also. This species resides in open wooded areas, preferring hollow-bearing trees for nesting. They can be found spending most of their time perched on high branches in search of insects, and will often 'hawk' at dusk above the tree-tops, hovering on the wing for lengthy periods. This specimen is a good example of this species, however the distinctive coin-patches on the tips of the wings are partially hidden by the tuck of the wing. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This adult Dollarbird has a brown body and head, blue-green back and wings. It has a distinctive bright blue or purple plumage around its throat. The tips of the wings are brown. The pale-blue coin shaped patches on the tips of the wings are just visible. This specimen stands upon a wooden platform and has an identification tag tied around its leg.Swing-tag: 96a / Australian Roller / Catalogue, page, 25. taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, dollarbird, australian birds, broad-billed roller -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Silver Gull, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Silver Gull is more commonly referred to as the 'Seagull'. Found all along the coast of mainland Australia and Tasmania, it can also be found in New Caledonia and New Zealand. These birds are a common nuisance at beaches and urban areas, such as shopping centres. Since the 1950s, humans have become increasingly wasteful, leading to an explosion of the Silver Gull population due to the availability of rubbish to scavenge. They feed mainly on small marine life, but they are a versatile scavenger. The population increase has impacted the breeding of other bird species, as Silver Gulls have dominated offshore island breeding grounds. Their breeding season is from August to December, when they nest on the ground, however mating can occur year-round. This species has a harsh, high-pitched call 'kwarwh', well known to all Australians. Although protected under Australian Environmental Law, there are many strategies in place to discourage increasing the numbers of Seagulls. This specimen is an inaccurate example of a Silver Gull, which although is in good condition and intact, does not look like an accurate representation of this species. The legs have been mounted too far towards the tail on this specimen, giving it an unbalanced appearance. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This adult Silver Gull has a white head, body, underpart and tail. Its wings are silver-grey, with black and white tips. It has an orange-red bill, feet and beak, indicative of its maturity. The irises are white. This specimen stands upon a wooden platform and has an identification tag tied around its leg.Swing-tag: 11a / Silver Gull / See catalogue, page, 40. taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, seagull, silver gull, australian bird, nuisance -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Common Starling, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Common Starling is an introduced species to Australia (as well as widely throughout the world), and is considered a pest due to its attacks on fruits and seedlings, as well as competing with the native bird population. It was introduced to Victoria in 1861, and has since become abundant, whose sheer numbers cause many problems. These birds are a social species, which can mass in very large flocks (murmations), and show spectacular synchronised aerobatic displays. This species has a distinctive plumage, with glossy black bodies, white spots on their backs and wings, and a purple and green tinge to their underparts and wings. This species, when moving across the ground, has a distinctive 'walk' or 'run' rather than the traditional hopping of many other bird species. This bird is a noisy species, often becoming a nuisance to people. Starlings prefer to nest in holes in trees or buildings, yet there are at least two recorded cases of this species nesting on the backs of living sheep. This specimen is a good and intact example of this species. As the white spots are large and visible, as well as the purple and green shine, this specimen likely died close to Autumn and the breeding season, when these birds get their new bright plumage. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This adult Common Starling has glossy-black plumage with a metallic sheen, and white speckles throughout. The plumage has a purple and green shine. The irises are white. Its beak is black and pointed. This specimen appears to be male, with less white spots on its underparts. This specimen stands upon a wooden platform and has an identification tag tied around its leg, and a metal tag tied around its foot.Swing-tag: 139a. / Starling / Catalogue Page, 59 / Metal-tag: 1250 (?)taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, sheep, common starling, starling, murmations, pest, australian bird -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Fan-tailed Cuckoo, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
