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Orbost & District Historical Society
book, History of Australasia, 1879
"The History of Australasia" by David Blair was one of three important publications of the author. Written in 1879, the book relates the history of both Australia and New Zealand from their discovery through to the establishment of self-government in both colonies. Blair was born in Ireland and after studying for the ministry in Ireland came to Australia in 1850. Instead of a missionary career he took up journalism, became a member of the Legislative Assembly in Victoria and published his books on Australasia.A large thick hard leather covered book -History of Australasia by David Blair and published in 1879. The covers are black with a gold pattern border. The front cover shows an embossed Australian crest in gilt with kangaroo and emu and ' Advance Australia'. It is an illustrated edition with beautifully coloured maps for each Australian colony and New blair-david history-australasia -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Edgar H. Baillie, The Weekly Times Annual, October 1934
The first Weekly Times Annual was published on November 4, 1911 and was produced until the Depression forced its demise in 1934. It was reintroduced in 2009.This magazine was the final edition published before a long gap of more than 70 years. The publication was an annual snapshot of Victoria - both rural and metropolitan.A magazine with full page colouedr photographs - Weekly Times Annual 24th Year.magazine weekly-times-annual media news -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Table Talk, August 1 1934
This magazine was published as a souvenir to commemorate the centenary of European settlement in Victoria, 1934A 104 page soft covered magazine relating to Melbourne's first 100 years. It contains stories about the settlement of early Melbourne, businesses, land purchases and advertisements. The front cover has a brown background and a colour reproduction of a painting titled Pioneers by W. B. McInnes.tourism recreation history melbourne magazine table-talk -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Wildflowers of Victoria, 1967
... 19-47 Jeffcott Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia ...A hard covered book with a faded blue cloth cover. On the front cover is a white stylised picture of a flower. Written by Jean Galbraith and published by Colorgravure Publications Melbourne.Inside - printed - Orbost Historical Society. Toorak Teachers' College Library On the spine - 8 inside a squarewildflowers-of-victoria galbraith-jean botany wildflowers -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, The Cocky Farmer, 1907
Nathan Frederick Spielvogel (1874-1956), teacher, writer and historian, was born on 10 May 1874 at Ballarat, Victoria. as well as his stories he published a number of Books about the history of Ballarat. Nathan Frederick Spielvogel (1874–1956) was a teacher, writer and historian. As a country schoolteacher, he traveled widely in the eastern Australian outback and also made a journey to London. Spielvogel gained distinction as one of the only Australian Jewish writers of his time. Many of his early books were best-sellers. A paper back book with 146 pp.written by Nathan Spielvogel. On the front cover is a drawing of a farm-house in a green paddock. The book is about school life and farming at Sale, Stawell, and the Wimmera district. the-cocky-farmer spielvogel-nathan literature -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Songs of the Currawongs, 2011
Mary Ann Willis is a member of The Orbost Nixon family and as a child spent time in Orbost. Mrs Marion Dwyer held office at Bairnsdale Golf Club and the East Gippsland Golf Associates Association for many years, being honoured with Life Membership from both. She was also a member of the YGLU (now Golf Victoria) council for 10 years. Mrs Dwyer won a number of titles including: Victorian Country Champion 9 times, Victorian Veteran Champion 3 times, Gippsland Champion 13 times, East Gippsland Champion 16 times, East Gippsland Foursomes' Champion 2 times, Bairnsdale Golf Club Ladies Champion 32 times, Bairnsdale Golf Club Foursomes' Champion 4 times & 106 single tournaments.A large book with a black cover. Book written by Mary Ann Willis. Contains poetry and articles including an oral history of Marion Dwyer. willis-maryann literature dwyer-marion nixon-family orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, A History of the Aboriginal people of East Gippsland by Kym Thompson, January, 1985
