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matching street works
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Programme - Catalogue, Open House Melbourne 2018, July 2018
In 2009 the MtSV was encouraged to ‘open’ the building for public access and in 2010 the building was a feature in the highly successful Open House Melbourne event attracting over 2000 visits. This event began a succession of public programming activities expanding the MtSV’s scope of works.The Mission is one of the sites open every year during Open House except 2023.Pink colour bookopen house melbourne, cultural events, 2018 -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Instrument - Reed organ, W Bell & Co, c. 1888
This organ was gifted by the Bethel Community in 1890 to the then Victorian Seamen's Mission, originally founded by the Bethel Union in 1857. The gift was intended to assist with worship. Despite all appearance, this organ is not a pipe organ but a reed organ that works in a similar manner to an accordion. In May 1890, the sum of seventy pounds was put towards the purchase of the organ. The sum being raised via subscriptions. The organ was inaugurated in September 1890. Jabez Carnegie (1832-1892), importer of piano and organs in Melbourne, had made a trip to Europe and Canada in 1887 and had secured the agency of Bell organs. W. Bell & Co were a Canadian organ and piano manufacturer, considered the premier organ manufacturer of the time. W Bell & Co changed its name to Bell Organ and Piano Co in 1888 meaning this organ had to be manufactured prior to the name change. The organ was first used in the mission main room from 1890 to 1915 when the St Nicholas chapel was built at the back (see item 0548. It was transfered to the new Port Melbourne mission in 1937 (link on postcard from State Library Victoria). In 1972, it was transferred to the Holy Trinity Church in Bay Street after the closure of the Mission In the late 1980s during a National Trust campaign to save the building, the organ was sold by the Anglican Men's Society to the Trust's organ committee, who carried out some restoration work and returned it to the former Missions to Seamen chapel. In 1991 the Office of Major Projects had control of the whole 'Bayside' development site. With the Mission to Seamen Building emptied and proposed for demolition, the Office of Major Projects removed the organ and placed it in storage in various locations - finally, in the Museum of Victoria store in Abbotsford. In 1995-6, enquiries by Jim Hillis resulted in the return of the organ to the control of the Port Melbourne HIstorical & Preservation Society. As the Society had no suitable location for the organ, several churches and schools in Port Melbourne were approached to take the organ with no results. The nearby suburbs were suggested next. Finally the Melbourne Maritime Museum (Polly Woodside) was approached and agreed to place it in their Museum on a long term loan. In 1997 it was on display in no 5 shed South Wharf (23/3/1997). In 2006, the Polly Woodside South Wharf site was to be re-developed, and they could no longer retain the organ. Accordingly, on 4 May 2006, the organ was transferred to the Mission To Seafarers building in Flinders Street Extension as an indefinite loan (refer OL 022) The PMHPS deaccessioned it to finally transfered it in 2018 to MTSV.(See also acquisition details re 21st C finalisation of acquisition) This organ is a tangible reminder of the longevity of the Mission to Seafarers, a link with the original Bethel Union which was instrumental in 1856 calling a public meeting and inviting subscriptions by various non-conformist churches to found a mission to Seamen. Rev Kerr-Johnson delivered the first service in 1857 aboard the Emily. The Mission to Seafarers has been in operation ever since and continues to operate to the same purpose today.Large reed organ that looks like a pipe organ with fifteen elaborately painted pipes bearing a floral motif. The body of the organ is elaborately decorated in carved wood. It has 17 knobs above the keyboard both which can be concealed when the keyboard cover is lowered. There are two foot pedals at the bottom of the organ with "Mouse Proof Pedals" cast into the framing iron. list of stop names: Viola 4Ft Diapason 8Ft Dolce 4Ft Violetta 2Ft Sub Bass 16 Ft Octave Coupler Vox Humana Forte Picciolo 2Ft Hautboy 8Ft Aeoline 8Ft Cremona 16Ft E---bone 16Ft Echo 8Ft Celeste 8Ft Melodia 8Ft Flute 4FtMaker's mark in gold lettering above keyboard: W. Bell & Co Brass plaque on front board: Presented to/The Victorian Seamen's Mission/by/Congregation worshipping in Bethel/& friends./1st September 1890 Behind the stops a wooden plaque: J. CARNEGIE & SONS, SOLE AGENTS FOR VICTORIA MELBOURNE organ, worship, bethel, pipes, reed, bethel union, pipe top, jabez carnegie, w. bell & co, port melbourne, mission to seafarers, seamens' mission, mission to seamen, guelph, ontario, canada, pmhps, polly woodside, harmonium, reed organ -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping, Diamond Valley Leader, Tram works in February, 23/01/2019
Plenty Road in Bundoora will be hit with partial lane closure between Bradshaw, Kingsbury and Grimshaw Streets from February 2-4 (2019) due to tram track maintenance works.News article 1 page, black text.plenty road bundoora, closure, tram track maintenance works, public transport -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 13.21. Central Greensborough, 1979_05
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map]. 13-21, Parishes of Keelbundora 2856 and Nillumbik 3310, Municipality of Diamond Valley 257. Shows street names, easement sizes, lot numbers, lodged plan numbers, names of prominent features, contour values, creek or river names. Central Greensborough. Prominent streets: Main Street, Para Road, St Helena Road and Diamond Creek Road.MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, greensborough - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 12.20. Watsonia Railway Station and environs, 1983_03