Fan-tailed Cuckoos are found throughout eastern and south-western Australia. They are also sometimes found in nearby small island nations as far as New Caledonia. Their call is a distinct, descending trill, which they are known to make even outside their breeding season. The neck is thin compared to a typical Fan-tailed Cuckoo - potentially a taxidermy error or damage. Otherwise, the specimen is reasonably representative. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This fan-tailed cuckoo has a dark grey/brown back and a pale rufous (a yellowy brown) underside. The tail is also brown with white spots on some of the feather tips. The front of the face is pale rufous and blends into the black at the top of the head and neck. Some of the feathers around the neck are grey. There is a patch of white on halfway down the body on the left wing. The eyes are brown, the feet are yellow, and the beak, which is missing at the bottom, is yellow. The bird stands on a brown, wooden perch with a circular bar, curved stand, and circular base. It has an identification tag tied around its right leg. There is a swing-tag on the left leg.Swing-tag: 71a. / Fan-tailed Cuckoo / See Catalogue, Page 21 /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, fan-tailed cuckoo, cuckoo, australian bird, australian museum, australian animal -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Regent Honeyeater, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
Regent Honeyeaters get their name from their striking yellow-and-black plumage . Previously found across the south east of Australia far as Adelaide and Rockhampton in central Queensland, over the last thirty years their population has dwindled. Regent Honeyeaters are now only found between north-eastern Victoria and south-eastern Queensland, with only three known breeding grounds. Regent Honeyeaters typically live in eucalypt forests and woodlands. The yellow edging on the specimen's wings is duller than the bright yellow typical of most Regent Honeyeaters. The specimen is also stretched taller than most Regent Honeyeaters, resulting in a thinner neck and chest compared to the plumpness typically expected. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.The Regent Honeyeater is a critically endangered Australian bird due to the clearing of their natural habitat, particularly around the Yellow Box-White Box-Blakely's Red Gum Woodlands in New South Wales. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This Regent Honeyeater has a dark brown/black crown with a distinct orange patch under each red-coloured eye. Its back and upper chest are also a dark brown but with a white scalloped pattern. At the lower are of its belly, the white colour dominates the brown. Its wings and tail are brown edged with yellow. Its beak is a short, dark brown curl and its legs are brown. The bird stands on a brown, wooden perch with a circular bar, curved stand, and circular base. It has an identification tag tied around its right leg.57a. / Warty-faced Honey-eater ./ See Catalogue, Page 18 ./taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, regent honeyeater, honeyeater, warty-faced honeyeater, australian birds, endangered birds, endangered animals -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - New Holland Honeyeater, 1860-1880
... after Australia's first name (new Holland). This specimen... and are named after Australia's first name (new Holland). This specimen ...The New Holland Honeyeater can be found throughout southern Australia, from about Brisbane, Queensland to just north of Perth, Western Australia. They are native to Australia and are named after Australia's first name (new Holland). This specimen is mounted correctly but looks different to the typical images of this bird because it is a younger New Holland Honeyeater and is; therefore, brown in colour instead of the typical black. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.The Young New Holland Honeyeater is brown in colouring and has grey glass eyes (like this one) while adults are black and white with white eyes. Both have a large yellow wing patch and yellow sides on the tail. It has a small white ear patch, a thin white whisker at the base of the bill. This honeyeater is an active bird, and rarely sits still long enough to give an extended view. Sexes are similar in looks, but females are slightly smaller in size.taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, new holland honeyeater, brown, black, yellow, australia, new holland -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Regent Honey-Eater, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Warty-faced honeyeater Formerly more widely distributed in south-eastern mainland Australia from Rockhampton, Queensland to Adelaide, South Australia, the Regent Honeyeater is now confined to Victoria and New South Wales, and is strongly associated with the western slopes of the Great Dividing Range. The Regent Honeyeater is found in eucalypt forests and woodlands, particularly in blossoming trees and mistletoe. It is also seen in orchards and urban gardens. This species is critically endangered. They are native to Southeastern Australia. Specimen is mounted accurately. Colour around the eyes is red whereas they are yellow normally. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.The striking Regent Honeyeater (Warty-faced honeyeater) has a black head, neck and upper breast, a lemon yellow back and breast scaled black, with the underparts grading into a white rump, black wings with conspicuous yellow patches, and a black tail edged yellow. In males, the dark eye is surrounded by yellowish warty bare skin. Females are smaller, with a bare yellowish patch under the eye only, and have less black on the throat. Young birds resemble females, but are browner and have a paler bill. The colouring of this particular specimen helps identify it as male.Swing-tag: 56a. / Warty-Faced Honeyeater / See Catalogue, page 18taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, australian bird, honey-eater, warty-faced honey-eater, regent honeyeater, critically endangered, yellow -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Blue-faced Honeyeater, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Blue-faced Honeyeater is commonly located in northern and eastern mainland Australia. It is also found in Papua New Guinea. This species prefer to reside in tropical locations or those which are sub-tropical and wetter temperate or semi-arid zones. It can be located in open forests and woodlands close to water. Due to these locations along with it's propensity for feeding on the fruit and flowers of the banana in northern Queensland, this species is colloquially known as the "Bananabird". These birds commonly reside in pairs, family groups or small flocks. They can often be found socialising with other species including the yellow-throated miner and the Little Friarbird. The Blue-faced Honeyeater feed on insects and invertebrates, but also may eat nectar and fruit from native and exotic plants. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.The blue-faced Honeyeater is large in size with bright white and black colouring. The bird also has golden olive-green colouring on it's rear, tail and wings. Around the eyes is strikingly blue coloured skin which has faded significantly on this particular specimen. It also has a pair of glass eyes to replace the original which do not survive the taxidermy process. There is a patch of dark colouring on the plumage of the stomach and neck of the bird. This dark batch is surrounded by white plumage which also forms a white band across the back of the neck. This specimen is stylized placed on a wooden mount. The bird's feet are attached to a thin stick and the stick attached to the mount.taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, honeyeater, blue-faced honeyeater -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Magpie-Lark, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Magpie-Lark, also commonly known as a Mudlark, is a carnivorous bird found in many regions of Australia, Indonesia, Timor, and Southern New Guinea. They are a non-migratory species and are extremely adaptable to a variety of environments. These environments include dry forest, savannah, grassland, and even urban areas. Magpie-Larks are typically monogamous and are often found in pairs. They are black and white, with a white underbelly, long legs, and a long, thin beak. The females of this species have a white throat, while the males have a white eyebrow and a black throat. While juveniles have dark eyes, mature adults have light irises. This information helps identify this specimen as an adult male. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.The Magpie-Lark is a small to medium-sized bird which has distinctive black and white colouring. The bill is long and thin and is a whitish colour which differentiates it to other Magpie species. When mature, like this particular specimen, the Magpie-Lark have distinctive light irises. The glass eyes provided for this specimen are accurate in colour. This male specimen has a white 'eyebrow' marking and a black chest or bib. This Magpie-Lark stands on a wooden mount with a swing tag attached to its leg.Swing-tag: 20a. / Reed Grallina / See catalogue page 10 / taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, mudlark, magpie-lark -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Dollar Bird, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Dollar Bird is the only member of the Roller family found in Australia and can be found in forests and woodland areas. The name of this bird comes from the large white spot on the underside of each wing which resemble silver dollars. They travel to Australia each year to breed from New Guinea and the surrounding area. Their main source of food is insects which they hunt during flight. They capture these foods while displaying skillful aerial pursuits. They then return to the same perch they were upon when they left to catch their food. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This juvenile Dollar bird's feet are a faded brown and the bill is a light yellow. The colour of this specimen's head and neck are a cool grey which fades to a patch of bright purple on its upper chest. The back is grey while the underbelly and wings are a light blue-grey. The tail feathers are tipped in black. The specimen is standing on a wooden mount.taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, dollar bird -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Barking Owl (Female), Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
... native to Australia, parts of Papua New Guinea, and the Moluccas... native to Australia, parts of Papua New Guinea, and the Moluccas ...Barking Owls are a nocturnal, medium sized bird of prey native to Australia, parts of Papua New Guinea, and the Moluccas. Average size ranges between 390-440mm in length. Females are generally slightly smaller than males and they are only one of a small number of owl species that do not exhibit marked sexual dimorphism. Barking Owls have characteristic vocalisations, ranging from a 'woof woof' barking dog sound, to shrill, human-like screams, which reportedly alarmed early European settlers to Australia. The Barking Owl's shrill and explosive vocalisation is sometimes associated with Bunyip mythology or referred to as 'the screaming woman call'. The female call is slightly higher in pitch than the male, and males and females often duet, contrasting low and high pitches. Barking Owls may be vulnerable in some parts of Australia due to woodland habitat loss. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This female Barking Owl is of an average size. It has brown, grey and white spots and vertical streaks. The face and breast are lighter in colour than the wings and the dorsal plumage. The glass eyes are large and dark in colour while the tarsi and toes are yellowish. This specimen stands on a wooden perch with identification tags attached to its leg. [torn] / 16. / Winking Owl / See catalogue Page, 4 /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, owls, barking owls, screaming woman call, yowing, woodland birds, birds of prey, australian owls, endangered, loss of habitat, woodland habitat, bunyip, australian early settler mythology -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Barking Owl (Male), Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