A manuscript book with a pink cover. A History of the Aboriginal People of East Gippsland by Kym Thompson. It is a report for the Land Conservation Council, Victoria, 1985. Contains archaeological research, history of white invasion and matters related to the preservation of sites of significance in the area. australian-aborigines land-conservation-council thompson-kym -
Orbost & District Historical Society
bottle, Late 1800's
In 1857 at the height of the gold rush, with people pouring into Central Victoria from all over the world, three brothers from Denmark – Moritz, Julius and Jacob Cohn – founded a small cordial factory in the booming town of Bendigo. They went on to build an empire and, through introducing lager, which is served cold, to the country, changed the drinking preferences of Australians. (Ref. Culture Victoria)A pale green clear glass codd neck marble bottle with a glass marble inside. It is seamed and has four dimples on the shoulder. It is indented to hold the marble. On side: lengthwise on both halves base at bottom on both halves COHN BROS LTD 5 BENDIGObottle cohn-bros bendigo cordial beverages -
Orbost & District Historical Society
biscuit tin, 1950's -1960's
Salada biscuits were produced by Brockhoff Biscuits. The name is said to be a bastardisation of "See-ya-layta". Biscuits were sold by weight from a large tin in the grocer's shop.Biscuits were once sold by weight from a large tin in the grocer's shop.This tin seems to be a commercial tin used in a grocery shop. It would have been used in an Orbost grocery store e.g. Dicken's, Baughhaust's or Herbert's.Large rectangular commercial biscuit tin, made from pressed metal, with a hinged lid. There is a paper label on the top and the front which details the contents, and manufacturer details are stamped into the base. The label is a dark blue/black colour with yellow print and a picture of two Salada biscuits.Brockhoff, vitamin enriched, oven crisp, salada, the American Cracker, Burwood, Victoria Willow tin (made in Aust)brockhoff salada-biscuits food container biscuit-tin -
Orbost & District Historical Society
bottle, 1930's
At one time, almost all breweries in Australia had their own brand of returnable bottle or were members of bottle co-operatives that managed returnable bottles. Instead of being crushed to make new bottles, as happens in most cases today, these returnable bottles were returned to the brewery or bottle co-operative, washed, inspected for cracks and chips and returned to service.A green clear glass bottle with the word COUNTRY embossed on the front and MBCV in a spade below it. the base is dimpled and the bottle is designed for a crown seal.At bottom - Property of the Manufacturers Bottle co-op of Victoria PTY Ltd on front - COUNTRY with MBCV in a spade beneath itcontainer bottle m.b.c.v. -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazines, Victorian Band League, VBL News, January 1976 -1980
Since 1931 The VBL has been the association of amateur community bands in Victoria, Australia. Its members are brass, concert and stage bands. The VBL provides competition, training and representation for its members. Individuals members are registered directly with the League.The various Orbost bands over the years played a major role in community activities providing entertainment and musical experiences for the many members.Forty newsletters. Paper-backed VBL News. All printed on quarto sized white newsletters brass-bands vbl -
Orbost & District Historical Society
programs, 1967-1970
The Victorian Rifle Association governs the operation of rifle ranges and target shooting clubs throughout Victoria. The Association was formed in 1860 and held its first individual competition at the end of that year. These programs were used by C. Curtis of the Orbost Rifle Club.The Orbost Rifle Club existed in the early 20th century. (There are records from 1900). It folded in the late 1970's. It had a substantial membership.Four programs for the Victorian Rifle association Annual Prize Meeting. 2090.1 has a pink cover -1967. 2090.2 has a pale green cover -1968. 2090.3 has a yellow cover -1969. 2090.4 has a pale green cover-1970. Inside 2090.4 is a newspaper cutting.orbost-rifle-club shooting victorian-rifle-association -
Orbost & District Historical Society
program, 1971