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map]. 12-20, Parishes of Keelbundora 2856, Municipalities of Diamond Valley 257 and 228. Shows street names, easement sizes, lot numbers, lodged plan numbers, names of prominent features, contour values, creek or river names. Watsonia Railway Station and environs. Prominent streets: Watsonia Road, Elder Street, Morwell Avenue and Nepean Street. Includes former Watsonia Technical School and Gresswell Rehabilitation Centre sites.MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, watsonia - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 12.19. Watsonia, Simpson Army Barracks, 1983_03
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map]. 12-19, Parish of Keelbundora 2856, Municipalities of Diamond Valley 257 and 228. Shows street names, easement sizes, lot numbers, lodged plan numbers, names of prominent features, contour values, creek or river names. Watsonia Barracks (Simpson Army Barracks) and environs. Prominent streets: Yallambie Road, Greensborough Road, and Strathallan Road. MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, watsonia - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 12.22. Watsonia North, 1978_03
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map]. 12-22, Parishes of Keelbundora 2856, Municipalities of Whittlesea 239 and Diamond Valley 257. Shows street names, easement sizes, lot numbers, lodged plan numbers, names of prominent features, contour values, creek or river names. Watsonia Railway Station and environs. Prominent streets: Edmund Rice Parade and Macorna Street. Includes Christian Brothers Edmund Rice College and Janefield Special School sites and "proposed future freeway" (now Metropolitan Ring Road).MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, watsonia - maps, bundoora - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 12.21. Watsonia North, 1979_02
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map]. 12-22, Parish of Keelbundora 2856, Municipality of Diamond Valley 257. Shows street names, easement sizes, lot numbers, lodged plan numbers, names of prominent features, contour values, creek or river names. Watsonia Railway Station and environs. Prominent streets: Grimshaw Street, William Street and Macorna Street. Includes former Institute of Social Welfare (now Loyola College) Lines Reserve and Binnak Park.MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, watsonia - maps, bundoora - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 12.24. Plenty and Blue Lake, 1977_10
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map]. 12-24, Municipalities of Whittlesea 239 and Diamond Valley 257. Shows street names, easement sizes, lot numbers, lodged plan numbers, names of prominent features, contour values, creek or river names. Watsonia Railway Station and environs. Prominent streets: Memorial Drive. Includes Plenty River and Blue Lake in the Plenty Gorge.MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, plenty - maps, blue lake -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 12.23. Janefield and Kangaroo Point, 1977_10
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 12-23, Municipalities of Whittlesea 239 and Diamond Valley 257. No streets marked on this map. Includes Plenty River, Kangaroo Point, Janefield Colony and Janefield Reserve.MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, plenty - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 13.19. Lower Plenty, Montmorency, Yallambie, 1979_02
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 13-19. Lower Plenty, Montmorency, Yallambie. Parishes of Keelbundora 2856 and Nillumbik 3310. Municipalities of Heidelberg 228, Diamond Valley 257 and Eltham 238. Prominent streets include: Elder Street, Para Road, and Main Road Lower Plenty. Includes Watsonia Army Barracks.MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, montmorency - maps, yallambie - maps, lower plenty - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 13.20. Greensborough, Montmorency and Watsonia, 1979_03
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 13-20. Greensborough, Montmorency and Watsonia. Parishes of Nillumbik 3310 and Keelbundora 2856. Municipalities of Eltham 238 and Diamond Valley 257. Prominent streets include: Nell Street, Nepean Street and Alexandra Street. Includes Montmorency High School.MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, greensborough - maps, montmorency - maps, watsonia - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 13.22. Greensborough, Apollo Parkways, 1979_06
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 13-22. Greensborough, Apollo Parkways. Parishes of Nillumbik 3310 and Keelbundora 2856. Municipalities of Diamond Valley 257 and Whittlesea 239. Prominent streets include: Plenty River Drive, Diamond Creek Road and Civic Drive. Includes Diamond Valley Civi Centre, Churinga, Janefield Colony Reserve and "proposed freeway" now Greensborough Highway (Bypass)MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, greensborough - maps, apollo parkways - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 13.23. Plenty, Happy Hollow, 1979_03
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 13-23. Plenty / Happy Hollow. Parishes of Morang 3183, Nillumbik 3310 and Keelbundora 2856. Municipalities of Diamond Valley 257 and Whittlesea 239. Prominent streets include: McLaughlans Lane and Happy Hollow Drive. Includes Janefield Colony Reserve.MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, plenty - maps, happy hollow -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 17.26. Hurstbridge, 1978_01
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 17-26. Hurstbridge. Municipalities of Diamond Valley 257 and Eltham 238. Prominent streets include: Flat Rock Road and Heather Avenue. Includes Hurstbridge Railway Station.MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, hurstbridge - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 17.25. Hurstbridge, 1978_01