... ) bird of prey native to Australia, parts of Papua New Guinea...) bird of prey native to Australia, parts of Papua New Guinea ...The Barking Owl is a nocturnal, medium sized (390-440 mm) bird of prey native to Australia, parts of Papua New Guinea, and the Moluccas. Males are generally slightly larger by weight than females and they are only one of small number of owl species that do not exhibit marked sexual dimorphism. Barking Owls have characteristic vocalisations, ranging from 'a 'woof woof' barking dog sounds to shrill, human-like scream sounds, which reportedly alarmed early European settlers. The Barking Owl's shrill and explosive vocalisation is sometimes associated with Bunyip mythology or referred to as 'the screaming woman call'. The male call is slightly lower in pitch than the female, and males and females often duet, contrasting low and high pitches. The owls are brown-grey in colour with white spots on the wings and vertically streaked chest. Their eyes are large and yellow. Barking Owls may be vulnerable in some parts of Australia due to woodland habitat loss. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century. This male Barking Owl is average sized with brown, grey and white spots and vertical chest streaks. The face and breast are lighter in colour than the wings and dorsal plumage. The eyes are large and dark and the legs and feet are yellowish. The eyes are large and yellow irises and the legs and feet are yellowish. The specimen stands on a wooden perch pedestal with identification tags attached to its leg. 17. / Bookook Owl / See catalogue page, 4 /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, owls, barking owls, screaming woman call, yowing, woodland birds, birds of prey, australian owls, endangered, loss of habitat, woodland habitat, bunyip, australian early settler mythology -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
This photograph depicts two members of the Beechworth Band at a 'Liedertafel' concert in the main hall at the Burke Museum in 1999. The concert related to an exhibition titled, 'From the Liedertafel to the Skating Rink: Entertainment in Beechworth 1852 - early 1900s', which celebrated the rich and diverse entertainments that were a part of Beechworth life in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. 'Liedertafel' is a German tradition that accompanied European settlers to Australia. It refers to a friendly society of men united by an enthusiasm for singing. The Beechworth Liedertafel was established 14 March 1894 at the London Tavern, Camp Street, Beechworth, by president, Mr. A.A. Billson, and a visiting conductor, Mr. H. Fielder. The Beechworth Brass Band was formed by Mr. H. Vandenberg in 1887. Marching bands, choirs, processions, circus acts, theatrical performances, races, fancy dress and roller skating carnivals, were among the vibrant and diverse entertainments offered in Beechworth during the gold rush period. Race meetings were revived with a gala atmosphere at Baarmutha on New Year's Day and Easter Monday in the early 1880s. 'Spiller's Skating Rink', which premiered at St. Georges Hall in August 1869, was accompanied by the 'Beechworth Fire and Drum band'. In 1888, Beechworth had two skating rinks in operation, the Columbia Elite at Oddfellow's Hall, and the Beechworth Skating Rink, corner Camp and Last Streets, Beechworth. Vandenberg's Beechworth Brass Band was reported to have provided musical entertainment for patrons at both venues.This photograph of the Beechworth Band playing at the Burke Museum is historically significant for the information it conveys about an exhibition at the Burke Museum between September and November 1999. The use of the contemporary Beechworth Band in a 'Liedertafel' performance provides insight into curatorial approaches at the turn of the twenty-first century and improves our understanding of how exhibitions use objects in the Burke Museum's Collection to tell stories about the past in the present. The story of Liedertafel's and Beechworth Brass Band is historically and socially significant for understanding the role played by German immigrants in building Victorian communities. In settler communities, cultural associations centred on artistic, recreational and sporting activities not only provided a popular means of entertainment, but fostered social cohesion among settlers from diverse ethnic backgrounds.Rectangular colour photograph printed on matte photographic paper. Obverse (On keyboard): Technics / Reverse: 7028 / Label: Liedertafel / exh. / Beechworth / Band / 1999/2000 /liedertafel, beechworth band, burke museum, from the liedertafel to the skating rink, entertainment in beechworth 1852 - early 1900s, gold rush, immigration, beechworth's german heritage, london tavern beechworth, beechworth's first brick tavern, spiller's skating rink, vandenberg's beechworth brass band, protestantism, teetotallism, skating carnivals, beechworth german association, yma's, beechworth skating rink, progress societies, billson's brewery, german-australians, roller skating history -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Grey Shrike-Thrush, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Grey Shrike-thrush is considered to be one of the best songsters in Australia, with hundreds, if not thousands, of different songs. The song has been described as glorious, pleasing and melodious, with sweet, mellow, rich and liquid notes. Whilst pleasant to humans, the song are less harmonious for nest birds, often hunted by the grey shrike-thrush. It has a varied diet consisting of insects, spiders, small mammals, frogs and lizards, and birds' eggs and young. Grey Shrike-thrushes most of Australia (with the exception of arid areas) and southern New Guinea. This specimen has been mounted in an accurate fashion. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This Grey Shrike-thrush specimen is a mostly grey coloured bird, with the plumage around the shoulders a little browner. The underside and neck is paler, off-white with a white ring around the eye. The eyes are made of glass which is a brown colour and replace the original which do not survive the taxidermy process. This specimen stands upon a wooden platform and has an identification tag tied around its leg.27a / Harmonious Shrike-Thrush / See Catalogue Page 12 / taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, bird, australian birds, thrush, grey shrike-thrush, harmonious thrush, colluricincla harmonica -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Southern Boobook Owl, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
Known for its distinctive ‘boo-book’ sound which gives it its name, the Southern Boobook owl inhabits a variety of environments, including woodland, rural, open desert and dense forest. It is found on mainland Australia as well as Tasmania and other costal islands. Some similar species can be located in New Zealand, New Guinea and Indonesia. Young Boobooks’ plumage is mostly off white, and there are slight variations in subspecies based on location - the Cape York rainforest owls are a larger, darker brown bird while the Tasmanian Boobooks are smaller and often have more white flecks on their plumage. Southern Boobooks hunt and eat nocturnally and, like most owls, their diet consists of smaller animals including smaller mammals and insects. While elements of this particular specimen are representative of the actual bird, the form and structuring of this specimen’s neck area appears to be somewhat out of shape in comparison to images of the actual bird, which present a distinct head structure. The eyes on this specimen are also problematic, as they are solely black - not aligning with accurate representations of this species that have a distinct golden yellow outer ring in their eyes around a large black pupil. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.One of the most commonly found Australian species of owl, the Southern Boobook, or Mopoke as it is also known, is also Australia’s smallest owl. With a coating of dark chocolate brown coloured plumage on its wings, dorsal area, continuing onto the top of the head and around its eyes, the owl’s breast plumage is flecked with hazelnut brown and white feathers. Its chin and nose areas are a soft creamy white, and the owl’s beak is a darker grey. Traditionally, the eyes are yellow as are the legs and taloned feet. This particular specimen stands upon a wooden perch and an identifying tag hangs from its right leg.Swing-tag appears to read: '39. Boobook Owl / Catalogue page 53.' The 2 digit number at the beginning of the label could also be '3a'. taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, southern boobook, mopoke, australia, boobook, nocturnal, ninox novaeseelandiae, owl -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Morepork, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Morepork is a small brown and white spotted owl found in New Zealand, Tasmania and Norfolk Island. It is known by around twenty different names which are all onomatopoeic which emulate the birds distinctive two-pitched call. They are mostly nocturnal and carnivorous (eating insects and small vertebrates). They reside in habitats with trees, they sleep in roosts and hunt mainly in the evenings and early morning. Females are slightly bigger than males. This species attains full plumage in its third or fourth year. They can turn their heads 270 degrees." In Māori tradition the morepork was seen as a watchful guardian. It belonged to the spirit world as it is a bird of the night. Although the more-pork or ruru call was thought to be a good sign, the high pitched, piercing, ‘yelp’ call was thought to be an ominous forewarning of bad news or events." (NZ Department of Conservation). This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This Morepork (also known as the Masked Owl) is covered in brown and white plumage on its head and body. The white feathers delineate its round yellow eyes. Its belly and back are brown and white with the white feathering appearing spotted. This Morepork specimen sits on a wooden perch with his head turned to the left. A swing tag is attached to its left leg.Swing tag: 10 / Masked Owl / See Catalogue, page 3 /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, ruru, spotted owl, tasmanian spotted owl, morepork, mopoke, new zealand owls, new zealand birds, tasmanian owls, tasmanian birds, norfolk island owls, norfolk island birds -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Morepork, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Morepork is a small brown