This program was made for the Orbost Apex Club to be used on the "change over night" of August 6th 1971. Apex Clubs were begun in March 1931 when three young architects, looking to make a contribution to their local community of Geelong Victoria, decided to create Apex. Apex is a volunteer community service organisation whose members work in local clubs across urban, regional and rural Australia to raise awareness about social justice issues, assist the needy in a practical way and contribute resources to worthwhile causes. (ref Apex website)The Apex Club of Orbost was a volunteer service club which contributed to the Orbost community. A declining population has led to the demise of many social groups in the area.A white triple fold cardboard program. It has blue print on the white background.APEX CLUB OF ORBOST 13th Change Over Nightprogram apex service-club -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Wildflowers of Victoria, 1967
Born Celia Elizabeth Prince in 1930, Celia Rosser began painting Australian wildflowers early in her artistic career. She first began painting Banksias after seeing a Banksia serrata near her home in Orbost, Victoria. She lived in Orbost in the 1960's( her husband had been posted to Orbost High School) where she painted and drew native flowers , in particular, banksias. Her first exhibition was at Leveson Gallery in Melbourne in 1965, and included three watercolours of Banksia species. Two years later she published Wildflowers of Victoria.Celia Elizabeth Rosser (born 1930) is a renowned Australian botanical illustrator, best known for having published The Banksias, a three-volume series of monographs containing watercolour paintings of every Banksia species. She began painting Australian wildflowers early in her artistic career. She first began painting Banksias after seeing a Banksia serrata near her home in Orbost, Victoria.A small book titled Wildflowers of Victoria and written by Celia Rosser. It was published in 1967 by Jacaranda Press. The covers are stiff card and it has an illustration of a banksia on the front cover. It has 105 pp and contains coloured illustrations. This book was the third part of the Jacaranda wildflower guides series. The book is designed to carry around in a pocket or purse.rosser-celia wildflowers banksia australian-flora -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazines/booklets, Our Land/Our Century, 1999
The Weekly Times was first published on September 11, 1869. In September 1875, The Weekly Times absorbed two other Melbourne-based rural publications, the Economist and Town and Country.In 1892 the Daily Telegraph company sold its buildings and mastheads to the Herald group, which has published The Weekly Times continuously since. In 1902 The Herald and Standard Newspaper Company Ltd changed its name to the present Herald and Weekly Times. These booklets were published as souvenir magazines to "celebrate 100 years on the land". These magazines are records of the rural history of Victoria.Nine of ten Weekly Times souvenir booklets/magazines titled Our Land, Our Century 1900-1999: Celebrating 100 Years on the Land. They contain pictures and stories of events related to rural Australia. Each edition covers ten years from 1900 -1989. The issue, 1990 -1999 is missing.magazine weekly-times souvenir rural-history -
Orbost & District Historical Society
document, 18th October, 1977
This survey had been sent to the Orbost Rifle Club c/- C. Curtis.The Shire of Orbost was a local government area about 380 kilometres (236 mi) east of Melbourne, the state capital of Victoria, Australia. The shire covered an area of 9,347 square kilometres (3,608.9 sq mi), and existed from 1892 until 1994 when it was merged as part of East Gippsland Shire Council.A nine page document stapled in the left-hand corner. It is a recreational survey issued by the Shire of Orbost. It is inside a a large manila envelope which is addressed to the Orbost Rifle club. It contains a covering letter and a form.survey shire-of-orbost orbost-rifle-club -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Snowy River Mail as "Mail" Print, Princes Freeway Orbost Section, 2117.1 : 1976 2117.2 : 4.9.2013
The Snowy River Bridge, Princes Freeway, Orbost, Victoria was opened by the Hon. J A Rafferty, Minister for Transport, 25 November 1976. ‘The bridge was built at a cost of A$2.4 million and is the first of four bridges to be built as part of the 8.4 kilometre freeway bypass of Orbost. Construction of the bridges commenced in January 1975, with an expectation to open the bridge across the Snowy River as soon as possible. Less than two years later, on 25 November 1976, the bridge across the Snowy River was opened to traffic, allowing the old bridge to be demolished. The remainder of the Orbost Bypass, both the floodplain crossings and the eastern section around the township itself, was declared ‘Princes Freeway’. The newspaper article was written by David Jellie as part of the centenary celebrations of Vic Roads/Country Roads on 4.9.2013. David Jellie was the project engineer for the Snowy River Crossing Project.This book and article contain historical information and details about the construction of the bridges on the Orbost section of the Princes Freeway.2117.1 isaA thin paperbook book which contains a map, history and construction details of the Princes Freeway at Orbost. It has a program for the opening ceremony of the snowy River Bridge in 1976. 