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 17-26. Hurstbridge. Municipalities of Diamond Valley 257 and Eltham 238. Prominent streets include: Silvan Road and Hurstbridge Road. MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, hurstbridge - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 17.27. Central Hurstbridge, 1978_02
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 17-27. Central Hurstbridge. Parish of Greensborough 2724, Municipalities of Diamond Valley 257, Eltham 238 and Whittlesea 239. Prominent streets include: Anzac Avenue and Hurstbridge-Arthurs Creek Road. MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, hurstbridge - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 11.22. Bundoora, 1979_01
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 11-22. Bundoora. Parish of Keelbundoora 2856, Municipalities of Diamond Valley 257 and Whittlesea 239. Prominent streets include: Greenhills Road, Cabernet Crescent and Plenty Road. Includes Parade College (Christian Brothers) and "proposed future freeway" (now Metropolitan Ring Road)MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, bundoora - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 11.21. Bundoora, east of Plenty Road, 1979_01
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 11-21. Bundoora, east of Plenty Road. Parish of Keelbundoora 2856, Municipalities of Diamond Valley 257, Preston 225 and Whittlesea 239. Prominent streets include: Grimshaw Street, Settlement Road and Plenty Road. Includes Yulong Park.MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, bundoora - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 16.25. Wattle Glen, 1978_07
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 16-25. Wattle Glen. Municipalities of Diamond Valley 257 and Eltham 238. Prominent streets include: Nimmo Road, Broad Gully Road and Heidelberg-Kinglake Road. Includes Yulong Park.MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, wattle glen - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 16.24. Northern Diamond Creek and Wattle Glen, 1978_02
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 16-24. Northern Diamond Creek and Wattle Glen. Parishes of Nillumbik 3310 and Greensborough 2724. Municipalities of Diamond Valley 257 and Eltham 238. Prominent streets include: Hurstbridge Road, and Reynolds Road. Includes Wattle Glen Station.MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, wattle glen - maps, diamond creek - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 16.23. Diamond Creek, 1978_02
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 16-23. Diamond Creek. Parish of Nillumbik 3310. Municipalities of Diamond Valley 257 and Eltham 238. Prominent streets include: Phipps Crescent, Bishop Avenue, and Reynolds Road. Includes the former Diamond Creek Technical School.MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, diamond creek - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 16.22. Research, 1979_05
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 16-22. Research. Parish of Nillumbik 3310. Municipalities of Diamond Valley 257 and Eltham 238. Prominent streets include: Orme Road and Allendale Road. MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, diamond creek - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital Image, Main Street upgrade 1960s, 1978c
... Photograph of upgrade works in lower Main Street area... Plenty Lower Plenty melbourne Photograph of upgrade works ...Photograph of upgrade works in lower Main Street area, taken in the late 1960s. Shows construction of rail bridge and Main Street.Digital copy of colour photographmain street greensborough -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital Image, Main Street upgrade 1978c, 1978c
... Photograph of upgrade works in lower Main Street area... Plenty Lower Plenty melbourne Photograph of upgrade works ...Photograph of upgrade works in lower Main Street area, taken c1978. Shows roadworks on Main Street Greensborough.Digital copy of black and white photographmain street greensborough -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 15.28. Yarrambat, 1977_10
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 15-28. Yarrambat. Municipalities of Diamond Valley 257 and Whittlesea 239. Prominent streets include: Edward Henty Avenue, Charles Sturt Drive and Creighton Way. MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, yarrambat - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 16.28. East of Hurstbridge, 1977_10
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 16.28. East of Hurstbridge. Municipalities of Whittlesea 239, Eltham 238 and Diamond Valley 257. Prominent streets include: Boyds Road, Bannons Lane and Wattle Tree Road. MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 16.27. Hurstbridge, 1977_10
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 16.27. Hurstbridge. Parish of Greensborough 2724. Municipalities of Whittlesea 239 and Diamond Valley 257. Prominent streets include: Haleys Gully Road, Kendalls Lane and Bingley Avenue. MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, shire of whittlesea, hurstbridge - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 15.23. Diamond Creek Reserve, 1978_02
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 15.23. Hurstbridge. Municipality of Diamond Valley 257. Prominent streets include: Challenger Street, James Cook Drive and Ryans Road / Main Street. Features include the Diamond Creek and Diamond Creek Reserve.MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, diamond creek - maps -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Survey Division, MMBW, Yarra 2500 / 15.22. Eltham North. Allendale Road, 1979_08
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Yarra 2500 [base map] 15.22. Eltham North, Allendale Road. Parish of Nillumbik. Municipalities of Eltham 238 and Diamond Valley 257. Prominent streets include: Allendale Road, Godber Road and Ryans Road. Features include the Diamond Creek.MMBW Map in 1:2500 [scale] series. Cream parchment with green tape reinforcing on edges and punched holes on left edge.mmbw, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, shire of diamond valley, nillumbik, eltham - maps