and white spotted owl found in New Zealand, Tasmania and Norfolk Island. It is known by around twenty different names which are all onomatopoeic which emulate the birds distinctive two-pitched call. They are mostly nocturnal and carnivorous (eating insects and small vertebrates). They reside in habitats with trees, they sleep in roosts and hunt mainly in the evenings and early morning. Females are slightly bigger than males. This species attains full plumage in its third or fourth year. They can turn their heads 270 degrees." In Māori tradition the morepork was seen as a watchful guardian. It belonged to the spirit world as it is a bird of the night. Although the more-pork or ruru call was thought to be a good sign, the high pitched, piercing, ‘yelp’ call was thought to be an ominous forewarning of bad news or events." (NZ Department of Conservation). This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This Morepork (also known as a Masked Owl) is covered in brown and white plumage on its head and body. The white feathers delineate its round yellow eyes. Its belly and back are brown and white with the white feathering appearing spotted. He sits on a wooden perch with his head turned to the left. A swing tag is attached to its leg.11 / Masked Owl / See Catalogue, page 3 /taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, ruru, spotted owl, tasmanian spotted owl, morepork, mopoke, new zealand owls, new zealand birds, tasmanian owls, tasmanian birds, norfolk island owls, norfolk island birds -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Wedgetail Eagle
... birds of prey located in Australia, Indonesia and Papa New... birds of prey located in Australia, Indonesia and Papa New ...The Wedgetail Eagle (aquila audax) is one of the largest birds of prey located in Australia, Indonesia and Papa New Guinea. It feasts mostly on rabbits but can target mammals as large as koalas, wombats, possums and small kangaroos. The darker the colouring, the older the bird is. A mostly dark brown feathering can suggest over 10 years old, though females are usually paler. This species mates monogamously for life. They circle high in the sky to avoid temperatures close to the ground and to assert their dominance over their territory. This specimen is lighter than many documented photographs of the species. They're usually less patchy / speckled with lighter colours on the chest and back. Documenting the wingspan of this specimen would be of interest because some have been measured up to 230cm. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum in Sydney and the National Museum of Victoria (known as Museums Victoria since 1983), as well as individuals such as amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century.This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This wedgetail eagle is posed with the head turned to the left. It has mostly dark brown feathers which is common for older birds in this species. Speckled light brown and white feathers cover it's neck, chest and a middle strip across the wings. This specimen stands upon a wooden platform. The bill is light grey and long legs dark brown. taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, wedgetail eagle, aquila audax, birds of prey, australian bird, eagle -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Geological specimen - Galena Chalcopyrite, Unknown
... Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia ...Galena Chalcopyrite is the earth's primary ore of lead and is mined from a large number of deposits in many countries. It is also an important source of silver. Galena Chalcopyrite is one of the most abundant and widely distributed sulfide minerals across the world. The mineral is found in igneous and metamorphic rocks in medium- to low-temperature hydrothermal veins. This specific specimen was recovered from the mines in Broken Hill, New South Wales. The mines in Broken Hill were first established after Charles Rasp discovered a large amount of silver-lead-zinc ore-body in the area in 1883. BHP (Broken Hill Proprietary) mining company was then established in 1885 and quickly became the lead in Australia's mining industry after they began excavating and exporting the country's largest amount of lead, silver, and zinc. This feat generated over $100 billion in wealth for the company.Galena Chalcopyrite is signifiant as it represents the catalyst for the rise of Australia's most influential mining companies - BHP. The mineral was one of the first to be mined in the country and after being made into lead, was used for a variety of things such as paint, batteries, ammunition, and plumbing materials before it was known to be harmful to humans. This specimen is part of a larger collection of geological and mineral specimens collected from around Australia (and some parts of the world) and donated to the Burke Museum between 1868-1880. A large percentage of these specimens were collected in Victoria as part of the Geological Survey of Victoria that begun in 1852 (in response to the Gold Rush) to study and map the geology of Victoria. Collecting geological specimens was an important part of mapping and understanding the scientific makeup of the earth. Many of these specimens were sent to research and collecting organisations across Australia, including the Burke Museum, to educate and encourage further study. A grey, solid hand-sized lead sulfide mineral with a silver metallic luster.burke museum, beechworth, geological, geological specimen, galena, galena chalcopyrite, chalcopyrite, broken hill, bhp, bhp mining, broken hill mine, mine, australia mine, lead, lead mine