2117.2 is an article from the snowy River Mail on the history of the highway. It is dated 4.9.2013.In pencil - 20csnowy-river-bridge jellie-david princes-freeway-orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Close Family Allotment, 2006
This report was compiled by Martin Healey for the Department of Conservation and Land Management, Victoria. Martin Healey, a long time Orbost resident, worked for the Department of Conservation and Land Management in Orbost.This is a useful research tool.A small spiral bound book of 30 pp with a plastic cover. It is a report written by Martin Healey and details the close Family allotments at Murrangower, east of Orbost. -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazines, East Gippsland Victoria, 1978
The magazine is a travel book and is probably one of a series.A glossy magazine titled, East Gippsland - Victoria. It contains coloured photographs. This is a 24pp travel book containing coloured illustrations, maps and descriptions of East Gippsland. There are historical details/articles in the book. The photography is by George Hurdes and Ian Roberts. The cover which was designed by Bill Stockdale has a colour photo of a yacht with a predominantly blue background of water and sky. The text is by Barbara east-gippsland -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Farming In East Gippsland - Past, Present and Future, 1985
This seminar was organized by a committee as part of Victoria's 150th anniversary celebrations. It was published by the Dept. of Agriculture for East Gippsland Primary Industry Committee in 1985. Victoria's 150th anniversary was celebrated in 1984-1985. A 136 pp book with a black spine and a white cover. On the cover in black print is a logo created for the sesquicentenary of Melbourne and Victoria. Underneath the logo is VICTORIA 150 and Growing Together 1984-85. The book contains the records of the seminar, "Farming in East Gippsland - Past, Present and Future". At the bottom of this page is "Bairnsdale May 1 1985. In the bottom left corner is a library sticker from Orbost Secondary College.agriculture east-gippsland victoria-150 -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Footprints, 2008
Co-author Simon Flagg from the Koorie Records Unit, Public Record Office Victoria, did most of the research for the book. Rita Watkins, a descendent of Percy and Lucy, provided photographs and family stories for the book. "As well as brief chapter introductions, the book contains transcripts of the letters to, from and about the Pepper Family. Among various aspects of the family's life, the letters show Lucy Pepper's long battle with tuberculosis and her request to live with other family members on a mission. But she was denied this natural wish because 'half-caste' Aboriginal people were excluded from the missions." -co-author Simon Flagg from the Koorie Records Unit, Public Record Office Victoria,This book, with its transcripts of original letters, is an invaluable historical resource for university and school students on Aboriginal history in Victoria and what happened on Aboriginal reserves. A book titled "Footprints", which portrays the struggles of Lucy and Percy Pepper in the first half of the twentieth century. It was published jointly by the National Archives of Australia and Public Record Office Victoria, both of which hold original records of the family's correspondence with bureaucracy over the years. The book was authored by Simon Flagg and Dr Sebastian Gurciullo. The cover has a dark brown background with black footprints printed over it. They are both bare foot and shoe prints. It has a b /w photograph of a family posed for the camera. Across the top is the title FOOTPRINTS printed in pale yellow. At the bottom of the photo in pale yellow script is "the journey of Lucy and Percy Pepper". At the foot of the front cover is " An Aboriginal Family's struggle for survival". pepper-family aboriginal-history -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, The Days of Mick Moon - along the Snowy River, 1988
A 47 pp book containing anecdotes of frontier life around Buchan, stories and line drawings. It has a dark red cover with the title in white print. In a frame is a painting of a stockman adjusting the saddle on a brown horse with white horse standing next to it. There are two black and white dogs lying nearby. The setting is the alpine region of Victoria. the book was authored by Mick and Vere Moon.snowy-river moon-mick buchan -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, first half 20th century
The Stony Creek Trestle Bridge was built in 1916 when the existing rail line from Melbourne to Bairnsdale was extended to Orbost. This 97km Bairnsdale to Orbost extension through rugged terrain was reputed to have been the most difficult rail project undertaken in Victoria. In service for over 60 years the bridge was damaged by bushfire in 1980, with the last train crossing in 1987. At 247m long and 20m high, it is the largest standing bridge of its kind in the State, and is listed on the Register of Historic Sites. Built of red ironbark and grey box timber, it is a fine example of the early engineering skills that utilised the resources and materials found on site.The Bairnsdale to Orbost rail line contains the most varied range of timber & timber composite bridges on any Victorian line. The Stoney Creek bridge is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register for its architectural and historical significance. A black / white photograph of a very tall wooden railway bridge with a train along the top.railway-bridge stoney-creek-bridge east-gippsland-railway -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, Vogt. W.S, first half 20th century
This 97km Bairnsdale to Orbost extension through rugged terrain was reputed to have been the most difficult rail project undertaken in Victoria. This wooden bridge was one of the unique railway bridges of the East Gippsland Railway line. Mundic Creek Bridge is of unique design because the line crosses at a very sharp angle. This bridge like many others on the line have "disappeared". This one, probably because of a bushfire.The Bairnsdale to Orbost rail line contains the most varied range Of timber & timber composite bridges on any Victorian line. This photograph is a record of that. A black / white photograph of a train on a wooden railway bridge at Mundic Creek.on front - Mundic Creek, Orbost Railway W.S.Vogt, Bairnsdalemundic-creek-bridge east-gippsland-railway -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, Vogt. W.S, first half 20th century
In 1912 work was underrway on the Bairnsdale to Orbost railway. It was opened on April 10 1916. The two bridges on the railway viaduct, which crosses the Snowy River floodplain at Orbost, were built from local Southern Mahogany. The bridge on the Bairnsdale end (770m) is now the longest in Victoria. (info. Helen Martin)This item is associated with the history of the Orbost-Bairnsdale railway line and therefore reflects the role that the rail line played in the social and economic history of Orbost.A black / white photograph, oval-shaped on white background. It is of the railway viaduct across the flats at Orbost,.photo caption -"ORBOST RAILWAY BRIDGE, NEWMERELLA E. S. Vogt, Bairnsdale"newmerella orbost-viaduct east-gipsland-railway -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, Rose Stereograph Company, first half 20th century
The two bridges on the railway viaduct, which crosses the Snowy River floodplain at Orbost, were built from local Southern Mahogany. The bridge on the Bairnsdale end (770m) is now the longest in Victoria. Despite various attempts to extend the line, the station stayed on the western side of the Snowy River. (info. Helen Martin)This item is associated with the history of the Orbost-Bairnsdale railway line and therefore reflects the role that the rail line played in the social and economic history of Orbost.A black / white photograph / postcard of the Orbost township in the background and the railway viaduct over the flats in the caption - The Rose Series P.479 copywright SNOWY RIVER FLATS, ORBOST, VIC"east-gippsland-railway orbost-viaduct -
Orbost & District Historical Society
photograph, H.M.S. Rattlesnake, leaving Port Essington 1846-1849 BY STANLEY, OWEN
"The marine Hydrographers of the British Admiralty wanted desperately to chart a safe passage through the Great Barrier Reef and the gap between the northern tip of Australia and Papua New Guinea, which would open up the new colony to the East Indies trade. They commissioned the Rattlesnake, a 28 gun frigate of the Royal Navy, whose captain was a keen amateur artist and whose name, Owen Stanley, was given to the mountain ranges of PNG. After the passage out, Stanley brought aboard Oswald Brierly, later to be the marine painter to Queen Victoria, and together these men made two voyages through the Great Barrier Reef, painting and sketching all the while. They produced a visual record of 19th century contact between Europeans and the indigenous people of Northern Australia and New Guinea in an album which contains the original of this copy. It is held in the Mitchell Library in Sydney." (ref. State Library New South Wales) Sir Oswald Brierly, a young marine artist, arrived in Sydney in 1842 on the yacht Wanderer. Settling at the whaling station of Boyd Town in Twofold Bay, he painted extensively and left a vivid account of the whaling life during the five years he spent there. However it was the open sea and adventure that lead Brierly to accept a position on the HMS Rattlesnake as shipboard artist. This item is associated with the anchor of the The Rattlesnake. This anchor is in the main street of Orbost in front of what was once the museum.This is a copy of a picture of the H.M.S. Rattlesnake at sea with a canoe of Aborigines rowing towards it.h.m.s.-rattlesnake brierly-oswald stanley-owen -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photographs, September 1914
Broadmeadows was home to the major army training camp for the Australian Imperial Force. The land was previously known as Mornington Park. It was a wide field, suitable for military practice, including training for the Light Horse regiments. It is the current location of the Maygar Army Barracks on Camp Road in Broadmeadows. To reach the camp, soldiers marched from Victoria Barracks in St Kilda Road and headed north up Sydney Road, only resting near Fawkner Cemetery. Soldiers slept in tents and food was basic. Training was hard, but it did not prepare soldiers for a modern war with machine guns, gas, shells and aeroplanes – technology that did not exist in previous wars. Some men only completed a few months training before departing on troopships from Port Melbourne. Once overseas, some soldiers received further training in Egypt. It is likely that these men are associated with the Orbost district.This photograph is a reminder of the personal stories of those who were involved in WW1.Two copies of a black / white photograph on dark grey buff cards. The photos show a group of soldiers having a meal. Some are sitting on the ground with others standing behind them.on back of 989.1 - "Sept 14 Broadmeadows"w.w.1 broadmeadows-army-training-camp -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, late 19th - early 20th century
... Nicholson Street, Orbost, East Gippsland, Victoria ...Mr Carl Otto (Clyde) Drevermann was born at Lucknow and worked in various parts of Victoria before coming to Orbost in about 1902. In July 1902 he entered into partnership with Mr Edward Fisher Reynolds and the ironmongery, hardware and tinsmithing business was carried on by the new firm as Drevermann and Reynolds. In about 1905 Mr Drevermann assumed proprietorship and the tinsmith and plumbing section of the business was sold off to Mr Edward Swan. The ironmongery, hardware and timber business was known as Carl Dreverman & Co until 1917 when it was changed to Orbost Hardware and Timber Co. This shop had a row of nails on the window sill to prevent people sitting on the ledge. He married Carrie Bird and had children: Molly and Bill. Carl died in 1946.This is a pictorial record of a general store in early Orbost. It carried general merchandise, a variety of goods and staples needed by the surrounding community. The rural general store played a vital in regional communities throughout the 19th century and into the 20th century.. A black / white photograph of the inside of a shop with many good displayed on the floor, walls and ceiling.on back - "In Dreverman's shop"dreverman-carl-orbost shops-hardware-general -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph
There is no information with this item. John Tynan's Victoria Agricultural Implement Factory began making ploughs in 1857. His company is also believed to be the first to have produced drilling tools suitable for use in basalt quartz-load gold mining. Tynan was the first person to manufacture swing ploughs. His ploughs won numerous prizes, including the first gold medal ever given in Victoria for a colonially made plough.This is a photograph of an early farming tool.A black / white photograph on a discoloured cream coloured card. It is of a shiny new plough on a carpet with walls and drapes in the background.on cutting arm - Tynan Bros Prize Ploughphotograph-plough-tynan